* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of CHttpCacheManager
#include "httpcachemanager.h"
#include "HttpCacheHandler.h"
#include "HttpCacheUtil.h"
#include "HttpCacheFileWriteHandler.h"
#include <CenRepNotifyHandler.h>
#include <httpcachemanagerinternalcrkeys.h>
#include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <FeatMgr.h>
#include <http/RHTTPTransaction.h>
#include <SysUtilDomainCRKeys.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32hashtab.h>
#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerpluginresolver.h>
// kbyte
const TUint KDefaultCacheSize = 1048576; // 1MB = 1024*1024
const TUint KDefaultOperatorCacheSize = 300*1024; // 300KB
_LIT( KDefaultCacheDrive, "c");
_LIT( KDefaultCacheDir, "c:\\system\\cache\\");
_LIT( KDefaultOperatorCacheDir, "c:\\system\\cache\\");
_LIT( KDefaultVssCacheDir, "c:\\system\\cache\\vss\\");
_LIT( KDefaultIndexFile, "index.dat" );
_LIT( KDefaultOpIndexFile, "index_op.dat" );
_LIT( KDefaultVSSIndexFile, "index_vss.dat" );
_LIT( KIndexFileExtension, ".dat" );
_LIT( KCrashCheck, "browser.val");
_LIT( KValidationFileExtension, ".val" );
_LIT8( KVSSHeaderFieldName, "X-Vodafone-Content" );
_LIT8( KVSSHeaderFieldValue, "Portal" );
// default override string, browser gets 2MB, widgetUI gets 1MB, OVI Store gets 1MB : max 4MB.
_LIT( KDefaultOverrideString, "10008D39;1;2048;C;10282822;1;1024;C;102829A0;1;1024;C" );
#define KUIDBROWSERNG 0x10008D39
#define KUIDWIDGETUI 0x10282822
#define KUIDOVISTORE 0x102829A0
TBool IsBrowser()
RProcess process;
TSecureId secId = process.SecureId();
TUint32 secIdInt = secId;
return ( secIdInt == KUIDBROWSERNG );
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::CHttpCacheManager
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpCacheManager::CHttpCacheManager():iCacheFolder( KDefaultCacheDir )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheManager::ConstructL()
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("-------------------------------------------"));
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("| Creating new CHttpCacheManager Instance |"), (TInt)this);
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("-------------------------------------------"));
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("Created cache handlers"), (TInt)this);
// read offline mode
if( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdOfflineMode ) )
// check if connection is not allowed and
// come up with a listerner on the offline setting
TInt connAllowed( 1 );
iOfflineRepository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs );
iOfflineRepository->Get( KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, connAllowed );
iOfflineMode = !connAllowed;
iOfflineNotifyHandler = CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL( *this, *iOfflineRepository,
CCenRepNotifyHandler::EIntKey, (TUint32)KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CHttpCacheManager* CHttpCacheManager::NewL()
CHttpCacheManager* self = new( ELeave ) CHttpCacheManager();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("-----------------------------------------"));
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("| Destroying CHttpCacheManager Instance | "), (TInt)this);
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("-----------------------------------------"));
if( IsBrowser() ) // only enabled in browser
// delete crashcheck.dat file
RFs rfs;
rfs.SetSessionPath( iCacheFolder );
delete iOfflineNotifyHandler;
delete iOfflineRepository;
delete iCache;
delete iOperatorCache;
delete iOpDomain;
delete iphoneSpecificCache;
delete iVSSWhiteList;
delete iFileWriteHandler;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::VSSRequestCheck
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheManager::VSSRequestCheckL( const RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
const RHTTPHeaders& aHttpHeader,
const TDesC8& aUrl )
TBool VSSTransaction ( EFalse );
if ( iVSSCacheEnabled && HttpCacheUtil::VSSCacheContent( aUrl, iVSSWhiteList ) )
RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
RHTTPHeaders headers ( aHttpHeader );
HBufC8* responseHeaderStr8 = HttpCacheUtil::HeadersToBufferLC( headers, strP );
HBufC* responseHeaderStr;
if( responseHeaderStr8 )
responseHeaderStr = HBufC::NewL( responseHeaderStr8->Length() );
responseHeaderStr->Des().Copy( responseHeaderStr8->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // responseHeaderStr8;
TPtrC headerStr( responseHeaderStr->Des() );
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("========== VSS Header Start =========\n") );
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, responseHeaderStr->Des() );
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("========== VSS Header End =========\n") );
delete responseHeaderStr;
TPtrC8 nameStr ( KVSSHeaderFieldName() );
RStringF VSSnameStr = strP.OpenFStringL( nameStr );
CleanupClosePushL<RStringF>( VSSnameStr);
THTTPHdrVal tempVal;
if ( aHttpHeader.GetField( VSSnameStr, 0, tempVal ) == KErrNone )
TPtrC8 valueStr ( KVSSHeaderFieldValue() );
RStringF VSSValueStr = strP.OpenFStringL( valueStr );
CleanupClosePushL<RStringF>( VSSValueStr );
if ( tempVal == VSSValueStr )
VSSTransaction = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // VSSValueStr
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // VSSnameStr
} //end if( iVSSCacheEnabled && HttpCacheUtil::VSSCacheContent( aUrl, iVSSWhiteList ) )
