changeset 65 5bfc169077b2
parent 42 d39add9822e2
child 66 cacf6ee57968
--- a/webengine/webkitutils/stmgesturefw/src/stateengine.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:56:45 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1159 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include "stateengine.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "uievent.h"
-#include "uieventsender.h"
-#include "filelogger.h"
-//#include "flogger.h"
-using namespace stmUiEventEngine ;
-  State definitions glue together the methods of the stateengine.cpp
-  so that it will behave as defined in the state machine specification.
-  First define the separate elements for each possible event and then tie them together
-  to create one state entry.  The state entries then are put to array
-  where the index is at the same time also the state ID.
-  STATE_ELEMENT arrays define the methods called when handling a message.
-  Note that the last row of STATE_ELEMENT array must NOT have a ConditionFunction entry
-  and it must have a NextState entry != Eignore.  Otherwise the state machine will
-  not behave correctly.
- */
-/*! Add macro with token pasting to make creation of the state machine tables easier
-   and removing the necessity to write the classname twice.
-   Maybe there would be some better way to do this using templates and typedefs?
- */
-#define CND(x) isF<CStateEngine,&CStateEngine::##x>
-#define ACT(x) aF<CStateEngine,&CStateEngine::##x>
- * empty statedef as a dummy entry
- *  */
-const STATE_ELEMENT __ErrorEvent[1] = {
-        0,
-        ACT(ErrorEvent),
-        EInit
-const STATE Ignore__[1] = {
-        EDown,          __ErrorEvent
-} ;
-  :INIT state and its event specific elements
-  See the spec in http://wikis.in.nokia.com/Runtimes/NewGestureLibrary
-  Down is only valid event in :INIT state
-  The event is consumed immediately, so that the state machine will process only these
-  methods when processing the message.
-  If touch timer has been set, the next state is InTouchTime.
-  If no touch timer, but if hold timer has been defined, the next state is InHoldTime_U
-  If no touch or hold timer have been defined, but touch area has been defined, next state is InTouchArea.
-  11-May-2009: addition: add another touch area: one for touch time and one for touch area after touch time
-  has elapsed.  This allows "sloppy" touch to be handled properly without extra move if touchtimearea is larger,
-  but after touch has been detected a smaller movement is allowed.
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT Init__Down[12] = {
-        0,                  ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(SetGestureStart), Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(SetCurrentPos),   Eignore,
-        CND(IsTouchTimer),  ACT(InitTouchTimer),  Eignore,
-        CND(IsHoldTimer),   ACT(InitHoldTimer),   Eignore,
-        CND(IsTouchTimeArea),   ACT(PrepareTouchTimeArea),Eignore,
-        CND(IsHoldArea),    ACT(PrepareHoldArea) ,Eignore,
-        CND(IsTouchTimer),  0,                    EInTouchTime,
-        0,                  ACT(ProduceTouch),    Eignore,
-        CND(IsHoldTimer),   0,                    EInHoldTime_U,
-        CND(IsTouchArea),   ACT(PrepareTouchArea),EInTouchArea,
-        0,                  0,                    EDispatch             // If nothing else happens, goto to Dispatch state
- * All the rest of the events are errors so produce error entry to log and
- * stay in the Init state
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT Init__ErrorEvent[2] = {
-        0,              ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,  // remember to consume event, otherwise state machine will loop...
-        0,              ACT(ErrorEvent),      EInit
- * :INIT
- * note that only valid event is DOWN, all the rest can be handled as errors
- */
-const STATE Init__[7] = {
-        EDown,          Init__Down,
-        EDrag,          Init__ErrorEvent,
-        ECapacitiveUP,  Init__ErrorEvent,
-        EResistiveUP,   Init__ErrorEvent,
-        ETouchTimer,    Init__ErrorEvent,
-        EHoldTimer,     Init__ErrorEvent,
-        ESuppressTimer, Init__ErrorEvent
- *  :Dispatch state end its elements
- *  Here the valid events are DRAG and the UP events.
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT Dispatch__Drag[7] = {
-        0,                  ACT(StoreMovePos),    Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(SetCurrentPos),   Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(AddDraggingPos),  Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(ProduceMove),     Eignore,
-        CND(LooksLikeHold), ACT(InitHoldTimer),EInHoldTime_U,
-        0,                  0,                    EDispatch
-} ;
-const STATE_ELEMENT Dispatch__CapacitiveUp[3] = {
-        0,                  ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(SetCurrentPos),   Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(ProduceRelease),  EInit
-} ;
-const STATE_ELEMENT Dispatch__ResistiveUp[4] = {
-        0,                   ACT(ConsumeEvent),       Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(SetCurrentPos),   Eignore,
-        CND(IsSuppressTimer),ACT(InitMoveSuppressTimer),  ESuppress_D,
-        0,                   ACT(ProduceRelease),     EInit
-} ;
- * All the rest of the events are errors so produce error entry to log and
- * stay in the Dispatch state
- * (TODO: note that in the future we may further
- * define the error cases so that they may change state; )
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT DispatchErrorEvent[2] = {
-        0,              ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,  // remember to consume event, otherwise state machine will loop...
