changeset 65 5bfc169077b2
child 74 91031d3aab7d
child 76 999a74da228b
equal deleted inserted replaced
42:d39add9822e2 65:5bfc169077b2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Gesture helper implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "gesturehelperimpl.h"
    21 #include <e32base.h>
    22 #include <w32std.h>
    24 #include "gesture.h"
    25 #include "gesturedefs.h"
    26 #include "utils.h"
    27 #include "gestureeventfilter.h"
    28 #include "gesturehelpereventsender.h"
    29 #include "flogger.h"
    31 using namespace RT_GestureHelper;
    33 namespace RT_GestureHelper
    34 {
    36 /// type of function in gesture helper to be called by the timer
    37 /// when timer triggers
    38 typedef void (CGestureHelperImpl::*CallbackFunctionL)();
    40 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCallbackTimer ) : public CTimer
    41     {
    42 public:
    43     /** Two-phase constructor */
    44     static CCallbackTimer* NewL( CGestureHelperImpl& aHelper, 
    45             CallbackFunctionL aCallbackFunctionL, TInt aDelay, TBool aIsEnabled )
    46         {
    47         CCallbackTimer* self = new ( ELeave ) CCallbackTimer( aHelper, 
    48             aCallbackFunctionL, aDelay, aIsEnabled );
    49         CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    50         self->ConstructL(); // construct base class
    51         CActiveScheduler::Add( self );
    52         CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    53         return self;
    54         }
    56     /** Destructor */
    57     ~CCallbackTimer()
    58         {
    59         Cancel();
    60         }
    62     /** Set whether sending holding events is currently enabled */
    63     void SetEnabled( TBool aEnabled )
    64         {
    65         iIsEnabled = aEnabled;
    66         // cancel in case hold timer is already running
    67         Cancel();
    68         }
    70     /** @return whether sending holding events is currently enabled */
    71     TBool IsEnabled() const
    72         {
    73         return iIsEnabled;
    74         }
    76     /** Start the timer. Calls CGestureHelperImpl::StartHoldingL upon completion */
    77     void Start()
    78         {
    79         // if sending hold events is disabled, do not ever start the hold timer, and 
    80         // hence hold events will never be triggered
    81         if ( iIsEnabled ) 
    82             {
    83             Cancel();
    84             After( iDelay );
    85             }
    86         }    
    87     void SetDelay(TInt aDelay) { iDelay = aDelay; }
    88     TInt GetDelay() { return iDelay; }
    90 private:    
    91     /** Constructor */
    92     CCallbackTimer( CGestureHelperImpl& aHelper,
    93         CallbackFunctionL aCallbackFunctionL, TInt aDelay, TBool aIsEnabled )
    94             : CTimer( EPriorityUserInput - 1 ), // give higher priority to new pointer events with - 1
    95                 iHelper( aHelper ), iCallbackFunctionL( aCallbackFunctionL ), 
    96                     iDelay( aDelay ), iIsEnabled( aIsEnabled ) 
    97         {
    98         }
   100     void RunL() // From CActive
   101         {
   102         (iHelper.*iCallbackFunctionL)();
   103         }
   105 private:
   106     /// helper object that will be called back when timer is triggered
   107     CGestureHelperImpl& iHelper;
   108     /// Function in the iHelper object call 
   109     CallbackFunctionL iCallbackFunctionL;
   110     /// How long a time to wait befor calling back after Start()
   111     TInt iDelay;
   112     /// whether sending holding events is currently enabled
   113     TBool iIsEnabled;
   114     };
   116 } // namespace GestureHelper
   118 /** 
   119  * @return position from event. Use this instead of using aEvent direction to
   120  *         avoid accidentally using TPointerEvent::iPosition
   121  */
   122 inline TPoint Position( const TPointerEvent& aEvent )
   123     {
   124     // use parent position, since the capturer is using full screen area,
   125     // and because the (Alfred) drag events are not local to visual even when
   126     // coming from the client
   128     return aEvent.iPosition;
   129     }
   131 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 // Two-phase constructor
   133 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 //
   135 CGestureHelperImpl* CGestureHelperImpl::NewL( MGestureObserver& aObserver )
   136     {
   137     CGestureHelperImpl* self = new ( ELeave ) CGestureHelperImpl( aObserver );
   138     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   139     self->iEventSender = CGestureEventSender::NewL( aObserver );
   140     self->iDoubleTapTimer = CCallbackTimer::NewL( *self, EmitFirstTapEvent, 
