--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webengine/webkitutils/stmgesturefw/src/stmgestureinterface.cpp Tue Feb 02 00:56:45 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Gesture helper implementation
+// Gesture UI Engine
+#include "statemachine.h"
+// Gesture Library: Framework
+#include "gestureframework.h"
+#include "rt_gestureengineif.h"
+// Gesture Library: Recognizers
+#include "tapgesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "pangesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "edgescrollgesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "longpressgesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "pinchgesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "touchgesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "releasegesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "flickgesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "zoomgesturerecogniser.h"
+#include "stmgestureinterface.h"
+#include "gesturehelpereventsender.h"
+#ifndef ICS_DCHECK
+#define ICS_DCHECK(test)
+#define LOG(args...)
+EXPORT_C CStmGestureParameters::CStmGestureParameters()
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C CStmGestureParameters::CStmGestureParameters(
+ const CStmGestureParameters& aParams )
+ {
+ Mem::Copy(&iParam[0], &aParams.iParam[0], sizeof(iParam));
+ Mem::Copy(&iAreaSettings[0], &aParams.iAreaSettings[0], sizeof(iAreaSettings));
+ Mem::Copy(&iEnabled[0], &aParams.iEnabled[0], sizeof(iEnabled));
+ }
+EXPORT_C CStmGestureEngine* CStmGestureEngine::NewL()
+ {
+ CStmGestureEngine* eng = new(ELeave) CStmGestureEngine();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(eng);
+ eng->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(eng);
+ return eng;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CStmGestureEngine::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iGf = stmGesture::CGestureFramework::NewL();
+ }
+ {
+ // Prevent reactivation of contexts as they remove themselves
+ iDtorPhase = ETrue;
+ iContexts.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iCtxtStack.Reset();
+ delete iGf;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CStmGestureContext* CStmGestureEngine::CreateContextL(
+ TInt /*aId*/ )
+ {
+ CStmGestureContext* ctxt = new(ELeave) CStmGestureContext(*this);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ctxt);
+ ctxt->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(ctxt);
+ return ctxt;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CStmGestureContext* CStmGestureEngine::Context(
+ TInt /*aId*/ )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void CStmGestureEngine::EnableContextL(
+ CStmGestureContext& aContext )
+ {
+ // NB: enabling context puts it on top of the Context Stack
+ TInt idx = iCtxtStack.Find(&aContext);
+ if(idx >= 0)
+ {
+ iCtxtStack.Remove(idx);
+ }
+ SetupRecognizersL(aContext, ETrue);
+ iCtxtStack.AppendL(&aContext);
+ }
+void CStmGestureEngine::DisableContextL(
+ CStmGestureContext& aContext )
+ {
+ TInt idx = iCtxtStack.Find(&aContext);
+ ICS_DCHECK(idx >= 0);
+ if(idx == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ iCtxtStack.Remove(idx);
+ stmGesture::MGestureEngineIf* ge = iGf->getGestureEngine();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < stmGesture::EStmGestureUid_Count; ++i)
+ {
+ MStmGestureRecogniser* rec = aContext.iRecognizers[i];
+ if(rec)
+ {
+ ge->removeGesture(rec);
+ }
+ }
+ // re-activate previous (new top-most) context
+ // NB: if deleted context is not top-most (active) one, no updates done
+ TInt count = iCtxtStack.Count();
+ if(idx == count && count > 0 && !iDtorPhase)
+ {
+ CStmGestureContext* previous = iCtxtStack[count - 1];
+ SetupRecognizersL(*previous, EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+template<class T>
+void CStmGestureEngine::InitRecognizerL(
+ T*& aGesture,
+ CStmGestureContext& aContext,
+ TBool aNewContext )
+ {
+ stmGesture::MGestureRecogniserIf*& recognizer = aContext.iRecognizers[T::KUid];
+ aGesture = static_cast<T*>(recognizer);
+ if(!aGesture && aNewContext)
+ {
+ recognizer = aGesture = T::NewL(&aContext);
+ recognizer->enableLogging((aContext.iLogging & (1<<T::KUid)) != 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ICS_DCHECK(gesture && !aNewContext); // should exist in restored top context
+ }
+ // TODO: Add in right place according to gesture class
+ TBool added = iGf->getGestureEngine()->addGesture(aGesture);
+ if(!added)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
+ }
+ }
+void CStmGestureEngine::SetupRecognizersL(
+ CStmGestureContext& aContext,
+ TBool aNewContext )
+ {
+ LOG("Setup recognizers");
+ // Order of recognizers in the Gesture Engine (upper ones receive input before lower ones)
+ //
+ // PINCH
+ // TOUCH
+ // UP_DOWN
+ // HOVER
+ // PAN
+ // FLICK
+ stmUiEventEngine::CStateMachine* stateMachine = iGf->getUiStateMachine();
+ stmGesture::MGestureEngineIf* gestureEngine = iGf->getGestureEngine();
+ MStmGestureParameters& conf = aContext.Config();
+ TBool filter = conf.Param(stmGesture::EEnableFiltering) != 0;
+ TStmGestureArea& touchArea = *conf.Area(stmGesture::ETouchArea);
+ TInt touchAreaSizeInMm = touchArea.iSize.iWidth;
+ stateMachine->setTouchAreaShape ( stmUiEventEngine::TAreaShape(touchArea.iShape) );
+ stateMachine->setTouchArea ( !filter ? 0 : touchAreaSizeInMm );
+ stateMachine->setTouchTimeout ( !filter ? 0 : touchArea.iTimeout * 1000);
+ CCoeControl* gestureContext = aContext.getOwner();
+ TRect ctxtRect = gestureContext->Rect();
+ // ===================================================== PINCH
+ using stmGesture::CPinchGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CPinchGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CPinchGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ TReal32 pspeed = conf.Param(stmGesture::EPinchSpeed) / 1000.f;
