* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implementation of class CodUtil.
#include "CodUtil.h"
#include "CodLogger.h"
#include "CodPanic.h"
#include <uri8.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <charconv.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <commdb.h>
#include <ApSelect.h>
#include <bodypart.h>
#include <AiwGenericParam.h>
#include <caf/caf.h>
// ================= CONSTANTS =======================
/// Conversion buffer size.
LOCAL_D const TInt KCodConversionBufferSize = 256;
/// Blank IP address.
_LIT( KCodBlankIpAdress, "" );
/// Zero width non-breaking space character.
LOCAL_D const TUint16 KZeroWidthNbsp = 0xfeff;
/// cid: scheme.
_LIT8( KCodCidScheme, "cid" );
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::CanOpenL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CodUtil::CanOpenL( const TDesC& aFname )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("-> CodUtil::CanOpenL <%S>"), &aFname ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aFname.Length(), CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
TBool canOpen( EFalse );
using namespace ContentAccess;
CVirtualPath* vPath = CVirtualPath::NewL( aFname, KDefaultContentObject );
CleanupStack::PushL( vPath );
TInt err;
CData* data = NULL;
// 'No right' style errors leave, need to TRAP.
TRAP( err, data = CData::NewL( *vPath, EPeek, EContentShareReadOnly ) );
// Note, 'data' not pushed. No leaving calls below.
if ( !err &&
!data->EvaluateIntent( EPlay ) ||
!data->EvaluateIntent( EView ) ||
!data->EvaluateIntent( EExecute )
canOpen = ETrue;
delete data;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( vPath );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("<- CodUtil::CanOpenL (%d)"), canOpen ));
return canOpen;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::CanOpenL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CodUtil::CanOpenL( RFile& aFile )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("-> CodUtil::CanOpenL (RFile)") ));
TBool canOpen( EFalse );
using namespace ContentAccess;
TInt err;
CData* data = NULL;
// 'No right' style errors leave, need to TRAP.
TRAP( err, data = CData::NewL( aFile, KDefaultContentObject, EPeek ) );
// Note, 'data' not pushed. No leaving calls below.
if ( !err &&
!data->EvaluateIntent( EPlay ) ||
!data->EvaluateIntent( EView ) ||
!data->EvaluateIntent( EExecute )
canOpen = ETrue;
delete data;
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("<- CodUtil::CanOpenL (%d)"), canOpen ));
return canOpen;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::GetIntParam()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CodUtil::GetIntParam
TInt& aParam,
TGenericParamId aSemanticId,
const CAiwGenericParamList& aParams
TInt index = 0;
const TAiwGenericParam* param =
aParams.FindFirst( index, aSemanticId, EVariantTypeTInt32 );
if ( param )
aParam = param->Value().AsTInt32();
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("CodUtil::GetIntParam id(%d) value(%d)"), \
aSemanticId, aParam ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::GetUint32Param()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CodUtil::GetUint32Param
TUint32& aParam,
TGenericParamId aSemanticId,
const CAiwGenericParamList& aParams
TInt index = 0;
const TAiwGenericParam* param =
aParams.FindFirst( index, aSemanticId, EVariantTypeTInt32 );
if ( param )
aParam = STATIC_CAST( TUint32, param->Value().AsTInt32() );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("CodUtil::GetUint32Param id(%d) value(%d)"), \
aSemanticId, aParam ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::GetBoolParam()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CodUtil::GetBoolParam
TBool& aParam,
TGenericParamId aSemanticId,
const CAiwGenericParamList& aParams
TInt index = 0;
const TAiwGenericParam* param =
aParams.FindFirst( index, aSemanticId, EVariantTypeTInt32 );
if ( param )
aParam = STATIC_CAST( TBool, param->Value().AsTInt32() );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("CodUtil::GetBoolParam id(%d) value(%d)"), \
aSemanticId, aParam ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::GetDesParamLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CodUtil::GetDesParamLC
TPtrC8& aParam,
TGenericParamId aSemanticId,
const CAiwGenericParamList& aParams
TInt index = 0;
HBufC8* buf = NULL;
// First check 8 bit variant.
const TAiwGenericParam* param =
aParams.FindFirst( index, aSemanticId, EVariantTypeDesC8 );
if ( param )
aParam.Set( param->Value().AsData() );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, \
_L8("CodUtil::GetDesParamLC 8-bit id(%d) value<%S>)"), \
aSemanticId, &aParam ));
// No 8-bit, check 16-bit.
param = aParams.FindFirst( index, aSemanticId, EVariantTypeDesC );
if ( param )
buf = ConvertL( param->Value().AsDes() ); // No leave until push.
