changeset 14 cf4c5641c6dd
parent 12 a80bfc23ff0e
child 15 ac35e54b1f85
child 17 ce191d16bb9a
child 19 703c56cf2669
--- a/stvariants/montblanc/src/soc/peripheral/mmc/8500ed/mmc/emmcptn.cpp	Mon May 03 13:33:44 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,748 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Partition Management for Embedded MMC devices
-#include "emmcptn.h"
-#define ST_FLASHER
-//- Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------
-const TUint8  KMaxNbrOfTocItems     = 16; //condition false in decode partition info function 32; //should be 16 (32*16=512)
-const TUint8  KXMaxNbrOfTocItems    = 16;
-const TUint32 KEndOfToc             = 0xFFFFFFFFUL;
-const TInt  KMaxItemNameLen   		= 12;
-const TUint32 KMegaByte 			= 1024 * 1024;
-const TUint32 KEraseStepSize 		= 4 * KMegaByte;
-// for Emmc(S) min erase is 256KB for Emmc(T) min erase is 512KB
-const TUint32 KEraseMinSize			= 512 * 1024;
-const TInt KDiskSectorSize			=512;
-const TInt KDiskSectorShift			=9;
-// UnistoreII definitions
-#define VOLNUM							0			
-#define SECTOR_SIZE						512
-#define TWO_SECTOR_SIZE					1024
-struct STocItem
-	{
-	TUint32 iByteStartAddress;
-	TUint32 iByteSize;
-	TUint32 iFlags;
-	TUint32 iAlign;
-	TUint32 iLoadAddress;
-	TText8  iFileName[KMaxItemNameLen];
-	};
-class Toc
-    {
-    public:
-        TInt Init();
-        TInt GetItem(const TText8* aItemName, STocItem& aItem);
-        TInt GetItemEx(const TText8* aName, STocItem& aItem);
-	public:
-		STocItem iTOC[KMaxNbrOfTocItems];
-		STocItem iEmmcPartitionTable[4];		
-		TUint32  iTocStartSector;
-		TUint64  iUserAreaInBytes;
-		TInt 	 iPartitionCount;
-		TBool    iEMMCPtnUpdate;
-#if defined(_VERSION_INFO)
-		TUint32 iVersionInfoItems;
-		TVersionInfoItem iVersionInfo[KMaxSectionItems];
-	private:
-        TInt GetItemX(const TText8* aItemName, STocItem& aItem);
-    };
-class DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo : public DEMMCPartitionInfo
-	{
-	 DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo();
-	~DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo();
-	Toc *iTocPtr;
-	virtual TInt Initialise(DMediaDriver* aDriver);
-	virtual TInt PartitionInfo(TPartitionInfo& anInfo, const TMMCCallBack& aCallBack);
-	virtual TInt PartitionCaps(TLocDrv& aDrive, TDes8& aInfo);
-	void SetPartitionEntry(TPartitionEntry* aEntry, TUint aFirstSector, TUint aNumSectors);
-	static void SessionEndCallBack(TAny* aSelf);
-		   void DoSessionEndCallBack();
-	virtual TInt DecodePartitionInfo();
-	DMediaDriver*   iDriver;
-	TPartitionInfo* iPartitionInfo;
-	TMMCCallBack	iSessionEndCallBack;
-	TMMCCallBack 	iCallBack;         // Where to report the PartitionInfo completion
-	DMMCSession*	iSession;
-	TMMCard*		iCard;
-	TUint8*			iIntBuf;
-	};
-  : iSessionEndCallBack(DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo::SessionEndCallBack, this)
-	{
-	}
-	{
-	delete iSession;
-	}
-TInt DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo::Initialise(DMediaDriver* aDriver)
-	{
-	iDriver = aDriver;
-	DMMCSocket* socket = ((DMMCSocket*)((DPBusPrimaryMedia*)(iDriver->iPrimaryMedia))->iSocket);
-	if(socket == NULL)
-		return(KErrNoMemory);
-	DMMCStack* stack = socket->Stack(0);
