changeset 94 919f36ff910f
child 95 d96eed154187
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webengine/wmlengine/src/htmlp/src/CHtmlpParser.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:28:30 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,4150 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000 - 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+  HTML Parser
+#include "nwx_defs.h"
+#include "CHtmlpParser.h"
+#include <nw_string_char.h>
+#include "BrsrStatusCodes.h"
+#include "nwx_string.h"
+#include "nw_htmlp_to_wbxml.h"
+#include "nw_htmlp_html_dict.h"
+#include "nw_htmlp_wml_dict.h"
+#include <nw_wbxml_dictionary.h>
+#include <nw_encoder_stringtable.h>
+/* "<?" len 2 */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStartLength 2
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStart[NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStartLength] =
+  {
+  '<', '?'
+  };
+/* "?>" len 2 */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStopLength 2
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStop[NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStopLength] =
+  {
+  '?', '>'
+  };
+/* "<!DOCTYPE" len 9 */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_DoctypeStartLength 9
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_DoctypeStart[NW_HTMLP_String_DoctypeStartLength] =
+  {
+  '<', '!', 'D', 'O', 'C', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E'
+  };
+/* "<!--" len 4 comment start */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStartLength 4
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStart[NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStartLength] =
+  {
+  '<', '!', '-', '-'
+  };
+/* "-->" len 3 comment end */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStopLength 3
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStop[NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStopLength] =
+  {
+  '-', '-', '>'
+  };
+/* "<!--" len 3 comment start */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStartLength 3
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStart[NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStartLength] =
+  {
+  '<', '!', '-'
+  };
+/* "-->" len 3 comment end */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStopLength 2
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStop[NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStopLength] =
+  {
+  '-', '>'
+  };
+/* "-->" len 3 comment end */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_Comment2StopLength 4
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_Comment2Stop[NW_HTMLP_String_Comment2StopLength] =
+  {
+  '-', '-','!','>'
+  };
+/* "<!" len 2 comment start */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_LooseCommentStartLength 2
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_LooseCommentStart[NW_HTMLP_String_LooseCommentStartLength] =
+  {
+  '<', '!'
+  };
+/* "<![CDATA[" len 9 */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStartLength 9
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStart[NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStartLength] =
+  {
+  '<', '!', '[', 'C', 'D', 'A', 'T', 'A', '['
+  };
+/* "]]>" len 3 */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStopLength 3
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStop[NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStopLength] =
+  {
+  ']', ']', '>'
+  };
+/* "/>" len 2 */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEndLength 2
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEnd[NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEndLength] =
+  {
+  '/', '>'
+  };
+/* ">" len 1 */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_TagEndLength 1
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_TagEnd[NW_HTMLP_String_TagEndLength] =
+  {
+  '>'
+  };
+/* "</script>" len 9 */
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_EndScriptLength 9
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_EndScript[NW_HTMLP_String_EndScriptLength] =
+  {
+  '<', '/','s','c','r','i','p','t','>'
+  };
+// =" or =' len 2
+#define NW_HTMLP_String_EqualQuoteLength 2
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_EqualDblQuote[NW_HTMLP_String_EqualQuoteLength] =
+  {
+  '=', '\"'
+  };
+const NW_Uint8 NW_HTMLP_String_EqualSngQuote[NW_HTMLP_String_EqualQuoteLength] =
+  {
+  '=', '\''
+  };
+// TODO: Throughout this class iCBs is checked against null.  It appears that iCBs is 
+//       created in the constructor and not deallocated until the destructor.  If 
+//       this is the case all of the iCBs null check should be removed.
+//lint -esym(794, CHtmlpParser::iCBs) Conceivable use of null pointer
+/* constructors and destructor of CHtmlpParser */
+CHtmlpParser* CHtmlpParser::NewL(     
+                                 NW_Uint32 inputByteCount, 
+                                 NW_Uint8* pInputBuf, 
+                                 NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t elementCount,
+                                 NW_HTMLP_ElementDescriptionConst_t* pElementDictionary,
+                                 NW_Uint32 encoding,
+                                 NW_Bool consumeSpaces,
+                                 void * parser,
+                                 NW_Bool isScript)
+  {
+  CHtmlpParser * self = (CHtmlpParser *)parser;
+  if (!self)
+    {
+    self = new (ELeave) CHtmlpParser(consumeSpaces);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(inputByteCount, pInputBuf, elementCount, pElementDictionary, encoding, isScript);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); //instance
+    return self;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+      NW_HTMLP_Lexer_InitFromBuffer(self->iLexer, inputByteCount, pInputBuf, elementCount, pElementDictionary));
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetEncoding(self->iLexer, encoding);
+    return self;
+    }
+  }
+CHtmlpParser::CHtmlpParser( NW_Bool consumeSpaces)
+  {
+  iLastTextBuf = NULL;
+  iLastValid = -1;
+  iPreviousValidOutput = NULL;
+  iConsumeSpaces = consumeSpaces;
+  iRestarted = NW_FALSE;
+  iWithinNoscript = NW_FALSE;
+  }
+void CHtmlpParser::ConstructL(NW_Uint32 inputByteCount, 
+                              NW_Uint8* pInputBuf, 
+                              NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t elementCount,
+                              NW_HTMLP_ElementDescriptionConst_t* pElementDictionary,
+                              NW_Uint32 encoding,
+                              NW_Bool isScript)
+  {
+  iSPLElemHandling = (NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handling_t*)NW_Mem_Malloc(sizeof(NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handling_t));
+  User::LeaveIfNull( iSPLElemHandling );
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_New();
+  User::LeaveIfNull( iElementParseState );
+  iCBs = (NW_HTMLP_EventCallbacks_t*)NW_Mem_Malloc(sizeof(NW_HTMLP_EventCallbacks_t));
+  User::LeaveIfNull( iCBs );
+  NW_Mem_memset(iCBs, 0, sizeof(NW_HTMLP_EventCallbacks_t));
+  iLexer = (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_t* )NW_Mem_Malloc(sizeof(NW_HTMLP_Lexer_t));
+  /* Reregister the document text with the Reader in preparation for parsing. */
+  User::LeaveIfError(
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_InitFromBuffer(iLexer, inputByteCount, pInputBuf, elementCount, pElementDictionary));
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetEncoding(iLexer, encoding);
+  /* Null out all WBXML generation callback addresses. */
+  NW_Mem_memset(iCBs, 0, sizeof(NW_HTMLP_EventCallbacks_t));
+  iOrigEncoding = -1;
+  iLeftBytes = NULL;
+  iIsScript = isScript;
+  }
+  {
+  NW_Mem_Free(iSPLElemHandling);
+  if (iElementParseState)
+    {
+    NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Delete(&iElementParseState);
+    }
+  if (iLastValidStack)
+    {
+    NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Delete(&iLastValidStack);
+    }
+  if (iCBs->charsetContext)
+    {
+    NW_Mem_Free(iCBs->charsetContext);
+    }
+  NW_Mem_Free(iCBs);
+  NW_Mem_Free ((void *)iLexer);
+  NW_Buffer_Free(iLastTextBuf);
+  NW_Buffer_Free(iPreviousValidOutput);
+  NW_Buffer_Free(iVisitedHeadText);
+  }
+  /*
+  on entry: lexer read position is at the first character of keyword
+  on return: If matched keyword, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE, interval marks
+  .........: keyword in doc and lexer read position is just after keyword.
+  .........: NOTE: Keyword match just means the string of keyword chars
+  .........: exists at the read position so it does not mean that the keyword
+  .........: is delimited at the end---it might be followed by more name chars.
+  .........: If did not match keyword, then *pMatch == NW_FALSE and lexer
+  .........: read position is unchanged from on entry.
+  eof handling: if encounters EOF while attempting operation then returns
+  ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and KBrsrSuccess
+  on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+  ...............: and lexer read position is unspecified
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeywordCase(NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI,
+                                                                     NW_Uint32 asciiCharCount,
+                                                                     const NW_Uint8* pKeyword,
+                                                                     NW_Bool CaseSensitive,
+                                                                     NW_Bool* pMatch)
+  {
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_Bool match;
+  *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_Init(pI);
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiStringCompareCase(iLexer, asciiCharCount, pKeyword, CaseSensitive, &match);
+  if (e == KBrsrSuccess) {
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(pI, iLexer);
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AdvanceOffset(iLexer, asciiCharCount);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        NW_HTMLP_Interval_Init(pI);
+        return e;
+        }
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      } else {
+      NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+        }
+    }
+  return e;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI,
+                                                                 NW_Uint32 asciiCharCount,
+                                                                 const NW_Uint8* pKeyword,
+                                                                 NW_Bool* pMatch)
+  {
+  return NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeywordCase( pI,
+    asciiCharCount,
+    pKeyword,
+    NW_TRUE,
+    pMatch);
+  }
+  /*
+  on entry: no assumptions
+  on return: Lexer read position moved ahead until character at current
+  .........: read position is not whitespace.  Return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  eof handling: if encounters EOF then stops at that point and returns
+  ............: KBrsrSuccess
+  on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess and lexer read position
+  ...............: is unspecified
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace()
+  {
+  TBrowserStatusCode e = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool match = NW_FALSE;
+  while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsSpace(iLexer, &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      } else {
+      break;
+        }
+    }
+  return e;
+  }
+  /*
+  on entry: no assumptions
+  on return: Lexer read position moved ahead until character at current
+  .........: read position is not whitespace or a 'junk' character.
+  .........: The junk characters were found on live websites.
+  .........: Return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  eof handling: if encounters EOF then stops at that point and returns
+  ............: KBrsrSuccess
+  on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess and lexer read position
+  ...............: is unspecified
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SkipJunk()
+TBrowserStatusCode e = KBrsrSuccess;
+NW_Bool match = NW_FALSE;
+while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) 
+    {
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsSpace(iLexer, &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+    if (match == NW_FALSE) 
+        {
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, ';', &match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+        }
+    if (match == NW_FALSE) 
+        {
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '+', &match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+            {
+            return e;
+            }
+        }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) 
+        {
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+            {
+            return e;
+            }
+        } 
+    else 
+        {
+        break;
+        }
+    }
+return e;
+  /*
+  on entry: no assumptions
+  on return: Lexer read position moved ahead until character at current
+  .........: read position is not CR or LF.  Return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  eof handling: if encounters EOF then stops at that point and returns
+  ............: KBrsrSuccess
+  on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess and lexer read position
+  ...............: is unspecified
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SkipCRLF()
+  {
+  TBrowserStatusCode e = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool match = NW_FALSE;
+  while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsCRLF(iLexer, &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      } else {
+      break;
+        }
+    }
+  return e;
+  }
+  /*
+  A name (e.g., tag name) matches the pattern "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-_:]*\s"
+  Assumes starting read position is at the first character of name.
+  On return: *pMatch = NW_TRUE if found name, NW_FALSE if no name parsed
+  On return: If *pMatch == NW_TRUE, then *pI marks the name.
+    TBD: loosen this up to allow the pattern [a-zA-Z][^/?]*\s
+    don't allow ? due to ?> on PI forms
+    don't allow / due to /> on empty element
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ParseName(NW_Bool* pMatch,
+                                                    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI)
+  {
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+  TBrowserStatusCode sl = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool isLetter = NW_FALSE;
+  TBrowserStatusCode sd = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool isDigit = NW_FALSE;
+  TBrowserStatusCode sp = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool isPeriod = NW_FALSE;
+  TBrowserStatusCode sh = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool isHyphen = NW_FALSE;
+  TBrowserStatusCode su = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool isUnderscore = NW_FALSE;
+  TBrowserStatusCode sc = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool isColon = NW_FALSE;
+  TBrowserStatusCode s = KBrsrSuccess;
+  *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_Init(pI);
+  sl = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsAsciiLetter(iLexer, &isLetter);
+  if (!BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(sl)) {
+    if (isLetter) {
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(pI, iLexer);
+      while ((!BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(sl) && !BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(su)
+        && !BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s))
+        && (isLetter || isDigit || isPeriod || isHyphen
+        || isUnderscore || isColon)) {
+        s = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+        sl = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsAsciiLetter(iLexer, &isLetter);
+        sd = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsAsciiDigit(iLexer, &isDigit);
+        sp = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '.', &isPeriod);
+        sh = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '-', &isHyphen);
+        su = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '_', &isUnderscore);
+        sc = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, ':', &isColon);
+        }
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+    || BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s)) {
+    return KBrsrFailure;
+    }
+  if (*pMatch == NW_FALSE) {
+    s = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s)) {
+      return s;
+      }
+    }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+  /*
+  on entry: lexer read position is just after '<!--'
+  on return: If skipped comment, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE  and
+  .........: lexer read position is just after closing '>'.
+  .........: If did not skip comment, then *pMatch == NW_FALSE and
+  .........: lexer read position is unspecified.
+  .........: In either case return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  eof handling: if encounters EOF while attempting operation then returns
+  ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and KBrsrSuccess with lexer read
+  ............: position at EOF
+  on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+  ...............: and lexer read position is unspecified
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_FinishComment(NW_Bool* pMatch, 
+                                                        NW_Bool imodeComment, 
+                                                        NW_Bool looseComment)
+  {
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_Bool match = NW_FALSE;
+  NW_Uint8* pKeyword = NULL;
+  NW_Uint8* pKeyword2 = NULL;
+  NW_Uint32 count = 0;
+  NW_Uint32 count2 = 0;
+  NW_Bool foundFirstElement = NW_FALSE; 
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t fistElementPosition;
+  TBrowserStatusCode status = KBrsrSuccess;
+  /* Does three forms of comment:
+  "strict" where comment must end with exactly '-->'
+  (no whitespace allowed between '--' and '>' as in specification)
+  "imode" where comments ends at "->"
+  "loose" where comment ends at first '>'
+  First apply "strict" and if that fails to match, then apply "loose".