-        0,              ACT(ErrorEvent),      EDispatch
-const STATE Dispatch__[7] = {
-        EDown,          DispatchErrorEvent,
-        EDrag,          Dispatch__Drag,
-        ECapacitiveUP,  Dispatch__CapacitiveUp,
-        EResistiveUP,   Dispatch__ResistiveUp,
-        ETouchTimer,    DispatchErrorEvent,
-        EHoldTimer,     DispatchErrorEvent,
-        ESuppressTimer, DispatchErrorEvent
- *  :InTouchTime state end its elements
- *  Here the valid events are DRAG and the UP events and the TouchTimer
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchTime__Drag[6] = {
-        0,                  ACT(StoreMovePos),    Eignore,
-        CND(InsideTouchTimeArea), ACT(ConsumeEvent),      Eignore,
-        CND(InsideTouchTimeArea), ACT(AddToTouch),        EInTouchTime,     // Calculate touch XY as average of the touches
-        0,                    ACT(ClearTouchTimer),   Eignore,          // These lines are done only if InsideTouchArea returns false
-        0,                    ACT(ClearHoldTimer),    Eignore,
-        0,                    ACT(ProduceTouch),      EDispatch
-} ;
- * Note that ConsumeEvent is missing so after doing this the state engine will do EDispatch
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchTime__CapacitiveUp[4] = {
-        0,                  ACT(SetCurrentPos),       Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(ClearTouchTimer),     Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(ClearHoldTimer),      Eignore,
-        0,                  ACT(ProduceTouch),        EDispatch
-} ;
- * Note that ConsumeEvent is not called if IsHoldTimer returns false, so the Dispatch will be done
- * by the state machine.
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchTime__ResistiveUp[5] = {
-        0,                   ACT(SetCurrentPos),   Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ClearTouchTimer),    Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ProduceTouch),       Eignore,
-        CND(IsHoldTimer),    0, /*ACT(ConsumeEvent),*/EInHoldTime_U,    // Note that otherwise immediate UP is handled improperly
-        0,                   0,                       EDispatch
-} ;
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchTime__TouchTimer[6] = {
-        0,                   ACT(ConsumeEvent),       Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ClearTouchTimer),    Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ProduceTouch),       Eignore,
-        CND(IsTouchArea),    ACT(PrepareTouchArea),Eignore,         // prepare the other touch area
-        CND(IsHoldTimer),    0,                       EInHoldTime_U,
-        0,                   0,                     EInTouchArea
-} ;
- * All the rest of the events are errors so produce error entry to log and
- * stay in the InTouchTime state
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchTimeErrorEvent[2] = {
-        0,              ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,  // remember to consume event, otherwise state machine will loop...
-        0,              ACT(ErrorEvent),      EInTouchTime
-const STATE InTouchTime__[7] = {
-        EDown,          InTouchTimeErrorEvent,
-        EDrag,          InTouchTime__Drag,
-        ECapacitiveUP,  InTouchTime__CapacitiveUp,
-        EResistiveUP,   InTouchTime__ResistiveUp,
-        ETouchTimer,    InTouchTime__TouchTimer,
-        EHoldTimer,     InTouchTimeErrorEvent,
-        ESuppressTimer, InTouchTimeErrorEvent
- *  :InHoldTime_U state end its elements
- *  Here only touch timer event is invalid
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_U__Down[1] = {
-        0,                    0,      EInHoldTime_D  // Note that ConsumeEvent is not called
-} ;
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_U__Drag[3] = {
-        0,                  ACT(StoreMovePos),    Eignore,
-        CND(InsideHoldArea), ACT(ConsumeEvent),       EInHoldTime_U,
-        0,                    ACT(ClearHoldTimer),    EDispatch     // Note that in this case ConsumeEvent is not called
-} ;
- * Note that ConsumeEvent is missing so after doing this the state engine will do EDispatch
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_U__CapacitiveUp[1] = {
-        0,                  ACT(ClearHoldTimer),      EDispatch     // Note that ConsumeEvent not called
-} ;
- *
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_U__ResistiveUp[5] = {
-        0,                   ACT(ConsumeEvent),  Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(SetCurrentPos),   Eignore,
-        CND(IsSuppressTimer),ACT(InitTouchSuppressTimer),  EInHoldTime_D,   // If suppression, start timer and wait for down or timer
-        0,                   ACT(ClearHoldTimer), Eignore,  // remember to do this
-        0,                   ACT(ProduceRelease), EInit     // No suppression, then this is immediate release
-} ;
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_U__HoldTimer[3] = {
-        0,                   ACT(ConsumeEvent),       Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ProduceHold),        Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(RestartHoldTimer),   EInHoldTime_U,
-} ;
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_U__SuppressTimer[2] = {
-        0,              ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,  // remember to consume event, otherwise state machine will loop...
