changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 36 0ed94ceaa377
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/browserutilities/feedsengine/FeedsServer/XmlUtils/src/XmlEntity.cpp	Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Resolves entities.
+#include <EscapeUtils.h>
+#include <libxml2_xmlmemory.h>
+#include <libxml2_globals.h>
+#include "CleanupLibXml2.h"
+#include "LeakTracker.h"
+#include "XmlEntity.h"
+// Private consts.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Note:		This array must be sorted by entity name.  The lookup function
+//				does a binary search. */
+// IMPORTANT:	When you update this table make sure the constant 
+//				NW_XHTML_Num_CaseInsensitive_Entries which is the count of 
+//				caseinsensitive entries is updated correctly.
+// Note:        See
+//              for utf8 entity mappings.
+#define KNumCaseInsensitiveEntries 126
+static const CXmlEntity::EntityEntry  sSpaceEntity = { " ",      32 };
+static const CXmlEntity::EntityEntry sEntityMappings[] = 
+    {
+// CaseSensitive entries
+    { "AElig",      198 },
+    { "Aacute",     193 },
+    { "Acirc",      194 },
+    { "Agrave",     192 },
+    { "Alpha",      913 },
+    { "Aring",      197 },
+    { "Atilde",     195 },
+    { "Auml",       196 },
+    { "Beta",       914 },
+    { "Ccedil",     199 },
+    { "Chi",        935 },
+    { "Dagger",     8225 },
+    { "Delta",      916 },
+    { "ETH",        208 },
+    { "Eacute",     201 },
+    { "Ecirc",      202 },
+    { "Egrave",     200 },
+    { "Epsilon",    917 },
+    { "Eta",        919 },
+    { "Euml",       203 },
+    { "Gamma",      915 },
+    { "Iacute",     205 },
+    { "Icirc",      206 },
+    { "Igrave",     204 },
+    { "Iota",       921 },
+    { "Iuml",       207 },
+    { "Kappa",      922 },
+    { "Lambda",     923 },
+    { "Mu",         924 },
+    { "Ntilde",     209 },
+    { "Nu",         925 },
+    { "OElig",      338 },
+    { "Oacute",     211 },
+    { "Ocirc",      212 },
+    { "Ograve",     210 },
+    { "Omega",      937 },
+    { "Omicron",    927 },
+    { "Oslash",     216 },
+    { "Otilde",     213 },
+    { "Ouml",       214 },
+    { "Phi",        934 },
+    { "Pi",         928 },
+    { "Prime",      8243 },
+    { "Psi",        936 },
+    { "Rho",        929 },
+    { "Scaron",     352 },
+    { "Sigma",      931 },
+    { "THORN",      222 },
+    { "Tau",        932 },
+    { "Theta",      920 },
+    { "Uacute",     218 },
+    { "Ucirc",      219 },
+    { "Ugrave",     217 },
+    { "Upsilon",    933 },
+    { "Uuml",       220 },
+    { "Xi",         926 },
+    { "Yacute",     221 },
+    { "Yuml",       376 },
+    { "Zeta",       918 },
+    { "aacute",     225 },
+    { "acirc",      226 },
+    { "acute",      180 },
+    { "aelig",      230 },
+    { "agrave",     224 },
+    { "alpha",      945 },
+    { "atilde",     227 },
+    { "auml",       228 },
+    { "beta",       946 },
+    { "ccedil",     231 },
+    { "chi",        967 },
+    { "dArr",       8659 },
+    { "dagger",     8224 },
+    { "darr",       8595 },
+    { "delta",      948 },
+    { "eacute",     233 },
+    { "ecirc",      234 },
+    { "egrave",     232 },
+    { "epsilon",    949 },
+    { "eta",        951 },
+    { "euml",       235 },
+    { "gamma",      947 },
+    { "hArr",       8660 },
+    { "harr",       8596 },
+    { "iacute",     237 },
+    { "icirc",      238 },
+    { "igrave",     236 },
+    { "iota",       953 },
+    { "iuml",       239 },
+    { "kappa",      954 },
+    { "lArr",       8656 },
+    { "lambda",     955 },
+    { "larr",       8592 },
+    { "mu",         956 },
+    { "ntilde",     241 },
+    { "nu",         957 },
+    { "oacute",     243 },
+    { "ocirc",      244 },
+    { "oelig",      339 },
+    { "ograve",     242 },
+    { "omega",      969 },
+    { "omicron",    959 },
+    { "oslash",     248 },
+    { "otilde",     245 },
+    { "otimes",     8855 },
+    { "ouml",       246 },
+    { "phi",        966 },