return VSSTransaction;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::RequestL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpCacheManager::RequestL(
RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlCacheMode aCacheMode,
THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
TInt status( KErrNotFound );
if( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled )
CHttpCacheHandler* cache = CacheHandler( aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes(), NULL ) ;
// adjust cache mode in case of offline operation
if( iOfflineMode )
aCacheMode = TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeOnlyCache;
if( cache )
status = cache->RequestL( aTrans, aCacheMode, aCacheEntry );
// save cache handler even if the entry is not in the cache
// so that when the response comes back, we do not need to
// check the url
if( status == KErrNotFound && iVSSCacheEnabled )
status = iphoneSpecificCache->RequestL( aTrans, aCacheMode, aCacheEntry );
if( (status == KErrNotReady) || (status == KErrNone ) )
aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler = iphoneSpecificCache;
// No entry found in any cache. Default to normal cache
aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler = cache;
aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler = cache;
} //end if( cache )
}//end if( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled )
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::RequestHeadersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpCacheManager::RequestHeadersL(
RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
TInt status( KErrNotFound );
if( ( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled ) && aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler )
status = aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler->RequestHeadersL( aTrans, aCacheEntry );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::RequestNextChunkL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CHttpCacheManager::RequestNextChunkL(
RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
TBool& aLastChunk,
THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
HBufC8* bodyStr = NULL;
if( ( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled ) && aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler )
bodyStr = aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler->RequestNextChunkL( aTrans, aLastChunk, aCacheEntry );
return bodyStr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::RequestClosed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpCacheManager::RequestClosed(
RHTTPTransaction* aTrans,
THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
if( ( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled ) && aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler )
aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler->RequestClosed( aTrans, aCacheEntry );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::ReceivedResponseHeadersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpCacheManager::ReceivedResponseHeadersL(
RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
if ( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled )
if ( iVSSCacheEnabled &&
VSSRequestCheckL( aTrans, aTrans.Response().GetHeaderCollection(),
aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() ) )
//Modify the cache handler if VSS specific
aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler = iphoneSpecificCache;
if ( aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler )
aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler->ReceivedResponseHeadersL( aTrans, aCacheEntry );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::ReceivedResponseBodyDataL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpCacheManager::ReceivedResponseBodyDataL(
RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
MHTTPDataSupplier& aBodyDataSupplier,
THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
if( ( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled ) && aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler )
aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler->ReceivedResponseBodyDataL( aTrans, aBodyDataSupplier, aCacheEntry );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::ResponseComplete
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpCacheManager::ResponseComplete(
RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
if( ( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled ) && aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler )
aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler->ResponseComplete( aTrans, aCacheEntry );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::RemoveAllL
// Removes all files from HTTP cache. Also tries to remove orphaned files,
// i.e files found on disk, but not registered in the cache's lookup table
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpCacheManager::RemoveAllL()
TInt numOfBytes( 0 );
// do not remove op cache
if( iCacheEnabled )
numOfBytes = iCache->RemoveAllL();
//failure here is not mission critical
TRAP_IGNORE( RemoveOrphanedFilesL() );
return numOfBytes;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::RemoveOrphanedFilesL
// Removes header/body files that exist on the file-system, but are not known to the in-memory Cache lookup table(s)
// We do this because cache performance degrades substantially if there are too many files in a Symbian FAT32 directory.
