changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
child 1 272b002df977
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:62f9d29f7211
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:          
    15 *
    16 */
    28 #include "wsstaraddressinghandler.h"
    29 #include "wsstarmessageutils.h"
    30 #include "SenXmlUtils.h"
    31 #include "sensaxutils.h"
    32 #include "senlogger.h" // private Utils\inc
    34 using namespace WSStarAddressing;
    35 using namespace WSStarAddressingFault;
    37 // Create instance of concrete ECOM interface implementation
    38 CWSStarAddressingHandler* CWSStarAddressingHandler::NewL(TAny* aHandlerCtx)
    39     {
    40     MSenHandlerContext* ctx =
    41         reinterpret_cast<MSenHandlerContext*>( aHandlerCtx);
    42     CWSStarAddressingHandler* self = new (ELeave) CWSStarAddressingHandler(*ctx);
    43     CleanupStack::PushL (self);
    44     self->ConstructL();
    45     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    46     return self;
    47     }
    49 TInt CWSStarAddressingHandler::InvokeL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx)
    50     {
    51     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InvokeL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx)")));
    52     CSenSoapEnvelope* message = 
    53         const_cast<CSenSoapEnvelope*>(aCtx.GetSenSoapEnvelopeL(
    54                                     SenContext::KSenCurrentSoapMessageCtxKey)
    55                                     );
    56     TPtrC8 txtMessage = aCtx.GetMessageL();
    57     InitVersionL(aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KAddressingVersion));
    58     if (message)
    59         {
    60         const CSenNamespace* nmSpace = message->Namespace(KAddressingPrefix);
    61         if (nmSpace)
    62             {
    63             InitVersionL(&nmSpace->URI());
    64             }
    65         if (aCtx.Direction() == SenContext::EOutgoing)
    66             {
    67             return HandleOutboundL(aCtx, message);
    68             }
    69         else if (aCtx.Direction()==SenContext::EIncoming)
    70             {
    71             return HandleInboundL(aCtx, message);
    72             }
    73         else
    74             {
    75             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InvokeL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx) - \
    76                                 strange direction")));
    77             return KErrNotFound;
    78             }
    79         }
    80     else if (txtMessage.Length())
    81         {
    82 //---------------idea based on method
    83 /*    
    84 TInt CSenWebServiceSession::HandleBodyWithoutParsingL(CSenSoapMessage& aMessage,
    85                                                       const TDesC8& aResponse)
    86 */
    87         TInt ret(KErrNone);
    88         TInt endTagStart;
    89         TInt endTagEnd;
    90         TInt startTagStart;
    91         TInt startTagEnd;
    92         TPtrC8 prefix;
    94         ret = SenSaxUtils::SearchEndTagL(txtMessage,KSenSoapEnvelopeBodyName,
    95                                          endTagStart, endTagEnd, prefix);
    96         if ( ret != KErrNotFound )
    97             {
    98             ret = SenSaxUtils::SearchStartTagL(txtMessage,prefix,KSenSoapEnvelopeBodyName,
    99                                                startTagStart, startTagEnd);
   100             if ( ret != KErrNotFound )
   101                 {
   102                 TPtrC8 startPart(txtMessage.Ptr(),startTagEnd+1);
   103                 TPtrC8 endPart(txtMessage.Ptr()+endTagStart,txtMessage.Size()-endTagStart);
   104                 HBufC8* pXmlWithoutBody = HBufC8::NewLC(startPart.Length()+endPart.Length());
   105                 pXmlWithoutBody->Des().Append(startPart);
   106                 pXmlWithoutBody->Des().Append(endPart);
   108                 CWSStarAddressingHeaderInbound* inbound =
   109                         CWSStarAddressingHeaderInbound::NewLC(iVersion);
   110                 inbound->SetMessageContext(aCtx);
   111                 CSenXmlReader& reader = const_cast<CSenXmlReader&>(*aCtx.GetParser());
   112                 inbound->SetReader(reader);
   113                 inbound->BuildFrom(*pXmlWithoutBody);
   114                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inbound);
   117                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pXmlWithoutBody);
   119                 }
   120             }
   121         else//case with empty body - <S:Body/>, so we can parse all
   122             {
   123              CWSStarAddressingHeaderInbound* inbound =
   124                     CWSStarAddressingHeaderInbound::NewLC(iVersion);
   125             inbound->SetMessageContext(aCtx);
   126             CSenXmlReader& reader = const_cast<CSenXmlReader&>(*aCtx.GetParser());
   127             inbound->SetReader(reader);
   128             inbound->BuildFrom(txtMessage);
   129             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inbound);
   130             }
   132         return ret;
   133         }
   134     else
   135         {
   136         TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InvokeL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx) - \
