* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CIkeDialog class implementation
#include <random.h>
#include "ikev1dialog.h"
#include "dhparameters.h"
#include "ikedebug.h"
#include "ikev1pluginsession.h"
#include "ikev1crypto.h"
#include "ikev1filesdef.h"
CIkev1Dialog::CIkev1Dialog( MIkeDebug& aDebug )
: CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
iDebug( aDebug )
CActiveScheduler::Add(this); //Added to the Active Scheduler
DEBUG_LOG(_L("CIkev1Dialog destructed"));
Cancel(); // Dialog itself
delete iTimeout;
delete iInputData;
void CIkev1Dialog::PurgeDialogQueue(CIkev1Dialog* aQueuedDialog)
CIkev1Dialog* NextDialog;
while ( aQueuedDialog ) {
NextDialog = aQueuedDialog->iNext;
delete aQueuedDialog;
aQueuedDialog = NextDialog;
void CIkev1Dialog::DoCancel()
DEBUG_LOG(_L("CIkev1Dialog::DoCancel() OK"));
void CIkev1Dialog::ConstructL(CIkev1PluginSession* aPluginSession, CIkev1Dialog* *aToQueAnchor)
iTimeout = new (ELeave) CDialogTimeout( iDebug );
iToQueAnchor = aToQueAnchor;
iPluginSession = aPluginSession;
CIkev1Dialog* CIkev1Dialog::NewL( CIkev1PluginSession* aPluginSession,
CIkev1Dialog** aToQueAnchor,
MIkeDebug& aDebug )
CIkev1Dialog* Dialog = new (ELeave) CIkev1Dialog( aDebug );
Dialog->ConstructL( aPluginSession, aToQueAnchor );
return Dialog;
void CIkev1Dialog::StoreUserNameL(TPtr8 aUserName)
* Store specified user name into cache file (used as init value in
* the next user name specific dialog).
* User name shall be encrypted (DES) before stored into cache file.
if (aUserName.Length() == 0)
// Allocate buffer for file header and encrypted key
HBufC8* HeaderBfr = HBufC8::NewLC(aUserName.Length() + sizeof(TUserNameFileHdr) + 32);
TUserNameFileHdr* FileHeader = (TUserNameFileHdr*)HeaderBfr->Ptr();
// Get random data values for salt and IV.
TPtr8 ptr((TUint8*)FileHeader, sizeof(TUserNameFileHdr));
FileHeader->iFileId = USER_NAME_FILE_ID;
// Build encryption key from just created salt data and fixed
// secret passphrase using MD5 hash
TBuf8<16> EncryptionKey;
TPtr8 SaltPtr((TUint8*)FileHeader->iSalt, 8, 8);
User::LeaveIfError(CIkev1Dialog::BuildEncryptionKey(SaltPtr, EncryptionKey));
// Encrypt user name data with just created key.
// Because DES is used as encryption algorithm, the eight first
// octets of created encryption octets is used as encryption key.
TInt EncrLth = 0;
EncrLth = SymmetricCipherL((TUint8*)aUserName.Ptr(),
((TUint8*)FileHeader + sizeof(TUserNameFileHdr)),
aUserName.Length(), FileHeader->iIV, (TUint8*)EncryptionKey.Ptr(), ETrue);
if ( EncrLth )
// Write encrypted data into user name file
RFile NameFile;
TBuf<128> Ppath;
TInt err = iFs.CreatePrivatePath(EDriveC);
if (err != KErrNone &&
err != KErrAlreadyExists)
User::LeaveIfError(NameFile.Replace(iFs, Ppath, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite));
TPtrC8 EncryptedData((TUint8*)FileHeader, sizeof(TUserNameFileHdr) + EncrLth);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Delete encryption buffer
* Asynchronous dialog is completed.