// Browser crash or out-of-battery situations may cause SaveLookuptable() to be not called, leading to such "orphaned files".
// Due to high file-server interaction, don't call this method from performance critical code.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheManager::RemoveOrphanedFilesL()
// Only proceed if we are running the browser configuration, otherwise we will accidentally
// remove content we shouldn't.
// get our SID.
if( !IsBrowser() )
// Step 1. Get map of disk content
RFs rfs;
User::LeaveIfError( rfs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( rfs );
// Map that contains pointers to fully-qualified file paths as Keys, and "to be deleted flag" as Value.
// Initially we mark everything as a candidate for deletion.
CHttpCacheFileHash *onDiskFilesMap = NULL;
HttpCacheUtil::GenerateCacheContentHashMapL( onDiskFilesMap, rfs, iCacheFolder, KCacheFileNeedsDelete );
CleanupStack::PushL( onDiskFilesMap );
// mark everything in the cache as no delete needed.
MarkAllCacheContentAsNoDelete( onDiskFilesMap );
// tell any other clients that we are about to remove their cached content
WipeAllOtherIndexFilesL( onDiskFilesMap, rfs );
// delete any remaining marked files
DeleteMarkedFilesL( onDiskFilesMap, rfs );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, onDiskFilesMap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, &rfs );
void CHttpCacheManager::MarkAllCacheContentAsNoDelete( CHttpCacheFileHash* aOnDiskFilesMap )
//Step 2. Get list of known (non-orphaned) files in each Cache's in-memory lookup table. Flag them as DO NOT DELETE
//Ask CacheHandlers to add their KNOWN files to this array. No ownership transfer occurs.
//Don't go ahead if any of the cache handlers choke to insure correct deletion of files.
if( iCache )
if( iOperatorCache )
if( iphoneSpecificCache )
void CHttpCacheManager::GenerateEmptyIndexFileL(const TDesC& aIndexFile, RFs& aRfs )
// Going to remove non-web client cache files in OrphanedFilesL call,
// Signal to these clients by emptying (or creating) an 'empty' index file
// do this before we start cleaning up files, to lessen the chances that any
// of the files are in use when we're trying to delete them.
// 'adopt' code from httpcachelookuptable for dealing with indexes.
// save entries to index.dat
RFileWriteStream writeStream;
TInt ret = KErrNone;
TInt tryCount = 0;
for (tryCount = 0; tryCount < 5; tryCount++)
ret = writeStream.Replace( aRfs, aIndexFile, EFileWrite );
if (ret == KErrInUse)
// When the cache is full, it takes 65 - 85 miliseconds to write the index.
// So wait 50 miliseconds and try again
if( ret == KErrNone )
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
writeStream.WriteInt32L( KCacheVersionNumber );
writeStream.WriteInt32L( 0 ); // no entries in the index.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // writeStream
void CHttpCacheManager::WipeAllOtherIndexFilesL( CHttpCacheFileHash* aOnDiskFilesMap, RFs& aRfs )
// look through hashmap for any .dat files which don't belong to the instantiated caches and overwrite them with blank ones.