-        0,              ACT(ErrorEvent),      EInHoldTime_U
-} ;
- * All the rest of the events are errors so produce error entry to log and
- * stay in the InHoldTime_U state
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_UErrorEvent[2] = {
-        0,              ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,  // remember to consume event, otherwise state machine will loop...
-        0,              ACT(ErrorEvent),      EInHoldTime_U
-const STATE InHoldTime_U__[7] = {
-        EDown,          InHoldTime_U__Down,
-        EDrag,          InHoldTime_U__Drag,
-        ECapacitiveUP,  InHoldTime_U__CapacitiveUp,
-        EResistiveUP,   InHoldTime_U__ResistiveUp,
-        ETouchTimer,    InHoldTime_UErrorEvent,
-        EHoldTimer,     InHoldTime_U__HoldTimer,
-        ESuppressTimer, InHoldTime_U__SuppressTimer
- *  :InHoldTime_D state end its elements
- *  Here drag, touch timer and suppress timer events are invalid
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_D__Down[5] = {
-        0,                    ACT(ClearSuppressTimer),    Eignore,
-        0,                    ACT(ConsumeEvent),      Eignore,
-        CND(InsideHoldArea),  0,                      EInHoldTime_U,
-        0,                    ACT(ClearHoldTimer),    Eignore,
-        0,                    ACT(ProduceMove),       EDispatch
-} ;
- * Note that ConsumeEvent is missing so after doing this the state engine will do InHoldTime_U
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_D__CapacitiveUp[1] = {
-        0,                  0,    EInHoldTime_U
-} ;
- * Note that ConsumeEvent is missing so after doing this the state engine will do InHoldTime_U
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_D__ResistiveUp[1] = {
-        0,                  0,    EInHoldTime_U     // InHoldTime_U initialises timers etc. if needed
-} ;
- * In case of hold timer has been elapsed stop the timers, generate Release UI event.
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_D__HoldTimer[4] = {
-        0,                   ACT(ConsumeEvent),       Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ClearSuppressTimer), Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ClearHoldTimer),     Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ProduceRelease),     EInit,
-} ;
- * If suppress timer hits, stop the timers and generate Release UI event.
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_D__SuppressTimer[4] = {
-        0,                   ACT(ConsumeEvent),       Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ClearSuppressTimer), Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ClearHoldTimer),     Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ProduceRelease),     EInit,
-} ;
- * All the rest of the events are errors so produce error entry to log and
- * stay in the InHoldTime_D state
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InHoldTime_DErrorEvent[2] = {
-        0,              ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,  // remember to consume event, otherwise state machine will loop...
-        0,              ACT(ErrorEvent),      EInHoldTime_D
-const STATE InHoldTime_D__[7] = {
-        EDown,          InHoldTime_D__Down,
-        EDrag,          InHoldTime_DErrorEvent,
-        ECapacitiveUP,  InHoldTime_D__CapacitiveUp,
-        EResistiveUP,   InHoldTime_D__ResistiveUp,
-        ETouchTimer,    InHoldTime_DErrorEvent,
-        EHoldTimer,     InHoldTime_D__HoldTimer,
-        ESuppressTimer, InHoldTime_D__SuppressTimer
- *  :InTouchArea state end its elements
- *  Here Drag and Up events are valid.
- *  If drag is inside touch are it is ignored, otherwise
- *  the Dispatch state will handle the event.
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchArea__Drag[3] = {
-        0,                  ACT(StoreMovePos),    Eignore,
-        CND(InsideTouchArea), ACT(ConsumeEvent),     EInTouchArea,
-        0,                    0,                     EDispatch  // Note that in this case ConsumeEvent has not been called so Dispatch state processes the message
-} ;
- * Note that ConsumeEvent is missing so after doing this the state engine will do Dispatch
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchArea__CapacitiveUp[1] = {
-        0,                  0,    EDispatch
-} ;
- * Note that ConsumeEvent is missing so after doing this the state engine will do Dispatch
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchArea__ResistiveUp[1] = {
-        0,                  0,    EDispatch
-} ;
- * All the rest of the events are errors so produce error entry to log and
- * stay in the InTouchArea state
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT InTouchAreaErrorEvent[2] = {
-        0,              ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,  // remember to consume event, otherwise state machine will loop...
-        0,              ACT(ErrorEvent),      EInTouchArea
-const STATE InTouchArea__[7] = {
-        EDown,          InTouchAreaErrorEvent,
-        EDrag,          InTouchArea__Drag,
-        ECapacitiveUP,  InTouchArea__CapacitiveUp,
-        EResistiveUP,   InTouchArea__ResistiveUp,
-        ETouchTimer,    InTouchAreaErrorEvent,
-        EHoldTimer,     InTouchAreaErrorEvent,
-        ESuppressTimer, InTouchAreaErrorEvent
- *  :Suppress_D state end its elements
- *  Here Down and suppress timers are OK.
