author hgs
Thu, 10 Jun 2010 15:44:54 +0300
changeset 36 682dd021f9be
parent 31 e8f4211554fb
child 39 7b3e49e4608a
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* WLAN Qt Utilities implementation.

// System includes

// User includes

#include "wlanqtutilsap.h"
#include "wlanqtutilsiap.h"
#include "wlanqtutils_p.h"
#include "wlanqtutils.h"

    \class WlanQtUtils
    \brief Wlan Qt Utilities. This class provides a Qt API for UI components
           for retrieving different kind of information related to WLAN

// External function prototypes

// Local constants

// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========

// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========


WlanQtUtils::WlanQtUtils() :
    d_ptr(new WlanQtUtilsPrivate(this))



    Function for requesting a single WLAN scan to be triggered.
    Signal wlanScanReady() is emitted when new scan results are available.

void WlanQtUtils::scanWlans()

    Function for requesting a WLAN AP scan to be triggered.
    Signal availableWlanAps() is emitted when new scan results are available.

void WlanQtUtils::scanWlanAps()

    Function for requesting a direct WLAN scan with given SSID.

    Signal wlanScanDirectReady() is emitted when new scan results are

    @param [in] ssid Network name to be found

void WlanQtUtils::scanWlanDirect(const QString &ssid)

    Function for stopping a (possibly) ongoing WLAN scan. No scan result
    signal will be sent before a new scan request is made.

void WlanQtUtils::stopWlanScan()

    Function to request details of available WLAN networks. Can be called 
    at any time. Calling right after wlanScanReady() signal ensures you get
    the most recent results.

    @param [out] wlanIapList List of available WLAN IAPs.
    @param [out] wlanApList List of unknown WLAN APs.

void WlanQtUtils::availableWlans(
    QList< QSharedPointer<WlanQtUtilsIap> > &wlanIapList,
    QList< QSharedPointer<WlanQtUtilsAp> > &wlanApList) const
    d_ptr->availableWlans(wlanIapList, wlanApList);

    Function to request details of available WLAN networks. This function is
    used to get the results that are informed by following signals:

    @param [out] wlanApList List of unknown WLAN APs.

void WlanQtUtils::availableWlanAps(
    QList< QSharedPointer<WlanQtUtilsAp> > &wlanApList) const

    Function to create an IAP from the given WLAN access point.

    @param [in] wlanAp Access point containing parameters to include in the new IAP.
    @return IAP ID if creation succeeds, IapIdNone otherwise.

int WlanQtUtils::createIap(const WlanQtUtilsAp *wlanAp)
    return d_ptr->createIap(wlanAp);

    Function to update an IAP from the given WLAN access point.

    @param [in] iapId ID of the IAP to be updated.
    @param [in] wlanAp Access point containing parameters to update in the IAP.
    @return Was update successful?

bool WlanQtUtils::updateIap(int iapId, const WlanQtUtilsAp *wlanAp)
    return d_ptr->updateIap(iapId, wlanAp);

    Function to delete an IAP.

    @param [in] iapId ID of the IAP to be deleted.

void WlanQtUtils::deleteIap(int iapId)

    Function to start connection creation for the given IAP. Runs also
    Internet Connectivity Test (ICT), if requested with the optional
    Connecting while there is already a connection is also supported.

    wlanNetworkOpened() or wlanNetworkClosed() signal will be emitted
    when connection status changes.
    ictResult() signal will be emitted when (possible) ICT result is

    @param [in] iapId ID of the IAP to be connected.
    @param [in] runIct Should ICT be run or not?

void WlanQtUtils::connectIap(int iapId, bool runIct)
    d_ptr->connectIap(iapId, runIct);

    Function to disconnect the given IAP.
    Disconnecting when there is no connection is also supported.

    @param [in] iapId ID of the IAP to be disconnected.

void WlanQtUtils::disconnectIap(int iapId)

    Function to retrieve the name of the IAP with the given ID.

    @param [in] iapId ID of the requested IAP.
    @return Name of the IAP or empty QString if IAP is not found.

QString WlanQtUtils::iapName(int iapId) const
    return d_ptr->iapName(iapId);

    Connection status getter.
    @return Current WLAN connection status. 

WlanQtUtils::ConnStatus WlanQtUtils::connectionStatus() const
    return d_ptr->connectionStatus();

    Function for getting the ID of the (possibly) active WLAN IAP.
    Active here means non-disconnected.
    Use connectionStatus() for retrieving the actual status.

    @return ID of the active IAP, IapIdNone if not valid.

int WlanQtUtils::activeIap() const
    return d_ptr->activeIap();