changeset 0 dd21522fd290
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *      Declaration of class CHttpLoader.   
    16 *      
    17 *
    18 */
    21 #ifndef HTTP_LOADER_H
    22 #define HTTP_LOADER_H
    24 // INCLUDES
    26 #include <e32base.h>
    27 #include <http.h>
    28 #include <stringpool.h>
    29 #include <http/mhttpauthenticationcallback.h>
    30 #include "CodLoadObserver.h"
    31 #include "HttpSessionBase.h"
    32 #include "RFeatMgr.h"
    36 class MCodSaverFactory;
    37 class CCodSaver;
    38 class CConnection;
    39 class CTimeout;
    40 class TCodProgress;
    41 class CCodEngBase;
    42 class CHeaderField;
    46 /**
    47 * HTTP Loader.
    48 */
    49 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CHttpLoader )
    50 : public CActive,
    51   public MHTTPTransactionCallback,
    52   public MHTTPDataSupplier,
    53   public MHTTPAuthenticationCallback
    54     {
    55     public:     // Constructors and destructor
    57         /**
    58         * Two phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
    59         * @param aConnection Connection.
    60         * @param aCodLoadObserver Observer or NULL.
    61         * @param aProgress Progress or NULL.
    62         * @return The created loader.
    63         */      
    64         static CHttpLoader* NewL
    65             (
    66             CConnection& aConnection,
    67             MCodLoadObserver* aCodLoadObserver,
    68             TCodProgress* aProgress,
    69             CCodEngBase* aCodEngBase
    70             );
    72         /**
    73         * Destructor.
    74         */
    75         virtual ~CHttpLoader();
    77     public:     // new methods
    79         /**
    80         * Issue load.
    81         * @param aUrl Request URL.
    82         * @param aSaverFactory Saver factory. Ownership not taken.
    83         * @param aStatus Completes when done.
    84         */
    85         void LoadL
    86             (
    87             const TDesC8& aUrl,
    88             MCodSaverFactory& aSaverFactory,
    89             TRequestStatus* aStatus
    90             );
    92         /**
    93         * Send status notification.
    94         * @param aUrl Request URL.
    95         * @param aNotifyBody Notify body to be sent.
    96         * @param aStatus Completes when done.
    97         */
    98         void NotifyL
    99             (
   100             const TDesC8& aUrl,
   101             const TDesC8& aNotifyBody,
   102             TRequestStatus* aStatus
   103             );
   105         /**
   106         * Set or unset observer.
   107         * @param aCodLoadObserver Observer to set (pass NULL to unset).
   108         */
   109         inline void SetObserver( MCodLoadObserver* aCodLoadObserver );
   111         /**
   112         * Load headers from info file
   113         * @param info file handle
   114         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature.
   115         */
   116         void LoadHeadersL( RFile& aFile );
   118 		/**
   119 		* Pause the HTTP transaction
   120 		*/        
   121         void Pause();
   123         /**
   124 		* Get Response Headers
   125 		*/
   126         CArrayPtrFlat<CHeaderField>* ResponseHeaders();
   128     protected:  // from CActive
   130         /**
   131         * Cancel protocol implementation.
   132         */
   133         virtual void DoCancel();
   135         /**
   136         * Outstanding request completed.
   137         */
   138         virtual void RunL();
   140         /**
   141         * Handle error.
   142         * @param aError Error code.
   143         * @return KErrNone.
   144         */
   145         virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
   147     protected:  // from MHTTPTransactionCallback
   149         /**
   150         * Handle transaction event.
   151         * @param aTransaction The transaction that the event has occurred on.
   152         * @param aEvent The event that has occurred.
   153         */
   154         virtual void MHFRunL
   155             ( RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent );
   157         /**
   158         * Handle errors occured in MHFRunL().
   159         * @param aError The leave code that MHFRunL left with.
   160         * @param aTransaction The transaction that was being processed.
   161         * @param aEvent The Event that was being processed.
   162         * @return KErrNone.