- */
- * Down will be handled as a Drag event in the Dispatch state.
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT Suppress_D__Down[4] = {
-        0,           ACT(ClearSuppressTimer),    Eignore,
-        0,           ACT(RenameToDrag),          EDispatch
-} ;
- * Suppress timer will generate Release UI event.
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT Suppress_D__SuppressTimer[3] = {
-        0,                   ACT(ConsumeEvent),       Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ClearSuppressTimer), Eignore,
-        0,                   ACT(ProduceRelease),     EInit,
-} ;
- * All the rest of the events are errors so produce error entry to log and
- * stay in the Suppress_D state
- */
-const STATE_ELEMENT Suppress_DErrorEvent[2] = {
-        0,              ACT(ConsumeEvent),    Eignore,  // remember to consume event, otherwise state machine will loop...
-        0,              ACT(ErrorEvent),      ESuppress_D
-const STATE Suppress_D__[7] = {
-        EDown,          Suppress_D__Down,
-        EDrag,          Suppress_DErrorEvent,
-        ECapacitiveUP,  Suppress_DErrorEvent,
-        EResistiveUP,   Suppress_DErrorEvent,
-        ETouchTimer,    Suppress_DErrorEvent,
-        EHoldTimer,     Suppress_DErrorEvent,
-        ESuppressTimer, Suppress_D__SuppressTimer
- * The allStates array contains all the possible states of the state machine.
- */
-const STATE* const allStates[8] =
-        Ignore__,
-        Init__,
-        Dispatch__,
-        InTouchTime__,
-        InHoldTime_U__,
-        InHoldTime_D__,
-        InTouchArea__,
-        Suppress_D__
- * stateNames are used in the logging
- */
-const char* const stateNames[8] =
-        "Ignore",
-        "Init",
-        "Dispatch",
-        "InTouchTime",
-        "InHoldTime_U",
-        "InHoldTime_D",
-        "InTouchArea",
-        "Suppress"
-// event names are also used in logging
-const char* const hweventNames[] = {
-        "EDown",
-        "EDrag",
-        "ECapacitiveUP",
-        "EResistiveUP",
-        "ETouchTimer",
-        "EHoldTimer",
-        "ESuppressTimer"
-} ;
-/*! CStateEngine contains the methods used in the state machine implementation.
- *
- *  The methods in CStateEngine used in the state machine definition are
- *  either condition methods or action methods.
- *
- *  Constructor
- *  \param[in]: MTimerInterface atimerif.  An attempt to make this more OS agnostic the actual
- *  timers are accessed using a separate interface.
- */
-CStateEngine::CStateEngine(CStateEngineConfiguration* aConfig, MTimerInterface* atimerif, int aIndex)
-    m_config = aConfig ;
-    m_timerif = atimerif ;
-    m_currentState = EInit ;
-    m_index = aIndex ;
-    // Just to be sure...
-    iTouchPoints.Reset() ;
-    iDragPoints.ResetAndDestroy() ;
- * ConsumeEvent: the method defines that the turnStateMachine will stop the processing
- * of the state methods after it has reached the next state.
- *
- */
-void CStateEngine::ConsumeEvent()
-    m_eventConsumed = true ;
- * Condition method
- * \return true, if the touch timer limit > 0
- */
-bool CStateEngine::IsTouchTimer()
-    bool isit =  (m_config->m_touchTimerLimit > 0) ;
-    return isit ;
- * Condition method
- * \return true, if the hold timer limit > 0
- */
-bool CStateEngine::IsHoldTimer()
-    bool isit =  (m_config->m_holdTimerLimit > 0) ;
-    return isit ;
- * Condition method
- * \return true, if the suppress timer limit > 0
- */
-bool CStateEngine::IsSuppressTimer()
-    bool isit =  (m_config->m_suppressTimerLimit > 0) ;
-    return isit ;
- * Condition method
- * \return true, if the touch area has been defined (the touch tolerancelength > 0)
- */
-bool CStateEngine::IsTouchTimeArea()
-    bool isit = (m_config->m_touchTimeTolerance.iX > 0) ;
-    return isit  ;
- * Condition method
- * \return true, if the touch area has been defined (the touch tolerancelength > 0)
- */
-bool CStateEngine::IsTouchArea()
-    bool isit = (m_config->m_touchTolerance.iX > 0) ;
-    return isit  ;
- * Condition method
- * \return true, if the hold area has been defined (the hold tolerancelength > 0)
- */
-bool CStateEngine::IsHoldArea()
-    bool isit = (m_config->m_holdTolerance.iX > 0) ;
-    return isit  ;
-bool CStateEngine::InsideArea(const TPoint& point,
-                              const TRect& rect,
-                              TAreaShape shape,
-                              const TPoint& tolerance)
-    bool isit;
-    switch(shape)
-    {
-    default:    // pass trough
-    case ERectangle:
-    {
-        isit = rect.Contains(m_hwe.iPosition) ;
-        break ;
-    }
-    case ECircle:
-    {
-        TPoint delta = m_hwe.iPosition - point;
-        long circlepoint = delta.iX * delta.iX + delta.iY * delta.iY;
-        isit = (circlepoint < tolerance.iX * tolerance.iX);
-        break ;
-    }
-    case EEllipse:
-    {
-        int asquare = tolerance.iX * tolerance.iX ;
-        int bsquare = tolerance.iY * tolerance.iY ;
-        TPoint delta = m_hwe.iPosition - point;
-        int result = (delta.iX * delta.iX) * bsquare + (delta.iY * delta.iY) * asquare;
-        isit = (result < asquare * bsquare);
-        break ;
-    }
-    }
-    return isit ;
- * Condition method
- * Check if the current event is positioned inside the touch area.
