--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webengine/osswebengine/WebKit/WebView/WebPDFView.mm Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1488 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
+ * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ * from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#import "WebPDFView.h"
+#import "WebDataSourceInternal.h"
+#import "WebDocumentInternal.h"
+#import "WebDocumentPrivate.h"
+#import "WebFrame.h"
+#import "WebFrameInternal.h"
+#import "WebFrameView.h"
+#import "WebLocalizableStrings.h"
+#import "WebNSArrayExtras.h"
+#import "WebNSAttributedStringExtras.h"
+#import "WebNSPasteboardExtras.h"
+#import "WebNSViewExtras.h"
+#import "WebPDFRepresentation.h"
+#import "WebPreferencesPrivate.h"
+#import "WebUIDelegate.h"
+#import "WebUIDelegatePrivate.h"
+#import "WebView.h"
+#import "WebViewInternal.h"
+#import <JavaScriptCore/Assertions.h>
+#import <PDFKit/PDFKit.h>
+#import <WebCore/EventNames.h>
+#import <WebCore/FrameLoader.h>
+#import <WebCore/KURL.h>
+#import <WebCore/KeyboardEvent.h>
+#import <WebCore/MouseEvent.h>
+#import <WebCore/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h>
+#import <WebKitSystemInterface.h>
+using namespace WebCore;
+using namespace EventNames;
+// Redeclarations of PDFKit notifications. We can't use the API since we use a weak link to the framework.
+#define _webkit_PDFViewDisplayModeChangedNotification @"PDFViewDisplayModeChanged"
+#define _webkit_PDFViewScaleChangedNotification @"PDFViewScaleChanged"
+#define _webkit_PDFViewPageChangedNotification @"PDFViewChangedPage"
+@interface PDFDocument (PDFKitSecretsIKnow)
+- (NSPrintOperation *)getPrintOperationForPrintInfo:(NSPrintInfo *)printInfo autoRotate:(BOOL)doRotate;
+extern "C" NSString *_NSPathForSystemFramework(NSString *framework);
+@interface WebPDFView (FileInternal)
++ (Class)_PDFPreviewViewClass;
++ (Class)_PDFViewClass;
+- (BOOL)_anyPDFTagsFoundInMenu:(NSMenu *)menu;
+- (void)_applyPDFDefaults;
+- (BOOL)_canLookUpInDictionary;
+- (NSClipView *)_clipViewForPDFDocumentView;
+- (NSEvent *)_fakeKeyEventWithFunctionKey:(unichar)functionKey;
+- (NSMutableArray *)_menuItemsFromPDFKitForEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
+- (PDFSelection *)_nextMatchFor:(NSString *)string direction:(BOOL)forward caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseFlag wrap:(BOOL)wrapFlag fromSelection:(PDFSelection *)initialSelection startInSelection:(BOOL)startInSelection;
+- (void)_openWithFinder:(id)sender;
+- (NSString *)_path;
+- (void)_PDFDocumentViewMightHaveScrolled:(NSNotification *)notification;
+- (BOOL)_pointIsInSelection:(NSPoint)point;
+- (NSAttributedString *)_scaledAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)unscaledAttributedString;
+- (void)_setTextMatches:(NSArray *)array;
+- (NSString *)_temporaryPDFDirectoryPath;
+- (void)_trackFirstResponder;
+- (void)_updatePreferencesSoon;
+- (NSSet *)_visiblePDFPages;
+// PDFPrefUpdatingProxy is a class that forwards everything it gets to a target and updates the PDF viewing prefs
+// after each of those messages. We use it as a way to hook all the places that the PDF viewing attrs change.
+@interface PDFPrefUpdatingProxy : NSProxy {
+ WebPDFView *view;
+- (id)initWithView:(WebPDFView *)view;
+static void _applicationInfoForMIMEType(NSString *type, NSString **name, NSImage **image)
+ NSURL *appURL = nil;
+ OSStatus error = LSCopyApplicationForMIMEType((CFStringRef)type, kLSRolesAll, (CFURLRef *)&appURL);
+ if (error != noErr)
+ return;
+ NSString *appPath = [appURL path];
+ CFRelease (appURL);
+ *image = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile:appPath];
+ [*image setSize:NSMakeSize(16.f,16.f)];
+ NSString *appName = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] displayNameAtPath:appPath];
+ *name = appName;
+// FIXME 4182876: We can eliminate this function in favor if -isEqual: if [PDFSelection isEqual:] is overridden
+// to compare contents.
+static BOOL _PDFSelectionsAreEqual(PDFSelection *selectionA, PDFSelection *selectionB)
+ NSArray *aPages = [selectionA pages];
+ NSArray *bPages = [selectionB pages];
+ if (![aPages isEqual:bPages])
+ return NO;
+ int count = [aPages count];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ NSRect aBounds = [selectionA boundsForPage:[aPages objectAtIndex:i]];
+ NSRect bBounds = [selectionB boundsForPage:[bPages objectAtIndex:i]];
+ if (!NSEqualRects(aBounds, bBounds)) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ }
+ return YES;
+@implementation WebPDFView
+#pragma mark WebPDFView API
++ (NSBundle *)PDFKitBundle
+ static NSBundle *PDFKitBundle = nil;
+ if (PDFKitBundle == nil) {
+ NSString *PDFKitPath = [_NSPathForSystemFramework(@"Quartz.framework") stringByAppendingString:@"/Frameworks/PDFKit.framework"];
+ if (PDFKitPath == nil) {
+ LOG_ERROR("Couldn't find PDFKit.framework");
+ return nil;
+ }
+ PDFKitBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:PDFKitPath];
+ if (![PDFKitBundle load]) {
+ LOG_ERROR("Couldn't load PDFKit.framework");
+ }
+ }
+ return PDFKitBundle;
++ (NSArray *)supportedMIMETypes
+ return [WebPDFRepresentation supportedMIMETypes];
+- (void)setPDFDocument:(PDFDocument *)doc
+ // Both setDocument: and _applyPDFDefaults will trigger scale and mode-changed notifications.
+ // Those aren't reflecting user actions, so we need to ignore them.
