changeset 0 cec860690d41
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emulator/emulatorbsp/specific/soundsc_tx.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:39:10 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1574 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// wins\specific\soundsc_tx.cpp
+// Emulator playback functions for the shared chunk sound driver PDD.
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+ @prototype
+#include "winssoundsc.h"
+const TInt KSoundDriverThreadPriority=26;		// One less than DFC thread 0
+GLDEF_C TInt RateInSamplesPerSecond(TSoundRate aRate)
+	{
+	switch(aRate)
+		{
+		case ESoundRate7350Hz: 	return(7350);
+		case ESoundRate8000Hz: 	return(8000);
+		case ESoundRate8820Hz: 	return(8820);
+		case ESoundRate9600Hz: 	return(9600);
+		case ESoundRate11025Hz: return(11025);
+		case ESoundRate12000Hz: return(12000);
+		case ESoundRate14700Hz:	return(14700);
+		case ESoundRate16000Hz: return(16000);
+		case ESoundRate22050Hz: return(22050);
+		case ESoundRate24000Hz: return(24000);
+		case ESoundRate29400Hz: return(29400);
+		case ESoundRate32000Hz: return(32000);
+		case ESoundRate44100Hz: return(44100);
+		case ESoundRate48000Hz: return(48000);
+		default: return(0);
+		};
+	}
+// This utility function is used instead of WaitForSingleObject() for places
+// where the API call is made from either the driver thread or the play 
+// thread.If the call is made from the driver thread, the thread is removed from 
+// the kernel for the duration of the WaitForSingleObject() call.
+GLDEF_C DWORD WaitForSingleObjectDualThread(HANDLE hHandle,DWORD dwMilliseconds)
+	{
+	TBool epocThread = (NKern::CurrentContext() == NKern::EInterrupt)?EFalse:ETrue;
+	if (epocThread)
+		Emulator::Escape();
+	DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(hHandle, dwMilliseconds);
+	if (epocThread)
+		Emulator::Reenter();
+	return dwRet;
+	}
+Remove an audio buffer from the head of the specified buffer list.
+Each list holds buffers which are waiting to be transferred. These lists are only used when no audio hardware is present.
+@param aList The pending buffer list from which the buffer should be removed (either record or playback).
+@return A pointer to the audio buffer reoved or NULL if the list is empty.
+GLDEF_C WAVEHDR* RemoveFromPendingList(WAVEHDR** aList)
+	{
+	WAVEHDR* buffer;
+	buffer=aList[0];
+	if (buffer)
+		{
+		// Move any remaining up one in the list.
+		WAVEHDR* b;
+		do
+			{
+			b=aList[1];
+			*aList++=b;
+			}
+		while(b);
+		}
+	return(buffer);
+	}
+Add an audio buffer to the tail of the the specified buffer list.
+Each list holds buffers which are waiting to be transferred. These lists are only used when no audio hardware is present.
+@param aBuffer The audio buffer to be added.
+@param aList The pending buffer list into which the buffer should be added (either record or playback).
+GLDEF_C void AddToPendingList(WAVEHDR* aBuffer,WAVEHDR** aList)
+	{
+	while (*aList)
+		aList++;
+	*aList=aBuffer;
+	}
+The thread function for the play windows thread.
+This function is always executed in windows thread context.
+LOCAL_C TUint PlayThreadFunction(DWinsSoundScTxPdd *aSoundPdd)
+	{
+	aSoundPdd->PlayThread();
+	return 0;
+	}
+The waveform output callback function. This can receive the following messages:-
+WOM_OPEN when the output device is opened, WOM_CLOSE when the output device is closed,
+and WOM_DONE each time a data block play transfer is completed (i.e. completion of waveOutWrite).
+This function is always executed in windows thread context.
+LOCAL_C void CALLBACK WaveOutProc(HWAVEOUT /*hwo*/, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD /*dwParam2*/)
+	{
+	if (uMsg == WOM_DONE)
+		{
+		DWinsSoundScTxPdd* pdd = (DWinsSoundScTxPdd*)dwInstance;
+		pdd->WaveOutProc((WAVEHDR*)dwParam1);
+		}
+	}
+THostLock::THostLock() : iLocked(EFalse)
+	{
+	Lock();
+	}
+THostLock::THostLock(TBool /*aLock*/) : iLocked(EFalse)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	if (iLocked)
+		Unlock();
+	}
+void THostLock::Lock()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iLocked, PANIC());
+	Emulator::Lock();
+	iLocked = ETrue;
+	}
+void THostLock::Unlock()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLocked, PANIC());
+	Emulator::Unlock();
+	iLocked = EFalse;
+	}
+TCondHostLock::TCondHostLock() : THostLock(EFalse)
+	{
+	iEpocThread = (NKern::CurrentContext() == NKern::EInterrupt)?EFalse:ETrue;
+	Lock();
+	}
+void TCondHostLock::Lock()
+	{
+	if (iEpocThread)
+		THostLock::Lock();	
+	}
+void TCondHostLock::Unlock()
+	{
+	if (iEpocThread)
+		THostLock::Unlock();	
+	}
+Standard export function for PDDs. This creates a DPhysicalDevice derived object,
+in this case - DWinsSoundScPddFactory.
+	{
+	return new DWinsSoundScPddFactory;
+	}
+Constructor for the sound PDD factory class.
+	{	
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScPddFactory::DWinsSoundScPddFactory"));
+//	iDfcQ=NULL;
+	// Support units KSoundScTxUnit0 & KSoundScRxUnit0.
+    iUnitsMask=(1<<KSoundScRxUnit0)|(1<<KSoundScTxUnit0);
+    // Set version number for this device.
+	iVersion=RSoundSc::VersionRequired();
+	}
+Destructor for the sound PDD factory class.
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScPddFactory::~DWinsSoundScPddFactory"));
+	// Destroy the kernel thread.
+	if (iDfcQ)
+		iDfcQ->Destroy();
+	}
+Second stage constructor for the sound PDD factory class.
+This must at least set a name for the driver object.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScPddFactory::Install()
+	{
+	TInt r=KErrNone;
+	if (iDfcQ==NULL)
+		{
+		// Create a new sound driver DFC queue (and associated kernel thread). 
+		r=Kern::DynamicDfcQCreate(iDfcQ,KSoundDriverThreadPriority,KTxSoundDriverThreadName);
+		}
+	if (r==KErrNone)
+		{
+		r=SetName(&KSoundScPddName); 			// Set the name of the driver object
+		}
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf("<DWinsSoundScPddFactory::Install - %d",r));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Returns the PDD's capabilities. This is not used by the Symbian OS device driver framework
+or by the LDD.
+@param aDes A descriptor to write capabilities information into.
+void DWinsSoundScPddFactory::GetCaps(TDes8& /*aDes*/) const
+	{}
+Called by the kernel's device driver framework to check if this PDD is suitable for use
+with a logical channel.
+This is called in the context of the client thread which requested the creation of a logical
+channel - through a call to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate().
+The thread is in a critical section.
+@param aUnit The unit argument supplied by the client to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate().
