changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 16 a359256acfc6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web_plat/widget_registry_api/inc/WidgetRegistryConstants.h	Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+// forward declarations
+class CWidgetEntry;
+class CWidgetInfo;
+// Constants
+const TUid KWidgetRegistryServerUid = { 0x10282F06 };
+const TUid KUidWidgetUi = { 0x10282822 };
+const TUid KUidWidgetLauncher = { 0x10282821 };
+// Before changing these, consider that there will be widgets
+// installed on removable memory cards according to an allocation
+// scheme using these bounds.
+const TInt32 KWidgetUidLowerBound = 0x2000DAD2;
+const TInt32 KWidgetUidUpperBound = 0x2000DEB9;
+// The current allocation scheme splits the range into two so that
+// in-device memory uses one range and removable memory cards use a
+// separate range.  Eventually, removable memory is probably going to
+// have to use a reallocation scheme on insertion.
+const TInt32 KWidgetUidInternalMemoryStart = KWidgetUidLowerBound;
+const TInt32 KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStart = (KWidgetUidLowerBound + KWidgetUidUpperBound + 1) / 2; // half way
+const TInt32 KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStop = KWidgetUidUpperBound;
+const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionMajor = 0;
+const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionMinor = 1;
+const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionBuild = 1;
+const TInt KWidgetRegistryServerAsynchronousSlotCount = 4;
+const TInt KWidgetRegistryVal = KMaxFileName;
+const TInt KShutdownDelay = 200000;
+const TInt KWidgetRegistryGranularity = 100;
+const TInt KWidgetRegistryServerStartupAttempts = 2;
+// Literal constants
+_LIT( KWidgetRegistryName, "!WidgetRegistry" ); // name to connect to
+_LIT( KWidgetRegistryImage, "WidgetRegistry" ); // DLL/EXE name
+_LIT8( KWidgetMime, "application/x-nokia-widget");
+_LIT( KLauncherApp, "widgetlauncher.exe" );
+// Enumerations
+enum TWidgetRegistryClientOpCodes
+    {
+    EOpCodeRegisterWidget = 0,  // do not change, used in capability policy
+    EOpCodeDeRegisterWidget = 1,// do not change, used in capability policy
+    EOpCodeWidgetExists,
+    EOpCodeIsWidget,
+    EOpCodeIsWidgetRunning,
+    EOpCodeWidgetCount,
+    EOpCodeInstalledWidgetsPhase1,
+    EOpCodeInstalledWidgetsPhase2,
+    EOpCodeRunningWidgetsPhase1,
+    EOpCodeRunningWidgetsPhase2,
+    EOpCodeGetWidgetBundleId,
+    EOpCodeGetWidgetBundleName,
+    EOpCodeGetWidgetPropertyValue,
+    EOpCodeGetWidgetPath,
+    EOpCodeGetWidgetUid,
+    EOpCodeGetWidgetUidForUrl,
+    EOpCodeGetAvailableUid,
+    EOpCodeSetActive,
+    EOpCodeWidgetRegistryDisconnect,
+    EOpCodeGetLprojName,
+    EOpCodeSecurityPolicyId,
+    EOpCodeSetWidgetInMiniView,
+    EOpCodeIsWidgetInMiniView,
+    EOpCodeSetWidgetInFullView,
+    EOpCodeIsWidgetInFullView,
+    EOpCodeSetWidgetPromptNeeded,
+    EOpCodeIsWidgetPromptNeeded,
+    EOpWidgetSapiAccessState,
+    EOpCodeNotSupported // must be last
+    };
+enum TWidgetPropertyId
+    {
+    // version must be first
+    EWidgetPropertyListVersion = 0, // int
+// increment version when changing list of properties so when properties
+// are written to file with a version header then they can be read in
+// by backwards compatible future versions
+    // begin from bundle XML configuration file
+    EBundleIdentifier,          // required; string; ex.: com.nokia.widget.HelloWorld
+    EBundleName,                // required; string; example: Hello World
+    EBundleDisplayName,         // required; string; example: Hello World
+    EMainHTML,                  // required; string; example: HellowWorld.html
+    EBundleShortVersion,        // optional; string; example: 1.0
+    EBundleVersion,             // optional; string; example: 1.0
+    EHeight,                    // optional; integer; example: 100
+    EWidth,                     // optional; integer; example: 100
+    // TODO remove EAllowFullAccess (grep and remove all mentions)
+    EAllowFullAccess,           // optional; int internally 0 or 1
+    EAllowNetworkAccess,        // optional; int internally 0 or 1
+    // begin internal properties
+    EDriveName,                 // string;
+    EBasePath,                  // string; install path for widget, includes drive
+    EIconPath,                  // string; icon path only
+    EUrl,                       // string;
+    EFileSize,                  // int
+    EUid,                       // TUid
+    ENokiaWidget,               // int 0 (not Nokia DTD) or 1 (Nokia DTD)
+    EMiniViewEnable,            //optional; int internally 0 0r 1
+    EBlanketPermGranted,              //optional; int internally 0 0r 1
+    // end property list, begin special values
+    EWidgetPropertyIdCount,     // must be at end of properties
+    EWidgetPropertyIdInvalid = 1000    // must be after EWidgetPropertyIdCount
+    };
+typedef RArray<TUid>                RUidArray;
+typedef RPointerArray<CWidgetInfo>  RWidgetInfoArray;