changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 16 a359256acfc6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/widgets/widgetinstaller/src/WidgetUIOperationsWatcher.cpp	Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1265 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  This file contains the header file of the CMidletUI class.
+*                This class implements the ECom SWInstUIPluginAPI interface
+*                for midlet installation.
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <SWInstDefs.h>
+#include <zipfile.h>
+#include <SWInstTaskManager.h>
+#include <SWInstTask.h>
+#include <SWInstLogTaskParam.h>
+#include "WidgetUIOperationsWatcher.h"
+#include "WidgetUIConfigHandler.h" // info.plist parser
+#include "WidgetRegistrationManager.h" // interface to "shell"
+_LIT( KInfoPlist,"Info.plist" );
+_LIT( KIconFile, "Icon.png" );
+_LIT( KMBMExt, ".mbm");
+_LIT( KLprojExt, ".lproj" );
+_LIT( KInfoPlistStrings, "InfoPlist.strings" );
+_LIT( KWidgetAppDir, "\\private\\10282822\\" );
+_LIT( KCookieFile, "c:\\private\\101f8530\\cookies.dat" );
+const TUint KMaxDescLength = 0x0fffffffu;
+// Note about filenames: All file name matching is case insensitive
+// the EDriveName is stored as "c:" (withou a trailing backslash) all
+// filenames are kept as complete pathnames (drive + path + filename)
+// except when working with the widget bundle where the bundle
+// contains relative paths
+// TODO
+// filenames are kept as drive relative pathnames (path + filename but
+// not drive).  The widget bundle must contain relative paths.  The
+// drive letter is separated because support for multiple drives and
+// removable memory cards means that drive letters may change.
+using namespace SwiUI;
+// =========================== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::NewL()
+// two-phase constructor
+// @since 3.1
+// @return pointer to CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher
+// ============================================================================
+CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher* CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::NewL()
+    {
+    CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher* self
+        = new (ELeave) CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher()
+// C++ constructor
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+    : CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
+      iPropertyValues( EWidgetPropertyIdCount )
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::ConstructL()
+// Symbian second phase constructor
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::ConstructL()
+    {
+    User::LeaveIfError( iRfs.Connect() );
+    User::LeaveIfError( iRfs.ShareProtected() );
+    iFileMgr = CFileMan::NewL( iRfs );
+    iAppManager = CWidgetRegistrationManager::NewL( iRfs );
+    iWidgetConfigHandler = CWidgetUIConfigHandler::NewL();
+    User::LeaveIfError( iRegistry.Connect() );
+    iServerConnected = ETrue;
+    TInt i = 0;
+    // empty values
+    for ( ; i < EWidgetPropertyIdCount; ++i )
+        {
+        CWidgetPropertyValue* value = CWidgetPropertyValue::NewL();
+        User::LeaveIfError( iPropertyValues.Insert( value, i ) );
+        }
+    *(iPropertyValues[EWidgetPropertyListVersion]) = WIDGETPROPERTYLISTVERSION;
+    iTaskManager = CTaskManager::NewL();
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::~CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher()
+// destructor
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+    {
+    CActive::Cancel();
+    TInt i = 0;
+    for ( ; i < EWidgetPropertyIdCount; ++i )
+        {
+        delete iPropertyValues[i];
+        }
+    iPropertyValues.Close();
+    delete iMembers;
+    delete iZipFile;
+    delete iFileMgr;
+    iRfs.Close();
+    delete iUIHandler;
+    delete iWidgetConfigHandler;
+    delete iAppManager;
+    delete iIconConverter;
+    if ( iServerConnected )
+        {
+        iRegistry.Disconnect();
+        }
+    delete iTaskManager;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::SilentInstallL()
+// Handle silent install request.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::SilentInstallL(
+    RFile& aFile,
+    const TDesC8& aMIME,
+    TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus )
+    {
+    iSilent = ETrue;
+    InstallL( aFile, aMIME, aRequestStatus );
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::InstallSubfunctionL()
+// Breaks out some install work inside trap macro because trap macro
+// intereferes with some debuggers.
+// @since 5.0
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::InstallSubfunctionL(
+    RFile& aFile,
+    TBool& userCancel,
+    TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus )
+    {
+    iZipFile = CZipFile::NewL( iRfs, aFile );
+    // do initial bundle processing (parse and validate, total size,
+    // check if replacing existing widget with same bundle ID, etc.)
