changeset 0 cec860690d41
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:cec860690d41
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "DataWrapperBase.h"
    20 #define SECS_TO_MICROSEC(x)  (x*1000000)
    22 /*@{*/
    23 ///	Constant Literals used.
    24 _LIT(KPrefixHex,				"0x");
    25 _LIT(KPrefixOctal,				"0");
    26 _LIT(KSuffixBinary,				"b");
    28 _LIT(KIncludeSection,			"include");
    29 _LIT(KFile,						"file%d");
    30 _LIT(KMatch,					"*{*,*}*");
    31 _LIT(KStart,					"{");
    32 _LIT(KSeparator,				",");
    33 _LIT(KEnd,						"}");
    34 _LIT(KDataRead,					"INI READ : %S %S %S");
    35 _LIT(KTagPointX,				"%S_x");
    36 _LIT(KTagPointY,				"%S_y");
    37 _LIT(KTagRectMinX,				"%S_minX");
    38 _LIT(KTagRectMaxX,				"%S_maxX");
    39 _LIT(KTagRectMinY,				"%S_minY");
    40 _LIT(KTagRectMaxY,				"%S_maxY");
    41 _LIT(KTagSizeHeight,			"%S_height");
    42 _LIT(KTagSizeWidth,				"%S_width");
    43 _LIT(KEnumElements,				"enum_elements");
    44 _LIT(KPrefixHexKey,				"0x%S");
    46 _LIT(KCmdUtilityPromptMessage,	"utilityPromptMessage");
    47 _LIT(KPromptText,				"message");
    48 _LIT(KDelay,					"delay");
    49 _LIT(KExpectedKey,				"keyCode");
    50 /*@}*/
    52 const TInt	KDefaultDelay	=	10;
    53 const TInt	KBounceErrKey	=	50000;
    55 CDataWrapperBase::CDataWrapperBase()
    56 :	CDataWrapper()
    57 	{
    58 	}
    60 CDataWrapperBase::~CDataWrapperBase()
    61 /**
    62  * Public destructor
    63  */
    64 	{
    65 	iInclude.ResetAndDestroy();
    66 	iBuffer.ResetAndDestroy();
    67 	iFs.Close();
    68 	}
    70 void CDataWrapperBase::InitialiseL()
    71 	{
    72 	iTimer.CreateLocal();
    73 	CDataWrapper::InitialiseL();
    74 	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength>	tempStore;
    75 	TPtrC		fileName;
    76 	TBool		moreData=ETrue;
    77 	TBool		index=0;
    78 	while ( moreData )
    79 		{
    80 		tempStore.Format(KFile(), ++index);
    81 		moreData=GetStringFromConfig(KIncludeSection, tempStore, fileName);
    83 		if (moreData)
    84 			{
    85 			CIniData*	iniData=CIniData::NewL(fileName);
    86 			CleanupStack::PushL(iniData);
    87 			iInclude.Append(iniData);
    88 			CleanupStack::Pop(iniData);
    89 			}
    90 		}
    91 	User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
    92 	}
    94 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetBoolFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName,const TDesC& aKeyName,TBool& aResult)
    95 /**
    96  * Reads the value present from the test steps ini file within the mentioned section name and key name
    97  * Copies the value to the TBool reference passed in possible values TRUE, FALSE
    98  * @param aSectName - Section within the test steps ini file
    99  * @param aKeyName - Name of a key within a section
   100  * @return aResult - The value of the boolean
   101  * @return TBool - ETrue for found, EFalse for not found
   102  */
   103 	{
   104 	TBool	ret=EFalse;
   105 	TPtrC	result;
   106 	TRAPD(err, ret=GetCommandStringParameterL(aSectName, aKeyName, result));
   107 	if ( err != KErrNone )
   108 		{
   109 		ret=EFalse;
   110 		}
   111 	if ( ret )
   112 		{
   113 		_LIT(KTrue,"true");
   114 		aResult=(result.FindF(KTrue) != KErrNotFound);