- * Touch area can be a rectangle, a circle or an ellipse, so different
- * calculation needs to be done based on the shape of the area.
- */
-bool CStateEngine::InsideTouchTimeArea()
-    return InsideArea(m_touchCentre, m_touchRect,
-                      m_config->m_touchAreaShape, m_config->m_touchTimeTolerance);
- * Condition method
- * Check if the current event is positioned inside the touch area.
- * Touch area can be a rectangle, a circle or an ellipse, so different
- * calculation needs to be done based on the shape of the area.
- */
-bool CStateEngine::InsideTouchArea()
-    return InsideArea(m_touchCentre, m_touchRect,
-                      m_config->m_touchAreaShape, m_config->m_touchTolerance);
- * Condition method
- * Check if the current event is positioned inside the hold area.
- * Hold area can be a rectangle, a circle or an ellipse, so different
- * calculation needs to be done based on the shape of the area.
- */
-bool CStateEngine::InsideHoldArea()
-    return InsideArea(m_holdCentre, m_holdRect,
-                      m_config->m_holdAreaShape, m_config->m_holdTolerance);
- * Condition method
- * Check if the gesture looks like a hold, i.e. the movement has stopped.
- * \sa isNewHoldingPoint
- */
-bool CStateEngine::LooksLikeHold()
-    bool isit = isNewHoldingPoint() ;
-    return isit ;
- * Action method
- * Error logging.
- */
-void CStateEngine::ErrorEvent()
-    // Log the error
-    if (m_config->m_enableLogging)
-    {
-        LOGARG("ErrorEvent: %s %s", stateNames[m_currentState], hweventNames[m_hwe.iType]) ;
-    }
- * Action method
- * Initialize touch timer.  At the same time calculate also the touch rectangle.
- */
-void CStateEngine::InitTouchTimer()
-    m_touchRect = ToleranceRect(m_hwe.iPosition, m_config->m_touchTolerance) ;
-    m_touchCentre = m_hwe.iPosition ;
-    m_timerif->startTouchTimer(m_config->m_touchTimerLimit, m_index) ;
- * Action method.
- * Initialize hold timer.  At the same time calculate also the hold rectangle.
- */
-void CStateEngine::InitHoldTimer()
-    m_holdRect = ToleranceRect(m_hwe.iPosition, m_config->m_holdTolerance) ;
-    m_holdCentre = m_hwe.iPosition ;
-    m_timerif->startHoldTimer(m_config->m_holdTimerLimit, m_index) ;
- * Action method
- * Restart the hold timer using the hold timer limit.
- */
-void CStateEngine::RestartHoldTimer()
-    m_timerif->startHoldTimer(m_config->m_holdTimerLimit, m_index) ;
- * Action method
- * Initialize suppression timer.  This timer is used during touch detection when
- * resistive UP has been detected.  If new DOWN comes while timer is running, it is ignored.
- */
-void CStateEngine::InitTouchSuppressTimer()
-    m_timerif->startSuppressTimer(m_config->m_suppressTimerLimit, m_index) ;
- * Action method.
- * Initialize suppression timer after move.  Tests show that when user is using light touch and
- * moving finger to opposite directions there may be accidental ups and downs where the time between
- * up and down may be well over 120 ms.
- */
-void CStateEngine::InitMoveSuppressTimer()
-    m_timerif->startSuppressTimer(m_config->m_moveSuppressTimerLimit, m_index) ;
- * Action method
- * Stop the touch timer.
- */
-void CStateEngine::ClearTouchTimer()
-    m_timerif->cancelTouchTimer(m_index) ;
- * Action method
- * Stop the hold timer.
- */
-void CStateEngine::ClearHoldTimer()
-    m_timerif->cancelHoldTimer(m_index) ;
- * Action method
- * Stop the suppress timer.
- */
-void CStateEngine::ClearSuppressTimer()
-    m_timerif->cancelSuppressTimer(m_index) ;
-/*!Helper method.