   141             KMaxTapDuration, EFalse ); // double tap is disabled by default
   142     self->iHoldingTimer = CCallbackTimer::NewL( *self, StartHoldingL, 
   143         KHoldDuration, EFalse ); // holding is enabled by default
   145     self->iLongTouchTimer = CCallbackTimer::NewL( *self, HandleLongTouch, 
   146             KLongTapDuration, ETrue ); // holding is enabled by default
   148     self->iGesture = new ( ELeave ) CGesture();
   149     self->iUnusedGesture = new ( ELeave ) CGesture();
   150     TInt tapLimit = Mm2Pixels(KFingerSize_mm) / 2;
   151     self->iEventFilter = new (ELeave) CGestureEventFilter(tapLimit);
   152     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   153     return self;
   154     }
   156 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 // Constructor
   158 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 //
   160 CGestureHelperImpl::CGestureHelperImpl( MGestureObserver& aObserver )
   161         : iObserver( aObserver )
   162     {
   163     }
   165 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 // Destructor
   167 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   168 //
   169 CGestureHelperImpl::~CGestureHelperImpl()
   170     {
   171     delete iDoubleTapTimer;
   172     delete iHoldingTimer;
   173     delete iGesture;
   174     delete iPreviousTapGesture;
   175     delete iUnusedGesture;
   176     delete iLongTouchTimer;
   177     delete iEventFilter;
   178     delete iEventSender;
   179     }
   182 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   183 // SetHoldingEnabled
   184 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 //
   186 void CGestureHelperImpl::SetHoldingEnabled( TBool aEnabled )
   187     {
   188     iHoldingTimer->SetEnabled( aEnabled );
   189     }
   191 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   192 // IsHoldingEnabled
   193 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 //
   195 TBool CGestureHelperImpl::IsHoldingEnabled() const
   196     {
   197     return iHoldingTimer->IsEnabled();
   198     }
   200 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 // SetHoldingEnabled
   202 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 //
   204 void CGestureHelperImpl::SetDoubleTapEnabled( TBool aEnabled )
   205     {
   206     iDoubleTapTimer->SetEnabled( aEnabled );
   207     }
   209 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   210 // IsHoldingEnabled
   211 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 //
   213 TBool CGestureHelperImpl::IsDoubleTapEnabled() const
   214     {
   215     return iDoubleTapTimer->IsEnabled();
   216     }
   220 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 // Reset state
   222 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 //
   224 void CGestureHelperImpl::Reset()
   225     {
   226     iHoldingTimer->Cancel();
   227     iLongTouchTimer->Cancel();
   228     iGesture->Reset();
   229     }
   231 /** 
   232  * Helper function that calls Reset on the pointer to CGestureHelperImpl
   233  */
   234 static void ResetHelper( TAny* aHelper )
   235     {
   236     static_cast< CGestureHelperImpl* >( aHelper )->Reset();
   237     }
   239 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 // Handle a pointer event
   241 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 //
   243 TBool CGestureHelperImpl::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aEvent )
   244     {     
   245     TInt filterReason;
   246     SetLastEventTime();
   247     if (!iEventFilter->FilterDrag(aEvent, iLastEventTime, filterReason))
   248         {
   249         return noneAlf_HandlePointerEventL( aEvent );
   250         }
   251     else
   252         {
   253         /*
   254         TBuf<10> num;
   255         num.Num( filterReason );
   256         TBuf<128> str;
   257         str.AppendFormat(_L("Filter reason: %d"), filterReason);
   258         RFileLogger::Write( _L("gh"), _L("gh.txt"), EFileLoggingModeAppend, str);
   259         */
   260         return EFalse;
   261         }
   262     }
   265 TBool CGestureHelperImpl::noneAlf_HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aEvent)
   266     {
   267     switch ( aEvent.iType )
   268         {
   269         case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down:
   270             {
   271             HandleTouchDownL(aEvent);
   272             break;
   273             }
   274         case TPointerEvent::EDrag:
   275             {
   276             HandleMoveL(aEvent);
   277             break;
   278             }
   279         case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up:
   280             {
   281             if (KErrNone == AddPoint( aEvent ))
   282                 {
   283                 HandleTouchUp(aEvent);
   284                 }
   285             else
