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     1 /**
     2  * This class provides access to the device contacts.
     3  * @constructor
     4  */
     6 function Contacts() {
     8 }
    10 function Contact() {
    11 	this.id = null;
    12 	this.name = { 
    13 		formatted: "",
    14 		givenName: "",
    15 		familyName: ""
    16 	};
    17     this.phones = [];
    18     this.emails = [];
    19 }
    21 Contact.prototype.displayName = function()
    22 {
    23     // TODO: can be tuned according to prefs
    24 	return this.givenName + " " + this.familyName;
    25 };
    27 /*
    28  * @param {ContactsFilter} filter Object with filter properties. filter.name only for now.
    29  * @param {function} successCallback Callback function on success
    30  * @param {function} errorCallback Callback function on failure
    31  * @param {object} options Object with properties .page and .limit for paging
    32  */
    34 Contacts.prototype.find = function(filter, successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
    35 	try {
    36 		this.contactsService = device.getServiceObject("Service.Contact", "IDataSource");
    37 		if (typeof options == 'object')
    38 			this.options = options;
    39 		else
    40 			this.options = {};
    42 		var criteria = new Object();
    43 		criteria.Type = "Contact";
    44 		if (filter && filter.name) {
    45 			var searchTerm = '';
    46 			if (filter.name.givenName && filter.name.givenName.length > 0) {
    47 				searchTerm += filter.name.givenName;
    48 			}
    49 			if (filter.name.familyName && filter.name.familyName.length > 0) {
    50 				searchTerm += searchTerm.length > 0 ? ' ' + filter.name.familyName : filter.name.familyName;
    51 			}
    52 			if (!filter.name.familyName && !filter.name.givenName && filter.name.formatted) {
    53 				searchTerm = filter.name.formatted;
    54 			}
    55 			criteria.Filter = { SearchVal: searchTerm };
    56 		}
    58 		if (typeof(successCallback) != 'function') 
    59 			successCallback = function(){};
    60 		if (typeof(errorCallback) != 'function') 
    61 			errorCallback = function(){};
    62 		if (isNaN(this.options.limit))
    63 			this.options.limit = 200;
    64 		if (isNaN(this.options.page))
    65 			this.options.page = 1;
    67 		//need a closure here to bind this method to this instance of the Contacts object
    68 		this.global_success = successCallback;
    69 		var obj = this;
    71 		//WRT: result.ReturnValue is an iterator of contacts
    72 		this.contactsService.IDataSource.GetList(criteria, function(transId, eventCode, result){
    73 			obj.success_callback(result.ReturnValue);
    74 		});
    75 	} 
    76 	catch (ex) {
    77 		alert(ex.name + ": " + ex.message);
    78 		errorCallback(ex);
    79 	}
    80 };
    82 Contacts.prototype.success_callback = function(contacts_iterator) {
    83 	try {
    84 	var gapContacts = new Array();
    85 	contacts_iterator.reset();
    86     var contact;
    87 	var i = 0;
    88 	var end = this.options.page * this.options.limit;
    89 	var start = end - this.options.limit;
    90 	while ((contact = contacts_iterator.getNext()) != undefined && i < end) {
    91 		try {
    92 			if (i >= start) {
    93 				var gapContact = new Contact();
    94 				gapContact.name.givenName = Contacts.GetValue(contact, "FirstName");
    95 				gapContact.name.familyName = Contacts.GetValue(contact, "LastName");
    96 				gapContact.name.formatted = gapContact.name.givenName + " " + gapContact.name.familyName;
    97 				gapContact.emails = Contacts.getEmailsList(contact);
    98 				gapContact.phones = Contacts.getPhonesList(contact);
    99 				gapContact.address = Contacts.getAddress(contact);
   100 				gapContact.id = Contacts.GetValue(contact, "id");
   101 				gapContacts.push(gapContact);
   102 			}
   103 			i++;
   104 		} catch (e) {
   105 			alert("ContactsError (" + e.name + ": " + e.message + ")");
   106 		}
   107 	}
   108 	this.contacts = gapContacts;
   109 	this.global_success(gapContacts);
   110 	} catch (ex) { alert(ex.name + ": " + ex.message); }
   111 };
   113 Contacts.getEmailsList = function(contact) {
   114 	var emails = new Array();
   115 	try {
   116 			emails[0] = { type:"General", address: Contacts.GetValue(contact, "EmailGen") };
   117 			emails[1] = { type:"Work", address: Contacts.GetValue(contact, "EmailWork") };		
   118 			emails[2] = { type:"Home", address: Contacts.GetValue(contact, "EmailHome") };
   119 	} catch (e) {
   120 		emails = [];
   121 	}
   122 	return emails;
   123 };
   125 Contacts.getPhonesList = function(contact) {
   126 	var phones = new Array();
   127 	try {
   128 			phones[0] = { type:"Mobile", number: Contacts.GetValue(contact, "MobilePhoneGen") };
   129 			phones[1] = { type:"Home", number: Contacts.GetValue(contact, "LandPhoneGen") };
   130 			phones[2] = { type:"Fax", number: Contacts.GetValue(contact, "FaxNumberGen") };
   131 			phones[3] = { type:"Work", number: Contacts.GetValue(contact, "LandPhoneWork") };
   132 			phones[4] = { type:"WorkMobile", number: Contacts.GetValue(contact, "MobilePhoneWork") };
   133 	} catch (e) {
   134 		phones = [];
   135 	}
   136 	return phones;
   137 };
   139 Contacts.getAddress = function(contact) {
   140 	var address = "";
   141 	try {
   142 		address = Contacts.GetValue(contact, "AddrLabelHome") + ", " + Contacts.GetValue(contact, "AddrStreetHome") + ", " +
   143 				Contacts.GetValue(contact, "AddrLocalHome") + ", " + Contacts.GetValue(contact, "AddrRegionHome") + ", " + 
   144 				Contacts.GetValue(contact, "AddrPostCodeHome") + ", " + Contacts.GetValue(contact, "AddrCountryHome");
   145 	} catch (e) {
   146 		address = "";
   147 	}
   148 	return address;
   149 };
   151 Contacts.GetValue = function(contactObj, key) {
   152 	try {
   153 		return contactObj[key]["Value"];
   154 	} catch (e) {
   155 		return "";
   156 	}
   157 };
   159 if (typeof navigator.contacts == "undefined") navigator.contacts = new Contacts();