* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: State Engine
#include "rt_uievent.h"
#include "timerinterface.h"
#include "statemachine_v2.h"
#include "uieventsender.h"
#include "stateengineconfiguration.h"
namespace stmUiEventEngine
* Define THwEvent since we need the point, the type and timestamp to be stored.
* The HW event is used also to handle the timer events so that the wrapper class calling the
* state machine will handle the starting, canceling etc. of the timers and the state machine
* sees the timers as messages. This hopefully makes it easier to keep the core state machine as
* OS agnostic as possible.
class THwEvent
THwEvent() {} ;
THwEvent(const THwEvent& ev):
iType(ev.iType), iPosition(ev.iPosition),
iTime(ev.iTime), iTarget(ev.iTarget), iPointerNumber(ev.iPointerNumber) {}
THwEvent(TStateMachineEvent code,
const TPoint& pos,
TTime time,
void* aTarget,
TInt aPointerNr):
iType(code), iPosition(pos),
iTime(time), iTarget(aTarget), iPointerNumber(aPointerNr)
TStateMachineEvent iType ;
TPoint iPosition ;
TTime iTime ;
void* iTarget ;
TInt iPointerNumber ;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CStateEngine ) : public CBase
* constructor and destructor
CStateEngine(CStateEngineConfiguration* aConfig, MTimerInterface* timerif, int index) ;
~CStateEngine() ;
* The methods needed for state machine
void ConsumeEvent() ;
bool IsTouchTimer() ;
bool IsHoldTimer() ;
bool IsSuppressTimer() ;
bool IsTouchTimeArea() ;
bool IsTouchArea() ;
bool IsHoldArea() ;
bool InsideTouchTimeArea() ;
bool InsideTouchArea() ;
bool InsideHoldArea() ;
bool LooksLikeHold() ;
void ErrorEvent() ;
void InitTouchTimer() ;
void InitHoldTimer() ;
void RestartHoldTimer() ;
void InitTouchSuppressTimer() ;
void InitMoveSuppressTimer() ;
void ClearTouchTimer() ;
void ClearHoldTimer() ;
void ClearSuppressTimer() ;
void ProduceTouch() ;
void ProduceMove() ;
void ProduceRelease() ;
void ProduceHold() ;
void RenameToDrag() ;
void PrepareTouchTimeArea() ;
void PrepareTouchArea() ;
void PrepareHoldArea() ;
void SetCurrentPos() ;
void SetGestureStart() ;
void AddToTouch() ;
void AddDraggingPos() ;
void StoreMovePos() ;
* The event interface
THwEvent& initEvent()
m_hwe.iPointerNumber = m_index;
return m_hwe;
// event returned by initEvent() must initialized first
bool handleStateEvent() ;
TRect getTouchArea() ;
TRect getHoldArea() ;
bool wasLastMessageFiltered() ;
bool m_eventConsumed ;
THwEvent m_hwe ;
bool isNewHoldingPoint() ;
RPointerArray<THwEvent> iDragPoints;
MTimerInterface* m_timerif ;
RArray<THwEvent> iTouchPoints;
// Variables for running the state machine
TStateMachineState m_currentState ;
bool m_isTimerEvent ; // We need to separate the pointer events and the timer events
TPoint m_currentTouchXY ; // This is the touching point
TPoint m_gestureStartXY ; // gesture started at this point
TPoint m_uiEventXY ; // The UI event XY point.
TPoint m_previousPointerEventPosition ;
TPoint m_deltaVector ;
TRect m_touchRect ;
TRect m_holdRect ;
bool m_wasFiltered ;
void CalculateDelta() ;
void CalculateTouchAverage() ;
void CalculateCurrentVector() ;
TPoint calculateTouchAverageFromPoints() ;
bool InsideArea(const TPoint& point,
const TRect& rect,
TAreaShape shape,
const TPoint& tolerance);
void setTolerance(long fingersize_mm, TPoint& tolerance, TAreaShape shape) ;
void DebugPrintState(TStateMachineState anextstate) ;
inline static TRect ToleranceRect( const TPoint& aCenterPoint, const TPoint& tolerance) ;
void turnStateMachine() ;
TPoint m_touchCentre ;
TPoint m_holdCentre ;
void* m_gestureTarget ;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds getInterval() ;
TTime m_lastMessageTime ;
CUiEvent* createUIEventL(TUiEventCode code, const TPoint& aPos) ;
TPoint getPreviousXY(const TPoint& aXY) ;
TPoint m_previousXY ;
bool isTimerMessage() ;
int m_index ;
TUiEventCode m_previousUiGenerated ;
TPoint m_lastFilteredPosition ;
TTime m_lastFilteredMessageTime ;
CStateEngineConfiguration* m_config ;
bool isStatemachineBlocked;
} // namespace
#endif /* STATEENGINE_H_ */