   137                             Soap message in message context not exists")));
   138         return KErrNotFound;
   139         }
   140     }    
   141 TInt CWSStarAddressingHandler::HandleInboundL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx, CSenSoapEnvelope* aMessage)
   142     {
   143 /*
   144     CWSStarAddressingHeaderInbound* inbound =  CWSStarAddressingHeaderInbound::NewLC(iVersion);
   145     inbound->SetMessageContext(aCtx);
   146     CSenXmlReader& reader = const_cast<CSenXmlReader&>(*aCtx.GetParser());
   147     inbound->SetReader(reader);
   148     HBufC8* buf = aMessage->AsXmlL();
   149     CleanupStack::PushL(buf);
   150     inbound->BuildFrom(*buf);
   151 */
   152     CSenElement& header = aMessage->HeaderL();
   154     CSenElement* elem = NULL;
   155     CSenElement* addressElem = NULL;    
   157     elem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KToName, header);
   158     if (elem)
   159         {
   160         const TDesC8& nsUri = elem->NamespaceURI();
   161         if (!iVersion && (nsUri == KAddressingXmlns200408 ||
   162             nsUri == KAddressingXmlns200403 ||
   163             nsUri == KAddressingXmlns200412 ||
   164             nsUri == KAddressingXmlns200502 ||
   165             nsUri == KAddressingXmlns200503 ||
   166             nsUri == KAddressingXmlns200508))
   167             {
   168             iVersion = nsUri.AllocL();
   169             }
   170         ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KTo, elem->Content());
   171         }
   172     elem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KRelatesToName, header);
   173     if (elem)
   174         {
   175         ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KRelatesTo, elem->Content());
   176         }
   177     elem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KMessageIDName, header);
   178     if (elem)
   179         {
   180         ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KMessageID, elem->Content());
   181         }
   182     elem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KActionName, header);
   183     if (elem)
   184         {
   185         ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KAction, elem->Content());
   186         }
   187     elem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(WSStarAddressingEPR::KDeviceAddressName, header);
   188     if (elem)
   189         {
   190         ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KReplyToDeviceAddress, elem->Content());
   191         }
   193     elem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KReplyToName, header);
   194     if (elem)
   195         {
   196         addressElem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KAddressName, *elem);
   197         if (addressElem)
   198             {
   199             ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KReplyTo, addressElem->Content());
   200             }
   201         }
   202     elem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KFaultToName, header);
   203     if (elem)
   204         {
   205         addressElem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KAddressName, *elem);
   206         if (addressElem)
   207             {
   208             ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KFaultTo, addressElem->Content());
   209             }
   210         }
   211     elem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KFromName, header);
   212     if (elem)
   213         {
   214         addressElem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KAddressName, *elem);
   215         if (addressElem)
   216             {
   217             ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KFrom, addressElem->Content());
   218             }
   219         }
   220     _LIT8(Kpp, "pp");
   221     _LIT8(KCredProperties, "credProperties");
   222     _LIT8(KCredProperty, "credProperty");
   223     _LIT8(KName, "Name");
   224     CWSStarMessageUtils::RArraySenElements credPropertiesElements;
   225     CSenElement* ppElem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(Kpp, header);
   226     if(ppElem)
   227         {
   228         CSenElement* credPropertiesElem = CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KCredProperties, *ppElem);//Naga
   229         if(credPropertiesElem)
   230             {
   231             CWSStarMessageUtils::FindElementL(KCredProperty, *credPropertiesElem, credPropertiesElements);
   232             TInt count = credPropertiesElements.Count();
   233             for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   234                 {
   235                 elem = credPropertiesElements[i];
   236                 const TDesC8* ptr = elem->AttrValue(WSStarContextKeys::KName);
   237                 if ( *ptr == WSStarContextKeys::KMainBrandID )
   238                     {
   239                     ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KMainBrandID, elem->Content());
   240                     }
   241                 if (*ptr == WSStarContextKeys::KBrandIDList)
   242                     {
   243                     ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KBrandIDList, elem->Content());
   244                     }            
   245                 }
   246             }        
   247         }
   249 /*
   250     if (!iVersion && inbound->Version())