+    //
+    // this step doesn't do anything that would need to be undone
+    TBool replaceExisting = PreprocessWidgetBundleL();
+    if ( PromptUserForInstallL( replaceExisting )
+         && PromptUserForUntrustedWidgetL( ) )
+        {
+        // reinitialize
+        delete iMembers;
+        iMembers = NULL;
+        iMembers = iZipFile->GetMembersL();
+        // now that install location is known, update MainHTML
+        const TDesC& base = *(iPropertyValues[EBasePath]);
+        const TDesC& main = *(iPropertyValues[EMainHTML]);
+        if ( KMaxFileName < (base.Length() + main.Length()) )
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+            }
+        TFileName tempFile;
+        tempFile.Copy( base );
+        tempFile.Append( main );
+        *(iPropertyValues[EMainHTML]) = tempFile;
+        // diplay explanation: 1. The progress display only comes up
+        // if the total size is over 1 kilobyte (this
+        // conditionalization is in UIHandler). 2. The displays stack
+        // on top of each other so if progress display comes up it
+        // will hide the finalize and then when progesss is removed,
+        // the finalize will be revealed.  3. Also, finalize failed to
+        // come up when triggered at the end of RunL() on a tiny
+        // widget file with no icon.  Why, I'm not sure but probably
+        // had to do with this active object blocking display
+        // processing.  So here is a good place to put up the displays
+        // (before RunL() is invoked) which lets other objects run.
+        iUIHandler->DisplayFinalizeDialogL(); // a dialog without a cancel option
+        iUIHandler->DisplayProgressDialogL(); // progress bar
+        if ( replaceExisting )
+            {
+            BackupL(); // nothing need be undone if backup leaves
+            // backup will gaurantee that install dir is empty
+            // now don't execute any leaving code before starting RunL
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // new widget, allocate a UID for this widget
+            const TDesC& drive = *(iPropertyValues[EDriveName]);
+            *(iPropertyValues[EUid]) = iRegistry.GetAvailableUidL(drive[0]).iUid;
+            // check that install location is empty and remove what is
+            // there if it isn't
+            TUint attributes = 0;
+            TInt e = iRfs.Att( base, attributes );
+            if ( (KErrNotFound != e)
+                 && (KErrPathNotFound != e) )
+                {
+                (void)iFileMgr->RmDir( base );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        userCancel = ETrue;
+        iUIHandler->DisplayCancelL();
+        TRequestStatus* status = &aRequestStatus;
+        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
+        }
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::InstallL()
+// 1. open zip file
+// 2. get metadata file (e.g. Info.plist) and parse it
+// 3. prompt user to install (or replace identically named existing widget)
+// 4. prompt user for install location (built-in mem or mem card)
+//    and do free space check
+// 5. if replacing existing widget then move currently installed files
+//    to backup for possible restore on install error
+// 6. continue install in an active object runl to make install
+//    cancellable also do icon processing in a separate active object
+//   (the icon processing active object is a questionable design because
+//    it doesn't follow the conventional CActive request/response pattern
+//    and might as well be done here in the RunL)
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::InstallL(
+    RFile& aFile,
+    const TDesC8& /*aMIME*/,
+    TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus )
+    {
+    // Wrapper CWidgetInstallerUI::InstallL() guards against
+    // a second install request while currently installing.
+    iCancelled = EFalse;
+    // These three bools will be flase until doing something that
+    // needs to be cleaned up on error/cancel.
