author Kiiskinen Klaus (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Fri, 08 May 2009 08:25:06 +0300
changeset 8 7c90e6132015
parent 0 dd21522fd290
child 36 0ed94ceaa377
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200915 Kit: 200918

* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Associate list box text array with array of downloads.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <DownloadMgrClient.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <bamdesca.h>
#include <apgcli.h>

/** Mask download state in order more than one state can be passed in an 
    integer variable. EHttpDlCreated is the first enum. */
#define MASKED_DL_STATE( aState ) ( 0x01<<(TInt)((TInt)aState-(TInt)EHttpDlCreated) )

LOCAL_D const TInt KMaxDownloadItemTextPartLength = 64; // Be careful when using this!

class RApaLsSession;
class CCoeEnv;
class CGulIcon;
class CProgressInfoCreator;
class CFbsBitmap;
class CApaMaskedBitmap;


        TBuf<KMaxPath> iName;
        TBuf<KMaxPath> iDestFileName;
        TBuf8<KMaxContentTypeLength> iContentType;
        TInt32 iDownloadState;
        TInt32 iFullSize;
        TInt32 iDownloadedSize;
        TInt   iIconIndex;
        TBool  iPausable;
        TBool  iIsOnExternalMemory;
		TInt32 iProgressState;
		TInt32 iNumMediaObjects;
		TInt32 iActiveMoIndex;
/// Array of UI data T objects.
typedef CArrayFixFlat< TDownloadUiData > CDownloadUiDataArray;

*  Associate (list box) text array with array of downloads (pointers to downloads).
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDownloadsListArray ) : public CBase
    public:  // Constructors and destructor
        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CDownloadsListArray* NewL();
        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CDownloadsListArray();

    public: // New functions

        // *********** Getters

        /// Get reference to the text array
        inline MDesCArray& ItemTextArray() const;
        /// Get reference to the icon array
        inline CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>& IconArray() const;
        /// Get reference to the download array
        inline CDownloadArray& DownloadArray() const;
        /// Array count
        inline TInt Count() const;
        /// Get pointer to the formatted list text at aIndex
        inline TPtrC Text( TInt aIndex ) const;
        /// Get reference to the download at aIndex
        inline RHttpDownload& Download( TInt aIndex ) const;
        /// Get reference to the download data data structure at aIndex
        inline TDownloadUiData& DlUiData( TInt aIndex ) const;

        // *********** Setters: append, update and delete

        /// Append icon. The item index is returned. Ownership taken.
        TInt AppendL( CGulIcon* aIcon );
        /// Append data & download. The download cannot be in the list, 
        TInt AppendL( const TDownloadUiData& aDownloadUiData, 
                      const RHttpDownload& aDownload );
        /// Update only the data at aIndex
        void UpdateL( TInt aIndex, const TDownloadUiData& aDownloadUiData );
        /// Update only the data at aIndex
        void UpdateIfNeededL( 
            TInt aIndex, 
            const TDownloadUiData& aDownloadUiData, 
            TBool& aUpdated );
        /// Delete association item at aIndex.
        void Delete( TInt aIndex );
        /// Ownership type change for icon array.
        void SetIconArrayOwnedExternally( TBool aOwnedExt );

        * Handler application icon handling
        * @return The index of the inserted icon.
        TInt AddHandlerAppIconL( const TDesC8& aContentType );

        // *********** Search utility

        inline TInt Find( const RHttpDownload& aDownload, TInt& aIndex ) const;

        * Return the number of downloads in the list in the given states.
        * @param aDownloadStates Mask of download stated interested.
        * @return The count.
        TInt DownloadsCount( TUint16 aDownloadStates );

    protected: // Constructors

        * C++ default constructor.

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();


        * Construct the list box item text from the T object.
        TPtrC LBTextFromUiData( const TDownloadUiData& aDownloadUiData );

        * The length of list box item text from the T object.
        TInt LBTextLength( const TDownloadUiData& aDownloadUiData );

        * Useful default icon handling
        void AddDefaultIconsL();

        * Find the UID of the application which is registered for aContentType.
        * @return ETrue if the app was found. EFalse otherwise.
        TBool FindHandlerApp( const TDesC8& aContentType, TUid& aAppUid ) const;

        * Load the application icon. The application is identified by aAppUid.
        * This method puts both aBitmap and aMask in the cleanup stack.
        void LoadAppIconLC( TUid aAppUid, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, CFbsBitmap*& aMask );
        TBool IsSupportedL(const TDownloadUiData&);

    private: // Data

        RApaLsSession iApaLsSess; ///< Owned.
        CCoeEnv& iCoeEnv; ///< Reference to CONE environment.
        HBufC* iMbmResourceFileName; ///< UiLib's mbm full file name. Owned.

        // iDownloadArray, iUiDataArray, iListBoxTextArray has one-to-one correlation.
        CDownloadArray*       iDownloadArray; ///< Owned.
        CDownloadUiDataArray* iUiDataArray; ///< Owned.
        CDesCArrayFlat*       iListBoxTextArray; ///< Owned.

        CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iListBoxIconArray; ///< Owned/not owned. See iOwnedExt.
        TBool iOwnedExt; ///< Is iListBoxIconArray owned externally?

        CProgressInfoCreator* iProgressInfoCreator; ///< Utility. Owned.
        HBufC* iNewItemText; ///< Temp storage for LBTextFromUiData(). Owned.
        TBuf<KMaxDownloadItemTextPartLength> iTempBuf; ///< Temp storage.
        /** Temp storage. Should be long enough to hold R_DMUL_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE 
            localized string or the progress info (max 14). */
        TBuf<KMaxDownloadItemTextPartLength> iProgressInfoRes;
        TInt iPausedIconIndex; ///< Default icon index in list box model
        TInt iExternalMemoryIconIndex; ///< Default icon index in list box model
        HBufC* iCompletedString; ///< Owned.
        HBufC* iSavedToGalleryString; ///< Owned.

        HBufC* iSavedToDownloadsFolderString;
        HBufC* iFileSavedString;
        HBufC* iFilesSavedString;

        HBufC* iNullDesC; ///< Owned.

        CApaMaskedBitmap* iApaMaskedBitmap; ///< Temp storage. Owned.
        TBool                       iPlatformSupportsGallery;


inline MDesCArray& CDownloadsListArray::ItemTextArray() const
    return (*iListBoxTextArray);

inline CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>& CDownloadsListArray::IconArray() const
    return (*iListBoxIconArray);

inline CDownloadArray& CDownloadsListArray::DownloadArray() const
    return (*iDownloadArray);

inline TInt CDownloadsListArray::Count() const
    return (iListBoxTextArray->Count());

inline TPtrC CDownloadsListArray::Text( TInt aIndex ) const
    return (iListBoxTextArray->MdcaPoint(aIndex));

// No index boundary check - using operator []!
inline RHttpDownload& CDownloadsListArray::Download( TInt aIndex ) const
    return *(*iDownloadArray)[aIndex];

// No index boundary check - using operator []!
inline TDownloadUiData& CDownloadsListArray::DlUiData( TInt aIndex ) const
    return (*iUiDataArray)[aIndex];

inline TInt CDownloadsListArray::Find
    ( const RHttpDownload& aDownload, TInt& aIndex ) const
    TInt count = Count();
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
        if ( (*iDownloadArray)[i] == &aDownload )
            aIndex = i;
            return KErrNone;
    return KErrNotFound;