+    Note: This is slightly different than the specifications but conforms
+  to common browser behavior. */
+  *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+  if(looseComment)
+    {
+    pKeyword =(NW_Uint8*)&NW_HTMLP_String_TagEnd;
+    count    = NW_HTMLP_String_TagEndLength;
+    }
+  else if(imodeComment)
+    {
+    pKeyword = (NW_Uint8*) &NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStop;
+    count    = NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStopLength;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    pKeyword = (NW_Uint8*) &NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStop;
+    count    = NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStopLength;
+    pKeyword2 = (NW_Uint8*) &NW_HTMLP_String_Comment2Stop;
+    count2    = NW_HTMLP_String_Comment2StopLength;
+    }
+  while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) 
+    {
+    // If the loose, imode, or normal end-comment is found comsume  
+    // it and set pMatch to true. 
+    e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval, count, 
+        pKeyword, &match); 
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+      {
+      status = e;
+      break;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) 
+      {
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      break;
+      }
+    // If the "--!>" end-comment is found comsume it and set 
+    // pMatch to true.
+    if (pKeyword2)
+      {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval, count2, 
+          pKeyword2, &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        status = e;
+        break;
+        }
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) 
+      {
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      break;
+      }
+    // As it searches for the end-comment it also keeps track of  
+    // the first embeded tag.  This tag is later used to force end 
+    // the comment if it reaches the end of the file before finding 
+    // a end-comment. 
+    if (!foundFirstElement) 
+      { 
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '<', &match); 
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e))  
+        { 
+        status = e; 
+        break; 
+        } 
+      if (match == NW_TRUE) 
+        { 
+        foundFirstElement = NW_TRUE; 
+        NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &fistElementPosition); 
+        } 
+      } 
+    // Otherwise advance a char and test for end-comment again. 
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      {
+      status = e;
+      break;
+      }
+    }/*end while*/
+  // If end-comment wasn't found in this block, it may be missing.
+  if ((match == NW_FALSE) && NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer) && foundFirstElement) 
+    { 
+    // If the document is completed then terminate the comment just 
+    // before the first start tag after begin-comment.
+    if (iDocComplete)
+      {
+      NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &fistElementPosition); 
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE; 
+      }
+    // Otherwise note that we may be tracking a unterminated comment.
+    else
+      {
+      iTrackingUnTerminatedComment = NW_TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+  return status;
+  }
+  /*
+  on entry: assumes lexer read position is character following '<![CDATA[?'
+  on return: If consumed a well-formed CDATA, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE and
+  .........: lexer read position is just after closing ']]>'.
+  .........: If did not consume CDATA, then *pMatch == NW_FALSE and
+  .........: lexer read position is unspecified.
+  .........: In either case return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  eof handling: if encounters EOF while attempting operation then returns
+  ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and KBrsrSuccess with lexer read
+  ............: position at EOF
+  on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+  ...............: and lexer read position is unspecified
+  */
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_FinishCdata(NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pInterval,
+    NW_Bool* pMatch)
+    {
+    TBrowserStatusCode e;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+    NW_Bool match;
+    *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(pInterval, iLexer);
+    while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pInterval, iLexer);
+      /* end with match if see ']]>' */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStopLength,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStop,
+        &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+        *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+        break;
+        }
+      /* advance */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    }
+    /*
+    on entry: assumes lexer read position is character following '<!DOCTYPE'
+    on return: If consumed a well-formed DOCTYPE, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE and
+    .........: lexer read position is just after closing '>'.
+    .........: If did not consume a DOCTYPE, then *pMatch == NW_FALSE and
+    .........: lexer read position is unspecified.
+    .........: In either case return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+    eof handling: if encounters EOF while attempting operation then returns
+    ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and KBrsrSuccess with lexer read
+    ............: position at EOF
+    on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+    ...............: and lexer read position is unspecified
+  */
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_FinishDoctype(NW_Bool* pMatch,
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* doctypeInterval)
+    {
+    /* Because DOCTYPE attributes may include strings and inside these strings
+    the characters '>' and '<' may be used, strings must be parsed.  Strings are
+    quoted either with '\'' or '\"'. */
+    TBrowserStatusCode e;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t arguments;
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+    *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+    e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(&arguments, iLexer);
+    *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+    while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+      /* end with match if see '>' */
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(&arguments, iLexer); /* keep moving along end */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_TagEndLength,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_TagEnd,
+        pMatch);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (*pMatch == NW_TRUE){
+        if ((iCBs != NULL) && (iCBs->piFormCB != NULL)) {
+          NW_Uint32 cp_cnt = 0;
+          e = (*(iCBs->piFormCB))(iLexer, doctypeInterval, &arguments, iCBs->pClientPointer, &cp_cnt);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          updateCurrentCP(cp_cnt);
+          }
+        break;
+        }
+      /* advance */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      }
+    if (*pMatch == NW_FALSE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    }
+    /*
+    on entry: lexer read position is at '<'
+    on return: If consumed a comment, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE and
+    .........: lexer read position is just after closing '>'.
+    .........: If did not consume a comment, then *pMatch == NW_FALSE and
+    .........: lexer read position is unchanged.
+    .........: In either case return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+    .........: There are three types of comments are handled here:
+    .........: (1) Exact syntax comment (<!-- Some Text --> )
+    .........: (2) Imode Comments       (<!- Some Text ->   )
+    .........: (3) Loose Comments       (<! Some Text >     )
+    .........: Note: Loose Comments must avoid consuming <!DOCTYPE ...> and <![CDATA ...]]>.
+    eof handling: if encounters EOF while attempting operation then returns
+    ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and KBrsrSuccess with lexer read
+    ............: position unchanged
+    on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+    ...............: and lexer read position is unspecified
+  */
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeComment(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+    {
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+    TBrowserStatusCode e;
+    NW_Bool match;
+    NW_Bool imodeComment = NW_FALSE;
+    NW_Bool looseComment = NW_FALSE;
+    NW_Bool isNotComment = NW_FALSE;
+    iTrackingUnTerminatedComment = NW_FALSE;
+    *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+    // Check first for correct syntax comments.
+    e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+      NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStartLength,
+      NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStart,
+      &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+      {
+      return e;
+      }
+    // Check for IMode type of comments.
+    if (match == NW_FALSE)
+      {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStartLength,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_ImodeCommentStart,
+        &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (match == NW_TRUE)
+        imodeComment = NW_TRUE;
+      }
+    // Check for <!DOCTYPE before loose comment
+    if (match == NW_FALSE)
+      {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_DoctypeStartLength,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_DoctypeStart,
+        &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (match == NW_TRUE) 
+        {         
+        isNotComment = NW_TRUE;      
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+          {
+          return e;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Check for <![CDATA before loose comment
+    if (match == NW_FALSE && isNotComment == NW_FALSE)
+      {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStartLength,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStart,
+        &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (match == NW_TRUE) 
+        { 
+        isNotComment = NW_TRUE;
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+          {
+          return e;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Check for loose comments
+    if (match == NW_FALSE && isNotComment == NW_FALSE)
+      {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_LooseCommentStartLength,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_LooseCommentStart,
+        &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (match == NW_TRUE)
+        looseComment = NW_TRUE;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE && isNotComment == NW_FALSE) 
+      {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_FinishComment(&match, imodeComment,
+          looseComment);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (match == NW_FALSE) 
+        {
+        if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer))
+          {
+          *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+          iLastTextBegin = position.readPosition;
+          if (iLastScriptStart == -1)
+            {
+            setValidMarks();
+          }
+          }
+        } 
+      else 
+        {
+        *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+          }
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    }
+    /*
+    on entry: assumes lexer read position is at "<"
+    on return: If consumed a well-formed PI, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE and
+    .........: lexer read position is just after closing '?>'.
+    .........: If did not consume a PI, then *pMatch == NW_FALSE and
+    .........: lexer read position is unchanged
+    eof handling: if encounters EOF while attempting operation then returns
+    ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and KBrsrSuccess with lexer read
+    ............: position unchanged
+    on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+    ...............: and lexer read position is unspecified
+  */
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumePi(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+    {
+    TBrowserStatusCode e;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t name;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t arguments;
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+    NW_Bool isXml = NW_FALSE;
+    /* The XML spec says that PI forms may not use '?>' anywhere except to end
+    the PI form.  This means that quoted strings should not be recognized, but
+    this may be something that should be relaxed. */
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+    e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+      NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStartLength,
+      NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStart,
+      pMatch);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (*pMatch == NW_TRUE) {
+      /* parse PITarget */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_ParseName(pMatch, &name);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (*pMatch == NW_TRUE) {
+        /* Find xml charset definition */
+        if (iNeedCharsetDetect && (name.charStop - name.charStart == 3))
+          {
+          static const NW_Ucs2 xmlStr[] = {'x','m','l','\0'};
+          if (NW_Byte_Strnicmp((const NW_Byte*)(iLexer->pBuf + name.start), (const NW_Byte*)xmlStr, NW_Str_Strlen(xmlStr)*sizeof(NW_Ucs2)) == 0)
+            {
+            isXml = NW_TRUE;
+            }
+          }
+        /* skip any whitespace */
+        e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(&arguments, iLexer);
+        *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+        while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+          /* End with match if see '?>' */
+          NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(&arguments, iLexer); /* keep moving along end */
+          e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+            NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStopLength,
+            NW_HTMLP_String_PiFormStop,
+            pMatch);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          if (*pMatch == NW_TRUE) {
+            if ((iCBs != NULL) && (iCBs->piFormCB != NULL)) {
+              NW_Uint32 cp_cnt = 0;
+              e = (*(iCBs->piFormCB))(iLexer, &name, &arguments, iCBs->pClientPointer, &cp_cnt);
+              if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+                return e;
+                }
+              updateCurrentCP(cp_cnt);
+              }
+            break;
+            }
+          /* advance */
+          e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          if (isXml)
+            {
+            e = NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_xml_charset();
+            if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+              return e;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    if (*pMatch == NW_FALSE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    }
+    /*
+    assumes read position is at "<"
+    on return: *pMatch == NW_TRUE if consumed a well-formed CDATA
+    if *pMatch == NW_FALSE then read position is unchanged
+  */
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeCdata(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+    {
+    TBrowserStatusCode e;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+    /* If element is ill-formed:
+    1. save location before opening markup
+    2. if processing reaches end of doc before ending element,
+    then reset to starting markup and return with *pMatch == NW_FALSE */
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+    e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+      NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStartLength,
+      NW_HTMLP_String_CdataStart,
+      pMatch);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (*pMatch == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_FinishCdata(&interval, pMatch);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (*pMatch == NW_FALSE) {
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        } else {
+        if (iCBs->cdataCB != NULL) {
+          e = (*(iCBs->cdataCB))(iLexer, &interval, iCBs->pClientPointer);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          }
+          }
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    }
+    /*
+    assumes read position is at "<". This is used to handle the 
+    special case such as when comments appears inside the script 
+    element.
+      on return: *pMatch == NW_TRUE if consumed comment type
+      if *pMatch == NW_FALSE then read position is unchanged
+  */
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_HandleSpecialCases(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+    {
+    TBrowserStatusCode e;
+    *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+    if(iSPLElemHandling->splHandle == NW_TRUE) 
+      {
+      switch(iSPLElemHandling->type)
+        {
+        case NW_HTMLP_SPL_SCRIPT:
+          //Don't loose the contents inside the script as ECMA script
+          //requires these. Also, at the same time consume all of these 
+          //so that funny characters are not appreared on the screen.
+          //A counter is used for this purpose that will keep track 
+          //of all open/close comments ("<--" and "-->" inside the script).
+          // It has been found that there can be nested comments inside the
+          // <script> or starting <script> can end with </SCRIPT> element.
+          if(!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer) )
+            {
+            NW_Int32 iCommentCnt = 0;
+            NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+            NW_HTMLP_Interval_t intervalTotal;
+            TBrowserStatusCode s_hyphen = KBrsrSuccess; //Hypen
+            NW_Bool isHyphen = NW_FALSE;
+            TBrowserStatusCode s_lt = KBrsrSuccess; // '<' for starting tag
+            NW_Bool isLT = NW_FALSE;
+            NW_Bool isStartComment = NW_FALSE;
+            NW_Bool isEndComment   = NW_FALSE;
+            NW_Bool isEndScript    = NW_FALSE;
+            NW_Bool isTrueEndScript = NW_FALSE;
+            NW_Uint32 scriptContentLen = 0;
+            NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(&intervalTotal, iLexer);
+            do
+              {
+              //Check comment starting ("<!--") is there in the script
+              e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+                NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStartLength,
+                NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStart,
+                &isStartComment);
+              if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+                {
+                return e;
+                }
+              if(isStartComment == NW_TRUE) //It is comment starting ("<"
+                {
+                // to handle bug WLIU-5Y4LP2: washingtonpost.com where the first comment is not appropriately closed
+                // once we see a new comment start, we assume the previous comment ends, and therefore 
+                // iCommentCnt can only be 0 or 1
+                iCommentCnt = 1;
+                isStartComment = NW_FALSE;
+                }
+              /*Check for end of </script> here */
+              e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiStringCompareCase(iLexer,
+                NW_HTMLP_String_EndScriptLength,
+                NW_HTMLP_String_EndScript,NW_FALSE,
+                &isEndScript);
+              if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+                {
+                return e;
+                }
+              if(isEndScript == NW_TRUE && (iCommentCnt == 0))
+                {
+                //Actual end of the </script>, so we return
+                isTrueEndScript = NW_TRUE;
+                NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(&intervalTotal, iLexer);
+                *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+                break;
+                }
+              //Look for following case 
+              // (1) Starting comment ("<--")
+              // (2) Closing comment ("-->")
+              // (3) End tag ("/script") outside comment. If it is 
+              //     inside then we don't do anything. Keep reading the
+              //     data.