+    iUnzipping = EFalse;
+    iOverwriting = EFalse;
+    iProcessingIcon = EFalse;
+    iIconSearchFinished = EFalse;
+    iIconError = KErrNone;
+    // outside trap because without a UI we can't display an error message
+    iUIHandler =
+        CWidgetUIHandler::NewL( CWidgetUIHandler::EModeInstall, this );
+    TBool userCancel = EFalse;
+    TRAPD( error, InstallSubfunctionL( aFile, userCancel, aRequestStatus ) );
+    if ( KErrNone != error )
+        {
+        iUIHandler->DisplayErrorL( error );
+        User::Leave( error );
+        }
+    else if ( userCancel )
+        {
+        return; // can't do return inside trap
+        }
+    // start putting bundle files in install area, registy won't be
+    // changed until done unzipping and processing icon (if present)
+    iUnzipping = ETrue;
+    // set client request to pending state
+    iRequestStatus = &aRequestStatus;
+    *iRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+    // start RunL
+    TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+    User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
+    SetActive();
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::PreprocessWidgetBundleL()
+// Handles parsing and creating widget
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::PreprocessWidgetBundleL()
+    {
+    TBool found = EFalse;
+    TFileName tempFile;
+    TFileName bundleRoot; // root dir in widget bundle (not install root)
+    TUint32 zipfileUncompressedSize = 0;
+    iMembers = iZipFile->GetMembersL();
+    if ( NULL == iMembers )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    // compute total installed (uncompressed) size for use in progress
+    // meter (doesn't account for some derived things like scaled
+    // icons and registry data)
+    CZipFileMember* member = iMembers->NextL();
+    for ( ; member ; member = iMembers->NextL() )
+        {
+        zipfileUncompressedSize += member->UncompressedSize();
+        delete member;
+        }
+    if ( 0 == zipfileUncompressedSize )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    *(iPropertyValues[EFileSize]) = zipfileUncompressedSize;
+    // find the top-level directory under which to get metadata
+    // TODO this isn't robust, check cases where there are multiple
+    // top-level dirs and no top-level dirs.
+    delete iMembers;
+    iMembers = NULL;
+    iMembers = iZipFile->GetMembersL();
+    member = iMembers->NextL();
+    TPtrC fName( *member->Name() );
+    TInt pos = fName.Locate( KPathDelimiter );
+    if ( (KErrNotFound == pos) || (KMaxFileName < pos) )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    bundleRoot.Copy( fName.Left( pos ) );
+    delete member;
+    delete iMembers;
+    iMembers = NULL;
+    // metadata file: "WeatherBug.wdgt\Info.plist"
+    if ( KMaxFileName
+         < (bundleRoot.Length() + 1 /* slash */ + KInfoPlist().Length()) )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+        }
+    tempFile.Copy( bundleRoot );
+    tempFile.Append( KPathDelimiter );
+    tempFile.Append( KInfoPlist );
+    CZipFileMember* infoFileMember =
+        iZipFile->CaseInsensitiveMemberL( tempFile );
+    if ( NULL == infoFileMember )
+        {
+        // missing metadata file
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PushL( infoFileMember );
+    // we will use descriptors to handle the Info.plist contents so
+    // the file may not be larger than a descriptor can handle
+    if ( KMaxDescLength < infoFileMember->UncompressedSize() )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+        }
+    // extract Info.plist from zip into a buffer
+    RZipFileMemberReaderStream* stream;
+    iZipFile->GetInputStreamL( infoFileMember, stream );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( stream );
+    HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( infoFileMember->UncompressedSize() );
+    TPtr8 bufferPtr( buffer->Des() );
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+        stream->Read( bufferPtr, infoFileMember->UncompressedSize() ) );
+    iWidgetConfigHandler->ParseValidateBundleMetadataL(
+        bufferPtr, iPropertyValues, iRfs );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // infoFileMember, stream, buffer
+    if( iRegistry.WidgetExistsL( *(iPropertyValues[EBundleIdentifier]) ) )
+        {
+        // replacement for currently installed widget
+        *(iPropertyValues[EUid]) = iRegistry.GetWidgetUidL(
+            *(iPropertyValues[EBundleIdentifier]));
+        found = ETrue;
+        if ( iRegistry.IsWidgetRunning( 
+                TUid::Uid( *(iPropertyValues[EUid]) )) )
+            {
+            iUIHandler->CloseProgressDialogL();
+            User::Leave( KErrInUse );
+            }
+        // get original install dir from registry in case user
+        // decides to "overrite" to another memory location
+        iOriginalDir = *( iRegistry.GetWidgetPropertyValueL(
+                              TUid::Uid( *(iPropertyValues[EUid]) ),
+                              EBasePath ) );
+        }
+    // uid for a new widget will be gotten once install location (c: or
+    // e:) is selected
+    // see if main.html is in zip bundle
+    const TDesC& main = *(iPropertyValues[EMainHTML]);
+    if ( KMaxFileName
+         < (bundleRoot.Length() + 1 /* slash */ + main.Length()) )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+        }
+    tempFile.Copy( bundleRoot );
+    tempFile.Append( KPathDelimiter );
+    tempFile.Append( main );
+    CZipFileMember* mainFileMember
+        = iZipFile->CaseInsensitiveMemberL( tempFile );
+    if ( !mainFileMember )
+        {
+        // missing main html file
+        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+        }
+    delete mainFileMember;
+    mainFileMember = NULL;
+    // save MainHTML partial path to combine with base path when
+    // install location is selected
+    *(iPropertyValues[EMainHTML]) = tempFile;
+    // see if there is an Icon.png in root and get partial path
+    if ( KMaxFileName
+         < (bundleRoot.Length() + 1 /* slash */ + KIconFile().Length()) )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+        }
+    tempFile.Copy( bundleRoot );
+    tempFile.Append( KPathDelimiter );
+    tempFile.Append( KIconFile );
+    CZipFileMember* iconFileMember
+        = iZipFile->CaseInsensitiveMemberL( tempFile );
+    if ( iconFileMember )
+        {
+        // save this partial path to identify Icon.png during unzip
+        *(iPropertyValues[EIconPath]) = tempFile;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iIconSearchFinished = ETrue;
+        }
+    // ex. infoLocFile pathname "WeatherBug.wdgt\en.lproj\InfoPlist.strings"
+    TBuf<32> lproj;
+    iRegistry.GetLprojName( lproj ); // e.g. "en", "fr", "zh_Hans" ...
