changeset 0 cec860690d41
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emulator/emulatorbsp/win_drive/win_drive_ext.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:39:10 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation of this File System extension
+ @file
+#include "win_drive_ext.h"
+//# Proxy drive implementation
+CWinDrvProxyDrive* CWinDrvProxyDrive::NewL(CProxyDrive* aProxyDrive, CMountCB* aMount)
+    CWinDrvProxyDrive* pSelf = new(ELeave) CWinDrvProxyDrive(aProxyDrive, aMount);
+    return pSelf;
+CWinDrvProxyDrive::CWinDrvProxyDrive(CProxyDrive* aProxyDrive, CMountCB* aMount)
+                  :CBaseExtProxyDrive(aProxyDrive, aMount)  
+    ASSERT(aProxyDrive && aMount);
+    iMount = aMount;
+    iProxyDrive = aProxyDrive;
+    Dismounted();
+    Initialise the proxy drive (this extension)
+    @return standard epoc error code.
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Initialise()
+    __PRINT(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDriveFactory::Initialise()"));
+    TInt nRes;
+    ASSERT(!ipMedia);
+    //-- create a scratch buffer
+    nRes = iScratchBuf.CreateMax(65536);
+    if(nRes != KErrNone)
+        return nRes;
+    //-- create media driver object, at present only generic block media supported
+    if(!ipMedia)
+    {
+        const TInt nEpocDrvNum = iMount->DriveNumber();
+        ipMedia = new CGenericBlockMedia(nEpocDrvNum);
+        if(!ipMedia)
+            return KErrNoMemory;
+    }
+    //-- connect to the media device
+    nRes = ipMedia->Connect();
+    return  nRes;
+    Dismount this extension.
+    @return standard epoc error code.
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Dismounted()
+    __PRINT(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDriveFactory::Dismounted()"));
+    //-- disconnect from the media driver and delete it
+    if(ipMedia)
+    {
+        ipMedia->Disconnect();
+        delete ipMedia;
+        ipMedia = NULL;
+    }
+    iScratchBuf.Close();
+    return KErrNone;
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput)
+	switch(aInterfaceId)
+		{
+		case ELocalBufferSupport:
+			return KErrNone;
+		default:
+			return CBaseExtProxyDrive::GetInterface(aInterfaceId,aInterface,aInput);
+		}
+    Read data from the media.
+    @param  aPos    media position to start write with.
+    @param  aLength number of bytes to read
+    @param  destination data descriptor
+    @return standard epoc error code.
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, TDes8& aTrg)
+    //__PRINT3(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDrive::Read()#0 pos:%LU, desLen:%d, desMaxLen:%d"),aPos, aTrg.Length(), aTrg.MaxLength());
+    if(aTrg.MaxLength() == 0)
+        return KErrNone; //-- nothing to do
+    aTrg.SetLength(0);
+    TInt nRes = ipMedia->Read(aPos, aLength, aTrg);
+    return nRes;
+//-- try to find a message slot containing the required address
+#define GetIndex(msg, aAddress, aIndex)			\
+	aIndex = msg.Ptr0() == aAddress ? 0 :				\
+				msg.Ptr1() == aAddress ? 1 :			\
+					msg.Ptr1() == aAddress ? 2 :		\
+						msg.Ptr1() == aAddress ? 3 : -1;
+    Read data from the media.
+    @param  aPos            media position to start write with.
+    @param  aLength         number of bytes to be written
+    @param  aTrg            pointer to the destination data descriptor
+    @param  aThreadHandle   can specify remote thread where the data will be copied to.
+    @param  aOffset         an offset within the data descriptor to the real data to be written (see aTrg).
+    @return standard epoc error code.
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, const TAny* aTrg, TInt aThreadHandle, TInt aOffset)
+    //__PRINT4(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDrive::Read()#1 pos:%LU, offset:%d, desLen:%d, desMaxLen:%d"),aPos, aOffset, desData.Length(), desData.MaxLength());
+    ASSERT(aTrg);
+    //-- N.B. aTrg is a pointer to the data descriptor TDes8 !