   163         */
   164         virtual TInt MHFRunError
   165             (
   166             TInt aError,
   167             RHTTPTransaction aTransaction,
   168             const THTTPEvent& aEvent
   169             );
   171     protected:  // from MHTTPDataSupplier
   173         /**
   174         * Obtain a data part. The data is guaranteed
   175         * to survive until a call is made to ReleaseData().
   176         * @param aDataPart The data part.
   177         * @return ETrue if this is the last part. EFalse otherwise.
   178         */
   179         virtual TBool GetNextDataPart( TPtrC8& aDataPart );
   181         /**
   182         * Release the current data part being held.
   183         */
   184         virtual void ReleaseData();
   186         /**
   187         * Obtain the overall size of the data being supplied.
   188         * @return Data size in bytes.
   189         */
   190         virtual TInt OverallDataSize();
   192         /**
   193         * Reset the data supplier.
   194         * @return KErrNone.
   195         */
   196         virtual TInt Reset();
   198     protected:  // from MHTTPAuthenticationCallback
   200         /** Get credentials.
   201         * @param aURI The URI being requested.
   202         * @param aRealm The realm being requested.
   203         * @param aAuthenticationType The type of authentication (basic or digest).
   204         * @param aUsername The username is returned here. The caller will close
   205         * the returned string.
   206         * @param aPassword The password is returned here. The caller will close
   207         * the returned string.
   208         * @return True if credentials have been obtained.
   209         */
   210 	    virtual TBool GetCredentialsL
   211             (
   212             const TUriC8& aURI,
   213             RString aRealm, 
   214             RStringF aAuthenticationType,
   215             RString& aUsername, 
   216             RString& aPassword
   217             );
   219     private:    // types
   221         enum TState         ///< State.
   222             {
   223             EInit,          ///< Initial state.
   224             EStart,         ///< Starting operation.
   225             EOpen,          ///< Opening session.
   226             ERequest        ///< HTTP request.
   227             };
   229     private:    // Constructors and destructor
   231         /**
   232         * Constructor.
   233         * @param aConnection Connection.
   234         * @param aCodLoadObserver Observer or NULL.
   235         * @param aProgress Progress or NULL.
   236         */      
   237         CHttpLoader
   238             (
   239             CConnection& aConnection,
   240             MCodLoadObserver* aCodLoadObserver,
   241             TCodProgress* aProgress ,
   242             CCodEngBase* aCodEng 
   243             );
   245         /**
   246         * Second phase constructor. Leaves on failure.
   247         */      
   248         void ConstructL();
   250     protected:    // state machine parts
   252         /**
   253         * Open session.
   254         */
   255         void OpenSessionL();
   257         /**
   258         * Make the HTTP request.
   259         */
   260         void RequestL();
   262         /**
   263         * Clean up and notify parent.
   264         */
   265         void Done();
   267         /**
   268         * Invoke next state asynchronously (via RunL()).
   269         * @param aNextState Next state.
   270         */
   271         void Continue( TState aNextState );
   273         /**
   274         * Complete own request status (if not already completed).
   275         * @param aError Error code to complete with.
   276         */
   277         void SelfComplete( TInt aError );
   279         /**
   280         * Create transaction, set request headers (and body for POST request).
   281         */
   282         void CreateTransactionL();
   284         /**
   285         * Submit the transaction (make the HTTP request).
   286         */
   287         void SubmitTransactionL();
   289         /**
   290         * Close the transaction and complete with aError.
   291         */
   292         void CompleteTransaction( TInt aError );
   295         /**
   296         * Close the transaction and complete with aError.
   297         */
   298         void RestartTransaction();
   300         /**
   301         * Handle response from server.
   302         * @param aResponse Response from server.
   303         */
   304         void HandleResponseHeadersL( RHTTPResponse aResponse );
   306         /**
   307         * HTTP Version Not Supported. Resubmit transaction using HTTP/1.0.
   308         * @return ETrue if transaction was resubmitted, EFalse if not (i.e
   309         * we already use HTTP/1.0).
   310         */
   311         TBool VersionRetryL();
   313         /**
   314         * 305 Use Proxy. Set proxy address and resubmit transaction - this is
   315         * a redirect case which the redirect filter cannot do for us.
