1 # the following come from WebCore 2006-04-15 (WebKit/WebCore/html/HTMLNames.h) |
2 |
3 abbr |
4 accept |
5 accept_charset |
6 accesskey |
7 action |
8 align |
9 alink |
10 alt |
11 archive |
12 autocomplete |
13 autosave |
14 axis |
15 background |
16 behavior |
17 bgcolor |
18 bgproperties |
19 border |
20 bordercolor |
21 cellborder |
22 cellpadding |
23 cellspacing |
24 challenge |
25 char |
26 charoff |
27 charset |
28 checked |
29 cite |
30 class |
31 classid |
32 clear |
33 code |
34 codebase |
35 codetype |
36 color |
37 cols |
38 colspan |
39 compact |
40 composite |
41 content |
42 contenteditable |
43 coords |
44 data |
45 datetime |
46 declare |
47 defer |
48 dir |
49 direction |
50 disabled |
51 enctype |
52 face |
53 for |
54 frame |
55 frameborder |
56 headers |
57 height |
58 hidden |
59 href |
60 hreflang |
61 hspace |
62 http_equiv |
63 id |
64 incremental |
65 ismap |
66 keytype |
67 label |
68 lang |
69 language |
70 left |
71 leftmargin |
72 link |
73 longdesc |
74 loop |
75 marginheight |
76 marginwidth |
77 max |
78 maxlength |
79 mayscript |
80 media |
81 method |
82 min |
83 multiple |
84 name |
85 nohref |
86 noresize |
87 noshade |
88 nowrap |
89 object |
90 onabort |
91 onbeforecopy |
92 onbeforecut |
93 onbeforepaste |
94 onbeforeunload |
95 onblur |
96 onchange |
97 onclick |
98 oncontextmenu |
99 oncopy |
100 oncut |
101 ondblclick |
102 ondrag |
103 ondragend |
104 ondragenter |
105 ondragleave |
106 ondragover |
107 ondragstart |
108 ondrop |
109 onerror |
110 onfocus |
111 oninput |
112 onkeydown |
113 onkeypress |
114 onkeyup |
115 onload |
116 onmousedown |
117 onmousemove |
118 onmouseout |
119 onmouseover |
120 onmouseup |
121 onmousewheel |
122 onpaste |
123 onreset |
124 onresize |
125 onscroll |
126 onsearch |
127 onselect |
128 onselectstart |
129 onsubmit |
130 onunload |
131 pagex |
132 pagey |
133 placeholder |
134 plain |
135 pluginpage |
136 pluginspage |
137 pluginurl |
138 precision |
139 profile |
140 prompt |
141 readonly |
142 rel |
143 results |
144 rev |
145 rows |
146 rowspan |
147 rules |
148 scheme |
149 scope |
150 scrollamount |
151 scrolldelay |
152 scrolling |
153 selected |
154 shape |
155 size |
156 span |
157 src |
158 standby |
159 start |
160 style |
161 summary |
162 tabindex |
163 tableborder |
164 target |
165 text |
166 title |
167 top |
168 topmargin |
169 truespeed |
170 type |
171 usemap |
172 valign |
173 value |
174 valuetype |
175 version |
176 vlink |
177 vspace |
178 width |
179 wrap |
180 |
181 # was in khtml in 2004, but is no longer in WebCore |
182 accept-charset |
183 html |
184 http-equiv |
185 nosave |
186 oversrc |
187 unknown |
188 visibility |
189 z-index |
190 |
191 # From Mozilla CVS 2006-04-15 (mozilla/layout/style/xbl-marquee) |
192 bounce |
193 finish |
194 onbounce |
195 onfinish |
196 onstart |
197 |
198 |
199 # IE specific, from msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/properties |
200 acceptcharset |
201 allowtransparency |
202 balance |
203 choff |
204 datafld |
205 dataformatas |
206 datapagesize |
207 datasrc |
208 dynsrc |
209 framespacing |
210 galleryimg |
211 hidefocus |
212 methods |
213 scroll |
214 units |
215 urn |
216 volume |
217 |
218 # From Mozilla CVS 2006-04-15 (mozilla/content/base/src/nsGkAtomList.h) |
219 # To get these, I used: |
220 # ggrep -r "Get.*Attr" * | perl -ne 'if (/nsHTMLAtoms::(\w+)/) { \ |
221 # system("grep \\($1, content/base/src/nsGkAtomList.h"); }' \ |
222 # | cut -d\" -f2 | sort -u |
223 autocheck |
224 base |
225 bottommargin |
226 event |
227 font-weight |
228 handler |
229 layout |
230 observer |
231 ping |
232 point-size |
233 rightmargin |
234 variable |
235 |
236 # events from Mozilla CVS 2006-04-15 (mozilla/content/base/src/nsGkAtomList.h) |
237 # cat nsGkAtomList.h | grep GK_ATOM | cut -d\" -f2 | egrep "^on[a-z]+" |
238 onzoom |
239 onunderflow |
240 ontext |
241 onset |
242 onpopupshown |
243 onpopupshowing |
244 onpopuphiding |
245 onpopuphidden |
246 onpaint |
247 onpageshow |
248 onpagehide |
249 onoverflowchanged |
250 onoverflow |
251 onget |
252 ondraggesture |
253 ondragexit |
254 ondragdrop |
255 oncompositionstart |
256 oncompositionend |
257 oncommandupdate |
258 oncommand |
259 onclose |