+              while ( (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) &&
+                !BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s_lt) &&
+                !BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s_hyphen)  && 
+                (!isHyphen && !isLT)
+                )
+                {
+                e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+                if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+                  {
+                  return e;
+                  }
+                s_hyphen = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '-', &isHyphen);
+                s_lt     = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '<', &isLT);
+                }//end while
+              if( BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s_hyphen) || BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s_lt) )	
+                {
+                return KBrsrFailure;
+                }
+              if(isLT == NW_TRUE) //Starting '<'
+                {
+                isLT = NW_FALSE; //For next cycle
+                //Check for another starting comment will be taken care in 
+                //beginning of loop.
+                //Check for end script tag
+                e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiStringCompareCase(iLexer,
+                  NW_HTMLP_String_EndScriptLength,
+                  NW_HTMLP_String_EndScript,NW_FALSE,
+                  &isEndScript);
+                if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+                  {
+                  return e;
+                  }
+                /* Not actual </script> */
+                if(isEndScript == NW_TRUE && (iCommentCnt >= 1) )
+                  {
+                  //The end tag might be in comment, skip 
+                  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AdvanceOffset(iLexer, 
+                    NW_HTMLP_String_EndScriptLength);
+                  if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+                    {
+                    return e;
+                    }
+                  continue;
+                  }
+                else if(isEndScript == NW_TRUE && (iCommentCnt == 0))
+                  {
+                  //Actual end of the </script>, so we return
+                  isTrueEndScript = NW_TRUE;
+                  NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(&intervalTotal, iLexer);
+                  *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+                  break;
+                  }
+                }//end if(s_lt == NW_TRUE) //Starting '<'
+              if(isHyphen == NW_TRUE)
+                {
+                isHyphen = NW_FALSE; //For next cycle
+                //Check for end of comments "-->"
+                e =	NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeyword(&interval,
+                  NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStopLength,
+                  NW_HTMLP_String_CommentStop,
+                  &isEndComment);
+                if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+                  {
+                  return e;
+                  }
+                if( (isEndComment == NW_TRUE) && (iCommentCnt > 0) )
+                  {
+                  iCommentCnt--;
+                  /*For next cycle */
+                  s_hyphen = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '-', &isHyphen);
+                  s_lt     = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '<', &isLT);
+                  }//end if(isEndComment == NW_TRUE)
+                }//end if(isHyphen == NW_TRUE)
+          } while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer));
+          //Now make call back to write these contents as whole.
+          //The end of tag will be handled separately in main routine.
+          scriptContentLen = NW_HTMLP_Interval_ByteCount(&intervalTotal);
+          if( (isTrueEndScript == NW_TRUE) && (scriptContentLen > 0) )
+            {
+            if (iCBs->contentCB != NULL)
+              {
+              e = (*(iCBs->contentCB))(iLexer, &intervalTotal, iCBs->pClientPointer);
+              if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+                {
+                return e;
+                }
+              }
+            iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE;
+            iElementParseState->readPosition = iLexer->readPosition; 
+            }//end if(isTrueEndScript == NW_TRUE)
+          else
+            {
+            iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE;
+            }	  
+        } //if(!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer) )
+        break;
+     default:
+       break;
+    }//end swicth()
+    }//end if(iSPLElemHandling->splHandle == NW_TRUE) 
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+assumes read position is at "<"
+on return: *pMatch == NW_TRUE if consumed a well-formed DOCTYPE
+if *pMatch == NW_FALSE then read position is unchanged
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeDoctype(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+  {
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_t doctypeInterval;
+  /* If element is ill-formed:
+  1. save location before opening markup
+  2. if processing reaches end of doc before ending element,
+  then reset to starting markup and return with *pMatch == NW_FALSE */
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(&doctypeInterval, iLexer);
+  e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeKeywordCase(&interval,
+    NW_HTMLP_String_DoctypeStartLength,
+    NW_HTMLP_String_DoctypeStart,
+    NW_FALSE,
+    pMatch);
+    return e;
+    }
+  if (*pMatch == NW_TRUE) {
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(&doctypeInterval, iLexer);
+    e = NW_HTMLP_FinishDoctype(pMatch, &doctypeInterval);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (*pMatch == NW_FALSE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Before_HTML_tag(NW_HTMLP_Lexer_t* pL, const NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI_content, 
+                                                     NW_Bool* onlySplChar)
+  NW_Uint32 length;
+  NW_Uint32 byteLength;
+  NW_Uint8* pContent;
+  TBrowserStatusCode s;
+  NW_Uint32 i =0;
+  *onlySplChar = NW_FALSE;
+    if (!NW_HTMLP_Interval_IsWellFormed(pI_content)) 
+    {
+     return KBrsrFailure;
+    }
+    length = pI_content->stop - pI_content->start;
+    byteLength = length;
+      s = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_DataAddressFromBuffer(pL, pI_content->start,
+                                               &byteLength,
+                                               &pContent);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s)) 
+      {
+        return s;
+      }
+      if (byteLength != length) 
+      {
+        return KBrsrFailure;
+      }
+      for(i=0; i < byteLength; i++)
+       {
+        if(pContent[i] <= 0x20)
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+       }//end for(..)
+      if(i == byteLength )
+      {
+       *onlySplChar = NW_TRUE;
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+}//end CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Before_HTML_tag
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ConsumeContent(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+  {
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+  NW_Bool match, matchspace, hasTable, hasTr, hasTd, hasPre, hasCaption, 
+    allSpaces;  // if the comment only contains white spaces
+  NW_Int32 i;
+  *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+  hasTable = hasTr = hasTd = hasPre = hasCaption = NW_FALSE;
+  allSpaces = NW_TRUE;
+  if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer))
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+  /* if just after element start then skip one line break if found */
+  if (iElementParseState->readPosition == iLexer->readPosition) {
+    /* skip over one instance of line break: 0xd, 0xa, or 0xd+0xa */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, 0xd, &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      }
+    if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+      return KBrsrSuccess;
+      }
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, 0xa, &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      }
+    if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+      return KBrsrSuccess;
+      }
+    /* Did we advance over anything? */
+    if (iElementParseState->readPosition != iLexer->readPosition) {
+      /* check at new beginning for possible start of markup */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '<', &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+        return KBrsrSuccess;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  for (i = 0;  iIsHtml && (i <= iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer); i++)
+    {
+    switch ((iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack)[i]) 
+      {
+        hasTable = NW_TRUE;
+        hasTr = hasTd = NW_FALSE;
+        break;
+        hasTr = NW_TRUE;
+        hasTd = NW_FALSE;
+        break;
+        hasTd = NW_TRUE;
+        break;
+        hasPre = NW_TRUE;
+        break;
+        hasCaption = NW_TRUE;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(&interval, iLexer);
+  do
+    {
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    match = NW_FALSE;
+    if (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+      // temporary hack for "my yahoo" page containing 0 byte in text
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, 0x0, &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (match)
+        {
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        return KBrsrSuccess;
+        }
+      /* look for start of markup */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '<', &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if (!match)
+        {
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsSpace(iLexer, &matchspace);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        if (!matchspace)
+          allSpaces = NW_FALSE;
+        }
+      }
+    if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer) || (match == NW_TRUE)) {
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(&interval, iLexer);
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      /* set the mark (iLastInvlid) in the output so that the start of the invalid dom can be recorded 
+      for input buffer, we remember this text (iLastTextBuf) so it can be inserted at
+      begining of the next segment */
+      if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer) && !iDocComplete)
+        {
+        iLastTextBegin = interval.start;
+        if (iLastScriptStart == -1)
+          setValidMarks();
+        }
+      else
+        {
+        if (hasTable && !hasCaption && (hasPre || !allSpaces))
+          {
+          if ((!hasTr) && (iCBs->startTagCB))
+            {
+            e = (*(iCBs->startTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR].tag[0],
+              &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR].tag[1]),
+              iCBs->pClientPointer, NW_FALSE);
+            updateCurrentCP();
+            if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+              return e;
+              }
+            }
+          if ((!hasTd) && (iCBs->startTagCB))
+            {
+            e = (*(iCBs->startTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD].tag[0],
+              &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD].tag[1]),
+              iCBs->pClientPointer, NW_FALSE);
+            updateCurrentCP();
+            if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+              return e;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        /* content callback */
+          if (iCBs->contentCB != NULL && (iLastTextBegin == -1))
+          {
+           /*Handle special case for any content before <HTML> tag. This causes
+            *the false page switch so be careful.
+            */
+           if( (firstSegment == NW_TRUE) && (htmlTagFound == NW_FALSE) )
+           {
+            NW_Bool   onlySplChar;
+            e = NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Before_HTML_tag(iLexer, &interval,&onlySplChar);
+            if( (e == KBrsrSuccess) && (onlySplChar == NW_TRUE) )
+             {
+              return KBrsrSuccess;
+             }
+           }
+           e = (*(iCBs->contentCB))(iLexer, &interval, iCBs->pClientPointer);
+           if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+             return e;
+            }
+          } /*end if (iCBs->contentCB != NULL && (iLastTextBegin == -1))*/
+        }
+      break;
+      }
+    } while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer));
+    if (hasTable && !hasCaption && (hasPre || !allSpaces))
+      {
+      if ((!hasTd) && (iCBs->endTagCB))
+        {
+        e = (*(iCBs->endTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD].tag[0], &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD].tag[1]), NW_FALSE, /* not empty */
+          iCBs->pClientPointer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        }
+      if ((!hasTr) && (iCBs->endTagCB))
+        {
+        e = (*(iCBs->endTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR].tag[0], &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR].tag[1]), NW_FALSE, /* not empty */
+          iCBs->pClientPointer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_CheckTagEndOrSpace (NW_Bool* aMatch)
+  {
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsSpace(iLexer, aMatch);
+    {
+    return e;
+    } 
+  if (*aMatch)
+    {
+    return e;
+    }
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiStringCompare (iLexer, 
+    NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEndLength,
+    NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEnd,
+    aMatch);
+    {
+    return e;
+    }
+  if (*aMatch)
+    {
+    return e;
+    }
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '>', aMatch);
+  return e;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_CheckTagEnd (NW_Bool* aMatch)
+  {
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiStringCompare (iLexer, 
+    NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEndLength,
+    NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEnd,
+    aMatch);
+    {
+    return e;
+    }
+  if (*aMatch)
+    {
+    return e;
+    }
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '>', aMatch);
+  return e;
+  }
+  /*
+  on entry: assumes lexer position is just after '='
+  on return: If consumed a value, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE and
+  .........: lexer read position is just after last value
+  .........: related char: if quotes are used then it
+  .........: is the character just after the closing quote.
+  .........: If no value is consumed then *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+  .........: and lexer read position is unchanged.
+  .........: In either case return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  .........: When *pMatch == NW_TRUE then the interval bounds the
+  .........: value and does not include enclosing quote chars, if used.
+  .........: NOTE: Interval may be zero length if value is the empty
+  .........: string or value is missing.  To differentiate the two the
+  .........: out param *pMissingValue, if true indicates a missing value.
+  .........: *pMissingValue is only valid if *pMatch == NW_TRUE.
+  eof handling: If encounters EOF while attempting operation, then returns
+  ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE if value is not well-formed with lexer read
+  ............: position unchanged, or *pMatch == NW_TRUE if value is well-formed
+  ............: with lexer read position at EOF.
+  ............: In either case, return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE,
+  ...............: *pMissingValue and lexer read position is unspecified
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_AttributeValueConsume(NW_Bool* pMissingValue,
+                                                                NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI,
+                                                                NW_Bool* pMatch,NW_Bool splAttrFound)
+  {
+  /*
+  If no quotes are used around the value, then value is delimited by
+  whitespace (not including CR/LF) or on encountering either "/>" or '>'.
+  This differs from the HTML 4.01 specification which states:
+    "The attribute value may only contain letters (a-z and A-Z),
+    digits (0-9), hyphens (ASCII decimal 45), periods (ASCII decimal 46),
+    underscores (ASCII decimal 95), and colons (ASCII decimal 58)."
+  However, most browsers follow a looser syntax such as the one implemented
+  here.  To see this, try browsing this weird doc:
+    <a href=foo"" title=a~!@#$%^&*()+={}[];:?<"`'|\/>the link</a>
+  Otherwise, the value may be any quoted string not containing the
+  quotation mark used as a delimiter for that string.