+@param aInfo The info argument supplied by the client to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate() - not used.
+@param aVer The version number of the logical channel which will use this physical channel. 
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScPddFactory::Validate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* /*aInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
+	{
+	// Check that the version specified is compatible.
+	if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(RSoundSc::VersionRequired(),aVer))
+		return(KErrNotSupported);
+	// Check the unit number is compatible
+	if (aUnit!=KSoundScTxUnit0 && aUnit!=KSoundScRxUnit0)
+		return(KErrNotSupported);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Called by the kernel's device driver framework to create a physical channel object.
+This is called in the context of the client thread which requested the creation of a logical
+channel - through a call to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate().
+The thread is in a critical section.
+@param aChannel Set by this function to point to the created physical channel object.
+@param aUnit The unit argument supplied by the client to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate().
+@param aInfo The info argument supplied by the client to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate().
+@param aVer The version number of the logical channel which will use this physical channel. 
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScPddFactory::Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* /*anInfo*/, const TVersion& /*aVer*/)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScPddFactory::Create"));
+	// Create the appropriate PDD channel object.
+	TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
+	if (aUnit==KSoundScRxUnit0)
+		{
+		DWinsSoundScRxPdd* pD=new DWinsSoundScRxPdd;
+		aChannel=pD;
+		if (pD)
+			r=pD->DoCreate(this);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		DWinsSoundScTxPdd* pD=new DWinsSoundScTxPdd;
+		aChannel=pD;
+		if (pD)
+			r=pD->DoCreate(this);
+		}
+	return(r);
+	}
+Constructor for the WINS shared chunk playback PDD.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+	: iDfc(DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PlayDfc,this,2)
+	{		
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::DWinsSoundScTxPdd"));
+//	iVolume=0;
+//	iDriverThreadSem=0;
+//	iPlayThread=0;
+//	iPlayThreadMutex=0;
+//	iPlayThreadSem=0;
+//	iStopSemaphore=0;
+//	iDeathSemaphore=0;
+//	iPlayCommand=ESendData;
+//	iPlayCommandArg0=0;
+//	iPlayCommandArg1=0;
+//	iPendingPlay=0;
+//	iPlayThreadError=0;
+//	iWaveformBufMgr=NULL;
+//	iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask=0;	
+//	iPlayBufferSize=0;
+//	iNoHardware=EFalse;
+//	iPlayTimerEvent=0;
+//	iTimerID=0;
+//	iTimerActive=EFalse;
+//	iWinWaveVolume=0;
+	}
+Destructor for the WINS shared chunk playback PDD.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+	{
+	// If the Windows thread started up successfully, signal it to shut down and wait for it to do so
+	if (iPlayThreadRunning)
+		{
+		// Signal the windows thread to close down the play device and exit the windows thread.
+		iDeathSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 2, NULL);
+		PlayThreadCommand(EExit);
+		// Wait for the play thread to terminate.
+		if (iDeathSemaphore)
+			{
+			Emulator::Escape();
+			WaitForSingleObject(iDeathSemaphore, INFINITE); 
+			Emulator::Reenter();
+			__HOST_LOCK;
+			CloseHandle(iDeathSemaphore);
+			}
+		}
+	if (iPlayTimerEvent)
+		CloseHandle(iPlayTimerEvent); 
+	if (iPlayThreadSem)
+		CloseHandle(iPlayThreadSem); 
+	if (iPlayThread)
+		CloseHandle(iPlayThread);
+	if (iDriverThreadSem)
+		CloseHandle(iDriverThreadSem); 	
+	if (iWaveformBufMgr)
+		delete iWaveformBufMgr;
+	}
+Second stage constructor for the WINS shared chunk playback PDD.
+Note that this constructor is called before the second stage constructor for the LDD so it is not
+possible to call methods on the LDD here.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@param aPhysicalDevice A pointer to the factory class that is creating this PDD.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::DoCreate(DWinsSoundScPddFactory* aPhysicalDevice)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::DoCreate"));
+	iPhysicalDevice=aPhysicalDevice;
+	// Set up the correct DFC queue.
+	iDfc.SetDfcQ(iPhysicalDevice->iDfcQ);
+	SetCaps();	// Setup the capabilities of this device.
+	// Setup the default audio configuration
+	iSoundConfig.iChannels=2;
+	iSoundConfig.iRate=ESoundRate48000Hz;
+	iSoundConfig.iEncoding=ESoundEncoding16BitPCM;
+	iSoundConfig.iDataFormat=ESoundDataFormatInterleaved;
+	// Query the waveform device capabilities using the default device identifier in order
+	// to check if there is a functioning waveform device present.  Note that some versions of
+	// Windows (such as Windows Server 2003) will actually return MMSYSERR_NOERROR when this is
+	// called, even if there is no waveform device present, so we have a further check in
+	// when waveOutOpen() is called
+	WAVEOUTCAPS waveOutCaps;
+	MMRESULT res = waveOutGetDevCaps(WAVE_MAPPER,&waveOutCaps,sizeof(WAVEOUTCAPS));
+	if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
+		iNoHardware = ETrue;
+	// Create the windows waveform audio buffer manager.
+	iWaveformBufMgr=new TWaveformBufMgr(ESoundDirPlayback,!iNoHardware);
+	if (!iWaveformBufMgr)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	// Create the driver thread semaphore.
+	iDriverThreadSem = CreateSemaphore(NULL,0,0x7fffffff,NULL);
+	if (!iDriverThreadSem)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	// Create the play windows thread.
+	if ((iPlayThread=CreateWin32Thread(EThreadEvent,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)PlayThreadFunction,(void *)this, FALSE))==NULL)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	SetThreadPriority(iPlayThread,THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ResumeThread(iPlayThread) != 0xffffffff, PANIC()); // Windows Unexpected Error
+	// Wait to be notified of successful thread initialization
+	Emulator::Escape();
+	WaitForSingleObject(iDriverThreadSem,INFINITE);
+	Emulator::Reenter();
+	// If the Windows thread started up successfully, indicate this fact so that when shutting down we know
+	// to signal to the thread to exit
+	if (iPlayThreadError == KErrNone)
+		iPlayThreadRunning = ETrue;
+	return(iPlayThreadError);
+	}
+Called from the LDD to return the DFC queue to be used by this device.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@return The DFC queue to use.
+TDfcQue* DWinsSoundScTxPdd::DfcQ(TInt /*aUnit*/)
+	{
+	return(iPhysicalDevice->iDfcQ);
+	}
+Called from the LDD to return the shared chunk create information to be used by this device.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@param aChunkCreateInfo A chunk create info. object to be to be filled with the settings
+						required for this device.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::GetChunkCreateInfo(TChunkCreateInfo& aChunkCreateInfo)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::GetChunkCreateInfo"));
+	aChunkCreateInfo.iType=TChunkCreateInfo::ESharedKernelMultiple;
+	aChunkCreateInfo.iMapAttr=0;
+	aChunkCreateInfo.iOwnsMemory=ETrue; 				// Using RAM pages.
+	aChunkCreateInfo.iDestroyedDfc=NULL; 				// No chunk destroy DFC.
