changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 13 10e98eab6f85
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <Uri8.h>
    19 #include <EscapeUtils.h>
    20 #include <http/rhttpheaders.h>
    21 #include <http/mhttpdatasupplier.h>
    22 #include <thttpfields.h>
    23 #include "ResourceHandle.h"
    24 #include "ResourceHandleInternal.h"
    25 #include "ResourceRequest.h"
    26 #include "HttpConnection.h"
    27 #include "ResourceHandleManagerSymbian.h"
    28 #include "StaticObjectsContainer.h"
    29 #include "ResourceLoaderDelegate.h"
    30 #include "HttpCacheSupply.h"
    31 #include "HttpPostDataSupplier.h"
    32 #include <HttpFilterCommonStringsExt.h>
    33 #include <BrCtlDefs.h>
    34 #include "BrCtl.h"
    35 #include "BrCtlSpecialLoadObserver.h"
    36 #include "Frame.h"
    37 #include "FrameLoader.h"
    38 #include "DocumentLoader.h"
    39 #include "HttpUiCallbacks.h"
    40 #include "HttpRequestHeaderManager.h"
    41 #include "HttpConnUtils.h"
    42 #include "MultipartContentHandler.h"
    43 #include "UnknownContentHandler.h"
    44 #include <wtf/Vector.h>
    46 _LIT8(KHttps, "https");
    47 _LIT8( KAppUid, "Appuid" );
    49 using namespace WebCore;
    51 DefersData::DefersData(void* ctx, DefersDataCallback callback) : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
    52 {
    53     m_ctx = ctx;
    54     m_callback = callback;
    55     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    56 }
    58 DefersData::~DefersData()
    59 {
    60     Cancel();
    61     delete m_response;
    63     Vector<HBufC8*>::const_iterator it = m_bodyParts.begin();
    64     Vector<HBufC8*>::const_iterator end = m_bodyParts.end();
    65     while (it != end) {
    66         HBufC8* buf = m_bodyParts.first();
    67         m_bodyParts.remove(0);
    68         delete buf;
    69         it = m_bodyParts.begin();
    70         end = m_bodyParts.end();
    71     }
    72 }
    74 void DefersData::RunL()
    75 {
    76     m_callback(m_ctx);
    77 }
    79 TInt DefersData::RunError(TInt aError)
    80 {
    81     return KErrNone;
    82 }
    84 void DefersData::Activate()
    85 {
    86     SetActive();
    87     iStatus = KRequestPending;
    88     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
    89     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
    90 }
    93 ReceivedFinished::ReceivedFinished(void* ctx, ReceivedFinishedCallback callback) : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
    94 {
    95     m_ctx = ctx;
    96     m_callback = callback;
    97     m_done = true;
    98     m_error = KErrNone;
    99     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   100 }
   102 ReceivedFinished::~ReceivedFinished()
   103 {
   104     Cancel();
   105 }
   107 void ReceivedFinished::RunL()
   108 {
   109     m_callback(m_ctx, m_error);
   110     m_done = true;
   111 }
   113 TInt ReceivedFinished::RunError(TInt aError)
   114 {
   115     return KErrNone;
   116 }
   118 void ReceivedFinished::Activate(TInt errorCode)
   119 {
   120     m_done = false;
   121     m_error = errorCode;
   122     SetActive();
   123     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   124     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   125     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   126 }
   128 void ReceivedFinished::done(bool status)
   129 {
   130     m_done = status;
   131 }
   133 HttpConnection::HttpConnection(ResourceHandle* _handle, Frame* _frame) : MUrlConnection(_handle)
   134 {
   135     HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
   136     httpSessionMgr->addRequest(this, m_handle);
   137     m_frag = NULL;
   138     m_transaction = NULL;
   139     m_urlResponse = NULL;
   140     m_contentType = NULL;
   141     m_encoding = NULL;
   142     m_cacheSupply = NULL;
   143     m_postDataSupplier = NULL;
   144     m_maxSize = 0;
   145     m_frame = _frame;
   146     m_IsMultipart = false;
   147     m_isDone = false;
   148     m_certInfo = NULL;
   149     m_accumulatedSize = 0;
   150     m_defersData = NULL; // requests will not be propagated if loading is blocked
   151     m_receivedFinished = NULL;
   152     m_unknownContentHandler = NULL;
   153 }
   155 HttpConnection::~HttpConnection()
   156 {
   157     HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
   158     if (m_transaction) {
   159         RHTTPSession& session = httpSessionMgr->httpSession();
   160         // remove own address from transaction properties
   161         m_transaction->PropertySet().RemoveProperty( session.StringPool().StringF(HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::ESelfPtr,
   162             HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable()));
   163     }
   164     httpSessionMgr->removeRequest(this);
   165     delete m_frag;
   166     delete m_urlResponse;
   167     delete m_contentType;
   168     delete m_encoding;
   169     delete m_defersData;
   170     delete m_receivedFinished;
   171     delete m_unknownContentHandler;
   172     delete m_cacheSupply;
   173     delete m_postDataSupplier;
   174     delete m_transaction;
   175 }
   177 HttpConnection* HttpConnection::connectionFromTransaction(RHTTPTransaction& transaction)
   178 {
   179     RHTTPTransactionPropertySet propSet = transaction.PropertySet();
   180     THTTPHdrVal propRetVal;
   181     // Get the name of the property
   182     HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
   183     RHTTPSession& session = httpSessionMgr->httpSession();
   184     RStringF propName = session.StringPool().StringF( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::ESelfPtr, HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable() );
   185     // if it is set . .