+  */
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_Bool match;
+  NW_Bool skippingSpace;
+  // added for bug DCAN-5Q9PK8
+  // quotedValue is True in the case: attrName='attrVal'
+  // quotedValue is False in the case: attrName=attr'xxx'Val
+  NW_Bool quotedValue = NW_FALSE; 
+  // used only after a Quote is find
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t spaceBfEqualQuo;
+  // set to TRUE only when NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &spaceBfEqualQuo) is called 
+  NW_Bool spaceBfEqualQuoSet = NW_FALSE; 
+  // match for double quote
+  NW_Bool matchD;
+  // match for single quote
+  NW_Bool matchS;
+  // quote could be double " or single '
+  NW_Uint8 quote = 0;
+  // set to NW_TRUE when value consumed
+  NW_Bool valConsumed = NW_FALSE;
+  *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+  *pMissingValue = NW_TRUE;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+  /* optional whitespace */
+  e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+    return e;
+    }
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(pI, iLexer);
+  while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+    /* optional CRs or LFs */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_SkipCRLF();
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    /* end with match if see '>' */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '>', &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      break;
+      }
+    /* end with match if see "/>" */
+    if(splAttrFound != NW_TRUE)
+      {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiStringCompare(iLexer, NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEndLength,
+        NW_HTMLP_String_MiniEnd,
+        &match);
+      }
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      break;
+      }
+    /* end with match if see whitespace */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsSpace(iLexer, &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      break;
+      }
+    matchD = NW_FALSE;
+    matchS = NW_FALSE;
+    // check for string beginning with double quote '\"' 
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '\"', &matchD);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+      {
+      return e;
+      }
+    // check for string beginning with single quote '\'' 
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '\'', &matchS);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+      {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (matchD) 
+      {
+      match = NW_TRUE;
+      quote = '\"';
+      }
+    else if (matchS) 
+      {
+      match = NW_TRUE;
+      quote = '\'';
+      }
+    if (match) 
+      {
+      *pMissingValue = NW_FALSE;
+      if (iLexer->readPosition == pI->start)
+        {
+        quotedValue = NW_TRUE;
+        }
+      e= NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+      // skip leading white space in quoted attribute value
+      e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(pI, iLexer);
+      // begin with zero length interval
+      NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+      skippingSpace = NW_FALSE;
+      do 
+        {
+        /* optional CRs or LFs */
+        e = NW_HTMLP_SkipCRLF();
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) 
+          {
+          // not well-formed at EOF
+          return KBrsrSuccess;
+          }
+        if (!skippingSpace) 
+          {
+          NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+          }
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_IsSpace(iLexer, &skippingSpace);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+          {
+          return e;
+          }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // update spaceBfEqualQuo once new space is found
+        if (skippingSpace)
+          {
+          NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &spaceBfEqualQuo);
+          spaceBfEqualQuoSet = NW_TRUE;
+          }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // for the case <a href=/url-trx.jsp?title=driver's>Renew driver's license</a>
+        // quote is part of real content
+        // stop parsing value if seeing > or />
+        // however, this is checked only when it's unquoted value
+        // in the case <a href='bracket > in quote'>, which is quoted value
+        // NW_HTMLP_CheckTagEnd shouldn't be called
+        if (!quotedValue)
+          {
+          e = NW_HTMLP_CheckTagEnd (&match);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+            {
+            return e;
+            }
+          if (match)
+            {
+            // value consumed
+            valConsumed = NW_TRUE;
+            break;
+            }
+          }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // special handling the case: name1="val1 name2="val2"
+        // if seeing =", we can assume that the ending quote for the value is missing
+        if (matchD)
+          {
+          e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiStringCompare (iLexer, 
+            NW_HTMLP_String_EqualQuoteLength,
+            NW_HTMLP_String_EqualDblQuote,
+            &match);
+          }
+        else if (matchS)
+          {
+          e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiStringCompare (iLexer, 
+            NW_HTMLP_String_EqualQuoteLength,
+            NW_HTMLP_String_EqualSngQuote,
+            &match);
+          }
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+          {
+          return e;
+          }
+        if (match) 
+          {
+          if (spaceBfEqualQuoSet)
+            {
+   	        // set the lexer to the position of the right most space before ="
+            NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition (iLexer, &spaceBfEqualQuo);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            // special handling the case: <a href='b='>b</a>
+            // if seeing =' and spaceBfEqualQuo is not set, 
+            // we can assume that consumption of value is over
+            // important to advance two steps so iLexer will point to '>'
+            e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+            NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+            e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+            if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+              {
+              return e;
+              }
+            }
+          // value consumed
+          valConsumed = NW_TRUE;
+          break;
+          }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, quote, &match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+          {
+          return e;
+          }
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+          {
+          return e;
+          }
+        if (match) // to handle the attrbite="value"" case 
+          {
+          e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, quote, &match);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+            {
+            return e;
+            }
+          if (match)
+            {
+            e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+            }
+          valConsumed = NW_TRUE;
+          }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        } while (!valConsumed);
+        *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+        // two cases would break out the above do-while loop: either quotedValue is true or false
+        // true quotedValue means value consumed finished, we should break the outter loop as well
+        // speical case: <a href='a.com/name=driver's license'> where iLexer is pointing to s after '
+        // this is true quotedValue, we consume value right after driver as IE does so
+        // ignore the part of: s license'
+        if (quotedValue)
+          {
+          break;
+          }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // false quotedValue needs more check before deciding breaking the outter loop or not
+        // case: <a href=preQuo'val'aftrQuo>
+        // continue to parse the attribute value if check fails
+        e = NW_HTMLP_CheckTagEndOrSpace (&match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+          {
+          return e;
+          }
+        if (match)
+          {
+          break;
+          }
+        else
+          {
+          // avoid calling NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance below, since we have called it
+          continue;
+          }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        } // end of match==NW_TRUE of either ' or "
+        /* advance in unquoted value */
+        *pMissingValue = NW_FALSE;
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+  } /* end of loop */
+  /* catch EOF for values without quotes */
+  if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+    *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(pI, iLexer);
+    }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+on entry: Function parses the name and comapre for "href" tag. If found then
+........: *splAttrFound=TRUE otherwise false.
+on return: void
+  */
+  void CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_Attr(NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI_name, 
+    NW_Bool* splAttrFound)
+    {
+    NW_Uint32 length;
+    NW_Uint32 nameLength;
+    NW_Uint8* pName;
+    NW_Ucs2 c_ucs2;
+    NW_Uint32 i;
+    NW_Int32 bytesRead;
+    TBrowserStatusCode s;
+    static const NW_Ucs2 hrefStr[] = {'h','r','e','f','\0'};
+    *splAttrFound = NW_FALSE;
+    if (!NW_HTMLP_Interval_IsWellFormed(pI_name)) {
+      return;
+      }
+    /* var name setup */
+    length = NW_HTMLP_Interval_ByteCount(pI_name);
+    nameLength = length; /* byte count */
+    s = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_DataAddressFromBuffer(iLexer, pI_name->start,
+      &nameLength, &pName);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s)) {
+      return;
+      }
+    if (nameLength != length) {
+      return;
+      }
+    nameLength = NW_HTMLP_Interval_CharCount(pI_name); /* char count */
+                                                       /* force attribute name to lower case for A-Z only,
+    this alters the doc in-place */
+    /* FUTURE: unfortunately, there is no writeChar to go with the readChar
+    so the work around until there is better encoding support is to only
+    work with ASCII, 8859-1, UTF-8 and UCS-2.  In these encodings we can
+    handle writing because only UCS-2 uses two bytes for an ASCII char. */
+    NW_ASSERT((iLexer->encoding == HTTP_us_ascii)
+      || (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_iso_8859_1)
+      || (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_utf_8)
+      || (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_iso_10646_ucs_2));
+    if (!((iLexer->encoding == HTTP_us_ascii)
+      || (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_iso_8859_1)
+      || (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_utf_8)
+      || (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_iso_10646_ucs_2))) {
+      return;
+      }
+    for (i = 0; i < length;) {
+      bytesRead = NW_String_readChar(&(pName[i]), &c_ucs2, iLexer->encoding);
+      if (bytesRead == -1) {
+        return;
+        }
+      /* force doc ascii uppercase to lowercase */
+      if ((c_ucs2 >= (NW_Ucs2)'A') && (c_ucs2 <= (NW_Ucs2)'Z')) {
+        c_ucs2 += 0x20; /* offset in ascii from upper to lower */
+        }
+      if (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_iso_10646_ucs_2) {
+        NW_ASSERT(bytesRead == 2);
+        /* accomodate either endianness */
+        if (pName[i] == 0) {
+          pName[i+1] = (NW_Uint8)c_ucs2;
+          } else {
+          pName[i] = (NW_Uint8)c_ucs2;
+            }
+        } else {
+        NW_ASSERT(bytesRead == 1);
+        NW_ASSERT((iLexer->encoding == HTTP_us_ascii)
+          || (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_iso_8859_1)
+          || (iLexer->encoding == HTTP_utf_8));
+        pName[i] = (NW_Uint8)c_ucs2;
+          }
+        i += bytesRead;
+      }//end for(..)
+    if (NW_Byte_Strnicmp((const NW_Byte*)pName, (const NW_Byte*)hrefStr, NW_Str_Strlen(hrefStr)*sizeof(NW_Ucs2)) == 0)   
+      {
+      *splAttrFound = NW_TRUE;
+      }
+    return;
+    }//end NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_Attr(..)
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_Meta(NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI_name, 
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI_attvalue,
+    NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handling_t* splElem)
+    {
+    TBrowserStatusCode status = KBrsrSuccess;
+    NW_Int32 numUnconvertible, indexFirstUnconvertible;
+    NW_Buffer_t* outBuf;
+    NW_Bool charsetSpecified = NW_FALSE;
+    NW_ASSERT(iLexer != NULL);
+    NW_ASSERT(pI_name != NULL);
+    NW_ASSERT(pI_attvalue != NULL);
+    NW_ASSERT(splElem != NULL);
+    NW_Uint32 i = pI_attvalue->start;
+    if (iCBs == NULL)
+      return status;
+    switch (splElem->type) {
+      case NW_HTMLP_SPL_META:
+        {
+        /* After detecting meta, try to detect content=... */
+        static const NW_Ucs2 attrNameStr[] = {'c','o','n','t','e','n','t','\0'};
+        static const NW_Ucs2 attrValStr[] = {'c','h','a','r','s','e','t','=','\0'};
+        /* Assuming latin-1 charset. If it was not latin-1, no need to look for meta charset */
+        if (pI_name->charStop - pI_name->charStart == NW_Str_Strlen(attrNameStr) && /* check that the attribute name is content */
+          NW_Byte_Strnicmp((const NW_Byte*)(iLexer->pBuf + pI_name->start), (const NW_Byte*)attrNameStr, NW_Str_Strlen(attrNameStr)*sizeof(NW_Ucs2)) == 0)
+          {
+          while (i <= pI_attvalue->stop - NW_Str_Strlen(attrValStr)*sizeof(NW_Ucs2)) /* Find charset in the attribute value */
+            {
+            if (NW_Byte_Strnicmp((const NW_Byte*)(iLexer->pBuf + i), (const NW_Byte*)attrValStr, NW_Str_Strlen(attrValStr)*sizeof(NW_Ucs2)) == 0)
+              {
+              i += NW_Str_Strlen(attrValStr)*sizeof(NW_Ucs2); // Move after charset=
+              charsetSpecified = NW_TRUE;
+              break;
+              }
+            i += sizeof(NW_Ucs2);
+            }
+          }
+        // street html support:
+        // handle <meta content="text/html" charset="xxxx"> case
+        // in this case, attrName = charset and attrVal = xxxx
+        else if (pI_name->charStop - pI_name->charStart == NW_Str_Strlen(attrValStr) - 1 && /* check that the attribute name is charset */
+          NW_Byte_Strnicmp((const NW_Byte*)(iLexer->pBuf + pI_name->start), (const NW_Byte*)attrValStr, (NW_Str_Strlen(attrValStr) -1)*sizeof(NW_Ucs2)) == 0)
+          {
+          charsetSpecified = NW_TRUE;
+          }
+        // if we found the structure in meta that indicate charset specification, 
+        // call charsetConvertCallback to perform the charset lookup.