THttpCacheFileHashIter iter( aOnDiskFilesMap->HashMap() );
const TDesC* key;
while ((key = iter.NextKey()) != 0)
const TFileInfo* value ( (iter.CurrentValue()) );
if( value->iUserInt == KCacheFileNeedsDelete )
TPtrC ext( key->Right(KIndexFileExtension().Length()) );
if ( ext.CompareF( KIndexFileExtension ) == 0 ) // find any .dat index files
GenerateEmptyIndexFileL( *key , aRfs );
void CHttpCacheManager::DeleteMarkedFilesL( CHttpCacheFileHash* aOnDiskFilesMap, RFs& aRfs )
//Step 3. Delete all files on disk that don't belong to any of the Cache Handlers.
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( aRfs );
THttpCacheFileHashIter iter( aOnDiskFilesMap->HashMap() );
const TDesC* key;
while ((key = iter.NextKey()) != 0)
const TFileInfo* value ( (iter.CurrentValue()) );
if( value->iUserInt == KCacheFileNeedsDelete )
TPtrC ext( key->Right(KIndexFileExtension().Length()) );
if ( ext.CompareF( KIndexFileExtension ) != 0 && // ignore any .dat index files
ext.CompareF( KValidationFileExtension ) != 0 ) // ignore any .val files
fileMan->Delete( *key );
delete fileMan;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::RemoveL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpCacheManager::RemoveL(
const TDesC8& aUrl )
TInt status( KErrNotFound );
if( iCacheEnabled )
// do not remove op cache
status = iCache->RemoveL( aUrl );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::Find
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CHttpCacheManager::Find(
const TDesC8& aUrl )
TBool found( EFalse );
if( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled )
CHttpCacheHandler* cache = CacheHandler( aUrl, NULL );
if( cache )
found = cache->Find( aUrl );
if( !found && iVSSCacheEnabled )
found = iphoneSpecificCache->Find( aUrl );
return found;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::VSSHeaderCheck
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheManager::VSSHeaderCheck( TDes8* aHttpHeaderString ) const
TBool found ( EFalse );
if( aHttpHeaderString->Size() > 0 )
TPtrC8 nameStr8( KVSSHeaderFieldName() );
TInt VSSnameLocation = aHttpHeaderString->FindC( nameStr8 ) ;
if ( VSSnameLocation != KErrNotFound )
TPtrC8 valueStr8( KVSSHeaderFieldValue() );
TInt VSSvalueLocation = aHttpHeaderString->FindC( KVSSHeaderFieldValue() );
if ( (VSSvalueLocation != KErrNotFound ) && ( VSSnameLocation < VSSvalueLocation ) )
found = ETrue;
} //end if ( VSSnameLocation != KErrNotFound )
} //end if( aHttpHeaderString.Size() > 0 )
return found;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::SaveL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CHttpCacheManager::SaveL(
const TDesC8& aUrl,
const TDesC8& aHeader,
const TDesC8& aContent,
const TDesC8& aHttpHeaderString)
TBool saved( EFalse );
if( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled )
HBufC8* headerStr = HBufC8::NewL( aHttpHeaderString.Length() );
headerStr->Des().Copy( aHttpHeaderString );
TPtr8 headerStrPtr8 ( headerStr->Des() ); //Any Type of TPtrc8
CHttpCacheHandler* cache = CacheHandler( aUrl, &headerStrPtr8 );
delete headerStr;
if( cache )
saved = cache->SaveL( aUrl, aHeader, aContent );
return saved;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::AddHeaderL
// Not supported for Vodafone specific storage.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpCacheManager::AddHeaderL(
const TDesC8& aUrl,
const TDesC8& aName,
const TDesC8& aValue )
TBool status( KErrNotFound );
if( iCacheEnabled || iVSSCacheEnabled )
CHttpCacheHandler* cache = CacheHandler( aUrl, NULL );
if( cache )
status = cache->AddHeaderL( aUrl, aName, aValue );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::CreateCacheHandlersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheManager::HandleNotifyString(
const TUint32 aKeyId,
const TDesC& aValue )
// check offline mode
if( aKeyId == KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed )
iOfflineMode = ( aValue == _L("1") ? EFalse : ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::CreateCacheHandlersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheManager::CreateCacheHandlersL()
// get our SID.
