changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Header declaration
    15 *
    16 */
    25 #ifndef M_SEN_SERVICE_MANAGER_H
    26 #define M_SEN_SERVICE_MANAGER_H
    28 //  INCLUDES
    29 #include <e32std.h>
    30 #include <flogger.h> // RFileLogger
    31 #include <badesca.h> // CDesCArray etc
    33 #include "msentransportfactory.h"
    36 class CSenXmlReader;
    37 class MSenServiceDescription;
    38 class MSenIdentityManager;
    39 class MSenRemoteServiceConsumer;
    40 class CSenWSDescription;
    41 class CSenServiceSession;
    42 class CSenIdentityProvider;
    43 class CSenBaseFragment;
    44 class MSenProviderPolicy;
    45 class MSenConsumerPolicy;
    46 class RStringPool;
    47 class CSenInternalCredential;
    48 class RSenCredentialPtr;
    50 // DATA TYPES
    51 typedef RPointerArray<CSenWSDescription> RWSDescriptionArray;
    52 typedef RPointerArray<CSenInternalCredential> RSenCredentialArray;
    53 typedef RArray<RSenCredentialPtr> RSenCredentialPtrArray;
    57 /**
    58 * MSenServiceManager represents the client side interface of a
    59 * CoreServiceManager
    60 * The methods defined in this interface may executed from a client
    61 * (ServiceConnection) via the server-side session (SenClientSession).
    62 * Note that the singleton CoreServiceManager also has a number of public
    63 * methods (defined in MSenCoreServiceManager interface) that are used by
    64 * e.g. plug-ins, that are expected to operate in the same process as the
    65 * CoreServiceManager.
    66 */
    67 class MSenServiceManager : public MSenTransportFactory
    68     {
    69     public:
    71         // New functions
    73         /**
    74         * @param aServiceConnection is the ServiceConnection to 
    75         * be initialized. Method attempts to initialize connection
    76         * according to a pattern, which this service manager receives.
    77         * Pattern is spesified by some service consumer (WSC app's), 
    78         * which requests a new connection to be initialized.
    79         * Therefore, the new connection should be to a service that
    80         * has a service description matching with the pattern.
    81         * @param aPattern is a - typically partial - service description
    82         * that is used as a search pattern.
    83         * @param aErrorMsg may contain the error message (SOAP-ENV or SOAP 
    84         * fault) in case that this function is returning an error from service
    85         * @return KErrNone or a system-wide error code, if error occurred.
    86         */
    87         virtual TInt InitServiceConnectionL( MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aServiceConsumer,
    88                                              CSenWSDescription& aPattern,
    89                                              HBufC8*& aErrorMsg) = 0;
    90         /**
    91         * Search for services whose service descriptions using a contract URI.
    92         * @param   aMatches is the list into which 0 or more ServiceDescriptions
    93         * will be appended, if one or more matches are found. Onership of the
    94         * appended pointers is not transferred to the caller.
    95         * @param   aContract is the URI which specifies the searhed contract.
    96         * @return KErrNone if successful, or otherwise a system-wide error code.
    97         */
    98         virtual TInt ServiceDescriptionsL( RWSDescriptionArray& aMatches,
    99                                            const TDesC8& aContract ) = 0;
   101         /**
   102         * Search for services with a matching ServiceDescription,
   103         * which can contain any combination of contract, endpoint and facets.
   104         * @param   aMatches is the list into which 0 or more service descriptions
   105         * will be appended. Ownership of appended pointers is not transferred to
   106         * the caller.
   107         * @param aPattern is the service description used as "search pattern", 
   108         * as a kind of "search mask". This means, that it is typically a "partial"
   109         * service description, which fields include only those fields that need
   110         * to match - the content of other fields (elements) is not relevant to
   111         * the caller.
   112         * @return KErrNone if successful, or otherwise a system-wide error code.
   113         */
   114         virtual TInt ServiceDescriptionsL( RWSDescriptionArray& aMatches,
   115                                            MSenServiceDescription& aPattern ) = 0;
   117         /**
   118         * Used by applications to inform the Service Manager about a service,
   119         * for example about an Authentication Service, which typically cannot
   120         * be discovered through other means.
   121         * @param aServiceDescription which is being registered.