+ _ignoreScaleAndDisplayModeAndPageNotifications = YES;
+ [PDFSubview setDocument:doc];
+ [self _applyPDFDefaults];
+ _ignoreScaleAndDisplayModeAndPageNotifications = NO;
+#pragma mark NSObject OVERRIDES
+- (void)dealloc
+ ASSERT(!trackedFirstResponder);
+ [previewView release];
+ [PDFSubview release];
+ [path release];
+ [PDFSubviewProxy release];
+ [textMatches release];
+ [super dealloc];
+#pragma mark NSResponder OVERRIDES
+- (void)centerSelectionInVisibleArea:(id)sender
+ [PDFSubview scrollSelectionToVisible:nil];
+- (void)scrollPageDown:(id)sender
+ // PDFView doesn't support this responder method directly, so we pass it a fake key event
+ [PDFSubview keyDown:[self _fakeKeyEventWithFunctionKey:NSPageDownFunctionKey]];
+- (void)scrollPageUp:(id)sender
+ // PDFView doesn't support this responder method directly, so we pass it a fake key event
+ [PDFSubview keyDown:[self _fakeKeyEventWithFunctionKey:NSPageUpFunctionKey]];
+- (void)scrollLineDown:(id)sender
+ // PDFView doesn't support this responder method directly, so we pass it a fake key event
+ [PDFSubview keyDown:[self _fakeKeyEventWithFunctionKey:NSDownArrowFunctionKey]];
+- (void)scrollLineUp:(id)sender
+ // PDFView doesn't support this responder method directly, so we pass it a fake key event
+ [PDFSubview keyDown:[self _fakeKeyEventWithFunctionKey:NSUpArrowFunctionKey]];
+- (void)scrollToBeginningOfDocument:(id)sender
+ // PDFView doesn't support this responder method directly, so we pass it a fake key event
+ [PDFSubview keyDown:[self _fakeKeyEventWithFunctionKey:NSHomeFunctionKey]];
+- (void)scrollToEndOfDocument:(id)sender
+ // PDFView doesn't support this responder method directly, so we pass it a fake key event
+ [PDFSubview keyDown:[self _fakeKeyEventWithFunctionKey:NSEndFunctionKey]];
+// jumpToSelection is the old name for what AppKit now calls centerSelectionInVisibleArea. Safari
+// was using the old jumpToSelection selector in its menu. Newer versions of Safari will us the
+// selector centerSelectionInVisibleArea. We'll leave this old selector in place for two reasons:
+// (1) compatibility between older Safari and newer WebKit; (2) other WebKit-based applications
+// might be using the jumpToSelection: selector, and we don't want to break them.
+- (void)jumpToSelection:(id)sender
+ [self centerSelectionInVisibleArea:nil];
+#pragma mark NSView OVERRIDES
+- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
+ // This works together with setNextKeyView to splice our PDFSubview into
+ // the key loop similar to the way NSScrollView does this.
+ NSWindow *window = [self window];
+ id newFirstResponder = nil;
+ if ([window keyViewSelectionDirection] == NSSelectingPrevious) {
+ NSView *previousValidKeyView = [self previousValidKeyView];
+ if ((previousValidKeyView != self) && (previousValidKeyView != PDFSubview))
+ newFirstResponder = previousValidKeyView;
+ } else {
+ NSView *PDFDocumentView = [PDFSubview documentView];
+ if ([PDFDocumentView acceptsFirstResponder])
+ newFirstResponder = PDFDocumentView;
+ }
+ if (!newFirstResponder)
+ return NO;
+ if (![window makeFirstResponder:newFirstResponder])
+ return NO;
+ [[dataSource webFrame] _clearSelectionInOtherFrames];
+ return YES;
+- (NSView *)hitTest:(NSPoint)point
+ // Override hitTest so we can override menuForEvent.
+ NSEvent *event = [NSApp currentEvent];
+ NSEventType type = [event type];
+ if (type == NSRightMouseDown || (type == NSLeftMouseDown && ([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask)))
+ return self;
+ return [super hitTest:point];
+- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
+ self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
+ if (self) {
+ [self setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
+ Class previewViewClass = nil;
+ if ([[WebPreferences standardPreferences] _usePDFPreviewView])
+ previewViewClass = [[self class] _PDFPreviewViewClass];
+ // We might not have found a previewViewClass even if we looked for one.
+ // But if we found the class we should be able to create an instance.
+ if (previewViewClass) {
+ previewView = [[previewViewClass alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
+ ASSERT(previewView);
+ }
+ NSView *topLevelPDFKitView = nil;
+ if (previewView) {
+ // We'll retain the PDFSubview here so that it is equally retained in all
+ // code paths. That way we don't need to worry about conditionally releasing
+ // it later.
+ PDFSubview = [[previewView performSelector:@selector(pdfView)] retain];
+ topLevelPDFKitView = previewView;
+ } else {
+ PDFSubview = [[[[self class] _PDFViewClass] alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
+ topLevelPDFKitView = PDFSubview;
+ }
+ ASSERT(PDFSubview);
+ [topLevelPDFKitView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
+ [self addSubview:topLevelPDFKitView];
+ [PDFSubview setDelegate:self];
+ written = NO;
+ // Messaging this proxy is the same as messaging PDFSubview, with the side effect that the
+ // PDF viewing defaults are updated afterwards
+ PDFSubviewProxy = (PDFView *)[[PDFPrefUpdatingProxy alloc] initWithView:self];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
+ // Start with the menu items supplied by PDFKit, with WebKit tags applied
+ NSMutableArray *items = [self _menuItemsFromPDFKitForEvent:theEvent];
+ // Add in an "Open with <default PDF viewer>" item
+ NSString *appName = nil;
+ NSImage *appIcon = nil;
+ _applicationInfoForMIMEType([[dataSource response] MIMEType], &appName, &appIcon);
+ if (!appName)
+ appName = UI_STRING("Finder", "Default application name for Open With context menu");
+ // To match the PDFKit style, we'll add Open with Preview even when there's no document yet to view, and
+ // disable it using validateUserInterfaceItem.
+ NSString *title = [NSString stringWithFormat:UI_STRING("Open with %@", "context menu item for PDF"), appName];
+ NSMenuItem *item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:title action:@selector(_openWithFinder:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [item setTag:WebMenuItemTagOpenWithDefaultApplication];
+ if (appIcon)
+ [item setImage:appIcon];
+ [items insertObject:item atIndex:0];
+ [item release];
+ [items insertObject:[NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex:1];
+ // pass the items off to the WebKit context menu mechanism
+ WebView *webView = [[dataSource webFrame] webView];
+ ASSERT(webView);
+ NSMenu *menu = [webView _menuForElement:[self elementAtPoint:[self convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]] defaultItems:items];
+ // The delegate has now had the opportunity to add items to the standard PDF-related items, or to
+ // remove or modify some of the PDF-related items. In 10.4, the PDF context menu did not go through
+ // the standard WebKit delegate path, and so the standard PDF-related items always appeared. For
+ // clients that create their own context menu by hand-picking specific items from the default list, such as
+ // Safari, none of the PDF-related items will appear until the client is rewritten to explicitly
+ // include these items. For backwards compatibility of tip-of-tree WebKit with the 10.4 version of Safari
+ // (the configuration that people building open source WebKit use), we'll use the entire set of PDFKit-supplied
+ // menu items. This backward-compatibility hack won't work with any non-Safari clients, but this seems OK since
+ // (1) the symptom is fairly minor, and (2) we suspect that non-Safari clients are probably using the entire
+ // set of default items, rather than manually choosing from them. We can remove this code entirely when we
+ // ship a version of Safari that includes the fix for radar 3796579.