-	iCard = stack->CardP(((DPBusPrimaryMedia*)(iDriver->iPrimaryMedia))->iSlotNumber);
-	iSession = stack->AllocSession(iSessionEndCallBack);
-	if (iSession == NULL)
-		return(KErrNoMemory);
-	iSession->SetStack(stack);
-	iSession->SetCard(iCard);
-	// this gets used before any access
-	TInt bufLen, minorBufLen;
-	stack->BufferInfo(iIntBuf, bufLen, minorBufLen);
-	return(KErrNone);
-	}
-TInt DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo::PartitionInfo(TPartitionInfo& anInfo, const TMMCCallBack& aCallBack)
-	{
-	iPartitionInfo = &anInfo;
-	iCallBack = aCallBack;
-	// If media driver is persistent (see EMediaDriverPersistent), 
-	// the card may have changed since last power down, so reset CID
-	iSession->SetCard(iCard);
-	TUint32 TocOffset =0; //TOC is on first Block
-#ifndef ST_FLASHER
-	TocOffset = 1280; //TOC mapped 0x000A0000 bytes offset i.e. 1280 blocks
-#endif //!ST_FLASHER
-	iSession->SetupCIMReadBlock(TocOffset, iIntBuf);	// aBlocks = 1
-	TInt r = iDriver->InCritical();
-	if (r == KErrNone)
-		r = iSession->Engage();
-	if(r != KErrNone)
-		iDriver->EndInCritical();
-	return(r);
-	}
-TInt DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo::PartitionCaps(TLocDrv& aDrive, TDes8& aInfo)
-	{
-	 TLocalDriveCapsV6Buf& Info = static_cast< TLocalDriveCapsV6Buf&> (aInfo);
-	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>iPartitionType=%d",aDrive.iPartitionType));	
-	if (aDrive.iPartitionType == KPartitionTypeRofs)
-		{
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf("eMMC proto: Caps for ROFS,drive NO =%d",aDrive.iDriveNumber));
-		Info().iType 			= EMediaHardDisk;		
-		Info().iDriveAtt 		= KDriveAttLocal | KDriveAttInternal;
-		Info().iFileSystemId  	= KDriveFileSysROFS;
-		Info().iPartitionType 	= KPartitionTypeRofs;
-		Info().iMediaAtt      	|= KMediaAttWriteProtected;
-		Info().iSize 		 	= TUint32(iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[1].iByteSize);
-		}
-	else if	(aDrive.iPartitionType == KPartitionTypeEmpty) //for CoreOS
-		{
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf("eMMC proto: Caps for EmptyP,drive NO =%d",aDrive.iDriveNumber));
-		Info().iType 			= EMediaHardDisk;
-		Info().iDriveAtt 		= KDriveAttLocal | KDriveAttInternal;	
-		Info().iFileSystemId  	= KDriveFileNone;
-		Info().iPartitionType 	= KPartitionTypeEmpty;
-		Info().iMediaAtt      	|= KMediaAttWriteProtected;
-		Info().iSize 		    = iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[0].iByteSize;
-		}
-	else if((aDrive.iDriveNumber == 2) && (!iTocPtr->iEMMCPtnUpdate))
-		{
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf("eMMC proto: Caps iDriveNumber =%d",aDrive.iDriveNumber));
-		Info().iType 			= EMediaHardDisk;
-		Info().iDriveAtt 		|= KDriveAttLocal | KDriveAttInternal ;
-		Info().iFileSystemId 	= KDriveFileSysFAT;
-		Info().iPartitionType 	= KPartitionTypeWin95FAT32;
-		Info().iMediaAtt      	|= KMediaAttFormattable;
-		Info().iSize 		 	= TUint64(iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes);
-		}
-	// is this query for the swap partition ?
-	if (aDrive.iPartitionType == KPartitionTypePagedData)
-		{
-		Info().iFileSystemId = KDriveFileNone;
-		Info().iDriveAtt|= KDriveAttHidden;
-		}
-	// is this query for the ROFS partition ?