   122         * @return KErrNone if registration was successful or otherwise:
   123         *  a system error
   124         */
   125         virtual TInt RegisterServiceDescriptionL( CSenWSDescription* apServiceDescription ) = 0;
   127         /**
   128         * Used by application to to inform the Service Manager about a service
   129         * which no longer is available. The ServiceManager will remove the
   130         * service from its database as soon as it is no longer used.
   131         * @param aServiceDescription
   132         * @return KErrNone if registration succeeded or otherwise some system-wide
   133         * error code.
   134         */
   135         virtual TInt UnregisterServiceDescriptionL( MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription ) = 0;
   137         /**
   138         * Method attempts to find new framework using given FrameworkId. If framework ECOM
   139         * is found, the a pointer to it's configuration reader (fragment) is returned, or
   140         * NULL otherwise.
   141         */
   142         virtual CSenBaseFragment* InstallFrameworkL( const TDesC8& aFrameworkId ) = 0;
   144         /**
   145         * Return the XML reader instance used and owned by this Core Service Manager
   146         */
   147         virtual CSenXmlReader* XMLReader() = 0;
   149         /**
   150         * @return totally randomly generated (but not cryptographically strong)
   151         * GUID. The GUID is based on the MD5 hash of a random number and the 
   152         * current time. 
   153         */
   154         virtual HBufC8* RandomGuidL() = 0;
   156         /*
   157         * @return pointer to the file logger owned by this Core Service Manager
   158         */
   159         virtual RFileLogger* Log() const = 0;
   161         virtual void IncrementConnections() = 0;
   162         virtual void DecrementConnections() = 0;
   164         /**
   165         * Register an IdentityProvider for the current active Identity.
   166         * Ownerships is transferred. Method is typically implemented
   167         * by some Identity Manager which this Core Service Manager knows.
   168         * @param aIdp a registered IdentityProvider
   169         * @return KErrNone or system-wide error code.
   170         */
   171         virtual TInt RegisterIdentityProviderL( CSenIdentityProvider* aIdp ) = 0;
   173         /**
   174         * Unregister an IdentityProvider for the current active Identity.
   175         * Method is typically implemented by some Identity Manager which 
   176         * this Core Service Manager knows.
   177         * @param aIdp an unregistered IdentityProvider
   178         * @return true if successful.
   179         */
   180         virtual TBool UnregisterIdentityProviderL( CSenIdentityProvider& aIdp ) = 0;
   182         /**
   183         * Associate a service to an IdentityProvider.
   184         * @param aServiceID the contract or endpoint of a service
   185         * @param aProviderID the id of an IdentityProvider
   186         * @return true if successful. Failure may be caused by non-existence
   187         * of the IdentityProvider for the current user.
   188         */
   189         virtual TBool AssociateServiceL( const TDesC8& aServiceID,
   190                                          const TDesC8& providerID ) = 0;
   192         /**
   193          * Dissociate a service from an IdentityProvider.
   194          * @param aServiceID the contract or endpoint of a service
   195          * @param aProviderID the id of an IdentityProvider
   196          * @return true if successful. Failure may be caused by non-existence
   197          * of the IdentityProvider for the current user.
   198          */
   199         virtual TBool DissociateServiceL( const TDesC8& aServiceID,
   200                                           const TDesC8& aProviderID ) = 0;
   202         virtual void SetShowPasswordDialog( const TBool aState ) = 0;
   204         /**
   205          *  Check if there is an existing service description with identical data
   206          *  already in the database. The service description in the database can
   207          *  contain more information than the pattern, but all the pattern 
   208          *  information MUST match exactly for a match.
   209          *  @param  aContains contains the boolean value in return, ETrue if found,
   210          *          EFalse if not
   211          *  @param  aPattern the service description data to be searched.
   212          *  @return KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.
   213          */
   214         virtual TInt ContainsServiceDescriptionL( TBool& aContains,
   215                                                   CSenWSDescription& aPattern ) = 0;
   217         /**
   218          *  Check if there is an existing identity provider with identical data
   219          *  already in the database. The identity provider in the database can
   220          *  contain more information than the pattern identity provider, 
   221          *  but all the pattern information MUST match exactly for a match.
   222          *  @param  aContains contains the boolean value in return, ETrue if found,
   223          *          EFalse if not
   224          *  @param  aPattern the identity provider data to be searched.
   225          *  @return KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.