+    { "pi",         960 },
+    { "psi",        968 },
+    { "rArr",       8658 },
+    { "rarr",       8594 },
+    { "rho",        961 },
+    { "scaron",     353 },
+    { "sigma",      963 },
+    { "tau",        964 },
+    { "theta",      952 },
+    { "thorn",      254 },
+    { "uArr",       8657 },
+    { "uacute",     250 },
+    { "uarr",       8593 },
+    { "ucirc",      251 },
+    { "ugrave",     249 },
+    { "upsilon",    965 },
+    { "uuml",       252 },
+    { "xi",         958 },
+    { "yacute",     253 },
+    { "yuml",       255 },
+    { "zeta",       950 },
+    { "zwj",        8205 },
+    { "zwnj",       8204 },
+// Case Insensitive entries
+    { "alefsym",    8501 },
+    { "amp",        38 },
+    { "and",        8743 },
+    { "ang",        8736 },
+    { "apos",       39 },
+    { "aring",      229 },
+    { "asymp",      8776 },
+    { "bdquo",      8222 },
+    { "brvbar",     166 },
+    { "bull",       8226 },
+    { "cap",        8745 },
+    { "cedil",      184 },
+    { "cent",       162 },
+    { "circ",       710 },
+    { "clubs",      9827 },
+    { "cong",       8773 },
+    { "copy",       169 },
+    { "crarr",      8629 },
+    { "cup",        8746 },
+    { "curren",     164 },
+    { "deg",        176 },
+    { "diams",      9830 },
+    { "divide",     247 },
+    { "empty",      8709 },
+    { "emsp",       8195 },
+    { "ensp",       8194 },
+    { "equiv",      8801 },
+    { "eth",        240 },
+    { "euro",       8364 },
+    { "exist",      8707 },
+    { "fnof",       402 },
+    { "forall",     8704 },
+    { "frac12",     189 },
+    { "frac14",     188 },
+    { "frac34",     190 },
+    { "frasl",      8260 },
+    { "ge",         8805 },
+    { "gt",         62 },
+    { "hearts",     9829 },
+    { "hellip",     8230 },
+    { "iexcl",      161 },
+    { "image",      8465 },
+    { "infin",      8734 },
+    { "int",        8747 },
+    { "iquest",     191 },
+    { "isin",       8712 },
+    { "lang",       9001 },
+    { "laquo",      171 },
+    { "lceil",      8968 },
+    { "ldquo",      8220 },
+    { "le",         8804 },
+    { "lfloor",     8970 },
+    { "lowast",     8727 },
+    { "loz",        9674 },
+    { "lrm",        8206 },
+    { "lsaquo",     8249 },
+    { "lsquo",      8216 },
+    { "lt",         60 },
+    { "macr",       175 },
+    { "mdash",      8212 },
+    { "micro",      181 },
+    { "middot",     183 },
+    { "minus",      8722 },
+    { "nabla",      8711 },
+    { "nbsp",       160 },
+    { "ndash",      8211 },
+    { "ne",         8800 },
+    { "ni",         8715 },
+    { "not",        172 },
+    { "notin",      8713 },
+    { "nsub",       8836 },
+    { "oline",      8254 },
+    { "oplus",      8853 },
+    { "or",         8744 },
+    { "ordf",       170 },
+    { "ordm",       186 },
+    { "para",       182 },
+    { "part",       8706 },
+    { "permil",     8240 },
+    { "perp",       8869 },
+    { "piv",        982 },
+    { "plusmn",     177 },
+    { "pound",      163 },
+    { "prime",      8242 },
+    { "prod",       8719 },
+    { "prop",       8733 },
+    { "quot",       34 },
+    { "radic",      8730 },
+    { "rang",       9002 },
+    { "raquo",      187 },
+    { "rceil",      8969 },
+    { "rdquo",      8221 },
+    { "real",       8476 },
+    { "reg",        174 },
+    { "rfloor",     8971 },
+    { "rlm",        8207 },
+    { "rsaquo",     8250 },
+    { "rsquo",      8217 },
+    { "sbquo",      8218 },
+    { "sdot",       8901 },
+    { "sect",       167 },
+    { "shy",        173 },
+    { "sigmaf",     962 },
+    { "sim",        8764 },
+    { "spades",     9824 },
+    { "sub",        8834 },
+    { "sube",       8838 },
+    { "sum",        8721 },
+    { "sup",        8835 },
+    { "sup1",       185 },
+    { "sup2",       178 },
+    { "sup3",       179 },
+    { "supe",       8839 },
+    { "szlig",      223 },
+    { "there4",     8756 },
+    { "thetasym",   977 },
+    { "thinsp",     8201 },