+ gesture->setPinchingSpeed(pspeed);
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== LONG PRESS
+ using stmGesture::CLongPressGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CLongPressGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CLongPressGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ gesture->setArea(ctxtRect);
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== TOUCH
+ using stmGesture::CTouchGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CTouchGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CTouchGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ // define empty area so that touch is reported only inside
+ // our window (touch recogniser handles either an area or the target window)
+ gesture->setArea(TRect());
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== PAN
+ using stmGesture::CPanGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CPanGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CPanGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ gesture->setPanningSpeedLow ( conf.Param(stmGesture::EPanSpeedLow) / 1000.f );
+ gesture->setPanningSpeedHigh( conf.Param(stmGesture::EPanSpeedHigh) / 1000.f );
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== TAP / DOUBLE TAP
+ /// Add recognizer before any existing Flick, Release, Unknown
+ // Add the gesture to the gesture engine
+ // TODO: Tap recognizer is special - it can combine multiple listeners,
+ // so no need to create new one if it already exists, just add new listeners to it
+ using stmGesture::CTapGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CTapGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CTapGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ gesture->setDoubleTapTimeout(conf.Param(stmGesture::EDoubleTapTimeout) * 1000);
+ gesture->setDoubleTapRange( touchAreaSizeInMm );
+ gesture->ignoreFirstTap(EFalse);
+ aContext.iLogging |= 1<<CTapGestureRecogniser::KUid;
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== FLICK
+ using stmGesture::CFlickGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CFlickGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CFlickGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ TReal32 flickSpeed = conf.Param(stmGesture::EFlickSpeed) / 1000.f;
+ gesture->setFlickingSpeed(flickSpeed);
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== RELEASE
+ using stmGesture::CReleaseGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CReleaseGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CReleaseGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ gesture->setArea(TRect());
+ }
+ }
+#if 0 // use in future depending upon browser requirement
+ // ===================================================== CORNER ZOOM
+ using stmGesture::CZoomGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CZoomGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CZoomGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ gesture->setArea(ctxtRect);
+ gesture->setRange(conf.Param(stmGesture::EZoomCornerSize));
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== EDGE SCROLL
+ using stmGesture::CEdgeScrollGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CEdgeScrollGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CEdgeScrollGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ gesture->setArea(ctxtRect);
+ gesture->setScrollRange(conf.Param(stmGesture::EEdgeScrollRange)); // range is 20 pixels from the edge TODO: add this to settings...
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== LEFT-RIGHT
+ using stmGesture::CLeftrightGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CLeftrightGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CLeftrightGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ }
+ // ===================================================== UP-DOWN
+ using stmGesture::CUpdownGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CUpdownGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CUpdownGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ }
+ // ===================================================== HOVER
+ using stmGesture::CHoveringGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CHoveringGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CHoveringGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ if(gesture)
+ {
+ gesture->setHoveringSpeed(conf.Param(stmGesture::EHoverSpeed) / 1000.f);
+ }
+ }
+ // ===================================================== UNKNOWN
+ using stmGesture::CUnknownGestureRecogniser;
+ if (conf.Enabled(CUnknownGestureRecogniser::KUid))
+ {
+ CUnknownGestureRecogniser* gesture = NULL;
+ InitRecognizerL(gesture, aContext, aNewContext);
+ }
+ // ===========================================================
+ if(aNewContext)
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < stmGesture::EStmGestureUid_Count; ++i)
+ {
+ MStmGestureRecogniser* rec = aContext.iRecognizers[i];
+ if(rec)
+ {
+ rec->enableLogging(aContext.iLogging & (1<<i)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TStmGestureArea& holdArea = *conf.Area(stmGesture::EHoldArea);
+ TInt holdAreaSizeInMm = holdArea.iSize.iWidth;
+ stateMachine->setHoldAreaShape ( stmUiEventEngine::TAreaShape(holdArea.iShape) );
+ stateMachine->setHoldArea ( !filter ? 0 : holdAreaSizeInMm );
+ stateMachine->setHoldTimeout ( !filter ? 0 : holdArea.iTimeout * 1000);
+ TStmGestureArea& tTimeArea = *conf.Area(stmGesture::ETouchTimeArea);
+ TInt tTimeAreaSizeInMm = tTimeArea.iSize.iWidth;
+ // NB: shape <-- TouchAreaShape
+ stateMachine->setTouchTimeArea ( !filter ? 0 : tTimeAreaSizeInMm );
+ // Timeouts, Adjustments, etc.