   226          */
   227         virtual TInt ContainsIdentityProviderL( TBool& aContains,
   228                                                 CSenIdentityProvider& aIDP) = 0;
   230         /**
   231         * Notifies all framework plug-ins about certain event
   232         * @param aEvent is the event code passed to all plug-ins
   233         * @return some system-wide error code, if an error occurred
   234         */
   235         virtual TInt NotifyFrameworksL( const TInt aEvent ) = 0;
   237         /**
   238         * Notifies all framework plug-ins about certain event and
   239         * object.
   240         * @param aEvent is the event code passed to all plug-ins
   241         * @param aArgument is an additional object pointer may be
   242         * passed. NULL is also accepted.
   243         * @return some system-wide error code, if an error occurred
   244         */
   245         virtual TInt NotifyFrameworksL( const TInt aEvent, 
   246                                         TAny* aArgument ) = 0;
   249         /**
   250         * Notifies only those frameworks plug-ins, which match
   251         * with given framework ID (aFrameworkID)
   252         * @param aEvent is the event code passed to certain plug-ins
   253         * @param aFrameworkID spesifies which frameworks are need to
   254         * be notified. Note, that if aFrameworkID is KNullDesC8 
   255         * (zero-length),then all known framework plug-ins are notified
   256         * about the event.
   257         * @return some system-wide error code, if an error occurred
   258         */
   259         virtual TInt NotifyFrameworksL( const TDesC8& aFrameworkID,
   260                                         const TInt aEvent ) = 0;
   262         /**
   263         * Notifies only those frameworks plug-ins, which match
   264         * with given framework ID (aFrameworkID) and 
   265         * an additional object pointer may be passed
   266         * NULL is also accepted
   267         * @param aEvent is the event code passed to certain plug-ins
   268         * @param aFrameworkID spesifies which frameworks are need to
   269         * be notified. Note, that if aFrameworkID is KNullDesC8 
   270         * (zero-length),then all known framework plug-ins are notified
   271         * about the event.
   272         * @param aArgument is an additional object pointer may be
   273         * passed. NULL is also accepted.
   274         * @return some system-wide error code, if an error occurred
   275         */
   276         virtual TInt NotifyFrameworksL( const TDesC8& aFrameworkID,
   277                                         const TInt aEvent,
   278                                         TAny* aArgument ) = 0;
   280         /**
   281         * Calculates the size of service descriptions, in bytes.
   282         * Internally, this method calls WriteAsXMLToL() from each
   283         * service description instance found inside aArray.
   284         *
   285         * @param aArray contains the service descriptions, which
   286         * size in XML is requested.
   287         * @return total amount of bytes that XML representation of
   288         *         service descriptions included in aArray take.
   289         *
   290         * In case of error, this method will leaves and passes on
   291         * the system-wide error code in question.
   292         */
   293         virtual TInt SizeOfServiceDescriptionsL( RWSDescriptionArray& aArray ) = 0;
   295         /**
   296         * Calculates the size of credentials, in bytes.
   297         * Internally, this method calls WriteAsXMLToL() from each
   298         * credential instance found inside aArray.
   299         *
   300         * @param aArray contains the credentials, which size in
   301         *               XML is requested.
   302         * @return       total amount of bytes that XML representation
   303         *               of credentials included in aArray take.
   304         *
   305         * In case of error, this method will leaves and passes on
   306         * the system-wide error code in question.
   307         */
   308         virtual TInt SizeOfCredentialsL( RSenCredentialArray& aArray ) = 0;
   309         virtual TInt SizeOfIdentityProvidersL(const RPointerArray<CSenIdentityProvider>& aArray) = 0;
   312         /**
   313         * Getter for WSF-wide string pool. Any subcomponent utilizing
   314         * a string pool based API should use this instance, which is
   315         * owned by service manager implementation behind this interface.
   316         * @return RStringPool reference to string pool owned by the manager
   317         *
   318         */
   319         virtual RStringPool& StringPool() = 0;
   321         /**
   322         * Method attempts to add an entry to the list of active hostlet connection
   323         * endpoints.
   324         * @param aEndpoint is the identifier, typically some URN, representing the
   325         *        endpoint. It is expected to be locally unique. MSenRemoteHostlet
   326         *        implementations typically call this method to figure out whether
   327         *        the endpoint proposed by actual Hostlet Connection is available
   328         *        or not. In case of error, that error is then normally propagated
   329         *        all the way back to the public API, so that constructor -- 
   330         *        CSenHostletConnection::NewL will leave.