+    { "tilde",      732 },
+    { "times",      215 },
+    { "trade",      8482 },
+    { "uml",        168 },
+    { "upsih",      978 },
+    { "weierp",     8472 },
+    { "yen",        165 },
+    { "zwj",        8205 },
+    { "zwnj",       8204 },
+    };
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CXmlEntity* CXmlEntity::NewL()
+    {
+    CXmlEntity* self = new (ELeave) CXmlEntity();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::CXmlEntity
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        iLeakTracker(CLeakTracker::EXmlEntity), iEntityMappings(15)
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CXmlEntity::ConstructL()
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::~CXmlEntity
+// Deconstructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    // Delete the cached encoding-map.
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < iEntityMappings.Count(); i++)
+        {
+        xmlFree(iEntityMappings[i].orig);
+        }
+    iEntityMappings.Close();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::ResolveL
+// Resolves the named entity into its char-value.  Can handle numeric entities.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CXmlEntity::ResolveL(const TDesC& aName, TUint16& aUcs2Value)
+    {
+    HBufC8*   utf8 = NULL;
+    xmlChar*  xmlStr = NULL;
+    if (aName.Length() < 1)
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+        }
+    // Resolve numeric entities...
+    if (ResolveNumericL(aName, aUcs2Value))
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    // Convert the name to utf8 -- its strdup'ed to zero-terminate it.
+    utf8 = EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L(aName);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(utf8);
+    xmlStr = xmlStrndup(utf8->Ptr(), utf8->Size());
+    User::LeaveIfNull(xmlStr);
+    CleanupLibXml2::PushL(xmlStr);
+    // Look up the entity in the static entity table.
+    const CXmlEntity::EntityEntry& entity = LookupUsc2Value(xmlStr);
+    aUcs2Value = entity.ucs2Value;
+    // Clean up.
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(/*xmlStr*/);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(utf8);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::ResolveL
+// Resolves the named entity into its EntityEntry.  Can NOT handle numeric entities.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const xmlEntity* CXmlEntity::ResolveL(const xmlChar *aName)
+    {
+    TInt       index;
+    xmlEntity  entity;
+    // Init the entity.
+    memset(&entity, 0x00, sizeof(xmlEntity));
+    // Check if the entity has already been resolved.
+ = aName;
+    index = iEntityMappings.FindInOrder(entity, LinearOrder);
+    if (index != KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        return &iEntityMappings[index];
+        }
+    // Also check if the entity has already been resolved in a case insensitive way.
+    index = iEntityMappings.FindInOrder(entity, LinearCaseOrder);
+    if (index != KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        return &iEntityMappings[index];
+        }
+    // Otherwise look it up in the static table, create a new entry and return it.
+    TBuf<2>   ucs2;
+    HBufC8*   utf8 = NULL;
+    xmlChar*  utf8Value = NULL;
+    // Get the entity as a ucs2 value from the static table.        
+    const EntityEntry& entityEntry = LookupUsc2Value(aName);
+    // Convert the value to utf8.
+    ucs2.Append(entityEntry.ucs2Value);
+    utf8 = EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L(ucs2);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(utf8);
+    utf8Value = xmlStrndup(utf8->Ptr(), utf8->Size());
+    User::LeaveIfNull(utf8Value);
+    CleanupLibXml2::PushL(utf8Value);
+    // Populate the entity.
+    entity.type = XML_ENTITY_DECL;
+ = BAD_CAST(entityEntry.entityName);
+    entity.orig = const_cast<xmlChar*>(utf8Value);
+    entity.content = const_cast<xmlChar*>(utf8Value);
+    entity.length = xmlStrlen(utf8Value);
+    // Add the new entry.