void CIkev1Dialog::RunL()
TInt delete_obj = 1;
HBufC8 *un_bfr = NULL;
HBufC8 *pw_bfr = NULL;
CIkev1Dialog* NextDialog = iNext;
if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
if ( iCallback )
TIPSecDialogOutput& resp = iResponseBuf();
un_bfr = ConvertPwdToOctetString(resp.iOutBuf);
pw_bfr = ConvertPwdToOctetString(resp.iOutBuf2);
if ( iCallback )
TInt err;
TRAP(err, delete_obj = iCallback->DialogCompleteL(this, iUserInfo,
un_bfr, //User name
pw_bfr, //Password
NULL)); //domain
delete un_bfr;
delete pw_bfr;
if ( err != KErrNone )
delete_obj = 1;
if ( delete_obj )
delete this;
// Start a dialog from wait queue if there is some
if ( NextDialog )
* Get user name and password data for Legacy authentication
* This is a synchronous dialog which does NOT convert user name and
* password data into the 8-bit ASCII text
TInt CIkev1Dialog::GetSyncUNPWDialog(TDes& aUserName, TDes& aPassword)
TIPSecDialogOutput output;
TIPSecDialogInfo dialog_input(TKMDDialog::EUserPwd, 0);
TPckgBuf<TIPSecDialogInfo> InfoBuf(dialog_input);//package it in appropriate buf
TPckgBuf<TIPSecDialogOutput> ResponseBuf(output);//create the buf to receive the response
TInt status = LauchSyncDialog(InfoBuf, ResponseBuf);
if ( status == KErrNone ) {
TIPSecDialogOutput& resp = ResponseBuf();
aUserName = resp.iOutBuf;
aPassword = resp.iOutBuf2;
return status;
void CIkev1Dialog::ShowErrorDialogL(TInt aDialogText, TAny *aUserInfo, MIkeDialogComplete* aCallback )
iDialogType = TNoteDialog::EInfo;
iUserInfo = aUserInfo;
iCallback = aCallback; // For asynchronous dialog RunL
TIPSecDialogInfo dialog_input(TNoteDialog::EInfo, aDialogText);
iInputData = CreateDialogInput(dialog_input, EFalse);// FALSE = Do not use user name cache
if ( iInputData )
LaunchDialogL(); //launch the dialog
* Get user name and password data for Legacy authentication
void CIkev1Dialog::GetAsyncUNPWDialogL(TAny *aUserInfo, MIkeDialogComplete* aCallback)
DEBUG_LOG2(_L("CIkev1Dialog::GetAsyncUNPWDialogL(), aUserInfo = %x, aCallback = %x"), aUserInfo, aCallback);
iDialogType = TKMDDialog::EUserPwd;
iUserInfo = aUserInfo;
iCallback = aCallback; // For asynchronous dialog RunL
TIPSecDialogInfo dialog_input(TKMDDialog::EUserPwd, 0);
iInputData = CreateDialogInput(dialog_input, ETrue);// TRUE = Use user name cache
if ( iInputData )
LaunchDialogL(); //launch the dialog
* Get user name and Secure ID pin data for Legacy authentication
void CIkev1Dialog::GetAsyncSecureidDialogL(TAny *aUserInfo, MIkeDialogComplete* aCallback)
DEBUG_LOG2(_L("CIkev1Dialog::GetAsyncSecureidDialogL(), aUserInfo = %x, aCallback = %x"), aUserInfo, aCallback);
iDialogType = TKMDDialog::ESecurIdPin;
iUserInfo = aUserInfo;
iCallback = aCallback; // For asynchronous dialog RunL
TIPSecDialogInfo dialog_input(TKMDDialog::ESecurIdPin, 0);
iInputData = CreateDialogInput(dialog_input, ETrue);// TRUE = Use user name cache
if ( iInputData )
LaunchDialogL(); //launch the dialog
* Get user name and Secure ID next pin data for Legacy authentication
void CIkev1Dialog::GetAsyncSecureNextPinDialogL(TAny *aUserInfo, MIkeDialogComplete* aCallback)