+	}
+Called from the LDD to return the capabilities of this device.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@param aCapsBuf A packaged TSoundFormatsSupportedV02 object to be filled with the play
+				capabilities of this device. This descriptor is in kernel memory and can be accessed directly.
+@see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::Caps(TDes8& aCapsBuf) const
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::Caps"));
+	// Copy iCaps back.
+	TPtrC8 ptr((const TUint8*)&iCaps,sizeof(iCaps));
+	aCapsBuf.FillZ(aCapsBuf.MaxLength());
+	aCapsBuf=ptr.Left(Min(ptr.Length(),aCapsBuf.MaxLength()));	
+	}
+Called from the LDD to return the maximum transfer length in bytes that this device can support in a single data transfer.
+@return The maximum transfer length in bytes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::MaxTransferLen() const
+	{
+	return(KWinsMaxAudioTransferLen);		// 32K
+	}		
+Called from the LDD to power up the sound device.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PowerUp()
+	{
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Called from the LDD to configure or reconfigure the device using the the configuration supplied.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@param aConfigBuf A packaged TCurrentSoundFormatV02 object which contains the new configuration settings.
+				  This descriptor is in kernel memory and can be accessed directly.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see TCurrentSoundFormatV02.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::SetConfig(const TDesC8& aConfigBuf)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::SetConfig"));
+	// Cannot change the configuration while the device is open and playing. (LDD should prevent
+	// this anyway but better safe than sorry).
+	if (iPlayDeviceHandle)
+		return(KErrInUse);
+	// Save the current settings so we can restore them if there is a problem with the new ones.
+	TCurrentSoundFormatV02 saved=iSoundConfig;
+	// Read the new configuration from the LDD.
+	TPtr8 ptr((TUint8*)&iSoundConfig,sizeof(iSoundConfig));
+	Kern::InfoCopy(ptr,aConfigBuf);
+	// Open the play device with the new settings to check they are supported. Then close it
+	// again - don't leave it open yet.
+	TInt r = CreatePlayDevice(ESetConfig);
+	if (r==KErrNone)
+		ClosePlayDevice();
+	else
+		iSoundConfig=saved;	// Restore the previous settings
+	return(r);
+	}
+const TInt KdBToLinear[KSoundMaxVolume+1] = 
+	{
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
+	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,
+	0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0101,0x0202,0x0202,0x0202,0x0202,0x0202,0x0202,0x0202,0x0202,0x0202,0x0303,
+	0x0303,0x0303,0x0303,0x0303,0x0303,0x0404,0x0404,0x0404,0x0404,0x0505,0x0505,0x0505,0x0505,0x0606,0x0606,0x0606,
+	0x0707,0x0707,0x0808,0x0808,0x0909,0x0909,0x0a0a,0x0a0a,0x0b0b,0x0b0b,0x0c0c,0x0d0d,0x0e0e,0x0e0e,0x0f0f,0x1010,
+	0x1111,0x1212,0x1313,0x1414,0x1616,0x1717,0x1818,0x1a1a,0x1b1b,0x1d1d,0x1e1e,0x2020,0x2222,0x2424,0x2626,0x2929,
+	0x2b2b,0x2e2e,0x3030,0x3333,0x3636,0x3939,0x3d3d,0x4040,0x4444,0x4848,0x4c4c,0x5151,0x5656,0x5b5b,0x6060,0x6666,
+	0x6c6c,0x7272,0x7979,0x8080,0x8888,0x9090,0x9898,0xa2a2,0xabab,0xb5b5,0xc0c0,0xcbcb,0xd7d7,0xe4e4,0xf2f2,0xffff,	
+	};	
+Called from the LDD to set the play volume.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@param aVolume The play volume to be set - a value in the range 0 to 255. The value 255 equates
+	to the maximum volume and each value below this equates to a 0.5dB step below it.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::SetVolume(TInt aVolume)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::SetVolume"));
+	// The documentation for waveOutSetVolume() says: "Volume settings are interpreted logarithmically" but evidence suggests these are really
+	// interpreted linearly. Hence, use a lookup table to convert from dB to linear. At the same time convert from an 8-bit wide range to a 
+	// 16-bit wide range.
+	iVolume=KdBToLinear[aVolume];
+	// Only update the volume on the output device itself if this is currently open.
+	if (iPlayDeviceHandle)
+		waveOutSetVolume(iPlayDeviceHandle, iVolume | (iVolume << 16));	
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}	
+Called from the LDD to prepare the audio device for playback.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::StartTransfer()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::StartTransfer"));
+	// Convert the enum representing the current sample rate into an integer
+	TInt samplesPerSecond=RateInSamplesPerSecond(iSoundConfig.iRate);
+	if (samplesPerSecond==0)
+		return(KErrNotSupported);
+	// Now convert the sample rate into the number of bytes per second and save for later use
+	iBytesPerSecond=samplesPerSecond;
+	if (iSoundConfig.iChannels==2)
+		iBytesPerSecond*=2;
+	if (iSoundConfig.iEncoding==ESoundEncoding16BitPCM)
+		iBytesPerSecond*=2;
+	// Open the play device with the current settings.
+	iPendingPlay=0;
+	iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask=0;					// Reset the completion status mask
+	TInt r = CreatePlayDevice(EStartTransfer);
+	return(r);
+	}
+Called from the LDD to initiate the playback of a portion of data to the audio device. 
+When the transfer is complete, the PDD signals this event using the LDD function PlayCallback().
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@param aTransferID A value assigned by the LDD to allow it to uniquely identify a particular transfer fragment.
+@param aLinAddr The linear address within the shared chunk of the start of the data to be played.
+@param aPhysAddr The physical address within the shared chunk of the start of the data to be played.
+@param aNumBytes The number of bytes to be played. 
+@return KErrNone if the transfer has been initiated successfully;
+  		KErrNotReady if the device is unable to accept the transfer for the moment;
+		otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::TransferData(TUint aTransferID,TLinAddr aLinAddr,TPhysAddr /*aPhysAddr*/,TInt aNumBytes)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::TransferData(ID:%xH)",aTransferID));
+	// Check that we can accept the request
+	if (aNumBytes>KWinsMaxAudioTransferLen)
+		return(KErrArgument);
+	if (iPendingPlay>=iWaveformBufMgr->iNumWaveformBufs)	// LDD may issue multiple data transfers per buffer.
+		return(KErrNotReady);
+	// Signal the windows thread to initiate the playback of a buffers worth of data to the waveout device.
+	iPendingPlay++;
+	PlayThreadCommand(ESendData,aTransferID,aLinAddr,aNumBytes);
+	// Although the windows thread runs at a higher priority, its not safe to assume we will always get pre-empted at this
+	// point while the the higher priority thread processes and completes the request. Instead we need to wait until it
+	// signals back completion of the command.
+	Emulator::Escape();
+	WaitForSingleObject(iDriverThreadSem,INFINITE);
+	Emulator::Reenter();	
+	return(iPlayThreadError);
+	}	
+Called from the LDD to terminate the playback of a data to the device and to release any resources necessary for playback.
