changeset 0 dd21522fd290
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 #
     2 # CSS property names
     3 #
     4 # Some properties are used internally, but are not part of CSS. They are used to get
     5 # HTML4 compatibilty in the rendering engine.
     6 #
     7 # Microsoft extensions are documented here:
     8 # http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/css/reference/attributes.asp
     9 #
    10 background
    11 background-attachment
    12 background-color
    13 background-image
    14 background-position
    15 background-position-x
    16 background-position-y
    17 background-repeat
    18 border
    19 border-bottom
    20 border-bottom-color
    21 border-bottom-style
    22 border-bottom-width
    23 border-collapse
    24 border-color
    25 border-left
    26 border-left-color
    27 border-left-style
    28 border-left-width
    29 border-right
    30 border-right-color
    31 border-right-style
    32 border-right-width
    33 border-spacing
    34 border-style
    35 border-top
    36 border-top-color
    37 border-top-style
    38 border-top-width
    39 border-width
    40 bottom
    41 caption-side
    42 clear
    43 clip
    44 color
    45 content
    46 counter-increment
    47 counter-reset
    48 cursor
    49 direction
    50 display
    51 empty-cells
    52 float
    53 font
    54 font-family
    55 font-size
    56 font-stretch
    57 font-style
    58 font-variant
    59 font-weight
    60 height
    61 left
    62 letter-spacing
    63 line-height
    64 list-style
    65 list-style-image
    66 list-style-position
    67 list-style-type
    68 margin
    69 margin-bottom
    70 margin-left
    71 margin-right
    72 margin-top
    73 max-height
    74 max-width
    75 min-height
    76 min-width
    77 opacity
    78 orphans
    79 outline
    80 outline-color
    81 outline-offset
    82 outline-style
    83 outline-width
    84 overflow
    85 overflow-x
    86 overflow-y
    87 padding
    88 padding-bottom
    89 padding-left
    90 padding-right
    91 padding-top
    92 page
    93 page-break-after
    94 page-break-before
    95 page-break-inside
    96 position
    98 resize
    99 right
   100 scrollbar-3dlight-color
   101 scrollbar-arrow-color
   102 scrollbar-darkshadow-color
   103 scrollbar-face-color
   104 scrollbar-highlight-color
   105 scrollbar-shadow-color
   106 scrollbar-track-color
   107 size
   108 table-layout
   109 text-align
   110 text-decoration
   111 text-indent
   112 text-line-through
   113 text-line-through-color
   114 text-line-through-mode
   115 text-line-through-style
   116 text-line-through-width
   117 text-overflow
   118 text-overline
   119 text-overline-color
   120 text-overline-mode
   121 text-overline-style
   122 text-overline-width
   123 text-shadow
   124 text-transform
   125 text-underline
   126 text-underline-color
   127 text-underline-mode
   128 text-underline-style
   129 text-underline-width
   130 top
   131 unicode-bidi
   132 vertical-align
   133 visibility
   134 white-space
   135 widows
   136 width
   137 word-break
   138 word-spacing
   139 word-wrap
   140 z-index
   141 -webkit-appearance
   142 -webkit-background-clip
   143 -webkit-background-composite
   144 -webkit-background-origin
   145 -webkit-background-size
   146 -webkit-binding
   147 -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius
   148 -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius
   149 -webkit-border-fit
   150 -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing
   151 -webkit-border-image
   152 -webkit-border-radius
   153 -webkit-border-top-left-radius
   154 -webkit-border-top-right-radius
   155 -webkit-border-vertical-spacing
   156 -webkit-box-align
   157 -webkit-box-direction
   158 -webkit-box-flex
   159 -webkit-box-flex-group
   160 -webkit-box-lines
   161 -webkit-box-ordinal-group
   162 -webkit-box-orient
   163 -webkit-box-pack
   164 -webkit-box-shadow
   165 -webkit-box-sizing
   166 -webkit-column-break-after
   167 -webkit-column-break-before
   168 -webkit-column-break-inside
   169 -webkit-column-count
   170 -webkit-column-gap
   171 -webkit-column-rule
   172 -webkit-column-rule-color
   173 -webkit-column-rule-style
   174 -webkit-column-rule-width
   175 -webkit-column-width
   176 -webkit-columns
   177 -webkit-dashboard-region
   178 -webkit-font-size-delta
   179 -webkit-highlight
   180 -webkit-line-break
   181 -webkit-line-clamp
   182 -webkit-margin-bottom-collapse
   183 -webkit-margin-collapse
   184 -webkit-margin-start
   185 -webkit-margin-top-collapse
   186 -webkit-marquee
   187 -webkit-marquee-direction
   188 -webkit-marquee-increment
   189 -webkit-marquee-repetition
   190 -webkit-marquee-speed
   191 -webkit-marquee-style
   192 -webkit-match-nearest-mail-blockquote-color
   193 -webkit-nbsp-mode
   194 -webkit-padding-start
   195 -webkit-rtl-ordering
   196 -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect
   197 -webkit-text-fill-color
   198 -webkit-text-security
   199 -webkit-text-size-adjust
   200 -webkit-text-stroke
   201 -webkit-text-stroke-color
   202 -webkit-text-stroke-width
   203 -webkit-user-drag
   204 -webkit-user-modify
   205 -webkit-user-select
   206 -wap-marquee-style
   207 -wap-marquee-loop
   208 -wap-marquee-dir
   209 -wap-marquee-speed
   210 -wap-input-format
   211 -wap-input-required