+    TDes8& orgDes = *((TDes8*)aTrg);
+    if(aLength == 0)
+        return KErrNone; //-- nothing to do
+    if(aOffset < 0 || aOffset+aLength > orgDes.MaxLength())
+        return KErrArgument; 
+    //-- check if we have local or remote message from a different process
+    TBool localMessage = (aThreadHandle == KLocalMessageHandle);
+	if(!localMessage)
+	{
+		RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		localMessage = (msg.Handle() == KLocalMessageHandle);
+	}
+    if(localMessage)
+    {//-- we can just copy data to the descriptor; it is the same process
+        TPtr8  desData((TUint8*)(orgDes.Ptr()+aOffset), orgDes.Length()-aOffset);
+        return ipMedia->Read(aPos, aLength, desData);
+    }
+    else
+    {//-- we have to read data to the local buffer first and then write to another process 
+        TInt  msgSlotIdx = 0;
+        RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		GetIndex(msg, aTrg, msgSlotIdx); //-- find out message slot index containing the desctiptor data
+		if (msgSlotIdx < 0)
+			return KErrArgument;
+        TInt  rem = aLength;
+        TInt  localOffset = 0;
+        while(rem)
+        {
+            const TInt bytesToRead = Min(rem, iScratchBuf.Size());
+            TPtr8 ptrBuf((TUint8*)iScratchBuf.Ptr(), bytesToRead);
+            //-- read chunk of data from the media to the local buffer
+            TInt nRes = ipMedia->Read(aPos + localOffset, bytesToRead, ptrBuf);
+            if(nRes != KErrNone)
+                return nRes; //-- media read error
+            //-- write data from the local buffer to another process
+            nRes = msg.Write(msgSlotIdx, ptrBuf, aOffset+localOffset);
+            if(nRes != KErrNone)
+                return nRes; 
+            rem -= bytesToRead;
+            localOffset += bytesToRead;
+        }
+        return KErrNone;
+    }
+/** the same as above */
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength, const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle, TInt aOffset,TInt /*aFlags*/)
+    //__PRINT4(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDrive::Read()#2 pos:%LU, offset:%d, desLen:%d, desMaxLen:%d"),aPos, aOffset, desData.Length(), desData.MaxLength());
+    return Read(aPos, aLength, aTrg, aThreadHandle, aOffset);
+    Write data to the media.
+    @param  aPos    media position to start write with.
+    @param  aSrc    data descriptor
+    @return standard epoc error code.
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos, const TDesC8& aSrc)
+    //__PRINT2(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDrive::Write()#0 pos:%LU, desLen:%d"),aPos, aSrc.Length());
+    if(aSrc.Length() == 0 )
+        return KErrNone; //-- nothing to do
+    TInt nRes = ipMedia->Write(aPos, aSrc.Size(), aSrc);
+    return nRes;
+    Write data to the media.
+    @param  aPos            media position to start write with.
+    @param  aLength         number of bytes to be written
+    @param  aSrc            pointer to the data descriptor
+    @param  aThreadHandle   can specify remote thread where the data will be got from.
+    @param  aOffset         an offset within the data descriptor to the real data to be written (see aSrc).
+    @return standard epoc error code.