+This is called soon after the last pending play request from the client has been completed. Once this function had been
+called, the LDD will not issue any further TransferData() commands without first issueing a StartTransfer() command.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::StopTransfer()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::StopTransfer"));
+	// Signal the windows thread to stop and close the device.
+	iStopSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, NULL);
+	PlayThreadCommand(EStop);
+	// Wait for the windows thread to stop and close the device.
+	if (iStopSemaphore)
+		{
+		Emulator::Escape();
+		WaitForSingleObject(iStopSemaphore, INFINITE);  
+		Emulator::Reenter();
+		CloseHandle(iStopSemaphore);
+		iStopSemaphore = NULL;
+		}
+	iPendingPlay=0;
+	iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask=0;					// Reset the completion status mask
+	// Make sure the DFC is not queued.
+	iDfc.Cancel();
+	}
+Called from the LDD to halt the playback of data to the sound device but not to release any resources necessary for
+If possible, any active transfer should be suspended in such a way that it can be resumed later - starting from next
+sample following the one last played.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PauseTransfer()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PauseTransfer"));
+	// Signal the windows thread to pause playback on the waveout device.
+	PlayThreadCommand(EPause);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Called from the LDD to resume the playback of data to the sound device following a request to halt playback.
+If possible, any transfer which was active when the device was halted should be resumed - starting from next sample
+following the one last played. Once complete, it should be reported using PlayCallback()
+as normal. 
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::ResumeTransfer()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::ResumeTransfer"));
+	// Signal the windows thread to resume playback on the waveout device.
+	PlayThreadCommand(EResume);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Called from the LDD to power down the sound device.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PowerDown()
+	{}
+Called from the LDD to handle a custom configuration request.
+@param aFunction A number identifying the request.
+@param aParam A 32-bit value passed to the driver. Its meaning depends on the request.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::CustomConfig(TInt /*aFunction*/,TAny* /*aParam*/)
+	{
+	return(KErrNotSupported);
+	}
+Called from the LDD to find out how many microseconds of data have been played.  This is called
+in the context of the DFC thread.
+@param aTimeTransferred	A reference to a variable into which to place the number of microseconds of audio.
+@param aStatus			The current status of this channel
+@return KErrNone if time is valid or KErrNotSupported.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::TimeTransferred(TInt64& aTimePlayed, TInt /*aStatus*/)
+	{
+	TInt r=KErrGeneral;
+	TInt64 ms=0;
+	MMTIME time;
+	time.wType=TIME_BYTES;
+	if(iPlayDeviceHandle == 0)
+		{
+		// Have not started playback yet, or have stopped.
+		aTimePlayed = 0;
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	// If no hardware is present then we need to simulate the amount of time that has passed during
+	// playback.  The # of microseconds can be found in the iSimulatedUSecPlayed member, but this is
+	// only updated when the emulation timer triggers.  To improve the accuracy of the time returned,
+	// we use the Windows system timer to determine the # of milliseconds that have passed since the
+	// last time the timer triggered
+	if(iNoHardware)
+		{
+		// Determine the # of milliseconds that have passed since the last timer triggered
+		DWORD currentTime = timeGetTime();
+		DWORD timeSinceLastEvent = (currentTime - iLastTimerEventTime);
+		// If playback is paused then the Windows system timer will continue, so take this into
+		// account and subtract the # of milliseconds we have been paused for
+		if (iPauseTime)
+			timeSinceLastEvent -= (currentTime - iPauseTime);
+		// Clamp the resulting value to the duration of the timer, to prevent the millisecond count
+		// going backwards if Windows is busy and latency becomes an issue
+		if (timeSinceLastEvent > iSimulatedMsecDuration)
+			timeSinceLastEvent = iSimulatedMsecDuration;
+		// Now we know the value of the time passed down to a millisecond accuracy
+		aTimePlayed = (iSimulatedUSecPlayed + (timeSinceLastEvent * 1000));
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	// Get the number of bytes played by the Windows audio system
+	if (waveOutGetPosition(iPlayDeviceHandle,&time,sizeof(time))==MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
+		{
+		// If requesting the number of bytes played is not supported, wType will be
+		// changed to what was actually returned, so check for this and don't continue
+		// if we got anything other than bytes
+		if (time.wType==TIME_BYTES)
+			{
+			// It's all good.  Convert the number of bytes played into microseconds and return it
+			ms=((time.u.cb/iBytesPerSecond)*1000);
+			TUint remainder=(time.u.cb%iBytesPerSecond);
+			ms+=((remainder*1000)/iBytesPerSecond);
+			ms*=1000;
+			aTimePlayed=ms;
+			r=KErrNone;
+			}
+		}
+	return(r);
+	}
+Constructor for the windows playback waveform audio buffer abstraction.
+	{
+	memclr(&iBufHdr,sizeof(WAVEHDR));
+	iIsPrepared=EFalse;
+	iIsInUse=EFalse;
+	iWaveformBufMgr=NULL;
+	iBufNum=0;
+	}
+Prepare the waveform audio buffer for playback or record.
+@param aBufAddr A pointer to the address of the waveform buffer.
+@param aBufLength The length in bytes of the waveform buffer.
+@param aDeviceHandle The handle to the waveform audio device.
+void TWaveformAudioBuf::Prepare(char* aBufAddr,TInt aBufLength,TInt aDeviceHandle)
+	{
+	iBufHdr.lpData = aBufAddr;
+	iBufHdr.dwBufferLength = aBufLength;
+	iBufHdr.dwBytesRecorded = 0;
+    iBufHdr.dwUser = iBufNum;
+    if (iWaveformBufMgr->iDirection==ESoundDirPlayback)
+		iBufHdr.dwFlags = WHDR_DONE;					// Initialise all to done so we can check for underflow.
+	else
+		iBufHdr.dwFlags = 0;
+    iBufHdr.dwLoops = 0;
+    iBufHdr.lpNext = NULL;
+	iBufHdr.reserved = 0;
+	if (iWaveformBufMgr->iIsHardware)
+		{
+		if (iWaveformBufMgr->iDirection==ESoundDirPlayback)
+			DoPrepareOut((HWAVEOUT)aDeviceHandle);
+		else
+			DoPrepareIn((HWAVEIN)aDeviceHandle);
+		}
+	iIsPrepared=ETrue;
+	iIsInUse=EFalse;	
+	}
+Cleanup the preparation performed when the waveform audio buffer was prepared for playback or record.
+@param aDeviceHandle The handle to the waveform audio device.
+void TWaveformAudioBuf::Unprepare(TInt aDeviceHandle)
+	{
+	if (iWaveformBufMgr->iIsHardware && iIsPrepared)
+		{
+		if (iWaveformBufMgr->iDirection==ESoundDirPlayback)
+			DoUnprepareOut((HWAVEOUT)aDeviceHandle);
+		else
+			DoUnprepareIn((HWAVEIN)aDeviceHandle);
+		}
+	iIsPrepared=EFalse;	
+	iIsInUse=EFalse;
+	}	
+Prepare the waveform audio buffer for playback.
+@param aPlayDeviceHandle The handle to the waveform audio output device.