- * Create UI event
- * \param code The new UI event type (Touch, Release, Move, Hold)
- */
-CUiEvent* CStateEngine::createUIEventL(TUiEventCode code, const TPoint& aPos)
-    m_previousUiGenerated = code ;
-    return CUiEvent::NewL(code, m_gestureStartXY, aPos, getPreviousXY(aPos),
-        isTimerMessage(), m_hwe.iTarget, getInterval(), m_index, m_hwe.iTime.Int64()) ;
- * Return the previous XY position and store the current for next round
- */
-TPoint CStateEngine::getPreviousXY(const TPoint& aCurrentXY)
-    TPoint p = m_previousXY ;
-    m_previousXY = aCurrentXY ;
-    return p ;
- * \return true, if the current event was timer triggered
- */
-bool CStateEngine::isTimerMessage()
-    return (m_hwe.iType >= ETouchTimer); // NOTE: if new events are added at the end of the list this needs to be changed
- * Action method.
- * Generate the Touch UI event.
- * If there are a set of touch points collected, calculate the position to the
- * Touch UI event to be the average of the collected points.
- */
-void CStateEngine::ProduceTouch()
-    m_wasFiltered = false ;
-    CUiEvent* cue = NULL;
-    getInterval() ; // dummy call to initialize the variable....
-    TInt err(KErrNone);
-    if (iTouchPoints.Count()>0)
-    {
-        // calculate average of the touch points
-        m_currentTouchXY = calculateTouchAverageFromPoints() ;
-        TRAP(err, cue = createUIEventL(stmUiEventEngine::ETouch, m_currentTouchXY)) ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        TRAP(err, cue = createUIEventL(stmUiEventEngine::ETouch, m_uiEventXY)) ;
-    }
-    if(!err)
-        m_config->m_uiEventSender->AddEvent(cue) ;
- * Action method
- * Generate the Move UI event.  The position of the event has been set in the SetCurrentPos
- * The previous position needs some special handling, if filtering has been used.
- * \sa SetCurrentPos
- */
-void CStateEngine::ProduceMove()
-    m_wasFiltered = false ;
-    if (m_uiEventXY == m_previousXY) {
-    return;
-    }
-    CUiEvent* cue = NULL;
-    TRAPD(err, cue = createUIEventL(stmUiEventEngine::EMove, m_uiEventXY)) ;
-    if(!err)
-    	m_config->m_uiEventSender->AddEvent(cue) ;
- * Action method
- * Generate the Release UI event.
- */
-void CStateEngine::ProduceRelease()
-    m_wasFiltered = false ;
-    CUiEvent* cue = NULL;
-    TRAPD(err, cue = createUIEventL(stmUiEventEngine::ERelease, m_uiEventXY)) ;
-    if(!err)
-    	m_config->m_uiEventSender->AddEvent(cue) ;
-    if (m_config->m_enableLogging)
-    {
-        LOGFLUSH ;
-    }
- * Action method
- * Generate the Hold UI event.
- */
-void CStateEngine::ProduceHold()
-    m_wasFiltered = false ;
-    CUiEvent* cue = NULL;
-    TRAPD(err, cue = createUIEventL(stmUiEventEngine::EHold, m_holdCentre)) ;
-    if(!err)
- 	   m_config->m_uiEventSender->AddEvent(cue) ;
- * Action method
- * Rename the current event to drag.  This is used when the accidental up/down message pair
- * has been detected, the DOWN event is handled as it were a move event.
- */
-void CStateEngine::RenameToDrag()
-    m_hwe.iType = stmUiEventEngine::EDrag ;
- * Action method
- * Initialize the touch time area.  Clear the array for collected touch points and
- * calculate the touch rectangle.
- */
-void CStateEngine::PrepareTouchTimeArea()
-    if (iTouchPoints.Count()>0) iTouchPoints.Reset() ;
-    m_touchRect = ToleranceRect(m_hwe.iPosition, m_config->m_touchTimeTolerance) ;
- * Action method
- * Initialize the touch area.  Clear the array for collected touch points and
- * calculate the touch rectangle.
- */
-void CStateEngine::PrepareTouchArea()
-    if (iTouchPoints.Count()>0) iTouchPoints.Reset() ;
-    m_touchRect = ToleranceRect(m_hwe.iPosition, m_config->m_touchTolerance) ;
- * Action method
- * Initialize the hold area rectangle.
- */
-void CStateEngine::PrepareHoldArea()
-    m_holdRect = ToleranceRect(m_hwe.iPosition, m_config->m_holdTolerance) ;
- * Action method
- * Store the current position and time always when we see EDrag.  The stored value is used
- * to calculate correct speed after filtered messages.