   186     if( propSet.Property( propName, propRetVal ) ){
   187         return (HttpConnection*)(TInt(propRetVal));
   188     }
   189     return NULL;
   190 }
   192 int HttpConnection::submit()
   193 {
   194     TRAPD(error, submitL());
   195     return error;
   196 }
   198 void HttpConnection::submitL()
   199 {
   200     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !m_transaction, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
   202     HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
   203     User::LeaveIfNull(httpSessionMgr);
   204     httpSessionMgr->openHttpSessionIfNeededL();
   205     TPtrC8 urlPtr( m_handle->request().url().des() );
   206     m_transaction = new (ELeave) RHTTPTransaction;
   207     RHTTPSession& session = httpSessionMgr->httpSession();
   208     RStringPool stringPool = session.StringPool();
   209     const TStringTable& stringTable = RHTTPSession::GetTable();
   210     TUriParser8 uriParser;
   211     uriParser.Parse(urlPtr);
   212     // fragment
   213     if(uriParser.IsPresent(EUriFragment)) {
   214         m_frag = uriParser.Extract(EUriFragment).AllocL();
   215         // url without frag
   216         uriParser.UriWithoutFragment(urlPtr);
   217         // and reparse url
   218         uriParser.Parse(urlPtr);
   219         }
   221     // open transaction
   222     RStringF method;
   223     if (m_handle->request().httpMethod() == "GET") {
   224         method = stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EGET, stringTable );
   225     }
   226     else if (m_handle->request().httpMethod() == "POST") {
   227         method = stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EPOST, stringTable );
   228     }
   229     else if (m_handle->request().httpMethod() == "PUT") {
   230         method = stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EPUT, stringTable );
   231     }
   232     else if (m_handle->request().httpMethod() == "DELETE") {
   233         method = stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EDELETE, stringTable );
   234     }
   235     else {
   236         User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   237     }
   238     *m_transaction = session.OpenTransactionL( uriParser, *(httpSessionMgr->transactionCallback()), method );
   239     // add transaction attributes such as default headers, cache properties
   240     addRequestHeadersL();
   241     RHTTPTransactionPropertySet propSet = m_transaction->PropertySet();
   243     RStringF appuid = stringPool.OpenFStringL( KAppUid );
   245     TUint appuidValue = control(m_frame)->webView()->getWidgetId();
   246     if(appuidValue){
   247         propSet.SetPropertyL(appuid,THTTPHdrVal(appuidValue));
   248     }
   250     appuid.Close();
   251     // Add IMEI Notify property to the transaction
   252     // It is not needed, as it is done in UA-Prof filter
   253     // addIMEINotifyPropertiesL();
   255     // add http request headers
   256     RHTTPHeaders httpHeaders = m_transaction->Request().GetHeaderCollection();
   257     httpSessionMgr->requestHeaderManager()->AddAllHeadersL(httpHeaders, m_handle->request());
   258     // Create a dataSupplier object to supply the request body to http stack.
   259     if ((m_handle->request().httpMethod() == "POST" ||
   260         m_handle->request().httpMethod() == "PUT") && m_handle->request().httpBody()){
   261         // 2 steps constructor
   262         m_postDataSupplier = new(ELeave)HttpPostDataSupplier( m_transaction, control(m_frame));
   263         m_postDataSupplier->initL(m_handle->request().httpBody());
   264         m_transaction->Request().SetBody( *m_postDataSupplier);
   265     }
   266     // create cache supplier
   267     m_cacheSupply = CHttpCacheSupply::NewL( this );
   268     TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlCacheMode cacheMode;
   269     switch (m_handle->request().cachePolicy())
   270     {
   271     default:
   272     case UseProtocolCachePolicy:
   273         cacheMode = TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeNormal;
   274         break;
   275     case ReloadIgnoringCacheData:
   276         cacheMode = TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeNoCache;
   277         break;
   278     case ReturnCacheDataElseLoad:
   279         cacheMode = TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeHistory;
   280         break;
   281     case ReturnCacheDataDontLoad:
   282         cacheMode = TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeOnlyCache;
   283         break;
   284     };
   285 	IsUrlInCacheL(m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes() );
   286     if( m_cacheSupply->StartRequestL( cacheMode ) != KErrNone ) {
   287         // check if the response must come from the cache
   288         if( cacheMode != TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeOnlyCache ) {
   289             m_transaction->SubmitL();
   290         }
   291         else {
   292             // cache failed
   293             complete( KErrGeneral );
   294         }
   295     }
   296 }
   298 void HttpConnection::cancel()
   299 {
   300     complete( KErrCancel );
   301 }
   303 void HttpConnection::download(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle,
   304                               const WebCore::ResourceRequest& request,
   305                               const WebCore::ResourceResponse& response)
   306 {
   307     StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager()->download(handle,
   308         request, response, this);
   309 }
   311 void HttpConnection::setDefersLoading(bool defers)
   312 {
   313     if (m_receivedFinished && !m_receivedFinished->isDone()) {
   314         // Don't set defer loading when in ReceivedFinished process
   315         return;
   316     }
   318     if (defers) {
   319         if (m_defersData) {
   320             m_defersData ->Cancel(); // This would happen if we did not finish sending the accumulated content, and a second JavaScript dialog is displayed.
   321         } else {
   322             m_defersData = new DefersData(this, processDefersData);
   323         }
   324         if (m_cacheSupply) {
   325             m_cacheSupply->PauseSupply();
   326         }
   327     }
   328     else {
   329         if (m_defersData) {
   330             m_defersData->Activate();
   331         }
   332         if (m_cacheSupply) {
   333             m_cacheSupply->ResumeSupply();
   334         }
   335     }
   336 }
   338 void HttpConnection::handleError(int error)
   339 {
   340     complete(error);
   341 }
   343 void HttpConnection::MHFRunL(const THTTPEvent &aEvent)
   344     {
   345     if (m_cancelled) {
   346         return;
   347         }
   349     __ASSERT_DEBUG( m_transaction, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
   351     // Using this flag to prevent caching of secure items
   352     TBool nonsecure = ETrue;
   353     TUriParser8 requestedParser;
   354     if(requestedParser.Parse(m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes()) == KErrNone) {
   355         if( requestedParser.Extract( EUriScheme ).Compare(KHttps) == 0 ) {
   356             nonsecure = EFalse;
   357             }
   358         }
   359     switch( aEvent.iStatus )
   360         {
   361         case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseHeaders:
   362             {
   363             if ( nonsecure ) {
   364                 // pass headers to the cache first
   365                 TRAP_IGNORE(m_cacheSupply->HeadersReceivedL());
   366                 }
   367             int httpStatus( m_transaction->Response().StatusCode() );
   368             if (httpStatus == KErrCompletion) {
   369                 return;
   370             }
   372             // Add certificate only if https, and top level request
   373             if( m_handle->request().mainLoad() ) {
   374                 if ( m_transaction->Request().URI().Extract( EUriScheme ).FindF( KHttps ) == 0 && !m_isInCache ) {
   375                     m_certInfo = new(ELeave)TCertInfo;
   376                     m_transaction->ServerCert( *m_certInfo );
   377                     }
   378                 // certinfo will be set/overwritten only if top load request
   379                 control(m_frame)->setCertInfo( m_certInfo );
   380             }
   382             // authentication
   383             bool handled( EFalse );
   384             //in case of bad Auth Header(aError = -7276), transaction is cancelled already in the filter,
   385             //should be passed to Error Handler, otherwise handle Auth request normally.