+void TWaveformAudioBuf::DoPrepareOut(HWAVEOUT aPlayDeviceHandle)
+	{
+	MMRESULT res = waveOutPrepareHeader(aPlayDeviceHandle,&iBufHdr,sizeof(WAVEHDR));
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf("   waveOutPrepareHeader(BufNo:%d Pos:%x Len:%d)-%d",iBufNum,iBufHdr.lpData,iBufHdr.dwBufferLength,res));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(res==MMSYSERR_NOERROR,Kern::Fault("DWinsSoundScTxPddWOPH", res)); //WaveOutPrepareHeader error.
+	}
+Cleanup the preparation performed when the waveform audio buffer was prepared for playback.
+@param aPlayDeviceHandle The handle to the waveform audio output device.
+void TWaveformAudioBuf::DoUnprepareOut(HWAVEOUT aPlayDeviceHandle)
+	{
+	MMRESULT res = waveOutUnprepareHeader(aPlayDeviceHandle,&iBufHdr,sizeof(WAVEHDR));
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf("   waveOutUnprepareHeader(BufNo:%d)-%d",iBufNum,res));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(res==MMSYSERR_NOERROR,Kern::Fault("DWinsSoundScTxPddWOUH",res)); //WaveOutUnprepareHeader error.	
+	}
+Constructor for the waveform audio buffer manager. 
+TWaveformBufMgr::TWaveformBufMgr(TSoundDirection aDirection,TBool aIsHardware)
+	: iDirection(aDirection), iIsHardware(aIsHardware)
+	{
+	iWaveformAudioBuf=NULL;
+	iNumWaveformBufs=0;
+	iWaveformBufSize=0;
+	iPendingBufList=NULL;
+	}
+Destructor for the waveform audio buffer manager.
+	{
+	if (iWaveformAudioBuf)
+		delete[] iWaveformAudioBuf;
+	if (iPendingBufList)
+		delete iPendingBufList;
+	}	
+Re-allocate the number of waveform audio buffers that are available for data transfer according to the
+current shared chunk configuration. Then, for each buffer that exists within the shared chunk, prepare one of the waveform audio
+buffers just created so that it is aligned with the shared chunk buffer. 
+@param aBufConfig A buffer configuration object specifying the geometry of the current shared chunk buffer configuration.
+@param aChunkBase The address in the kernel process for the start of the shared chunk.
+@param aDeviceHandle The handle to the waveform audio device.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes. 
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.    
+TInt TWaveformBufMgr::ReAllocAndUpdate(TSoundSharedChunkBufConfig* aBufConfig,TLinAddr aChunkBase,TInt aDeviceHandle)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">TWaveformBufMgr::ReAllocAndUpdate"));
+	// Check if the number of windows waveform audio buffers that are required has changed.
+	TInt required=Max(aBufConfig->iNumBuffers,KMinWaveHdrBufCount);
+	if (iNumWaveformBufs != required)
+		{
+		// The number has changed. First, re-allocate the required number of windows waveform data blocks.
+		if (iWaveformAudioBuf)
+			{			
+			delete[] iWaveformAudioBuf;
+			iWaveformAudioBuf=NULL;
+			}
+		// If we are emulating an audio device then delete any pending buffer list previously created.	
+		if (!iIsHardware && iPendingBufList)
+			{
+			delete iPendingBufList;
+			iPendingBufList=NULL;
+			}
+		iNumWaveformBufs = 0;	
+		iWaveformAudioBuf=new TWaveformAudioBuf[required];
+		if (!iWaveformAudioBuf)
+			return(KErrNoMemory);
+		for (TInt i=0; i<required ; i++)
+			{
+			iWaveformAudioBuf[i].SetWaveformBufMgr(this);
+			iWaveformAudioBuf[i].SetBufNum(i);
+			}
+		// If we are emulating an audio device then allocate a new pending buffer list.	
+		if (!iIsHardware)
+			{
+			iPendingBufList=(WAVEHDR**)Kern::AllocZ((required+1)*sizeof(WAVEHDR*));
+			if (!iPendingBufList)
+				return(KErrNoMemory);
+			}
+		iNumWaveformBufs = required;		
+		}
+	// The most common situation is that request start offsets coincide with the start of one of the
+	// shared chunk buffers. Hence, begin by preparing a windows waveform audio buffer for each shared chunk
+	// buffer - aligned with this start address.				
+	TInt* bufOffsetList=&aBufConfig->iBufferOffsetListStart;	// The buffer offset list.
+	for (TInt i=0; i<aBufConfig->iNumBuffers ; i++) 
+		{
+		char* bufAddr=(char*)(aChunkBase+bufOffsetList[i]);
+		iWaveformAudioBuf[i].Prepare(bufAddr,aBufConfig->iBufferSizeInBytes,aDeviceHandle); 
+		}
+	iWaveformBufSize=aBufConfig->iBufferSizeInBytes;		
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Acquire an appropriate waveform audio buffer to be used either to send a data block to the waveform output device or
+receive a data block from the waveform input device.
+This function is always executed in windows thread context.
+@param aStartAddress A pointer to the address of the data block to be played/recorded.
+@param aBufLength The length in bytes of the data block to be played/recorded.
+@param aDeviceHandle The handle to the waveform audio device.
+@return A pointer to an appropriate waveform audio buffer to be used to transfer the data block.
+TWaveformAudioBuf* TWaveformBufMgr::AcquireBuf(char* aStartAddress,TInt aBufLength,TInt aDeviceHandle)
+	{
+	// See if there's a appropriate waveform audio buffer already prepared. We only need to worry about the start address,
+	// the length can be adjusted later if necessary.
+	TInt i;
+	for (i=0; i<iNumWaveformBufs ; i++)
+		{
+		if (iWaveformAudioBuf[i].iIsPrepared && iWaveformAudioBuf[i].iBufHdr.lpData==aStartAddress && !iWaveformAudioBuf[i].iIsInUse)
+			break;
+		}
+	if (i>=iNumWaveformBufs)
+		{
+		// None already prepared which are appropriate so prepare one now. See if there are any not yet prepared.
+		for (i=0; i<iNumWaveformBufs ; i++)
+			{
+			if (!iWaveformAudioBuf[i].iIsPrepared)
+				{
+				iWaveformAudioBuf[i].Prepare(aStartAddress,aBufLength,aDeviceHandle);
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		// All are prepared already so we need to re-prepare one specially.
+		if (i>=iNumWaveformBufs)
+			{
+			for (i=0; i<iNumWaveformBufs ; i++)
+				{
+				if (!iWaveformAudioBuf[i].iIsInUse)
+					{
+					iWaveformAudioBuf[i].Unprepare(aDeviceHandle);
+					iWaveformAudioBuf[i].Prepare(aStartAddress,aBufLength,aDeviceHandle);
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			__ASSERT_ALWAYS(i>=0,PANIC());
+			}
+		}
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf("<TWaveformBufMgr:AcquireBuf - BufNo:%d",i));
+	iWaveformAudioBuf[i].iIsInUse=ETrue;	
+	return(&iWaveformAudioBuf[i]);	
+	}
+The waveform output callback function to handle data block transfer completion.
