Merge docml changeset with recent Nokia delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of HotSpot Server
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include "hotspotclientserver.h"
#include "hssscanlist.h"
#include "hssnotif.h"
#include <wlanmgmtcommon.h>
#include <wlanmgmtinterface.h>
class CHotSpotSession;
class HssScanList;
class CNotificationBase;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Server's policy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Total number of ranges
const TUint KHotSpotServerPlatSecRangeCount = 3;
//Definition of the ranges of IPC numbers
const TInt THotSpotServerPlatSecRanges[ KHotSpotServerPlatSecRangeCount ] =
0, // Internal IPC Messages (Client, WLAN, NIfman, Shutdown, Internal, UI)
20, // IPC Message ICTS API
21 // Not supported IPC Messages
//Policy to implement for each of the above ranges
const TUint8 THotSpotServerPlatSecElementsIndex[ KHotSpotServerPlatSecRangeCount ] =
0, // Internal IPC Messages
CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, // IPC Messages ICTS API
CPolicyServer::ENotSupported // Not supported IPC Messages
//Specific capability checks
const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement THotSpotServerPlatSecElements[] =
{ _INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( ECapabilityNetworkControl ), CPolicyServer::EFailClient }
//Package all the above together into a policy
const CPolicyServer::TPolicy THotSpotServerPlatSecPolicy =
CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, // specifies all connect attempts should pass
KHotSpotServerPlatSecRangeCount, // number of ranges
THotSpotServerPlatSecRanges, // ranges array
THotSpotServerPlatSecElementsIndex, // elements<->ranges index
THotSpotServerPlatSecElements, // array of elements
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Server's panic codes here
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum THotspotPanic
void PanicClient(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,THotspotPanic aPanic);
* Stores RMessage entries
struct SRequestMapEntry
RMessagePtr2 iMessage;
THotSpotCommands iFunction;
TUint iIapId;
* Stores timer values for each client
struct SLoginLogoutTimers
TBuf<KUidLength> iClientUid;
TUint iLoginTimeMicroSecs;
TUint iLogoutTimeMicroSecs;
* Stores all registered IAPs and their client UIDs
struct SClientIaps
TUint iIapId;
TBuf<KUidLength> iClientUid;
* The server of HotSpot services.
* @lib HotSpotServer.exe
* @since Series 60 3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CHotSpotServer ) : public CPolicyServer, public MWlanMgmtNotifications
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CHotSpotServer* NewLC();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CHotSpotServer();
public: // New functions
virtual void NotifyAdd( CNotificationBase& aNotification );
virtual void NotifyRemove(CNotificationBase& aNotification );
* Saves Iap Id, RMessage2, THotSpotCommands as one entry
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aIapId IAP id
* @param aMessage Client/Server message from client
* @param aCommand Command/Function of message
* @return None
TInt SaveMessage( TUint aIapId, const RMessage2& aMessage,
THotSpotCommands aCommand );
* Complete RMessage2
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aIndex Index of completed message in array
* @param aResult Return value in complete
* @return None
void CompleteMessage( TInt aIndex, TInt aResult );
* Find message & add data to message
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aIndex, Index of message in array
* @param aData, TPckg type of data
* @return Index of message in array, otherwise KErrNotFound
TInt EditMessage( TInt aIndex, TPckg<HssScanList>& aData);
* Check if IAP id has uncomplete messages
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aIapId IAP id
* @param aCommand Command/Function of message
* @return Index of message in array, otherwise KErrNotFound
TInt FindMessage( TUint aIapId, THotSpotCommands aCommand );
* Set value whether Logout() is sent or not
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aValue New value of flag
* @return None
void SetLogoutFlag( TBool aValue );
* Gets value if Logout is sent to client or not
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return ETrue if Login is sent. Otherwise EFalse
TBool GetLogoutFlagValue();
* Set value whether Login() is sent or not
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aValue New value of flag
* @return None
void SetLoginFlag( TBool aValue );
* Gets value if Login is sent to client or not
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return ETrue if Login can be sent. Otherwise EFalse
TBool GetLoginFlagValue();
* Set value whether WLAN association status can be sent
* @param aValue New value of flag
* @return None
void SetAssociationFlag( TBool aValue );
* Gets value whether WLAN association status can be sent
* @return ETrue if can be sent. Otherwise EFalse.
TBool GetAssociationFlagValue();
* Finds HotspotFW created client IAPs.
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @return None
void FindClientIapsL();
* Checks IAPs if there's any unused Hotspot IAPs.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return None
void CheckIapsL();
* Get login timer value for the specified client.
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @param aClientUid, clients user id
* @return Login timer value.
TUint GetLoginTimeMicroSecs( TDes& aClientUid );
* Get logout timer value for the specified client.
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @param aClientUid, clients user id
* @return Logout timer value.
TUint GetLogoutTimeMicroSecs( TDes& aClientUid );
* Set both login and logout timer values for the specified client.
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @param aClientUid, clients user id
* @param aLoginTimerValue, set login timer value
* @param aLogoutTimerValue, set logout timer value.
void SetTimerValues(
TDes& aClientUid,
TUint aLoginTimerValue,
TUint aLogoutTimerValue );
* Finds if given IAP id has an existing client.
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @param aClientUid, clients user id
* @return KErrNone if client is found, otherwise KErrNotFound
TInt GetClientUid( TUint aIapId, TDes& aUid );
* Adds client IAP to the array.
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @param aIapId, IAP id
* @param aUid, clients user id
void SetClientIap( TUint aIapId, TDes& aUid );
* Removes client IAP from the array.
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @param aIapId, IAP id
void RemoveClientIap( TUint aIapId );
* Returns Easy WLAN IAP id.
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @return Easy WLAN id
TInt GetEasyWlanId();
* Find matching Client UID from the timer array.
* @param aClientUid, client UID to find.
* @return matching index if UID was found, otherwise KErrNotFound.
TInt FindClientUid( TDes& aClientUid );
public: // Functions from base classes
* From CServer creates a new session
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aVersion Version
* @return Pointer to created server side session
CSession2* NewSessionL( const TVersion& aVersion,
const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
* From MWlanMgmtNotifications
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aNewState State of WLAN
* @return None
virtual void ConnectionStateChanged( TWlanConnectionMode aNewState );
* Overrides CActive::RunError()
virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Messages that are needed to be saved for later completion
* Own
RArray<SRequestMapEntry> iMap;
* List of clients who have subscribed notifications
RArray<CNotificationBase*> iNotificationArray;
* Flag for sending client Logout -message
TBool iLogoutSent;
* Flag for sending client Login -message
TBool iLoginValue;
* Flag for sending WLAN association status to client
TBool iAssociationValue;
* Flag for the IAP check
TBool iIapCheckValue;
* Flag for client IAP search
TInt iClientIapsChecked;
* WLAN management API
CWlanMgmtClient* iMgtClient;
* Array for storing client dependent login and logout timer values.
RArray<SLoginLogoutTimers> iLoginLogoutTimerArray;
* Array for storing client IAPs and their UIDs.
RArray<SClientIaps> iClientIaps;
* Easy WLAN IAP Id
TInt iEasyWlanId;