   386             if( ( httpStatus == 401 /*EHttpUnauthorized*/ ) ||
   387                 ( httpStatus == 407 /*EHttpProxyAuthenticationRequired*/ ) )
   388                 {
   389                 // Move the transaction to the Auth queue,
   390                 // and wait for Authentication callback
   391                 // This is proventing the transaction from being deleted
   392                 // in case the network dropped automatically for example
   393                 // during the data call connection.
   394                 m_transaction->Cancel();
   395                 HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
   396                 httpSessionMgr->removeRequest(this);
   397                 httpSessionMgr->addAuthRequest(this, m_handle);
   398                 TInt authRet = handleAuthRequestL( httpStatus );
   399                 handled = (authRet == KErrNone);
   400                 // trans is cancelled at this point. if
   401                 // authentication is failed (not handled) then
   402                 // just complete this transaction
   403                 if( !handled )
   404                     {
   405                     //
   406                     complete( authRet );
   407                     return;
   408                     }
   409                 }
   410             if ( !handled )
   411                 {
   412                 // url
   413                 m_urlResponse = NULL;
   414                 if(m_frag) {
   415                     m_urlResponse = HBufC8::NewL(m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes().Length() + m_frag->Length() + 1);
   416                     TPtr8 responsePtr(m_urlResponse->Des());
   417                     responsePtr.Copy(m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes());
   418                     responsePtr.Append(_L("#"));
   419                     responsePtr.Append(*m_frag);
   420                 }
   421                 else {
   422                     m_urlResponse = HBufC8::NewL(m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes().Length());
   423                     m_urlResponse->Des().Copy(m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes());
   424                 }
   425                 // content type
   426                 THTTPHdrVal hdrVal;
   427                 RHTTPHeaders httpHeaders = m_transaction->Response().GetHeaderCollection();
   428                 RStringPool stringPool = m_transaction->Session().StringPool();
   429                 const TStringTable& stringTable = RHTTPSession::GetTable();
   430                 if( httpHeaders.GetField( stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EContentType, stringTable ), 0,
   431                     hdrVal) == KErrNone ) {
   432                     m_contentType = hdrVal.StrF().DesC().AllocL();
   433                 }
   434                 else {
   435                     m_contentType = KNullDesC8().AllocL();
   436                 }
   437                 // content encoding
   438                 if( httpHeaders.GetParam( stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EContentType, stringTable ),
   439                     stringPool.StringF( HTTP::ECharset, stringTable ), hdrVal ) == KErrNone ) {
   440                     m_encoding = hdrVal.StrF().DesC().AllocL();
   441                 }
   442                 else {
   443                     m_encoding = KNullDesC8().AllocL();
   444                 }
   445                 // content length
   446                 if( httpHeaders.GetField( stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EContentLength,
   447                     stringTable ), 0, hdrVal ) == KErrNone ) {
   448                     m_maxSize = hdrVal.Int();
   449                 }
   450                 String encoding;
   451                 if (m_encoding && m_encoding->Length()) {
   452                     encoding = m_encoding->Des();
   453                 }
   454                 ResourceResponse response(m_urlResponse->Des(), m_contentType->Des(), m_maxSize, encoding, String() );
   455                 response.setHTTPStatusCode(m_transaction->Response().StatusCode());
   456                 //HTTP status text
   457                 response.setHTTPStatusText(((m_transaction->Response()).StatusText().DesC()));
   459                 if (m_contentType && m_contentType->Length()) {
   460                     response.setHTTPHeaderField("Content-Type", *m_contentType);
   461                 }
   463 				TPtrC8 result;
   465                 if( httpHeaders.GetRawField( stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EContentDisposition, stringTable ), result) == KErrNone )
   466                 	response.setHTTPHeaderField("Content-Disposition", result);
   468                 if (m_handle->request().mainLoad()) {
   469                     if(m_handle->request().url() != response.url()) {
   470                         // Relative URLs are resolved based on the request URL, not response URL.
   471                         // If a redirect happens, the request URL must be updated.
   472                         m_handle->getInternal()->m_request.setURL(response.url());
   473                         m_frame->loader()->activeDocumentLoader()->request().setURL(response.url());
   474                     }
   475                     if(MultipartContentHandler::IsSupported(response)) {
   476                         m_IsMultipart = true;
   477                         m_MultipartContentHandler = MultipartContentHandler::NewL();
   478                         m_MultipartContentHandler->HandleResponseHeadersL(response, *m_transaction);
   479                         return;
   480                     }
   481                     if (UnknownContentHandler::isUnknownContent(response)) {
   482                         m_unknownContentHandler = UnknownContentHandler::NewL(this, response);
   483                         return;
   484                     }
   485                 }
   486                 // If loading is defered, don't send the headers now
   487                 if (m_defersData) {
   488                     ResourceResponse* resp = new ResourceResponse(m_urlResponse->Des(), m_contentType->Des(), m_maxSize, encoding, String());
   489                     if (resp == NULL) {
   490                         complete(KErrNoMemory);
   491                     }
   492                     else {
   493                         m_defersData->m_response = resp;
   494                     }
   495                 }
   496                 else {
   497                     CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedResponse(m_handle, response, this);
   498                 }
   499                 // transaction is complete (must have been cancelled in receivedResponse call
   500                 if (m_isDone)
   501                     return;
   502                 // transaction is taken, we need to cleanup this resource.