+This function is always executed in windows thread context.
+@param aHdr A pointer to the header for the waveform audio buffer just transferred.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::WaveOutProc(WAVEHDR* aHdr)
+	{
+	TInt waveBufId=aHdr->dwUser;				// Work out which waveform audio buffer is completing.
+	StartOfInterrupt();
+	iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask|=(1<<waveBufId);	// Update the completion status mask
+	iDfc.Add();									// Queue PlayDfc().
+	EndOfInterrupt();
+	}
+The DFC used to handle data block transfer completion.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+@param aPtr A pointer to the physical channel object.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PlayDfc(TAny* aPtr)
+	{	
+	TInt i;
+	DWinsSoundScTxPdd& drv=*(DWinsSoundScTxPdd*)aPtr;
+	// More than 1 transfer may have completed so loop until all completions are handled
+	while (drv.iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask)
+		{
+		// Find the buffer ID of the next transfer that has completed
+		for (i=0 ; i<32 && !(drv.iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask&(1<<i)) ; i++) {}
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(i<drv.iWaveformBufMgr->iNumWaveformBufs,PANIC());
+		__e32_atomic_and_ord32(&drv.iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask, ~(1u<<i)); // Clear this bit in the mask
+		// Update the status of the waveform audio buffer which is completing
+		TWaveformAudioBuf& buf=drv.iWaveformBufMgr->iWaveformAudioBuf[i];
+		buf.iIsInUse=EFalse;
+		// Callback the LDD passing the information for the transfer that has completed
+		drv.iPendingPlay--;
+		__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf("   Write complete(BufNo:%x Pos:%x Len:%d)",i,buf.iBufHdr.lpData,buf.iBufHdr.dwBufferLength));
+		drv.Ldd()->PlayCallback(buf.iTransferID,KErrNone,buf.iBufHdr.dwBufferLength);
+		}
+	}
+Issue a request from the driver thread to the windows thread to execute a command.
+@param aCommand The identifier of the command to be executed.
+@param aArg0 A first command argument, its meaning depends on the command.
+@param aArg1 A second command argument, its meaning depends on the command.
+@param aArg2 A third command argument, its meaning depends on the command.
+This function is always executed in driver thread context.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PlayThreadCommand(TThreadCommand aCommand,TInt aArg0,TInt aArg1,TInt aArg2)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd:PlayThreadCommand"));
+	iPlayCommand = aCommand;
+	iPlayCommandArg0 = aArg0;
+	iPlayCommandArg1 = aArg1;
+	iPlayCommandArg2 = aArg2;
+	ReleaseSemaphore(iPlayThreadSem,1,NULL);
+	}
+Pass a value from the windows thread to the driver thread.
+This function is always executed in windows thread context.
+@param aError The value to the passed to the driver thread.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PlayThreadNotifyDriver(TInt aError)
+	{
+	iPlayThreadError = aError;
+	BOOL ret = ReleaseSemaphore(iDriverThreadSem,1,NULL);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ret == TRUE, PANIC()); //Unexpected Windows Error
+	}
+#pragma warning(disable : 4702) // unreachable code
+Open the waveform output device for playback. Use a default device identifier in order to select a device
+capable of meeting the current audio configuration. 
+This function can be executed in either driver thread or windows thread context.
+@pre The data member DWinsSoundScTxPdd::iSoundConfig must be setup with the current audio configuration.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::OpenWaveOutDevice()
+	{
+	format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
+	TUint16 bitsPerSample = 8;
+	switch (iSoundConfig.iEncoding)
+		{
+		case ESoundEncoding8BitPCM:
+			break;
+		case ESoundEncoding16BitPCM:
+			bitsPerSample = 16;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return KErrNotSupported;
+		};
+	TInt rateInSamplesPerSecond=RateInSamplesPerSecond(iSoundConfig.iRate);
+	format.nChannels = TUint16(iSoundConfig.iChannels);
+	format.nSamplesPerSec = rateInSamplesPerSecond;
+	format.nAvgBytesPerSec = rateInSamplesPerSecond * iSoundConfig.iChannels * bitsPerSample / 8;
+	format.nBlockAlign = TUint16(iSoundConfig.iChannels * bitsPerSample / 8);
+	format.wBitsPerSample = bitsPerSample;
+	format.cbSize = 0;
+	if (iNoHardware)
+		{
+		timeBeginPeriod(KMMTimerRes);
+		iPlayDeviceHandle = (HWAVEOUT)1;	
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		res = waveOutOpen(&iPlayDeviceHandle, WAVE_MAPPER, &format, (DWORD)::WaveOutProc, (DWORD)this, CALLBACK_FUNCTION);
+		// On some builds of Windows (such as Windows Server 2003), the waveOutGetDevCaps() trick in
+		// DoCreate() won't work, so we have another special check for missing hardware here
+			{
+			// Pretend there was no error and switch into hardware emulation mode
+			iNoHardware = ETrue;
+			iPlayDeviceHandle = (HWAVEOUT)1;	
+			iWaveformBufMgr->iIsHardware = EFalse;
+			timeBeginPeriod(KMMTimerRes);
+			}
+		}
+	if(iNoHardware)
+		{
+		iSimulatedUSecPlayed = 0;
+		}
+	switch (res)
+		{
+		case MMSYSERR_NOERROR: // No error
+			return(KErrNone);
+		case MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED: // Specified resource is already allocated.
+			return(KErrInUse);
+		case WAVERR_BADFORMAT: // Attempted to open with an unsupported waveform-audio format
+			return(KErrNotSupported);
+		case MMSYSERR_NOMEM: // Unable to allocate or lock memory.
+			return(KErrNoMemory);
+		default:
+			return(KErrUnknown);
+		}
+	}
+#pragma warning(default : 4702) // unreachable code
+Open the audio output device.
+This function can be executed in either driver thread or windows thread context.
+@pre The data members DWinsSoundScTxPdd::iSoundConfig and DWinsSoundScTxPdd::iVolume must be setup with the current
+audio configuration.
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::CreatePlayDevice(TCreatePlayDeviceMode aMode)
+	{
+	// Check if the waveform output device is already open.
+	if (iPlayDeviceHandle)
+		return(KErrNone);
+	WaitForSingleObjectDualThread(iPlayThreadMutex, INFINITE);
+	// Open the waveform output device for playback.
+	TInt err = OpenWaveOutDevice();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		ReleaseMutex(iPlayThreadMutex);
+		return(err);
+		}
+	if (aMode==EInit && !iNoHardware)
+		{
+		// Remember the existing volume setting and use this as the default.
+ 		waveOutGetVolume(iPlayDeviceHandle,&iWinWaveVolume);
+ 		iVolume = iWinWaveVolume;
+		}
+	if (aMode==EStartTransfer)
+		{
+		if (!iNoHardware)
+			{
+			// Set the volume of the waveform output device.
+			waveOutSetVolume(iPlayDeviceHandle, iVolume | (iVolume << 16));
+			}
+		// Now, re-allocate a set of the waveform audio blocks in advance of playing any data. Also, prepare one of these
+		// for each buffer within the shared chunk. Need to be in critical section while re-allocating the audio blocks.