- */
-void CStateEngine::StoreMovePos()
-    if (m_config->m_enableLogging)
-    {
-        LOGARG("store move pos from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)",
-                m_lastFilteredPosition.iX, m_lastFilteredPosition.iY,m_hwe.iPosition.iX,
-                m_hwe.iPosition.iY  ) ;
-    }
-    m_lastFilteredPosition = m_hwe.iPosition ;
-    m_lastFilteredMessageTime = m_hwe.iTime ;
- * Action method
- * Store the current position and time.
- */
-void CStateEngine::SetCurrentPos()
-    m_uiEventXY = m_hwe.iPosition ;
- * Action method
- * Initialize the gesture starting.
- */
-void CStateEngine::SetGestureStart()
-    m_gestureStartXY = m_hwe.iPosition ;
-    m_previousXY = m_hwe.iPosition ;
-    m_gestureTarget = m_hwe.iTarget ;
-    iDragPoints.ResetAndDestroy() ;
-    iTouchPoints.Reset() ;
- * Action method
- * Add current point to the set of touch points.
- */
-void CStateEngine::AddToTouch()
-    iTouchPoints.Append(THwEvent(m_hwe.iType,
-                                 m_hwe.iPosition,
-                                 m_hwe.iTime,
-                                 m_hwe.iTarget,
-                                 m_index)
-                        ) ;
-    // calculate the average of touch points and move the touch area accordingly
-    // this allows slight movement of the figertip while inside touch time
-    if (iTouchPoints.Count()>2)
-    {
-        TPoint newtp = calculateTouchAverageFromPoints() ;
-        m_touchRect = ToleranceRect(newtp, m_config->m_touchTolerance) ;
-        m_holdRect = ToleranceRect(newtp, m_config->m_holdTolerance) ;
-    }
- * Action method
- * Add the current point to the set of dragging points.
- * The set of dragging points is examined to determine if a enw hold has been started.
- */
-void CStateEngine::AddDraggingPos()
-    iDragPoints.Append(new THwEvent(m_hwe.iType,
-                                    m_hwe.iPosition,
-                                    m_hwe.iTime,
-                                    m_hwe.iTarget,
-                                    m_index)
-                       ) ;
- * HandleStateEvent processes one event, which can be either pointer event or timer event.
- * The event is handled by calling the turnStateMachine method.
- */
-bool CStateEngine::handleStateEvent()
-    // We get an event into m_hwe by this moment, lets kick the state machine
-    m_wasFiltered = ETrue ;
-    CalculateDelta() ;
-    turnStateMachine() ;
-    m_previousPointerEventPosition = m_hwe.iPosition ;
-    return m_wasFiltered ;
- *  Get the current touch rectangle.  If touch state not currently on, returns TRect(TPoint(0,0),TPoint(0,0))
- * (touch state meaning that the touch timer is still running and the points have been kept inside the area)
- */
-TRect CStateEngine::getTouchArea()
-    return m_touchRect ;
- * get the hold area rectangle
- */
-TRect CStateEngine::getHoldArea()
-    return m_holdRect ;
- * MStateMachine method.
- */
-bool CStateEngine::wasLastMessageFiltered()
-    return m_wasFiltered ;
- * Check if the last X points in the stored points look like the movement has stopped
- */
-bool CStateEngine::isNewHoldingPoint()
-    int x = iDragPoints.Count();
-    if (x > 2)    // are there any points to be checked?
-    {
-        THwEvent* phwe = iDragPoints[x-1] ;
-        THwEvent* phweinsidehold = phwe ;
-        TRect recth = ToleranceRect(phwe->iPosition, m_config->m_holdTolerance) ;
-        // Look backwards from the last point to see if there are enought points (enough in time) to look like a hold
-        x -= 2 ;
-        while (x > 0 && recth.Contains(iDragPoints[x]->iPosition))
-        {
-            phweinsidehold = iDragPoints[x];
-            --x;
-        }
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds tival = phwe->iTime.MicroSecondsFrom(phweinsidehold->iTime) ;
-        /**
-         * remove the extra points from the list if they are outside of holding area
-         */
-        while (x > 0)
-        {
-            THwEvent* p = iDragPoints[x] ;
-            delete p ;
-            iDragPoints.Remove(x) ;
-            --x ;
-        }
-        // See the time difference of the two points which still are inside the hold area
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds limit = m_config->m_holdTimerLimit/2 ;
-        if (tival > limit)
-        {
-            if (m_config->m_enableLogging)
-            {
-                LOGARG("isNewHoldingPoint: %s, dragpoints count %d",
-                        stateNames[m_currentState], iDragPoints.Count()) ;
-            }
-            return true ;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // one or 0 points does not look like hold
-    }
-    return false ;
- * calculate simple average of the touch points, i.e. calculate the average of the previous and current
- * position.  Note that the touch point remains the same, this just calculates new value for the UI position
- */
-void CStateEngine::CalculateTouchAverage()
-    m_uiEventXY.iX =  (m_uiEventXY.iX+m_hwe.iPosition.iX)/2 ;
-    m_uiEventXY.iY =  (m_uiEventXY.iY+m_hwe.iPosition.iY)/2 ;
- * Calculate the movement vector.
