changeset 31 e8f4211554fb
child 39 7b3e49e4608a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wlanutilities/wlansniffer/wlansnifferapplication/src/wlansnifferlistview.cpp	Mon May 24 21:11:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* WLAN Sniffer List View. 
+// System includes
+#include <QGraphicsWidget>
+#include <QSharedPointer>
+#include <HbLabel>
+#include <HbPushButton>
+#include <HbMenu>
+#include <HbAction>
+#include <HbListWidget>
+#include <HbListWidgetItem>
+#include <HbDocumentLoader>
+#include <HbInstance>
+#include <HbMessageBox>
+#include <xqserviceutil.h>
+// User includes
+#include "wlanqtutils.h"
+#include "wlanqtutilsap.h"
+#include "wlanqtutilsiap.h"
+#include "wlansnifferengine.h"
+#include "wlansniffermainwindow.h"
+#include "wlansnifferlistview.h"
+#include "wlansnifferlistitem.h"
+#include "wlansnifferlistwidget.h"
+#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
+#include "wlansnifferlistviewTraces.h"
+    \class WlanSnifferListView
+    \brief WLAN Sniffer application's list view implementation.
+// External function prototypes
+// Local constants
+//! WLAN Sniffer list view docml file location
+static const QString WlanSnifferListViewDocml(":/docml/wlansnifferlistview.docml");
+// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+    Constructor.
+    @param [in] engine WLAN Sniffer application engine.
+    @param [in] mainWindow WLAN Sniffer main window.
+    WlanSnifferEngine *engine,
+    WlanSnifferMainWindow *mainWindow) : 
+    mDocLoader(new HbDocumentLoader(mainWindow)),
+    mWlanListWidget(),
+    mContextMenu(),
+    mContextMenuData(),
+    mWlanEnableDialog(),
+    mIgnoreWlanScanResults(false),
+    mConnectingIapId(WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone),
+    mEngine(engine),
+    mSwitchWlanAction(0),
+    mAddWlanAction(0),
+    mWlanList(0),
+    mStatusLabel(0),
+    mWlanButton(0)
+    // Start scanning immediately to get the first scan results as soon as
+    // possible, since the scanning takes time.
+    if (mEngine->masterWlan() && !mEngine->forceDisableWlan()) {
+        mEngine->startWlanScanning();
+    }
+    // Initialize UI from the docml based on standalone/embedded status
+    loadDocml(mEngine->isEmbedded());
+    if (mEngine->isEmbedded()) {
+        // We need to create a custom navigation action and handle exiting
+        // from the application differently in case the application was
+        // launched as embedded via QtHighway
+        HbAction *completeAction = new HbAction(Hb::BackNaviAction, this);
+        setNavigationAction(completeAction);
+        bool connectStatus = connect(
+            completeAction,
+            SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+            mEngine,
+            SLOT(completeService()));
+        Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    }
+    // Connect WLAN network open & close signals
+    bool connectStatus = connect(
+        mEngine->wlanQtUtils(),
+        SIGNAL(wlanNetworkOpened(int)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(updateConnectionOpened(int)));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    connectStatus = connect(
+        mEngine->wlanQtUtils(),
+        SIGNAL(wlanNetworkClosed(int, int)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(updateConnectionClosed(int))); // "reason" parameter ignored
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    // Connect WLAN ON/OFF setting change signal
+    connectStatus = connect(
+        mEngine,
+        SIGNAL(masterWlanStatus(bool)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(updateWlanEnabled()));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    // Connect Force Disable WLAN setting change signal
+    connectStatus = connect(
+        mEngine,
+        SIGNAL(forceDisableWlanStatus(bool)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(updateWlanEnabled()));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    // Connect signals to catch user interaction with the WLAN network list
+    connectStatus = connect(
+        mWlanList,
+        SIGNAL(activated(HbListWidgetItem *)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(handleListItemActivated(HbListWidgetItem *)));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    connectStatus = connect(
+        mWlanList,
+        SIGNAL(longPressed(HbListWidgetItem *, QPointF)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(handleListItemLongPressed(HbListWidgetItem *, QPointF)));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    // Connect signals to catch user interaction with WLAN ON/OFF switching
+    connectStatus = connect(
+        mWlanButton,
+        SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(handleWlanToggled()));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    connectStatus = connect(
+        mSwitchWlanAction,
+        SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(handleWlanToggled()));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    // Connect WLAN scan results signal
+    connectStatus = connect(
+        mEngine,
+        SIGNAL(wlanScanReady()),
+        this,
+        SLOT(updateListContent()));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    // Set the initial value of WLAN state
+    updateWlanEnabled();
+    Destructor.