+		NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+		err=iWaveformBufMgr->ReAllocAndUpdate(Ldd()->BufConfig(),Ldd()->ChunkBase(),(TInt)iPlayDeviceHandle);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS(); 
+		}
+	ReleaseMutex(iPlayThreadMutex);
+	return(err);
+	}
+Close down the play device.
+This function can be executed in either driver thread or windows thread context.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::ClosePlayDevice()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd:ClosePlayDevice"));
+	WaitForSingleObjectDualThread(iPlayThreadMutex, INFINITE);
+	HWAVEOUT handle = iPlayDeviceHandle;
+	if (iNoHardware)
+		timeEndPeriod(KMMTimerRes);
+	if (handle)
+		{
+		// Stop playback on the waveout device. (Windows resets the current position to zero and marks all pending
+		// playback buffers as done).
+		if (!iNoHardware)
+			waveOutReset(handle);
+		// Un-prepare all the waveform audio buffers.
+		for (TInt i=0 ; i<iWaveformBufMgr->iNumWaveformBufs ; i++)
+			iWaveformBufMgr->iWaveformAudioBuf[i].Unprepare((TInt)handle);
+		// Close the waveout device.
+		if (!iNoHardware)
+			{
+			waveOutSetVolume(handle,iWinWaveVolume);	// Restore the original volume setting before closing the driver.
+			waveOutClose(handle);
+			}
+		iPlayDeviceHandle = NULL;
+		}
+	ReleaseMutex(iPlayThreadMutex);
+	}
+The thread function for the play windows thread.
+This function is always executed in windows thread context.
+@pre The data members DWinsSoundScTxPdd::iSoundConfig and DWinsSoundScTxPdd::iVolume must be setup with the current
+audio configuration.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::PlayThread()
+	{
+	iPlayThreadSem = CreateSemaphore(NULL,0,0x7FFFFFFF,NULL);
+	iPlayTimerEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
+	iPlayThreadMutex = CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,NULL);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iPlayThreadSem && iPlayTimerEvent, PANIC());  //no windows memory
+	HANDLE objects[2];
+	objects[0] = iPlayThreadSem;		// Indicates command from driver thread
+	objects[1] = iPlayTimerEvent;		// Indicates timer gone off
+	// Open the play device, then close it again. This is so we can return an error early to the client
+	// if there is a problem.
+	TInt ret = CreatePlayDevice(EInit);
+	if (ret != KErrNone)
+		{
+		PlayThreadNotifyDriver(ret);
+		return;
+		}
+	ClosePlayDevice();
+	// Signal driver of successful setup
+	PlayThreadNotifyDriver(KErrNone);
+	ResetEvent(iPlayTimerEvent);
+	// Wait for the timer to expire or a command.
+		{
+		DWORD ret = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(2,objects,FALSE,INFINITE,TRUE);
+		__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf("   PlayThread resumed"));
+		switch (ret)
+			{
+			case WAIT_OBJECT_0:	// Command received from the driver thread.
+				if (ProcessPlayCommand(iPlayCommand,iPlayCommandArg0,iPlayCommandArg1,iPlayCommandArg2)==KErrCompletion)
+					return; // ********* Exit thread **************
+				break;
+			case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1:
+				HandlePlayTimerEvent();
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Process a request from the driver thread to execute a command.
+This function is always executed in windows thread context.
+@param aCommand The identifier of the command to be executed.
+@param aArg0 A first command argument, its meaning depends on the command.
+@param aArg1 A second command argument, its meaning depends on the command.
+@param aArg2 A third command argument, its meaning depends on the command.
+@return KErrCompletion if the command to exit the windows thread has been received;
+		KErrNone otherwise;
+TInt DWinsSoundScTxPdd::ProcessPlayCommand(TThreadCommand aCommand,TInt aArg0,TInt aArg1,TInt aArg2)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd:ProcessPlayCommand(%d)",aCommand));
+	switch(aCommand)
+		{
+		case ESendData:	// Initiate the playback of a buffers worth of data to the waveout device.
+			{
+			// Acquire a windows waveform audio buffer for the transfer.
+			char* startAddress=(char*)aArg1;
+			TInt bytesToPlay=aArg2; 
+			__ASSERT_ALWAYS(bytesToPlay>0,PANIC());
+			TWaveformAudioBuf* waveformAudioBuf=iWaveformBufMgr->AcquireBuf(startAddress,bytesToPlay,(TInt)iPlayDeviceHandle);
+			waveformAudioBuf->iTransferID=(TUint)aArg0;
+			waveformAudioBuf->iBufHdr.dwBufferLength=bytesToPlay;
+			if (!iNoHardware)
+				{
+				// This machine has a waveout device present. Send the buffer to the waveout device.
+				waveformAudioBuf->iBufHdr.dwFlags &= ~WHDR_DONE;	// Clear the done flag
+				MMRESULT res = waveOutWrite(iPlayDeviceHandle,&waveformAudioBuf->iBufHdr,sizeof(WAVEHDR));
+				__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf("   WaveOutWrite(ID:%x Pos:%x Len:%d)-%d",aArg0,aArg1,aArg2,res));
+				__ASSERT_ALWAYS(res == MMSYSERR_NOERROR,PANIC()); // WaveOutWrite Error	
+				}
+			else 
+				{
+				// This machine has no audio hardware present so simulate the waveout device using a timer.
+				AddToPendingList(&waveformAudioBuf->iBufHdr,iWaveformBufMgr->iPendingBufList);		// Queue the buffer on the pending list
+				// Check if the timer needs starting/re-starting
+				if (!iTimerActive)
+					{
+					iLastTimerEventTime = timeGetTime();
+					StartTimer(&waveformAudioBuf->iBufHdr);
+					}
+				}
+			// Signal the driver thread that we have started playing the next buffer.
+			PlayThreadNotifyDriver(KErrNone);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EStop:	// Terminate the playing of data to the waveout device.
+			if (iNoHardware)
+				{
+				// This machine has no audio hardware present so simulates the waveout device using a timer.
+				StopTimer(ETrue);	// Stop the timer and cancel any buffers pending
+				}
+			ClosePlayDevice();		// Close down the play device.	
+			// Signal the driver thread that we have completed the command.
+			if (iStopSemaphore)
+				{
+				LONG prev;
+				ReleaseSemaphore(iStopSemaphore,1,&prev);
+				}
+			break;
+		case EExit:	// Close down the play device and exit the windows thread.
+			{
+			if (!iNoHardware)
+				{
+				// This machine has a waveout device present.
+				if (iPlayDeviceHandle)
+					{
+					waveOutReset(iPlayDeviceHandle);   					// Stop playback on the waveout device.
+					waveOutSetVolume(iPlayDeviceHandle,iWinWaveVolume);	// Restore the original volume setting before closing the driver.
+					waveOutClose(iPlayDeviceHandle);					// Close the waveout device.
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// This machine has no audio hardware present so simulates the waveout device using a timer.