-	if (aDrive.iPartitionType == KPartitionTypeRofs)
-		{
-		Info().iFileSystemId = KDriveFileSysROFS;
-		Info().iMediaAtt&= ~KMediaAttFormattable;
-		Info().iMediaAtt|= KMediaAttWriteProtected;
-		}
-	// is this query for the ROM partition ?
-	if (aDrive.iPartitionType == KPartitionTypeROM)
-		{
-		Info().iFileSystemId = KDriveFileNone;
-		Info().iMediaAtt&= ~KMediaAttFormattable;
-		Info().iMediaAtt|= KMediaAttWriteProtected;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-void DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo::SessionEndCallBack(TAny* aSelf)
-	{
-	DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo& self = *static_cast<DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo*>(aSelf);
-	self.DoSessionEndCallBack();
-	}
-void DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo::DoSessionEndCallBack()
-	{
-	iDriver->EndInCritical();
-	TInt r = iSession->EpocErrorCode();
-	if (r == KErrNone)
-		r = DecodePartitionInfo();
-	iDriver->PartitionInfoComplete(r == KErrNone ? r : KErrNotReady);
-	}
-TInt DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo::DecodePartitionInfo()
-// decode partition info that was read into internal buffer 
-	{
-	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>emcptn:DecodePartitionInfo"));
-	TUint partitionCount=iPartitionInfo->iPartitionCount=0;
-	TInt defaultPartitionNumber=-1;
-	TMBRPartitionEntry* pe;
-	const TUint KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned = KMBRFirstPartitionOffset & ~3;
-	TInt i;
-	iTocPtr = reinterpret_cast<Toc*>(iIntBuf);
-	iTocPtr->iEMMCPtnUpdate = EFalse;
-	iTocPtr->iPartitionCount = 0;
-	STocItem item; 
-#ifdef ST_FLASHER
-	for (TUint8 nCnt = 0; nCnt < 5; nCnt++) 
-	for (TUint8 nCnt = 0; nCnt < KMaxNbrOfTocItems; nCnt++) 
-#endif //ST_FLASHER	
-		{ 
-#ifdef ST_FLASHER
-		if((iTocPtr->GetItemEx((TText8*)"NORMAL", item) == KErrNone) ||(iTocPtr->GetItemEx((TText8*)"X-LOADER", item)== KErrNone))
-		if(iTocPtr->GetItemEx("SOS+CORE", item)== KErrNone) 
-#endif //ST_FLASHER
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>Valid TOC/PIB found"));
-			}
-		else 
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf("ERROR eMMC proto: No Valid TOC/PIB structure !"));
-			iTocPtr->iEMMCPtnUpdate = ETrue; 
-			}
-		}
-	if(iTocPtr)
-	{
-	if(!iTocPtr->iEMMCPtnUpdate)
-		{
-		TInt ret = KErrNone;
-#ifdef ST_FLASHER
-		ret = iTocPtr->GetItemEx((TText8*)"NORMAL", item);
-		ret = iTocPtr->GetItemEx("SOS+CORE", item); 
-#endif //ST_FLASHER
-		if(ret == KErrNone)	
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>SOS+CORE/NORMAL partition found"));
-			//SOS+CORE Partition
-			iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[0] = item;	
-			}
-		else 
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>ERROR SOS+CORE/NORMAL partition NOT found"));
-			}
-		//In ST flasher ROFS partitions are not define
-#ifndef ST_FLASHER
-		ret = iTocPtr->GetItemEx("SOS+ROFS1", item); 
-		if(ret == KErrNone)	
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>SOS+ROFS1 partition found"));
-			//Rofs Partition
-			iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[1] = item;	
-			}
-		else 
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>ERROR SOS+ROFS1 partition NOT found"));
-			}
-		// In ST flasher consider : Normal -> coreos, ADL -> Rofs, No Rofs_Ext,Production -> User
-		ret = iTocPtr->GetItemEx("SOS+ROFS2", item); 
-		if(ret == KErrNone)	
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>SOS+ROFS2 partition found"));
-			//ROFX Partition
-			iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[2] = item;	
-			}
-		else 
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>ERROR SOS+ROFS2 partition NOT found"));
-			}
-#endif //ST_FLASHER
-#ifdef ST_FLASHER
-		//USER partition is => Start address of PRODUCTION + Size of PRODUCTION
-		ret = iTocPtr->GetItemEx((TText8*)"PRODUCTION", item);
-		ret = iTocPtr->GetItemEx("SOS-USER", item); 
-#endif //ST_FLASHER		
-		if(ret == KErrNone)	
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>SOS-USER partition found"));
-			//SOS-USER Partition