   503                 if (!m_transaction) {
   504                     derefHandle();
   505                     // this object might be invalid at this point
   506                     return;
   507                     }
   508                 }
   509             break;
   510         }
   511         case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseBodyData:
   512             {
   513             if ( nonsecure ) {
   514                 // pass chunk to the cache first
   515                 TRAP_IGNORE( m_cacheSupply->BodyReceivedL() );
   516                 }
   517             MHTTPDataSupplier* body = m_transaction->Response().Body();
   518             // get it from the transaction
   519             TPtrC8 chunkPtr;
   520             body->GetNextDataPart( chunkPtr );
   521             m_accumulatedSize += chunkPtr.Length();
   523             if (chunkPtr.Length()) {
   524                 if(m_IsMultipart) {
   525                     m_MultipartContentHandler->HandleResponseBodyL(chunkPtr);
   526                 } else {
   527                     if (m_unknownContentHandler) {
   528                         m_unknownContentHandler->updateContentTypeL(chunkPtr);
   529                         if (m_defersData) {
   530                             m_defersData ->m_response = m_unknownContentHandler->handOffResponse();
   531                         }
   532                         else {
   533                             ResourceResponse* response = m_unknownContentHandler->handOffResponse();
   534                             CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedResponse(m_handle, *response, this);
   535                             delete response;
   536                             // transaction is complete (must have been cancelled in receivedResponse call
   537                             if (m_isDone)
   538                                 return;
   539                             // transaction is taken, we need to cleanup this resource.
   540                             if (!m_transaction) {
   541                                 derefHandle();
   542                                 // this object might be invalid at this point
   543                                 return;
   544                             }
   545                         }
   546                         delete m_unknownContentHandler;
   547                         m_unknownContentHandler = NULL;
   548                     }
   549                     // If loading is defered, don't send the body now
   550                     if (m_defersData) {
   551                         HBufC8* buf = NULL;
   552                         buf = chunkPtr.AllocL(); // ok to leave on error because it will trigger HandleError
   553                         m_defersData->m_bodyParts.append(buf);
   554                     }
   555                     else {
   556                         WebCore::ResourceHandle* rh = handle();
   557                         if (rh) { rh->ref(); }
   559                         CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedData(m_handle, chunkPtr, 
   560                         m_maxSize == 0 ? chunkPtr.Length() : m_maxSize, this);
   562                         if ( m_transaction) 
   563                             body->ReleaseData();
   565                         if (rh) { rh->deref(); }
   567                         // this object might be invalid at this point
   568                         return;
   569                     }
   570                 }
   571             }
   572             /* If the transaction is closed - through extensive processing through receivedData(), above - the transaction may
   573                already have been deleted (by HttpConnection::complete).  Check for existence of transaction
   574                before releasing data (ReleaseData()) to prevent attempts to double delete memory. */
   575             if ( m_transaction)
   576                 body->ReleaseData();
   577             break;
   578             }
   579         case THTTPEvent::EResponseComplete:
   580             {
   581             // do not mix it up with the ESucceeded
   582             // The transaction's response is complete. An incoming event.
   583             if ( nonsecure ) {
   584                 TRAP_IGNORE( m_cacheSupply->ResponseCompleteL() );
   585                 }
   586             break;
   587             }
   588         case THTTPEvent::ESucceeded:
   589             {
   590             complete(KErrNone);
   591             break;
   592             }
   593         case THTTPEvent::ERequestComplete:
   594             {
   595             // request is all set
   596             if ( nonsecure ) {
   597                 m_cacheSupply->CloseRequest();
   598                 }
   599             break;
   600             }
   601         case THTTPEvent::EFailed:
   602         case THTTPEvent::EMoreDataReceivedThanExpected:
   603         case THTTPEvent::EUnrecoverableError:
   604         case KErrAbort:
   605             {
   606                 if (!m_transaction) {
   607                     // this object might be invalid at this point.
   608                     return;
   609                     }
   610                 int statusCode = m_transaction->Response().StatusCode();
   611                 if ( statusCode != 200) {
   612                     complete(-25000 - m_transaction->Response().StatusCode());
   613                 }
   614                 else if (statusCode == 200 && aEvent.iStatus == THTTPEvent::EFailed) {
   615                     // this is a weird combination, it is caused by cached supplier when a response only has the
   616                     // response header, but no response body is sent by the HTTP stack.  It is a legitimate senario though.
   617                     complete(KErrNone);
   618                 }
   619                 else {
   620                     complete(aEvent.iStatus);
   621                 }
   623             break;
   624             }
   625         case THTTPEvent::ERedirectRequiresConfirmation:
   626             {
   627             TInt method = m_transaction->Request().Method().Index(RHTTPSession::GetTable());
   628             TInt statusCode = m_transaction->Response().StatusCode();
   630             if( (statusCode == 301 ) &&
   631                 !((method==HTTP::EGET) || (method==HTTP::EHEAD)) )
   632                  {
   633                     RHTTPRequest request = m_transaction->Request();
   634                     RHTTPHeaders requestHeaders(request.GetHeaderCollection());
   635                     RStringPool p = m_transaction->Session().StringPool();
   636                     requestHeaders.RemoveField(p.StringF(HTTP::EContentLength,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
   637                     requestHeaders.RemoveField(p.StringF(HTTP::EContentType,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
   638                     m_transaction->Request().RemoveBody();
   639                     m_transaction->Response().RemoveBody();
   640                     m_transaction->Request().SetMethod(p.StringF(HTTP::EGET, RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
   641                 }
   642             int ret = HandleSpecialEvent(THTTPEvent::ERedirectRequiresConfirmation);
   643             if (ret != KErrNone) {
   644                 handleError(ret);
   645                 }
   646             break;
   647             }
   648         case THTTPEvent::ERedirectedPermanently:
   649         case THTTPEvent::ERedirectedTemporarily:
   650             {
   651             // for redirects, we must ensure that we properly handle
   652             // any new or changed uri fragment
   653             TUriParser8 uriParser;
   654             uriParser.Parse( m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes() );
   655             // check for fragment
   656             if(uriParser.IsPresent(EUriFragment)) {
   657                 // first extract the portion without fragment to
   658                 // return to Http framework
   659                 TPtrC8 uriNoFrag;
   660                 // extract non-fragment portion into uriNoFrag
   661                 uriParser.UriWithoutFragment( uriNoFrag );
   662                 TUriParser8 parserNoFrag;
   663                 parserNoFrag.Parse( uriNoFrag );
   664                 m_transaction->Request().SetURIL( parserNoFrag );
   665                 // now save the fragment for later use
   666                 const TDesC8& fragment = uriParser.Extract( EUriFragment );
   667                 delete m_frag;
   668                 m_frag = NULL;
   669                 m_frag = fragment.AllocL();
   670                 }
   671             HandleSpecialEvent(aEvent.iStatus);
   672             break;
   673             }
   674         case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseTrailerHeaders:
   675             {
   676             break;// We don't process this event
   677             }
   678         default:
   679             {
   680             // error handling
   681             handleError(aEvent.iStatus);
   682             break;
   683             }
   684         }
   685     }
   687 int HttpConnection::HandleSpecialEvent(int event)
   688 {
   689     int ret( KErrNone );
   690     HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
   691     switch( event )
   692         {
   693         case THTTPEvent::ERedirectRequiresConfirmation:
   694             {
   695                 // Display a Redirect Confirmation dialog, before proceeding
   696                 ret = httpSessionMgr->uiCallback()->aboutToLoadPage(control(m_frame), HttpUiCallbacks::ERedirectConfirmation);
   697                 if (ret == KErrNone) {
   698                     // submit redirected transaction
   699                     TRAP(ret, m_transaction->SubmitL());
   700                     return ret;
   701                 }
   702                 else {
   703                     return KErrCancel;
   704                 }
   705                 break;
   706             }
   707         case THTTPEvent::ERedirectedPermanently:
   708         case THTTPEvent::ERedirectedTemporarily:
   709             {
   710             // Cancel transaction first and resubmit it if the user accepted a secure connection
   711             m_transaction->Cancel();
   712             if (CheckForSecurityStatusChange() != KErrNone) {
   713                 return KErrCancel;
   714                 }
   715             else {
   716                 ret = CheckForNonHttpRedirect();
   717                 if (ret == KErrNone) {
   718                     // submit redirected transaction only in case of http request.
   719                     TRAP(ret, m_transaction->SubmitL());
   720                     return ret;
   721                     }
   722                 else {
   723                     return KErrCancel;
   724                     }
   725                 }
   726             break;
   727             }
   728         case KErrNotSupported:
   729         default:
   730             {
   731                 break;
   732             }
   733         }
   734     return ret;
   735 }
   737 void HttpConnection::complete(int error)
   738 {
   739     if (m_defersData) {
   740         m_defersData->m_done = true;
   741         m_defersData->m_error = error;
   742         return;
   743     }
   745     // protect this function from re-entry
   746     if (m_isDone)
   747         return;
   748     m_isDone = true;
   750     __ASSERT_DEBUG( m_transaction, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
   752     if(m_IsMultipart && error == KErrNone) {
   753         TInt status = m_MultipartContentHandler->ResponseComplete();
   754         if(status == KErrNone) {
   755             TPtrC8 encoding(*m_encoding);
   756             if (m_MultipartContentHandler->MarkupCharset().Length()) {
   757                 encoding.Set(m_MultipartContentHandler->MarkupCharset());
   758             }
   759             ResourceResponse response(m_urlResponse->Des(), m_MultipartContentHandler->MarkupContentType(),
   760                 m_maxSize, encoding, String() );
   761             response.setHTTPStatusCode(m_transaction->Response().StatusCode());
   762             response.setHTTPStatusText(m_transaction->Response().StatusText().DesC());
   763             if(m_handle->request().url() != response.url()) {
   764                 // Relative URLs are resolved based on the request URL, not response URL.
   765                 // If a redirect happens, the request URL must be updated.
   766                 m_handle->getInternal()->m_request.setURL(response.url());
   767                 m_frame->loader()->activeDocumentLoader()->request().setURL(response.url());
   768             }
   769             CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedResponse(m_handle, response, this);
   770             CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedData(m_handle,
   771                 m_MultipartContentHandler->MarkupContent(), m_maxSize, this);
   772         }
   773         delete m_MultipartContentHandler;
   774     }
   775     if (!error) {
   776         // Spawn active object for call to return immediately, to avoid blocking
   777         activateReceivedFinished(error);  
   778     }
   780     if (m_cacheSupply) {
   781         delete m_cacheSupply;
   782         m_cacheSupply = NULL;
   783     }
   784     if (m_postDataSupplier) {
   785         delete m_postDataSupplier;
   786         m_postDataSupplier = NULL;
   787     }
   788     if (m_transaction) {
   789         m_transaction->Cancel();
   790         m_transaction->Close();
   791         delete m_transaction;
   792         m_transaction = NULL;
   793     }
   794     if (error) {
   795         CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedFinished(m_handle, error, this);
   796         derefHandle();
   797     }
   798 }
   800 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   801 // HttpConnection::handleAuthRequestL
   802 //
   803 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   804 //
   805 int HttpConnection::handleAuthRequestL(
   806     int status )
   807     {
   808     int ret( KErrNone );
   809     THTTPHdrVal usernameVal;
   810     THTTPHdrVal passwordVal;
   811     THTTPHdrVal realmVal;
   812     THTTPHdrVal staleVal;
   813     RHTTPTransactionPropertySet propSet = m_transaction->PropertySet();
   814     RHTTPSession& session = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager()->httpSession();
   815     RStringPool strP = session.StringPool();
   816     const TStringTable& stringTable = RHTTPSession::GetTable();
   818     bool isProxy( EFalse );
   819     bool needClose( EFalse );
   820     bool pwdClose( EFalse );
   821     bool realmClose( EFalse );
   822     bool stale( propSet.Property( strP.StringF( HTTP::EStale, stringTable ), staleVal ) );
   824     _LIT8( KStrNull, "" );
   825     //
   826     switch( status )
   827         {
   828         case EHttpUnauthorized:
   829             {
   830             if( !propSet.Property( strP.StringF( HTTP::ERealm, stringTable ), realmVal ) )
   831                 {
   832                 realmClose = ETrue;
   833                 realmVal = strP.OpenStringL( KStrNull );
   834                 }
   835             if( !propSet.Property( strP.StringF( HTTP::EUsername, stringTable ), usernameVal ) )
   836                 {
   837                 needClose = ETrue;
   838                 usernameVal = strP.OpenStringL( KStrNull );
   839                 }
   840             if( !propSet.Property(strP.StringF( HTTP::EPassword, stringTable ), passwordVal ) )
   841                 {
   842                 pwdClose = ETrue;
   843                 passwordVal = strP.OpenStringL( KStrNull );
   844                 }
   845             break;
   846             }
   847         case EHttpProxyAuthenticationRequired:
   848             {
   849             const TStringTable& stringTableEx = HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable();
   850             //
   851             isProxy = ETrue;
   852             if( !propSet.Property(strP.StringF( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::EProxyRealm,
   853                 stringTableEx ), realmVal ) )
   854                 {
   855                 return KErrHttpDecodeUnknownAuthScheme;
   856                 }
   857             if( !propSet.Property( strP.StringF( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::EProxyUsername,
   858                 stringTableEx ), usernameVal ) )
   859                 {
   860                 needClose = ETrue;
   861                 usernameVal = strP.OpenStringL( KStrNull );
   862                 }
   863             if( !propSet.Property( strP.StringF( HTTP::EPassword, stringTable ), passwordVal ) )
   864                 {
   865                 pwdClose = ETrue;
   866                 passwordVal = strP.OpenStringL( KStrNull );
   867                 }
   868             break;
   869             }
   870         default:
   871             {
   872             __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
   873             break;
   874             }
   875         }
   877     TRAP( ret, SendAuthRequestL( usernameVal, realmVal, isProxy, stale, passwordVal ) );
   878     if (realmClose)
   879       {
   880         realmVal.Str().Close();
   881         }
   882     if( needClose )
   883         {
   884         usernameVal.Str().Close();
   885         }
   886     if( pwdClose )
   887         {
   888         passwordVal.Str().Close();
   889         }
   890     return(ret);
   891     }
   893 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   894 // HttpConnection::SendAuthRequestL
   895 //
   896 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   897 //
   898 void HttpConnection::SendAuthRequestL(
   899     THTTPHdrVal& aUsernameVal,
   900     THTTPHdrVal& aRealmVal,
   901     bool aIsProxy,
   902     bool aStale,
   903     THTTPHdrVal& aPasswordVal )
   904     {
   906     HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
   907     RHTTPSession& session = httpSessionMgr->httpSession();
   908     int popCount( 0 );
   910     // prepare uri param
   911     int len = m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes().Length() + 1;
   912     TUint16* uri = new(ELeave) TUint16 [ len ];
   913     CleanupStack::PushL( uri );
   914     popCount++;
   915     TPtr uriPtr( uri, len );
   916     uriPtr.Copy( m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes() );
   917     uriPtr.ZeroTerminate();
   919     // prepare username param
   920     len = aUsernameVal.Str().DesC().Length() + 1;
   921     TUint16* username = new(ELeave) TUint16 [ len ];
   922     CleanupStack::PushL( username );
   923     popCount++;
   924     TPtr usernamePtr( username, len );
   925     usernamePtr.Copy( aUsernameVal.Str().DesC() );
   926     usernamePtr.ZeroTerminate();
   928     // prepare realm param
   929     len = aRealmVal.Str().DesC().Length() + 1;
   930     TUint16* realm = new(ELeave) TUint16 [ len ];
   931     CleanupStack::PushL( realm );
   932     popCount++;
   933     TPtr realmPtr( realm, len );
   934     realmPtr.Copy( aRealmVal.Str().DesC() );
   935     realmPtr.ZeroTerminate();
   937     // prepare password param
   938     len = aPasswordVal.Str().DesC().Length() + 1;
   939     TUint16* password = new(ELeave) TUint16 [ len ];
   940     CleanupStack::PushL( password );
   941     popCount++;
   942     TPtr passwordPtr( password, len );
   943     passwordPtr.Copy( aPasswordVal.Str().DesC() );
   944     passwordPtr.ZeroTerminate();
   946     // Get the authentication type
   947     bool basicAuthentication( EFalse );
   948     RHTTPTransactionPropertySet propSet = m_transaction->PropertySet();
   949     THTTPHdrVal propRetVal;
   951     // Get the name of the property
   952     RStringF propName = session.StringPool().StringF( HTTP::EBasic, RHTTPSession::GetTable() );
   954     // if it is set . .
   955     if( propSet.Property( propName, propRetVal ) )
   956         {
   957         // . . then we have basic auth
   958         basicAuthentication = ETrue;
   959         }
   961     // send data to dialog layer for user input.  Data from user is provided
   962     // back to http transaction. by UiCallbacks calling HttpConnection::AuthenticationResponse
   963     // Completion of this authentication process will therefore occur before
   964     // the call below returns.
   965     httpSessionMgr->uiCallback()->AuthenticationRequest( this, uriPtr, usernamePtr,
   966         realmPtr, aIsProxy, aStale, passwordPtr, basicAuthentication );
   967     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( popCount ); // password, realm, username, uri
   968     }
   970 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   971 // HttpConnection::AuthenticationResponse
   972 //
   973 //
   974 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   975 //
   976 void HttpConnection::AuthenticationResponse(
   977     TPtr& aUsername,
   978     TPtr& aPassword,
   979     bool aProxy,
   980     int aError)
   981     {
   982     TUint16* username = (TUint16*) aUsername.Ptr();
   983     TUint16* password = (TUint16*) aPassword.Ptr();
   985     __ASSERT_DEBUG( m_transaction, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
   987     int ret = KErrNone;
   989     // Execution is back from the dialog, move the transaction
   990     // from the authentication listback into active list
   991     HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
   992     httpSessionMgr->removeAuthRequest(this);
   993     httpSessionMgr->addRequest(this, m_handle);
   995     switch (aError)
   996         {
   997         case KErrNone:
   998             {
   999             TRAP( ret, this->AddAuthenticationPropertiesL( aUsername, aPassword, aProxy) );
  1000             if (ret == KErrNone)
  1001                 {
  1002                 m_transaction->SubmitL();
  1003                 break;
  1004                 }
  1005             aError = ret;
  1006             }
  1007         case KErrCancel:
  1008         case KErrNoMemory:
  1009         default:
  1010             {
  1011             delete username;
  1012             delete password;
  1013             this->complete( aError );
  1014             break;
  1015             }
  1016         }
  1017     }
  1019 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1020 // HttpConnection::AddAuthenticationPropertiesL
  1021 // Add username and password properties to the transaction.