DEBUG_LOG2(_L("CIkev1Dialog::GetAsyncSecureNextPinDialogL(), aUserInfo = %x, aCallback = %x"), aUserInfo, aCallback);
iDialogType = TKMDDialog::ESecurIdNextPin;
iUserInfo = aUserInfo;
iCallback = aCallback; // For asynchronous dialog RunL
TIPSecDialogInfo dialog_input(TKMDDialog::ESecurIdNextPin, 0);
iInputData = CreateDialogInput(dialog_input, ETrue);// TRUE = Use user name cache
if ( iInputData )
LaunchDialogL(); //launch the dialog
* For future use (for challenge/response type Legacy authentication)
void CIkev1Dialog::GetAsyncUNAMEDialog(TAny* /*aUserInfo*/, MIkeDialogComplete* /*aCallback*/)
void CIkev1Dialog::GetAsyncRespDialog(TPtr8 /*aChallenge*/, TAny* /*aUserInfo*/, MIkeDialogComplete* /*aCallback*/)
// Private methods
HBufC8* CIkev1Dialog::CreateDialogInput(TIPSecDialogInfo& aDialogInfo, TBool aUserNameCache)
// Create dialog input data buffer. Concatenate cached user name
// string into input data if requested and if cached name exists
HBufC8* DialogInput;
HBufC8* UserName = NULL;
TInt UserNameLth = 0;
TPckgBuf<TIPSecDialogInfo> infoBuf(aDialogInfo);
if ( aUserNameCache ) {
UserName = GetUserNameFromFile();
if ( UserName )
UserNameLth = UserName->Length();
DialogInput = HBufC8::New(sizeof(TIPSecDialogInfo) + UserNameLth);
if ( DialogInput ) {
if ( UserName ) {
delete UserName;
return DialogInput;
void CIkev1Dialog::LaunchDialogL()
// Launch the dialog if there is no dialog already going
if ( QueueDialog(this) == 1 )
void CIkev1Dialog::StartDialogL()
// Start an asynchronous dialog
TInt CIkev1Dialog::LauchSyncDialog(const TDesC8& aInput, TDes8& aOutput)
RNotifier notifier;
TInt err = notifier.Connect();
if(err != KErrNone)
return err;
TRequestStatus status;
notifier.StartNotifierAndGetResponse(status, KUidVpnDialogNotifier, aInput, aOutput);
User::WaitForRequest( status );
return status.Int();
TInt CIkev1Dialog::QueueDialog(CIkev1Dialog* aDialog)
TInt DialogCount = 1;
aDialog->iNext = NULL;
CIkev1Dialog* QueuedDialog = *aDialog->iToQueAnchor;
if ( QueuedDialog )
DialogCount ++;
while ( QueuedDialog->iNext ) {
QueuedDialog = QueuedDialog->iNext;
DialogCount ++;
QueuedDialog->iNext = aDialog;
else *aDialog->iToQueAnchor = aDialog;
return DialogCount;
void CIkev1Dialog::DeQueueDialog(CIkev1Dialog* aDialog)
CIkev1Dialog* PreviousDialog = NULL;
CIkev1Dialog* QueuedDialog = *aDialog->iToQueAnchor;
while ( QueuedDialog ) {
if ( QueuedDialog == aDialog ) {
if ( PreviousDialog )
PreviousDialog->iNext = QueuedDialog->iNext;
else *aDialog->iToQueAnchor = QueuedDialog->iNext;
PreviousDialog = QueuedDialog;
QueuedDialog = QueuedDialog->iNext;
HBufC8* CIkev1Dialog::GetUserNameFromFile()
* Get user name default value from encrypted cache file
// Allocate buffer for file header and encrypted key
HBufC8* UserNameBfr = NULL;
RFile UserNameFile;
if ( UserNameFile.Open(iFs, USER_NAME_CACHE_FILE, EFileRead) == KErrNone ) {
TInt FileSize = 0;
if ( (FileSize > 0) && (FileSize < 256) ) {
HBufC8* FileData = HBufC8::New(FileSize);
if ( FileData ) {
// Read encrypted file data into the allocated buffer.
TPtr8 FileDataPtr(FileData->Des());
if ( UserNameFile.Read(FileDataPtr) == KErrNone ) {
// Build decryption key and decrypt user name data.