+    Loading of WLAN Sniffer List View docml.
+    @param [in] isEmbedded TRUE if WLAN Sniffer is launched as embedded. 
+void WlanSnifferListView::loadDocml(bool isEmbedded)
+    bool ok = false;
+    // First load the common section
+    mDocLoader->load(WlanSnifferListViewDocml, &ok);
+    Q_ASSERT(ok);
+    // Then load the mode specific section
+    if (isEmbedded) {
+        mDocLoader->load(WlanSnifferListViewDocml, "embedded", &ok);
+    } else {
+        mDocLoader->load(WlanSnifferListViewDocml, "standalone", &ok);
+    }
+    Q_ASSERT(ok);
+    // Load the view by name from the xml file
+    QGraphicsWidget *widget = mDocLoader->findWidget("occ_list");
+    Q_ASSERT(widget);
+    // Set the WlanListView view to be the widget that was loaded from the xml
+    setWidget(widget);
+    // Set view menu
+    HbMenu *viewMenu = qobject_cast<HbMenu *>(mDocLoader->findWidget("viewMenu"));
+    Q_ASSERT(viewMenu);
+    setMenu(viewMenu);
+    // WLAN Sniffer list widget takes responsibility of the list widget behaviour
+    mWlanList = qobject_cast<HbListWidget *>(mDocLoader->findWidget("listWidget"));
+    Q_ASSERT(mWlanList);
+    mWlanListWidget = QSharedPointer<WlanSnifferListWidget>(new WlanSnifferListWidget(mWlanList));
+    // Retrieve pointers to widgets we need to access from the code
+    mSwitchWlanAction = qobject_cast<HbAction *>(mDocLoader->findObject("switchWlanAction"));
+    Q_ASSERT(mSwitchWlanAction);
+    mAddWlanAction = qobject_cast<HbAction *>(mDocLoader->findObject("addWlanAction"));
+    Q_ASSERT(mAddWlanAction);
+    mWlanButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *>(mDocLoader->findWidget("wlanButton"));
+    Q_ASSERT(mWlanButton);
+    mStatusLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>(mDocLoader->findWidget("statusLabel"));
+    Q_ASSERT(mStatusLabel);
+    Updates WLAN status label based on current WLAN status.
+    @param [in] enabled True if WLAN is enabled.
+void WlanSnifferListView::updateWlanStatusLabel(bool enabled)
+    QString status;
+    if (!enabled) {
+        // WLAN is OFF
+        status = hbTrId("txt_occ_grid_wlan_is_switched_off");
+    } else {
+        int iapId = mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->activeIap();
+        switch (mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->connectionStatus()) {
+        case WlanQtUtils::ConnStatusConnecting:
+            // WLAN is connecting
+            Q_ASSERT(iapId != WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone);
+            status = hbTrId("txt_occ_grid_connecting_to_1").arg(
+                mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->iapName(iapId));
+            break;
+        case WlanQtUtils::ConnStatusConnected:
+            // WLAN is connected
+            Q_ASSERT(iapId != WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone);
+            status = hbTrId("txt_occ_grid_connected_to_1").arg(
+                mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->iapName(iapId));
+            break;
+        default:
+            // WLAN is disconnected
+            status = hbTrId("txt_occ_grid_not_connected");        
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    mStatusLabel->setPlainText(status);
+    Handles a "Connect" action for the selected IAP or AP item.
+    @param data IAP ID (int), or AP class (WlanQtUtilsAp) to connect.
+void WlanSnifferListView::handleConnect(QVariant data)
+    // Check whether we need to disconnect a previous connection first
+    int activeWlanId = mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->activeIap();
+    // Get IAP ID if IAP is available
+    int iapId = WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone;
+    if (data.canConvert<int>()) {
+        iapId = data.toInt();
+    }
+    OstTraceExt2(
+        TRACE_NORMAL,
+        "WlanSnifferListView::handleConnect;activeWlanId=%d;iapId=%d",
+        activeWlanId,
+        iapId);
+    // Skip connecting if the IAP is already connected
+    if (activeWlanId != WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone && iapId == activeWlanId) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (activeWlanId != WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone) {
+        mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->disconnectIap(activeWlanId);
+        // Update list widget so that the IAP is no longer connected
+        updateListContent();
+    }
+    if (iapId != WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone) {
+        // Item was an IAP, connect it.