-			iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3] = item;	
-#ifdef ST_FLASHER			
-			TUint64 NoOfBlock512KAlign 							= (iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress + iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteSize)/(KEraseMinSize);	
-			iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress	= (NoOfBlock512KAlign * KEraseMinSize) + KEraseStepSize;//align with 512KB + extra 4MB
-			iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes 							= (iCard->DeviceSize64()  - ((TUint64)(iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress)));		
-#else //ST_FLASHER
-			iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress 	= iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress;
-			iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes 							= iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteSize;
-#endif //ST_FLASHER			
-			}
-		else //search MEM_INIT partition
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>ERROR SOS-USER partition NOT found search for MEM_INIT"));
-			//USER partition is => Start address of MEM_INIT + Size of MEM_INIT
-			ret = iTocPtr->GetItemEx((TText8*)"MEM_INIT", item); 
-			if(ret == KErrNone)	
-				{
-				__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>MEM_INIT partition found"));
-				//SOS-USER Partition
-				iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3] 					= item;	
-				TUint64 NoOfBlock512KAlign 							= (iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress + iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteSize)/(KEraseMinSize);	
-				iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress	= (NoOfBlock512KAlign * KEraseMinSize) + KEraseStepSize;//align with 512KB + extra 4MB
-				iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes 							= (iCard->DeviceSize64()  - ((TUint64)(iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress)));		
-				}
-			else 
-				{
-				__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>ERROR MEM_INIT partition NOT found"));
-				}
-			}
-		//	User Partition : iPartitionCount =0
-		iPartitionInfo->iEntry[iTocPtr->iPartitionCount].iPartitionBaseAddr 	= iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress;
-		//iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes 											= iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes - (TUint64)(KEraseStepSize - KDiskSectorSize);// (0x3ffe00)		
-		iPartitionInfo->iEntry[iTocPtr->iPartitionCount].iPartitionLen 			= iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes;		
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteSize=0x%x",iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes));		
-		SetPartitionEntry( &iPartitionInfo->iEntry[iTocPtr->iPartitionCount], iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[3].iByteStartAddress/KDiskSectorSize, iTocPtr->iUserAreaInBytes/(TUint64)(KDiskSectorSize ));		
-		iPartitionInfo->iEntry[iTocPtr->iPartitionCount].iPartitionType 		= KPartitionTypeFAT16;
-		iTocPtr->iPartitionCount++;
-		//	CoreOs Partition : iPartitionCount =1
-		iPartitionInfo->iEntry[iTocPtr->iPartitionCount].iPartitionBaseAddr 	= iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[0].iByteStartAddress;
-		iPartitionInfo->iEntry[iTocPtr->iPartitionCount].iPartitionLen 			= iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[0].iByteSize;
-		SetPartitionEntry( &iPartitionInfo->iEntry[iTocPtr->iPartitionCount], iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[0].iByteStartAddress/KDiskSectorSize, iTocPtr->iEmmcPartitionTable[0].iByteSize/KDiskSectorSize );		
-		iPartitionInfo->iEntry[iTocPtr->iPartitionCount].iPartitionType 		=  KPartitionTypeROM;//KPartitionTypeEmpty indar
-		iTocPtr->iPartitionCount ++;				
-		}
-	}
-	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV,Kern::Printf(">>partitionCount=%d",iTocPtr->iPartitionCount));
-	partitionCount=iTocPtr->iPartitionCount;
-	// Read of the first sector successful so check for a Master Boot Record
-	if (*(TUint16*)(&iIntBuf[KMBRSignatureOffset])!=0xAA55)