   316         * Proxy is set only if currently no proxy is used.
   317         * @return ETrue if transaction was resubmitted, EFalse if not.
   318         */
   319         TBool UseProxyL();
   321         /**
   322         * Setup the session (session properties, filters).
   323         */
   324         void SetupSessionL();
   326         /**
   327         * Start/restart timeout timer.
   328         */
   329         void StartTimeout();
   331         /**
   332         * Handle timeout (fail or retry request).
   333         */
   334         void Timeout();
   336         /**
   337         * Handle install-notify "timeout": checks if network is still available.
   338         * if still available, assume that install-notify POST was submitted by
   339         * network layer and make downloaded content available to user.
   340         */
   341         void INTimeout();
   343         /**
   344         * Increment progress.
   345         * @param aBytes Bytes received.
   346         */
   347         void IncProgressL( TInt aBytes );
   349        /**
   350         * Checks if accept range is supported.
   351         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
   352         */        
   353         TBool AcceptRangesSupported();
   355     private:    // helpers
   357         /**
   358         * Helper function to set a header.
   359         * @param aHeaders Set the header to this header set.
   360         * @param aHdrField Header field name.
   361         * @param aHdrValue Header value.
   362         */
   363         void SetHeaderL
   364             (
   365             RHTTPHeaders aHeaders,
   366             HTTP::TStrings aHdrField,
   367             const TDesC8& aHdrValue
   368             );
   370         /**
   371         * Helper function to set a header.
   372         * @param aHeaders Set the header to this header set.
   373         * @param aHdrField Header field name.
   374         * @param aHdrValue Header value.
   375         */
   376         void SetHeaderL
   377             (
   378             RHTTPHeaders aHeaders,
   379             HTTP::TStrings aHdrField,
   380             HTTP::TStrings aHdrValue
   381             );
   383         /**
   384         * Helper function to set a header.
   385         * @param aHeaders Set the header to this header set.
   386         * @param aHdrField Header field name.
   387         * @param aHdrValue Header value.
   388         */
   389         void SetHeaderL
   390             (
   391             RHTTPHeaders aHeaders,
   392             HTTP::TStrings aHdrField,
   393             const RStringF aHdrValue
   394             );
   396         /**
   397         * Helper function to get the Content-Type header value.
   398         * @param aHeaders HTTP header set.
   399         * @return Content-Type header value.
   400         */
   401         const TDesC8& GetContentTypeL( RHTTPHeaders aHeaders );
   403         /**
   404         * Returns content type list.
   405         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
   406         */           
   407         const TDesC8& GetContentTypeL();
   409         /**
   410         * Helper function to get the source URI of a transaction.
   411         * @param aTransaction Transaction.
   412         * @return Source URI.
   413         */
   414         const TDesC8& GetSourceUriL( RHTTPTransaction aTransaction );
   416         /**
   417         * Get a shared string from the session stringpool.
   418         * @param aId Id of string.
   419         * @return Shared string from HTTP string table. No need to close.
   420         */
   421         inline RStringF StringF( HTTP::TStrings aId );
   423         /**
   424         * Static wrapper around the timeout function.
   425         * @param aPtr This object as TAny*
   426         * @return EFalse.
   427         */
   428         static TInt StaticTimeout( TAny* aPtr );
   430         /**
   431         * Static wrapper around the install-notify timeout function.
   432         * @param aPtr This object as TAny*
   433         * @return EFalse.
   434         */
   435         static TInt INStaticTimeout( TAny* aPtr );
   437         /**
   438         * Check status of HTTP network session and Access Point
   439         * @return ETrue if network available, or EFalse if not.