   331         * @return KErrNone if add succeeded
   332         *         KErrSenEndpointReserved, if the endpoint is already allocated 
   333         *         for some other hostlet connection.
   334         * Note: KErrSenEndpointReserved is defined in SenHostletConnection.h
   335         */
   336 //        virtual TInt AddActiveHostletConnectionEndpointL(const TDesC8& aEndpoint) = 0;
   338         /**
   339         * Removes entry from the list of active hostlet connection endpoints.
   340         * @param aEndpoint is the identifier, typically some URN, representing the
   341         *        endpoint. MSenRemoteHostlet impelemtations typically call this method
   342         *        when the hostlet connection (server-side session) is being de-allocated.
   343         * @return KErrNone if add succeeded
   344         *         KErrSenEndpointReserved, if the endpoint is already allocated 
   345         *         for some other hostlet connection.
   346         * Note: KErrSenEndpointReserved is defined in SenHostletConnection.h
   347         */
   348 //        virtual TInt RemoveActiveHostletConnectionEndpoint(const TDesC8& aEndpoint) = 0;
   350         virtual TInt NextTransactionId() = 0;
   352 		virtual TInt CredentialsL( const CSenWSDescription& aPattern,
   353 								   RSenCredentialArray& aCredentials ) = 0;
   355 		virtual TInt CredentialsL( const CSenWSDescription& aPattern,
   356 								   const CSenIdentityProvider& aIdP,
   357 								   RSenCredentialArray& aCredentials ) = 0;
   359 		virtual TInt CredentialsL( const CSenWSDescription& aPattern,
   360 								   RSenCredentialPtrArray& aCredentials ) = 0;
   362 		virtual TInt CredentialsL( const CSenWSDescription& aPattern,
   363 								   const CSenIdentityProvider& aIdP,
   364 								   RSenCredentialPtrArray& aCredentials ) = 0;
   366 		virtual RSenCredentialPtr AddCredentialL( CSenInternalCredential* apCredential,
   367 		                                           TInt& aErrorTo ) = 0;
   369 		virtual RSenCredentialPtr AddCredentialL( CSenIdentityProvider* apIdP,
   370 									               CSenInternalCredential* apCredential,
   371 									               TInt& aErrorTo ) = 0;
   373 		virtual RSenCredentialPtr AddCredentialL( const TDesC8& aCredential,
   374 		                                           TInt& aErrorTo ) = 0;
   376 		virtual RSenCredentialPtr AddCredentialL( CSenIdentityProvider* apIdP,
   377 									               const TDesC8& aCredential,
   378 									               TInt& aErrorTo ) = 0;
   380 		virtual TInt RemoveCredentialsL( const CSenWSDescription& aPattern ) = 0;
   382 		virtual TInt RemoveCredentialsL( const CSenWSDescription& aPattern,
   383 										 const CSenIdentityProvider& aIdP ) = 0;
   385         virtual TInt RemoveCredentialsL(const TDesC8& aProviderId) = 0;
   387         virtual TInt RemoveCredentialL( TInt aInternalCredentialId ) = 0; //codescannerwarnings
   389         virtual RSenCredentialPtr CredentialL( TInt aInternalCredentialId,
   390                                                TInt& aErrorTo ) = 0;
   392         virtual RSenCredentialPtr UpdateCredentialL( TInt aInternalCredentialId,
   393                                                      CSenInternalCredential* apCredential,
   394                                                      TInt& aErrorTo ) = 0;
   396         virtual RSenCredentialPtr UpdateCredentialL( TInt aInternalCredentialId,
   397                                                      const TDesC8& aCredential,
   398                                                      TInt& aErrorTo ) = 0;
   400         virtual TInt FindMatchingIdentityProviderL( CSenIdentityProvider &aIdp,
   401                                                     CSenIdentityProvider*& apMatch ) = 0;
   403         virtual TInt UpdateIdentityProviderL( CSenIdentityProvider& aIdp ) = 0;
   405         virtual TInt NextConnectionID() = 0;
   406     };
   408 #endif // M_SEN_SERVICE_MANAGER_H
   410 // End of File