* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Dialog containing the Downloads List
#include "CDownloadsListDlg.h"
#include "CDownloadUtils.h"
#include <downloadslistdlgobserver.h>
#include "CDownloadsListArray.h"
#include "DownloadMgrUiLib.hrh"
#include "DMgrUiLibPanic.h"
#include "UiLibLogger.h"
#include <DownloadMgrUiLib.rsg>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <eikmenub.h>
#include <eikfrlb.h>
#include <eikfrlbd.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <DocumentHandler.h>
#include "eikon.hrh"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::CDownloadsListDlg
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListDlg::CDownloadsListDlg( MDownloadsListDlgObserver& aDlgObserver )
: iMyEikonEnv( *CEikonEnv::Static() ),
iDlgObserver( aDlgObserver ),
iProgressiveDownload( EFalse)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::CDownloadsListDlg
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListDlg::CDownloadsListDlg( MDownloadsListDlgObserver& aDlgObserver, TBool aProgressiveFlag )
: iMyEikonEnv( *CEikonEnv::Static() ),
iDlgObserver( aDlgObserver ),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::ConstructL()
CEikFormattedCellListBox* listBox = new (ELeave) CAknDoubleLargeGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox;
delete iListBox;
iListBox = listBox;
iIsMSKChangeHandled = EFalse;
CAknPopupList::ConstructL( iListBox,
AknPopupLayouts::EMenuDoubleLargeGraphicWindow );
TInt flags = 0;
listBox->ConstructL( this, flags );
listBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
listBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
HBufC* header = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_DMUL_DOWNLOADSLIST_HEADER );
SetTitleL( *header );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( header ); // header
header = NULL;
// Create menu bar
CEikMenuBar* newMenuBar = new (ELeave) CEikMenuBar();
CleanupStack::PushL( newMenuBar );
newMenuBar->ConstructL( this, NULL, R_DMUL_DOWNLOADSLIST_MENUBAR );
iMyEikonEnv.EikAppUi()->AddToStackL( newMenuBar,
ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus );
iMenuBar = newMenuBar;
CleanupStack::Pop( newMenuBar ); // now owned by this.
iRefreshTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( KRefreshTimerPriority );
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer created");
iDownloadUtils = CDownloadUtils::NewL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListDlg* CDownloadsListDlg::NewL( MDownloadsListDlgObserver& aDlgObserver )
CDownloadsListDlg* self = new ( ELeave ) CDownloadsListDlg( aDlgObserver );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListDlg* CDownloadsListDlg::NewL( MDownloadsListDlgObserver& aDlgObserver, TBool aProgressiveFlag )
CDownloadsListDlg* self = new ( ELeave ) CDownloadsListDlg( aDlgObserver, aProgressiveFlag );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// Destructor
iDlgObserver.SetDownloadListHide( ETrue );
if ( iMenuBar )
iMyEikonEnv.EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iMenuBar );
delete iMenuBar;
iMenuBar = NULL;
delete iRefreshTimer;
iRefreshTimer = 0;
delete iListBox;
iListBox = NULL;
delete iDownloadUtils;
iDownloadUtils = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::SetModelL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::SetModelL( CDownloadsListArray& aModel )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iListBox, Panic( EUiLibPanNullListBoxInSetModel ) );
// Remember for the model:
iDownloadsListArray = &aModel;
// Set item text and icon array
iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( &aModel.ItemTextArray() );
iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
// iListBox will own the icon array - it is owned also by aModel, so...
// Delete old icon array JIC?
//delete (iListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->IconArray());
//Above line has been changed as below to avoid code scanner error
CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconarray = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->IconArray();
delete iconarray;
iconarray = NULL;
iListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArray( &aModel.IconArray() );
aModel.SetIconArrayOwnedExternally( ETrue );
// Enable marquee.
iListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->EnableMarqueeL( ETrue );
if ( aModel.Count() == 0 )
// Disable Options softkey.