RProcess process;
TSecureId secId = process.SecureId();
TUint32 secIdInt = secId;
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidCacheManager);
CRepository* repositoryDiskLevel = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidDiskLevel);
// Get Cache Postpone Parameters.
THttpCachePostponeParameters postpone;
TBool newCentrepPresent;
GetPostponeParamsL( newCentrepPresent, postpone, repository );
// apply default cache configuration - no cache for anyone, sizes set to default.
iCacheEnabled = EFalse;
TInt cacheSize( KDefaultCacheSize );
iCacheFolder.Copy( KDefaultCacheDir );
TBool opCacheEnabled( EFalse );
iOperatorCache = 0;
TInt opCacheSize = KDefaultOperatorCacheSize;
TFileName opCacheFolder( KDefaultOperatorCacheDir );
iVSSCacheEnabled = EFalse;
TInt vssCacheSize = KDefaultOperatorCacheSize;
TFileName vssCacheFolder( KDefaultVssCacheDir );
// if the new Centrep file is present, we trust it's configured properly.
GetHttpCacheConfigL( *repository, iCacheEnabled, cacheSize, iCacheFolder );
GetOperatorCacheConfigL( *repository, opCacheEnabled, opCacheSize, opCacheFolder );
GetVSSCacheConfigL( *repository, iVSSCacheEnabled, vssCacheSize, vssCacheFolder );
// look for per-process overrides in central repository. Do this before we get drive critical levels so we're on the right
// drive.
// This has a default string which applies the new per-client default configuration
ApplyCacheOverridesL(*repository, secIdInt, iCacheEnabled, cacheSize, opCacheEnabled, iVSSCacheEnabled, iCacheFolder, KDefaultCacheDrive());
TInt criticalLevel = 0;
GetCriticalDriveLevelsL( *repositoryDiskLevel, iCacheFolder, criticalLevel );
// Create any caches we should be using.
if (iCacheEnabled)
CreateHttpCacheL( secIdInt, cacheSize, criticalLevel, postpone );
if (opCacheEnabled)
CreateOperatorCacheL( *repository, opCacheFolder, opCacheSize, criticalLevel, postpone );
} //end if( iCacheEnabled )
if ( iVSSCacheEnabled )
CreateVssCacheL( *repository, vssCacheFolder, vssCacheSize, criticalLevel, postpone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // repository, repositoryDiskLevel
CrashCheckL( secIdInt );
void CHttpCacheManager::ApplyCacheOverridesL(CRepository& aRepository, const TUint32& aSecIdInt, TBool& aCacheEnabled, TInt& aCacheSize, TBool& aOpCacheEnabled, TBool& aVssCacheEnabled, TDes& aPath, const TDesC& aDefaultDrive)
TDriveUnit drive(aDefaultDrive);
// set defaults
if(aSecIdInt == KUIDBROWSERNG) // for the browser, force use of Operator and VSS caches
aOpCacheEnabled = ETrue;
aVssCacheEnabled = ETrue;
// read override string from centrep
HBufC16 *overrideBuf = HBufC16::NewLC(64);
TPtr overrideStr(overrideBuf->Des());
TInt strLen;
TInt err = aRepository.Get(KCacheManagerHttpCacheProcessOverride, overrideStr, strLen);
if(strLen > overrideBuf->Length())
overrideBuf = overrideBuf->ReAllocL(strLen);
// make sure cleanup stack contains correct pointer since ReAllocL always allocates a new des for larger space.
// reassign the TPtr
// pull in the whole string
aRepository.Get(KCacheManagerHttpCacheProcessOverride, overrideStr, strLen);
// if we failed to load an override string, use the default.
if( overrideStr.Length() == 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( overrideBuf );
overrideBuf = KDefaultOverrideString().AllocLC();
overrideStr.Set( overrideBuf->Des() );
// Built in Lex likes white space to separate strings, but easier to enter with ; separators. Replace all ; with spaces.