   251         {
   252         iVersion = inbound->Version()->AllocL();
   253         }
   254 */    
   255     if (!aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KRelatesTo))
   256         {
   257         TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenFaultsLogChannel, KSenFaultsLogLevel, 
   258                         WSStarAddressingFault::KInvalidHeaderFormatString8,
   259                         &KRelatesToQName(),&WSStarAddressingFault::KMissingTag()));   
   261         }
   262     if (!aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KTo))
   263         {
   264         TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenFaultsLogChannel, KSenFaultsLogLevel, KRequiredHeaderFormatString8,
   265                         &KToQName()));   
   267         }
   268     if (!aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KAction))
   269         {
   270         TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenFaultsLogChannel, KSenFaultsLogLevel, KRequiredHeaderFormatString8,
   271                         &KActionQName()));   
   273         }
   274     if (aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KReplyTo) || aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KFaultTo))
   275         {
   276         if (!aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KMessageID))
   277             {
   278             TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenFaultsLogChannel, KSenFaultsLogLevel, KRequiredHeaderFormatString8,
   279                             &KMessageIDQName()));   
   281             }
   282         }
   284     //    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
   285 //    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inbound);
   286     CSenElement& body = aMessage->BodyL();
   287     ShareMyLiterals(aCtx);
   288     if (aMessage->IsFault())
   289         {
   290         TPtrC8 errorCode(KNullDesC8);
   291         CSenSoapFault* faultElement = aMessage->FaultL();
   292         if (faultElement)
   293             {
   294             TPtrC8 code;
   295             if (aMessage->NsUri() == KSenSoapEnvelopeXmlns)
   296                 {
   297                 TPtrC8 code = faultElement->FaultCode();                            
   298                 const CSenNamespace* nmSpace = faultElement->Namespace(SenXmlUtils::NsPrefix(code),
   299                                                                        ETrue);
   300                 code.Set(SenXmlUtils::LocalName(code));
   301                 if (nmSpace)
   302                     {
   303                     if (!iVersion)
   304                         {
   305                         InitVersionL(&nmSpace->URI());
   306                         }
   307                     if (iVersion && 
   308                         nmSpace->URI() == *iVersion)
   309                         {
   310                         errorCode.Set(code);
   311                         }    
   312                     }
   313                 }
   314             else if (aMessage->NsUri() == KSenSoap12EnvelopeXmlns)
   315                 {
   316                 code.Set(faultElement->FaultCode());
   317                 const CSenNamespace* nmSpaceCode = 
   318                         faultElement->Namespace(SenXmlUtils::NsPrefix(code), ETrue);
   319                 code.Set(SenXmlUtils::LocalName(code));
   320                 if ((nmSpaceCode && 
   321                     nmSpaceCode->URI() == KSenSoap12EnvelopeXmlns) &&
   322                     (code == KSender || code == KReceiver))
   323                     {
   324                     TPtrC8 subcode = faultElement->FaultSubcode();
   325                     const CSenNamespace* nmSpace = 
   326                         faultElement->Namespace(SenXmlUtils::NsPrefix(subcode), ETrue);
   327                     subcode.Set(SenXmlUtils::LocalName(subcode));
   328                 if (nmSpace)
   329                     {
   330                     if (!iVersion)
   331                         {
   332                         InitVersionL(&nmSpace->URI());
   333                         }
   334                     if (iVersion && 
   335                         nmSpace->URI() == *iVersion)
   336                         {
   337                         errorCode.Set(subcode);
   338                         }    
   339                     }
   340                     }
   341                 }
   342             if (errorCode.Length()>0)
   343                 {
   344                 if (errorCode == WSStarAddressingFault::KInvalidHeader ||
   345                     errorCode == WSStarAddressingFault::KRequiredHeader ||
   346                     errorCode == WSStarAddressingFault::KDestinationUnreachable ||
   347                     errorCode == WSStarAddressingFault::KActionNotSupported )
   348                     {
   349                     ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarSession::KErrorLayer,
   350                                                 WSStarSession::EAddressing);
   351                     }
   352                 if ((errorCode == WSStarAddressingFault::KEndpointUnavailable)
   353                     && (code == KReceiver))
   354                     {
   355                     ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarSession::KErrorLayer,