+ if (![self _anyPDFTagsFoundInMenu:menu] && [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier] isEqualToString:@"com.apple.Safari"]) {
+ [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ NSEnumerator *e = [items objectEnumerator];
+ NSMenuItem *menuItem;
+ while ((menuItem = [e nextObject]) != nil) {
+ // copy menuItem since a given menuItem can be in only one menu at a time, and we don't
+ // want to mess with the menu returned from PDFKit.
+ [menu addItem:[menuItem copy]];
+ }
+ }
+ return menu;
+- (void)setNextKeyView:(NSView *)aView
+ // This works together with becomeFirstResponder to splice PDFSubview into
+ // the key loop similar to the way NSScrollView and NSClipView do this.
+ NSView *documentView = [PDFSubview documentView];
+ if (documentView) {
+ [documentView setNextKeyView:aView];
+ // We need to make the documentView be the next view in the keyview loop.
+ // It would seem more sensible to do this in our init method, but it turns out
+ // that [NSClipView setDocumentView] won't call this method if our next key view
+ // is already set, so we wait until we're called before adding this connection.
+ // We'll also clear it when we're called with nil, so this could go through the
+ // same code path more than once successfully.
+ [super setNextKeyView: aView ? documentView : nil];
+ } else
+ [super setNextKeyView:aView];
+- (void)viewDidMoveToWindow
+ // FIXME 2573089: we can observe a notification for first responder changes
+ // instead of the very frequent NSWindowDidUpdateNotification if/when 2573089 is addressed.
+ NSWindow *newWindow = [self window];
+ if (!newWindow)
+ return;
+ [self _trackFirstResponder];
+ NSNotificationCenter *notificationCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ [notificationCenter addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(_trackFirstResponder)
+ name:NSWindowDidUpdateNotification
+ object:newWindow];
+ [notificationCenter addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(_scaleOrDisplayModeOrPageChanged:)
+ name:_webkit_PDFViewScaleChangedNotification
+ object:PDFSubview];
+ [notificationCenter addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(_scaleOrDisplayModeOrPageChanged:)
+ name:_webkit_PDFViewDisplayModeChangedNotification
+ object:PDFSubview];
+ [notificationCenter addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(_scaleOrDisplayModeOrPageChanged:)
+ name:_webkit_PDFViewPageChangedNotification
+ object:PDFSubview];
+ [notificationCenter addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(_PDFDocumentViewMightHaveScrolled:)
+ name:NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification
+ object:[self _clipViewForPDFDocumentView]];
+- (void)viewWillMoveToWindow:(NSWindow *)window
+ // FIXME 2573089: we can observe a notification for changes to the first responder
+ // instead of the very frequent NSWindowDidUpdateNotification if/when 2573089 is addressed.
+ NSWindow *oldWindow = [self window];
+ if (!oldWindow)
+ return;
+ NSNotificationCenter *notificationCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ [notificationCenter removeObserver:self
+ name:NSWindowDidUpdateNotification
+ object:oldWindow];
+ [notificationCenter removeObserver:self
+ name:_webkit_PDFViewScaleChangedNotification
+ object:PDFSubview];
+ [notificationCenter removeObserver:self
+ name:_webkit_PDFViewDisplayModeChangedNotification
+ object:PDFSubview];
+ [notificationCenter removeObserver:self
+ name:_webkit_PDFViewPageChangedNotification
+ object:PDFSubview];
+ [notificationCenter removeObserver:self
+ name:NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification
+ object:[self _clipViewForPDFDocumentView]];
+ [trackedFirstResponder release];
+ trackedFirstResponder = nil;
+#pragma mark NSUserInterfaceValidations PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItemWithoutDelegate:(id <NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item
+ SEL action = [item action];
+ if (action == @selector(takeFindStringFromSelection:) || action == @selector(centerSelectionInVisibleArea:) || action == @selector(jumpToSelection:))
+ return [PDFSubview currentSelection] != nil;
+ if (action == @selector(_openWithFinder:))
+ return [PDFSubview document] != nil;
+ if (action == @selector(_lookUpInDictionaryFromMenu:))
+ return [self _canLookUpInDictionary];
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id <NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item
+ BOOL result = [self validateUserInterfaceItemWithoutDelegate:item];
+ return CallUIDelegateReturningBoolean(result, [self _webView], @selector(webView:validateUserInterfaceItem:defaultValidation:), item, result);
+// Surprisingly enough, this isn't defined in any superclass, though it is defined in assorted AppKit classes since
+// it's a standard menu item IBAction.
+- (IBAction)copy:(id)sender
+ [PDFSubview copy:sender];
+// This used to be a standard IBAction (for Use Selection For Find), but AppKit now uses performFindPanelAction:
+// with a menu item tag for this purpose.