   115 		}
   117 	return ret;
   118 	}
   120 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetIntFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TInt& aResult)
   121 /**
   122  * Reads the value present from the test steps ini file within the mentioned section name and key name
   123  * Copies the value to the TInt reference passed in
   124  * @param aSectName - Section within the test steps ini file
   125  * @param aKeyName - Name of a key within a section
   126  * @return aResult - The value of the integer
   127  * @return TBool - ETrue for found, EFalse for not found
   128  */
   129 	{
   130 	TPtrC	result;
   131 	TBool	ret=EFalse;
   132 	TRAPD(err, ret=GetCommandStringParameterL(aSectName, aKeyName, result));
   133 	if ( err != KErrNone )
   134 		{
   135 		ret=EFalse;
   136 		}
   137 	if ( ret )
   138 		{
   139 		TLex	lex(result);
   140 		ret=(lex.Val(aResult)==KErrNone);
   141 		}
   143 	return ret;
   144 	}
   146 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetStringFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TPtrC& aResult)
   147 /**
   148  * Reads the value present from the test steps ini file within the mentioned section name and key name
   149  * Copies the value to the TPtrC reference passed in
   150  * @param aSectName - Section within the test steps ini file
   151  * @param aKeyName - Name of a key within a section
   152  * @return aResult - Reference to the string on the heap
   153  * @return TBool - ETrue for found, EFalse for not found
   154  */
   155 	{
   156 	TBool	ret=EFalse;
   157 	TRAPD(err, ret=GetCommandStringParameterL(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult));
   158 	if ( err != KErrNone )
   159 		{
   160 		ret=EFalse;
   161 		}
   162 	return ret;
   163 	}
   165 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetHexFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TInt& aResult)
   166 /**
   167  * Reads the value present from the test steps ini file within the mentioned section name and key name
   168  * Copies the value to the TInt reference passed in. The value can optionally be prefixed with 0x
   169  * @param aSectName - Section within the test steps ini file
   170  * @param aKeyName - Name of a key within a section
   171  * @return aResult - The integer value of the Hex input
   172  * @return TBool - ETrue for found, EFalse for not found
   173  */
   174 	{
   175 	TPtrC	result;
   176 	TBool	ret=EFalse;
   177 	TRAPD(err, ret=GetCommandStringParameterL(aSectName, aKeyName, result));
   178 	if ( err != KErrNone )
   179 		{
   180 		ret=EFalse;
   181 		}
   182 	if ( ret )
   183 		{
   184 		TLex	lex;
   185 		if( result.FindC(KPrefixHex)==KErrNone )
   186 			{
   187 			lex=result.Mid(KPrefixHex().Length());
   188 			}
   189 		else
   190 			{
   191 			lex=result;
   192 			}
   193 		ret=(lex.Val((TUint &)aResult, EHex)==KErrNone);
   194 		}
   196 	return ret;
   197 	}
   199 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetUintFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TUint& aResult)
   200 /**
   201  * Reads the value present from the test steps ini file within the mentioned section name and key name
   202  * Copies the value to the TUint reference passed in.