+ stateMachine->setTouchSuppressTimeout(!filter ? 0 :
+ conf.Param(stmGesture::ESuppressTimeout)*1000) ;
+ stateMachine->setMoveSuppressTimeout(!filter ? 0 :
+ conf.Param(stmGesture::EMoveSuppressTimeout)*1000) ;
+ stateMachine->enableCapacitiveUp (!filter ? 0 :
+ conf.Param(stmGesture::ECapacitiveUpUsed));
+ stateMachine->enableYadjustment (!filter ? 0 : conf.Param(stmGesture::EAdjustYPos));
+ stateMachine->enableLogging(false);
+ stateMachine->EnableWsEventMonitoring(false);
+ LOG("Setup recognizers -- DONE");
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStmGestureEngine::HandlePointerEventL(
+ const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent,
+ void* target)
+ {
+ iGf->getUiStateMachine()->HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent,target);
+ }
+// =============================================================
+ CStmGestureEngine& aEngine ) :
+ iEngine(aEngine),
+ iEventSender(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+void CStmGestureContext::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iEngine.iContexts.AppendL(this);
+ iConfig = new(ELeave) CStmGestureParameters();
+ }
+ {
+ // Remove all gesture listeners
+ for(TInt i = iListeners.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ MStmGestureListener* listener = iListeners[i];
+ iListeners.Remove(i);
+ }
+ iListeners.Reset();
+ // Remove all context's recognizers from the Gesture Engine
+ Deactivate();
+ if (iEventSender)
+ delete iEventSender;
+ // Destroy all recognizers
+ for(TInt r = 0; r < stmGesture::EStmGestureUid_Count; ++r)
+ {
+ MStmGestureRecogniser*& rec = iRecognizers[r];
+ if(rec)
+ {
+ delete rec;
+ rec = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove context from the Gesture Engine
+ TInt idx = iEngine.iContexts.Find(this);
+ if(idx != -1)
+ {
+ iEngine.iContexts.Remove(idx);
+ }
+ delete iConfig;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStmGestureContext::AddListenerL(
+ MStmGestureListener* aListener,
+ TInt aPos )
+ {
+ iEventSender = CGestureEventSender::NewL(*aListener);
+ iListeners.InsertL(aListener, aPos);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CStmGestureContext::RemoveListener(
+ MStmGestureListener* aListener )
+ {
+ TInt ind = iListeners.Find(aListener);
+ if(ind >= 0)
+ {
+ iListeners.Remove(ind);
+ }
+ return ind;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStmGestureContext::SetContext(
+ CCoeControl* aControl )
+ {
+ iOwnerControl = aControl;
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < stmGesture::EStmGestureUid_Count; ++i)
+ {
+ MStmGestureRecogniser* rec = iRecognizers[i];
+ if(rec)
+ {
+ rec->setOwner(aControl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStmGestureContext::ActivateL()
+ {
+ if(IsActive())
+ {
+ // re-enable all recognizers
+ EnableRecognizersL();
+ return;
+ }
+ /// 1. Tell Engine to deactivate active context
+ /// 2. Setup all gesture recognizers
+ iEngine.EnableContextL(*this);
+ /// 3. Notify listeners
+ //
+ EnableRecognizersL();
+ ///
+ iActivated = ETrue;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStmGestureContext::Deactivate()
+ {
+ // NB: reactivation of previous context may leave
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iEngine.DisableContextL(*this));
+ iActivated = EFalse;
+ }
+void CStmGestureContext::gestureEnter(
+ MStmGesture& aGesture )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DispatchGestureEventL(aGesture.gestureUid(), &aGesture));
+ }
+void CStmGestureContext::gestureExit(
+ TStmGestureUid aGestureUid )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DispatchGestureEventL(aGestureUid, NULL));
+ }
+CCoeControl* CStmGestureContext::getOwner()
+ {
+ return iOwnerControl;
+ }
+void CStmGestureContext::DispatchGestureEventL(
+ TStmGestureUid aUid,
+ MStmGesture* aGesture )
+ {
+ iEventSender->AddEvent(aUid, aGesture);
+ }
+void CStmGestureContext::SuspendRecognizer(
+ TStmGestureUid aUid )
+ {
+ MStmGestureRecogniser* rec = iRecognizers[aUid];
+ if(rec && !rec->isEnabled())
+ {
+ rec->enable(EFalse);
+ // TODO: Notify listener
+ }
+ }
+void CStmGestureContext::EnableRecognizersL()
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < stmGesture::EStmGestureUid_Count; ++i)
+ {
+ EnableRecognizerL(TStmGestureUid(i));
+ }
+ }
+void CStmGestureContext::EnableRecognizerL(
+ TStmGestureUid aUid )
+ {
+ MStmGestureRecogniser* rec = iRecognizers[aUid];
+ if(rec && !rec->isEnabled())
+ {
+ rec->enable(ETrue);
+ // TODO: Notify listener
+ }
+ }