changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 37 cb62a4f66ebe
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web_plat/cxml_library_api/inc/nw_dom_node.h	Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000 - 2001 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @package:     NW_DOM
+    @synopsis:    default
+    @description: default
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+#ifndef NW_DOM_NODE_H
+#define NW_DOM_NODE_H
+#include "nw_tinytree.h"
+#include "nw_tinydom.h"
+#include "nw_string_string.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @typedef:     NW_DOM_Node
+    @synopsis:    Dom nodes are defined to be just tiny tree nodes.  
+    @scope:       public
+    @type:        NW_TinyTree_Node_t
+    @description: Dom nodes are defined to be just tiny tree nodes.
+                  This allows the Dom API to return the 32 bit pointers
+                  it gets from the Tiny Tree and Tiny Dom APIs rather
+                  than having to allocate any memory. This memory
+                  savings comes at some cost, however: most Tiny Tree
+                  API calls require a tree reference, and getting a tree
+                  reference from an tiny dom node is an inefficient
+                  operation (it requires a linear search of the node's
+                  storage segment). We assume that this computation vs
+                  memory tradeoff is worthwhile on small platforms.  One
+                  alternative would be to require the tree as a
+                  parameter to many Dom API calls, but this would be a
+                  substantial departure from the standard Dom model.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+typedef NW_TinyTree_Node_t NW_DOM_Node_t;
+/* Specific node types used by the DOM API */
+typedef NW_Uint16 NW_DOM_NodeType_t;
+#define NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE                1
+#define NW_DOM_TEXT_NODE                   2
+#define NW_DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE          4 /* only for XML  */
+#define NW_DOM_COMMENT_NODE                16 /* only for XML  */
+#define NW_DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE               32
+typedef NW_DOM_Node_t NW_DOM_ElementNode_t;
+/*typedef NW_DOM_Node_t NW_DOM_DocumentNode_t; */
+/* Declared in nw_tiny_tree.h */
+typedef NW_DOM_Node_t NW_DOM_TextNode_t;
+typedef NW_DOM_Node_t NW_DOM_CommentNode_t;
+typedef NW_DOM_Node_t NW_DOM_CDATASectionNode_t;
+typedef NW_DOM_Node_t NW_DOM_ProcessingInstructionNode_t;
+/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    GENERAL NODE METHODS - applicable to all node types
+    These methods will be repeated for other Node types also
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName
+    @synopsis:    Get name of node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* elem
+                  The node.
+       [in-out] NW_String_t* name
+                  The name of the node.
+    @description: Get name of node.
+    @returns:     NW_Status_t
+                  Result of operation.
+                  Node name returned.
+                  Node type could not be determined.
+                  Node does not have name.
+                  It is not a NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE
+                  Ran out of memory trying to allocate string storage.
+                  Illegal character set.
+                  String found but empty.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+IMPORT_C NW_Status_t 
+NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName(NW_DOM_Node_t* elem, NW_String_t* name); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType
+    @synopsis:    Gets the type of DOM node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Gets the type of DOM node.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_NodeType_t
+                  Node type or zero if not recognized node.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getNodeToken
+    @synopsis:    Gets the token associated with the node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Returns fully qualified node token. This includes the 
+                  token, codepage and a attribute/element flag.
+    @returns:     NW_Uint16
+                  The 8 bit token and 8 bit codepage which includes an 
+                  attribute/elent flag.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+IMPORT_C NW_Uint16 
+NW_DOM_Node_getNodeToken(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_isWBXML
+    @synopsis:    Checks if the node was created by parsing WBXML content.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Checks if the node was created by parsing WBXML content.
+    @returns:     NW_Bool
+                  NW_TRUE if WBXML type, otherwise NW_FALSE.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_Node_isWBXML(NW_DOM_Node_t* node);
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getParentNode
+    @synopsis:    Gets the parent of the node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Finds parent node of the given node. All nodes except 
+                  DocumentNode have a parentNode.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_Node_t*
+                  Parent or NULL if invalid operation or if parent node 
+                  is a DocumentNode.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_Node_getParentNode(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild
+    @synopsis:    Finds the first child of the node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Returns valid values only for ELEMENT_NODE and DOCUMENT_NODE.
+                  These are the only nodes that have children. For other nodes
+                  the value is NULL.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_Node_t*
+                  The first child of this node or NULL if the node has no child.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getLastChild
+    @synopsis:    Finds the last child of the node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Returns valid values only for ELEMENT_NODE and DOCUMENT_NODE.
+                  These are the only nodes that have children. For other nodes
+                  the value is either NULL or 0.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_Node_t*
+                  The last child of this node or NULL if the node has no child.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_Node_getLastChild(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_hasChildNodes
+    @synopsis:    Checks if the node has any child nodes.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Returns valid values only for ELEMENT_NODE and DOCUMENT_NODE.
+                  These are the only nodes that have children. For other nodes
+                  the value is NULL.
+    @returns:     NW_Bool
+                  NW_TRUE if the node has child nodes, otherwise NW_FALSE.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_Node_hasChildNodes(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling
+    @synopsis:    Gets the next sibling of the node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Gets the next sibling of the node.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_Node_t*
+                  The node immediately following this node, NULL if there 
+                  is no next sibling or this node is NULL.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getPreviousSibling
+    @synopsis:    Gets the previous sibling of the node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Gets the previous sibling of the node.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_Node_t*
+                  The node immediately preceding this node in the DOM tree,
+                  NULL if there is no previous sibling or the node is NULL.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_Node_getPreviousSibling(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_getOwnerDocument
+    @synopsis:    Gets the owner document node of this node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+    @description: Gets the owner document node of this node.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_DocumentNode_t*
+                  The owner document node (NW_DOM_DocumentNode_t) associated
+                  with this node, NULL if the node is NULL or is a DocumentNode.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+IMPORT_C NW_DOM_DocumentNode_t* 
+NW_DOM_Node_getOwnerDocument(NW_DOM_Node_t* node); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_insertBefore
+    @synopsis:    Inserts newChild before the refChild.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in-out] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The parent node.