   203  * If the value is prefixed with 0x the value is read as a hexidecimal value
   204  * If the value is suffixed with b the value is read as a binary value
   205  * If the value is prefixed with a 0 the value is read as an octal value
   206  * If it does not match the above it is read in as an integer
   207  * @param aSectName - Section within the test steps ini file
   208  * @param aKeyName - Name of a key within a section
   209  * @return aResult - The integer value of the Hex input
   210  * @return TBool - ETrue for found, EFalse for not found
   211  */
   212 	{
   213 	TPtrC	result;
   214 	TBool	ret=EFalse;
   215 	TRAPD(err, ret=GetCommandStringParameterL(aSectName, aKeyName, result));
   216 	if ( err != KErrNone )
   217 		{
   218 		ret=EFalse;
   219 		}
   220 	if ( ret )
   221 		{
   222 		TLex	lex(result);
   223 		if( result.FindC(KPrefixHex)==KErrNone )
   224 			{
   225 			lex=result.Mid(KPrefixHex().Length());
   226 			ret=(lex.Val(aResult, EHex)==KErrNone);
   227 			}
   228 		else
   229 			{
   230 			TInt	binarySuffixPosition=result.Length()-KSuffixBinary().Length();
   231 			if ( result.FindC(KSuffixBinary)==binarySuffixPosition )
   232 				{
   233 				lex=result.Left(binarySuffixPosition);
   234 				ret=(lex.Val(aResult, EBinary)==KErrNone);
   235 				}
   236 			else
   237 				{
   238 				if( result.FindC(KPrefixOctal)==KErrNone )
   239 					{
   240 					ret=(lex.Val(aResult, EOctal)==KErrNone);
   241 					}
   242 				else
   243 					{
   244 					TInt	intResult;
   245 					ret=(lex.Val(intResult)==KErrNone);
   246 					if ( ret )
   247 						{
   248 						aResult=(TUint)intResult;
   249 						}
   250 					}
   251 				}
   252 			}
   253 		}
   255 	return ret;
   256 	}
   258 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetEnumFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, const TEnumEntryTable* aTable, TInt& aResult)
   259 	{
   260 	TPtrC	str;
   261 	TBool	ret=GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, str);
   263 	if ( ret )
   264 		{
   265 		TBool	found=EFalse;
   266 		TInt	index=0;
   267 		while ( (aTable[index].iValue!=-1) && !found )
   268 			{
   269 			if ( aTable[index].iString==str )
   270 				{
   271 				found=ETrue;
   272 				aResult=aTable[index].iValue;
   273 				}
   274 			else
   275 				{
   276 				++index;
   277 				}
   278 			}
   280 		if ( !found )
   281 			{
   282 			ret=GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult);
   283 			}
   284 		}
   286 	return ret;
   287 	}
   289 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetOrFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, const TEnumEntryTable* aTable, TUint& aResult)
   290 	{
   291 	TPtrC 	str;
   292 	TBool	ret=GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, str);
   293 	if ( ret )
   294 		{
   295 		TUint	temp=0;
   296 		ret=ProcessString(str, temp, aTable);
   297 		if ( ret )
   298 			{
   299 			aResult=temp;
   300 			}
   301 		}
   303 	return ret;
   304 	}
   306 TBool CDataWrapperBase::ProcessString(const TDesC& aStr, TUint& aResult, const TEnumEntryTable* aTable)
   307 	{
   308 	TBool	ret=ETrue;
   309 	TInt	location=aStr.Match(_L("*|*"));
   310 	if( location!=KErrNotFound )
   311 		{
   312 		// Converting Left part of the data
   313 		TPtrC	tempStr=aStr.Left(location);
   314 		ret=ProcessString(tempStr, aResult, aTable);
   316 		// Converting right data can be with another "|"
   317 		tempStr.Set(aStr.Mid(location+1));
   319 		TUint	temp;
   320 		if ( ProcessString(tempStr, temp, aTable) )
   321 			{
   322 			aResult|=temp;
   323 			}
   324 		else
   325 			{
   326 			ret=EFalse;
   327 			}
   328 		}
   329 	else
   330 		{
   331 		ret=ProcessEntry(aStr, aResult, aTable);
   332 		}
   334 	return ret;
   335 	}
   337 TBool CDataWrapperBase::ProcessEntry(const TDesC& aStr, TUint& aResult, const TEnumEntryTable* aTable)
   338 	{
   339 	TBool	ret=ETrue;
   341 	TBool	found=EFalse;
   342 	TInt	index=0;
   343 	while ( (aTable[index].iValue!=-1) && !found )
   344 		{
   345 		if ( aTable[index].iString==aStr )