- */
-void CStateEngine::CalculateDelta()
-    m_deltaVector.iX = m_hwe.iPosition.iX-m_previousPointerEventPosition.iX ;
-    m_deltaVector.iY = m_hwe.iPosition.iY-m_previousPointerEventPosition.iY ;
- * Debug logging method
- */
-void CStateEngine::DebugPrintState(TStateMachineState anextstate)
-    if (m_config->m_enableLogging)
-    {
-    LOGARG("%s: cuiev(%d,%d) cTxy ((%d,%d)(%d,%d)) cHxy ((%d,%d)(%d,%d)) gsXY(%d,%d) dV(%d,%d) EVNT(%d,%d (%s)) going to %s",
-            stateNames[m_currentState],
-            m_uiEventXY.iX, m_uiEventXY.iY,
-            m_touchRect.iTl.iX, m_touchRect.iTl.iY,m_touchRect.iBr.iX, m_touchRect.iBr.iY,
-            m_holdRect.iTl.iX, m_holdRect.iTl.iY,m_holdRect.iBr.iX, m_holdRect.iBr.iY,
-            m_gestureStartXY.iX, m_gestureStartXY.iY,
-            m_deltaVector.iX, m_deltaVector.iY,
-            m_hwe.iPosition.iX, m_hwe.iPosition.iY, hweventNames[m_hwe.iType],
-            stateNames[anextstate]
-            );
-    }
- * calculate the rectangle for touch or hold
- */
-TRect CStateEngine::ToleranceRect(const TPoint& aCenterPoint, const TPoint& tolerance)
-    // grow by the tolerance length, while keeping the center point
-    TRect toleranceRect(
-        aCenterPoint - tolerance,
-        aCenterPoint + tolerance);
-    return toleranceRect;
- * turnStateMachine.  Go trough the state elements found for the current event
- * until the event has been consumed.
- *
- * \pre m_currentState defines the current state and the index to the allStates array.
- * \pre m_hwe is the message being handled.  The corresponding STATE_ELEMENT array must be found and processed.
- *
- */
-void CStateEngine::turnStateMachine()
-    const STATE_ELEMENT* pelement ;
-    m_eventConsumed = false ;   // run the loop until the event has been consumed
-    // Now run trough the motions of the state elements, and prepare to change to next state while doing so.
-    // If the state elements set the m_eventConsumed then all is done
-    while (!m_eventConsumed)
-    {
-        int i = 0 ;
-        const STATE* const pcurrentstate = allStates[m_currentState] ;
-        // Since each state definition must contain entries for all possible events the following loop cannot fail ;-)
-        while (pcurrentstate[i].theEvent != m_hwe.iType ) ++i ;
-        pelement = pcurrentstate[i].stateElements ;
-        TStateMachineState      nextState = Eignore ;
-        /*
-         * Handle the individual state elements.  If there is a condition function,
-         * call the function and if it returns true, handle the action function and possible next state
-         * if the condition returns false, continue to next element
-         * if there is no condition, run the action function if it exists.
-         * if the next state is defined (i.e it is != Eignore), go to that state
-         */
-        while (nextState == Eignore)
-        {
-            condition_t cndfunc = pelement->conditionFunction ;
-            action_t    actfunc = pelement->actionFunction ;
-            if (cndfunc != 0)
-            {
-                /*
-                 * There was a condition function, call it to see whether the action needs to performed and/or the next satte defined
-                 */
-                if (cndfunc(this))
-                {
-                    // Condition was true, handle it
-                    // call the action if it exists
-                    if (actfunc != 0) actfunc(this) ;
-                    // and now get to the next state
-                    nextState   = pelement->nextState ; // Note that while this remains Eignore there are elements to be run
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /**
-                 * No condition function, call the possible action function and get the next state
-                 */
-                if (actfunc != 0) actfunc(this) ;
-                nextState   = pelement->nextState ;     // Note that while this remains Eignore there are elements to be run
-            }
-            ++pelement ;    // next entry in the elements
-        }
-        if (m_config->m_enableLogging) DebugPrintState(nextState) ;
-        m_currentState = nextState ;    // Change to the next state
-    }
-TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CStateEngine::getInterval()
-    TTime now ;
-    now.HomeTime() ;
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval = now.MicroSecondsFrom(m_lastMessageTime) ;
-    m_lastMessageTime = now ;
-    return interval ;
-TPoint CStateEngine::calculateTouchAverageFromPoints()
-    TPoint tp ;
-    int count = iTouchPoints.Count() ;
-    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
-    {
-        tp += iTouchPoints[i].iPosition;
-    }
-    if(count)
-        {
-        tp.iX /= count ;
-        tp.iY /= count ;
-        }
-    return tp ;