aParam.Set( *buf );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, \
_L8("CodUtil::GetDesParamLC 16-bit id(%d) value<%S>)"), \
aSemanticId, &aParam ));
CleanupStack::PushL( buf ); // May be NULL.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::GetDesParam()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CodUtil::GetDesParam
TPtrC& aParam,
TGenericParamId aSemanticId,
const CAiwGenericParamList& aParams
TInt index = 0;
const TAiwGenericParam* param =
aParams.FindFirst( index, aSemanticId, EVariantTypeDesC );
if ( param )
aParam.Set( param->Value().AsDes() );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, \
_L8("CodUtil::GetDesParam 16-bit id(%d) value<%S>)"), \
aSemanticId, &aParam ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::IsCidSchemeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CodUtil::IsCidSchemeL( const TDesC8& aUrl )
TUriParser8 uri;
User::LeaveIfError( uri.Parse( aUrl ) );
return uri.Extract( EUriScheme ).Compare( KCodCidScheme ) == 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::PartByCidL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CBodyPart* CodUtil::PartByCidL
( const RPointerArray<CBodyPart>& aParts, const TDesC8& aUrl )
CBodyPart* part = NULL;
TUriParser8 uri;
User::LeaveIfError( uri.Parse( aUrl ) );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( uri.Extract( EUriScheme ).Compare( KCodCidScheme ) == 0,
CodPanic( ECodInternal ) ); // Expecting CID scheme!
CUri8* cUri = CUri8::NewLC( uri );
cUri->RemoveComponentL( EUriScheme );
TPtrC8 cid( cUri->Uri().UriDes() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < aParts.Count(); i++ )
if ( !aParts[i]->ContentID().Compare( cid ) )
part = aParts[i];
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cUri );
return part;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::FileNameFromUrl()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC8 CodUtil::FileNameFromUrl( const TDesC8& aUrl )
TPtrC8 ptr;
TUriParser8 uri;
if ( uri.Parse( aUrl ) == KErrNone )
ptr.Set( uri.Extract( EUriPath ) );
TInt slash = ptr.LocateReverse( TChar('/') );
if( slash >= 0 )
// We have a slash - keep only what is after it.
// Position 'slash + 1' can always be passed to Mid(); length is
// one greater than any resulting index. (If last character is
// a slash, we get an empty string as expected.)
ptr.Set( ptr.Mid( slash + 1 ) );
return ptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::AbsoluteUrlLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CodUtil::AbsoluteUrlLC
( const TDesC8& aBase, const TDesC8& aUrl )
HBufC8* absUrl;
TUriParser8 url;
User::LeaveIfError( url.Parse( aUrl ) );
if ( url.IsPresent( EUriScheme ) )
// aUrl is already absolute, use it "as-is".
absUrl = aUrl.AllocLC();
// aUrl is relative, resolve it against the aBase.
TUriParser8 base;
User::LeaveIfError( base.Parse( aBase ) );
CUri8* resolved = CUri8::ResolveL( base, url );
CleanupStack::PushL( resolved );
absUrl = resolved->Uri().UriDes().AllocL(); // Not pushed here...
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( resolved ); // (no leaving here)
CleanupStack::PushL( absUrl ); // ...only here.
return absUrl;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::ConvertToUcs2L()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC16* CodUtil::ConvertToUcs2L
( const TDesC8& aSrc, const TDesC8& aEncoding, RFs& aFs )
CLOG(( ECodEng | ECharset, 2, _L("-> CodUtil::ConvertToUcs2L") ));
CCnvCharacterSetConverter* conv = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewLC();
CArrayFix<CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet>* charsets =
CCnvCharacterSetConverter::CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableLC( aFs );
TUint id = 0;
if ( aEncoding.Length() )
// Encoding is specified, use it.
CLOG(( ECodEng | ECharset, 4, _L8("charset name given <%S>"), \
&aEncoding ));
id = conv->ConvertStandardNameOfCharacterSetToIdentifierL
( aEncoding, aFs );
CLOG(( ECodEng | ECharset, 4, _L("charset id 0x%x"), id ));
// Autodetect.
TInt confidence = 0;
conv->AutoDetectCharacterSetL( confidence, id, *charsets, aSrc );
CLOG(( ECodEng | ECharset, 4, \
_L("detected charset id 0x%x confidence 0x%x"), id, confidence ));
if ( confidence == 0 || id == 0 )
// Failed to detect.
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
HBufC16* ucs2buffer = NULL;
TBool resultOnStack = EFalse;
// If id is 0 then we don't know what encoding the file is or it is
// already UCS2.
if ( id == 0 )
// If the source is too small we don't even have a unicode header or
// have a header with no data so just leave.
if ( aSrc.Length() < 3 )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
const TUint8* srcData = aSrc.Ptr();
if ( srcData[0] == 0xFF && srcData[1] == 0xFE )
// Little endian, good, just drop the unicode header and return
// the rest.
TPtrC result( (TUint16*)(srcData + 2) );
ucs2buffer = result.AllocL();
else if ( srcData[0] == 0xFE && srcData[1] == 0xFF )
// Big endian, we don't support it.
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// No Unicode header, assume little endian-ness.
