changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 16 a359256acfc6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "HttpUiCallbacks.h"
    19 #include "Page.h"
    20 #include <../bidi.h>
    21 #include <StringLoader.h>
    22 #include <Uri16.h>
    23 #include <es_enum.h>
    24 #include <Webkit.rsg>
    25 #include "WebFrame.h"
    26 #include "WebFrameView.h"
    27 #include "WebView.h"
    28 #include "BrCtl.h"
    29 #include "SettingsContainer.h"
    30 #include "BrCtlSpecialLoadObserver.h"
    31 #include "StaticObjectsContainer.h"
    32 #include "ResourceLoaderDelegate.h"
    33 #include "HttpDefs.h"
    34 #include "HttpConnection.h"
    35 #include "CDBCols.h"
    37 using namespace WebCore;
    39 // CONSTANTS
    40 _LIT (KEmptyTitle, "");
    42 static CBrCtl* brctl()
    43 {
    44     return StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->brctl();
    45 }
    47 HttpUiCallbacks::HttpUiCallbacks()
    48 {
    49     m_error = KErrNone;
    50     m_scheduler = NULL;
    51 }
    53 HttpUiCallbacks::~HttpUiCallbacks()
    54 {
    55     if (m_scheduler) { 
    56         m_scheduler->Cancel();
    57         delete m_scheduler;
    58     }
    59 }
    61 TInt HttpUiCallbacks::handleErrorCb(TAny* aPtr)
    62 {
    63     HttpUiCallbacks* self = static_cast<HttpUiCallbacks*>(aPtr);
    64     self->handleError();
    65     return KErrNone;
    66 }
    68 void HttpUiCallbacks::handleError()
    69 {
    70     m_scheduler->Cancel();
    71     delete m_scheduler;
    72     m_scheduler = NULL;
    73     StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager()->handleError(m_error);
    74 }
    77 TInt HttpUiCallbacks::CreateConnection(TInt* aConnectionPtr, TInt* aSockSvrHandle,
    78                                        TBool* aNewConn, TApBearerType* aBearerType)
    79 {
    80     TInt error = KErrNone;
    81     if( aConnectionPtr && aSockSvrHandle && aNewConn ){
    82         TRAP(error, brctl()->brCtlSpecialLoadObserver()->NetworkConnectionNeededL(aConnectionPtr, aSockSvrHandle, aNewConn, aBearerType));
    83         if( error == KErrNone && *aConnectionPtr ) {
    84             RConnection* connPtr = REINTERPRET_CAST( RConnection*, *aConnectionPtr );
    85             TConnectionInfoBuf connInfoBuf;
    86             TUint conns( 0 );
    87             connPtr->EnumerateConnections( conns );
    88             if (conns > 0  && connPtr->GetConnectionInfo(1, connInfoBuf) == KErrNone )  
    89             {  
    90                 TUint32 iapId;  
    91                 TBuf<20> query;  
    93                 //Get the IAP id used by browser from the RConnection object.  
    94                 query.Format( _L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_ID );  
    95                 if( connPtr->GetIntSetting( query, iapId ) == KErrNone)  
    96                 {  
    97                     // Set the access point Id to BrCrl  
    98                     brctl()->webView()->setAccessPointId( iapId );
   100                 }  
   101                 //If IAP is not avilable from connection Object then use the first connection.  
   102                 else  
   103                 {  
   104                     brctl()->webView()->setAccessPointId( connInfoBuf().iIapId );
   105                 }
   106             }
   107             //pass the connection to download manager        
   108             // let the dm know about the connection
   109             HttpDownload* httpDownload = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager()->httpDownload();
   110             if(httpDownload)
   111                 {
   112                 TName name;
   113                 connPtr->Name( name );
   114                 httpDownload->connect( name );                    
   115                 }
   116         }
   117   }
   118     // no connection, cancel transactions asynchronously
   119     if( error != KErrNone ) {
   120         m_error = error;
   121         if (m_scheduler == NULL) {
   122             m_scheduler = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   123             m_scheduler->Start( 0, 0, TCallBack( &handleErrorCb, this ) );
   124         }
   125     }
   126     return error;
   127 }
   129 void HttpUiCallbacks::CoverageEvent( TInt aError )
   130 {
   131     TInt error = (aError == EErrNetUnreach) ? KErrNetUnreach : 
   132         ((aError == EErrWaitTimeout ) ? KBrowserWaitTimeout : KErrNone);
   133     TRAP_IGNORE(brctl()->brCtlDialogsProvider()->DialogNotifyErrorL(error));
   134     StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->resourceLoaderDelegate()->httpSessionManager()->handleError(error);
   135     // the download manager handles coverage event in the Dl Mgr Server (KShutDownTimer = 30 sec).  
