changeset 0 cec860690d41
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // wins\inc\variant.h
    15 // Wins Variant Header
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 #ifndef __VA_STD_H__
    20 #define __VA_STD_H__
    22 #include <assp.h>
    23 #include "vwins.h"
    24 #include "nk_priv.h"
    25 #pragma warning(disable : 4201) // nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union
    26 #include <mmsystem.h>
    27 #pragma warning(default : 4201)
    28 #include <kernel/kpower.h>
    30 #ifdef _DEBUG
    31 const TInt KDefaultDebugMask = 1<<KPANIC; //KPANIC, override this with "DebugMask 0" in EPOC.INI
    32 #else
    33 const TInt KDefaultDebugMask = 0;
    34 #endif
    36 typedef void (*TMediaChangeCallBack)(TAny*);
    38 class WinsTimer
    39 	{
    40 public:
    41 	enum
    42 		{
    43 		EDefaultPeriod = 5,		// milliseconds
    44 		EMaxLag = 100,			// milliseconds
    45 		};
    46 public:
    47 	WinsTimer();
    48 	void Init(TUint aPeriod);
    49 	void Enable();
    50 	inline TUint Period() const
    51 		{return iPeriod;}
    52 	inline void SetIdleThread()
    53 		{if (!iIdleThread) iIdleThread = NKern::CurrentThread();}
    54 	inline void Nobble(TUint aNobbleFactor)
    55 		{iNobbleNanos = aNobbleFactor * iPeriod;}
    56 	TInt SystemTime() const;
    57 	void SetSystemTime(TInt aTime);
    58 	void Standby();
    59 	void Wakeup();
    60 private:
    61 	void EventThread(NTimerQ& aTimerQ);
    62 	static DWORD WINAPI Thread(LPVOID);
    63 	static void CALLBACK Tick(UINT, UINT, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD);
    64 private:
    65 	TUint iPeriod;
    66 	TUint iNobbleNanos;
    67 	TInt iMaxLagTicks;
    68 	HANDLE iSemaphore;
    69 	UINT iTimer;
    70 	TInt iSuspend;
    71 	Int64 iTime;
    72 	NThread* iIdleThread;
    73 	TBool iStandby;
    74 	};
    76 class Properties
    77 	{
    78 	struct SEntry
    79 		{
    80 		char* iProperty;
    81 		char* iValue;
    82 		};
    83 public:
    84 	Properties();
    85 	const char* Append(const char* aProperty, const char* aValue);
    86 	const char* Replace(const char* aProperty, const char* aValue);
    87 	TInt GetString(const char* aProperty, const char*& aValue) const;
    88 	TInt GetInt(const char* aProperty, TInt& aValue) const;
    89 	TInt GetBool(const char* aProperty, TBool& aValue, TBool aDefaultValue=EFalse) const;
    90 	//
    91 	void Dump() const;
    92 private:
    93 	TInt Find(const char* aProperty) const;
    94 	const char* Insert(TInt aIndex, const char* aProperty, const char* aValue);
    95 private:
    96 	SEntry* iEntries;
    97 	TInt iCount;
    98 	TInt iSize;
    99 	};
   101 class Wins : public Asic
   102 	{
   103 public:
   104 	Wins();
   105 	//
   106 	TInt Init(TBool aRunExe);
   107 	inline void InstallUi(DWinsUiBase& aUi);
   108 	TInt EmulatorHal(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
   109 private:
   110 	// initialisation
   111 	void Init1();
   112 	void Init3();
   113 	void AddressInfo(SAddressInfo& anInfo);
   115 	// power management
   116 	void Idle();
   118 	// timing
   119 	TInt MsTickPeriod();
   120 	TInt SystemTimeInSecondsFrom2000(TInt& aTime);
   121 	TInt SetSystemTimeInSecondsFrom2000(TInt aTime);
   123 	// HAL
   124 	TInt VariantHal(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
   126 	// Machine configuration
   127 	TPtr8 MachineConfiguration();
   128 	const char* EmulatorMediaPath();
   130 	// Debug trace
   131 	void DebugPrint(const TDesC8& aDes);
   132 	TBool ErrorDialog(TError aType, const TDesC8& aPanic, TInt aVal);
   133 	void EarlyLogging(const char* aMessage1,const char* aMessage2);
   134 private:
   135 	TInt InitProperties(TBool aRunExe);
   136 	TInt DebugMask();
   137 	TUint32 KernelConfigFlags();
   138 	TInt ParseCapabilitiesArg(SCapabilitySet& aCapabilities, const char *aText);
   139 	void DisabledCapabilities(SCapabilitySet& aCapabilities);
   140 	void CalibrateCpuSpeed();
   141 	TInt SetCpuSpeed(TUint aSpeed);
   142 	TInt AddProperty(char* aProperty, const char* aEol);
   143 	TInt ProcessCommandLine(TBool aRunExe, char* aCDrive);
   144 	TInt LoadProperties();
   145 	TInt ReadProperties(char* aData);
   146 	TInt ReadIniFile(const char* aFileName, char*& aContents);
   147 	TInt SetupPaths();
   148 	TInt SetupMediaPath();
   149 	TInt SetupDrive(int aDrive, const char* aPath);
   150 	TInt MapFilename(const TDesC& aFilename, TDes& aBuffer) const;
   151 	TInt MapDrive(int aDrive, TDes& aBuffer) const;
   152 	HANDLE DebugOutput();
   153 	void PurgeImages();
   154 	TBool ConfigSpecificProperty(const char * aProperty);
   155 	TInt LoadConfigSpecificProperties(const char * pFile);
   156 	TBool ScreenSpecificProperty(const char * aProperty);
   158 private:
   159 	friend class DWinsPowerController;
   160 	DWinsUiBase* iUi;
   161 	WinsTimer iTimer;
   162 	Properties iProperties;
   163 	TUint iRealCpuSpeed;
   164 	TUint iCpuSpeed;
   165 	HANDLE iDebugOutput;
   166 	TBool iLogTimeStamp;
   167 	TBool iPurgedImages;
   168 	TBool iLogToDebugger;
   169 	TBool iLogToFile;
   170 	TBool iConfigPropertySet;
   171 	TInt iConfigId;
   173 	class DWinsPowerController* iPowerController;
   174 	// For MMC emulation
   175 	static TBool MediaDoorOpen;
   176 	static TInt CurrentPBusDevice;
   177 	static TAny* MediaChangeCallbackParam;
   178 	static TMediaChangeCallBack MediaChangeCallBackPtr;
   179 public:
   180 	static Wins* Self()
   181 		{ return (Wins*) Arch::TheAsic();}
   182 	IMPORT_C void AssertWakeupSignal();
   183 	IMPORT_C void WakeupEvent();
   184 	IMPORT_C static TBool* MediaDoorOpenPtr();
   185 	IMPORT_C static TInt* CurrentPBusDevicePtr();
   186 	IMPORT_C static void SetMediaChangeCallBackPtr(TMediaChangeCallBack aPtr, TAny* aParam);
   187 	IMPORT_C static void MediaChangeCallBack();
   188 	};
   190 GLREF_D Wins TheVariant;
   192 #endif