   346 			{
   347 			found=ETrue;
   348 			aResult=aTable[index].iValue;
   349 			}
   350 		else
   351 			{
   352 			++index;
   353 			}
   354 		}
   356 	if ( !found )
   357 		{
   358 		TUint	flags;
   359 		TLex	lex(aStr);
   360 		ret=(lex.Val(flags, EHex)==KErrNone);
   361 		if ( ret )
   362 			{
   363 			aResult=flags;
   364 			}
   365 		}
   367 	return ret;
   368 	}
   370 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetCommandStringParameterL(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TPtrC& aResult)
   371 	{
   372 	TBool	ret=EFalse;
   374 	if ( aSectName.Length()!=0 )
   375 		{
   376 		ret=CDataWrapper::GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult);
   378 		for ( TInt index=iInclude.Count(); (index>0) && (!ret); )
   379 			{
   380 			ret=iInclude[--index]->FindVar(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult);
   381 			if ( ret )
   382 				{
   383 				INFO_PRINTF4(KDataRead, &aSectName, &aKeyName, &aResult);
   384 				}
   385 			}
   386 		}
   388 	if ( ret )
   389 		{
   390 		if ( aResult.Match(KMatch)!=KErrNotFound )
   391 			{
   392 			//	We have an entry of the format
   393 			//	entry =*{section,entry}*
   394 			//	where * is one or more characters
   395 			//	We need to construct this from other data in the ini file replacing {*,*}
   396 			//	with the data from
   397 			//	[section]
   398 			//	entry =some_value
   399 			HBufC*	buffer=HBufC::NewLC(aResult.Length());
   400 			buffer->Des().Copy(aResult);
   402 			TInt	startLength=KStart().Length();
   403 			TInt	sparatorLength=KSeparator().Length();
   404 			TInt	endLength=KEnd().Length();
   405 			TInt	bufferLength;
   406 			TInt	start;
   407 			TInt	sparator;
   408 			TInt	end;
   409 			TPtrC	remaining;
   410 			TLex	lex;
   411 			do
   412 				{
   413 				bufferLength=buffer->Length();
   414 				start=buffer->Find(KStart);
   416 				remaining.Set(buffer->Des().Right(bufferLength-start-startLength));
   417 				sparator=remaining.Find(KSeparator);
   418 				remaining.Set(remaining.Right(remaining.Length()-sparator-sparatorLength));
   419 				sparator += (start + startLength);
   421 				end=remaining.Find(KEnd) + sparator + sparatorLength;
   423 				TPtrC	sectionName(buffer->Ptr()+start+startLength, sparator-start-startLength);
   424 				TPtrC	keyName(buffer->Ptr()+sparator+sparatorLength, end-sparator-sparatorLength);
   425 				sectionName.Set(TLex(sectionName).NextToken());
   426 				keyName.Set(TLex(keyName).NextToken());
   428 				TInt	entrySize=0;
   429 				TPtrC	entryData;
   430 				TBool	found=CDataWrapper::GetStringFromConfig(sectionName, keyName, entryData);
   431 				for ( TInt index=iInclude.Count(); (index>0) && (!found);  )
   432 					{
   433 					found=iInclude[--index]->FindVar(sectionName, keyName, entryData);
   434 					}
   435 				if ( found )
   436 					{
   437 					entrySize=entryData.Length();
   438 					}
   440 				TInt	newLength=start + bufferLength - end - endLength + entrySize;
   441 				HBufC*	bufferNew=HBufC::NewLC(newLength);
   442 				bufferNew->Des().Copy(buffer->Ptr(), start);
   443 				if ( entrySize>0 )
   444 					{
   445 					bufferNew->Des().Append(entryData);
   446 					}
   447 				bufferNew->Des().Append(buffer->Ptr() + end + endLength, bufferLength - end - endLength);
   448 				CleanupStack::Pop(bufferNew);
   449 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
   450 				buffer=bufferNew;
   451 				CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
   452 				}
   453 			while ( buffer->Match(KMatch)!=KErrNotFound );
   454 			iBuffer.Append(buffer);
   455 			CleanupStack::Pop(buffer);
   456 			aResult.Set(*buffer);
   457 			INFO_PRINTF4(KDataRead, &aSectName, &aKeyName, &aResult);
   458 			}
   459 		}
   461 	return ret;
   462 	}
   464 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetCommandStringParameter(const TDesC& aParameterName, const TDesC& aSection, TPtrC& aResult, TText8 *aFileName, TInt aLine, TBool aMandatory)
   465 	{
   466 	TBool	ret = GetStringFromConfig(aSection, aParameterName, aResult);
   467 	if (aMandatory && !ret)