+- (IBAction)takeFindStringFromSelection:(id)sender
+ [NSPasteboard _web_setFindPasteboardString:[[PDFSubview currentSelection] string] withOwner:self];
+#pragma mark WebFrameView UNDECLARED "DELEGATE METHODS"
+// This is tested in -[WebFrameView canPrintHeadersAndFooters], but isn't declared anywhere (yuck)
+- (BOOL)canPrintHeadersAndFooters
+ return NO;
+// This is tested in -[WebFrameView printOperationWithPrintInfo:], but isn't declared anywhere (yuck)
+- (NSPrintOperation *)printOperationWithPrintInfo:(NSPrintInfo *)printInfo
+ return [[PDFSubview document] getPrintOperationForPrintInfo:printInfo autoRotate:YES];
+#pragma mark WebDocumentView PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (void)setDataSource:(WebDataSource *)ds
+ dataSource = ds;
+ [self setFrame:[[self superview] frame]];
+- (void)dataSourceUpdated:(WebDataSource *)dataSource
+- (void)setNeedsLayout:(BOOL)flag
+- (void)layout
+- (void)viewWillMoveToHostWindow:(NSWindow *)hostWindow
+- (void)viewDidMoveToHostWindow
+#pragma mark WebDocumentElement PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (NSDictionary *)elementAtPoint:(NSPoint)point
+ WebFrame *frame = [dataSource webFrame];
+ ASSERT(frame);
+ return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ frame, WebElementFrameKey,
+ [NSNumber numberWithBool:[self _pointIsInSelection:point]], WebElementIsSelectedKey,
+ nil];
+- (NSDictionary *)elementAtPoint:(NSPoint)point allowShadowContent:(BOOL)allow
+ return [self elementAtPoint:point];
+#pragma mark WebDocumentSearching PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (BOOL)searchFor:(NSString *)string direction:(BOOL)forward caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseFlag wrap:(BOOL)wrapFlag
+ return [self searchFor:string direction:forward caseSensitive:caseFlag wrap:wrapFlag startInSelection:NO];
+#pragma mark WebDocumentIncrementalSearching PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (BOOL)searchFor:(NSString *)string direction:(BOOL)forward caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseFlag wrap:(BOOL)wrapFlag startInSelection:(BOOL)startInSelection
+ PDFSelection *selection = [self _nextMatchFor:string direction:forward caseSensitive:caseFlag wrap:wrapFlag fromSelection:[PDFSubview currentSelection] startInSelection:startInSelection];
+ if (!selection)
+ return NO;
+ [PDFSubview setCurrentSelection:selection];
+ [PDFSubview scrollSelectionToVisible:nil];
+ return YES;
+#pragma mark WebMultipleTextMatches PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (void)setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted:(BOOL)newValue
+ // This method is part of the WebMultipleTextMatches algorithm, but this class doesn't support
+ // highlighting text matches inline.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (newValue)
+ LOG_ERROR("[WebPDFView setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted:] called with YES, which isn't supported");
+- (BOOL)markedTextMatchesAreHighlighted
+ return NO;
+- (NSUInteger)markAllMatchesForText:(NSString *)string caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseFlag limit:(NSUInteger)limit
+ PDFSelection *previousMatch = nil;
+ PDFSelection *nextMatch = nil;
+ NSMutableArray *matches = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:limit];
+ for (;;) {
+ nextMatch = [self _nextMatchFor:string direction:YES caseSensitive:caseFlag wrap:NO fromSelection:previousMatch startInSelection:NO];
+ if (!nextMatch)
+ break;
+ [matches addObject:nextMatch];
+ previousMatch = nextMatch;
+ if ([matches count] >= limit)
+ break;
+ }
+ [self _setTextMatches:matches];
+ [matches release];
+ return [matches count];
+- (void)unmarkAllTextMatches
+ [self _setTextMatches:nil];
+- (NSArray *)rectsForTextMatches
+ NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[textMatches count]];
+ NSSet *visiblePages = [self _visiblePDFPages];
+ NSEnumerator *matchEnumerator = [textMatches objectEnumerator];
+ PDFSelection *match;
+ while ((match = [matchEnumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
+ NSEnumerator *pages = [[match pages] objectEnumerator];
+ PDFPage *page;
+ while ((page = [pages nextObject]) != nil) {
+ // Skip pages that aren't visible (needed for non-continuous modes, see 5362989)
+ if (![visiblePages containsObject:page])
+ continue;
+ NSRect selectionOnPageInPDFViewCoordinates = [PDFSubview convertRect:[match boundsForPage:page] fromPage:page];
+ [result addObject:[NSValue valueWithRect:selectionOnPageInPDFViewCoordinates]];
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+#pragma mark WebDocumentText PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (BOOL)supportsTextEncoding
+ return NO;
+- (NSString *)string
+ return [[PDFSubview document] string];
+- (NSAttributedString *)attributedString
+ // changing the selection is a hack, but the only way to get an attr string is via PDFSelection
+ // must copy this selection object because we change the selection which seems to release it
+ PDFSelection *savedSelection = [[PDFSubview currentSelection] copy];
+ [PDFSubview selectAll:nil];
+ NSAttributedString *result = [[PDFSubview currentSelection] attributedString];
+ if (savedSelection) {
+ [PDFSubview setCurrentSelection:savedSelection];
+ [savedSelection release];
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: behavior of setCurrentSelection:nil is not documented - check 4182934 for progress
+ // Otherwise, we could collapse this code with the case above.
+ [PDFSubview clearSelection];
+ }
+ result = [self _scaledAttributedString:result];
+ return result;
+- (NSString *)selectedString
+ return [[PDFSubview currentSelection] string];
+- (NSAttributedString *)selectedAttributedString
+ return [self _scaledAttributedString:[[PDFSubview currentSelection] attributedString]];
+- (void)selectAll
+ [PDFSubview selectAll:nil];
+- (void)deselectAll
+ [PDFSubview clearSelection];
+#pragma mark WebDocumentViewState PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+// Even though to WebKit we are the "docView", in reality a PDFView contains its own scrollview and docView.
+// And it even turns out there is another PDFKit view between the docView and its enclosing ScrollView, so
+// we have to be sure to do our calculations based on that view, immediately inside the ClipView. We try
+// to make as few assumptions about the PDFKit view hierarchy as possible.
+- (NSPoint)scrollPoint
+ NSView *realDocView = [PDFSubview documentView];
+ NSClipView *clipView = [[realDocView enclosingScrollView] contentView];
+ return [clipView bounds].origin;
+- (void)setScrollPoint:(NSPoint)p
+ WebFrame *frame = [dataSource webFrame];
+ //FIXME: We only restore scroll state in the non-frames case because otherwise we get a crash due to
+ // PDFKit calling display from within its drawRect:. See bugzilla 4164.