+    if ( KMaxFileName
+         < (bundleRoot.Length() + 1 /* slash */ + lproj.Length()
+            + KLprojExt().Length() + 1 /* slash */
+            + KInfoPlistStrings().Length()) )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+        }
+    TFileName infoLocFile( bundleRoot );
+    infoLocFile.Append( KPathDelimiter );
+    infoLocFile.Append( lproj );
+    infoLocFile.Append( KLprojExt );
+    infoLocFile.Append( KPathDelimiter );
+    infoLocFile.Append( KInfoPlistStrings );
+    CZipFileMember* infoLocFileMember =
+        iZipFile->CaseInsensitiveMemberL( infoLocFile );
+    if ( infoLocFileMember )
+        {
+        CleanupStack::PushL( infoLocFileMember );
+        RZipFileMemberReaderStream* stream;
+        iZipFile->GetInputStreamL( infoLocFileMember, stream );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( stream );
+        // we will use descriptors to handle the l10n contents so
+        // the file may not be larger than a descriptor can handle
+        if ( KMaxDescLength < infoLocFileMember->UncompressedSize() )
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+            }
+        HBufC8* buffer
+            = HBufC8::NewLC( infoLocFileMember->UncompressedSize() );
+        TPtr8 bufferPtr( buffer->Des() );
+        User::LeaveIfError(
+            stream->Read( bufferPtr, infoLocFileMember->UncompressedSize() ) );
+        // parse the l10n file and localize the bundle display name
+        iWidgetConfigHandler->ParseInfoLocL(
+            bufferPtr, iRfs, *(iPropertyValues[EBundleDisplayName]) );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // buffer, stream, infoLocFileMember
+        }
+    return found;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::RunL()
+// RunL is called only for Intall/Overwrite.  It's sole resposibilty is
+// unzipping the bundle files into the widget subdir.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::RunL()
+    {
+    if ( !iCancelled )
+        {
+        CZipFileMember* member = iMembers->NextL();
+        if ( member )
+            {
+            CleanupStack::PushL( member );
+            // build up the install pathname
+            TPtrC zipedFileName( *member->Name() );
+            TFileName zipedFileNameAndPath;
+            const TDesC& base = *(iPropertyValues[EBasePath]);
+            if ( KMaxFileName < (base.Length() + zipedFileName.Length()) )
+                {
+                User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+                }
+            zipedFileNameAndPath.Copy( base );
+            zipedFileNameAndPath.Append( zipedFileName );
+            // index is supposed to separate the path from the
+            // basename, unless it is just a directory
+            TInt index = zipedFileNameAndPath.LocateReverse( KPathDelimiter );
+            TPtrC path = zipedFileNameAndPath.Left( index + 1 /* slash */ );
+            // make the directory, it's dumb and will try to create
+            // directories that it has already created
+            TInt e = iRfs.MkDirAll( path );
+            if ( (KErrNone != e)
+                 && (KErrAlreadyExists != e) )
+                {
+                User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+                }
+            // a member can be just a directory name but if it is a file
+            // then uncompress the contents
+            if ( zipedFileNameAndPath[zipedFileNameAndPath.Length()-1]
+                 != KPathDelimiter )  // skip directory paths
+                {
+                // uncompress the compressed file into a buffer
+                RZipFileMemberReaderStream* stream;
+                iZipFile->GetInputStreamL( member, stream );
+                CleanupStack::PushL( stream );
+                TUint32 fileSize = member->UncompressedSize();
+                if ( KMaxDescLength < fileSize )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+                    }
+                HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( member->UncompressedSize() );
+                TPtr8 bufferPtr( buffer->Des() );
+                User::LeaveIfError(
+                    stream->Read( bufferPtr, member->UncompressedSize() ) );
+                // write the buffer into a file
+                RFile file;
+                CleanupClosePushL( file );
+                User::LeaveIfError(
+                    file.Create( iRfs, zipedFileNameAndPath, EFileWrite ) );
+                if ( fileSize > 0 )
+                    {
+                    User::LeaveIfError( file.Write( *buffer ) );
+                    }
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // file, buffer, stream
+                }
+            // more progress!!!
