changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 13 10e98eab6f85
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webengine/osswebengine/WebKit/s60/webview/WebPopupDrawer.cpp	Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   
+#include <../bidi.h>
+#include <aknutils.h>
+#include <gulicon.h>
+#include "WebPopupDrawer.h"
+#include "WebView.h"
+#include "WebCannedImages.h"
+#include "BrCtl.h"
+#include "StaticObjectsContainer.h"
+// constants
+const int KPopupTimeout = 5000 * 1000;
+const int KBorderSize = 8;
+const int KRowMargin = 5;
+const int KIconMargin = 5;
+const int KSpaceUnderneath = 30;
+using namespace WebCore;
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+TInt removePopupCallback( TAny* aPtr )
+    static_cast<WebPopupDrawer*>(aPtr)->removePopup();
+    return KErrNone;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::NewL
+// The two-phase Symbian constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WebPopupDrawer* WebPopupDrawer::NewL(WebView& webView, TPtrC& textToDraw, TRect& elRect )
+    WebPopupDrawer* self = new (ELeave) WebPopupDrawer( webView, elRect  );
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->constructL(textToDraw);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
+    return self;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::WebPopupDrawer
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WebPopupDrawer::WebPopupDrawer(WebView& webView, TRect& elRect )
+: m_webView( webView ) , m_elRect(elRect)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::constructL
+// The constructor that can contain code that might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WebPopupDrawer::constructL(TPtrC& textToDraw)
+    if (textToDraw.Length() == 0)
+    {
+        User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+    }
+    m_textToDraw = textToDraw.AllocL();
+    m_removePopupPeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityLow );
+    m_removePopupPeriodic->Start( KPopupTimeout, 0, TCallBack( &removePopupCallback, this ) );
+    sizeChangedL();
+    constructSprite();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    delete m_textToDraw;
+    if (m_removePopupPeriodic)
+    {
+        m_removePopupPeriodic->Cancel();
+        delete m_removePopupPeriodic;
+    }
+    delete m_lineWidthArray;
+    delete m_wrappedArray;
+    m_sprite.Close();
+    delete m_spriteMaskBitmapDevice;
+    delete m_spriteMaskBitmapContext;
+    delete m_spriteMaskBitmap;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::drawPopup
+// Draw the popup.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WebPopupDrawer::drawPopup()
+    m_sprite.SetPosition(m_position);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::removePopup
+// Stop displaying the popup.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WebPopupDrawer::removePopup()
+    m_webView.removePopup();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::sizeChangedL
+// Recreate the bitmap to fit in the new size
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WebPopupDrawer::sizeChangedL()
+    TRect rect(m_webView.Rect());
+    if (rect != m_webViewRect)
+    {
+        if (rect.Width() > 0 && rect.Height() > 0)
+        {
+            m_webViewRect = rect;
+            prepareTextL();
+            createBitmapAndContextL();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::handleOfferKeyEventL
+// Handles key events
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse WebPopupDrawer::handleOfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/, TEventCode eventCode )
+    if (eventCode == EEventKeyUp)
+    {
+        removePopup();
+    }
+    return EKeyWasConsumed;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::HandlePointerEventL
+// Handles pointer events
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WebPopupDrawer::handlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& /*aPointerEvent*/)
+    m_webView.IgnoreEventsUntilNextPointerUp();
+    removePopup();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::prepareTextL