   356                                                 WSStarSession::EAddressing);
   357                     CSenElement* detailElement = faultElement->Element(KFault12DetailLocalname);
   358                     if (detailElement)
   359                         {
   360                         CSenElement* retryElement = detailElement->Element(*iVersion,
   361                                                                            KRetryAfterName); 
   362                         if (retryElement)
   363                             {
   364                             TPtrC8 retryAfter = retryElement->Content();
   365                             TLex8 num;
   366                             TInt retryInt;
   367                             num.Assign(retryAfter);
   368                             TInt ret = num.Val(retryInt);
   369                             if (ret == KErrNone)
   370                                 ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KRetryAfter,
   371                                                             retryInt);
   372                             }
   373                         }
   374                     }
   375                 }
   376             }
   377         else
   378             {
   379             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InvokeL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx) - \
   380                             Fault element not exists")));
   381             return KErrNotFound;
   382             }
   383         }
   384     return KErrNone;
   385     }
   386 TInt CWSStarAddressingHandler::HandleOutboundL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx, 
   387                                                 CSenSoapEnvelope* aMessage)
   388     {
   389     if (!iVersion)
   390         {
   391         iVersion = KAddressingXmlns200508().AllocL();
   392         }
   393     TPtrC8 anonymous(KNullDesC8);
   394     if (!iVersion->Compare(KAddressingXmlns200403()))
   395         {
   396         anonymous.Set(KReplyToAnonymous200403());
   397         }
   398      else if(!iVersion->Compare(KAddressingXmlns200408()))
   399         {
   400         anonymous.Set(KReplyToAnonymous200408());
   401         }
   402      else if(!iVersion->Compare(KAddressingXmlns200412()))
   403         {
   404         anonymous.Set(KReplyToAnonymous200412());
   405         }
   406      else if(!iVersion->Compare(KAddressingXmlns200502()))
   407         {
   408         anonymous.Set(KReplyToAnonymous200502());
   409         }
   410      else if(!iVersion->Compare(KAddressingXmlns200503()))
   411         {
   412         anonymous.Set(KReplyToAnonymous200503());
   413         }
   414      else if(!iVersion->Compare(KAddressingXmlns200508()))
   415         {
   416         anonymous.Set(KReplyToAnonymous200508());
   417         }
   418     CSenElement& element = aMessage->AsElement();
   419     element.AddNamespaceL(KAddressingPrefix, *iVersion);
   420     ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KAddressingNsHolder, *iVersion);
   421 ///////////////    
   422     const TDesC8* value = NULL;
   423     const TInt* isPassportEnabled = aCtx.GetIntL(WSStarContextKeys::KPassportEnabled);
   424     value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KMessageID);
   425     if (!value)
   426         {
   427         SetMessageIDL(aCtx);
   428         }
   430     if (!isPassportEnabled || (isPassportEnabled && *isPassportEnabled == FALSE))
   431         {
   432         CSenElement& header = aMessage->HeaderL();
   433         value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KMessageID);
   434         if (value)
   435             {
   436             CreateElementAddressingL(header, KMessageIDName, *value, EFalse);
   437             }
   438         else
   439             {
   440             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InvokeL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx) - \
   441                             MessageId in message context not exists")));
   442             return KErrNotFound;
   443             }
   444         value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KTo);
   445         if (value)
   446             {
   447             CreateElementAddressingL(header, KToName, *value, EFalse);
   448             }
   449         else
   450             {
   451             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InvokeL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx) - \
   452                             Endpoint in message context not exists")));
   453             return KErrNotFound;
   454             }
   455         value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KAction);
   456         if (value)
   457             {
   458             CreateElementAddressingL(header, KActionName, *value, EFalse);
   459             }
   460         else
   461             {
   462             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InvokeL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx) - \
   463                             Action in message context not exists")));
   464             return KErrNotFound;
   465             }
   466         value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KRelatesTo);
   467         if (value)
   468             {