+        if (charsetSpecified)
+          {
+          NW_Buffer_t body;
+          NW_Uint32 selectedCharset;
+          NW_ASSERT(iCBs->charsetConvertCallback != NULL);
+          NW_ASSERT(iCBs->charsetContext != NULL);
+          /* Set the buffer that needs to be converted */
+          body.data = iLexer->pBuf;
+          body.allocatedLength = iLexer->byteCount;
+          body.length = iLexer->byteCount;
+          /* In case of empty charset declaration */
+          if ( pI_attvalue->stop - i == 0)
+            {
+            status = KBrsrSuccess;
+            goto finish_handleMeta;
+            }
+          status = iCBs->charsetConvertCallback(iCBs->charsetContext, pI_attvalue->stop - i, i, &body, 
+            &numUnconvertible, &indexFirstUnconvertible, &outBuf,
+            &selectedCharset);
+          if (status != KBrsrSuccess)
+            {
+            goto finish_handleMeta;
+            }
+          /* Was the buffer converted? */
+          NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetEncoding(iLexer, selectedCharset);
+          iOrigEncoding = selectedCharset;
+          status = KBrsrRestartParsing;
+          goto finish_handleMeta;
+          } // if (charsetSpecified)
+        break;
+        } // case NW_HTMLP_SPL_META
+      default:
+        break;
+      } //switch (splElem->type)
+      return status;
+    }
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_xml_charset()
+    {
+    TBrowserStatusCode status = KBrsrSuccess;
+    NW_Int32 numUnconvertible, indexFirstUnconvertible;
+    NW_Buffer_t* outBuf = NULL;
+    NW_Uint32 i;
+    static const NW_Ucs2 encodingStr[] = {'e','n','c','o','d','i','n','g','=','\0'};
+    NW_Uint32 encodingLen = NW_Str_Strlen(encodingStr)*sizeof(NW_Ucs2);
+    if (NW_Byte_Strnicmp((const NW_Byte*)(iLexer->pBuf + iLexer->readPosition), (const NW_Byte*)encodingStr, encodingLen) == 0 && 
+      (iLexer->pBuf[iLexer->readPosition + encodingLen] == '"' || 
+      iLexer->pBuf[iLexer->readPosition + encodingLen] == '\''))
+      {
+      NW_Buffer_t body;
+      NW_Uint32 selectedCharset;
+      NW_ASSERT(iCBs->charsetConvertCallback != NULL);
+      NW_ASSERT(iCBs->charsetContext != NULL);
+      for (i = iLexer->readPosition + encodingLen + sizeof(NW_Ucs2); 
+      i < iLexer->byteCount && iLexer->pBuf[i] != '"' && iLexer->byteCount && iLexer->pBuf[i] != '\'' && iLexer->pBuf[i] != '?'; 
+      i += sizeof(NW_Ucs2))
+        ;
+      if (((iLexer->pBuf[i] == '"') || (iLexer->pBuf[i] == '\'')) && i > iLexer->readPosition + encodingLen)
+        {  
+        encodingLen += sizeof(NW_Ucs2); //Skip the quotes
+        /* Set the buffer that needs to be converted */
+        body.data = iLexer->pBuf;
+        body.allocatedLength = iLexer->byteCount;
+        body.length = iLexer->byteCount;
+        /* In case of empty XML declaration, ignore it */
+        if (i - iLexer->readPosition - encodingLen ==0)
+          {
+          status = KBrsrSuccess;
+          goto finish_xml_charset;
+          }
+        status = iCBs->charsetConvertCallback(iCBs->charsetContext, i - iLexer->readPosition - encodingLen, iLexer->readPosition + encodingLen, &body, 
+          &numUnconvertible, &indexFirstUnconvertible, &outBuf, &selectedCharset);
+        if (status != KBrsrSuccess)
+          {
+          goto finish_xml_charset;
+          }        
+        NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetEncoding(iLexer, selectedCharset);
+        iOrigEncoding = selectedCharset;
+        status = KBrsrRestartParsing;
+        goto finish_xml_charset;
+        }
+      }
+      return status;
+    }
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_BodyStart(NW_HTMLP_ElementDescriptionConst_t* pElement)
+    {
+    TBrowserStatusCode status = KBrsrSuccess;
+    NW_Int32 numUnconvertible, indexFirstUnconvertible;
+    NW_Buffer_t * outBuf = NULL;
+    NW_REQUIRED_PARAM( pElement );
+    NW_ASSERT(iLexer != NULL);
+    NW_ASSERT(pElement != NULL);
+    NW_Buffer_t body;
+    NW_Uint32 selectedCharset = 0;
+    NW_ASSERT(iCBs->charsetConvertCallback != NULL);
+    NW_ASSERT(iCBs->charsetContext != NULL);
+    /* Set the buffer that needs to be converted */
+    body.data = iLexer->pBuf;
+    body.allocatedLength = iLexer->byteCount;
+    body.length = iLexer->byteCount;
+    status = iCBs->charsetConvertCallback(iCBs->charsetContext, 0, 0, &body, 
+      &numUnconvertible, &indexFirstUnconvertible, &outBuf, &selectedCharset);
+    if (status != KBrsrSuccess)
+      {
+      return status;
+      }
+    /* Was the buffer converted? */
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetEncoding(iLexer, selectedCharset);
+    iOrigEncoding = selectedCharset;
+    return KBrsrRestartParsing;
+    }
+    /*
+    on entry: assumes lexer read position is in whitespace or at first character
+    ........: of an attribute name
+    on return: If consumes an attribute with (optional) value, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE
+    .........: and lexer read position is just after the attribute value pair
+    .........: which could be whitespace, a '>', or EOF.
+    .........: If no attribute with (optional) value consumed, then
+    .........: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and lexer read position unchanged.
+    .........: In either case return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+    .........: When *pMatch == NW_TRUE then the *pI_name bounds the attribute name
+    .........: and pI_value bounds the value which does not include enclosing quote
+    .........: chars, if used.
+    .........: NOTE: *pI_value may be zero length if value is the empty
+    .........: string or value is missing.  To differentiate the two the
+    .........: out param *pMissingValue, if true indicates a missing value.
+    .........: *pMissingValue is only valid if *pMatch == NW_TRUE.
+    eof handling: If encounters EOF while attempting operation, then returns
+    ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE only if result up to EOF could not form either
+    ............: a name without a value or a value that is not well-formed.
+    ............: If *pMatch == NW_FALSE on EOF then lexer read position is unchanged,
+    ............: If *pMatch == NW_TRUE on EOF then with lexer read position at EOF.
+    ............: In either case, return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+    on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE,
+    ...............: *pMissingValue and lexer read position is unspecified
+  */
+  TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_AttributeNameAndValueConsume(
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI_name,
+    NW_Bool* pMissingValue,
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI_attvalue,
+    NW_Bool* pMatch,
+    NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handling_t* splElem)
+    {
+    /*
+    Looks for the following patterns:
+    1. name (form with no value)
+    2. name= (form with missing value, degenerate but accepted)
+    3. name=value (unquoted value)
+    4. name='value' (single quoted value)
+    5. name="value" (double quoted value)
+      The forms are terminated by: matching quotes, whitespace, "/>", '>' or EOF.
+    */
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+    TBrowserStatusCode e;
+    NW_Bool match;
+    NW_Bool splAttrFound = NW_FALSE;
+    *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+    *pMissingValue = NW_TRUE;
+    NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_Init(pI_name);
+    NW_HTMLP_Interval_Init(pI_attvalue);
+    /* optional whitespace */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    /* Name */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_ParseName(&match, pI_name);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return KBrsrFailure;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+      // added check for quote if attr name is not present, if
+      // quote is next, skip to after next quote
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '\"', &match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      // skip to next quote
+      if (match== NW_TRUE)
+        {   
+        match = NW_FALSE;
+        do {
+          e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+            return KBrsrSuccess;
+            }
+          e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '\"', &match);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          } while (match == NW_FALSE);
+        e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          } 
+        *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+        return KBrsrSuccess;
+        } 
+      else
+        {
+        return KBrsrSuccess;
+        }
+      }
+    if(splElem && (splElem->splHandle == NW_TRUE))
+      {
+      if( (splElem->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_ANCHOR_ATTR ) ||
+          (splElem->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_BASE_ATTR) )
+        {
+        NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_Attr(pI_name,&splAttrFound);
+        }
+      }//endif if(splElem && (splElem->splHandle == NW_TRUE))
+    /* optional whitespace */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    /* '=' */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '=', &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      e = NW_HTMLP_AttributeValueConsume(pMissingValue, pI_attvalue, &match,splAttrFound);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      if(splElem && (splElem->splHandle == NW_TRUE))
+        {
+        if( splElem->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_META )
+          {
+          e = NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_Meta(pI_name,pI_attvalue, splElem);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          }
+        }//endif if(splElem && (splElem->splHandle == NW_TRUE))
+      if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+        return KBrsrSuccess;
+        }
+      }
+    *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+on entry: no assumptions about lexer read position
+on return: If finds a match for regular expression "/\s*>",
+.........: then *pMatch == NW_TRUE and the lexer read position
+.........: is just after the '>' and return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+eof handling: If encounters EOF while attempting operation, then
+............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+...............: and lexer read position is unspecified
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeMinEmptyElementSyntax(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+  {
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+  NW_Bool match;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '/', &match);
+    return e;
+    }
+  if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '>', pMatch);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (*pMatch == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      } else {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+        }
+    }
+  return e;
+  }
+  /*
+  on entry: assumes lexer read position is in whitespace or at first character
+  ........: of an attribute name
+  ........: This function special cases the callback pointer.  It *iCBs == NULL,
+  ........: then no callbacks are done.  This is so that attribute lists on
+  ........: unknown tags and on end tags can be consumed but ignored.
+  on return: If either the attribute list is well-formed, including an empty
+  .........: attribute list, then *pMatch == NW_TRUE and the lexer read position
+  .........: is just after the closing '>' or '/>' (for xhtml empty tag processing).
+  .........: If the end is '/>', then *pIsEmptyTagEnd == NW_TRUE.
+  .........: If no attribute list is consumed, due a malformed attribute
+  .........: name or value, then *pMatch == NW_FALSE, *pIsEmptyTagEnd == NW_FALSE
+  .........: and the lexer read position is unchanged.
+  .........: In either case return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  eof handling: If encounters EOF while attempting operation, then
+  ............: *pMatch == NW_FALSE and return value is KBrsrSuccess.
+  on error return: return value is not KBrsrSuccess, *pMatch == NW_FALSE
+  ...............: and lexer read position is unspecified
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeAttributes(
+                                                                   NW_Bool* pMatch,
+                                                                   NW_Bool* pIsEmptyTagEnd,
+                                                                   const struct NW_HTMLP_EventCallbacks_s* pCBs,
+                                                                   NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handling_t* splElem)
+  {
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_t I_attName;
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_t I_attValue;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+  NW_Uint32 attributeCount;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_Bool missingValue;
+  NW_Bool match;
+  NW_Uint32 cp_cnt;
+  NW_Bool malformated = NW_FALSE;
+  *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+  *pIsEmptyTagEnd = NW_FALSE;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+  for (attributeCount = 0;;) {
+    /* optional space and junk. */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_SkipJunk();
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    /* try '>' end */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '>', &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      break;
+      }
+    else if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer))
+      {
+      return KBrsrSuccess;
+      }
+    /* try /\s*> end */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_IfExistsConsumeMinEmptyElementSyntax(&match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+      *pIsEmptyTagEnd = NW_TRUE;
+      break;
+      }
+    /* look for attributes */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_AttributeNameAndValueConsume(&I_attName, &missingValue,
+      &I_attValue, &match, splElem);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+      // street html support, if parsing attr nv pair fails and
+      // it's not end of buffer yet, that indicates that it's likely
+      // to be a mal-formated attr list. In this case, we want to 
+      // advance to where the end tag is.
+      if (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+        do {
+          e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+            return KBrsrSuccess;
+            }
+          e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '>', &match);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          } while (match == NW_FALSE);
+        if (match)
+          malformated = NW_TRUE;
+        }
+      else
+        return KBrsrSuccess;
+      }
+    // if I_AttName byte count is 0, that means we don't
+    // have attr name but an attr value within quote.