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOptions, EFalse );
CLOG_WRITE(" aModel.Count() == 0");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::HandleModelChangeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::HandleModelChangeL( TDownloadsListDlgEvent aEvent, TInt aIndex )
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" aEvent: %d",aEvent);
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" aIndex: %d",aIndex);
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iListBox, Panic( EUiLibPanNullListBoxInHandleModelChange ) );
if ( aEvent == EDownloadAdded )
// Start refresh timer, if necessary
if ( !iRefreshTimer->IsActive() && 0 < VisibleInProgressDownloads() )
TCallBack( RefreshTimerCallback, this ) );
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer strated");
else if ( aEvent == EDownloadChanged )
// Redraw the item, but only if it is visible in order that
// list box does not scroll to an invisible item
// (as it does when calling DrawItem()).
// Highlight does not change anyway.
if ( iListBox->View()->ItemIsVisible( aIndex ) )
iListBox->DrawItem( aIndex );
// Start refresh timer, if necessary
if ( !iRefreshTimer->IsActive() && 0 < VisibleInProgressDownloads() )
TCallBack( RefreshTimerCallback, this ) );
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer strated");
if (!iIsMSKChangeHandled)
else // ( aEvent == EDownloadRemoved )
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" count: %d",iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems());
if ( aIndex == 0 )
// If there is at least one item still, then scroll to the first:
if ( iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() > 0 )
iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( 0 ); // "0" = first
else if ( aIndex > 0 )
iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( aIndex - 1 );
// Stop refresh timer, if necessary
if ( iRefreshTimer->IsActive() && VisibleInProgressDownloads() == 0 )
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer cancelled");
// Close the dialog, if necessary
if ( iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() == 0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::CurrentItemIndex
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDownloadsListDlg::CurrentItemIndex() const
return (iListBox==NULL?KErrNotFound:iListBox->CurrentItemIndex());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::DisplayMenuL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::DisplayMenuL()
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iMenuBar, Panic( EUiLibPanNullMenuBar ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::HideMenu
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::HideMenu()
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iMenuBar, Panic( EUiLibPanNullMenuBar ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::MenuShowing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDownloadsListDlg::MenuShowing() const
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iMenuBar, Panic( EUiLibPanNullMenuBar ) );
return iMenuBar->IsDisplayed();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::HighlightDownload
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::HighlightDownload( RHttpDownload& aHighlightDl )
iHighlightDownload = &aHighlightDl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::HandleMiddleSoftKeyChangeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::HandleMiddleSoftKeyChangeL()
TInt currentItemIndex = CurrentItemIndex();
__ASSERT_DEBUG( 0 <= currentItemIndex, Panic( EUiLibPanDLNegItemIndex ) );
RHttpDownload& currDownload = iDownloadsListArray->Download( currentItemIndex );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" currDownload: 0x%x",&currDownload);
// Get the UI data for the current download
TDownloadUiData& dlData = iDownloadsListArray->DlUiData( CurrentItemIndex() );
TInt32 state( dlData.iDownloadState );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" state: %d",state);
// The moved state is only a temporary state - the server
// sets the download's original state back right after it,
// thus we query the state again:
if ( state == EHttpDlMoved )
User::LeaveIfError( currDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState, state ) );
//Changes for the bug JERI-7P8CF2
//Changes made in the server side to fix the video center receiving unexpected events
//Reassigning these events back to the changes done in server side
if(state == EHttpDlCompleted )
state = EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted;
else if(state == EHttpDlFailed )
state = EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed;
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" state re-query: %d",state);
__ASSERT_DEBUG( state != EHttpDlMoved, Panic( EUiLibPanStateIsStillMoved ) );
TBool isCompleted = state == EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted;
TBool isDrmDownload = EFalse;
TBool isDrmRightsOnPhone = EFalse;
TBool isPreviewRights = EFalse;
// OMA DRM information is used only in case of completed downloads
if ( isCompleted )
isDrmDownload = iDownloadUtils->DrmDownloadL( currDownload );
if ( isDrmDownload )
isDrmRightsOnPhone = iDownloadUtils->DrmRightsOnThePhoneL
( currDownload, isPreviewRights );
TBool supported( EFalse );
supported = iDownloadUtils->IsContentTypeSupportedL( dlData.iContentType );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" supported: %d",supported);
TBool isCodDownload( EFalse );
TInt err = currDownload.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrCodDownload, isCodDownload );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrCodDownload err: %d",err);
TBool isCodPdDownload( EFalse );
err = currDownload.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrCodPdAvailable, isCodPdDownload );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrCodPdAvailable err: %d",err);
// Get if it can be handled progressively
TBool canProgHandled = EFalse;
TUid pdPlayerUid = { 0 };
HBufC8* contentType = iDownloadUtils->ContentTypeL( currDownload, ETrue );
TDataType dataType( *contentType );
delete contentType;
contentType = NULL;
CDocumentHandler* docHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewLC();
canProgHandled = docHandler->CanHandleProgressivelyL( dataType, pdPlayerUid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( docHandler ); // docHandler
if ( isCompleted )
// If download is complete but file is not moved yet, do not show "Open"
// menu item. Opening the file while it is being moved may result in
// undefined behavior.