   469             CreateElementAddressingL(header, KRelatesToName, *value, EFalse);
   470             }
   471         value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KFrom);
   472         if (value)
   473             {
   474             CreateElementAddressingL(header, KFromName, *value, ETrue);
   475             }
   476         value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KReplyTo);
   477         if (value)
   478             {
   479             CSenElement* element = CreateElementAddressingL(header, KReplyToName, *value, ETrue);
   480             const TDesC8* mwsNs = NULL;
   481             mwsNs = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KMwsNamespace);
   482             if (mwsNs)
   483                 {
   484                 const TDesC8* deviceId = NULL;
   485                 deviceId = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KReplyToDeviceAddress);
   486                 if (deviceId && element)
   487                     {
   488                     ((CWSStarAddressingEPR*)element)->AddDeviceAddressL(*mwsNs,*deviceId);
   489                     }
   490                 }
   491             }
   492         else
   493             {
   494             CSenElement* element = CreateElementAddressingL(header, KReplyToName, 
   495                                                             anonymous, ETrue);
   496             ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KReplyTo, anonymous);
   497             const TDesC8* mwsNs = NULL;
   498             mwsNs = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KMwsNamespace);
   499             if (mwsNs)
   500                 {
   501                 const TDesC8* deviceId = NULL;
   502                 deviceId = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KReplyToDeviceAddress);
   503                 if (deviceId && element)
   504                     {
   505                     ((CWSStarAddressingEPR*)element)->AddDeviceAddressL(*mwsNs,*deviceId);
   506                     }
   507                 }
   508             }
   510         value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KFaultTo);
   511         if (value)
   512             {
   513             CreateElementAddressingL(header, KFaultToName, *value, ETrue);
   514             }    
   515         if(aCtx.GetIntL(WSStarContextKeys::KAppInfoPresent))
   516             {
   517             AddAppInfoHeaderL(aCtx,header);
   518             }
   519         }
   521     CSenElement& body = aMessage->BodyL();
   522     CSenElement* addressHolderEl = NULL;
   523     do
   524         {
   525         addressHolderEl = 
   526             CWSStarMessageUtils::GetMarkedElementL(body,  WSStarContextKeys::KAddressAttrMark);
   527         if (addressHolderEl)
   528             {
   529             value = addressHolderEl->AttrValue(WSStarContextKeys::KAddressAttrMark);
   530             CreateElementAddressingL(*addressHolderEl, KEndpointReferenceName,
   531                                      *value, ETrue);
   532             //removing marker
   533             CSenBaseAttribute* marker = 
   534                 SenXmlUtils::RemoveAttributeL(*addressHolderEl, WSStarContextKeys::KAddressAttrMark);
   535             delete marker;
   536             marker = NULL;
   537             }
   539         }while(addressHolderEl);
   540     HBufC8* bodyString = body.AsXmlL();
   541     ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KBody, *bodyString);
   542     ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Remove(WSStarContextKeys::KBodyElement);
   543     delete bodyString;
   544     bodyString = NULL;
   545     return KErrNone;    
   546     }
   547 void CWSStarAddressingHandler::AddAppInfoHeaderL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx, 
   548                                                 CSenElement& aHeader)
   549 {
   550     const TDesC8* value = NULL;
   552     const TDesC8* mwsNs = NULL;
   553     mwsNs = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KMwsNamespace);
   554     if (mwsNs)
   555         {
   556             //CreateElementAddressingL(header, WSStarContextKeys::KApplication, *value,EFalse);
   557             CSenElement& aaplication = aHeader.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   558                                    WSStarContextKeys::KApplication,
   559                                    WSStarContextKeys::KNsPApplication);
   561             value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KApplicationName);
   562             if(value)
   563             {
   564                 CSenElement& name = aaplication.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   565                                             WSStarContextKeys::KName,
   566                                             WSStarContextKeys::KNsPName);                       
   567                  name.SetContentL(*value);
   568             }
   570             value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KApplicationVendor);
   571             if(value)
   572             {
   573                 CSenElement& vendor = aaplication.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   574                                         WSStarContextKeys::KVendor,
   575                                         WSStarContextKeys::KNsPVendor);                       