+// Position and wrap the text called during construction and when the size of WebKit changes
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WebPopupDrawer::prepareTextL()
+    delete m_lineWidthArray;
+    m_lineWidthArray = NULL;
+    delete m_wrappedArray;
+    m_wrappedArray = NULL;
+    TInt width = (8 * m_webViewRect.Width()) / 10 - 2 * KBorderSize;
+    createIconIfNeededL();
+    m_font = LatinBold16();
+    m_lineWidthArray = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(2);
+    m_lineWidthArray->AppendL(width - m_icon->Bitmap()->SizeInPixels().iWidth - KIconMargin);
+    TInt maxNumberOfRows = m_webViewRect.Height() / (m_font->HeightInPixels() + KRowMargin);
+    TInt i;
+    for (i = 1; i < maxNumberOfRows; i++) {
+        m_lineWidthArray->AppendL(width);
+    }
+    m_wrappedArray = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>( 10 );
+    AknTextUtils::WrapToArrayL( *m_textToDraw, *m_lineWidthArray, *m_font, *m_wrappedArray );
+    TInt rowHeight( m_font->HeightInPixels() +  KRowMargin );
+    m_size.iWidth = (8 * m_webViewRect.Width()) / 10;
+    m_size.iHeight = (m_wrappedArray->Count() + 1 ) * rowHeight;
+    if (m_size.iHeight + 2 * KSpaceUnderneath > m_webViewRect.Height()) {
+        TInt toRemove((m_webViewRect.Height() - m_size.iHeight + 2 * KSpaceUnderneath + (rowHeight - 1)) / rowHeight);
+        m_wrappedArray->Delete((m_wrappedArray->Count() - toRemove) / 2, toRemove);
+        m_wrappedArray->Compress();
+        m_size.iHeight = (m_wrappedArray->Count() + 1 ) * rowHeight;
+    }
+    m_position.iX = m_webViewRect.Width() / 10;
+    if ( m_elRect.iBr.iY > 0 && m_elRect.iBr.iY < m_webViewRect.Height() &&
+        m_webViewRect.Height() - m_elRect.iBr.iY - m_size.iHeight - KSpaceUnderneath >= 0) {
+        m_position.iY = m_elRect.iBr.iY;
+    }
+    else if (m_size.iHeight + KSpaceUnderneath <= m_elRect.iTl.iY) {
+        m_position.iY = m_elRect.iTl.iY - m_size.iHeight;
+    }
+    else {
+        m_position.iY = (m_webViewRect.Height() - m_size.iHeight) / 2;// - KSpaceUnderneath;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::CreateBitmapAndContextL
+// Create bitmap and bitmap context
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WebPopupDrawer::createBitmapAndContextL()
+    delete m_spriteBitmapDevice;
+    m_spriteBitmapDevice = NULL;
+    delete m_spriteBitmapContext;
+    m_spriteBitmapContext = NULL;
+    delete m_spriteBitmap;
+    m_spriteBitmap = NULL;
+    m_spriteBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+    User::LeaveIfError( m_spriteBitmap->Create( m_size, EColor16MA ) );
+    m_spriteBitmapDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( m_spriteBitmap );
+    User::LeaveIfError( m_spriteBitmapDevice->CreateContext( m_spriteBitmapContext ) );
+    //mask
+    delete m_spriteMaskBitmapDevice;
+    m_spriteMaskBitmapDevice = NULL;
+    delete m_spriteMaskBitmapContext;
+    m_spriteMaskBitmapContext = NULL;
+    delete m_spriteMaskBitmap;
+    m_spriteMaskBitmap = NULL;
+    m_spriteMaskBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+    User::LeaveIfError( m_spriteMaskBitmap->Create( m_size, EGray2 ) );
+    m_spriteMaskBitmapDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( m_spriteMaskBitmap );
+    User::LeaveIfError( m_spriteMaskBitmapDevice->CreateContext( m_spriteMaskBitmapContext ) );
+    TRect r( TPoint( 0, 0 ), m_spriteMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels());
+    m_spriteMaskBitmapContext->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
+    m_spriteMaskBitmapContext->SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen );
+    m_spriteMaskBitmapContext->SetBrushColor( TRgb( 0, 0, 0) );
+    m_spriteMaskBitmapContext->SetPenColor( TRgb( 0, 0, 0) );
+    m_spriteMaskBitmapContext->DrawRoundRect( r, TSize(KBorderSize * 2, KBorderSize * 2) );
+    if( m_wrappedArray->Count() ) {
+        TRect r( TPoint( 0, 0 ), m_spriteBitmap->SizeInPixels());
+        m_spriteBitmapContext->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
+        m_spriteBitmapContext->SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen );
+        m_spriteBitmapContext->SetBrushColor( TRgb( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xdd) );
+        m_spriteBitmapContext->SetPenColor( TRgb( 0, 0, 0) );
+        m_spriteBitmapContext->DrawRoundRect( r, TSize(KBorderSize * 2, KBorderSize * 2) );
+        m_spriteBitmapContext->UseFont( m_font );
+        TInt rowHeight( m_font->HeightInPixels() +  KRowMargin );
+        TInt x = KBorderSize;
+        TInt y = KBorderSize + KRowMargin / 2;
+        for( TInt i = 0; i < m_wrappedArray->Count(); i++, y += rowHeight ) {
+            TPtrC text = (m_wrappedArray->At(i));           
+            if (i == 0) {
+                // draw icon
+                m_spriteBitmapContext->BitBltMasked(TPoint(x, y - KRowMargin / 2), m_icon->Bitmap(),
+                    TRect(TPoint(0, 0), m_icon->Bitmap()->SizeInPixels()), m_icon->Mask(), EFalse);
+                m_spriteBitmapContext->DrawText( text, TPoint( x + m_icon->Bitmap()->SizeInPixels().iWidth + KIconMargin, y + rowHeight - m_font->DescentInPixels()) );
+            }
+            else {
+                m_spriteBitmapContext->DrawText( text, TPoint( x, y + rowHeight - m_font->DescentInPixels()) );
+            }
+        }
+        m_spriteBitmapContext->DiscardFont();
+    }
+void WebPopupDrawer::constructSprite()
+    m_sprite = RWsSprite(m_webView.brCtl()->CCoeControlParent()->ControlEnv()->WsSession());
+    m_sprite.Construct(m_webView.brCtl()->CCoeControlParent()->ControlEnv()->RootWin(), m_position,ESpriteNoChildClip);
+    TSpriteMember spriteMem;
+    spriteMem.iBitmap = m_spriteBitmap;
+    spriteMem.iMaskBitmap = m_spriteMaskBitmap;
+    spriteMem.iInvertMask = ETrue;
+    m_sprite.AppendMember(spriteMem);
+    m_sprite.Activate();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WebPopupDrawer::createIconIfNeededL
+// Determine which icon to load and load it
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WebPopupDrawer::createIconIfNeededL()
+    if (m_icon == NULL) {
+        _LIT(KHttpScheme, "http");
+        _LIT(KHttpsScheme, "https");
+        _LIT(KFileScheme, "file");
+        _LIT(KMailToScheme, "mailto");
+        _LIT(KTelScheme, "tel");
+        _LIT(KRtspScheme, "rtsp");
+        _LIT(KMmstoScheme, "mmsto");
+        _LIT(KSmsScheme, "sms");
+        WebCannedImages::TCannedImageNames imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlPage;
+        TInt i = m_textToDraw->Locate(':');
+        if (i != KErrNotFound) {
+            TPtrC schemePtr(m_textToDraw->Ptr(), i);
+            if (KHttpScheme().CompareF(schemePtr) == 0) {
+                imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlPage;
+            }
+            else if (KHttpsScheme().CompareF(schemePtr) == 0) {
+                imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlPage;
+            }
+            else if (KFileScheme().CompareF(schemePtr) == 0) {
+                imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlPage;
+            }
+            else if (KMailToScheme().CompareF(schemePtr) == 0) {
+                imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlEmail;
+            }
+            else if (KTelScheme().CompareF(schemePtr) == 0) {
+                imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlCall;
+            }
+            else if (KRtspScheme().CompareF(schemePtr) == 0) {
+                imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlMm;
+            }
+            else if (KMmstoScheme().CompareF(schemePtr) == 0) {
+                imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlMms;
+            }
+            else if (KSmsScheme().CompareF(schemePtr) == 0) {
+                imageType = WebCannedImages::EImageUrlEmail;
+            }
+        }
+        TCannedImageData cannedImage = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->webCannedImages()->getImage(imageType);
+        if (cannedImage.m_msk) {
+            m_icon = CGulIcon::NewL(cannedImage.m_img, cannedImage.m_msk);
+        }
+        else {
+            m_icon = CGulIcon::NewL(cannedImage.m_img);
+        }
+    }
+//  End of File