TInt32 progressState = dlData.iProgressState;
if ((progressState != EHttpProgContentFileMovedAndDestFNChanged) &&
(progressState != EHttpProgContentFileMoved))
// Progressive downloads should open whenever user clicks on the
// download. So return only if this download cannot be handled
// progressively.
if (!canProgHandled)
// Download State is complete but file is not moved yet.
// Hide the "Open" menu item and return.
ButtonGroupContainer()->SetCommandSetL( R_DMUL_DOWNLOADSLIST_SOFTKEYS_PLAY );
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOpen, EFalse );
iIsMSKChangeHandled = EFalse;
if ( iProgressiveDownload || isCompleted )
if ( canProgHandled && !(state == EHttpDlPaused || state == EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed) ) // it can be inprogress or completed
ButtonGroupContainer()->SetCommandSetL( R_DMUL_DOWNLOADSLIST_SOFTKEYS_PLAY );
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOpen, ETrue );
iIsMSKChangeHandled = ETrue;
if (isCodDownload && !isCompleted )
if ( !( supported && canProgHandled && isCodPdDownload &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ) ) ) )
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOpen, EFalse );
iIsMSKChangeHandled = EFalse;
if ( !( supported && canProgHandled &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ) ) ) )
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOpen, EFalse );
iIsMSKChangeHandled = EFalse;
ButtonGroupContainer()->SetCommandSetL( R_DMUL_DOWNLOADSLIST_SOFTKEYS_OPEN );
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOpen, ETrue );
iIsMSKChangeHandled = ETrue;
if ( !( isCompleted && supported &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ) ) ) )
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOpen, EFalse );
iIsMSKChangeHandled = EFalse;
else // if iProgressiveDownload == EFalse
ButtonGroupContainer()->SetCommandSetL( R_DMUL_DOWNLOADSLIST_SOFTKEYS_OPEN );
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOpen, ETrue );
iIsMSKChangeHandled = ETrue;
if ( !( isCompleted && supported &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ) ) ) )
ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeyOpen, EFalse );
iIsMSKChangeHandled = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::ExecuteLD
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDownloadsListDlg::ExecuteLD()
iDlgObserver.PreLayoutDynInitL( *this );
if ( iHighlightDownload )
// Find the index of this download
TInt index( KErrNotFound );
TInt err = iDownloadsListArray->Find( *iHighlightDownload, index );
if ( !err )
iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( index );
// Start refresh timer, if there is at least one visible download in
// EHttpDlInprogress state.
if ( !iRefreshTimer->IsActive() && 0 < VisibleInProgressDownloads() )
TCallBack( RefreshTimerCallback, this ) );
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer strated");
// Handle middle softkey
TBool popupRet = CAknPopupList::ExecuteLD();
return popupRet;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::ProcessCommandL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
if ( aCommandId == EAknSoftkeyOptions )
else if ( aCommandId == EAknSoftkeyCancel )
// Cancel this control not to dim the screen, and then process the command.