   576                  vendor.SetContentL(*value);
   577             }
   578             value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KApplicationVersion);
   579             if(value)
   580             {
   581                 CSenElement& version = aaplication.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   582                                        WSStarContextKeys::KVersion,
   583                                        WSStarContextKeys::KNsPVersion);                       
   584                  version.SetContentL(*value);
   585             }
   587             CSenElement& deviceoption = aHeader.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   588                                    WSStarContextKeys::KDeviceOptions,
   589                                    WSStarContextKeys::KNsPDeviceOptions);
   591             value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KLocale);
   592             if(value)
   593             {
   594                 CSenElement& local = deviceoption.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   595                                        WSStarContextKeys::KLocale,
   596                                        WSStarContextKeys::KNsPLocale);                       
   597                  local.SetContentL(*value);
   598             }
   600             CSenElement& useragent = deviceoption.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   601                                      WSStarContextKeys::KUserAgent,
   602                                      WSStarContextKeys::KNsPUserAgent);
   604             value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KManufacturer);
   605             if(value)
   606             {
   607                 CSenElement& manufacturer = useragent.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   608                                              WSStarContextKeys::KManufacturer,
   609                                              WSStarContextKeys::KNsPManufacturer);                       
   610                  manufacturer.SetContentL(*value);
   611             }
   612             value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KModel);
   613             if(value)
   614             {
   615                 CSenElement& model = useragent.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   616                                        WSStarContextKeys::KModel,
   617                                        WSStarContextKeys::KNsPModel);                       
   618                  model.SetContentL(*value);
   619             }
   621             CSenElement& os = useragent.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   622                                      WSStarContextKeys::KOS,
   623                                      WSStarContextKeys::KNsPOS);
   625            value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KDeviceName);
   626             if(value)
   627             {
   628                 CSenElement& name = os.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   629                                     WSStarContextKeys::KName,
   630                                     WSStarContextKeys::KNsPName);                       
   631                  name.SetContentL(*value);
   632             }
   633            value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KDeviceVersion);
   634             if(value)
   635             {
   636                 CSenElement& version = os.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   637                                         WSStarContextKeys::KVersion,
   638                                         WSStarContextKeys::KNsPVersion);                       
   639                 version.SetContentL(*value);
   640             }
   643             value = aCtx.GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KIMSI);
   644             if(value)
   645             {
   646                 CSenElement& imsi = useragent.AddElementL(*mwsNs,
   647                                         WSStarContextKeys::KIMSI,
   648                                         WSStarContextKeys::KNsPIMSI);                       
   649                  imsi.SetContentL(*value);
   650             }
   651         }    
   652     return;
   653     }
   655 SenHandler::THandlerDirection CWSStarAddressingHandler::Direction() const
   656     {
   657     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::Direction()")));
   658     return SenHandler::EBoth;
   659     }
   660 SenHandler::THandlerPhase CWSStarAddressingHandler::Phase()
   661     {
   662     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::Phase()")));
   663     return SenHandler::EMessage;
   664     }
   666 // Constructor
   667 CWSStarAddressingHandler::CWSStarAddressingHandler(MSenHandlerContext& aCtx)
   668 :CSenMessageHandler(aCtx)
   669     {
   670     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::\
   671                         CWSStarAddressingHandler(MSenHandlerContext& aCtx)")));
   672     }
   674 // Destructor
   675 CWSStarAddressingHandler::~CWSStarAddressingHandler()
   676     {
   677     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::~CWSStarAddressingHandler()")));
   678     delete iVersion;
   679     }
   681 // Second phase construction.