+            if ( member->UncompressedSize() )
+                {
+                iUIHandler->UpdateProgressDialogL( member->UncompressedSize() );
+                }
+            // if this is the icon file, then start icon processing
+            if ( EFalse == iIconSearchFinished )
+                {
+                const TDesC& icon = *(iPropertyValues[EIconPath]);
+                if ( 0 == icon.CompareF( zipedFileName ) )
+                    {
+                    iIconSearchFinished = ETrue;
+                    const TPtrC& path =
+                        zipedFileNameAndPath.Left(index + 1 /* slash */ );
+                    *(iPropertyValues[EIconPath]) = path;
+                    TUid uid = TUid::Uid( *(iPropertyValues[EUid]) );
+                    TRAPD( error, ConvertIconL( uid, path ) );
+                    if ( KErrNone != error )
+                        {
+                        // forget the provided icon and proceed
+                        iPropertyValues[EIconPath]->Reset();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // member
+            // done with that file from the zip, go to next
+            TRequestStatus* stat = &iStatus;
+            User::RequestComplete( stat, KErrNone );
+            SetActive();
+            }
+        else // done with zip archive
+            {
+            iUIHandler->CloseProgressDialogL();
+            // and reveal finalize dialog underneath
+            // finished unzip
+            iUnzipping = EFalse;
+            if ( !iProcessingIcon )
+                {
+                FinishInstallL();
+                }
+            // if we are processing icons, then we wait for icon
+            // processing to complete
+            // don't call RequestComplete on installer status (the
+            // higher level caller's status) here because we are not
+            // done
+            }
+        }
+    else // user cancel (not DoCancel)
+        {
+        iUIHandler->CloseProgressDialogL();
+        iUIHandler->CloseFinalizeDialogL();
+        iUIHandler->DisplayCancelL();
+        // stop icon conversion (if there is a converter)
+        delete iIconConverter;
+        iIconConverter = NULL;
+        iProcessingIcon = EFalse;
+        iIconError = KErrNone;
+        iUnzipping = EFalse;
+        FinishInstallL();
+        }
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::NotifyCompletionL()
+// Icon conversion calls this when it is complete.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::NotifyCompletionL( TInt aErr )
+    {
+    iProcessingIcon = EFalse;
+    iIconError = aErr;
+    if ( KErrNone != iIconError )
+        {
+        iPropertyValues[EIconPath]->Reset();
+        }
+    // don't really need iCancelled in test as that combination
+    // shouldn't be possible
+    if ( !(iUnzipping || iCancelled) )
+        {
+        // NotifyCompletionL shouldn't ever leave since the caller
+        // is IconConverter and that is just a utility module.
+        TRAP_IGNORE( FinishInstallL() );
+        }
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::FinishInstallL()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::FinishInstallL()
+    {
+    if ( !iCancelled )
+        {
+        if ( iOverwriting )
+            {
+            TUid uid = TUid::Uid( *(iPropertyValues[EUid]) );
+            iRegistry.DeRegisterWidgetL( uid );
+            iAppManager->DeregisterWidgetL( uid );
+            }
+        // TODO if registration steps fail does it leave inconsistent state???