  1022 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1023 //
  1024 void HttpConnection::AddAuthenticationPropertiesL(
  1025     TPtr& aUsername,
  1026     TPtr& aPassword,
  1027     bool aProxy )
  1028     {
  1029     TUint16* username = (TUint16*) aUsername.Ptr();
  1030     TUint16* password = (TUint16*) aPassword.Ptr();
  1031     __ASSERT_DEBUG( username != NULL && password != NULL, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
  1033     __ASSERT_DEBUG( m_transaction, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
  1035     RString usernameStr;
  1036     RString passwordStr;
  1037     RStringPool stringPool = m_transaction->Session().StringPool();
  1038     RHTTPTransactionPropertySet propSet = m_transaction->PropertySet();
  1039     //
  1040     User::LeaveIfError( THttpConnUtils::OpenStringFromUnicode( stringPool, username, usernameStr ) );
  1041     CleanupClosePushL( usernameStr );
  1042     User::LeaveIfError( THttpConnUtils::OpenStringFromUnicode( stringPool, password, passwordStr ) );
  1043     CleanupClosePushL( passwordStr );
  1044     // set proxy authentication
  1045     if( aProxy )
  1046         {
  1047         propSet.RemoveProperty( stringPool.StringF( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::EProxyUsername,
  1048             HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable() ) );
  1050         propSet.SetPropertyL( stringPool.StringF( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::EProxyUsername,
  1051             HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable() ), usernameStr);
  1053         propSet.RemoveProperty( stringPool.StringF( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::EProxyPassword,
  1054             HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable() ) );
  1056         propSet.SetPropertyL( stringPool.StringF( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::EProxyPassword,
  1057             HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable()), passwordStr );
  1058         }
  1059     else
  1060         {
  1061         propSet.RemoveProperty( stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EUsername, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ) );
  1063         propSet.SetPropertyL( stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EUsername, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ),
  1064             usernameStr );
  1066         propSet.RemoveProperty( stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EPassword, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ) );
  1068         propSet.SetPropertyL( stringPool.StringF( HTTP::EPassword, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ),
  1069             passwordStr );
  1070         }
  1071     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // passwordStr, usernameStr
  1072     }
  1074 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1075 // HttpConnection::CheckForSecurityStatusChange
  1076 //
  1077 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1078 //
  1079 int HttpConnection::CheckForSecurityStatusChange()
  1080     {
  1081     int error(KErrNone);
  1082     bool requestedSecScheme(EFalse);
  1083     bool redirectedSecScheme(EFalse);
  1085     __ASSERT_DEBUG( m_transaction, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
  1087     if (m_handle->request().mainLoad() && !m_frame->ownerElement())
  1088         {
  1089         TUriParser8 redirectedParser;
  1090         if(redirectedParser.Parse( m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes() ) == KErrNone)
  1091             {
  1092             //
  1093             if( redirectedParser.Extract( EUriScheme ).Compare(KHttps) == 0 )
  1094                 {
  1095                     redirectedSecScheme = ETrue;
  1096                 }
  1097             }
  1098         TUriParser8 requestedParser;
  1099         if(m_handle->request().url().des().Length() != 0 )
  1100             {
  1101             error = requestedParser.Parse(m_handle->request().url().des());
  1102             }
  1103         else
  1104             {
  1105             error = requestedParser.Parse(m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes());
  1106             }
  1107         if(error == KErrNone)
  1108             {
  1109             //
  1110             if( requestedParser.Extract( EUriScheme ).Compare(KHttps) == 0 )
  1111                 {
  1112                 requestedSecScheme = ETrue;
  1113                 }
  1114             }
  1115         //When submitting the request iSecurePage was set based on the request url
  1116         //Check the redirect url and see if the scheme has changed
  1117         HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
  1118         if(requestedSecScheme && !redirectedSecScheme) //redirection from a secure page to an unsecure one
  1119             {
  1120             error = httpSessionMgr->uiCallback()->aboutToLoadPage(control(m_frame), HttpUiCallbacks::EExitingSecurePage);
  1121             }
  1122         else if(redirectedSecScheme && !requestedSecScheme) //redirection to unsecurepage when secure page was requested
  1123             {
  1124             error = httpSessionMgr->uiCallback()->aboutToLoadPage(control(m_frame), HttpUiCallbacks::EEnteringSecurePage );
  1125             }
  1126         }
  1127     return error;
  1128     }
  1130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1131 // HttpConnection::CheckForNonHttpRedirect
  1132 //
  1133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1134 //
  1135 TInt HttpConnection::CheckForNonHttpRedirect()
  1136     {
  1137     TUriParser8 uriParser;
  1139     __ASSERT_DEBUG( m_transaction, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
  1141     if(uriParser.Parse( m_transaction->Request().URI().UriDes() ) == KErrNone)
  1142         {
  1143         if (uriParser.IsPresent(EUriHost) && uriParser.IsPresent(EUriScheme)) // looking only for absolue Url path and schemes other than http(s)
  1144             {
  1145             const TDesC8& scheme = uriParser.Extract(EUriScheme);
  1146             if (scheme.FindF(_L8("http")) == KErrNotFound) // everything but http(s)
  1147                 {
  1148                 TPtrC8 ptr(uriParser.UriDes());
  1149                 // these arrays are pushed into CleanupStack in case leave
  1150                 // if no leave, they will be freed below
  1151                 RArray<TUint>* typeArray = new (ELeave) RArray<TUint>(1);
  1152                 CleanupStack::PushL(typeArray);
  1154                 CDesCArrayFlat* desArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(1);
  1155                 CleanupStack::PushL(desArray);
  1157                 User::LeaveIfError(typeArray->Append(EParamRequestUrl));
  1159                 HBufC16* urlbuf = HBufC16::NewLC( ptr.Length()  + 1); // +1 for zero terminate
