changeset 0 dd21522fd290
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2  * This file is part of the WebKit project.
     3  *
     4  * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
     5  *
     6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
     8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     9  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    10  *
    11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    14  * Library General Public License for more details.
    15  *
    16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    17  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    18  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    19  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
    20  *
    21  */
    23 #include "config.h"
    24 #include "RenderThemeWin.h"
    26 #include <cairo-win32.h>
    27 #include "Document.h"
    28 #include "GraphicsContext.h"
    30 /* 
    31  * The following constants are used to determine how a widget is drawn using
    32  * Windows' Theme API. For more information on theme parts and states see
    33  * http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/commctls/userex/topics/partsandstates.asp
    34  */
    35 #define THEME_COLOR 204
    36 #define THEME_FONT  210
    38 // Generic state constants
    39 #define TS_NORMAL    1
    40 #define TS_HOVER     2
    41 #define TS_ACTIVE    3
    42 #define TS_DISABLED  4
    43 #define TS_FOCUSED   5
    45 // Button constants
    46 #define BP_BUTTON    1
    47 #define BP_RADIO     2
    48 #define BP_CHECKBOX  3
    50 // Textfield constants
    51 #define TFP_TEXTFIELD 1
    52 #define TFS_READONLY  6
    54 // Combobox constants
    55 #define CP_DROPDOWNBUTTON 1
    57 typedef HANDLE (WINAPI*openThemeDataPtr)(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassList);
    58 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI*closeThemeDataPtr)(HANDLE hTheme);
    59 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI*drawThemeBackgroundPtr)(HANDLE hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, 
    60                                           int iStateId, const RECT *pRect,
    61                                           const RECT* pClipRect);
    62 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI*drawThemeEdgePtr)(HANDLE hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, 
    63                                           int iStateId, const RECT *pRect,
    64                                           unsigned uEdge, unsigned uFlags,
    65                                           const RECT* pClipRect);
    66 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI*getThemeContentRectPtr)(HANDLE hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId,
    67                                           int iStateId, const RECT* pRect,
    68                                           RECT* pContentRect);
    69 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI*getThemePartSizePtr)(HANDLE hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId,
    70                                        int iStateId, RECT* prc, int ts,
    71                                        SIZE* psz);
    72 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI*getThemeSysFontPtr)(HANDLE hTheme, int iFontId, OUT LOGFONT* pFont);
    73 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI*getThemeColorPtr)(HANDLE hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId,
    74                                    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT COLORREF* pFont);
    76 static openThemeDataPtr openTheme = 0;
    77 static closeThemeDataPtr closeTheme = 0;
    78 static drawThemeBackgroundPtr drawThemeBG = 0;
    79 static drawThemeEdgePtr drawThemeEdge = 0;
    80 static getThemeContentRectPtr getThemeContentRect = 0;
    81 static getThemePartSizePtr getThemePartSize = 0;
    82 static getThemeSysFontPtr getThemeSysFont = 0;
    83 static getThemeColorPtr getThemeColor = 0;
    85 namespace WebCore {
    87 RenderTheme* theme()
    88 {
    89     static RenderThemeWin winTheme;
    90     return &winTheme;
    91 }
    93 RenderThemeWin::RenderThemeWin()
    94 :m_themeDLL(0), m_buttonTheme(0), m_textFieldTheme(0), m_menuListTheme(0)
    95 {
    96     m_themeDLL = ::LoadLibrary(L"uxtheme.dll");
    97     if (m_themeDLL) {
    98         openTheme = (openThemeDataPtr)GetProcAddress(m_themeDLL, "OpenThemeData");
    99         closeTheme = (closeThemeDataPtr)GetProcAddress(m_themeDLL, "CloseThemeData");
   100         drawThemeBG = (drawThemeBackgroundPtr)GetProcAddress(m_themeDLL, "DrawThemeBackground");
   101         drawThemeEdge = (drawThemeEdgePtr)GetProcAddress(m_themeDLL, "DrawThemeEdge");
   102         getThemeContentRect = (getThemeContentRectPtr)GetProcAddress(m_themeDLL, "GetThemeBackgroundContentRect");
   103         getThemePartSize = (getThemePartSizePtr)GetProcAddress(m_themeDLL, "GetThemePartSize");
   104         getThemeSysFont = (getThemeSysFontPtr)GetProcAddress(m_themeDLL, "GetThemeSysFont");
   105         getThemeColor = (getThemeColorPtr)GetProcAddress(m_themeDLL, "GetThemeColor");
   106     }
   107 }
   109 RenderThemeWin::~RenderThemeWin()
   110 {
   111     if (!m_themeDLL)
   112         return;
   114     close();
   116     ::FreeLibrary(m_themeDLL);
   117 }
   119 void RenderThemeWin::close()
   120 {
   121     // This method will need to be called when the OS theme changes to flush our cached themes.
