* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Custom plug-in implementations offer their own API documentation
* where detailed characteristics about how methods declared in this
* class are implemented.
#include <e32property.h>
#include <flogger.h>
#include "SenHostletConnection.h" // public
#include "rsenhostletconnection.h"
#include "senpointermap.h"
#include "senlogger.h"
#include "sendebug.h"
#include "senregistrationtimer.h"
class MSenHostlet;
class MSenHostletRequest;
class MSenHostletResponse;
//class MSenServiceDescription;
class CSenChunk;
class CSenAsyncOperation;
class CSenHostletTransaction;
class CSenIdentifier;
class CSenHostletRequest;
class CSenHostletResponse;
class CSenFileProgressObserver;
typedef RSenPointerMap<TInt, CSenHostletTransaction> RHostletTransactionMap;
* Custom plug-in implementations offer their own API documentation
* where detailed characteristics about how methods declared in this
* class are implemented.
class CSenHostletConnectionImpl : public CSenHostletConnection, MSenRegistrationActor
friend class CSenAsyncOperation;
// Constructors and destructor:
static CSenHostletConnectionImpl* NewL(MSenHostlet& aProvider);
static CSenHostletConnectionImpl* NewLC(MSenHostlet& aProvider);
virtual ~CSenHostletConnectionImpl();
// New functions:
virtual TInt RespondL(MSenHostletResponse& aResponse);
virtual TInt Identifier();
protected: // Functions from base classes
// from CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
* C++ default constructor.
CSenHostletConnectionImpl(MSenHostlet& aProvider);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
// New functions
TInt EstablishConnectionL(MSenHostlet& aProvider);
TInt RegisterAndSubscribeFileProgressObserversL();
// Utility functions:
RHostletTransactionMap& HostletTransactionMapL();
TPtrC SessionID();
RPointerArray<CSenAsyncOperation>& AsyncOpsArrayL();
void HandleErrorFromChildAOL(TInt aError, TInt aTxnId, const TDesC8& aDesc, CSenAsyncOperation& aChild);
void HandleMessageFromChildAOL(TInt aStatus, CSenAsyncOperation& aChild);
TInt RegisterFilesObserver();
private: // Data
RSenHostletConnection iConnection; // owned
MSenHostlet& iProvider; // not owned
TInt iResponseLength;
TInt iErrorNumber;
TPtr8 iErrorNumberBuffer;
TInt iTxnId;
TPtr8 iTxnIdBuffer;
RHostletTransactionMap* iHostletTransactionMap;
HBufC* ipSessionId;
TPtr iSessionIdBuffer;
TInt iChunkNameNumber;
HBufC* ipChunkName;
TBool iAlive;
TBool iTransactionIdKnown;
TUint iAsyncOpsCount;
RPointerArray<CSenAsyncOperation>* iAsyncOpsArray;
TInt iConnectionID;
MSenFilesObserver* iFilesObserver;
TInt iTlsLogChannel;
TAny* ipInterface;
TBool iCancelSession;
CSenFileProgressObserver* ipFileProgressObserver; // owned
TBool iRegisterFileObserverDone;
CSenRegistrationTimer* ipRegistrationTimer;
#ifdef EKA2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSenAsyncOperation) : public CActive
class CSenAsyncOperation : public CActive
public: // Constructors and destructor
static CSenAsyncOperation* NewL(CSenHostletConnectionImpl* aActive);
static CSenAsyncOperation* NewLC(CSenHostletConnectionImpl* aActive);
virtual ~CSenAsyncOperation();
protected: // Functions from base classes
// from CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
CSenAsyncOperation(CSenHostletConnectionImpl* iActive);
public: // Data
CSenHostletConnectionImpl* iActive;
TInt iErrorNumber;
TPtr8 iErrorNumberBuffer;
TInt iTxnId;
TPtr8 iTxnIdBuffer;
#ifdef EKA2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSenHostletTransaction) : public CBase
class CSenHostletTransaction : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
static CSenHostletTransaction* NewL(CSenChunk* aSenChunk);
static CSenHostletTransaction* NewLC(CSenChunk* aSenChunk);
virtual ~CSenHostletTransaction();
void SetChunk(CSenChunk* aChunk);
CSenChunk* Chunk();
void SetIdentifier(CSenIdentifier* aIdentifier);
CSenIdentifier* Identifier();
void SetRequest(CSenHostletRequest* aRequest);
CSenHostletRequest* Request();
void SetResponse(CSenHostletResponse* aResponse);
CSenHostletResponse* Response();
CSenHostletTransaction(CSenChunk* aSenChunk);
private: // Data
CSenChunk* iSenChunk;
CSenIdentifier* iIdentifier;
CSenHostletRequest* iRequest;
CSenHostletResponse* iResponse;
#ifdef EKA2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSenFileProgressObserver) : public CActive
class CSenFileProgressObserver : public CActive
static CSenFileProgressObserver* NewL( MSenFilesObserver& aObserver,
TInt aConnectionID );
static CSenFileProgressObserver* NewLC( MSenFilesObserver& aObserver,
TInt aConnectionID );
CSenFileProgressObserver( MSenFilesObserver& aObserver,
TInt aConnectionID );
void ConstructL();
* Method update the consumer about the file progress transfer info
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
RProperty iFileProgressProperty;
MSenFilesObserver* iFileProgressObserver; // not owned
TInt iConnectionID;
// End of File