changeset 0 cec860690d41
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/haitest/bspsvs/suite/common/src/DrawUtils.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:39:10 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "DrawUtils.h"
+//These are for masks and shifts for rgb 332 data format.
+const 	TUint Blue_Mask                 =0x03;
+const	TUint Green_Mask                =0x1C;
+const	TUint Red_Mask                  =0xE0;
+const	TUint BBP8_GreenShift           =2;
+const	TUint BBP8_RedShift             =5;
+//Number of bits per pixel
+const TInt	BPP8                    =8;
+const TInt	BPP12                   =12;
+const TInt	BPP16                   =16;
+const TInt	BPP24                   =24;
+const TInt	BPP32                   =32;
+//16BPP has rgb565 format rrrrrggggggbbbbb.
+const TInt 	BPP16RedShift           =13;
+const TInt	BPP16GreenShift         =8;
+const TInt	BPP16BlueShift          =3;
+//12 bpp has rgb 444 format rrrrggggbbbb.
+const TInt	BPP12RedShift           =9;
+const TInt	BPP12GreenShift         =5;
+const TInt	BPP12BlueShift          =2;
+//24bpp has rgb888 format and 32 bpp has AlRGB 8888 format where Al is alpha.
+const TInt	BPP32RedShift           =21;
+const TInt	BPP32GreenShift         =13;
+const TInt	BPP32BlueShift          =6;
+void CDrawUtils::ColourFillUtility(TUint8 aColorVal,const TPoint& aPos)
+*  Utility Function that fills required colour in at the given x,y positions on the screen,
+*  in a 16 pixels *	16 pixels lines area 
+* 		@param 				aColorVal:  The Colour to be filled in .
+*							Scenarios:
+* 							1) 	4 bits per pixel mode
+* 							   	aColorVal contains empty upper
+* 							   	4 bits & only contains 4 bits of info, 
+* 							2)	8 bits per pixel  mode
+* 								all 8 bits in aColorVal are filled and the value,
+* 								is taken from the standard  OS palette.
+* 							3)	Other modes: all other modes aColorVal
+*			 					holds data in rgb 332 format.
+* 		@param 				aPos  		The position of the pixel 
+    {
+    //get screendriver attributes
+    TInt displayMode;
+    HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayMode, displayMode);
+    TInt displayMemoryAddress;
+    HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayMemoryAddress, displayMemoryAddress);
+    TInt displayOffsetBetweenLines      =displayMode;
+    HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayOffsetBetweenLines, displayOffsetBetweenLines);
+    TInt offsetToFirstPixel             =displayMode;
+    HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayOffsetToFirstPixel, offsetToFirstPixel);
+    TInt displayBitsPerPixel            =displayMode;
+    HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayBitsPerPixel, displayBitsPerPixel);
+    TUint       red             =(aColorVal&Red_Mask)>>BBP8_RedShift;	
+    TUint       green           =(aColorVal&Green_Mask)>>BBP8_GreenShift;
+    TUint       blue            =aColorVal&Blue_Mask;
+    TUint8      color8bpp       =aColorVal; 
+    TInt        bbp             =displayBitsPerPixel;
+    //Shifts to convert RGB332 into a respective formats.
+    //12 bpp has rgb format 444, 16 bpp has rgb format 565, 24 bpp has rgb 888 format, 32 bpp has Al rgb 8888 format : Al is alpha 
+    TUint color12bpp=(red << BPP12RedShift) | (green << BPP12GreenShift) | (blue << BPP12BlueShift);
+    TUint color16bpp=(red << BPP16RedShift) | (green << BPP16GreenShift) | (blue << BPP16BlueShift);
+    TUint color32bpp=(red << BPP32RedShift) | (green << BPP32GreenShift) | (blue << BPP32BlueShift);
+    if( displayBitsPerPixel == BPP12 )
+        {
+        bbp = BPP16;
+        }
+    else if ( displayBitsPerPixel == BPP24 )
+        {
+        bbp = BPP32;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        bbp = displayBitsPerPixel;
+        }
+    TInt baseAddress=displayMemoryAddress + offsetToFirstPixel + aPos.iY * displayOffsetBetweenLines + aPos.iX * bbp / BPP8;
+    if ( displayBitsPerPixel==BPP8 )
+          {
+          TUint8 *pixelPtr=(TUint8*)baseAddress;
+          *pixelPtr++=color8bpp;
+          *pixelPtr=color8bpp;
+          }
+    else if ( displayBitsPerPixel == BPP12 )
+          {
+          TUint16 *pixelPtr=(TUint16*)baseAddress;
+          *pixelPtr++=color12bpp;
+          *pixelPtr=color12bpp;	
+          }
+    else if ( displayBitsPerPixel == BPP16 )
+          {
+          TUint16 *pixelPtr	=(TUint16*)baseAddress;
+          *pixelPtr++=color16bpp;
+          *pixelPtr=color16bpp;
+          }
+    else if ( bbp == BPP32 )
+          {
+          TUint32 *pixelPtr=(TUint32*)baseAddress;
+          *pixelPtr++=color32bpp;
+          *pixelPtr=color32bpp;
+          }
+    }
+void  CDrawUtils::DrawSquareUtility(const TPoint& aTopLeft,const TInt aBoxLength,const TInt aBoxWidth,TUint8 aColorVal)
+ *
+ * Draw a filled in square  according to the length and width supplied
+ *
+ * @param 		aTopLeft Pixel position of the top left corner of the box	
+ *
+ * @param 		aBoxLength length in pixels of the box to be drawn.