   440         */
   441         TBool IsConnectionActive();
   443 		/**
   444         * Store entire response header with raw data in iHeaders array
   445         * @since Series 60 v2.8
   446         * @return none. Leaves of error
   447         */
   448         void StoreResponseHeaderL();
   450 		/**
   451         * Appends the header finr to a buffer
   452         * @return none. Leaves of error
   453         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
   454         */        
   455 		void AppendHeadersL( TPtr8& aBuf,
   456          		             CArrayPtrFlat<CHeaderField>* aHeaders );
   457         /**
   458         * Sets the range field in request headers
   459         * @return none. Leaves of error
   460         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
   461         */                 		             
   462 		void SetRangeFieldL( RStringPool& aStringPool,
   463                                     RHTTPHeaders& aHeaders );	
   465         /**
   466         * Searches for a given header in header list
   467         * @return KErrNotFound if not found, header index otherwise
   468         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
   469         */        
   470         TInt FindHeaderField( CArrayPtrFlat<CHeaderField>* aHeaders,
   471                                      const TDesC8& aFieldName ) const;
   474         /**
   475         * Checks if the content is DRM content
   476         * @return none
   477         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
   478         */        
   479         void CheckRealDRMContentTypeL();
   481         /**
   482         * Update the pausability of download
   483         * @return none
   484         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
   485         */        
   486         void UpdatePausableL();
   488 		/**
   489         * Sets the specified request header
   490         * @return none
   491         * @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
   492         */        
   493         void SetRequestHeaderL( RStringPool& aStringPool, RHTTPHeaders& aHeaders);
   495         /**
   496         * Handles permanent redirection event
   497         * @param aNewUrl new URL after redirection
   498         * @return None. Leaves on error.
   499         */
   500         void RedirectedPermanentlyL( const TDesC8& aNewUrl );
   502         /**
   503         * Handles temporary redirection event
   504         * @param aNewUrl new URL after redirection
   505         * @return None. Leaves on error.
   506         */
   507         void RedirectedTemporaryL( const TDesC8& aNewUrl );
   509     private:    // debug utilities
   511         /**
   512         * In debug build, log headers. In release build, do nothing.
   513         * @param aHeaders Headers to log.
   514         */
   515         void LogHeaders( RHTTPHeaders aHeaders );
   517     private:    // data
   519         HBufC8* iUri;                       ///< Request URI or NULL. Owned.
   520         HTTP::TStrings iMethod;             ///< Request method.
   521         HTTP::TStrings iHttpVersion;        ///< HTTP version.
   522         HBufC8* iNotifyBody;                ///< Notify body or NULL. Owned.
   523         CHttpSessionBase* iSess;            ///< HTTP session. Owned.
   524         RHTTPTransaction iTrans;            ///< Transaction. Owned.
   525         CConnection& iConn;                 ///< Connection. Not owned.
   527         MCodSaverFactory* iSaverFactory;    ///< Saver factory. Not owned.
   528         CCodSaver* iSaver;                  ///< Saver. Not owned.
   529         CTimeout* iTimeout;                 ///< Timeout timer. Owned.
   530         MCodLoadObserver* iCodLoadObserver; ///< Observer or NULL.
   531         TRequestStatus* iParentStatus;      ///< Parent status.
   532         TState iState;                      ///< Current state.
   533         TInt iResult;                       ///< Resulting error code.
   534         TBool iSuppressErrors;              ///< Suppress errors.
   535         TBool iProxySet;                    ///< ETrue if we have set a proxy.
   536         RFeatMgr iFeatMgr;                  ///< Feature Manager.
   537         TCodProgress* iProgress;            ///< Progress or NULL.
   538         TInt iRetry;                        ///< Retry count (incl. first).
   539         CTimeout* iINTimeout;               ///< Timeout timer for sending install-notify. Owned.
   540         CCodEngBase* iCodEng;
   541         HBufC8* iDownloadInfo;          				// contains download info
   542         TBuf<KMaxPath>   iFolderBuf;					//Folder for cod download
   543         CArrayPtrFlat<CHeaderField>* iResponseHeaders;  // Response header
   544         TDateTime   iDate;
   545         TDateTime   iExpires;
   546         TTimeIntervalSeconds    iMaxAge;
   548         // Set to ETrue if KDRMOldContentType is found in response header.
   549         TBool iPausableDRM;
   550         TBool   iDrmContentLengthValid;        
   552         // Redirection
   553         TBool iRedirect;
   554     };
   556 #include "HttpLoader.inl"
   558 #endif /*def HTTP_LOADER_H */