TInt pos=0;
if(overrideStr[pos] == ';')
overrideStr[pos] = ' ';
}while(pos < overrideStr.Length());
TLex overrideLex(overrideStr);
TUint32 tempId;
if(overrideLex.TokenLength() != 8) // if we're not pointing at an SID in the string, we are incorrect and the override is broken.
TInt32 tempCacheEnabled;
TInt32 tempCacheSize;
TDriveUnit tempDrive(overrideLex.NextToken());
// found a hex SID matching ours, use the parameters.
if(tempId == aSecIdInt)
aCacheEnabled = tempCacheEnabled;
aCacheSize = tempCacheSize * 1024; // conf is in KB
drive = tempDrive;
// Modify drive letter on aPath to match
TParsePtr parsePath(aPath);
TPtrC pathStr(parsePath.Path());
TPath tempPath;
tempPath.Format(_L("%c:%S"), TInt(drive)+'A', &pathStr);
HttpCacheUtil::EnsureTrailingSlash( aPath );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheManager::CacheHandler
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpCacheHandler* CHttpCacheManager::CacheHandler(
const TDesC8& aUrl,
TDes8* aHttpHeaderString ) const
CHttpCacheHandler* cache;
if( iVSSCacheEnabled && aHttpHeaderString && VSSHeaderCheck( aHttpHeaderString ) )
cache = iphoneSpecificCache;
cache = ( ( iOpDomain && HttpCacheUtil::OperatorCacheContent( iOpDomain->Des(), aUrl ) ) ? iOperatorCache : iCache );
return cache;
void CHttpCacheManager::GetPostponeParamsL( TBool& aNewCentrepPresent, THttpCachePostponeParameters& aParams, CRepository* aRepo )
aNewCentrepPresent = EFalse;
if (KErrNone == aRepo->Get(KCacheWritePostponeEnabled,
aNewCentrepPresent = ETrue;
void CHttpCacheManager::GetHttpCacheConfigL( CRepository& aRepository, TBool& aCacheEnabled, TInt& aCacheSize, TDes& aCacheFolder )
// General HTTP Cache
TBool cacheEnabled( EFalse );
aCacheFolder.Copy( KDefaultCacheDir );
TInt err = aRepository.Get(KCacheManagerHttpCacheEnabled, cacheEnabled);
aCacheEnabled = cacheEnabled;
if( err == KErrNone )
// cache size
TInt tempCacheSize;
if( aRepository.Get(KCacheManagerHttpCacheSize, tempCacheSize) == KErrNone )
aCacheSize = tempCacheSize;
// cache location
TFileName tempCacheLocation;
if( aRepository.Get(KCacheManagerHttpCacheFolder, tempCacheLocation) == KErrNone )
aCacheFolder.Copy( tempCacheLocation );
HttpCacheUtil::EnsureTrailingSlash( aCacheFolder );
void CHttpCacheManager::GetOperatorCacheConfigL( CRepository& aRepository, TBool& aOpCacheEnabled, TInt& aOpCacheSize, TDes& aOpCacheFolder )
// Operator Cache
aOpCacheEnabled = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdOperatorCache);
if( aOpCacheEnabled )
TInt tempOpCacheSize;
if( aRepository.Get(KOperatorCacheSize, tempOpCacheSize) == KErrNone )
aOpCacheSize = tempOpCacheSize;
// op cache folder
TFileName tempOpCacheFolder;
if( aRepository.Get(KOperatorCacheFolder, tempOpCacheFolder) == KErrNone )
aOpCacheFolder.Copy( tempOpCacheFolder );
HttpCacheUtil::EnsureTrailingSlash( aOpCacheFolder );
void CHttpCacheManager::GetVSSCacheConfigL( CRepository& aRepository, TBool& aVSSCacheEnabled, TInt& aVssCacheSize, TDes& aVssCacheFolder )
// VSS Cache
TInt VSScacheEnabled(0);
TInt err = aRepository.Get(KPhoneSpecificCacheEnabled, VSScacheEnabled);
aVSSCacheEnabled = VSScacheEnabled;
if ( err == KErrNone && aVSSCacheEnabled )
TInt tempVSSCacheSize;
if( aRepository.Get(KPhoneSpecificCacheSize, tempVSSCacheSize) == KErrNone )