   286                 {
   287                 EmitCancelEvent();
   288                 }
   289             Reset();
   290             break;
   291             }
   292         default:
   293             break;
   294         }
   295     return ETrue;
   296     }
   298 TBool CGestureHelperImpl::IsMovementGesture(TGestureCode aCode)
   299     {
   300     return (aCode == EGestureDrag || aCode == EGestureFlick || aCode == EGestureSwipeUp ||
   301             aCode == EGestureSwipeDown || aCode == EGestureSwipeRight || aCode == EGestureSwipeLeft);
   302     }
   304 void CGestureHelperImpl::HandleLongTouch()
   305     {
   306     iDoubleTapTimer->Cancel();
   307     iGesture->SetLongTap(ETrue);
   308     iGesture->SetComplete();
   309     TPoint startPos = iGesture->StartPos();
   310     EmitEvent(*iGesture);
   311     iGesture->Reset();
   312     iGesture->AddPoint( startPos, GetLastEventTime() );
   313     }
   315 void CGestureHelperImpl::HandleTouchDownL(const TPointerEvent& aEvent)
   316     {
   317     TGestureCode prevCode = iGesture->PreviousGestureCode();
   318     if (prevCode == EGestureStart) return;
   319     if (prevCode == EGestureDrag) 
   320         {
   321         iGesture->Reset();
   322         }
   323     AddPointL( aEvent );
   325     if (!iLongTouchTimer->IsActive())
   326         {
   327     iLongTouchTimer->Start();
   328         }
   329     if (!iDoubleTapTimer->IsActive())
   330         {
   331             EmitEvent( *iGesture );
   332         }
   333     }
   335 void CGestureHelperImpl::HandleMoveL(const TPointerEvent& aEvent)
   336     {
   337     if (iGesture->IsLatestPoint( Position(aEvent))) return; // I'm not sure we need this
   338     //Cancel double tap time - it's neither tap nor double tap 
   339     iDoubleTapTimer->Cancel();
   340     iLongTouchTimer->Cancel();
   342     TBool isFirstPoint = IsIdle();
   344     AddPointL( aEvent );
   346     if (iPreviousTapGesture)
   347         {
   348         RecycleGesture(iPreviousTapGesture);
   349         }
   351     if (!isFirstPoint)
   352         {
   353         EmitEvent( *iGesture );
   354         }
   355     }
   357 void CGestureHelperImpl::HandleTouchUp(const TPointerEvent& /*aEvent*/)
   358     {
   359     TGestureCode prevCode = iGesture->PreviousGestureCode();
   360     iLongTouchTimer->Cancel();
   361     iDoubleTapTimer->Cancel();
   362     TInt64 fromLastTouchUp = iLastEventTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iLastTouchUpTime).Int64();
   363     TInt64 fromLastDoubleTap = iLastEventTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iLastDoubleTapTime).Int64();
   364     /*
   365     TBuf<1024> str;
   366     str.AppendFormat(_L("fromLastTouchUp: %d, "), fromLastTouchUp);
   367     str.AppendFormat(_L("fromLastDoubleTap: %d, "), fromLastTouchUp);
   368     str.AppendFormat(_L("iPreviousTapGesture: %d, "), iPreviousTapGesture);
   369     RFileLogger::Write( _L("gh"), _L("gh.txt"), EFileLoggingModeAppend, str);
   370     */
   371     if ( prevCode == EGestureLongTap )
   372         {
   373         EmitReleasedEvent();
   374         }
   375     else if (IsMovementGesture(prevCode) || 
   376              !iDoubleTapTimer->IsEnabled() /* || !iGesture->IsTap()*/ ) 
   377         {
   378         iGesture->SetComplete();
   379         EmitEvent(*iGesture);
   380         }
   382     else 
   383         {
   384         if ( iPreviousTapGesture && 
   385          (fromLastTouchUp > KDoubleTapMinActivationInterval) &&       
   386          (fromLastTouchUp < KDoubleTapMaxActivationInterval) &&
   387          (fromLastDoubleTap > KDoubleTapIdleInterval))
   388             {
   389             // it's a double tap
   390             iLastTouchUpTime = iLastEventTime;
   391             iLastDoubleTapTime = iLastEventTime;
   392             EmitDoubleTapEvent();
   393             }
   394         else
   395             {
   396             // it's a first tap
   397             iLastTouchUpTime = iLastEventTime;
   398             if (iPreviousTapGesture)
   399                 {
   400                    RecycleGesture(iPreviousTapGesture);
   401                 }
   403             iPreviousTapGesture = iGesture;
   404             iGesture = NewGesture();
   405             iDoubleTapTimer->Start(); 
   406             }
   407         }
   408     }
   412 void CGestureHelperImpl::EmitDoubleTapEvent()
   413     {
   414     iPreviousTapGesture->SetDoubleTap();
   415     EmitFirstTapEvent();
   416     }
   419 void CGestureHelperImpl::EmitReleasedEvent()
   420     {
   421     iGesture->SetComplete();
   422     iGesture->SetReleased();
   423     EmitEvent(*iGesture);
   424     }
   427 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 // Is the helper idle?