+        iRegistry.RegisterWidgetL( iPropertyValues );
+        iAppManager->RegisterWidgetL( *(iPropertyValues[EMainHTML]),
+                                      *(iPropertyValues[EBundleDisplayName]),
+                                      *(iPropertyValues[EIconPath]),
+                                      *(iPropertyValues[EDriveName]),
+                                      TUid::Uid( *(iPropertyValues[EUid]) ) );
+        if ( iOverwriting )
+            {
+            // delete backup
+            (void)iFileMgr->RmDir( iBackupDir );
+            }
+        iUIHandler->CloseFinalizeDialogL();
+        iUIHandler->DisplayCompleteL();
+        HandleLogsL(*(iPropertyValues[EBundleDisplayName]), TUid::Uid( *(iPropertyValues[EUid]) ), *(iPropertyValues[ENokiaWidget]), SwiUI::ELogTaskActionInstall);
+        }
+    else // cancelled
+        {
+        // delete what was being installed, and restore previous
+        (void)iFileMgr->RmDir( *(iPropertyValues[EBasePath]) );
+        if ( iOverwriting )
+            {
+            RestoreL();
+            }
+        }
+    User::RequestComplete( iRequestStatus, KErrNone );
+    iRequestStatus = NULL;
+    iUnzipping = EFalse;
+    iOverwriting = EFalse;
+    iProcessingIcon = EFalse;
+    iIconError = KErrNone;
+    iCancelled = EFalse;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::UserCancelL()
+// If user selects cancel softkey on progress dialog only.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::UserCancelL( TBool /*aCancelImmediately*/ )
+    {
+    // It is only possible to get here while we have the progress
+    // dialog up during unzipping (iUnzipping is set).  When unzipping
+    // finishes but icon processing is not finished, we display a
+    // finalize dialog without a cancel option.
+    iCancelled = ETrue;
+    // don't do anything other than set the flag as it will be tested
+    // while processing
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::DoCancel()
+// This should not be called directly.  This function is called by
+// CActive when Cancel() is called on this object IF there is a
+// request outstanding.  So indirectly it handles canceling the
+// install operation.  Icon converter doesn't ever directly cause a
+// Cancel() even when it errors out because it is a service provider
+// to this object.  If this method is called then RunL is not called
+// (they are mutually exclusive).
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::DoCancel()
+    {
+    // can't cancel uninstall because that is synchronous and runs in
+    // one step and this is only called by CActive if there is an
+    // outstanding request, that means we are in the prcess of
+    // unzipping the archive (but not in RunL presently), also note
+    // that this is not a user cancel (see separate function for that)
+    iCancelled = ETrue;
+        {
+        iUIHandler->CloseProgressDialogL();
+        iUIHandler->CloseFinalizeDialogL();
+        iUIHandler->DisplayCancelL();
+        // stop icon conversion (if there is a converter)
+        delete iIconConverter;
+        iIconConverter = NULL;
+        iProcessingIcon = EFalse;
+        iIconError = KErrNone;
+        iUnzipping = EFalse;
+        FinishInstallL();
+        }
+        );
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::RunError()
+// This should not be called directly.  It is called by CActive when
+// RunL leaves.  RunL is only for installing so this handles leaving
+// errors during installing widget.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::RunError( TInt aError )
+    {
+    iCancelled = ETrue;
+    iUnzipping = EFalse;
+        {
+        iUIHandler->CloseProgressDialogL();
+        iUIHandler->CloseFinalizeDialogL();
+        iUIHandler->DisplayErrorL( aError );
+        // stop icon conversion (if there is a converter)
+        delete iIconConverter;
+        iIconConverter = NULL;
+        iProcessingIcon = EFalse;
+        iIconError = KErrNone;
+        FinishInstallL();
+        }
+        );
+    return KErrNone; // indicates error was handled
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::SilentUninstallL()
+// Handle silent uninstall request.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::SilentUninstallL(
+    const TUid& aUid,
+    TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus )
+    {
+    iSilent = ETrue;
+    UninstallL( aUid, aRequestStatus );
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::UninstallL()
+// Handle uninstall request.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::UninstallL(
+    const TUid& aUid,
+    TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus )
+    {
+    // initialize state
+    iCancelled = EFalse;
+    iUnzipping = EFalse;
+    iOverwriting = EFalse;
+    iProcessingIcon = EFalse;
+    iIconError = KErrNone;
+    // outside trap because without a UI we can't display an error message
+    iUIHandler =
+        CWidgetUIHandler::NewL( CWidgetUIHandler::EModeUninstall, this );
+    // save client status to use in finish uninstall
+    iRequestStatus = &aRequestStatus;
+    // TODO currently don't uninstall if running but in future should
+    // stop widget and then uninstall
+    if ( iRegistry.IsWidgetRunning( aUid ) )
+        {
+        FinishUninstallL( KErrInUse );
+        return;
+        }
+    TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> bundleName;
+    iRegistry.GetWidgetBundleName( aUid, bundleName );
+    if( bundleName.Length() <= 0 )
+        {
+        FinishUninstallL( KErrCorrupt );
+        return;
+        }
+    // prompt user to uninstall
+    if( iUIHandler->DisplayUninstallL( bundleName ) )
+        {
+        iUIHandler->DisplayUninstallInProgressL();
+        TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> widgetPath;
+        iRegistry.GetWidgetPath( aUid, widgetPath );
+        TBool aVendor = *(iRegistry.GetWidgetPropertyValueL(aUid, ENokiaWidget));
+        // TODO if any of next steps leave does state become inconsistent?
