Bug 2139 - Replace #elif with #else becuase there's no test.
* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declaration of class CCodAppUi.
#ifndef COD_APP_UI_H
#define COD_APP_UI_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <AknAppUi.h>
#include <AknServerApp.h>
#include "CodLoadObserver.h"
#include "CodWaitDialog.h"
class CCodView;
class CCodDocument;
class CCodEng;
class CDocumentHandler;
class CRequestCompleteCallback;
class CErrorUI;
class CCodUiResource;
* COD Application UI.
: public CAknAppUi,
public MCodLoadObserver,
public MCodDialogCommandObserver,
public MAknServerAppExitObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* @param aCod COD or DD?
* Constructor.
CCodAppUi( TBool aCod );
* Second phase constructor. Leaves on failure.
void ConstructL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCodAppUi();
public: // new methods
* Open file done.
* @param aError Error code.
void OpenFileDone( TInt aError );
* Set service flow settings.
* @param aSilentMode Silent Mode.
* @param aSuppressNextUrl Suppress Next-URL.
* @param aSuppressLaunch Suppress launch.
void SetServiceFlow
TBool aSilentMode,
TBool aSuppressNextUrl,
TBool aSuppressLaunch
public: // from CAknAppUi
* Handle model change.
virtual void HandleModelChangeL();
* Open a file.
* @param aFileName File name to open.
virtual void OpenFileL( const TDesC& aFileName );
* Handle command.
* @param aCommand Command id.
virtual void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
protected: // from CAknAppUi
* Process command line parameters.
* @param aCommand Command.
* @param aDocumentName Document name.
* @param aTail Don't know what; ignored.
* @return EFalse.
virtual TBool ProcessCommandParametersL
TApaCommand aCommand,
TFileName& aDocumentName,
const TDesC8& aTail
* Handle key event.
* @param aKeyEvent The key event.
* @param aType Key event type.
* @return Response (was the key event consumed?).
virtual TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL
( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
* Handle resource change.
* @param aType Resource type.
virtual void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType );
private: // from MCodLoadObserver
* Get download root path.
* Leave with KErrCancel if query is cancelled.
* @param aRootPath Root path returned here.
virtual void GetRootPathL( TDes& aRootPath );
* Starting load (fetch content or error-notify).
* @param aStatusCode HTTP status code.
* - 900 (Success) indicates start of content load.
* - Other values indicate start of error report.
virtual void StartLoadL( TInt aStatusCode );
* Cancelling the fetch started. Start wait note.
virtual void StartCancelL();
* Load progress update.
* @param aFinalValue Final progress value.
* @param aCurrentValue Current progress value.
virtual void ProgressL( TInt aFinalValue, TInt aCurrentValue );
* Processing (content load or error report) ended.
* Note that if processing does not include loading, this method can be
* called without a preceding StartLoadL call.
* @param aStatusCode HTTP status code (aError mapped to HTTP status
* code).
* @param aError Error code of result. (The Set(), Accept() or Reject()
* request to CodEng will also complete with this value.)
virtual void Done( TInt aStatusCode, TInt aError );
* Get confirmation for creating network connection.
* @return ETrue if connection can be created.
virtual TBool ConfirmConnectL();
* Opening a connection.
* @param aIap AP to be used for creating the connection.
virtual void StartConnect( TUint32 aIap );
* Connected.
virtual void EndConnect();
* Authenticate user.
* @param aHost Host.
* @param aRealm Realm.
* @param aProxyAuth ETrue if this is a proxy authentication.
* @param aUsername Return username here.
* @param aPasssword Return password here.
* @return ETrue if auth is OK, EFalse if cancelled.
virtual TBool UserAuthL
const TDesC& aHost,
const TDesC& aRealm,
TBool aProxyAuth,
TDes& aUsername,
TDes& aPassword
* ROAP Trigger parsed (success or error).
* @param aData ROAP Trigger data.
virtual void RoapTriggerParsedL( const CRoapData& aData );
* Connection Error
* return: Connection Error .
inline virtual void SetConnError( TInt aError) {iConnError = aError;}
* Connection Error
* return: Connection Error .
inline virtual TInt ConnError () {return iConnError;}
* Progresive download "Play" is available
* return: Connection Error .
virtual void PdPlayAvailable();
* Set Active Download
inline virtual void SetActiveDownload( ){}
* Displays Info message "Waiting for license"
virtual void WaitForLicenseL();
* To indicate the download is paused
inline virtual void DownloadPaused() {}
* To indicate the download is resumed and ready for PD
inline virtual void DownloadResumedPdAvailable() {}
* To update the server about whether or not download is pausable
inline virtual void UpdatePausable( TBool /*aPausable*/ ) {}
* To update the server about next media object being downloaded.
inline virtual void MediaObjectNameChanged() {}
* To update the server about next media object being downloaded.
inline virtual void ContentTypeChanged() {}
* To update the server about updated media info
inline virtual void UpdateMediaInfoL() {}
* To update the server about updated media info
inline virtual void UpdateTrackInfoL() {}
* To handle PostResponseUrlL as part of metering response
inline virtual void HandleRoapPostResponseUrlL( const TDesC8& /*aPrUrl*/ ) {}
private: // from MCodDialogCommandObserver
* Handle dialog command (from wait note).
* @param aCommand Dialog command id.
void HandleDialogCommandL( TInt aCommand );
private: // from MAknServerAppExitObserver
* Embedded document viewing has ended.
* @param aReason Exit reason (unused).
void HandleServerAppExit( TInt aReason );
private: // new methods
* Open file done.
void OpenFileDoneL();
* Static wrapper around LoadDone (for TCallBack use).
* @param aPtr Pointer passed to the callback (this object as TAny*).
* @return EFalse (as TInt).
static TInt StaticLoadDone( TAny* aPtr );
* Load done, follow-up processing and exit.
void LoadDone();
* Load done, follow-up processing and exit.
void LoadDoneL();
* Handle successful load.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool LoadOkL();
* Handle failed load.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool LoadFailedL();
* Handle successful ROAP.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool RoapOkL();
* Handle successful RoAcq ROAP.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool RoAcqOkL();
* Handle failed ROAP.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool RoapFailedL();
* Launch content.
* @param aFname File name.
* @param aType MIME type.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool LaunchContentL( const TDesC& aFname, const TDesC8& aType );
* Service flow: launch browser and (optionally) activate Next-URL,
* if exists.
void ActivateNextUrlL();
private: // new methods
* Set CBA.
* @param aCommandSetResourceId Command set resource id.
void SetCbaL( TInt aCommandSetResourceId );
* Access the document.
* @return The document.
inline CCodDocument* CodDocument();
private: // data
TBool iCod; ///< COD or DD?
CCodUiResource* iCodResource; ///< CodUi resource. Owned.
CCodView* iView; ///< App's view (control). Owned.
CCodWaitDialog* iWaitNote; ///< Wait note. Owned.
CRequestCompleteCallback* iCallback;///< Callback object. Owned.
TInt iCurrentCba; ///< Current CBA.
CErrorUI* iErrorUi; ///< Error UI. Owned.
CDocumentHandler* iDocHandler; ///< DocHandler or NULL. Owned.
CAiwGenericParamList* iDocParams; ///< DocHandler params. Owned.
RFs iFs; ///< File Server Session.
TInt iError; ///< Error code.
TBool iSilentMode; ///< Silent mode.
TBool iSuppressNextUrl; ///< Suppress Next-URL.
TBool iSuppressLaunch; ///< Suppress launch.
TBool iRoap; ///< ROAP involved?
TInt iConnError; ///< Connection Error
#endif /* def COD_APP_UI_H */