+    User::LeaveIfError(iEntityMappings.InsertInOrder(entity, LinearOrder));
+    CleanupStack::Pop(/*utf8Value*/);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(utf8);
+    // Return the newly added entry.
+    index = iEntityMappings.FindInOrder(entity, LinearOrder);
+    if (index == KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+        }
+    return &iEntityMappings[index];
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::LookupUsc2Value
+// Looks up the named entity in the static table.  Can NOT handle numeric entities.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const CXmlEntity::EntityEntry& CXmlEntity::LookupUsc2Value(const xmlChar *aName)
+    {
+    TInt                index;
+    const EntityEntry*  entry;
+    TInt                low;
+    TInt                high;
+    TInt                res;
+    TInt                numEntries;
+    numEntries = (sizeof(sEntityMappings) / sizeof(EntityEntry));
+    // First do a binary search search in the case sensitive part of the array.
+    low = 0;
+    high = numEntries - KNumCaseInsensitiveEntries - 1;
+    res = 0;
+    while (low <= high ) 
+        {
+        index = (high + low) / 2;
+        entry = &(sEntityMappings[index]);
+        // Do a case sensitive string comparison.
+        res = xmlStrcmp(aName, BAD_CAST(entry->entityName));
+        if (res > 0) 
+            {
+            /* name is ahead of this slot.  Increase low bound. */
+            low = index + 1;
+            } 
+        else if (res < 0) 
+            {
+            /* name is behind this slot.  Decrease high bound. */
+            high = index - 1;
+            } 
+        else 
+            {
+            /* Found the entity name.  Return its value. */
+            return *entry;
+            }
+        }
+    // If no match was found search in the case insensitive part of the table.
+    low = numEntries - KNumCaseInsensitiveEntries;
+    high = numEntries - 1;
+    res = 0;
+    while (low <= high ) 
+        {
+        index = (high + low) / 2;
+        entry = &(sEntityMappings[index]);
+        // Do a case insensitive string comparison.
+        res = xmlStrcasecmp(aName, BAD_CAST(entry->entityName));
+        if (res > 0) 
+            {
+            /* name is ahead of this slot.  Increase low bound. */
+            low = index + 1;
+            } 
+        else if (res < 0) 
+            {
+            /* name is behind this slot.  Decrease high bound. */
+            high = index - 1;
+            } 
+        else 
+            {
+            /* Found the entity name.  Return its value. */
+            return *entry;
+            }
+        }
+    // If no match were found return the space.
+    return sSpaceEntity;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::ResolveNumeric
+// Resolves the numeric entity into it's value.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CXmlEntity::ResolveNumericL(const TDesC& aName, TUint16& aUcs2Value)
+    {
+    _LIT(KHash, "#");
+    _LIT(KHex, "x");
+    _LIT(KHEX, "X");
+    TBool   found = EFalse;
+    if (aName.Length() < 2)
+        {
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+	if (aName.Left(1) == KHash)
+		{
+        TRadix   aRadix = EDecimal;
+        TPtrC    numeric;
+        // Entity of the form, #x123
+		if ((aName.Mid(1, 1) == KHex) || (aName.Mid(1, 1) == KHEX))
+			{
+			numeric.Set(aName.Mid(2, aName.Length() - 2));
+            aRadix = EHex;
+			}
+        // Entity of the form, #123
+		else
+			{
+			numeric.Set(aName.Mid(1, aName.Length() - 1));
+			}
+        // Convert the text into a ucs2 value.
+        if (numeric.Length() > 0)
+            {
+	        TLex  temp(numeric);
+	        temp.Val(aUcs2Value, aRadix);
+		    found = ETrue;
+            }
+		}
+    return found;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::LinearOrder
+// Comparison method for iEntityMappings.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CXmlEntity::LinearOrder(const xmlEntity& aFirst, const xmlEntity& aSecond)
+    {
+    return xmlStrcmp(,;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CXmlEntity::LinearCaseOrder
+// Comparison method for iEntityMappings.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CXmlEntity::LinearCaseOrder(const xmlEntity& aFirst, const xmlEntity& aSecond)
+    {
+    return xmlStrcasecmp(,;
+    }