aVssCacheSize = tempVSSCacheSize;
TFileName tempVSScacheFolder;
if( aRepository.Get(KPhoneSpecificCacheFolder, tempVSScacheFolder) == KErrNone )
aVssCacheFolder.Copy( tempVSScacheFolder );
HttpCacheUtil::EnsureTrailingSlash( aVssCacheFolder );
void CHttpCacheManager::GetCriticalDriveLevelsL( CRepository& aRepository, const TDesC& aCacheFolder, TInt& aCriticalLevel )
// get drive letter for sysutil
TParsePtrC pathParser( aCacheFolder );
TDriveUnit drive = pathParser.Drive();
// get critical level
// RAM drive can have different critical level
TVolumeInfo vinfo;
User::LeaveIfError(CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession().Volume(vinfo, drive));
User::LeaveIfError(aRepository.Get((vinfo.iDrive.iType == EMediaRam ? KRamDiskCriticalLevel : KDiskCriticalThreshold), aCriticalLevel));
void CHttpCacheManager::CreateHttpCacheL( const TInt& aSecIdInt, const TInt& aCacheSize, const TInt& aCriticalLevel, const THttpCachePostponeParameters& aPostpone )
// browser gets the normal index.dat name, other clients get <SID>.dat
TFileName indexFile( KDefaultIndexFile() );
if( aSecIdInt != KUIDBROWSERNG )
indexFile.Format(_L("%08x.dat"), aSecIdInt);
// create cache handler
iCache = CHttpCacheHandler::NewL( aCacheSize, iCacheFolder, indexFile, aCriticalLevel, aPostpone);
void CHttpCacheManager::CreateOperatorCacheL( CRepository& aRepository, const TDesC& aOpCacheFolder, const TInt& aOpCacheSize, const TInt& aCriticalLevel, const THttpCachePostponeParameters& aPostpone )
TBuf<512> url;
// if domain is missing, then no need to read further
if (aRepository.Get(KOperatorDomainUrl, url) == KErrNone)
HBufC8* opDomain8 = HBufC8::NewL(url.Length());
TInt slashPos = opDomain8->LocateReverse('/');
if (slashPos == -1)
slashPos = 0;
TPtrC8 temp = opDomain8->Left(slashPos);
iOpDomain = temp.AllocL();
// create op cache
iOperatorCache = CHttpCacheHandler::NewL( aOpCacheSize, aOpCacheFolder, KDefaultOpIndexFile(), aCriticalLevel, aPostpone);
void CHttpCacheManager::CreateVssCacheL( CRepository& aRepository, const TDesC& aVssCacheFolder, const TInt& aVssCacheSize, const TInt& aCriticalLevel, const THttpCachePostponeParameters& aPostpone )
//Get the white list
TBuf<2048> whiteList;
if (aRepository.Get(KPhoneSpecificCacheDomainUrl, whiteList) == KErrNone)
iVSSWhiteList = HBufC8::NewL(whiteList.Length());
iVSSWhiteList = NULL;
// create cache handler
iphoneSpecificCache = CHttpCacheHandler::NewL(aVssCacheSize, aVssCacheFolder, KDefaultVSSIndexFile(), aCriticalLevel, aPostpone);
void CHttpCacheManager::CrashCheckL( const TInt& aSecIdInt )
if( aSecIdInt == KUIDBROWSERNG )
// Remove orphan files if browser didn't close cache properly - should only happen very occasionally
// We leave a file on the drive when we are in use and remove it when we close properly
// If the file is already there we expect files in the cache which have not been added to the index.
RFs rfs;
User::LeaveIfError( rfs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( rfs );
rfs.SetSessionPath( iCacheFolder );
RFile crashTest;
TInt err = crashTest.Create(rfs,KCrashCheck(),EFileRead);
if ( err == KErrAlreadyExists )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog(0, _L("Crash detected - removing orphan files"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rfs );
// End of File