   136 }
   138 int HttpUiCallbacks::aboutToLoadPage(CBrCtl* brctl, int stateType)
   139 {
   140     int ret = KErrNone;
   141     TRAPD(err, ret = aboutToLoadPageL(brctl, stateType));
   142     return (err == KErrNone) ? ret : err;
   143 }
   145 int HttpUiCallbacks::aboutToLoadPageL(CBrCtl* brctl, int stateType)
   146 {
   147     TBool result ( ETrue );
   148     TEnterStatus enterStatus ( (TEnterStatus)stateType );
   149     TInt resId ( 0 ); // don't display a dialog,
   150     // event = 0 means, don't send an event. NOTE: TBrCtlDefs::EEventNone = 0
   151     TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlLoadEvent event ( TBrCtlDefs::EEventNone ) ;
   152     // Map TEnterStatus to a corresponding dialog string
   153   // resource IDs and browser load event
   154     switch (enterStatus)
   155     {
   156         case EExitingSecurePage:
   157             {
   158                 resId =  R_HTTPSEC_LEAVE_SECURE_SITE;
   159                 event = TBrCtlDefs::EEventExitingSecurePage;
   160                 break;
   161             }
   162         case EEnteringSecurePage:
   163             {
   164                 resId = R_HTTPSEC_ENTER_SECURE_SITE;
   165                 event = TBrCtlDefs::EEventEnteringSecurePage;
   166                 break;
   167             }
   168         case ESomeItemsNotSecure:
   169             {
   170                 resId = R_HTTPSEC_SOME_ITEMS_NOT_SECURE;
   171                 event = TBrCtlDefs::EEventSomeItemsNotSecure;
   172                 break;
   173             }
   174         case ESubmittingToNonSecurePage:
   175             {
   176                 resId = R_HTTPSEC_SUBMITTING_TO_NON_SECURE_PAGE;
   177                 event = TBrCtlDefs::EEventExitingSecurePage;
   178                 break;
   179             }
   180         case ERedirectConfirmation:
   181             {
   182                 resId = R_HTTP_REDIRECT_POST_CONFIRMATION;
   183                 event = TBrCtlDefs::EEventRedirectConfirmation;
   184                 break;
   185             }
   186         case ERepostConfirmation:
   187             {
   188                 resId = R_HTTP_REPOST_CONFIRMATION;
   189                 event = TBrCtlDefs::EEventRepostConfirmation;
   190                 break;
   191             }
   192         case ESecureItemInNonSecurePage:
   193             {
   194                 resId = 0;
   195                 event = TBrCtlDefs::EEventSecureItemInNonSecurePage;
   196                 break;
   197             }
   199         default:
   200             {
   201                 resId = 0;
   202                 event = TBrCtlDefs::EEventNone;
   203                 break;
   204             }
   205     }   // end of switch
   206     TUint retVal = brctl->settings()->brctlSetting(TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsSecurityWarnings);
   207     // Show dialogs only if warning dialogs are enabled in the preferences, and
   208     if (retVal && resId)
   209     {
   210         HBufC* message = StringLoader::LoadLC(resId);
   211         HBufC* leftMessage = NULL;
   212         HBufC* rightMessage = NULL;
   213         leftMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_TEXT_SOFTKEY_YES);
   214         rightMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_TEXT_SOFTKEY_NO);
   215         MBrCtlDialogsProvider* dialogsProvider = brctl->brCtlDialogsProvider();
   216         TRAPD(err, result = dialogsProvider->DialogConfirmL(KEmptyTitle,
   217             *message,
   218             *leftMessage,
   219             *rightMessage));
   220         // Clean up the memory we allocated, before returning
   221         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // message, leftMessage, rightMessage
   222         // Check to see if DialogConfirmL leaves
   223         if (err != KErrNone)
   224         {
   225             return KErrNoMemory;
   226         }
   227         // If the user selected "No" or "Cancel", we are cancelling the load
   228         if ( !result )
   229         {
   230             return KErrCancel;
   231         }
   232     }   // end of if
   233     if(result && event != TBrCtlDefs::EEventNone)
   234         // Send the BrowserLoadEvent to the registered listeners
   235     {
   236         brctl->HandleBrowserLoadEventL(event, 0, 0);
   237     }
   239     // The user selected "Yes" or "Continue" or we aren't displaying a dialog
   240     return KErrNone;
   241 }
   243 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 // HttpUiCallbacks::AuthenticationNeeded
   245 // Public Class Method
   246 // UI Call back to inform authentication is required
   247 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   248 //
   249 void HttpUiCallbacks::AuthenticationRequest(
   250     HttpConnection* aHttpConn,
   251     TPtr& aUri,
   252     TPtr& aUsername,
   253     TPtr& aRealm,
   254     bool aProxy,
   255     bool aDataExists,
   256     TPtr& aPassword,
   257     bool aBasicAuthentication )
   258     {
   259     TPtr usernamePtr(NULL, 0);
   260     TPtr passwordPtr(NULL, 0);
   261     TUint16* retUsername = NULL;
   262     TUint16* retPassword = NULL;
   263     int status( KErrNone );
   264     int error( KErrNone );
   265     // Check if authentication data exists
   266     // If Yes:
   267     if( !aDataExists )
   268         {
