author Pat Downey <patd@symbian.org>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:28:05 +0100
changeset 37 1adb97a15c2f
parent 0 62f9d29f7211
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:        Custom plug-in implementations offer their own API documentation
*                where detailed characteristics about how methods declared in this
*                class are implemented.


#include <flogger.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include "senlogger.h"
#include "sendebug.h"

typedef RSenPointerMap<TInt, TInt> RTransactionsMap;

class CSenConnectionChunk;
class CSenAsyncOperation;
class CSenServiceConnectionImpl;
struct TMessage
    CSenConnectionChunk* iSenConnectionChunk;   // Not Owned
    CSenAsyncOperation* iSenAsyncOperation; // Not Owned
struct TThreadMessage
    TMessage iMessage;
    TInt iVrtalTrnsnID;

#ifdef EKA2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSenServiceDispatcher) : public CBase
class CSenServiceDispatcher : public CBase

        // Constructors and destructor:
        static CSenServiceDispatcher* NewL(   RSenServiceConnection&  aConnection,
                                                        TInt aConnectionID);

        static CSenServiceDispatcher* NewLC(  RSenServiceConnection&  aConnection,
                                                        TInt aConnectionID);

        static TInt DispatcherThreadL(CSenServiceDispatcher* aThis);

        static TInt ExecuteL(CSenServiceDispatcher* aThis);

        TInt GetDispactherThreadId();

        TInt AddToTheQueue(TThreadMessage aThreadMessage);

        TBool RemoveFromQueue(TInt aTransactionID);

        TInt AddToTheTransMap(TInt* pVrtlaTxnId,TInt* pActlTxnId);

        TInt RemoveFromTransMap(TInt* pVrtlaTxnId);

        TInt UpdateTransMap(TInt* pVrtlaTxnId,TInt* pActlTxnId);

        TInt GetActualTransactionID(TInt* pVrtlaTxnId);

        TInt GetVirtualTransactionID(TInt* pActlTxnId);

        void SetOwnerThreadId(TInt aOwnerThreadID);

        void ResetQueue();

        TMessage GetMessageFromQueue(TInt aTransactionID);
        virtual ~CSenServiceDispatcher();


        * C++ default constructor.
        CSenServiceDispatcher(RSenServiceConnection&  aConnection);

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL(TInt aConnectionID);

        RTransactionsMap& TransactionMap();
        void OpenDispatcherLogL();

        void CloseDispatcherLogL();

        RThread                             iDispatcherThread;
        //Message queue to dispacth messages in FIFO order.
        RArray<TThreadMessage>              iMessageQueue;
        TInt                                iMessagesQueueCounter;
        //Map of virtual and actual transaction ID's.
        RTransactionsMap*                   ipTransactionsMap;
        //Flag for dispatching messages. Stops dispatching messages
        //when set to FALSE.
        TBool                               iDispatchMessages;
        //Synchronizer critical section. Used to lock while dispatching
        RCriticalSection                    iCsSynchronizer;
        //Crtitical senction for message queue. 
        RCriticalSection                    iCsMessageQueue;
        //Crtitical senction for transaction map. 
        RCriticalSection                    iCsTransctnsMap;
        TThreadId                           iOwnerThreadId;
        RSenServiceConnection&              iConnection;    // not owned        
        TInt                                iConnectionID;


#ifdef EKA2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSenUnderTakerWaiter) : public CActive
class CSenUnderTakerWaiter : public CActive
        // Constructors and destructor
        static CSenUnderTakerWaiter* NewL(CSenServiceConnectionImpl* aSenServiceConnectionImpl,
                                          TInt aDispatcherThreadID );
        static CSenUnderTakerWaiter* NewLC(CSenServiceConnectionImpl* aSenServiceConnectionImpl,
                                           TInt aDispatcherThreadID);

        void StartWaiter();
        void StopWaiter();


        void ConstructL(CSenServiceConnectionImpl* aSenServiceConnectionImpl,
                        TInt iDispatcherThreadID );
        void RunL();
        void DoCancel();
    private: // Data
        CSenServiceConnectionImpl*          iSenServiceConnectionImpl;  // not owned        
        RUndertaker                         iUnderTaker;
        TInt                                iDyingThreadNumber ;
        TInt                                iDispatcherThreadID ;


// End of File