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* newChild
+                  The node to be inserted.
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* refChild
+                  The node before which the newChild node should be inserted.
+    @description: Inserts the newChild node before the existing refChild 
+                  node; and if refChild is NULL, inserts it at the end of
+                  the list of children.
+    @returns:     NW_Status_t
+                  Result of operation.
+                  Inserted successfully.
+                  One of the input parameters was null.
+                  Reference child is not a child of given node.
+                  New child was created from a different document than the 
+                  one that created the node.
+                  Node is of the type that does not allow children of the 
+                  type of newChild node.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+IMPORT_C NW_Status_t
+NW_DOM_Node_insertBefore(NW_DOM_Node_t* node, 
+                         NW_DOM_Node_t* newChild, 
+                         NW_DOM_Node_t* refChild);
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_replaceChild
+    @synopsis:    Replaces oldChild with the newChild.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* newChild
+                  The node that will replace oldChild.
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* oldChild
+                  The node to be replaced.
+    @description: Replaces oldChild with the newChild.
+    @returns:     NW_Status_t
+                  Result of operation.
+                  Child replaced.
+                  Bad data.
+                  oldChild is not a child of given node.
+                  newChild was created from a different document than the 
+                  one that created the node.
+                  Node is of the type that does not allow children of the 
+                  type of newChild node.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+IMPORT_C NW_Status_t
+NW_DOM_Node_replaceChild(NW_DOM_Node_t* node, 
+                         NW_DOM_Node_t* newChild, 
+                         NW_DOM_Node_t* oldChild);
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_removeChild
+    @synopsis:    Removes the oldChild node as a child of the node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in-out] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The parent node.
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* oldChild
+                  The child node to be removed.
+    @description: Removes the oldChild, and deletes the node and its child nodes.
+    @returns:     NW_Status_t
+                  Result of operation.
+                  Nodes deleted.
+                  Bad data.
+                  oldChild is not a child of given node.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+IMPORT_C NW_Status_t
+NW_DOM_Node_removeChild(NW_DOM_Node_t* node, 
+                        NW_DOM_Node_t* oldChild); 
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_Node_appendChild
+    @synopsis:    Appends a new child.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  The node.
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* newChild
+                  The node to be added.
+    @description: Appends a new child.
+    @returns:     NW_Status_t
+                  Result of operation.
+                  Child node appended.
+                  An input parameter was null.
+                  newChild was created from a different document than the 
+                  one that created the node.
+                  Node is of the type that does not allow children of the type
+                  of the newChild node.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+IMPORT_C NW_Status_t
+NW_DOM_Node_appendChild(NW_DOM_Node_t* node, 
+                        NW_DOM_Node_t* newChild);
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @struct:      NW_DOM_NodeIterator
+    @synopsis:    Iterator for walking node list.
+    @scope:       public
+    @variables:
+       NW_TinyTree_NodeIterator_t nodeIter
+                  The node iterator.
+       NW_Uint16 token
+                  Fully qualified token (i.e. token and codepage)
+    @description: NW_DOM_NodeIterator_t is used in lieu of the NodeList 
+                 object specified in DOM. This data type is an iterator 
+                 default.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+typedef struct NW_DOM_NodeIterator_s {
+  NW_TinyTree_NodeIterator_t nodeIter;
+  NW_Uint16 token;
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_NodeIterator_new
+    @synopsis:    Creates new NodeIterator.
+    @scope:       public
+    @description: Creates new NodeIterator.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_NodeIterator_t*
+                  New iterator.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_NodeIterator_initialize
+    @synopsis:    Initializes iterator.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_NodeIterator_t* handle
+                  The node iterator.
+       [in] NW_DOM_Node_t* node
+                  Starting point for iteration.
+       [in] NW_Uint16 token
+                  Initialize with this token.
+    @description: Initializes the Node handle which uses the given node
+                  as the starting point to iterate down the tree.
+    @returns:     NW_Status_t
+                  Result of operation.
+                  Iterator initialized.
+                  Required parameter is null.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_NodeIterator_initialize(NW_DOM_NodeIterator_t* handle, 
+                               NW_DOM_Node_t* node, 
+                               NW_Uint16 token);
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_NodeIterator_delete
+    @synopsis:    Deletes the handle.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in-out] NW_DOM_NodeIterator_t* handle
+                  The node iterator.
+    @description: Deletes the handle.
+    @returns:     NW_Status_t
+                  Result of operation.
+                  Always returned.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_NodeIterator_delete(NW_DOM_NodeIterator_t* handle);
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+    @function:    NW_DOM_NodeIterator_nextNode
+    @synopsis:    Returns the next node.
+    @scope:       public
+    @parameters:
+       [in] NW_DOM_NodeIterator_t* handle
+                  The node iterator.
+    @description: Returns the next node.
+    @returns:     NW_DOM_Node_t* 
+                  The next node if there is one, otherwise NULL.
+ ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+NW_DOM_NodeIterator_nextNode(NW_DOM_NodeIterator_t* handle);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" { */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif  /* NW_DOM_NODE_H */