   468 		{
   469 		Logger().LogExtra(aFileName, aLine, ESevrErr, _L("No %S"), &aParameterName);
   470 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   471 		}
   472 	return ret;
   473 	}
   475 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetCommandIntParameter(const TDesC& aParameterName, const TDesC& aSection, TInt& aResult, TText8* aFileName, TInt aLine, TBool aMandatory)
   476 	{
   477 	TBool	ret = GetIntFromConfig(aSection, aParameterName, aResult);
   478 	if (aMandatory && !ret)
   479 		{
   480 		Logger().LogExtra(aFileName, aLine, ESevrErr, _L("No %S"), &aParameterName);
   481 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   482 		}
   483 	return ret;
   484 	}
   486 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetCommandBoolParameter(const TDesC& aParameterName, const TDesC& aSection, TBool& aResult, TText8 *aFileName, TInt aLine, TBool aMandatory)
   487 	{
   488 	TBool	ret = GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, aParameterName, aResult);
   489 	if (aMandatory && !ret)
   490 		{
   491 		Logger().LogExtra(aFileName, aLine, ESevrErr, _L("No %S"), &aParameterName);
   492 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   493 		}
   494 	return ret;
   495 	}
   497 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetPointFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TPoint& aResult)
   498 /**
   499  * Reads the value present from the test steps ini file within the mentioned section name and key name
   500  * Copies the value to the TPoint reference passed in
   501  * @param aSectName - Section within the test steps ini file
   502  * @param aKeyName - Name of a key within a section
   503  * @return aResult - The value of the TPoint
   504  * @return TBool - ETrue for found, EFalse for not found
   505  */
   506 	{
   507 	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength>	tempStore;
   509 	TInt	x;
   510 	tempStore.Format(KTagPointX, &aKeyName);
   511 	TBool	ret=GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, x);
   512 	TInt	y;
   513 	tempStore.Format(KTagPointY, &aKeyName);
   514 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, y) )
   515 		{
   516 		ret=EFalse;
   517 		}
   518 	if ( ret )
   519 		{
   520 		aResult.SetXY(x, y);
   521 		}
   523 	return ret;
   524 	}
   526 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetRectFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TRect& aResult)
   527 /**
   528  * Reads the value present from the test steps ini file within the mentioned section name and key name
   529  * Copies the value to the TPoint reference passed in
   530  * @param aSectName - Section within the test steps ini file
   531  * @param aKeyName - Name of a key within a section
   532  * @return aResult - The value of the TRect
   533  * @return TBool - ETrue for found, EFalse for not found
   534  */
   535 	{
   536 	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength>	tempStore;
   538 	TInt	minX;
   539 	tempStore.Format(KTagRectMinX, &aKeyName);
   540 	TBool	ret=GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, minX);
   542 	TInt	maxX;
   543 	tempStore.Format(KTagRectMaxX, &aKeyName);
   544 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, maxX) )
   545 		{
   546 		ret=EFalse;
   547 		}
   549 	TInt	minY;
   550 	tempStore.Format(KTagRectMinY, &aKeyName);
   551 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, minY) )
   552 		{
   553 		ret=EFalse;
   554 		}
   556 	TInt	maxY;
   557 	tempStore.Format(KTagRectMaxY, &aKeyName);
   558 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, maxY) )
   559 		{
   560 		ret=EFalse;
   561 		}
   563 	if ( ret )
   564 		{
   565 		aResult.SetRect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
   566 		}
   568 	return ret;
   569 	}
   571 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetSizeFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TSize& aResult)
   572 /**
   573  * Reads the value present from the test steps ini file within the mentioned section name and key name
   574  * Copies the value to the TPoint reference passed in