//TODO CancelPopup();
// Other, non-specific commands are processed by the observer.
iDlgObserver.ProcessCommandL( *this, aCommandId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::SetEmphasis
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::SetEmphasis( CCoeControl* aMenuControl, TBool aEmphasis )
// CAknDialog::SetEmphasis implements it like below.
CEikAppUi* appUi = iMyEikonEnv.EikAppUi();
appUi->RemoveFromStack( aMenuControl );
TRAP_IGNORE( appUi->AddToStackL
( aMenuControl, aEmphasis ? ECoeStackPriorityDialog : ECoeStackPriorityMenu ) );
// ( this, aEmphasis ? ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus : 0, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus );
( aMenuControl, aEmphasis ? 0 : ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::DynInitMenuPaneL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
iDlgObserver.DynInitMenuPaneL( *this, aResourceId, aMenuPane );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::HandleListBoxEventL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType)
if (iListBox && aListBox == iListBox)
switch (aEventType)
case MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemClicked:
case MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemDraggingActioned:
case MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemDoubleClicked:
// If EAknSoftkeyOpen is visible, then we can activate the selected download
if (ButtonGroupContainer()->IsCommandVisible(EAknSoftkeyOpen))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::FocusChanged
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow )
// Focus gained or lost
if ( IsFocused() )
// Focus gained. Start refresh timer if needed
// Start refresh timer, if there is at least one visible download in
// EHttpDlInprogress state.
if ( !iRefreshTimer->IsActive() && 0 < VisibleInProgressDownloads() )
TCallBack( RefreshTimerCallback, this ) );
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer strated");
// Focus lost. Cancel refresh timer
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer cancelled");
// Call base class' same functionality:
// Important: CAknPopupList::FocusChanged() is private, so
// the base class' very same method cannot be called from here.
// It means that the functionality of that must be implemented here,
// and meanwhile ask CAknPopupList to make it protected.
if ( iListBox )
if( iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() >= 0 )
TRAP_IGNORE( HandleMiddleSoftKeyChangeL() );
iListBox->SetFocus(IsFocused(), aDrawNow);
// We have no find box, so this part can be omitted:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::HandlePointerEventL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::OfferKeyEventL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CDownloadsListDlg::OfferKeyEventL
( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
TKeyResponse resp = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
resp = iDlgObserver.OfferKeyEventL( *this, aKeyEvent, aType );
if ( resp == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
// Handle EKeyEscape specially - for it the
// dialog has to be closed immediately.
if ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyEscape )
CLOG_WRITE(" Offer: EKeyEscape - CancelPopup");
resp = EKeyWasConsumed;
if ( 0 < KRefreshIntervalMicroSeconds )
// Scrolling effects refresh timer
// If a download becomes visible due to scrolling, it is immediately updated.
TBool refreshNeeded = EFalse;
TInt refreshIndex = 0;
if ( aType == EEventKey
&& ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftUpArrow // Northwest
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EStdKeyDevice10 // : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow // North
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightUpArrow // Northeast
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EStdKeyDevice11 ) ) // : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
if ( 0 < iListBox->TopItemIndex() )
refreshNeeded = ETrue;
refreshIndex = iListBox->TopItemIndex() - 1;
if ( aType == EEventKey
&& ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftDownArrow // Southwest
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EStdKeyDevice13 // : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow // South
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightDownArrow // Southeast
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EStdKeyDevice12 ) ) // : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
if ( iListBox->BottomItemIndex() < ( iDownloadsListArray->Count() - 1 ) )
refreshNeeded = ETrue;
refreshIndex = iListBox->BottomItemIndex() + 1;
if ( refreshNeeded )
// Update the invisible download if it is progressing -
// when it becomes visible, it should show fresh information.
