* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: IKEv2 plugin session, handles one IKEv2 vpn connection
#include <e32base.h>
#include "ikepluginsessionif.h"
#include "ikev2receiver.h"
#include "ikev2deactivationtimer.h"
class MIkeDataInterface;
class CIkev2PlugIn;
class MKmdEventLoggerIf;
class MIkeDebug;
class CIkev2Negotiation;
class CIkev2SA;
class TIkev2SAData;
class TIkeV2IpsecSAData;
class CIkev2Receiver;
class TIpsecSaSpec;
class TIpsecSAData;
class TPfkeyMessage;
class CIpsecSaSpecList;
class CPFKeySocketIf;
class CIpsecPolicyUtil;
class CIkev2MessageSendQueue;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CIkev2PluginSession) : public CBase,
public MIkePluginSessionIf,
public MIkev2ReceiverCallback,
public MIkev2DeactivationTimerCallback
static CIkev2PluginSession* NewL( TUint32 aVpnIapId,
TUint32 aVpnNetId,
TUint32 aVpnInterfaceIndex,
MIkeDataInterface& aDataInterface,
CIkev2PlugIn& aPlugin,
CPFKeySocketIf& aPfKeySocketIf,
CIpsecPolicyUtil& aIpsecPolicyUtil,
MKmdEventLoggerIf& aEventLogger,
MIkeDebug& aDebug );
* Starts negotiation with a peer.
* @param aIkeData IKE policy data
* @param aVpnInterfaceIndex VPN interface index
* @param aInternalAddress Internal address (returned)
* @param aStatus Completion status (returned)
void NegotiateWithHost( const CIkeData& aIkeData,
TVPNAddress& aInternalAddress,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels negotiate request. DeleteSession() method needs to be called
* after this method to delete session.
void CancelNegotiateWithHost();
* Deletes session. IKE/IPSec SA:s are deleted.
* @param aSilentClose Specified if a silent close in question (Delete
* payloads not transmitted to peer)
* @param aStatus Completion status (returned)
void DeleteSession( const TBool aSilentClose,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels deletion requests. IKE/IPSec SA:s are deleted.
void CancelDeleteSession();
void NotifyError( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels error notification request.
void CancelNotifyError();
* Requests notification about change of internal address.
* @param aStatus Completion status (returned)
void NotifyInternalAddressChanged( TVPNAddress& aInternalAddress,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels internal address notification request.
void CancelNotifyInternalAddressChanged();
void IkeMessageReceivedL( const ThdrISAKMP& aIkeMessage,
const TInetAddr &aRemote,
TUint16 aLocalPort );
void LinkNegotiation( CIkev2Negotiation* aNegotiation );
void RemoveNegotiation( CIkev2Negotiation* aNegotiation );
CIkev2SA* FindIkev2SA( TUint32 aSAId,
TInt aRequiredState,
TInt aNewState );
TBool UpdateIkev2SAL( TIkev2SAData* aIkev2SAData,
TIkeV2IpsecSAData* aIpsecSAData );
TIkeV2IpsecSAData* FindIpsecSAData( TUint32 aSAId,
const TDesC8& aSpi,
TBool aInbound );
void DeleteIkev2SA( TUint32 aSAId );
TUint32 GetSAId();
TBool CreateIkev2SAL( TIkev2SAData& aIkev2SAData );
void IkeSaCompleted( TInt aStatus,
TVPNAddress& aInternalAddress );
void VirtualIpChanged( TVPNAddress& VirtualIp );
void StartResponding();
void StopResponding();
void DeleteIpsecSAData( TUint32 aSAId,
const TDesC8& aSpi,
TBool aInbound );
void IkeSaDeleted( TInt aStatus );
CIpsecSaSpecList* GetIPsecSaSpecListL( const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
const TInetAddr& aLocalMask,
const TInetAddr& aRemoteAddr,
const TInetAddr& aRemoteMask,
TInt aProtocol );
TBool InheritIpsecSas( TUint32 aDstSAId,
TUint32 aSrcSAId );
TUint32 VpnInterfaceIndex() const;
TBool RemoteAddrChanged( TIkev2SAData* aIkev2SAData,
TInetAddr& aNewIp );
void KeepAliveIkeSAL( TIkev2SAData* aIkev2SAdata );
CIkev2Negotiation* FindNegotiation( TUint32 aSAId,
TInt aRequiredState );
TBool DeleteIkeSAL( TIkev2SAData* aIkev2SAdata,
TBool aNormal );
void RekeyIkeSAL( TIkev2SAData* aIkev2SAdata );
void DeleteIpsecSA( const TUint32 aSPI,
const TInetAddr& aSrc,
const TInetAddr& aDst,
const TUint8 aProtocol );
void AddSAL( const TIpsecSAData& aSAData );
void UpdateSAL( const TIpsecSAData& aSAData );
void PfkeyMessageReceived( const TPfkeyMessage& aPfkeyMessage );
TBool MatchDestinationAddress( const TInetAddr& aDestAddr ) const;
// from base class MIkev2ReceiverCallback
* From MIkev2ReceiverCallback.