+    if (NW_HTMLP_Interval_ByteCount(&I_attName) !=0 && !malformated) 
+      {
+      if (!iIsHtml && pCBs != NULL && (pCBs->attributeStartCB != NULL)) { // the content is WML
+        e = NW_HTMLP_ValidateWMLAttribute(iLexer, &I_attName,
+            pCBs->pClientPointer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          continue;                     // attempt to get the NEXT attribute
+        }
+      }
+      attributeCount++;
+      /* note: attribute value may be zero length interval */
+      if ((pCBs != NULL) && (pCBs->attributeStartCB != NULL)) {
+        e = (*(pCBs->attributeStartCB))(pCBs->pClientPointer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        if (pCBs->attributeNameAndValueCB != NULL) {
+          e = (*(pCBs->attributeNameAndValueCB))(iLexer, &I_attName,
+            missingValue, &I_attValue,
+            pCBs->pClientPointer, &cp_cnt);
+          updateCurrentCP(cp_cnt);
+          if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+            return e;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } /* end of loop */
+  if ((attributeCount > 0) && (*pMatch == NW_TRUE)) {
+    if ((pCBs != NULL) && (pCBs->attributesEndCB != NULL)) {
+      e = (*(pCBs->attributesEndCB))(attributeCount, pCBs->pClientPointer);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        return e;
+        }
+      }
+    } 
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+NW_HTMLP_ElementDescriptionConst_t* CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementFindTagFromDoc(
+                                                                                 NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* pI,
+                                                                                 NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t* pIndex)
+  {
+  NW_Uint8* pTagInDoc;
+  NW_Uint32 byteCount;
+  NW_Uint32 charCount;
+  NW_Int32 bytesRead;
+  NW_Uint32 j;
+  NW_Int32 tagIndex;
+  NW_Ucs2 c_ucs2;
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t i;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_Bool match = NW_FALSE;
+  byteCount = NW_HTMLP_Interval_ByteCount(pI);
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_DataAddressFromBuffer(iLexer, pI->start,
+    &byteCount,
+    &pTagInDoc);
+    return NULL;
+    }
+  NW_ASSERT(byteCount == NW_HTMLP_Interval_ByteCount(pI));
+  if (byteCount != NW_HTMLP_Interval_ByteCount(pI)) {
+    return NULL;
+    }
+  charCount = NW_HTMLP_Interval_CharCount(pI);
+  for (i = 0; i < iLexer->elementCount; i++) {
+    match = NW_FALSE;
+    if (charCount == (iLexer->pElementDictionary)[i].tag[0]) {
+      match = NW_TRUE;
+      tagIndex = 0;
+      for (j = 0; j < charCount; j++) {
+        bytesRead = NW_String_readChar(&(pTagInDoc[tagIndex]),
+          &c_ucs2, iLexer->encoding);
+        if (bytesRead == -1) {
+          return NULL;
+          }
+        tagIndex += bytesRead;
+        /* force doc ascii uppercase to lowercase */
+        if ((c_ucs2 >= (NW_Ucs2)'A') && (c_ucs2 <= (NW_Ucs2)'Z')) {
+          c_ucs2 += 0x20; /* offset in ascii from upper to lower */
+          }
+        if (c_ucs2 != (NW_Ucs2)((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[i].tag[j+1])) {
+          match = NW_FALSE;
+          break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      break;
+      }
+    }
+  *pIndex = i;
+  if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+    return &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[i]);
+    } else {
+    return NULL;
+      }
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_New()
+  {
+  iElementParseState = ((NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_t*)
+    NW_Mem_Malloc(sizeof(NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_t)));
+  if (iElementParseState == NULL) {
+    return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+    }
+  iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer = -1;
+  iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity = NW_HTMLP_OPEN_ELEMENT_INITIAL_STACK_CAPACITY;
+  iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack = ((NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t*)
+    NW_Mem_Malloc(sizeof(NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t)
+    * iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity));
+  if (iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack == NULL) {
+    NW_Mem_Free(iElementParseState);
+    iElementParseState = NULL;
+    return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+    }
+  iElementParseState->inPCDATA = NW_FALSE;
+  iElementParseState->readPosition = 0;
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Clone(NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_t** ppS)
+  {
+  NW_Int32 sp;
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Delete(ppS);
+  *ppS = ((NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_t*)
+    NW_Mem_Malloc(sizeof(NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_t)));
+  if (*ppS == NULL) {
+    return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+    }
+  **ppS = *iElementParseState;
+  (*ppS)->pOpenElementStack = ((NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t*)
+    NW_Mem_Malloc(sizeof(NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t)
+    * (*ppS)->openElementStackCapacity));
+  if ((*ppS)->pOpenElementStack == NULL) {
+    NW_Mem_Free(*ppS);
+    *ppS = NULL;
+    return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+    }
+  for (sp = 0; sp <= iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer; sp++) {
+    (*ppS)->pOpenElementStack[sp] = iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack[sp];
+    }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+void CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Delete(NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_t** ppS)
+  {
+  if (*ppS)
+    NW_Mem_Free((*ppS)->pOpenElementStack);
+  NW_Mem_Free(*ppS);
+  *ppS = NULL;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Push(NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t index)
+  {
+  NW_ASSERT(iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer >= -1);
+  NW_ASSERT(iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer < iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity);
+  iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer += 1;
+  if (iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer == iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity) {
+    /* realloc stack */
+    NW_Int32 newStackCapacity = (iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity
+    NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t* pNewStack
+      = ((NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t*)
+      NW_Mem_Malloc(sizeof(NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t) * newStackCapacity));
+    if (pNewStack == NULL) {
+      return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+      }
+    NW_Mem_memcpy(pNewStack, iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack, (sizeof(NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t)
+      * iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity));
+    NW_Mem_Free(iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack);
+    iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack = pNewStack;
+    iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity = newStackCapacity;
+    }
+  (iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack)[iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer] = index;
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Pop()
+  {
+  NW_ASSERT(iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer >= 0);
+  NW_ASSERT(iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer < iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity);
+  if (iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer >= 0) {
+    return (iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack)[iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer--];
+    }
+  /* BUG: this is a bogus value but something needs to be returned */
+  return 0;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_ImpliedClosings(NW_HTMLP_ElementDescriptionConst_t* pElement)
+  {
+  const NW_Uint8* pBuf;
+  NW_Int32 sp;
+  NW_Uint32 i;
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t stackTopElement;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_Uint8 l;
+  if ((pElement == NULL) || (pElement->closes == NULL)) {
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    }
+    /* Logic here is that if the close list says close something on the open
+    element stack, no matter the position on the open element stack then close
+    all elements through the one matched on the open element stack. Repeat
+    until there is nothing on the open element stack that matches an item in
+  the closes list. However, abort if item on element stack is in blocks list. */
+  for (sp = iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer; sp >= 0; sp--) {
+    /* check blocks, if any */
+    if (pElement->blocks != NULL) {
+      for (i = 0; i < pElement->blocks[0]; i++) {
+        if (pElement->blocks[i+1] == iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack[sp]) {
+          return KBrsrSuccess;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    /* check closes */
+    for (i = 0; i < pElement->closes[0]; i++) {
+      if (pElement->closes[i+1] == iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack[sp]) {
+        while (sp <= iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer) {
+          stackTopElement = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Pop();
+          if(stackTopElement < NW_HTMLP_DTD_ElementTableMask)
+            {
+            /* end tag callback (close element) */
+            l = (iLexer->pElementDictionary)[stackTopElement].tag[0];
+            pBuf = &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[stackTopElement].tag[1]);
+            if (iCBs->endTagCB != NULL) 
+              {
+              e = (*(iCBs->endTagCB))(l, pBuf, NW_FALSE, /* not empty */
+                iCBs->pClientPointer);
+              if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+                {
+                return e;
+                }
+              }
+            }//end if(stackTopElement < NW_HTMLP_DTD_ElementTableMask)
+          }//end while(..)
+        }//end if(..)
+      }//end for(..)
+    }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+//In this function if(index >= NW_HTMLP_DTD_ElementTableMask) that implies that
+//do closing of the Non DTD tag and use parameter "tagInterval" to find the 
+//name. So, parameter "index" is used to distinguish between the dictionary and 
+//non-dictionary elements. 
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_ExplicitClosing(
+                                                                            NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t index,
+                                                                            NW_HTMLP_ElementDescriptionConst_t* pElement)
+  {
+  const NW_Uint8* pBuf;
+  NW_Int32 sp;
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t stackTopElement;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Uint8 l;
+  // pElement is NULL case of Non DTD Elements.
+  if(index < NW_HTMLP_DTD_ElementTableMask)
+    {
+    if( pElement == NULL)
+      {
+      return KBrsrSuccess;
+      }
+    }
+  /* ignore the html and body close tags since there may be more than one of them */
+  if (iIsHtml && (index == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_HTML || index == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_BODY))
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    /* If matching oe on stack at any position, then close all open
+    through and including match.  If no matching oe on stack then
+  ignore end tag. */
+  for (sp = iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer; sp >= 0; sp--) {
+    if((iIsHtml && index == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD) && 
+      (iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack[sp] == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR || 
+      iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack[sp] == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TABLE))
+      {
+      break;
+      }
+    if((iIsHtml && index == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR) && 
+      (iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack[sp] == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD || 
+      iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack[sp] == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TABLE))
+      {
+      break;
+      }
+    if (index == iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack[sp]) {
+      while (sp <= iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer) 
+        {
+        stackTopElement = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Pop();
+        if(stackTopElement < NW_HTMLP_DTD_ElementTableMask)
+          {
+          /* end tag callback (close element) */
+          l = (iLexer->pElementDictionary)[stackTopElement].tag[0];
+          pBuf = &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[stackTopElement].tag[1]);
+          if (iCBs->endTagCB != NULL) {
+            e = (*(iCBs->endTagCB))(l, pBuf, NW_FALSE, /* not empty */
+              iCBs->pClientPointer);
+            if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+              return e;
+              }
+            }
+          }//end if(stackTopElement < NW_HTMLP_DTD_ElementTableMask)
+        }//end while
+      /* stop when first match found */
+      break;
+      }
+    }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_CloseAll()
+  {
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t stackTopElement;
+  const NW_Uint8* pBuf;
+  NW_Int32 sp;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e;
+  NW_Uint8 l;
+  for (sp = iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer; sp >= 0; sp--) 
+    {
+    stackTopElement = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Pop();
+    if(stackTopElement < NW_HTMLP_DTD_ElementTableMask)
+      {
+      /* end tag callback (close element) */
+      l = (iLexer->pElementDictionary)[stackTopElement].tag[0];
+      pBuf = &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[stackTopElement].tag[1]);
+      if (iCBs->endTagCB != NULL) {
+        e = (*(iCBs->endTagCB))(l, pBuf, NW_FALSE, /* not empty */
+          iCBs->pClientPointer);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          return e;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }//end for
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+  /*
+reset all the special element handling */
+void CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Initialize()
+  {
+  NW_Mem_memset(iSPLElemHandling->tagName,0,128);
+  iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE;
+  iSPLElemHandling->splHandle = NW_FALSE;
+  }
+  /*
+  on entry: This function checks if any spcial handling is required for the 
+  ........: the elements if so then set the flag for the this and copy the 
+  ........: tag name for the latter use.
+  ........: 
+  ........: 
+  on return: void
+void CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Setup(NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t elementIndex,
+                                           NW_Bool findCharset)
+  {
+  NW_ASSERT(iSPLElemHandling->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE);
+  NW_ASSERT(iSPLElemHandling->splHandle == NW_FALSE);
+  iSPLElemHandling->splHandle = NW_TRUE;
+  if (iIsHtml)
+    {
+    switch (elementIndex)
+      {
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_ANCHOR_ATTR;
+        break;
+        if (findCharset)
+          iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_META;
+        break;
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_SCRIPT;
+        break;
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NOSCRIPT;
+        break;
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_BODY;
+        break;
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_TITLE;
+        break;
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_BASE_ATTR;
+        break;
+      default:
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE;
+      }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    switch (elementIndex)
+      {
+      case HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_A:
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_ANCHOR_ATTR;
+        break;
+        if (findCharset)
+          iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_META;
+        break;
+      default:
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE;
+      }
+    }
+  }//end NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Setup()
+ * Function to handle the special case after <br> element. If the lot of 
+ * spaces are there in the document after the <br> then this gives 
+ * the false code page switch. 
+ */
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_BR_SPL_Handle()
+  TBrowserStatusCode e = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool match = NW_TRUE;
+  NW_Bool matchSpl = NW_TRUE;
+  while(match)
+  {
+   e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, 0x0, &matchSpl);
+   {
+     return e;
+   }
+   if (matchSpl == NW_FALSE) 
+    {
+     // check for '0xa' for "nl"
+     e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, 0xa, &matchSpl);
+     if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+      {
+       return e;
+      }
+     }
+    if( (matchSpl == NW_TRUE) && !NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer) )
+    {
+     e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);   
+     if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+     {
+      return e;
+     }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+     match = NW_FALSE;
+    }
+  }//end while
+  return e;
+}//end CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_BR_SPL_Handle()
+   TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeElementStart(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+     {
+     TBrowserStatusCode e = KBrsrSuccess;
+     NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+     NW_Bool match;
+     NW_Bool emptyElement;
+     NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+     NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t startPosition;
+     NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t positionAttributeList;
+     NW_HTMLP_ElementDescriptionConst_t* pElement;
+     NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t elementIndex;
+     NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t insertedIndex = 0;
+     NW_Bool inserted = NW_FALSE;
+     NW_Bool hasTable, hasTr, hasTd, needTable, needTr, needTd;
+     NW_Int32 i;
+     *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+     hasTable = hasTr = hasTd = needTr = needTd = needTable =NW_FALSE;
+     NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Initialize();
+     NW_HTMLP_Interval_Init(&interval);
+     NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+     NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &startPosition);
+     /* advance past '<' */
+     e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+     if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+       return e;
+       }
+     /* get tag */
+     e = NW_HTMLP_ParseName(&match, &interval);
+     if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+       return e;
+       }
+     if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+       // This isn't a start tag of an element.
+       e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '%', &match);
+       if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+         {
+         return e;
+         }
+       if (match == NW_TRUE) 
+         {
+         // if page contains <html><%response.cachecontrol=public%><head>...
+         // ignore <%response.cachecontrol=public%>
+         // for more detail, see JHAN-5XSR7Y
+         // if tag starts with <%, then ignore it by forcing match to NW_TRUE,
+         // and setting iLexer position to where <% ends
+         do 
+           {
+           e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+           if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+             {
+             return e;
+             }
+           if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) 
+             {
+             /* not well-formed at EOF */
+             match = NW_TRUE;
+             return KBrsrSuccess;
+             }
+           e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare (iLexer, '>', &match);
+           if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+             {
+             return e;
+             }
+           } while (!match);
+           NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+         }
+       else
+         {
+         // no <% found
+         e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+           return e;
+           }
+         }
+       return KBrsrSuccess;
+       }
+     // look up the tag in our table and convert from using an interval to
+     // a table entry
+     pElement = NW_HTMLP_ElementFindTagFromDoc(&interval, &elementIndex);
+     // If tag is unknown, consume it, ignoring it as though it wasn't
+     // there. Only the tag is consumed. Everything between it and its
+     // closing tag are kept and processed as if the tag weren't there
+     // in the first place.
+     if (!pElement)
+       {
+       match = NW_FALSE;
+       do 
+         {
+         if (NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) 
+           {
+           // This could be illegal tag or end of chunk in the middle of a tag
+           if (!iDocComplete)
+               {
+                TInt lastTextLen = iLexer->byteCount - startPosition.readPosition;
+                iLastTextBuf = (NW_Buffer_t *)NW_Buffer_New(lastTextLen);
+                if (iLastTextBuf == NULL) {
+                  return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                  (void)NW_Mem_memcpy(iLastTextBuf->data, iLexer->pBuf + startPosition.readPosition, lastTextLen);
+                  iLastTextBuf->length = lastTextLen;
+                  }
+               }
+           match = NW_TRUE;
+           return KBrsrSuccess;
+           }
+         e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare (iLexer, '>', &match);
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+           {
+           return e;
+       }
+         e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+       {
+           return e;
+           }
+         } while (!match);
+         *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+         return KBrsrSuccess;
+       }
+       if (iIsHtml && elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_NOSCRIPT)
+         {
+         if (iWithinNoscript)
+           {
+           // already within the noscript, treat this noscript as </noscript>
+           e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeAttributes(&match, &emptyElement, NULL, NULL);
+           if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+             return e;
+             }
+           if (match == NW_FALSE) 
+             {
+             /* This is a malformed attribute list. */
+             e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+             if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+               {
+               return e;
+               }
+             *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+             return KBrsrSuccess;
+             }
+           e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_ExplicitClosing(elementIndex, pElement);
+           if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+             {
+             return e;
+             }
+           iWithinNoscript = NW_FALSE;
+           *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+           iElementParseState->readPosition = iLexer->readPosition;
+           return KBrsrSuccess;
+           }
+         else
+           {
+           // set within noscript to be true
+           iWithinNoscript = NW_TRUE; 
+           }
+         }
+    /*  Some contents are there before the <html> tags. Flag to handle these contents. Special case
+     *  for handling the page switch. This is checked in the first segment only.