+ if (![frame parentFrame]) {
+ NSView *realDocView = [PDFSubview documentView];
+ [[[realDocView enclosingScrollView] documentView] scrollPoint:p];
+ }
+- (id)viewState
+ NSMutableArray *state = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4];
+ PDFDisplayMode mode = [PDFSubview displayMode];
+ [state addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:mode]];
+ if (mode == kPDFDisplaySinglePage || mode == kPDFDisplayTwoUp) {
+ unsigned int pageIndex = [[PDFSubview document] indexForPage:[PDFSubview currentPage]];
+ [state addObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:pageIndex]];
+ } // else in continuous modes, scroll position gets us to the right page
+ BOOL autoScaleFlag = [PDFSubview autoScales];
+ [state addObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:autoScaleFlag]];
+ if (!autoScaleFlag)
+ [state addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[PDFSubview scaleFactor]]];
+ return state;
+- (void)setViewState:(id)statePList
+ ASSERT([statePList isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]);
+ NSArray *state = statePList;
+ int i = 0;
+ PDFDisplayMode mode = [[state objectAtIndex:i++] intValue];
+ [PDFSubview setDisplayMode:mode];
+ if (mode == kPDFDisplaySinglePage || mode == kPDFDisplayTwoUp) {
+ unsigned int pageIndex = [[state objectAtIndex:i++] unsignedIntValue];
+ [PDFSubview goToPage:[[PDFSubview document] pageAtIndex:pageIndex]];
+ } // else in continuous modes, scroll position gets us to the right page
+ BOOL autoScaleFlag = [[state objectAtIndex:i++] boolValue];
+ [PDFSubview setAutoScales:autoScaleFlag];
+ if (!autoScaleFlag)
+ [PDFSubview setScaleFactor:[[state objectAtIndex:i++] floatValue]];
+#pragma mark _WebDocumentTextSizing PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (IBAction)_makeTextSmaller:(id)sender
+ [PDFSubviewProxy zoomOut:sender];
+- (IBAction)_makeTextLarger:(id)sender
+ [PDFSubviewProxy zoomIn:sender];
+- (IBAction)_makeTextStandardSize:(id)sender
+ [PDFSubviewProxy setScaleFactor:1.0f];
+// never sent because we do not track the common size factor
+- (void)_textSizeMultiplierChanged { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); }
+- (BOOL)_tracksCommonSizeFactor
+ // We keep our own scale factor instead of tracking the common one in the WebView for a couple reasons.
+ // First, PDFs tend to have visually smaller text because they are laid out for a printed page instead of
+ // the screen. Second, the PDFView feature of AutoScaling means our scaling factor can be quiet variable.
+ return NO;
+- (BOOL)_canMakeTextSmaller
+ return [PDFSubview canZoomOut];
+- (BOOL)_canMakeTextLarger
+ return [PDFSubview canZoomIn];
+- (BOOL)_canMakeTextStandardSize
+ return [PDFSubview scaleFactor] != 1.0;
+#pragma mark WebDocumentSelection PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION
+- (NSRect)selectionRect
+ NSRect result = NSZeroRect;
+ PDFSelection *selection = [PDFSubview currentSelection];
+ NSEnumerator *pages = [[selection pages] objectEnumerator];
+ PDFPage *page;
+ while ((page = [pages nextObject]) != nil) {
+ NSRect selectionOnPageInPDFViewCoordinates = [PDFSubview convertRect:[selection boundsForPage:page] fromPage:page];
+ if (NSIsEmptyRect(result))
+ result = selectionOnPageInPDFViewCoordinates;
+ else
+ result = NSUnionRect(result, selectionOnPageInPDFViewCoordinates);
+ }
+ // Convert result to be in documentView (selectionView) coordinates
+ result = [PDFSubview convertRect:result toView:[PDFSubview documentView]];
+ return result;
+- (NSArray *)selectionTextRects
+ // FIXME: We'd need new PDFKit API/SPI to get multiple text rects for selections that intersect more than one line
+ return [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSValue valueWithRect:[self selectionRect]]];
+- (NSView *)selectionView
+ return [PDFSubview documentView];
+- (NSImage *)selectionImageForcingBlackText:(BOOL)forceBlackText
+ // Convert the selection to an attributed string, and draw that.
+ // FIXME 4621154: this doesn't handle italics (and maybe other styles)
+ // FIXME 4604366: this doesn't handle text at non-actual size
+ NSMutableAttributedString *attributedString = [[self selectedAttributedString] mutableCopy];
+ NSRange wholeStringRange = NSMakeRange(0, [attributedString length]);
+ // Modify the styles in the attributed string to draw black text, no background, and no underline. We draw
+ // no underline because it would look ugly.
+ [attributedString beginEditing];
+ [attributedString removeAttribute:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName range:wholeStringRange];
+ [attributedString removeAttribute:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName range:wholeStringRange];
+ if (forceBlackText)
+ [attributedString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:0.0f alpha:1.0f] range:wholeStringRange];
+ [attributedString endEditing];
+ NSImage* selectionImage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:[self selectionRect].size] autorelease];
+ [selectionImage lockFocus];
+ [attributedString drawAtPoint:NSZeroPoint];
+ [selectionImage unlockFocus];
+ [attributedString release];
+ return selectionImage;
+- (NSImage *)selectionImageForcingWhiteText:(BOOL)forceWhiteText
+ // NOTE: this method is obsolete and doesn't behave as its name suggests.
+ // See comment in WebDocumentPrivate.h.
+ return [self selectionImageForcingBlackText:forceWhiteText];
+- (NSRect)selectionImageRect
+ // FIXME: deal with clipping?
+ return [self selectionRect];
+- (NSArray *)pasteboardTypesForSelection
+ return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSRTFDPboardType, NSRTFPboardType, NSStringPboardType, nil];
+- (void)writeSelectionWithPasteboardTypes:(NSArray *)types toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard
+ NSAttributedString *attributedString = [self selectedAttributedString];
+ if ([types containsObject:NSRTFDPboardType]) {
+ NSData *RTFDData = [attributedString RTFDFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [attributedString length]) documentAttributes:nil];
+ [pasteboard setData:RTFDData forType:NSRTFDPboardType];
+ }
+ if ([types containsObject:NSRTFPboardType]) {
+ if ([attributedString containsAttachments])
+ attributedString = [attributedString _web_attributedStringByStrippingAttachmentCharacters];
+ NSData *RTFData = [attributedString RTFFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [attributedString length]) documentAttributes:nil];
+ [pasteboard setData:RTFData forType:NSRTFPboardType];
+ }
+ if ([types containsObject:NSStringPboardType])
+ [pasteboard setString:[self selectedString] forType:NSStringPboardType];
+#pragma mark PDFView DELEGATE METHODS
+- (void)PDFViewWillClickOnLink:(PDFView *)sender withURL:(NSURL *)URL
+ if (!URL)
+ return;
+ NSWindow *window = [sender window];
+ NSEvent *nsEvent = [window currentEvent];
+ const int noButton = -1;
+ int button = noButton;
+ RefPtr<Event> event;
+ switch ([nsEvent type]) {
+ case NSLeftMouseUp:
+ button = 0;
+ break;
+ case NSRightMouseUp:
+ button = 1;
+ break;
+ case NSOtherMouseUp:
+ button = [nsEvent buttonNumber];
+ break;
+ case NSKeyDown: {
+ PlatformKeyboardEvent pe(nsEvent);
+ event = new KeyboardEvent(keydownEvent, true, true, 0,
+ pe.keyIdentifier(), pe.WindowsKeyCode(),
+ pe.ctrlKey(), pe.altKey(), pe.shiftKey(), pe.metaKey(), false);
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (button != noButton)
+ event = new MouseEvent(clickEvent, true, true, 0, [nsEvent clickCount], 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ [nsEvent modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask,
+ [nsEvent modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask,
+ [nsEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask,
+ [nsEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask,
+ button, 0, 0, true);
+ // Call to the frame loader because this is where our security checks are made.