// Both salt data needed in key generation and IV
// value required in decryption are found from
// encrypted file header
TUserNameFileHdr* FileHeader = (TUserNameFileHdr*)FileData->Ptr();
if ( FileHeader->iFileId == USER_NAME_FILE_ID ) {
TBuf8<16> DecryptionKey;
TPtr8 SaltPtr((TUint8*)FileHeader->iSalt, 8, 8);
if ( CIkev1Dialog::BuildEncryptionKey(SaltPtr, DecryptionKey) ) {
TInt EncrLth = FileSize - sizeof(TUserNameFileHdr);
TUint8* UserNameRawPtr = (TUint8*)FileHeader + sizeof(TUserNameFileHdr);
TInt err;
TRAP(err, EncrLth = SymmetricCipherL(UserNameRawPtr, UserNameRawPtr, EncrLth,
FileHeader->iIV, (TUint8*)DecryptionKey.Ptr(), EFalse));
if ( (err == KErrNone) && EncrLth ) {
// Allocate a HBufC8 for decrypted user name
UserNameBfr = HBufC8::New(EncrLth);
if ( UserNameBfr )
UserNameBfr->Des().Copy(UserNameRawPtr, EncrLth);
delete FileData;
return UserNameBfr;
HBufC8 *CIkev1Dialog::ConvertPwdToOctetString(TDesC &aUnicodeBfr)
* Convert password from Unicode string to 8-bit octet string
HBufC8 *octet_data = HBufC8::New(aUnicodeBfr.Length());
if ( octet_data ) {
TPtr8 ptr8(octet_data->Des());
return octet_data;
TBool CIkev1Dialog::BuildEncryptionKey(const TDesC8& aSalt, TDes8& aEncryptionKey)
* Build encryption key for user name data cipher.
* The encryption key is created as follows:
* DH group 5 (MODP 1536) prime is used as passphrase seed so
* that MODP_1536_PRIME_LENGTH/4 octets of seed is taken from prime
* starting from position MODP_1536_PRIME_LENGTH/2.
* The specified salt is concatenated with that data.
* The MD5 hash over that shall be the encryption key (max key then
* 128 bits)
// Allocate buffer for key seed data
HBufC8* SeedDataBfr = HBufC8::New(aSalt.Length() + MODP_1536_PRIME_LENGTH/4);
if ( !SeedDataBfr )
return EFalse;
TPtr8 SeedDataPtr(SeedDataBfr->Des());
TPtrC8 PassPhrasePtr((TUint8 *)&MODP_1536_PRIME[MODP_1536_PRIME_LENGTH/2],
TInt err;
TRAP(err, MD5HashL(SeedDataPtr, aEncryptionKey));
delete SeedDataBfr;
if ( err == KErrNone )
return ETrue;
else return EFalse;
* CDialogTimeout class
* This timeout class used to check user dialog displayed
* shall be completed in reasonable time (now 90 seconds).
* This class is used the following way:
* -- When a CIkev1Dialog class object is constructed one
* CDialogTimeout object is constructed as well. These
* objects are linked together.
* -- If user dialog completes normally (within 90 seconds)
* CDialogTimeout is cancelled in CIkev1Dialog.RunL().
* -- If timeout expires, CIkev1Dialog is completed via CDialogTimeout.RunL()
CDialogTimeout::CDialogTimeout( MIkeDebug& aDebug )
: CTimer( EPriorityStandard ),
iDebug( aDebug )
CActiveScheduler::Add(this); //Adds itself to the scheduler only the first time
DEBUG_LOG(_L("CDialogTimeout destructed"));
if (IsActive())
void CDialogTimeout::ConstructL(CIkev1Dialog *aDialog)
iDialog = aDialog;
After(90*1000000); //Start dialog timer
void CDialogTimeout::DoCancel()
DEBUG_LOG(_L("CDialogTimeout cancelled"));
void CDialogTimeout::RunL()
DEBUG_LOG(_L("CKmdDialog timeout occurred"));
TInt delete_dialog = 1;
CIkev1Dialog* NextDialog = iDialog->NextDialog();
MIkeDialogComplete* Callback = iDialog->Callback();
if ( Callback )
TInt err;
DEBUG_LOG2(_L("Calling DialogCompleteL(), UserInfo = %x, Callback = %x"), (TUint32)iDialog->UserInfo(), (TUint32)Callback);
TRAP(err, delete_dialog = Callback->DialogCompleteL(iDialog,
NULL, //User name
NULL, //Password
NULL)); //domain
DEBUG_LOG2(_L("DialogCompleteL() completed, err = %d, delete_dialog = %d"), err, delete_dialog);
if ( err != KErrNone )
delete_dialog = 1;
if ( delete_dialog )
delete iDialog;
iDialog = NULL;
// Start a dialog from wait queue if there is some
if ( NextDialog )
DEBUG_LOG(_L("Next dialog started from dialog timer"));