+     */
+       if( iIsHtml && firstSegment && iCBs->startTagCB && (elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_HTML) )
+       {
+        htmlTagFound = NW_TRUE;
+       }
+     //If some special handling of the element is required.
+     if(pElement && (pElement->splHandling == NW_TRUE) )
+       {
+       NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Setup(elementIndex, iNeedCharsetDetect);
+       if (iSPLElemHandling->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_SCRIPT)
+         {
+         iLastScriptStart = position.readPosition;
+         setValidMarks();
+         } 
+       else if(iSPLElemHandling->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_NOSCRIPT )
+         {
+         iLastScriptStart = position.readPosition;
+         setValidMarks();
+         }
+       else if (iSPLElemHandling->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_BODY)
+         {
+         if (iNeedCharsetDetect)
+           {
+           e = NW_HTMLP_SPL_Elem_Handle_BodyStart(pElement);
+           return e;
+           }
+         }
+       }
+       /*
+       now have a tag but must check attribute list before executing callbacks
+     */
+     /* first pass over attribute list just checks syntax and is
+     done without callbacks */
+     NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &positionAttributeList);
+     e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeAttributes(&match, &emptyElement, NULL, iSPLElemHandling);
+     if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+       return e;
+       }
+     if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+       /* This is a malformed attribute list. */
+       e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+       if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+         return e;
+         }
+       return KBrsrSuccess;
+       }
+     /* do implied closing of open elements */
+     e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_ImpliedClosings(pElement);
+     if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+       return e;
+       }
+     /* tag CB */
+     if (iCBs->startTagCB != NULL) 
+       {
+       // first handle the case of insert necessary tr or td
+       if (iIsHtml)
+         {
+         for (i = 0; i <= iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer; i++)
+           {
+           switch ((iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack)[i]) 
+             {
+             case HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TABLE:
+               hasTable = NW_TRUE;
+               hasTr = hasTd = NW_FALSE;
+               break;
+             case HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR:
+               hasTr = NW_TRUE;
+               hasTd = NW_FALSE;
+               break;
+             case HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD:
+             case HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TH:
+               hasTd = NW_TRUE;
+               break;
+             }
+           }  
+         }
+       else
+         {  // !iIsHtml  == WML content
+         // if content is WML make sure <table>, <tr> and <td> are present or needed.
+         // if one or more is needed, they will be added to stack (openElementStack), below.
+         for (i = 0; i <= iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer; i++)
+           {
+           switch ((iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack)[i]) 
+             {
+             case HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TABLE:
+               hasTable = NW_TRUE;
+               hasTr = hasTd = NW_FALSE;
+               break;
+             case HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TR:
+               hasTr = NW_TRUE;
+               hasTd = NW_FALSE;
+               break;
+             case HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TD:
+               hasTd = NW_TRUE;
+               break;
+             }
+           } 
+         }
+       if (hasTable)
+         {
+         if ( (iIsHtml && (elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD || elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TH))
+           || (!iIsHtml && (elementIndex == HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TD)) )
+           { 
+           if (!hasTr)
+             needTr = NW_TRUE;
+           }
+           /* try to use the form direct under the table, because it's very comman and table
+         do handles it */
+         else if ( iIsHtml && (elementIndex != HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR
+             && elementIndex != HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_FORM
+             && elementIndex != HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_CAPTION) )
+           {
+           if (!hasTr)
+             needTr = NW_TRUE;
+           if (!hasTd)
+             needTd = NW_TRUE;
+           }
+         }
+       else 
+         {
+         if ( (iIsHtml && elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD)
+           || (!iIsHtml && elementIndex == HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TD) )
+           {
+           needTable = NW_TRUE;
+           if (!hasTr)
+             needTr = NW_TRUE;
+           }
+         else if ( (iIsHtml && elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR)
+               || (!iIsHtml && elementIndex == HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TR) )
+           needTable = NW_TRUE;
+         }
+       if (needTable)
+         {
+         TUint16 temp = HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TABLE;
+         if (!iIsHtml)  {
+           temp = HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TABLE;
+           }
+         e = (*(iCBs->startTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[temp].tag[0],
+           &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[temp].tag[1]),
+           iCBs->pClientPointer, NW_FALSE);
+         updateCurrentCP();
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+           return e;
+           }
+         e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Push(temp);
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+           return e;
+           }
+         }
+       if (needTr)
+         {
+         TUint16 temp = HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TR;
+         if (!iIsHtml)  {
+           temp = HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TR;
+           }
+         e = (*(iCBs->startTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[temp].tag[0],
+           &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[temp].tag[1]),
+           iCBs->pClientPointer, NW_FALSE);
+         updateCurrentCP();
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+           return e;
+           }
+         e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Push(temp);
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+           return e;
+           }
+         }
+       if (needTd)
+         {
+         TUint16 temp = HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_TD;
+         if (!iIsHtml)  {
+           temp = HTMLP_WML_TAG_INDEX_TD;
+           }
+         e = (*(iCBs->startTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[temp].tag[0],
+           &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[temp].tag[1]),
+           iCBs->pClientPointer, NW_FALSE);
+         updateCurrentCP();
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+           return e;
+           }
+         e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Push(temp);
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+           return e;
+           }
+         }
+       if (iIsHtml)
+         {
+         switch (elementIndex)
+           {
+           case HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_FORM:
+             if (!iHasForm)
+               {
+               iHasForm = NW_TRUE;
+               }
+             break;
+           case HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_INPUT:
+           case HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_LABEL:
+             // if the content is from script, no need to create fake form element
+             // this is due to some live web site page (such as mlb.com) where the
+             // input controls are in script, but form is outside the script.
+             if (!iHasForm && !iIsScript)  
+               {
+               inserted = NW_TRUE;
+               insertedIndex = HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_FORM;
+               e = (*(iCBs->startTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[insertedIndex].tag[0],
+                 &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[insertedIndex].tag[1]),
+                 iCBs->pClientPointer, NW_FALSE);
+               updateCurrentCP();
+               if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+                 return e;
+                 }
+               iHasForm = NW_TRUE;
+               }
+           }
+         }
+       if (pElement)
+         {
+         e = (*(iCBs->startTagCB))((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[elementIndex].tag[0],
+           &((iLexer->pElementDictionary)[elementIndex].tag[1]),
+           iCBs->pClientPointer, NW_FALSE);
+         updateCurrentCP();
+         if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+           return e;
+           }
+         }
+     }
+   /* reposition for a second pass over attribute list */
+   e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &positionAttributeList);
+   if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+     return e;
+     }
+   /* second pass over attribute list with callbacks */
+   e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeAttributes(&match, &emptyElement, iCBs, iSPLElemHandling);
+   if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+     return e;
+     }
+   if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+   /* Something is unexpectedly wrong.  We just did a second
+   pass over the attribute list (this time with callbacks enabled) and
+   it should always match because the first pass results check should
+     have caught a syntax error */
+     return KBrsrFailure;
+     }
+   /* accept this opening markup */
+   if (inserted)
+     {
+     e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Push( insertedIndex );
+     if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+       return e;
+       }
+     }  
+     /* Sometimes  spaces (0x00) after <br> tag gives false switch 
+      *  code page in the wbxml buffer. 
+      */
+   if(pElement && (elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_BR) && (iIsHtml == NW_TRUE) )
+   {
+       e = NW_HTMLP_BR_SPL_Handle();
+       if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e))
+       {
+        return e;
+       }
+   }
+   if (pElement && (pElement->contentType != EMPTY) && (emptyElement != NW_TRUE))
+     {
+     e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Push(elementIndex);
+     if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+       {
+       return e;
+       }
+     if (pElement->contentType == PCDATA) 
+       {
+       iElementParseState->inPCDATA = NW_TRUE;
+       }
+     }
+   if (pElement && (pElement->contentType == EMPTY) || (emptyElement == NW_TRUE) )
+     {
+     /* This takes care of Empty DTD element Tags closing */
+     if (iCBs->endTagCB != NULL) 
+       {
+       e = (*(iCBs->endTagCB))(0, NULL, NW_TRUE, /* empty */
+         iCBs->pClientPointer);
+       if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e))
+         {
+         return e;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   /* <plaintext> handler */
+   if (pElement && (pElement->contentType == PLAINTEXT ) ) 
+     {
+     NW_HTMLP_Interval_Start(&interval, iLexer);
+     while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) 
+       {
+       e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+       if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) 
+         {
+         return e;
+         }
+       }
+     NW_HTMLP_Interval_Stop(&interval, iLexer);
+     if (iCBs->contentCB != NULL) 
+       {
+       e = (*(iCBs->contentCB))(iLexer, &interval, iCBs->pClientPointer);
+       if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e))
+         {
+         return e;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+   iElementParseState->readPosition = iLexer->readPosition;
+   return KBrsrSuccess;
+}//end CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeElementStart(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeElementEnd(NW_Bool* pMatch)
+  {
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_t interval;
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Position_t position;
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementDescriptionConst_t* pElement;
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementTableIndex_t elementIndex;
+  TBrowserStatusCode e = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool match;
+  NW_Bool emptyElement;
+  *pMatch = NW_FALSE;
+  NW_HTMLP_Interval_Init(&interval);
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_GetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+  /* advance past '<' */
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+    return e;
+    }
+  /* check for '/' */
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '/', &match);
+    return e;
+    }
+  if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+    /* This isn't an end tag of an element. */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+    }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+  /* advance past '/' */
+  e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_Advance(iLexer);
+    return e;
+    }
+  /* get tag */
+  e = NW_HTMLP_ParseName(&match, &interval);
+    return e;
+    }
+  if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+    /* This isn't a start tag of an element. */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    }
+    /* look up the tag in our table and convert from using
+  an interval to a table entry */
+  pElement = NW_HTMLP_ElementFindTagFromDoc(&interval, &elementIndex);
+  /* If end of head, and charset was not detected, need to default to variant specific,
+  and do the conversion now */
+  if(pElement && (pElement->splHandling == NW_TRUE) )
+    {
+    if (iIsHtml)
+      {
+      if( elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_SCRIPT)
+        {
+        iLastScriptStart = -1;
+        } 
+      else if(elementIndex == HTMLP_HTML_TAG_INDEX_NOSCRIPT)
+        {
+        iLastScriptStart = -1;
+        iWithinNoscript = NW_FALSE;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  /* like normal attribute list parse but don't use callbacks */
+  e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeAttributes(&match, &emptyElement, NULL, NULL);
+    return e;
+    }
+  if (match == NW_FALSE) {