+ [[dataSource webFrame] _frameLoader]->load(URL, event.get());
+- (void)PDFViewOpenPDFInNativeApplication:(PDFView *)sender
+ // Delegate method sent when the user requests opening the PDF file in the system's default app
+ [self _openWithFinder:sender];
+- (void)PDFViewSavePDFToDownloadFolder:(PDFView *)sender
+ // We don't want to write the file until we have a document to write (see 5267607).
+ if (![PDFSubview document]) {
+ NSBeep();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Delegate method sent when the user requests downloading the PDF file to disk. We pass NO for
+ // showingPanel: so that the PDF file is saved to the standard location without user intervention.
+ CallUIDelegate([self _webView], @selector(webView:saveFrameView:showingPanel:), [[dataSource webFrame] frameView], NO);
+@implementation WebPDFView (FileInternal)
++ (Class)_PDFPreviewViewClass
+ static Class PDFPreviewViewClass = nil;
+ static BOOL checkedForPDFPreviewViewClass = NO;
+ if (!checkedForPDFPreviewViewClass) {
+ checkedForPDFPreviewViewClass = YES;
+ PDFPreviewViewClass = [[WebPDFView PDFKitBundle] classNamed:@"PDFPreviewView"];
+ }
+ // This class might not be available; callers need to deal with a nil return here.
+ return PDFPreviewViewClass;
++ (Class)_PDFViewClass
+ static Class PDFViewClass = nil;
+ if (PDFViewClass == nil) {
+ PDFViewClass = [[WebPDFView PDFKitBundle] classNamed:@"PDFView"];
+ if (!PDFViewClass)
+ LOG_ERROR("Couldn't find PDFView class in PDFKit.framework");
+ }
+ return PDFViewClass;
+- (BOOL)_anyPDFTagsFoundInMenu:(NSMenu *)menu
+ NSEnumerator *e = [[menu itemArray] objectEnumerator];
+ NSMenuItem *item;
+ while ((item = [e nextObject]) != nil) {
+ switch ([item tag]) {
+ case WebMenuItemTagOpenWithDefaultApplication:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFActualSize:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFZoomIn:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFZoomOut:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFAutoSize:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFSinglePage:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFSinglePageScrolling:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFFacingPages:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFFacingPagesScrolling:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFContinuous:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFNextPage:
+ case WebMenuItemPDFPreviousPage:
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (void)_applyPDFDefaults
+ // Set up default viewing params
+ WebPreferences *prefs = [[dataSource _webView] preferences];
+ float scaleFactor = [prefs PDFScaleFactor];
+ if (scaleFactor == 0)
+ [PDFSubview setAutoScales:YES];
+ else {
+ [PDFSubview setAutoScales:NO];
+ [PDFSubview setScaleFactor:scaleFactor];
+ }
+ [PDFSubview setDisplayMode:[prefs PDFDisplayMode]];
+- (BOOL)_canLookUpInDictionary
+ return [PDFSubview respondsToSelector:@selector(_searchInDictionary:)];
+- (NSClipView *)_clipViewForPDFDocumentView
+ NSClipView *clipView = (NSClipView *)[[PDFSubview documentView] _web_superviewOfClass:[NSClipView class]];
+ ASSERT(clipView);
+ return clipView;
+- (NSEvent *)_fakeKeyEventWithFunctionKey:(unichar)functionKey
+ // FIXME 4400480: when PDFView implements the standard scrolling selectors that this
+ // method is used to mimic, we can eliminate this method and call them directly.
+ NSString *keyAsString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&functionKey length:1];
+ return [NSEvent keyEventWithType:NSKeyDown
+ location:NSZeroPoint
+ modifierFlags:0
+ timestamp:0
+ windowNumber:0
+ context:nil
+ characters:keyAsString
+ charactersIgnoringModifiers:keyAsString
+ isARepeat:NO
+ keyCode:0];
+- (void)_lookUpInDictionaryFromMenu:(id)sender
+ // This method is used by WebKit's context menu item. Here we map to the method that
+ // PDFView uses. Since the PDFView method isn't API, and isn't available on all versions
+ // of PDFKit, we use performSelector after a respondsToSelector check, rather than calling it directly.
+ if ([self _canLookUpInDictionary])
+ [PDFSubview performSelector:@selector(_searchInDictionary:) withObject:sender];
+- (NSMutableArray *)_menuItemsFromPDFKitForEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
+ NSMutableArray *copiedItems = [NSMutableArray array];
+ NSDictionary *actionsToTags = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFActualSize], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_setActualSize:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFZoomIn], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(zoomIn:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFZoomOut], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(zoomOut:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFAutoSize], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_setAutoSize:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFSinglePage], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_setSinglePage:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFSinglePageScrolling], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_setSinglePageScrolling:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFFacingPages], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_setDoublePage:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFFacingPagesScrolling], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_setDoublePageScrolling:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFContinuous], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_toggleContinuous:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFNextPage], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(goToNextPage:)),
+ [NSNumber numberWithInt:WebMenuItemPDFPreviousPage], NSStringFromSelector(@selector(goToPreviousPage:)),
+ nil];
+ // Leave these menu items out, since WebKit inserts equivalent ones. Note that we leave out PDFKit's "Look Up in Dictionary"
+ // item here because WebKit already includes an item with the same title and purpose. We map WebKit's to PDFKit's
+ // "Look Up in Dictionary" via the implementation of -[WebPDFView _lookUpInDictionaryFromMenu:].
+ NSSet *unwantedActions = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects:
+ NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_searchInSpotlight:)),
+ NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_searchInGoogle:)),
+ NSStringFromSelector(@selector(_searchInDictionary:)),
+ NSStringFromSelector(@selector(copy:)),
+ nil];
+ NSEnumerator *e = [[[PDFSubview menuForEvent:theEvent] itemArray] objectEnumerator];
+ NSMenuItem *item;
+ while ((item = [e nextObject]) != nil) {
+ NSString *actionString = NSStringFromSelector([item action]);
+ if ([unwantedActions containsObject:actionString])
+ continue;
+ // Copy items since a menu item can be in only one menu at a time, and we don't
+ // want to modify the original menu supplied by PDFKit.
+ NSMenuItem *itemCopy = [item copy];
+ [copiedItems addObject:itemCopy];
+ // Include all of PDFKit's separators for now. At the end we'll remove any ones that were made
+ // useless by removing PDFKit's menu items.