* Notification about received IKE message.
* @param aIkeMsg IKE message
* @param aSrcAddr Source IP address/port
* @param aLocalPort Local port
void IkeMsgReceived( const ThdrISAKMP& aIkeMsg,
const TInetAddr& aSrcAddr,
TInt aLocalPort);
* From MIkev2ReceiverCallback.
* Notification about receive error.
* @param aStatus Error value
void ReceiveError( TInt aError );
// from base class MIkev2DeactivationTimerCallback
* From MIkev2DeactivationTimerCallback
* Notification about deactivation timeout.
void DeactivationTimeout();
CIkev2PluginSession( TUint32 aVpnIapId,
TUint32 aVpnNetId,
TUint32 aVpnInterfaceIndex,
MIkeDataInterface& aDataInterface,
CIkev2PlugIn& aPlugin,
CPFKeySocketIf& aPfKeySocketIf,
CIpsecPolicyUtil& aIpsecPolicyUtil,
MKmdEventLoggerIf& aEventLogger,
MIkeDebug& aDebug );
void ConstructL();
void DoNegotiateWithHostL( const CIkeData& aIkeData );
void DoDeleteIkeSAExhangeL( TIkev2SAData& aIkev2SAdata );
TIkev2SAData* FindIkev2SAData( TUint32 aSAId,
TInt aRequiredState,
TInt aNewState );
TBool CheckIkeMessageHeader( const ThdrISAKMP& aIkeMessage,
TUint32& NegotiationId );
void PfkeyMessageReceivedL( const TPfkeyMessage& aPfkeyMessage );
* Handles completion of client's negotiate request.
* @param aStatus Status
void DoCompleteNegotiateWithHost( TInt aStatus );
* Handles completion of client's delete session request.
* @param aStatus Status
void DoCompleteDeleteSession( TInt aStatus );
* Handles completion of client's notify error request.
* @param aStatus Status
void DoCompleteNotifyError( TInt aStatus );
* Cancels active operations.
void DoCancelActiveOperations();
* Cancels data transfer.
void DoCancelDataTransfer();
private: // data
TUint32 iVpnIapId;
TUint32 iVpnNetId;
MIkeDataInterface& iDataInterface;
CIkev2PlugIn& iPlugin;
CPFKeySocketIf& iPfKeySocketIf;
CIpsecPolicyUtil& iIpsecPolicyUtil;
MKmdEventLoggerIf& iEventLogger;
MIkeDebug& iDebug;
TUint32 iSAIdSeed;
TUint32 iVpnInterfaceIndex;
TRequestStatus* iClientStatusNegotiate;
TVPNAddress* iInternalAddress; //Not owned by this class
CIkeData* iIkeData;
CIkev2Negotiation* iFirstNegotiation;
CIkev2SA* iFirstIkev2SA;
TRequestStatus* iClientStatusDelete;
CIkev2Receiver* iReceiver;
CIkev2MessageSendQueue* iMessageSendQue;
TRequestStatus* iClientStatusInternalAddressChange;
TVPNAddress* iChangedInternalAddress;
TUint32 iCurrIkeSaRespCount;
TRequestStatus* iClientStatusNotifyError;
CIkev2DeactivationTimer* iDeactivationTimer;
TBool iActivated;