+    /* This is a malformed attribute list. */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    return KBrsrSuccess;
+    }
+  /* Catch PCDATA mode */
+  if (iElementParseState->inPCDATA == NW_TRUE) 
+    {
+    NW_ASSERT(iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer >= 0);
+    NW_ASSERT(iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer < iElementParseState->openElementStackCapacity);
+    if ((pElement != NULL)
+      && (elementIndex==(iElementParseState->pOpenElementStack)[iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer]))
+      {
+      iElementParseState->inPCDATA = NW_FALSE;
+      if( (iSPLElemHandling->splHandle == NW_TRUE) && 
+        (iSPLElemHandling->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_TITLE) )
+        {
+        iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE;
+        }
+      } 
+    else if( (iSPLElemHandling->splHandle == NW_TRUE) && 
+      (iSPLElemHandling->type == NW_HTMLP_SPL_TITLE) )
+      {
+      /*Handle mis-spelled </title> end tag */
+      iElementParseState->inPCDATA = NW_FALSE;
+      iSPLElemHandling->type = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE;
+      }
+    else 
+      {
+      /* reject this ending markup as not matching open element */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_SetPosition(iLexer, &position);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e))
+        {
+        return e;
+        }
+      return KBrsrSuccess;
+      }
+    } //end if (iElementParseState->inPCDATA == NW_TRUE) 
+  /* unknown tag filter */
+  if (pElement != NULL) {
+    e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_ExplicitClosing(elementIndex, pElement);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      return e;
+      }
+    }
+  *pMatch = NW_TRUE;
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::setValidMarks()
+  {
+  NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Clone(&iLastValidStack);
+  if (iWbxmlWriter)
+    {
+    iLastValid = ((NW_HTMLP_WbxmlEncoder_t*)iCBs->pClientPointer)->pE->index;
+    iValidTagCP = iCurrentTagCP;
+    iValidAttrCP = iCurrentAttrCP;
+    iValidCPCount = iCurrentCPCount;
+    }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::commitValidMarks()
+  {
+  NW_Buffer_t * tmp_buf = NULL;
+  NW_Uint32 lastTextLen = 0;
+  NW_Uint32 previousBufLen = 0;
+  /* trim the output if necessary */
+  if (iWbxmlWriter && iWbxmlWriter->index != (NW_Uint32)iLastValid)
+    iWbxmlWriter->index = iLastValid;
+  iElementParseState->openElementStackPointer = iLastValidStack->openElementStackPointer;
+  iElementParseState->readPosition = iLastValidStack->readPosition;
+  /* reform the valid output */
+  if (iPreviousValidOutput)
+    iLastValid += iPreviousValidOutput->length;
+  // only generate output wbxml buffer when real parsing starts 
+  if (!iNeedCharsetDetect)
+    {
+    tmp_buf = iPreviousValidOutput;
+    iPreviousValidOutput = NW_Buffer_New(iLastValid);
+    if (!iPreviousValidOutput)
+      {
+      return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+      }
+    if (tmp_buf)
+      {
+      previousBufLen = tmp_buf->length;
+      (void)NW_Mem_memcpy(iPreviousValidOutput->data, tmp_buf->data, previousBufLen);
+      }
+    (void)NW_Mem_memcpy(iPreviousValidOutput->data + previousBufLen, 
+      iWbxmlWriter->pBuf, 
+      iLastValid - previousBufLen);
+    iPreviousValidOutput->length = iLastValid;
+    if (tmp_buf)
+      NW_Buffer_Free(tmp_buf);
+    }
+  /* record the last text kept from the chunk */
+  if (iLastScriptStart != -1)
+    {
+    iLastTextBegin = iLastScriptStart;
+    }
+  if (iLastTextBegin != -1)
+    {
+    lastTextLen = iLexer->byteCount - iLastTextBegin;
+    iLastTextBuf = (NW_Buffer_t *)NW_Buffer_New(lastTextLen);
+    if (iLastTextBuf == NULL) {
+      return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+      (void)NW_Mem_memcpy(iLastTextBuf->data, iLexer->pBuf + iLastTextBegin, lastTextLen);
+      iLastTextBuf->length = lastTextLen;
+      }
+    }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;
+  }
+NW_Buffer_t* CHtmlpParser::getLastTextBuf()
+  {
+  return iLastTextBuf;
+  }
+NW_Int32 CHtmlpParser::getLastValid()
+  {
+  return iLastValid;
+  }
+NW_Uint32 CHtmlpParser::getCodePageSwitchCount()
+  {
+  return iValidCPCount;
+  }
+NW_Buffer_t* CHtmlpParser::getPreviousValidOutput()
+  {
+  return iPreviousValidOutput;
+  }
+NW_HTMLP_EventCallbacks_t * CHtmlpParser::getEventCallbacks()
+  {
+  return iCBs;
+  }
+NW_HTMLP_Lexer_t* CHtmlpParser::getLexer()
+  {
+  return iLexer;
+  }
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_Parse(NW_Bool isFirstSegment, 
+    NW_Bool docComplete, NW_Bool needCharsetDetect)
+  {
+  TBrowserStatusCode e = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Bool match = NW_FALSE;
+  iDocComplete = docComplete;
+  iNeedCharsetDetect = needCharsetDetect;
+  if (iNeedCharsetDetect)
+    {
+    NW_ASSERT(iCBs->charsetConvertCallback);
+    NW_ASSERT(iCBs->charsetContext);
+    }
+  if (isFirstSegment)
+    {
+    // initialize iIsHtml
+    iIsHtml = NW_FALSE;
+    iHasForm = NW_FALSE;
+    firstSegment = NW_TRUE;
+    htmlTagFound = NW_FALSE;
+    if (iLexer->pElementDictionary == NW_HTMLP_Get_ElementDescriptionTable())
+      {
+      iIsHtml = NW_TRUE;
+      }
+    if (iLastValidStack)
+      {
+      NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Delete(&iLastValidStack);
+      NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_New();
+      }
+    }
+  else
+  {
+   firstSegment = NW_FALSE;
+   htmlTagFound = NW_FALSE;
+  }
+  if ((iLexer == NULL) || (iCBs == NULL)) {
+    return KBrsrFailure;
+    }
+  iSPLElemHandling->splHandle = NW_FALSE;
+  iSPLElemHandling->type      = NW_HTMLP_SPL_NONE;
+  NW_Buffer_Free(iLastTextBuf);
+  iLastTextBuf = NULL;
+  if (iCBs->pClientPointer != NULL)
+    {
+    iWbxmlWriter = ((NW_HTMLP_WbxmlEncoder_t*)iCBs->pClientPointer)->pE;
+    iWbxmlWriter->tagCodePage = iValidTagCP;
+    iWbxmlWriter->attributeCodePage = iValidAttrCP;
+    // WLIU_DEBUG: iWbxmlWriter->cp_count = iValidCPCount;
+    iCurrentTagCP = iValidTagCP;
+    iCurrentAttrCP = iValidAttrCP;
+    iCurrentCPCount = iValidCPCount;
+    }
+  if (iLastValidStack)
+    {
+    iElementParseState = iLastValidStack;
+    iLastValidStack = NULL;
+    }
+  iLastTextBegin = -1;
+  iLastScriptStart = -1;
+  /* start of document callback */ 
+  if (isFirstSegment && iCBs->beginDocumentCB != NULL) {
+    e = (*(iCBs->beginDocumentCB))(iLexer, iCBs->pClientPointer);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      goto htmlp_parse_error;
+      }
+    }
+  /* ignore any leading whitespace */
+  e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+    goto htmlp_parse_error;
+    }
+  while (!NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AtEnd(iLexer)) {
+    if (iConsumeSpaces)
+      {
+      /* Consume spaces between tags only for WML text */
+      e = NW_HTMLP_SkipSpace();
+      }
+    /* Take care of special cases */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_HandleSpecialCases(&match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      goto htmlp_parse_error;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      continue;
+      }
+    /* look for start of markup */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_AsciiCharCompare(iLexer, '<', &match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      goto htmlp_parse_error;
+      }
+    if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+      e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeElementEnd(&match);
+      if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+        goto htmlp_parse_error;
+        }
+      if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+        continue;
+        }
+      if (iElementParseState->inPCDATA == NW_FALSE)
+        {
+        e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeComment(&match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          goto htmlp_parse_error;
+          }
+        if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+          continue;
+          }
+        e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeDoctype(&match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          goto htmlp_parse_error;
+          }
+        if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+          continue;
+          }
+        e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumePi(&match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          goto htmlp_parse_error;
+          }
+        if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+          continue;
+          }
+        e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeCdata(&match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          goto htmlp_parse_error;
+          }
+        if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+          continue;
+          }
+        e = NW_HTMLP_IfLegalConsumeElementStart(&match);
+        if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+          goto htmlp_parse_error;
+          }
+        if (match == NW_TRUE) {
+          continue;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    /* process character data up to start of possible markup '<' */
+    e = NW_HTMLP_ConsumeContent(&match);
+    if (BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(e)) {
+      goto htmlp_parse_error;
+      }
+    }
+  if (iLastValid == -1 && iWbxmlWriter)
+    {
+    iLastValid = iWbxmlWriter->index;
+    }
+  /* remember the valid stack before close all is called */
+  if ((iLastScriptStart == -1) && (iLastTextBegin == -1))
+    {
+    setValidMarks();
+    }
+  commitValidMarks();
+  e = NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_CloseAll();
+    goto htmlp_parse_error;
+    }
+  /* end of document callback */
+  if (iCBs->endDocumentCB != NULL /*&& e != KBrsrRestartParsing*/) 
+    {
+    e = (*(iCBs->endDocumentCB))(iLexer, e, iCBs->pClientPointer);
+    }
+    NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Delete(&iElementParseState);
+    if (e == KBrsrRestartParsing)
+      {
+      NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_Delete(&iLastValidStack);
+      iLastValidStack = NULL;
+      NW_HTMLP_ElementParseState_New();
+      }
+    // iVisitedHeadText is no longer needed unless it is tracking an
+    // unterminated comment.  In this cases iVisitedHeadText is needed
+    // because NW_HTMLP_NotifyDocComplete calls NW_HTHMLP_RealParse
+    // which needs it.
+    if (isFirstSegment && iRestarted && !iTrackingUnTerminatedComment)
+      {
+      NW_Buffer_Free(iVisitedHeadText);
+      iVisitedHeadText = NULL;
+      }
+    return e;
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::appendVisitedHeadText(NW_Byte* new_data, NW_Uint32 new_len)
+  {
+  TBrowserStatusCode status = KBrsrSuccess;
+  NW_Buffer_t * tmp_buf;
+  NW_Uint32 old_len = 0;
+  tmp_buf = iVisitedHeadText;
+  if (tmp_buf)
+    old_len = tmp_buf->length;
+  iVisitedHeadText = NULL;
+  iVisitedHeadText = (NW_Buffer_t *)NW_Buffer_New(old_len + new_len);
+  if (!iVisitedHeadText)
+    {
+    status = KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+    goto cleanup;
+    }
+  if (tmp_buf)
+    {
+    (void)NW_Mem_memcpy(iVisitedHeadText->data, tmp_buf->data, old_len);
+    }
+  (void)NW_Mem_memcpy(iVisitedHeadText->data + old_len, new_data, new_len);
+  iVisitedHeadText->length = old_len + new_len;
+  NW_Buffer_Free(tmp_buf);
+  return status;
+  }
+NW_Buffer_t* CHtmlpParser::getVisitedHeadText()
+  {
+  return iVisitedHeadText;
+  }
+void CHtmlpParser::updateCurrentCP()
+  {
+  if (iCurrentTagCP != iWbxmlWriter->tagCodePage)
+    {
+    // WLIU_DEBUG: NW_ASSERT(iCurrentCPCount == iWbxmlWriter->cp_count -1);
+    iCurrentCPCount++;
+    iCurrentTagCP = iWbxmlWriter->tagCodePage;
+    }
+  else if(iCurrentAttrCP != iWbxmlWriter->attributeCodePage)
+    {
+    // WLIU_DEBUG: NW_ASSERT(iCurrentCPCount == iWbxmlWriter->cp_count -1);
+    iCurrentCPCount++;
+    iCurrentAttrCP = iWbxmlWriter->attributeCodePage;
+    }
+  }
+void CHtmlpParser::updateCurrentCP(NW_Uint32 switches)
+  {
+  if (switches != 0)
+    {
+    iCurrentCPCount += switches;
+    iCurrentTagCP = iWbxmlWriter->tagCodePage;
+    iCurrentAttrCP = iWbxmlWriter->attributeCodePage;
+    }
+  // WLIU_DEBUG: NW_ASSERT(iCurrentCPCount == iWbxmlWriter->cp_count);
+  }
+void FeaRmeNoHTMLParser_htmlp_parser(){
+  int i = 0;
+  i+=1;
+  }
+// For WML purposes, which requires stricter checking of DTD, than HTML, 
+// return the status of checking the attribute name
+// against the appropriate attribute dictionary.
+TBrowserStatusCode CHtmlpParser::NW_HTMLP_ValidateWMLAttribute(
+  NW_HTMLP_Lexer_t* apL,
+  const NW_HTMLP_Interval_t* apI_name,
+  void* apV)
+  NW_HTMLP_WbxmlEncoder_t* pTE = (NW_HTMLP_WbxmlEncoder_t*)apV;
+  NW_WBXML_Writer_t* pW = pTE->pE;
+  NW_Uint32 length;
+  NW_Uint32 nameLength;
+  NW_Uint32 sizeChar = 1;
+  NW_Uint8* pName;
+  TBrowserStatusCode s;
+  NW_ASSERT(!iIsHtml);
+  // make sure can handle the encoding used
+  if (!((pTE->encoding == HTTP_us_ascii)
+        || (pTE->encoding == HTTP_iso_8859_1)
+        || (pTE->encoding == HTTP_utf_8)
+        || (pTE->encoding == HTTP_iso_10646_ucs_2))) {
+    return KBrsrFailure;
+  }
+  // establish the size of a character
+  if (apL->encoding == HTTP_iso_10646_ucs_2) {
+    sizeChar = 2;
+  }
+  // name well-formed?
+  if (!NW_HTMLP_Interval_IsWellFormed(apI_name)) {
+    return KBrsrFailure;
+  }
+  // var name setup 
+  length = NW_HTMLP_Interval_ByteCount(apI_name);
+  nameLength = length; // byte count 
+  s = NW_HTMLP_Lexer_DataAddressFromBuffer(apL, apI_name->start,
+                                           &nameLength, &pName);
+    return s;
+  }
+  if (nameLength != length) {
+    return KBrsrFailure;
+  }
+  nameLength = NW_HTMLP_Interval_CharCount(apI_name); // char count
+  // copy the name into a zero terminated string for dictionary checking
+  NW_Uint8* pByteName = NULL;
+  NW_String_t nameString;
+  pByteName = (NW_Uint8*)NW_Mem_Malloc( length + sizeChar );  // allocating bytes
+  if (!pByteName) {
+    return KBrsrOutOfMemory;
+  }
+  NW_Mem_memset(pByteName, NULL, length + sizeChar);  // enough extra space for terminating null characters
+  NW_Mem_memcpy(pByteName, pName, length);
+  NW_String_initialize( &nameString, pByteName, pTE->encoding);
+  NW_Int16 retVal = -1;          // initialize return to be -1 (meaning: attribute not found)
+  retVal = NW_WBXML_Dictionary_getAttributeToken( pW->pAttributeDictionary, //NW_WBXML_Dictionary_t* dictionary,
+                                       &nameString, //const NW_String_t* pNameString,
+                                       pTE->encoding, //NW_Uint32 encoding,
+                                       NW_FALSE ); //NW_Bool matchCase
+  NW_Mem_Free( pByteName);
+  pByteName = NULL;
+  // the attribute was not found in the dictionary - as this is for WML - send back bad content message
+  if (retVal == -1) {
+    return KBrsrWmlbrowserBadContent;
+  }
+  return KBrsrSuccess;