   122     if (m_buttonTheme)
   123         closeTheme(m_buttonTheme);
   124     if (m_textFieldTheme)
   125         closeTheme(m_textFieldTheme);
   126     if (m_menuListTheme)
   127         closeTheme(m_menuListTheme);
   128     m_buttonTheme = m_textFieldTheme = m_menuListTheme = 0;
   129 }
   131 Color RenderThemeWin::platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const
   132 {
   133     COLORREF color = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
   134     return Color(GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color), 255);
   135 }
   137 Color RenderThemeWin::platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const
   138 {
   139     COLORREF color = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
   140     return Color(GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color), 255);
   141 }
   143 Color RenderThemeWin::platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor() const
   144 {
   145     COLORREF color = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
   146     return Color(GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color), 255);
   147 }
   149 Color RenderThemeWin::platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor() const
   150 {
   151     return Color::white;
   152 }
   154 bool RenderThemeWin::supportsFocus(EAppearance appearance)
   155 {
   156     switch (appearance) {
   157         case PushButtonAppearance:
   158         case ButtonAppearance:
   159         case TextFieldAppearance:
   160         case TextAreaAppearance:
   161             return true;
   162         default:
   163             return false;
   164     }
   166     return false;
   167 }
   169 unsigned RenderThemeWin::determineState(RenderObject* o)
   170 {
   171     unsigned result = TS_NORMAL;
   172     if (!isEnabled(o))
   173         result = TS_DISABLED;
   174     else if (isReadOnlyControl(o))
   175         result = TFS_READONLY; // Readonly is supported on textfields.
   176     else if (supportsFocus(o->style()->appearance()) && isFocused(o))
   177         result = TS_FOCUSED;
   178     else if (isPressed(o)) // Active overrides hover.
   179         result = TS_ACTIVE;
   180     else if (isHovered(o))
   181         result = TS_HOVER;
   182     if (isChecked(o))
   183         result += 4; // 4 unchecked states, 4 checked states.
   184     return result;
   185 }
   187 unsigned RenderThemeWin::determineClassicState(RenderObject* o)
   188 {
   189     unsigned result = 0;
   190     if (!isEnabled(o) || isReadOnlyControl(o))
   191         result = DFCS_INACTIVE;
   192     else if (isPressed(o)) // Active supersedes hover
   193         result = DFCS_PUSHED;
   194     else if (isHovered(o))
   195         result = DFCS_HOT;
   196     if (isChecked(o))
   197         result |= DFCS_CHECKED;
   198     return result;
   199 }
   201 ThemeData RenderThemeWin::getThemeData(RenderObject* o)
   202 {
   203     ThemeData result;
   204     switch (o->style()->appearance()) {
   205         case PushButtonAppearance:
   206         case ButtonAppearance:
   207             result.m_part = BP_BUTTON;
   208             result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONPUSH;
   209             break;
   210         case CheckboxAppearance:
   211             result.m_part = BP_CHECKBOX;
   212             result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONCHECK;
   213             break;
   214         case RadioAppearance:
   215             result.m_part = BP_RADIO;
   216             result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONRADIO;
   217             break;
   218         case ListboxAppearance:
   219         case MenulistAppearance:
   220         case TextFieldAppearance:
   221         case TextAreaAppearance:
   222             result.m_part = TFP_TEXTFIELD;
   223             break;
   224     }
   226     result.m_state = determineState(o);
   227     result.m_classicState |= determineClassicState(o);
   229     return result;
   230 }
   232 // May need to add stuff to these later, so keep the graphics context retrieval/release in some helpers.
   233 static HDC prepareForDrawing(GraphicsContext* g)
   234 {
   235     return g->getWindowsContext();
   236 }
   238 static void doneDrawing(GraphicsContext* g, HDC hdc)
   239 {
   240     g->releaseWindowsContext(hdc);
   241 }
   243 bool RenderThemeWin::paintButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
   244 {
   245     // Get the correct theme data for a button
   246     ThemeData themeData = getThemeData(o);
   248     // Now paint the button.