TPtrC result( (TUint16*)srcData );
ucs2buffer = result.AllocL();
HBufC16* buffer = HBufC::NewLC( KCodConversionBufferSize );
TPtr16 ptr( buffer->Des() );
// Prepare conversion for the given charset ID.
conv->PrepareToConvertToOrFromL( id, *charsets, aFs );
TInt state = 0;
TInt remaining = conv->ConvertToUnicode( ptr, aSrc, state );
while ( remaining >= 0 )
if ( ucs2buffer == NULL )
ucs2buffer = HBufC::NewLC( ptr.Length() );
resultOnStack = ETrue;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( resultOnStack, CodPanic( ECodInternal ));
// This may change the address of ucs2buffer so we need to put
// it on the cleanup stack again!!
ucs2buffer = ucs2buffer->ReAllocL
( ucs2buffer->Length() + ptr.Length() );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // old ucs2buffer
CleanupStack::PushL( ucs2buffer ); // possibly new copy
TPtr16 ucs2ptr( ucs2buffer->Des() );
ucs2ptr.Append( ptr );
if ( remaining > 0 )
// Try to convert all remaining characters.
remaining = conv->ConvertToUnicode
( ptr, aSrc.Right( remaining ), state );
if ( resultOnStack )
CleanupStack::Pop(); // ucs2buffer
resultOnStack = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
if ( resultOnStack )
CleanupStack::Pop(); // ucs2buffer
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // charsets, conv
// Check if first character is a Zero-width nbsp.
TPtrC16 ptr( ucs2buffer->Des() );
if ( ptr.Length() >= 1 && ptr[0] == KZeroWidthNbsp )
// First character is a Zero-width NBSP. This character is used as
// BOM in some encodings and should not be present at this point.
// But we are tolerant and remove it.
// (Not expecting big-endianness here.)
CLOG(( ECodEng | ECharset, 4, _L("dropping BOM"), id ));
HBufC16* temp = ucs2buffer;
CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
ucs2buffer = ptr.Mid( 1 ).AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // temp
CLOG(( ECodEng | ECharset, 2, _L("<- CodUtil::ConvertToUcs2L") ));
return ucs2buffer;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::ConvertUcs2ToUtf8L()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CodUtil::ConvertUcs2ToUtf8L( const TDesC& aUcs2Src )
HBufC8* utf8buffer = NULL;
TBool resultOnStack = EFalse;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( KCodConversionBufferSize );
TPtr8 ptr( buffer->Des() );
TInt remaining =
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( ptr, aUcs2Src );
while ( remaining >= 0 )
if ( utf8buffer == NULL )
utf8buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( ptr.Length() );
resultOnStack = ETrue;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( resultOnStack, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
// This may change the address of utf8buffer so we need to put it
// on the cleanup stack again!!
utf8buffer = utf8buffer->ReAllocL
( utf8buffer->Length() + ptr.Length() );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // old utf8buffer
CleanupStack::PushL( utf8buffer ); // possibly new copy
TPtr8 utf8ptr( utf8buffer->Des() );
utf8ptr.Append( ptr );
if ( remaining > 0 )
// Try to convert all remaining characters.
remaining = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8
( ptr, aUcs2Src.Right( remaining ) );
if ( resultOnStack )
CleanupStack::Pop(); // utf8buffer
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
return utf8buffer;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::ConvertLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CodUtil::ConvertLC( const TDesC& aDes )
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( aDes.Length() );
buf->Des().Copy( aDes );
return buf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::ConvertLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC* CodUtil::ConvertLC( const TDesC8& aDes )
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( aDes.Length() );
buf->Des().Copy( aDes );
return buf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::ConvertL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CodUtil::ConvertL( const TDesC& aDes )
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewL( aDes.Length() );
buf->Des().Copy( aDes );
return buf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::ConvertL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC* CodUtil::ConvertL( const TDesC8& aDes )
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewL( aDes.Length() );
buf->Des().Copy( aDes );
return buf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::ApCountL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CodUtil::ApCountL()
TUint32 count( 0 );
CCommsDatabase* cdb = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeIAP );
CleanupStack::PushL( cdb );
CApSelect* apSel = CApSelect::NewLC
count = apSel->Count();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // apSel, cdb
return count;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CodUtil::WapGatewayL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CodUtil::WapGatewayL( TUint32 aIap )
HBufC8* gateway8 = NULL;
// Open a CommDB database server session.
// This has to be local and initialised every time or we get
// strange access denied leaves happening.
CCommsDatabase* cdb = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeIAP );
CleanupStack::PushL( cdb );
// Now access the commdb to see whether we have an associated
// WAP AP and if so determine the gateway that we are using.
TPtrC wapApTable( WAP_IP_BEARER );
TPtrC wapApIapCol( WAP_IAP );
CCommsDbTableView* view =
cdb->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( wapApTable, wapApIapCol, aIap );
TInt err = view->GotoFirstRecord();
if ( !err )
// There is a matching WAP AP table entry, does it have a
// valid gateway?
HBufC* gateway16 = view->ReadLongTextLC( wapApGwCol );
if ( gateway16->Compare( KCodBlankIpAdress ) )
// There is a valid WAP gateway.
gateway8 = ConvertL( *gateway16 ); // Not pushed, no leave below.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( gateway16 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // view, cdb
return gateway8;