+        // remove the dir for the widget
+        // TODO why this validation?
+        if ( widgetPath.Length() > 0 )
+            {
+            iFileMgr->RmDir( widgetPath );
+            //Widget should delete any cookie it created
+            HBufC* fileName = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxFileName);            
+            TPtr ptr(fileName->Des());
+            TBuf<8> buf1; 
+            ptr = KCookieFile;
+            TInt pos = ptr.LocateReverse('.');            
+            buf1.AppendNum(aUid.iUid,EHex);
+            ptr.Insert(pos,_L("_"));
+            ptr.Insert(pos+1,buf1);
+            iRfs.Delete(ptr);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileName);
+            }
+        iRegistry.DeRegisterWidgetL( aUid );
+        iAppManager->DeregisterWidgetL( aUid );
+        TInt err = KErrNone;
+        TRAP(err, FinishUninstallL( KErrNone ));
+        if(err == KErrNone)
+           {
+           HandleLogsL(bundleName, aUid, aVendor, SwiUI::ELogTaskActionUninstall);
+           }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iUIHandler->DisplayCancelL();
+        // must return cancel because upper-levels will take uninstall
+        // actions (remove widget from applications list) if we return KErrNone
+        User::RequestComplete( iRequestStatus, KErrCancel );
+        return;
+        }
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::FinishUninstallL()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::FinishUninstallL( TInt aErr )
+    {
+    iUIHandler->CloseUninstallInProgressDialogL();
+    if ( aErr )
+        {
+        iUIHandler->DisplayErrorL( aErr );
+        User::Leave( aErr );
+        }
+    iUIHandler->DisplayCompleteL();
+    User::RequestComplete( iRequestStatus, KErrNone );
+    iRequestStatus = NULL;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::IsShowingDialog()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::IsShowingDialog()
+    {
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::CancelEngine()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::CancelEngine()
+    {
+    // TODO ???
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::ForceCancel()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::ForceCancel()
+    {
+    // TODO ???
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::StartedCancellingL()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::StartedCancellingL()
+    {
+    // TODO ???
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::SelectMemoryL()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::SelectMemoryL()
+    {
+    TDriveUnit selectedDrive;
+    TBool isSufficient = EFalse;
+    if ( !iUIHandler->SelectDriveL( iRfs,
+                                    selectedDrive, isSufficient,
+                                    *(iPropertyValues[EFileSize] )) )
+        {
+        UserCancelL();
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    else if ( !isSufficient )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
+        }
+    UpdateWidgetBasePathL( selectedDrive );
+    *(iPropertyValues[EDriveName]) = selectedDrive.Name();
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::UpdateWidgetBasePathL()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::UpdateWidgetBasePathL( TDriveUnit& aDrive )
+    {
+    const TDesC& bundleId = *(iPropertyValues[EBundleIdentifier]);
+    HBufC* basePath = HBufC::NewL(
+        aDrive.Name().Length() + KWidgetAppDir().Length()
+        + bundleId.Length() + 1 /* slash */ );
+    basePath->Des().Append( aDrive.Name() );
+    basePath->Des().Append( KWidgetAppDir );
+    basePath->Des().Append( *(iPropertyValues[EBundleIdentifier]) );
+    basePath->Des().Append( KPathDelimiter );
+    *(iPropertyValues[EBasePath]) = *basePath;
+    delete basePath;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::ConvertIconL()
+// Convert icon.png into mbm format for widget
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::ConvertIconL(
+    TUid& aUid,
+    const TDesC& aIconPath )
+    {
+    delete iIconConverter;
+    iIconConverter = NULL;
+    iIconConverter = CIconConverter::NewL( this, iRfs );
+    TFileName pngIcon;
+    pngIcon.Copy( aIconPath );
+    if ( pngIcon.Length() )
+        {
+        pngIcon.Append( KIconFile );
+        TFileName mbmIcon;
+        mbmIcon.Copy( aIconPath );
+        mbmIcon.Append( aUid.Name() );