   249     HDC hdc = prepareForDrawing(i.context);  
   250     RECT widgetRect = r;
   251     if (m_themeDLL && !m_buttonTheme)
   252         m_buttonTheme = openTheme(0, L"Button");
   253     if (m_buttonTheme && drawThemeBG) {
   254         drawThemeBG(m_buttonTheme, hdc, themeData.m_part, themeData.m_state, &widgetRect, NULL);
   255     } else {
   256         if ((themeData.m_part == BP_BUTTON) && isFocused(o)) {
   257             // Draw black focus rect around button outer edge
   258             HBRUSH brush = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW);
   259             if (brush) {
   260                 FrameRect(hdc, &widgetRect, brush);
   261                 InflateRect(&widgetRect, -1, -1);
   262             }
   263         }
   264         DrawFrameControl(hdc, &widgetRect, DFC_BUTTON, themeData.m_classicState);
   265         if ((themeData.m_part != BP_BUTTON) && isFocused(o)) {
   266             DrawFocusRect(hdc, &widgetRect);
   267         }
   268     }
   269     doneDrawing(i.context, hdc);
   271     return false;
   272 }
   274 void RenderThemeWin::setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle* style) const
   275 {
   276     // If the width and height are both specified, then we have nothing to do.
   277     if (!style->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto() && !style->height().isAuto())
   278         return;
   280     // FIXME:  A hard-coded size of 13 is used.  This is wrong but necessary for now.  It matches Firefox.
   281     // At different DPI settings on Windows, querying the theme gives you a larger size that accounts for
   282     // the higher DPI.  Until our entire engine honors a DPI setting other than 96, we can't rely on the theme's
   283     // metrics.
   284     if (style->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto())
   285         style->setWidth(Length(13, Fixed));
   286     if (style->height().isAuto())
   287         style->setHeight(Length(13, Fixed));
   288 }
   290 bool RenderThemeWin::paintTextField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
   291 {
   292     // Get the correct theme data for a textfield
   293     ThemeData themeData = getThemeData(o);
   295     // Now paint the text field.
   296     HDC hdc = prepareForDrawing(i.context);
   297     RECT widgetRect = r;
   298     if (m_themeDLL && !m_textFieldTheme)
   299         m_textFieldTheme = openTheme(0, L"Edit");
   300     if (m_textFieldTheme && drawThemeBG) {
   301         drawThemeBG(m_textFieldTheme, hdc, themeData.m_part, themeData.m_state, &widgetRect, NULL);
   302     } else {
   303         DrawEdge(hdc, &widgetRect, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_RECT | BF_ADJUST);
   304         FillRect(hdc, &widgetRect, reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(((themeData.m_classicState & DFCS_INACTIVE) ? COLOR_BTNFACE : COLOR_WINDOW) + 1));
   305     }
   306     doneDrawing(i.context, hdc);
   308     return false;
   309 }
   311 void RenderThemeWin::adjustMenuListStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
   312 {
   313     // Height is locked to auto.
   314     style->setHeight(Length(Auto));
   316     // White-space is locked to pre
   317     style->setWhiteSpace(PRE);
   319     // Add in the padding that we'd like to use.
   320     const int buttonWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
   321     style->setPaddingLeft(Length(2, Fixed));
   322     style->setPaddingRight(Length(buttonWidth + 2, Fixed));
   323     style->setPaddingTop(Length(1, Fixed));
   324     style->setPaddingBottom(Length(1, Fixed));
   325 }
   327 bool RenderThemeWin::paintMenuList(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
   328 {
   329     // FIXME: All these inflate() calls are bogus, causing painting problems,
   330     // as well as sizing wackiness in Classic mode
   331     IntRect editRect(r);
   332     paintTextField(o, i, editRect);
   334     const int buttonWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
   335     IntRect buttonRect(r.right() - buttonWidth - 1, r.y(), buttonWidth, r.height());
   336     buttonRect.inflateY(-1);
   337     paintMenuListButton(o, i, buttonRect);
   339     return false;
   340 }
   342 bool RenderThemeWin::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
   343 {
   344     HDC hdc = prepareForDrawing(i.context);
   345     RECT widgetRect = r;
   346     if (m_themeDLL && !m_menuListTheme)
   347         m_menuListTheme = openTheme(0, L"Combobox");
   348     if (m_menuListTheme && drawThemeBG)
   349         drawThemeBG(m_menuListTheme, hdc, CP_DROPDOWNBUTTON, determineState(o), &widgetRect, NULL);
   350     else
   351         DrawFrameControl(hdc, &widgetRect, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOX | determineClassicState(o));
   352     doneDrawing(i.context, hdc);
   354     return false;
   355 }
   357 }