   269     //Get user authentication data
   270        TRAP(status, GetUserAuthenticationDataL(aHttpConn, aUri.Ptr(),
   271             aUsername.Ptr(), aRealm.Ptr(), &retUsername,
   272             &retPassword, aBasicAuthentication));
   273         switch (status)
   274             {
   275             case KErrNone:
   276                 {
   277                 if (retUsername )
   278                     {
   279                     usernamePtr.Set(retUsername, User::StringLength(retUsername),
   280                                     User::StringLength(retUsername));
   281                     }
   282                 if (retPassword != NULL)
   283                     {
   284                     passwordPtr.Set(retPassword, User::StringLength(retPassword),
   285                                     User::StringLength(retPassword));
   286                     }
   287                 break;
   288             }
   289             case KErrCancel:
   290                 {
   291                 error = KErrCancel;
   292                 break;
   293                 }
   294             case KErrNoMemory:
   295                 {
   296                 error = KErrNoMemory;
   297                 break;
   298                 }
   299             default:
   300                 {
   301                 error = KErrGeneral;
   302                 break;
   303                 }
   304             }
   305         }
   306     else
   307     // if aDataExists take the existing  uname/pwd again, because
   308     // they were ok, but nonce was expired.
   309     // Make a copy of the original uname/pwd.
   310         {
   311         retPassword = new TUint16 [aPassword.Length() + 1];
   312         if ( retPassword )
   313             {
   314             passwordPtr.Set(retPassword, aPassword.Length() + 1, aPassword.Length() + 1);
   315             passwordPtr.Copy(aPassword);
   316             passwordPtr.ZeroTerminate();
   317             retUsername = new TUint16 [aUsername.Length() + 1];
   318             if ( retUsername )
   319                 {
   320                 usernamePtr.Set(retUsername, aUsername.Length() + 1, aUsername.Length() + 1);
   321                 usernamePtr.Copy(aUsername);
   322                 usernamePtr.ZeroTerminate();
   323                 }
   324             else
   325                 {
   326                 passwordPtr.Set( NULL, 0, 0 );
   327                 delete [] retPassword;
   328                 retPassword = NULL;
   329                 error = KErrNoMemory;
   330                 }
   331             }
   332         else
   333             {
   334             error = KErrNoMemory;
   335             }
   336         }
   337     // send the credentials
   338     aHttpConn->AuthenticationResponse( usernamePtr, passwordPtr, aProxy, error);
   339     }
   341 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   342 // HttpUiCallbacks::NextUriL
   343 // Private Class Method
   344 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 void HttpUiCallbacks::NextUriL(const TDesC8& aUri, CBrCtl* brCtl)
   346 {
   347     HBufC16* urlDes = HBufC16::NewLC(aUri.Length());
   348     urlDes->Des().Copy(aUri);
   349     if (brCtl)
   350         brCtl->LoadUrlL (*urlDes, -1, TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeNormal);
   351     CleanupStack::Pop(urlDes);
   352 }
   354 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   355 // HttpUiCallbacks::GetUserAuthenticationDataL
   356 // Private Class Method
   357 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 void HttpUiCallbacks::GetUserAuthenticationDataL(
   359     HttpConnection* aHttpConn,
   360     const TUint16* aUri,
   361     const TUint16* aUsername,
   362     const TUint16* aRealm,
   363     TUint16** aRetUsername,
   364     TUint16** aRetPassword,
   365     bool aBasicAuthentication)
   366     {
   367     TBool bRet( EFalse );
   368     HBufC* returnedUserName = NULL;
   369     HBufC* returnedPasswd = NULL;
   370     // Initialize our return values
   371     *aRetUsername = NULL;
   372     *aRetPassword = NULL;
   373     TInt needPop ( 0 );
   375     CBrCtl* brCtl = control(aHttpConn->frame());
   376     MBrCtlDialogsProvider* dialogsProvider = brCtl->brCtlDialogsProvider();
   378     // Display the User Authentication Dialog
   379     bRet = dialogsProvider->DialogUserAuthenticationLC(TPtrC(aUri),
   380                                                        TPtrC(aRealm),
   381                                                        TPtrC(aUsername),
   382                                                        returnedUserName,
   383                                                        returnedPasswd,
   384                                                        aBasicAuthentication);
   386     TUint retVal ( 0 );
   387     TRAP_IGNORE( retVal = brCtl->BrowserSettingL(TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsSecurityWarnings));
   389     TUriParser uriParser;
   390     TBool secureScheme(EFalse);
   391     if(uriParser.Parse( TPtrC(aUri) ) == KErrNone)
   392         {
   393         if( uriParser.Extract( EUriScheme ).FindF( _L("https") ) == 0 )
   394             {
   395             secureScheme = ETrue;
   396             }
   397         }
   399     // Display the Basic Authentication dialog, if needed.