   575  * @param aSectName - Section within the test steps ini file
   576  * @param aKeyName - Name of a key within a section
   577  * @return aResult - The value of the TPoint
   578  * @return TBool - ETrue for found, EFalse for not found
   579  */
   580 	{
   581 	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength>	tempStore;
   583 	TInt	height;
   584 	tempStore.Format(KTagSizeHeight, &aKeyName);
   585 	TBool	ret=GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, height);
   586 	TInt	width;
   587 	tempStore.Format(KTagSizeWidth, &aKeyName);
   588 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, width) )
   589 		{
   590 		ret=EFalse;
   591 		}
   592 	if ( ret )
   593 		{
   594 		aResult.SetSize(width, height);
   595 		}
   597 	return ret;
   598 	}
   600 TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetUint8FromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TUint8& aResult)
   601 	{
   602 	TUint	temp;
   603 	TBool	ret=GetUintFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName,temp);
   604 	if ( ret )
   605 		{
   606 		aResult=(TUint8)temp;
   607 		}
   609 	return ret;
   610 	}
   612 void CDataWrapperBase::Timedelay(TInt aTimeoutInSecs)
   613 /*Utility function to produce time delay
   614 @param aTimeoutInSecs Times in micro seconds
   615 */
   616 	{
   617 	TRequestStatus	status;
   618 	iTimer.After(status, aTimeoutInSecs);
   619 	User::WaitForRequest(status);
   620 	}
   622 TBool CDataWrapperBase::TranslateEnumToString(CDataWrapper& aDataWrapper,
   623 										const TDesC& aEnum,
   624 										const TInt aValue,
   625 										TDesC& aTranslation)
   626 /* Function translates
   627 */
   628 	{
   629 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   631 	RBuf desToWrapInt;
   632 	RBuf desToFormHex;
   633 	TInt intError = desToWrapInt.Create(KMaxFullName);
   634 	TInt hexError = desToFormHex.Create(KMaxFullName);
   635 	if(intError == KErrNone && hexError == KErrNone)
   636 		{
   637 		desToFormHex.NumFixedWidth(aValue, EHex, 8);
   638 		desToWrapInt.Format(KPrefixHexKey, &desToFormHex);
   639 		if (!aDataWrapper.GetStringFromConfig(aEnum, desToWrapInt, static_cast<TPtrC&>(aTranslation)))
   640 			{
   641 			ret = EFalse;
   642 			}
   643 		}
   644 	else
   645 		{
   646 		ret = EFalse;
   647 		}
   649 	if(hexError == KErrNone)
   650 		{
   651 		desToFormHex.Close();
   652 		}
   653 	if(intError == KErrNone)
   654 		{
   655 		desToWrapInt.Close();
   656 		}
   658 	return ret;
   659 	}
   661 TBool CDataWrapperBase::ProcessEnumList(CDataWrapper& aDataWrapper,
   662 									const TDesC& aStr,
   663 									const TDesC& aEnum,
   664 									const TUint& aValue,
   665 									TDes& aTranslation)
   666 	{
   667 	TBool	ret=ETrue;
   668 	TInt	location=aStr.Match(_L("*|*"));
   669 	if( location!=KErrNotFound )
   670 		{
   671 		// Converting Left part of the data
   672 		TPtrC	tempStr=aStr.Left(location);
   673 		ret=ProcessEnumList(aDataWrapper, tempStr, aEnum, aValue, aTranslation);
   675 		// Converting right data can be with another "|"
   676 		tempStr.Set(aStr.Mid(location+1));
   678 		if ( !ProcessEnumList(aDataWrapper, tempStr, aEnum, aValue, aTranslation) )
   679 			{
   680 			ret=EFalse;
   681 			}
   682 		}
   683 	else
   684 		{
   685 		TInt value;
   686 		if (aDataWrapper.GetHexFromConfig(aEnum, aStr, value ))
   687 			{
   688 			if (value & aValue)
   689 				{
   690 				if ( aTranslation.Length() )
   691 					{
   692 					aTranslation.Append(_L("|"));
   693 					}
   695 				aTranslation.Append(aStr);
   696 				}
   697 			}
   698 		else
   699 			{
   700 			ret = EFalse;
   701 			}
   702 		}
   704 	return ret;
   705 	}
   707 TBool CDataWrapperBase::TranslateNumberToEnumStringL(CDataWrapper& aDataWrapper,
   708 									   const TDesC& aSection,
   709 									   const TInt aValue,
   710 									   TDes& aTranslation)
   711 	{
   712 	TBool ret = EFalse;
   714 	TPtrC	enumElements;
   715 	if ( aDataWrapper.GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KEnumElements, enumElements) )
