changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webservices/wsidentitymanager/inc/senbaseidentity.h	Thu Jan 07 16:19:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    Header declaration
+#include <SenBaseFragment.h>
+#include "msenidentity.h"
+_LIT8( KIdentityElementLocalName, "Identity" );
+_LIT8( KServiceIDElementLocalName, "ServiceID" );
+class CSenIdentityProvider;
+typedef RPointerArray<CSenIdentityProvider> RIdentityProviderList;
+class CSenBaseIdentity : public CSenBaseFragment,
+                         public MSenIdentity
+    {
+    public: // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static CSenBaseIdentity* NewL(TPtrC8 aIMEI);
+        IMPORT_C static CSenBaseIdentity* NewLC(TPtrC8 aIMEI);
+        /**
+        * Destructor
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ~CSenBaseIdentity();   
+        // New functions
+        /**
+        * A getter.
+        * @param aService the service description
+        * @return a pointer to IdentityProvider
+        */
+        virtual CSenIdentityProvider* IdentityProviderL(
+                                            MSenServiceDescription& aService );
+        /**
+        * A getter.
+        * @param aIdentityProviderId an URI of the service (endpoint or contract)
+        * @return a pointer to IdentityProvider
+        */
+        virtual CSenIdentityProvider* IdentityProviderL( const TDesC8& aUri );
+        /**
+        * A getter.
+        * @param aIdpList an array of ProviderIDs
+        * @param strict if set to true only an IdentityProvider from the List
+        * will be returned, and null if none of the list entries is known to the
+        * current active Identity.
+        * @return a pointer to IdentityProvider
+        */
+        virtual CSenIdentityProvider* IdentityProviderL(
+                                                const CDesC8Array& aIdpList,
+                                                TBool aStrict);
+        /**
+        * A getter.
+        * @param aService the service description
+        * @param aIdpList an array of ProviderIDs
+        * @param strict if set to true only an IdentityProvider from the List
+        * will be returned, and null if none of the list entries is known to the
+        * current active Identity.
+        * @return a pointer to IdentityProvider
+        */
+        virtual CSenIdentityProvider* IdentityProviderL(
+                                        MSenServiceDescription& aService,
+                                        const CDesC8Array& aIdpList,
+                                        TBool aStrict);
+        /**
+        * A getter.
+        * @return a pointer to IdentityProvider
+        */
+        virtual CSenIdentityProvider* IdentityProviderL();
+        /**
+        * Register an IdentityProvider for the current active Identity.
+        * @param aIdp a registered IdentityProvider
+        * @return KErrNone or system-wide error code.
+        */
+        virtual TInt RegisterIdentityProviderL(CSenIdentityProvider* aIdp );
+        virtual TInt UpdateIdentityProviderL(CSenIdentityProvider& aIdp);
+        /**
+        * Unregister an IdentityProvider for the current active Identity.
+        * @param aIdp an unregistered IdentityProvider
+        * @return true if successful.
+        */
+        virtual TInt UnregisterIdentityProviderL(CSenIdentityProvider& aIdp );
+        /**
+        * Associate a service to an IdentityProvider.
+        * @param aServiceID the contract or endpoint of a service
+        * @param aProviderID the id of an IdentityProvider
+        * @return true if successful. Failure may be caused by non-existence
+        * of the IdentityProvider for the current user.
+        */
+        virtual TBool AssociateServiceL( const TDesC8& aServiceID,
+                                         const TDesC8& aProviderID );
+        /**
+        * Dissociate a service from an IdentityProvider.
+        * @param aServiceID the contract or endpoint of a service
+        * @param aProviderID the id of an IdentityProvider
+        * @return true if successful. Failure may be caused by non-existence
+        * of the IdentityProvider for the current user.
+        */
+        virtual TBool DissociateServiceL(const TDesC8& aServiceID,
+                                         const TDesC8& aProviderID );
+        /**
+        * Creates the element. Overrides CSenBaseFragment
+        * StartElementL-function
+        * @param aNsUri name space URI
+        * @param aLocalName local name
+        * @param aQName cue name
+        * @param apAttrs XML attributes
+        */
+        virtual void StartElementL(const TDesC8& aNsUri,
+                                   const TDesC8& aLocalName,
+                                   const TDesC8& aQName,
+                                   const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
+        void EndElementL(const TDesC8& aNsUri,
+                         const TDesC8& aLocalName,
+                         const TDesC8& aQName);
+        virtual HBufC8* AsXmlL();
+        virtual HBufC* AsXmlUnicodeL();
+        virtual void WriteAsXMLToL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream);
+        /**
+        * A Type getter.
+        * @return a pointer to the type
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC8& Type();
+        /**
+        * A Name getter.
+        * @return a pointer to the name
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC8& Name();
+        /**
+        * A UserName getter.
+        * @return a pointer to the user name
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC8& UserName();
+        /**
+        * Checks if Identity already has an identity provider with given data.
+        * Existing identity provider can still have more data than the pattern.
+        * @param    aContains   will contain the boolean value on return. ETrue if
+        *           contains, EFalse otherwise.
+        * @param    aIDP    the pattern identity provider.
+        * @return KErrNone or system-wide error code.
+        */
+        virtual TInt ContainsIdentityProviderL( TBool& aContains,
+                                                CSenIdentityProvider& aIDP);
+        /**
+        * Method for finding an identity provider.
+        * @param aIdp       Identity provider to be searched
+        * @param apMatch    ref-to-pointer to the found identity provider or 
+        *                   NULL if not found. Ownership is NOT transferred.
+        * @return   KErrNotFound if no match was found.
+        *           or otherwise the iProviderList index of found IdP.
+        */
+        virtual TInt FindMatchingIdentityProviderL(CSenIdentityProvider &aIdp,
+                                                   CSenIdentityProvider*& apMatch);
+        virtual const RIdentityProviderList& IdentityProvidersL() const;
+    private: 
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CSenBaseIdentity(TPtrC8 aIMEI);
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+        */void ConstructL();
+        // New functions
+        /**
+        * A getter.
+        * @param aProviderID the providers ID
+        * @return a pointer to IdentityProvider
+        */
+        CSenIdentityProvider* IdentityProviderNamed( const TDesC8& aProviderID );
+        TInt IdentityProviderNamed( const TDesC8& aProviderID,
+                                    CSenIdentityProvider*&  apMatch);
+#ifdef __CRYPTO_HW__									
+        void EncryptPasswordL(const TDesC8& aData, TDes8& aCipherText);
+		void DecryptPasswordL(const TDesC8& aData, TDes8& aCipherText);
+#endif // __CRYPTO_HW__
+    private: //Data
+        RIdentityProviderList iProviderList;
+        CSenIdentityProvider* iProvider;
+        TPtrC8 iIMEI;
+    };
+// End of File