   429 // inline ok in cpp file for a private member function
   430 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 //
   432 inline TBool CGestureHelperImpl::IsIdle() const
   433     {
   434     return iGesture->IsEmpty();
   435     }
   437 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   438 // Add a point to the sequence of points that together make up the gesture
   439 // inline ok in cpp file for a private member function
   440 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   441 //
   442 inline void CGestureHelperImpl::AddPointL( const TPointerEvent& aEvent )
   443     {
   444     User::LeaveIfError( AddPoint( aEvent ) );
   445     }
   447 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   448 // Add a point to the sequence of points that together make up the gesture
   449 // inline ok in cpp file for a private member function
   450 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 //
   452 inline TInt CGestureHelperImpl::AddPoint( const TPointerEvent& aEvent )
   453     {
   454     TPoint pos = Position ( aEvent );
   455     return iGesture->AddPoint( pos, GetLastEventTime() );
   456     }
   458 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // StartHoldingTimer
   460 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 //
   462 void CGestureHelperImpl::StartHoldingTimer( const TPointerEvent& aNewEvent )
   463     {
   464     if ( !( iGesture->IsHolding() ||
   465             iGesture->IsNearHoldingPoint( Position( aNewEvent ) ) ) )
   466         {
   467         // restart hold timer, since pointer has moved
   468         iHoldingTimer->Start();
   469         // Remember the point in which holding was started
   470         iGesture->SetHoldingPoint();
   471         }
   472     }
   474 /** 
   475  * Helper function that calls ContinueHolding on the pointer to TGesture
   476  */
   477 static void ContinueHolding( TAny* aGesture )
   478     {
   479     static_cast< CGesture* >( aGesture )->ContinueHolding();
   480     }
   482 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   483 // Add a point to the sequence of points that together make up the gesture
   484 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   485 //
   486 void CGestureHelperImpl::StartHoldingL()
   487     {
   488     // hold & tap event is specifically filtered out. Use case: in list fast 
   489     // scrolling activation (e.g. enhanced coverflow), tap & hold should not
   490     // start fast scroll. In addition, after long tap on start position,
   491     // drag and drag & hold swiping should emit normal swipe and swipe&hold
   492     // events. Therefore, tap & hold is not supported.
   493     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iGesture->IsTap() && !iPreviousTapGesture, Panic( EGesturePanicIllegalLogic ) );
   495     // holding has just started, and gesture code should be provided to client.