  1160                 urlbuf->Des().Copy( ptr );
  1161                 TPtr16 bufDes16 = urlbuf->Des();
  1162                 bufDes16.ZeroTerminate();
  1164                 desArray->AppendL(bufDes16);
  1165                 CleanupStack::Pop();
  1167                 MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver* loadObserver = control(m_frame)->brCtlSpecialLoadObserver();
  1169                 if (loadObserver)
  1170                     {
  1171                     TRAP_IGNORE(loadObserver->HandleRequestL(typeArray, desArray));
  1172                     }
  1174                 // No leave, so pop here and clean up
  1175                 CleanupStack::Pop(desArray);
  1176                 CleanupStack::Pop(typeArray);
  1178                 // cleanup arrays
  1179                 if (typeArray)
  1180                     {
  1181                     // Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to the array
  1182                     typeArray->Close();
  1183                     delete typeArray;
  1184                     }
  1186                 if (desArray)
  1187                     {
  1188                     // Deletes all descriptors from the array and frees the memory allocated to the array buffer
  1189                     desArray->Reset();
  1190                     delete desArray;
  1191                     }
  1193                 return KErrCancel;
  1194                 }
  1195             }
  1196         }
  1197     return KErrNone;
  1198     }
  1200 RHTTPTransaction* HttpConnection::takeOwnershipHttpTransaction()
  1201 {
  1202     __ASSERT_DEBUG( m_transaction, THttpConnUtils::PanicLoader( KErrArgument ) );
  1204     RHTTPTransaction* trans = m_transaction;
  1205     RHTTPSession& session = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager()->httpSession();
  1206     // remove own address from transaction properties
  1207     m_transaction->PropertySet().RemoveProperty(session.StringPool().StringF(HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::ESelfPtr,
  1208         HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable()));
  1209     m_transaction = NULL;
  1210     return trans;
  1211 }
  1213 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1214 // HttpConnection::addIMEINotifyPropertiesL
  1215 // Keeping for completeness, but currently is not needed as functionality is implemented
  1216 // in User-Agent Profile Filter
  1217 // Add IMEINotify properties to the transaction.
  1218 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1219 //
  1220 /*
  1221 void HttpConnection::addIMEINotifyPropertiesL()
  1222 {
  1223     // Get IMEI Notify enable/disable setting
  1224     HttpSessionManager* httpSessionMgr = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager();
  1225     bool imeiNotify = httpSessionMgr->imeiEnabled();
  1227     RHTTPTransactionPropertySet propSet = m_transaction->PropertySet();
  1229     RStringPool stringPool = m_transaction->Session().StringPool();
  1230     propSet.RemoveProperty( stringPool.StringF(
  1231         HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::EIMEINotify, HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable() ) );
  1232     //
  1233     propSet.SetPropertyL( stringPool.StringF( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::EIMEINotify,
  1234         HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable() ), THTTPHdrVal( imeiNotify ) );
  1235 }
  1236 */
  1238 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1239 // HttpLoaderUtils::IsUrlInCache
  1240 //
  1241 // Returns ETrue if Cache Manager finds the Url in cache, EFalse otherwise
  1242 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1243 //
  1244 bool HttpConnection::IsUrlInCacheL(
  1245     const TDesC8& aUrl )
  1246 {
  1247     TBool inCache( EFalse );  // not in cache by default
  1248 	m_isInCache = EFalse;
  1250     CHttpCacheManager* cache = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager()->cacheManager();
  1252     if ( cache )
  1253     {
  1254         // call cache manager to check for url in cache
  1255         inCache = cache->Find( aUrl );
  1256     }
  1257 	m_isInCache = inCache;
  1258     return inCache;
  1259 }
  1261 void HttpConnection::processDefersData(void* ctx)
  1262 {
  1263     HttpConnection* self = static_cast<HttpConnection*>(ctx);
  1264     DefersData* defersData = self->m_defersData;
  1265     if (self->m_cancelled)
  1266         return;
  1267     if (self->m_defersData->m_response) {
  1268         CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedResponse(self->m_handle, *(self->m_defersData->m_response), self);
  1269         // transaction is complete (must have been cancelled in receivedResponse call
  1270         if (self->m_isDone)
  1271             return;
  1272         // transaction is taken, we need to cleanup this resource.
  1273         if (!self->m_transaction) {
  1274             self->derefHandle();
  1275             // this object might be invalid at this point
  1276             return;
  1277         }
  1278         delete self->m_defersData->m_response;
  1279         self->m_defersData->m_response = NULL;
  1280         self->m_defersData->Activate();
  1281         return;
  1282     }
  1283     if (self->m_defersData->m_bodyParts.size()) {
  1284         HBufC8* buf = self->m_defersData->m_bodyParts.first();
  1285         self->m_defersData->m_bodyParts.remove(0);
  1286         CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedData(self->m_handle, *buf, self->m_maxSize, self);
  1287         delete buf;
  1288         self->m_defersData->Activate();
  1289         return;
  1290     }
  1291     if (self->m_defersData->m_done) {
  1292         self->m_defersData = NULL;
  1293         self->complete(defersData->m_error);
  1294     }
  1295     self->m_defersData = NULL;
  1296     delete defersData;
  1297 }
  1300 void HttpConnection::activateReceivedFinished(TInt errorCode) 
  1301 {
  1302         if (m_receivedFinished) {
  1303             if (m_receivedFinished->isDone()) {
  1304                 delete m_receivedFinished;
  1305             } else {
  1306                 // This would happen if processing of a previous transaction is hung.
  1307                 // We should never get in here.
  1308                 m_receivedFinished ->Cancel();
  1309                 return;
  1310             }
  1311         }
  1313         m_receivedFinished = new ReceivedFinished(this, processReceivedFinished);
  1314         m_receivedFinished->Activate(errorCode);
  1315 }
  1317 void HttpConnection::processReceivedFinished(void* ctx, TInt errorCode)
  1318 {
  1319     HttpConnection* self = static_cast<HttpConnection*>(ctx);
  1320     CResourceHandleManager::self()->receivedFinished(self->m_handle, errorCode, self);
  1322     self->derefHandle();
  1323 }
  1326 // end of file