   716 		{
   717 		ret = ProcessEnumList(aDataWrapper, enumElements, aSection, aValue, aTranslation);
   718 		}
   720 	return ret;
   721 	}
   722 /**
   723  * Function which creates a consoles and writes to and reads from the console
   724  *
   725  * @param aMsg			Message wrote to the console
   726  * @param aDelayMiliSec  	waiting period for user input, read from config file
   727  * @param aKeyCode		specifies key required to be pressed to pass the test
   728  *
   729  * @leave					System wide error
   730  */
   732 void CDataWrapperBase::PromptMessageL(const TDesC& aMsg,
   733 								const TInt aDelayMiliSec,
   734 								TKeyCode& aKeyCode)
   735 	{
   736 	CConsoleBase* console = GetConsoleL();
   737 	CleanupStack::PushL(console);
   739 	if( aMsg.Length() != 0 )
   740 		{
   741 		console->Printf(aMsg);
   742 		}
   743 	TRequestStatus keyStatus(KRequestPending);
   744 	TRequestStatus timerStatus(KRequestPending);
   745 	aKeyCode=EKeyNull;
   746 	iTimer.After(timerStatus,SECS_TO_MICROSEC(aDelayMiliSec));
   747 	console->Read(keyStatus);
   748 	User::WaitForRequest(keyStatus,timerStatus);
   749 	if (keyStatus!=KRequestPending)
   750 		{
   751 		//Keypressed
   752 		iTimer.Cancel();
   753 		aKeyCode =console->KeyCode();
   754 		User::WaitForRequest(timerStatus);
   755 		}
   756 	else
   757 		{
   758 		console->ReadCancel();
   759 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   760 		}
   762 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(console);
   763 	}
   764 /**
   765  * Process a command read from the script file calling the required function
   766  *
   767  * @param aSection			The section in the ini containing data for the command
   768  * @param aCommand			Command to be called
   769  *
   770  * @leave					System wide error
   771  */
   773 TBool CDataWrapperBase::DoCommandL(const TTEFFunction& aCommand, const TTEFSectionName& aSection, const TInt /*aAsyncErrorIndex*/)
   774 	{
   776 	if ( aCommand==KCmdUtilityPromptMessage )
   777 		{
   778 		DoCmdUtilityPromptMessageL(aSection);
   779 		}
   780 	else
   781 		{
   782 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No Function Matches Requested Command"));
   783 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   784 		}
   786 	return ETrue;
   787 	}
   788 /**
   789  * Functon called through TEF for manual verification which writes a message to the console and reads user input keyboard
   790  *
   791  * @param aSection			The section in the ini containing data for the command
   792  *
   793  * @leave					System wide error
   794  */
   796 void CDataWrapperBase::DoCmdUtilityPromptMessageL(const TDesC& aSection)
   798 	{
   799 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("DoCmdUtilityPromptMessageL called"));
   801 	TPtrC	message;
   802 	TBool   hasMessage =  GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KPromptText(), message);
   804 	if( !hasMessage )
   805 		{
   806 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Prompt message not specified in the ini file"));
   807 		}
   809 	// 10 second default delay
   810 	TInt	delay = KDefaultDelay;
   811 	GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KDelay(), delay);
   812 	TKeyCode keyCode;
   813 	do
   814 		{
   815 		PromptMessageL(message, delay, keyCode);
   816 		}while (keyCode>KBounceErrKey);
   817 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Key %d pressed"), keyCode);
   818 	TInt expectedKey;
   819 	if( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedKey(), expectedKey) )
   820 		{
   821 		// compares key pressed with key in config file
   822 		if(keyCode != (TKeyCode)expectedKey)
   823 			{
   824 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("expectedKey=%d pressed key=%d"), expectedKey, keyCode);
   825 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   826 			}
   827 		}
   828 	else
   829 		{
   830 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("KeyCode not specified in the ini file"));
   831 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   832 		}
   834 	}