+        mConnectingIapId = iapId;
+        mStatusLabel->setPlainText(
+            hbTrId("txt_occ_grid_connecting_to_1").arg(
+                mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->iapName(iapId)));
+        mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->connectIap(iapId);
+    } else {
+        // Item is a WLAN AP. Summon the Wlan Wizard to handle creation
+        // of the IAP and connecting it.
+        Q_ASSERT(data.canConvert<WlanQtUtilsAp>());
+        WlanQtUtilsAp ap = data.value<WlanQtUtilsAp>();
+        emit wizardTriggered(&ap);
+    }
+    Updates WLAN list widget with new WLAN scan results. 
+void WlanSnifferListView::updateListContent()
+    if (!mIgnoreWlanScanResults) {
+        // Get the latest scan results
+        QList< QSharedPointer<WlanQtUtilsIap> > iaps;
+        QList< QSharedPointer<WlanQtUtilsAp> > aps;
+        mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->availableWlans(iaps, aps);
+        // Check for connected IAP
+        int iapId = WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone;
+        if (mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->connectionStatus() ==
+            WlanQtUtils::ConnStatusConnected) {
+            iapId = mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->activeIap();
+        }
+        // Let the list widget class update the list content
+        mWlanListWidget->updateContent(iaps, aps, iapId);
+    }
+    WLAN state settings change handler. This slot handles both the
+    WLAN ON/OFF setting and WLAN forced OFF setting.
+    Updates all WLAN ON/OFF related (UI) elements.
+void WlanSnifferListView::updateWlanEnabled()
+    // Check the updated setting status
+    bool forcedOff = mEngine->forceDisableWlan();
+    bool enabled = mEngine->masterWlan() && !forcedOff;
+    // Update the WLAN status label
+    updateWlanStatusLabel(enabled);
+    // Set the WLAN ON/OFF button state
+    mWlanButton->setChecked(enabled);
+    // Select the right WLAN button icon and menu action text
+    if (enabled) {
+        mWlanButton->setIcon(HbIcon("qtg_mono_wlan"));
+        mSwitchWlanAction->setText(hbTrId("txt_occ_opt_switch_wlan_off"));
+    } else {
+        mWlanButton->setIcon(HbIcon("qtg_mono_wlan_offline"));
+        mSwitchWlanAction->setText(hbTrId("txt_occ_opt_switch_wlan_on"));
+    }
+    // Set triggable WLAN UI elements disabled if WLAN is forced OFF
+    mWlanButton->setEnabled(!forcedOff);
+    mSwitchWlanAction->setEnabled(!forcedOff);
+    // Disable manual WLAN IAP creation when WLAN is switched OFF
+    mAddWlanAction->setEnabled(enabled);
+    // Switch WLAN scanning ON/OFF
+    if (enabled) {
+        mEngine->startWlanScanning();
+    } else {
+        mEngine->stopWlanScanning();
+        // Clear the network list when going to offline
+        mWlanList->clear();
+    }
+    Connection opened slot. Updates connection status.
+    @param [in] iapId IAP ID of the connected WLAN IAP. 
+void WlanSnifferListView::updateConnectionOpened(int iapId)
+    mConnectingIapId = WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone;
+    mStatusLabel->setPlainText(
+        hbTrId("txt_occ_grid_connected_to_1").arg(
+            mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->iapName(iapId)));
+    // Update the list widget content
+    updateListContent();
+    // Scroll to the top of the list
+    mWlanListWidget->scrollTo(0);
+    Connection closing handler. Updates connection status.
+    @param [in] iapId Disconnected IAP ID. 
+void WlanSnifferListView::updateConnectionClosed(int iapId)
+    if (mEngine->masterWlan() && !mEngine->forceDisableWlan()) {
+        // Check whether we can update the status text to "Not connected"
+        if (mConnectingIapId == WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone ||
+            mConnectingIapId == iapId) {
+            mStatusLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_occ_grid_not_connected"));
+        }
+        // else: we are already connecting to another network so don't touch
+        // the status label
+        // Update the list widget content
+        updateListContent();
+    }
+    if (mConnectingIapId == iapId) {
+        // Not connecting to this network anymore
+        mConnectingIapId = WlanQtUtils::IapIdNone;
+    }
+    Context menu closing handler.
+void WlanSnifferListView::handleContextMenuClosed()
+    // Let list updating start again
+    mIgnoreWlanScanResults = false;
+    List item activation handler. Connects the WLAN network, and if there
+    is no IAP yet for it, starts WLAN Wizard.