+ if ([itemCopy isSeparatorItem])
+ continue;
+ NSNumber *tagNumber = [actionsToTags objectForKey:actionString];
+ int tag;
+ if (tagNumber != nil)
+ tag = [tagNumber intValue];
+ else {
+ // This should happen only if PDFKit updates behind WebKit's back. It's non-ideal because clients that only include tags
+ // that they recognize (like Safari) won't get these PDFKit additions until WebKit is updated to match.
+ tag = WebMenuItemTagOther;
+ LOG_ERROR("no WebKit menu item tag found for PDF context menu item action \"%@\", using WebMenuItemTagOther", actionString);
+ }
+ if ([itemCopy tag] == 0) {
+ [itemCopy setTag:tag];
+ if ([itemCopy target] == PDFSubview) {
+ // Note that updating the defaults is cheap because it catches redundant settings, so installing
+ // the proxy for actions that don't impact the defaults is OK
+ [itemCopy setTarget:PDFSubviewProxy];
+ }
+ } else
+ LOG_ERROR("PDF context menu item %@ came with tag %d, so no WebKit tag was applied. This could mean that the item doesn't appear in clients such as Safari.", [itemCopy title], [itemCopy tag]);
+ }
+ [actionsToTags release];
+ [unwantedActions release];
+ // Since we might have removed elements supplied by PDFKit, and we want to minimize our hardwired
+ // knowledge of the order and arrangement of PDFKit's menu items, we need to remove any bogus
+ // separators that were left behind.
+ [copiedItems _webkit_removeUselessMenuItemSeparators];
+ return copiedItems;
+- (PDFSelection *)_nextMatchFor:(NSString *)string direction:(BOOL)forward caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseFlag wrap:(BOOL)wrapFlag fromSelection:(PDFSelection *)initialSelection startInSelection:(BOOL)startInSelection
+ if (![string length])
+ return nil;
+ int options = 0;
+ if (!forward)
+ options |= NSBackwardsSearch;
+ if (!caseFlag)
+ options |= NSCaseInsensitiveSearch;
+ PDFDocument *document = [PDFSubview document];
+ PDFSelection *selectionForInitialSearch = [initialSelection copy];
+ if (startInSelection) {
+ // Initially we want to include the selected text in the search. PDFDocument's API always searches from just
+ // past the passed-in selection, so we need to pass a selection that's modified appropriately.
+ // FIXME 4182863: Ideally we'd use a zero-length selection at the edge of the current selection, but zero-length
+ // selections don't work in PDFDocument. So instead we make a one-length selection just before or after the
+ // current selection, which works for our purposes even when the current selection is at an edge of the
+ // document.
+ int initialSelectionLength = [[initialSelection string] length];
+ if (forward) {
+ [selectionForInitialSearch extendSelectionAtStart:1];
+ [selectionForInitialSearch extendSelectionAtEnd:-initialSelectionLength];
+ } else {
+ [selectionForInitialSearch extendSelectionAtEnd:1];
+ [selectionForInitialSearch extendSelectionAtStart:-initialSelectionLength];
+ }
+ }
+ PDFSelection *foundSelection = [document findString:string fromSelection:selectionForInitialSearch withOptions:options];
+ [selectionForInitialSearch release];
+ // If we first searched in the selection, and we found the selection, search again from just past the selection
+ if (startInSelection && _PDFSelectionsAreEqual(foundSelection, initialSelection))
+ foundSelection = [document findString:string fromSelection:initialSelection withOptions:options];
+ if (!foundSelection && wrapFlag)
+ foundSelection = [document findString:string fromSelection:nil withOptions:options];
+ return foundSelection;
+- (void)_openWithFinder:(id)sender
+ // We don't want to write the file until we have a document to write (see 4892525).
+ if (![PDFSubview document]) {
+ NSBeep();
+ return;
+ }
+ NSString *opath = [self _path];
+ if (opath) {
+ if (!written) {
+ // Create a PDF file with the minimal permissions (only accessible to the current user, see 4145714)
+ NSNumber *permissions = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:S_IRUSR];
+ NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:permissions, NSFilePosixPermissions, nil];
+ [permissions release];
+ [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:opath contents:[dataSource data] attributes:fileAttributes];
+ [fileAttributes release];
+ written = YES;
+ }
+ if (![[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:opath]) {
+ // NSWorkspace couldn't open file. Do we need an alert
+ // here? We ignore the error elsewhere.
+ }
+ }
+- (NSString *)_path
+ // Generate path once.
+ if (path)
+ return path;
+ NSString *filename = [[dataSource response] suggestedFilename];
+ NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+ NSString *temporaryPDFDirectoryPath = [self _temporaryPDFDirectoryPath];
+ if (!temporaryPDFDirectoryPath) {
+ // This should never happen; if it does we'll fail silently on non-debug builds.
+ return nil;
+ }
+ path = [temporaryPDFDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:filename];
+ if ([manager fileExistsAtPath:path]) {
+ NSString *pathTemplatePrefix = [temporaryPDFDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"XXXXXX-"];
+ NSString *pathTemplate = [pathTemplatePrefix stringByAppendingString:filename];
+ // fileSystemRepresentation returns a const char *; copy it into a char * so we can modify it safely
+ char *cPath = strdup([pathTemplate fileSystemRepresentation]);
+ int fd = mkstemps(cPath, strlen(cPath) - strlen([pathTemplatePrefix fileSystemRepresentation]) + 1);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ // Couldn't create a temporary file! Should never happen; if it does we'll fail silently on non-debug builds.
+ path = nil;
+ } else {
+ close(fd);
+ path = [manager stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:cPath length:strlen(cPath)];
+ }
+ free(cPath);
+ }
+ [path retain];
+ return path;
+- (void)_PDFDocumentViewMightHaveScrolled:(NSNotification *)notification
+ NSClipView *clipView = [self _clipViewForPDFDocumentView];
+ ASSERT([notification object] == clipView);
+ NSPoint scrollPosition = [clipView bounds].origin;
+ if (NSEqualPoints(scrollPosition, lastScrollPosition))
+ return;
+ lastScrollPosition = scrollPosition;
+ WebView *webView = [self _webView];
+ [[webView _UIDelegateForwarder] webView:webView didScrollDocumentInFrameView:[[dataSource webFrame] frameView]];
+- (PDFView *)_PDFSubview
+ return PDFSubview;
+- (BOOL)_pointIsInSelection:(NSPoint)point
+ PDFPage *page = [PDFSubview pageForPoint:point nearest:NO];
+ if (!page)
+ return NO;
+ NSRect selectionRect = [PDFSubview convertRect:[[PDFSubview currentSelection] boundsForPage:page] fromPage:page];
+ return NSPointInRect(point, selectionRect);
+- (void)_scaleOrDisplayModeOrPageChanged:(NSNotification *)notification
+ ASSERT([notification object] == PDFSubview);
+ if (!_ignoreScaleAndDisplayModeAndPageNotifications) {
+ [self _updatePreferencesSoon];
+ // Notify UI delegate that the entire page has been redrawn, since (unlike for WebHTMLView)
+ // we can't hook into the drawing mechanism itself. This fixes 5337529.
