Merge docml changeset with recent Nokia delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of HotSpot Server API
#include <e32base.h>
#include "hssmgmtcommon.h"
#include "hssiapsettings.h"
#include "hssiaphandler.h"
#include "hssscanhandler.h"
#include "hssscanlist.h"
#include "hsssrvnotifications.h"
class MHssSrvNotifications;
class CHssSrvNotifications;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( RHssInterface ) : public RSessionBase
* Client makes the connection to the server.
* @return General Symbian error code.
IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
* Version information.
* @return Version information.
TVersion Version() const;
* Close the connection; release the handle to the server.
IMPORT_C void Close();
* Set a message to pend notification.
* @param aReturnValue Status of the calling active object.
* @param aReturnData (OUT) Data returned by the notification.
void WaitForNotification( TRequestStatus& aReturnValue,
TDes8& aReturnData );
* Cancel pending notification message from server.
* CHssSrvNotifications class uses this method to cancel pending message at server
* side.
void CancelWaitForNotification();
* Activate the notification service.
* After the client has enabled the notification service, it can
* receive asynchronous notifications from the server.
* @param aCallback The class that implements the callback interface.
IMPORT_C void ActivateNotificationsL( MHssSrvNotifications& aCallback );
* Cancel the notification service.
IMPORT_C void CancelNotifications();
* Perform a scan and return the detected WLAN networks.
* @param aResults Results of the scan.
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide
* error codes.
IMPORT_C TInt GetScanResults( HssScanList& aResults );
* Create and Protect IAP, register HotSpot Client.
* @param aUid, UID of the client.
* @param aIapName, Name of the iap to be created.
* @param aWaitnote, TRUE or FALSE indication of external prowserplugin need.
* @return On successful completion returns IAP ID, otherwise return value is 0.
IMPORT_C TUint Register( const TUid aUid,
const TDesC& aIapName,
const TUint aWaitnote );
* Delete IAP and unregister HotSpot Client.
* @param IapID, ID of the IAP to be unregistered.
* @param Uid, UID of the client.
* @return KErrNone if successful
IMPORT_C TInt UnRegister( const TUint aIapId,
const TUint aNetworkId,
const TUid aUid );
* Change IAP settings.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @param aSettings, Complete IAP settings struct
* @return KErrNone if successful
IMPORT_C TInt ChangeSettings( const TUint aIapId,
const THssIapSettings& aSettings);
* Associate IAP with network.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @return KErrNone if successful
IMPORT_C TInt Join( const TUint aIapId );
* Cancel start call.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @return KErrNone if successful
IMPORT_C TInt CancelStart( const TUint aIapId );
* Stop associating IAP.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @return KErrNone if successful
IMPORT_C TInt Stop( const TUint aIapId );
* End connection.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @param aStatus, Status of the calling active object.
* @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
IMPORT_C TInt LoginComplete( const TUint aIapId, TInt aStatus );
* End connection.
* @param aIapID, ID of the IAP.
* @return KErrNone if successful
IMPORT_C TInt LogoutComplete( const TUint aIapId );
* StartLogin for NIFMAN Configuration Daemon.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @param aNetworkId, ID of the network.
* @param aStatus, Status of the calling active object.
IMPORT_C void StartLogin ( const TUint aIapId,
const TUint aNetworkId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* CancelLogin for DHCP Configuration Daemon.
* @return KErrNone if successful
IMPORT_C TInt CancelLogin ();
* Start for WLAN agent.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @param aStatus, Status of the calling active object.
IMPORT_C void Start( const TUint aIapId, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Start again for WLAN agent.
* @param aIapID, ID of the IAP.
* @param aStatus, Status of the calling active object.
IMPORT_C void StartAgain( const TUint aIapId, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Close connection for WLAN agent.
* @param aIapID, ID of the IAP.
* @param aStatus, Status of the calling active object.
IMPORT_C void CloseConnection( const TUint aIapId, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Check status of BackgroundScan.
* @return 0 if off, otherwice number as scan interval.
IMPORT_C TUint32 CheckBackgroundScanL();
* Cancel for WLAN agent.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
IMPORT_C void Cancel( const TUint aIapId );
* Shutdown server when uninstalling .sis -file.
IMPORT_C TInt ShutdownServerL();
* Set UI state of HotSpot browser logon application.
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @param aState, value of THsBrowserUiStates.
IMPORT_C void SetUiState( const TUint aIapId, const TUint aState );
* Get ID of the IAP .
* @return IAP ID.
inline TUint IapId();
IMPORT_C TUint32 GetIap(TIpcArgs aArgs);
* Starts HotSpot browser for browser based authentication.
* @param aStatus, Status of the calling active object.
IMPORT_C void StartBrowser( const TDesC& aString,
const TUint aIapId,
const TUint aNetId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Get the BSSID of the currently connected AP.
* @param aBssId, MAC address of a connection
* @return KErrNone if successful,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
IMPORT_C TInt GetConnectionBssid( THssBssid& aBssId );
* Add an SSID list to the given IAP.
* @param aIapId, IAP ID given.
* @param aSsidList, SSID list to add to the IAP.
* @return KErrNone if successful,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
IMPORT_C TInt AddIapSsidList(
TUint aIapId,
const CArrayFixFlat<THssSsid>& aSsidList );
* Set login and logout timer values of this client.
* If given values aren't suitable, the default values are set.
* @param aClientUid, Client's UID: clients may have own timer values,
* @param aLoginTimerValue, login timer value,
* @param aLogoutTimerValue, logout timer value.
* @return KErrNone if successful,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
IMPORT_C TInt SetTimerValues (
TUid aClientUid,
TUint aLoginTimerValue,
TUint aLogoutTimerValue );
* Gets all Iaps of client
* @param aUId, UID of client
* @param aIapIdArray, Array for client's Iaps
* @return None
IMPORT_C void GetClientIapsL( const TUid aUid, RArray<TUint>& aIapIdArray );
protected: // Methods
* Start the server during Connect() if the server is not loaded.
* @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system wide error codes.
TInt StartServer();
private: // Methods
* Stops active connection
* @param aIapId, ID of the IAP.
* @param aNetworkId, ID of the network.
* @return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system wide error codes.
TInt StopConnectionL( const TUint aIapId, const TUint aNetworkId );
private: // Data
* Callback interface to HSS management.
CHssSrvNotifications* iNotify;
* ID of the IAP.
TUint iIapId;
* Handler for changing IAP settings
CHssIapHandler* iIapHandler;
* Handler for changing IAP settings
CHssScanHandler* iScanHandler;
* Parameter array type
TIpcArgs iArgs;
// End of File