+        mbmIcon.Append( KMBMExt() );
+        iIconConverter->StartToDecodeL( pngIcon, mbmIcon );
+        iProcessingIcon = ETrue;
+        }
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::PromptUserForInstallL()
+// Prompt to confirm install and where to install. SetActive() has not
+// been called yet.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::PromptUserForInstallL( TBool aOverwrite )
+    {
+    TBool userAnswer;
+    if ( aOverwrite )
+        {
+        userAnswer =
+            iUIHandler->DisplayOverwriteL( *(iPropertyValues[EBundleDisplayName]) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        userAnswer =
+            iUIHandler->DisplayInstallL( *(iPropertyValues[EBundleDisplayName]) );
+        }
+    if ( userAnswer )
+        {
+        userAnswer = SelectMemoryL();
+        }
+    return userAnswer;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::PromptUserForUntrustedWidgetL()
+// Prompt to confirm install of untrusted widget. SetActive() has not
+// been called yet.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::PromptUserForUntrustedWidgetL( )
+    {
+    TBool userAnswer(ETrue);
+    if ( !iSilent )
+        {
+        userAnswer = iUIHandler->DisplayUntrustedSecurityDialogL();
+        }
+    return userAnswer;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::BackupL()
+// When overwriting an installed widget, backup so can restore on error.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::BackupL()
+    {
+    // if backup leaves, there is nothing caller needs to do to clean up
+    // move to backup (by renaming) the existing install dir for the widget
+    // first create a "unique" backup dir on the original dir drive
+    // (same drive required since can't "rename" across drives)
+    TParse p;
+    p.Set( iOriginalDir, NULL, NULL );
+    TFileName path;
+    path.Copy( p.Drive() );
+    path.Append( KWidgetAppDir );
+    // unique file and then delete it and then create a directory with
+    // same name.
+    RFile file;
+    CleanupClosePushL( file );
+    User::LeaveIfError( file.Temp( iRfs, path, iBackupDir, EFileWrite ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // file
+    // delete the temp file and...
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFileMgr->Delete( iBackupDir ) );
+    // ...convert to dir name
+    iBackupDir.Append( KPathDelimiter );
+    // make the backup
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFileMgr->Rename( iOriginalDir, iBackupDir ) );
+    // original dir doesn't seem to be gone after rename so rmdir
+    // it...this is IMPORTANT because we want to be able to look at
+    // the list of install directories to get a list of installed
+    // widgets without checking if they are empty!
+    (void)iFileMgr->RmDir( iOriginalDir );
+    // overwriting boolean is only true when backup is successful
+    iOverwriting = ETrue;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::RestoreL()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::RestoreL()
+    {
+    // move (by renaming) the backup copy to the install dir for the widget
+    // to assure a clean destination, try deleting install dir first
+    (void)iFileMgr->RmDir( iOriginalDir );
+    // TODO if this fails then do some cleanup, maybe unregister?
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFileMgr->Rename( iBackupDir, iOriginalDir ) );
+    // backup dir doesn't seem to be gone so rmdir it
+    (void)iFileMgr->RmDir( iBackupDir );
+    // restore complete
+    iOverwriting = EFalse;
+    }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::HandleLogsL
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetUIOperationsWatcher::HandleLogsL(const TDesC& aWidgetName, const TUid &aUid, TBool aVender, SwiUI::TLogTaskAction aAction)
+    {
+    CTask* task = CTask::NewL( KLogTaskImplUid, EFalse );
+    CleanupStack::PushL(task);
+    TLogTaskParam params;
+    params.iName.Copy(aWidgetName);
+    params.iUid = aUid;
+    params.iAction = aAction;
+    params.iVendor.Copy((aVender ? _L("Nokia") : _L("Non-Nokia")));
+    TTime time;
+    time.UniversalTime();
+    params.iTime = time;
+    TLogTaskParamPckg pckg( params );
+    task->SetParameterL( pckg, 0 );
+    iTaskManager->AddTaskL( task );
+    iTaskManager->CommitL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(task);
+    }
+//  End of File