   400     if (bRet && aBasicAuthentication && retVal && !secureScheme)
   401         {
   402         // Our memory pointers for the basic authentication dialog
   403         HBufC* message = NULL;
   404         HBufC* okMsg = NULL;
   405         HBufC* cancelMsg = NULL;
   406         // Set up the message text
   407         message = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_BROWSER_QUERY_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION);
   408         // Set up the OK button text
   409         okMsg = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_WML_OK_BUTTON);
   410         // Set up the CANCEL button text
   411         cancelMsg = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_WML_CANCEL_BUTTON);
   412         // Display the basic authentication dialog
   413         if (message && okMsg && cancelMsg)
   414             {
   415             bRet = dialogsProvider->DialogConfirmL(KEmptyTitle, *message, *okMsg, *cancelMsg);
   416             }
   417         // Clean up the basic authentication dialog memory
   418         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // message, okMsg, cancelMsg
   419         }   // end of if (bRet && basic authentication && display security warnings)
   420     // The user selected "yes" or "continue", from the dialog(s).
   421     // Return the username and password.
   422     if (bRet)
   423         {
   424         // Set up the returned user name
   425         if (!returnedUserName)
   426             {
   427             *aRetUsername = NULL;
   428             }
   429         else
   430             {
   431             *aRetUsername = new(ELeave) TUint16[returnedUserName->Length() + 1];
   432             CleanupStack::PushL(*aRetUsername);
   433             needPop ++;
   435             TPtr usernamePtr(*aRetUsername, returnedUserName->Length() + 1);
   436             usernamePtr.Copy(*returnedUserName);
   437             usernamePtr.ZeroTerminate();
   438             }
   440         // Set up the returned password
   441         if (!returnedPasswd)
   442             {
   443             *aRetPassword = NULL;
   444             }
   445         else
   446             {
   447             *aRetPassword = new(ELeave) TUint16[returnedPasswd->Length() + 1];
   448             TPtr passwordPtr(*aRetPassword, returnedPasswd->Length() + 1);
   449             passwordPtr.Copy(*returnedPasswd);
   450             passwordPtr.ZeroTerminate();
   451             }
   452         }
   453     else
   454         {
   455         TRAP_IGNORE(brCtl->HandleBrowserLoadEventL(TBrCtlDefs::EEventAuthenticationFailed, 0, 0));
   456         }
   457     CleanupStack::Pop(needPop); // *aRetUsername
   459     // Clean up the memory from User Authentication dialog
   460     if (returnedUserName)
   461         {
   462         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // returnedUserName
   463         }
   464     if (returnedPasswd)
   465         {
   466         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // returnedPasswd
   467         }
   468     if (!bRet)
   469         {
   470         User::Leave(KErrCancel);
   471         }
   472     }
   474 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 // HttpUiCallbacks::reportError
   476 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 void HttpUiCallbacks::reportError(int error)
   478 {
   479     MBrCtlDialogsProvider* dialogsProvider = brctl()->brCtlDialogsProvider();
   480     if ( dialogsProvider )
   481     {
   482         TRAP_IGNORE(dialogsProvider->DialogNotifyErrorL(error));
   483     }
   484 }
   486 void HttpUiCallbacks::reportHttpError(int error, const TDesC& aText )
   487 {
   488     MBrCtlDialogsProvider* dialogsProvider = brctl()->brCtlDialogsProvider();
   489     if ( dialogsProvider )
   490     {
   491         TRAP_IGNORE(dialogsProvider->DialogNotifyHttpErrorL( error, aText ) );
   492     }
   493 }
   495 // end of file