+				StopTimer(ETrue);	// Stop the timer and cancel any buffers pending
+				}
+			// Logically the playback device is now shut so clear the handle.
+			iPlayDeviceHandle = 0;
+			// Signal the driver thread that we have completed the command.	
+			if (iDeathSemaphore)
+				{
+				LONG prev;
+				ReleaseSemaphore(iDeathSemaphore,1,&prev);
+				}
+			return(KErrCompletion); 		// ********* Exit thread **************
+			}
+		case EPause:	// Halt the playback of data to the waveout device.
+			if (!iNoHardware)
+				waveOutPause(iPlayDeviceHandle); // Pause playback on the waveout device. Windows saves current position.
+			else
+				{
+				StopTimer(EFalse);				 // Just stop the timer. Don't cancel any pending buffers.
+				iPauseTime = timeGetTime();
+				}
+			break;
+		case EResume:	// Resume the playback of data to the waveout device.
+			if (!iNoHardware)
+				waveOutRestart(iPlayDeviceHandle);	// Resume playback on the waveout device.
+			else
+				{
+				// Check if there are more audio buffers waiting to be resumed
+				WAVEHDR* buf=iWaveformBufMgr->iPendingBufList[0];
+				if (buf)
+					{
+					// Before restarting the emulation timer, determine how long we were paused for and
+					// add that time to the time the timer last triggered.  This will allow us to continue
+					// as though we had never been paused
+					DWORD currentTime = timeGetTime();
+					iLastTimerEventTime += (currentTime - iPauseTime);
+					iPauseTime = 0;
+					StartTimer(buf);			// Re-start the timer
+					}
+				}
+			break;
+		} 
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Handle a timer expiry event. This is only used when no audio hardware is present, with a timer expiry corresponding
+to the end of a data block transfer.
+This function is always executed in windows thread context.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::HandlePlayTimerEvent()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd:HandlePlayTimerEvent"));
+	ResetEvent(iPlayTimerEvent);	// Reset the event 
+	iSimulatedUSecPlayed += (1000 * iSimulatedMsecDuration);
+	// Remove the audio buffer just completed from the pending list and save it for the driver thread.
+	WAVEHDR* buf=RemoveFromPendingList(iWaveformBufMgr->iPendingBufList);
+	TInt waveBufId=buf->dwUser;					// Work out which waveform audio buffer is completing.
+	// Check if there are more audio buffers waiting to be played
+	buf=iWaveformBufMgr->iPendingBufList[0];
+	if (buf)
+		{
+		iLastTimerEventTime = timeGetTime();
+		StartTimer(buf);						// Re-start the timer
+		}
+	else
+		iTimerActive=EFalse;	
+	// Notify that another audio buffer has been completed.
+	StartOfInterrupt();
+	iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask|=(1<<waveBufId);	// Update the completion status mask
+	iDfc.Add();
+	EndOfInterrupt();
+	return;
+	}
+Initialise the data member DWinsSoundScTxPdd::iCaps with the capabilities of this audio device.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::SetCaps()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_SND(Kern::Printf(">DWinsSoundScTxPdd::SetCaps"));
+	// The data transfer direction for this unit is play.
+	iCaps.iDirection=ESoundDirPlayback;
+	// Assume this unit supports mono or stereo.
+	iCaps.iChannels=KSoundMonoChannel|KSoundStereoChannel;
+	// Assume this unit supports all sample rates.
+	iCaps.iRates=(KSoundRate7350Hz|KSoundRate8000Hz|KSoundRate8820Hz|KSoundRate9600Hz|KSoundRate11025Hz|
+				  KSoundRate12000Hz|KSoundRate14700Hz|KSoundRate16000Hz|KSoundRate22050Hz|KSoundRate24000Hz|
+				  KSoundRate29400Hz|KSoundRate32000Hz|KSoundRate44100Hz|KSoundRate48000Hz);
+	// Assume this unit supports 8bit and 16bit PCM encoding.
+	iCaps.iEncodings=(KSoundEncoding8BitPCM|KSoundEncoding16BitPCM);
+	// This unit only supports interleaved data format
+	iCaps.iDataFormats=KSoundDataFormatInterleaved;
+	// The minimum request size that the device can support. 
+	iCaps.iRequestMinSize=0;	// No restriction
+	// The request alignment that this device requires. 
+	iCaps.iRequestAlignment=0;	// No restriction
+	// This unit is not capable of detecting changes in hardware configuration.
+	iCaps.iHwConfigNotificationSupport=EFalse;
+	}
+Start the audio timer.
+The timer is only used when no audio hardware is present on the machine. This is in order to introduce a delay which is
+equivelent to that incurred when transferring audio data over a real audio device.
+@param aBuffer The audio buffer which would have been transferred had a real audio device been present. This contains
+	information on the number of bytes to transfer.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::StartTimer(WAVEHDR* aBuffer)
+	{
+	// First, need to calculate the duration of the timer in milliseconds.
+	TInt bytesToPlay=aBuffer->dwBufferLength;
+	iSimulatedMsecDuration = bytesToPlay*1000;
+	iSimulatedMsecDuration /= (RateInSamplesPerSecond(iSoundConfig.iRate) * iSoundConfig.iChannels);
+	if (iSoundConfig.iEncoding==ESoundEncoding16BitPCM)
+		iSimulatedMsecDuration /= 2;
+	if (iSoundConfig.iEncoding==ESoundEncoding24BitPCM)
+		iSimulatedMsecDuration /= 3;
+	if (iSimulatedMsecDuration<=0)
+		iSimulatedMsecDuration=1;	// Round up to 1ms or timeSetEvent() will return an error.
+	// If we have been paused and are now restarting, determine the amount of time that we were paused
+	// and subtract that from the time until the next timer trigger.  If this is not done then the time
+	// played or recorded will not be calculated correctly
+	DWORD pauseTime = (timeGetTime() - iLastTimerEventTime);
+	MMRESULT res = timeSetEvent((iSimulatedMsecDuration - pauseTime), KMMTimerRes, (LPTIMECALLBACK)iPlayTimerEvent, 0, TIME_ONESHOT | TIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_SET);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(res != NULL,PANIC()); 	// timeSetEvent error.	
+	iTimerID = res;							// Save the identifier for the new timer event.
+	iTimerActive=ETrue;
+	}
+Stop the audio timer.
+The timer is only used when no audio hardware is present on the machine. This is in order to introduce a delay which is
+equivelent to that incurred when transferring audio data over a real audio device.
+@param aCancellAll Set to ETrue in order to discard any buffers queued on the pending buffer list. EFalse otherwise.
+void DWinsSoundScTxPdd::StopTimer(TBool aCancelAll)
+	{
+	if (iTimerActive)
+		{
+		MMRESULT res = timeKillEvent(iTimerID);
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(res == TIMERR_NOERROR,PANIC()); // timeKillEvent error	
+		if (aCancelAll)
+			{
+			WAVEHDR* b;
+			do
+				b=RemoveFromPendingList(iWaveformBufMgr->iPendingBufList);
+			while(b);
+			}
+		}
+	iTimerActive=EFalse;
+	}	