   496     // set gesture state so that it produces a gesture code (other than drag)
   497     iGesture->StartHolding();
   499     // create an item in the cleanup stack that will set the gesture state
   500     // to holding-was-started-earlier state. NotifyL may leave, but the
   501     // holding-was-started-earlier state must still be successfully set,
   502     // otherwise, the holding gesture code will be sent twice
   503     CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( &ContinueHolding, iGesture ) );
   505     EmitEvent( *iGesture );
   507     // set holding state to "post holding"
   508     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iGesture );
   509     }
   511 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 // RecyclePreviousTapGesture
   513 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   514 //
   515 void CGestureHelperImpl::RecyclePreviousTapGesture( TAny* aSelf )
   516     {
   517     CGestureHelperImpl& self = *reinterpret_cast<CGestureHelperImpl*>( aSelf );
   518     self.RecycleGesture( self.iPreviousTapGesture );
   519     }
   521 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   522 // Emit the remainder of the previous tap event (tap + released)
   523 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   524 //
   525 void CGestureHelperImpl::EmitFirstTapEvent()
   526     {
   527     // when this function is called, a tap has turned out to _not_ be a double tap
   528     __ASSERT_DEBUG( IsDoubleTapEnabled(), Panic( EGesturePanicIllegalLogic ) );
   529     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iPreviousTapGesture, Panic( EGesturePanicIllegalLogic ) );
   531     iDoubleTapTimer->Cancel();
   532     CompleteAndEmit( *iPreviousTapGesture );
   533     RecycleGesture(iPreviousTapGesture);
   535     }
   537 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 // EmitStartEventL
   539 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   540 //
   541 void CGestureHelperImpl::EmitStartEventL( const CGesture& aGesture )    
   542     {
   543     CGesture* startGesture = aGesture.AsStartEventLC();
   544     EmitEvent( *startGesture );
   545     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( startGesture );    
   546     }
   548 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   549 // EmitCompletionEventsL
   550 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 //
   552 void CGestureHelperImpl::CompleteAndEmit( CGesture& aGesture )
   553     {
   554     aGesture.SetComplete();
   555     // send gesture code if holding has not been started. If holding has 
   556     // been started, client has already received a "hold swipe left" e.g. event, in which
   557     // case don't another "swipe left" event
   558     if ( !aGesture.IsHolding() )
   559         {
   560         // if client leaves, the state is automatically reset.
   561         // In this case the client will not get the released event
   562         EmitEvent( aGesture ); 
   563         }
   565     // send an event that stylus was lifted
   566     aGesture.SetReleased();
   567     EmitEvent( aGesture ); 
   568     }
   570 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   571 // EmitCancelEventL
   572 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   573 //
   574 void CGestureHelperImpl::EmitCancelEvent()
   575     {
   576     iDoubleTapTimer->Cancel();
   579     CGesture& gestureToCancel = iPreviousTapGesture ? *iPreviousTapGesture : *iGesture;
   580     gestureToCancel.SetCancelled();
   581     EmitEvent( gestureToCancel );
   582     RecycleGesture(iPreviousTapGesture);
   584     }
   586 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   587 // Notify observer
   588 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 //
   590 void CGestureHelperImpl::EmitEvent( const CGesture& aGesture )
   591     {
   592     // deallocation of the event is happening in CGestureEventSender::RunL() 
   593     TGestureEvent event;
   594     event.SetCode(const_cast<CGesture&>(aGesture).Code(EAxisBoth));
   595     event.SetCurrentPos(aGesture.CurrentPos());
   596     event.SetDistance(aGesture.Distance());
   597     event.SetStartPos(aGesture.StartPos());
   598     event.SetIsHolding(aGesture.IsHolding());
   599     event.SetSpeed(aGesture.Speed());
   600     iEventSender->AddEvent(event);
   601     }
   603 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   604 // Return a fresh gesture from the gesture pool (pool of one gesture)
   605 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   606 //
   607 CGesture* CGestureHelperImpl::NewGesture()
   608     {
   609     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iUnusedGesture, Panic( EGesturePanicIllegalLogic ) ); // pool should no be empty
   611     iUnusedGesture->Reset();
   612     CGesture* freshGesture = iUnusedGesture;
   613     iUnusedGesture = NULL;
   614     return freshGesture;
   615     }
   617 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   618 // Return a fresh gesture from the gesture pool (pool of one gesture)
   619 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   620 //
   621 void CGestureHelperImpl::RecycleGesture( CGesture*& aGesturePointer )
   622     {
   623     // only one object fits into the pool, and that should currently be enough
   624     // one pointer must be null, one non-null
   625     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iUnusedGesture != !aGesturePointer, Panic( EGesturePanicIllegalLogic ) );
   626     if ( aGesturePointer )
   627         {
   628         iUnusedGesture = aGesturePointer;
   629         aGesturePointer = NULL;
   630         }
   631     }