   682 void CWSStarAddressingHandler::ConstructL()
   683     {
   684     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::ConstructL()")));
   686     InitVersionL(NULL);
   687     }
   688 void CWSStarAddressingHandler::InitVersionL(const TDesC8* aVersion)
   689     {
   690     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InitVersion()")));
   691     const TDesC8* version = iHandlerContext.GetDesC8L(HandlerContextKey::KVersion);
   692     if (aVersion && 
   693         (*aVersion == KAddressingXmlns200408 || 
   694          *aVersion == KAddressingXmlns200403 ||
   695          *aVersion == KAddressingXmlns200412 ||
   696          *aVersion == KAddressingXmlns200502 ||
   697          *aVersion == KAddressingXmlns200503 ||
   698          *aVersion == KAddressingXmlns200508))
   699         {
   700         delete iVersion;
   701         iVersion = NULL;
   702         iVersion = aVersion->AllocL();
   703         }
   704     else if(version && 
   705         (*version == KAddressingXmlns200408 || 
   706          *version == KAddressingXmlns200403 ||
   707          *version == KAddressingXmlns200412 ||
   708          *version == KAddressingXmlns200502 ||
   709          *version == KAddressingXmlns200503 ||
   710          *version == KAddressingXmlns200508))
   711         {
   712         delete iVersion;
   713         iVersion = NULL;
   714         iVersion = version->AllocL();
   715         }
   716     else
   717         {//no version from handler config
   718         //no version from user
   719         //so it means some default behavior (new addressing), 
   720         //only allocate if differen (to safe time)
   721         if ((!iVersion) || (*iVersion != KAddressingXmlns200508()))
   722             {
   723             delete iVersion;
   724             iVersion = NULL;
   725             //iVersion = KAddressingXmlns200508().AllocL();
   726             }
   727         //else - just leave ai it is
   728         }
   729     }
   730 CSenElement* CWSStarAddressingHandler::CreateElementAddressingL(CSenElement& aParentElement, const TDesC8& aLocalName,
   731                                                         const TDesC8& aContent, TBool aUseAddress)
   732     {
   733     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::CreateElementAddressing(CSenElement& aParentElement,\
   734                      const TDesC8& aLocalName, const TDesC8& aContent, TBool aUseAddress)")));
   736     CSenElement* newelement = NULL;
   737     if (!aUseAddress)
   738         {
   739         newelement = aParentElement.CreateElementL(KAddressingPrefix(),
   740                                                                 aLocalName);
   741         CleanupStack::PushL(newelement);
   742         newelement->SetContentL(aContent);
   743         }
   744     else
   745         {
   746         newelement = CWSStarAddressingEPR::NewL(aParentElement, aLocalName, aContent, *iVersion);
   747         CleanupStack::PushL(newelement);
   748         }
   749     if (newelement)
   750         {
   751         aParentElement.AddElementL(*newelement);
   752         CleanupStack::Pop(newelement);
   753         }
   754 /*
   755     if (aUseAddress)
   756         {
   757         CSenElement& element = *newelement;
   758         CreateElementAddressingL(element,KAddressName,aContent,EFalse);
   759         }
   760     else
   761         {
   762         newelement->SetContentL(aContent);                
   763         }*/
   764     return newelement;    
   765     }
   767 void CWSStarAddressingHandler::SetMessageIDL(MSenMessageContext& aCtx)
   768     {
   769     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::SetMessageID(MSenMessageContext& aCtx)")));
   770     CSenGuidGen* pGuidGenerator = CSenGuidGen::NewLC();
   771     HBufC8* messageId = pGuidGenerator->GetRandomGuid8LC();
   772     TPtr8 messageIdDes = messageId->Des();
   773     messageIdDes.LowerCase();
   774     ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KMessageID,*messageId);
   775     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(messageId);
   776     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pGuidGenerator);
   777     }
   778 void CWSStarAddressingHandler::ShareMyLiterals(MSenMessageContext& aCtx)
   779     {
   780     if (iVersion)
   781         {
   782         ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KAddressingNsHolder,
   783                 *iVersion);
   784         ((MSenContext&)aCtx).Update(WSStarContextKeys::KAddressingEndpointTagHolder, KAddressName);
   785         }
   786     }
   787 TInt CWSStarAddressingHandler::InitL(MSenHandlerContext& aCtx)
   788     {
   789     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarAddressingHandler::InitL(MSenHandlerContext& aCtx)")));
   790     iHandlerContext = aCtx;
   791     return KErrNone;
   792     }
   794 RFileLogger* CWSStarAddressingHandler::Log() const
   795     {
   796     RFileLogger* pLog = NULL;
   797     TRAP_IGNORE( pLog = (RFileLogger*)iHandlerContext.GetAnyL(HandlerContextKey::KLogger); )
   798     return pLog;
   799     }
   801 // END OF FILE