+ WebView *webView = [self _webView];
+ [[webView _UIDelegateForwarder] webView:webView didDrawRect:[webView bounds]];
+ }
+- (NSAttributedString *)_scaledAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)unscaledAttributedString
+ if (!unscaledAttributedString)
+ return nil;
+ float scaleFactor = [PDFSubview scaleFactor];
+ if (scaleFactor == 1.0)
+ return unscaledAttributedString;
+ NSMutableAttributedString *result = [[unscaledAttributedString mutableCopy] autorelease];
+ unsigned int length = [result length];
+ NSRange effectiveRange = NSMakeRange(0,0);
+ [result beginEditing];
+ while (NSMaxRange(effectiveRange) < length) {
+ NSFont *unscaledFont = [result attribute:NSFontAttributeName atIndex:NSMaxRange(effectiveRange) effectiveRange:&effectiveRange];
+ if (!unscaledFont) {
+ // FIXME: We can't scale the font if we don't know what it is. We should always know what it is,
+ // but sometimes don't due to PDFKit issue 5089411. When that's addressed, we can remove this
+ // early continue.
+ LOG_ERROR("no font attribute found in range %@ for attributed string \"%@\" on page %@ (see radar 5089411)", NSStringFromRange(effectiveRange), result, [[dataSource request] URL]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ NSFont *scaledFont = [NSFont fontWithName:[unscaledFont fontName] size:[unscaledFont pointSize]*scaleFactor];
+ [result addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:scaledFont range:effectiveRange];
+ }
+ [result endEditing];
+ return result;
+- (void)_setTextMatches:(NSArray *)array
+ [array retain];
+ [textMatches release];
+ textMatches = array;
+- (NSString *)_temporaryPDFDirectoryPath
+ // Returns nil if the temporary PDF directory didn't exist and couldn't be created
+ static NSString *_temporaryPDFDirectoryPath = nil;
+ if (!_temporaryPDFDirectoryPath) {
+ NSString *temporaryDirectoryTemplate = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"WebKitPDFs-XXXXXX"];
+ char *cTemplate = strdup([temporaryDirectoryTemplate fileSystemRepresentation]);
+ if (!mkdtemp(cTemplate)) {
+ // This should never happen; if it does we'll fail silently on non-debug builds.
+ } else {
+ // cTemplate has now been modified to be the just-created directory name. This directory has 700 permissions,
+ // so only the current user can add to it or view its contents.
+ _temporaryPDFDirectoryPath = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:cTemplate length:strlen(cTemplate)] retain];
+ }
+ free(cTemplate);
+ }
+ return _temporaryPDFDirectoryPath;
+- (void)_trackFirstResponder
+ ASSERT([self window]);
+ id newFirstResponder = [[self window] firstResponder];
+ if (newFirstResponder == trackedFirstResponder)
+ return;
+ // This next clause is the entire purpose of _trackFirstResponder. In other WebDocument
+ // view classes this is done in a resignFirstResponder override, but in this case the
+ // first responder view is a PDFKit class that we can't subclass.
+ if (trackedFirstResponder == [PDFSubview documentView] && ![[dataSource _webView] maintainsInactiveSelection])
+ [self deselectAll];
+ [trackedFirstResponder release];
+ trackedFirstResponder = [newFirstResponder retain];
+- (void)_updatePreferences:(WebPreferences *)prefs
+ float scaleFactor = [PDFSubview autoScales] ? 0.0f : [PDFSubview scaleFactor];
+ [prefs setPDFScaleFactor:scaleFactor];
+ [prefs setPDFDisplayMode:[PDFSubview displayMode]];
+ _willUpdatePreferencesSoon = NO;
+ [prefs release];
+ [self release];
+- (void)_updatePreferencesSoon
+ // Consolidate calls; due to the PDFPrefUpdatingProxy method, this can be called multiple times with a single user action
+ // such as showing the context menu.
+ if (_willUpdatePreferencesSoon)
+ return;
+ WebPreferences *prefs = [[dataSource _webView] preferences];
+ [self retain];
+ [prefs retain];
+ [self performSelector:@selector(_updatePreferences:) withObject:prefs afterDelay:0];
+ _willUpdatePreferencesSoon = YES;
+- (NSSet *)_visiblePDFPages
+ // Returns the set of pages that are at least partly visible, used to avoid processing non-visible pages
+ PDFDocument *pdfDocument = [PDFSubview document];
+ if (!pdfDocument)
+ return nil;
+ NSRect pdfViewBounds = [PDFSubview bounds];
+ PDFPage *topLeftPage = [PDFSubview pageForPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(pdfViewBounds), NSMaxY(pdfViewBounds)) nearest:YES];
+ PDFPage *bottomRightPage = [PDFSubview pageForPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(pdfViewBounds), NSMinY(pdfViewBounds)) nearest:YES];
+ // only page-free documents should return nil for either of these two since we passed YES for nearest:
+ if (!topLeftPage) {
+ ASSERT(!bottomRightPage);
+ return nil;
+ }
+ NSUInteger firstVisiblePageIndex = [pdfDocument indexForPage:topLeftPage];
+ NSUInteger lastVisiblePageIndex = [pdfDocument indexForPage:bottomRightPage];
+ if (firstVisiblePageIndex > lastVisiblePageIndex) {
+ NSUInteger swap = firstVisiblePageIndex;
+ firstVisiblePageIndex = lastVisiblePageIndex;
+ lastVisiblePageIndex = swap;
+ }
+ NSMutableSet *result = [NSMutableSet set];
+ NSUInteger pageIndex;
+ for (pageIndex = firstVisiblePageIndex; pageIndex <= lastVisiblePageIndex; ++pageIndex)
+ [result addObject:[pdfDocument pageAtIndex:pageIndex]];
+ return result;
+@implementation PDFPrefUpdatingProxy
+- (id)initWithView:(WebPDFView *)aView
+ // No [super init], since we inherit from NSProxy
+ view = aView;
+ return self;
+- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation
+ [invocation invokeWithTarget:[view _PDFSubview]];
+ [view _updatePreferencesSoon];
+- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)sel
+ return [[view _PDFSubview] methodSignatureForSelector:sel];