+    @param [in] item Selected WLAN network list item. 
+void WlanSnifferListView::handleListItemActivated(HbListWidgetItem *item)
+    handleConnect(item->data());
+    WLAN List item long press handler.
+    The long press of a list item (i.e. WLAN IAP) opens a context menu that
+    is populated depending on the state of the WLAN network in case.
+    @param [in] item Selected list item.
+    @param [in] coords Coordinates of the long press.
+void WlanSnifferListView::handleListItemLongPressed(
+    HbListWidgetItem *item,
+    const QPointF &coords)
+    mContextMenu = QSharedPointer<HbMenu>(new HbMenu());
+    int activeIap = mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->activeIap();
+    // Remember the item that was long pressed
+    mContextMenuData = item->data();
+    if (mContextMenuData.canConvert<int>()
+        && mContextMenuData.toInt() == activeIap) {
+        // Connected IAP, add "Disconnect" action
+        mContextMenu->addAction(
+            hbTrId("txt_common_menu_disconnect"),
+            this,
+            SLOT(handleListItemDisconnect()));
+    } else {
+        // Not connected IAP or AP, add "Connect" action
+        mContextMenu->addAction(
+            hbTrId("txt_common_menu_connect"),
+            this,
+            SLOT(handleListItemConnect()));
+    }
+    // Show the menu and connect closure signal (to re-enable list refreshing)
+    bool connectStatus = connect(
+        mContextMenu.data(),
+        SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),
+        this,
+        SLOT(handleContextMenuClosed()));
+    Q_ASSERT(connectStatus);
+    mContextMenu->setTimeout(HbPopup::ContextMenuTimeout);
+    mContextMenu->setPreferredPos(coords);
+    mContextMenu->show();
+    // Skip WLAN scan result updates during context menu handling
+    mIgnoreWlanScanResults = true;
+    Handles the "Connect" action selected from the context menu for a list item.
+void WlanSnifferListView::handleListItemConnect()
+    handleConnect(mContextMenuData);
+    Handles the "Disconnect" action selected from the context menu for a list item.
+void WlanSnifferListView::handleListItemDisconnect()
+    // "Disconnect" was only added, if the item was an IAP and data was
+    // the IAP ID.
+    Q_ASSERT(mContextMenuData.canConvert<int>());
+    mEngine->wlanQtUtils()->disconnectIap(mContextMenuData.toInt());
+    Function for handling WLAN ON/OFF switch initiation.
+void WlanSnifferListView::handleWlanToggled()
+    // Toggle the new WLAN ON/OFF value
+    bool wlanOn = mEngine->masterWlan(); 
+    OstTraceExt1(
+        TRACE_NORMAL,
+        "WlanSnifferListView::handleWlanToggled;wlan=%hhu",
+        wlanOn);
+    // We have to check whether the offline mode is ON. If it is, then the
+    // user needs to be queried whether WLAN will be used in offline mode.
+    if (!wlanOn && mEngine->offlineMode()) {
+        // Show the dialog and wait for user input.
+        mWlanEnableDialog = QSharedPointer<HbMessageBox>(
+            new HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion)); 
+        mWlanEnableDialog->setTimeout(HbPopup::StandardTimeout);
+        mWlanEnableDialog->setText(hbTrId("txt_occ_info_activate_wlan_in_airplane_mode"));
+        // Open the dialog and connect the result to the handleWlanEnableDialogClosed slot
+        mWlanEnableDialog->open(this, SLOT(handleWlanEnableDialogClosed(HbAction*)));
+    } else {
+        // Stop WLAN scanning immediately when switching WLAN OFF.
+        // WLAN might have sent scan results just before disabling WLAN.
+        if (wlanOn) {
+            mEngine->stopWlanScanning();
+        }
+        mEngine->setMasterWlan(!wlanOn);
+    }
+    Function to handle the input received when the wlan enabling 
+    query is closed.
+    @param [in] action The user action received from the dialog.
+void WlanSnifferListView::handleWlanEnableDialogClosed(HbAction *action)
+    // The dialog must exist
+    Q_ASSERT(mWlanEnableDialog);
+    // If the user selected yes, then the wlan value is toggled,
+    // otherwise nothing needs to be done.
+    // TODO: Update actions().at(0) when a better solution is provided by orbit
+    if (action == mWlanEnableDialog->actions().at(0)) {
+        mEngine->setMasterWlan(true); 
+    }