+ *
+ * @param 		aBoxWidth width  in pixels of the box to be drawn.
+ *
+ * @param 		aColorVal colour of the box
+ *
+ */
+ 	{
+ 	TInt 	offSet		=1;	
+	TInt 	xOrigin		=0;
+	TPoint 	endPos;
+	TPoint	currentPos;
+	if( aTopLeft.iX > xOrigin )
+		{
+		endPos.iX	=aTopLeft.iX + aBoxWidth - offSet;
+		}
+	else//TopLeft x co-ordinate is zero
+		{
+		endPos.iX	=aTopLeft.iX + aBoxWidth;
+		}
+	endPos.iY	=aTopLeft.iY;
+	currentPos	=aTopLeft;
+	for(TInt i=0; i<=aBoxLength; i++)
+ 		{
+ 		DrawLineUtility(currentPos,endPos,aColorVal);
+ 		currentPos.iY	=currentPos.iY + offSet;
+ 		endPos.iY		=endPos.iY + offSet;
+ 		}	
+	}
+void  CDrawUtils::DrawLineUtility(const TPoint& aStartPos, const TPoint& aEndPos,const TUint8 aColorVal)
+ *
+ * Draw a line  with colour specified 
+ *
+ * @param 		aStartPos  pixel position to  start line.
+ * @param 		aEndPos    pixel position to  end line.
+ *
+ */	
+	{	
+ 	TPoint 		step		=aEndPos-aStartPos;
+ 	TBool 		isDiagonal	=EFalse;
+ 	TInt		origin		=0;
+ 	if	(( step.iX>origin ) && ( step.iY>origin ))
+ 		{
+ 		isDiagonal	=ETrue;
+ 		}		
+ 	TPoint 		currentPos=aStartPos;	
+ 	for(TInt i=0; i<=step.iX; i++)
+ 		{
+ 		currentPos.iX	=( aStartPos.iX + i );
+ 		for(TInt j=0; j<=step.iY; j++)
+ 			{
+ 			if	( !isDiagonal )
+ 				{
+ 				currentPos.iY	=( aStartPos.iY + j );
+ 				ColourFillUtility(aColorVal, currentPos);
+ 				}
+ 			else //line is diagonal
+ 				{
+ 				currentPos.iY	=( aStartPos.iY + i );
+ 				ColourFillUtility( aColorVal,currentPos);	
+ 				break;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+	}
+void    CDrawUtils::DrawSquareOutLineUtility(const TPoint& aTopLeft,const TInt aBoxHeight,const TInt aBoxWidth,TUint8 aColorVal)
+ *
+ * Draw an outline of a square i.e a square that has not been filled in with colour
+ * Draw a filled in square  according to the length and width supplied
+ *
+ * @param 		aTopLeft Pixel position of the top left corner of the box	
+ *
+ * @param 		aBoxLength length in pixels of the box to be drawn.
+ *
+ * @param 		aBoxWidth width  in pixels of the box to be drawn.
+ *
+ *
+ */		
+	{
+	TPoint startPos	=aTopLeft;
+	TPoint endPos;
+	//top horizontal line
+	endPos.iX		=aTopLeft.iX + aBoxWidth;
+	endPos.iY		=aTopLeft.iY;
+	DrawLineUtility(startPos, endPos, aColorVal);
+	//vertical left
+	endPos.iX		=aTopLeft.iX;
+	endPos.iY		=aTopLeft.iY + aBoxHeight;								
+	DrawLineUtility(startPos, endPos, aColorVal);
+	//vertical right
+	startPos.iX 	=aTopLeft.iX + aBoxWidth;
+	startPos.iY		=aTopLeft.iY;
+	endPos.iX		=aTopLeft.iX + aBoxWidth;
+	endPos.iY		=aTopLeft.iY + aBoxHeight;
+	DrawLineUtility(startPos, endPos, aColorVal);
+	//bottom horizontal									
+	startPos.iX 	=aTopLeft.iX;
+	startPos.iY 	=aTopLeft.iY + aBoxHeight;
+	endPos.iX		=aTopLeft.iX + aBoxWidth;
+	endPos.iY		=aTopLeft.iY + aBoxHeight;											
+	DrawLineUtility(startPos, endPos, aColorVal);		
+	}