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, const TAny* aSrc, TInt aThreadHandle, TInt aOffset)
+    //__PRINT3(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDrive::Write()#1 pos:%LU, offset:%d, desLen:%d"),aPos, aOffset, orgDes.Length());
+    ASSERT(aSrc);
+    TDesC8& orgDes = *((TDesC8*)aSrc);
+    if(orgDes.Length() == 0 || aLength == 0)
+        return KErrNone; //-- nothing to do
+    if(aOffset < 0 || aOffset+aLength > orgDes.Length())
+        return KErrArgument; 
+    //-- check if we have local or remote message from a different process
+    TBool localMessage = (aThreadHandle == KLocalMessageHandle);
+	if(!localMessage)
+	{
+		RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		localMessage = (msg.Handle() == KLocalMessageHandle);
+	}
+    if(localMessage)
+    {//-- we can just copy data from the descriptor; it is the same process
+    TPtrC8  dataDes(orgDes.Ptr()+aOffset, orgDes.Length()-aOffset);
+    return ipMedia->Write(aPos, aLength, dataDes);
+    else
+    {//-- we have to copy data to the local buffer first and then write to the media.
+        TInt  msgSlotIdx = 0;
+        RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		GetIndex(msg, aSrc, msgSlotIdx);
+		if (msgSlotIdx < 0)
+			return KErrArgument;
+        TInt  rem = aLength;
+        TInt  localOffset = 0;
+        while(rem)
+        {
+            const TInt bytesToWrite = Min(rem, iScratchBuf.Size());
+            TInt nRes = msg.Read(msgSlotIdx, iScratchBuf, aOffset+localOffset);
+            if(nRes != KErrNone)
+                return nRes; 
+            nRes = ipMedia->Write(aPos+localOffset, bytesToWrite, iScratchBuf);
+            if(nRes != KErrNone)
+                return nRes; 
+            rem -= bytesToWrite;
+            localOffset += bytesToWrite;
+        }
+        return KErrNone;
+    }
+/** the same as above */
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle, TInt aOffset,TInt /*aFlags*/)
+    //__PRINT3(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDrive::Write()#2 pos:%LU, offset:%d, desLen:%d"),aPos, aOffset, orgDes.Length());
+    return Write(aPos, aLength, aSrc, aThreadHandle, aOffset);
+    get drive capabilities 
+    @param anInfo packed descriptor of TLocalDriveCaps
+    @return standard Epoc error code
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Caps(TDes8& anInfo)
+    TInt nRes;
+    //-- get capabilities of the EPOC drive we are overriding
+    nRes = CBaseExtProxyDrive::Caps(anInfo);
+    if(nRes != KErrNone)
+        return nRes;
+    TLocalDriveCaps& orgCaps = ((TLocalDriveCapsBuf&)anInfo)();
+    //-- override capabilities with the data from our device.
+    ipMedia->GetEpocCaps(orgCaps);
+    return KErrNone;
+    Format whole media.
+    This method can be called many times, each call represents the formatting step.
+    @param  anInfo specifies the formatting parameters.    
+    @return KErrNone if the formatting step has  gone OK.
+            KErrEof  if the formatting has finished
+            standard epoc error code otherwise.
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Format(TFormatInfo& anInfo)
+    return ipMedia->Format(anInfo);
+    format part of the media 
+    @param  aPos    starting media position
+    @param  aLength length of the media space to be formatted.
+    @return standard epoc error code
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDrive::Format(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength)
+    return ipMedia->Format(aPos, aLength);
+//# Extension factory implementation
+TInt CWinDrvProxyDriveFactory::Install()
+    _LIT(KExtensionName,"Win_Drive"); //-- this extensoin name.
+    __PRINT(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDriveFactory::Install()"));
+    return(SetName(&KExtensionName));
+CProxyDrive* CWinDrvProxyDriveFactory::NewProxyDriveL(CProxyDrive* aProxy, CMountCB* aMount)
+    __PRINT(_L("#-- CWinDrvProxyDriveFactory::NewProxyDriveL()"));
+    return (CWinDrvProxyDrive::NewL(aProxy, aMount));
+/** DLL entrypoint */
+extern "C" 
+    EXPORT_C CProxyDriveFactory* CreateFileSystem()
+    {
+        __PRINT(_L("#-- Win_Drive extension CreateFileSystem()"));
+        return new CWinDrvProxyDriveFactory();
+    }