TInt32 dlAttrState = 0;
RHttpDownload& download =
iDownloadsListArray->Download( refreshIndex );
User::LeaveIfError( download.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState, dlAttrState ) );
//Changes for the bug JERI-7P8CF2
//Changes made in the server side to fix the video center receiving unexpected events
//Reassigning these events back to the changes done in server side
if(dlAttrState == EHttpDlCompleted )
dlAttrState = EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted;
else if(dlAttrState == EHttpDlFailed )
dlAttrState = EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed;
if ( dlAttrState == EHttpDlInprogress )
RefreshProgressL( refreshIndex );
// Start refresh timer - there will be at least one visible
// download in EHttpDlInprogress state.
if ( !iRefreshTimer->IsActive() )
TCallBack( RefreshTimerCallback, this ) );
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer strated");
// Forward it to the list box:
if ( resp == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
// Handle Middle Softkey. If it's EKeyEscape sent by Music Player,
// It is considered as being consumed, and no longer needs to do MSK update
resp = iListBox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
return resp;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::VisibleInProgressDownloads
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDownloadsListDlg::VisibleInProgressDownloads() const
TInt visibleInProgressDownloads = 0;
if ( KRefreshIntervalMicroSeconds <= 0 )
// Refresh timer solution is not used. To support this in
// a centralized way, this function returns 0 in this case.
TInt topItemIndex = iListBox->TopItemIndex();
TInt bottomItemIndex = iListBox->BottomItemIndex();
TInt32 dlAttrState = 0;
if (topItemIndex >0)
for ( TInt i = topItemIndex; i <= bottomItemIndex; ++i )
RHttpDownload& download = iDownloadsListArray->Download(i);
if ( download.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState, dlAttrState ) == KErrNone )
if ( dlAttrState == EHttpDlInprogress )
return visibleInProgressDownloads;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::RefreshProgressL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListDlg::RefreshProgressL( TInt aIndex )
TInt32 dlAttrState = EHttpDlInprogress;
RHttpDownload& download = iDownloadsListArray->Download( aIndex );
// Create a local copy
TDownloadUiData dlData = iDownloadsListArray->DlUiData( aIndex );
// Update download state - this must always be done!
dlData.iDownloadState = dlAttrState;
// Update the progress info.
User::LeaveIfError( download.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize,
dlData.iDownloadedSize ) );
User::LeaveIfError( download.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrLength,
dlData.iFullSize ) );
TBool updated = EFalse;
iDownloadsListArray->UpdateIfNeededL( aIndex, dlData, updated );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListDlg::RefreshTimerCallback
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDownloadsListDlg::RefreshTimerCallback( TAny* aPtr )
// Avoid leaving functions in this callback!
TInt err(0);
CDownloadsListDlg* thisDialog = (CDownloadsListDlg*)aPtr;
// When timer completes, the visible list box items' format string is
// regenerated (this is relatively fast), and if it differs from the
// current string, the list box item is updated, and then the timer is
// restarted. This applies only for inprogress downlods.
TInt topItemIndex = thisDialog->iListBox->TopItemIndex();
TInt bottomItemIndex = thisDialog->iListBox->BottomItemIndex();
// Count visible inprogress downloads. If there is no such,
// timer is stopped.
TInt visibleInProgressDownloads = 0;
for ( TInt i = topItemIndex; i <= bottomItemIndex; ++i )
TInt32 dlAttrState = 0;
RHttpDownload& download = thisDialog->iDownloadsListArray->Download(i);
if ( download.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState, dlAttrState ) == KErrNone )
if ( dlAttrState == EHttpDlInprogress )
TBool updated = EFalse;
// Create a local copy
TDownloadUiData dlData =
// Update download state - this must always be done!
dlData.iDownloadState = dlAttrState;
// Update the progress info.
err = download.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize,
dlData.iDownloadedSize );
if ( !err )
err = download.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrLength,
dlData.iFullSize );
if ( !err )
TRAP( err, thisDialog->iDownloadsListArray->UpdateIfNeededL
( i, dlData, updated ) );
// Refresh the view
if ( !err && updated )
thisDialog->HandleModelChangeL( EDownloadChanged, i );
// HandleModelChangeL with EDownloadChanged is not leaving
// so no nedd to trap it!
if ( !visibleInProgressDownloads )
CLOG_WRITE(" iRefreshTimer cancelled");
return KErrNone;
/* End of file. */