-	// If no valid signature give up now, No way to re-format an internal drive correctly
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("mmc:No MBR Found"));
-			// return KErrCorrupt;
-			}
-	__ASSERT_COMPILE(KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned + KMBRMaxPrimaryPartitions * sizeof(TMBRPartitionEntry) <= KMBRSignatureOffset);
-	memmove(&iIntBuf[0], &iIntBuf[2],
-		KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned + KMBRMaxPrimaryPartitions * sizeof(TMBRPartitionEntry)); 
-	for (i=0, pe = (TMBRPartitionEntry*)(&iIntBuf[KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned]);
-		pe->iPartitionType != 0 && i < KMaxPartitionEntries; i++,pe--)
-		{
-		if (pe->IsDefaultBootPartition())
-			{
-			SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[0],pe->iFirstSector,pe->iNumSectors);
-			defaultPartitionNumber=i;
-			partitionCount++;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	// Now add any other partitions
-	for (i=0, pe = (TMBRPartitionEntry*)(&iIntBuf[KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned]);
-		pe->iPartitionType != 0 && i < KMaxPartitionEntries; i++,pe--)
-		{
-		if (defaultPartitionNumber==i)
-			{
-			// Already sorted
-			}
-		// FAT partition ?
-		else if (pe->IsValidDosPartition() || pe->IsValidFAT32Partition())
-			{
-			SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount],pe->iFirstSector,pe->iNumSectors);
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDPAGING, Kern::Printf("Mmc: FAT partition found at sector #%u", pe->iFirstSector));
-			partitionCount++;
-			}
-		else if (pe->iPartitionType == KPartitionTypeROM)
-			{
-			TPartitionEntry& partitionEntry = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount];
-			SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount],pe->iFirstSector,pe->iNumSectors);
-			partitionEntry.iPartitionType = pe->iPartitionType;
-			partitionCount++;				 
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDPAGING, Kern::Printf("Mmc: KPartitionTypeROM found at sector #%u", pe->iFirstSector));
-			}
-		// ROFS partition ?
-		else if (pe->iPartitionType == KPartitionTypeRofs)
-			{
-// Don't expose this for normal operation only boot?			
-			TPartitionEntry& partitionEntry = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount];
-			SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount],pe->iFirstSector,pe->iNumSectors);
-			partitionEntry.iPartitionType = pe->iPartitionType;
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDPAGING, Kern::Printf("Mmc: KPartitionTypeRofs found at sector #%u", pe->iFirstSector));
-			partitionCount++;
-			}
-		// Swap partition ?
-		else if (pe->iPartitionType == KPartitionTypePagedData)
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDPAGING, Kern::Printf("Mmc: KPartitionTypePagedData found at sector #%u", pe->iFirstSector));
-			TPartitionEntry& partitionEntry = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount];
-			SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount],pe->iFirstSector,pe->iNumSectors);
-			partitionEntry.iPartitionType = pe->iPartitionType;
-			partitionCount++;
-			}
-		}
-	// Check the validity of the partition address boundaries
-	// If there is any MBR errors
-	if(partitionCount > 0)
-		{
-		const TInt64 deviceSize = iCard->DeviceSize64();
-		TPartitionEntry& part = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount - 1];
-		// Check that the card address space boundary is not exceeded by the last partition
-		if(part.iPartitionBaseAddr + part.iPartitionLen > deviceSize)
-			{
-			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("Mmc: MBR partition exceeds card memory space"));
-			return KErrCorrupt;
-			}
-		// More than one partition. Go through all of them
-		if (partitionCount > 0)
-			{
-			for(i=partitionCount-1; i>0; i--)
-				{
-				const TPartitionEntry& curr = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[i];
-				TPartitionEntry& prev = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[i-1];
-				// Check if partitions overlap
-				if(curr.iPartitionBaseAddr < (prev.iPartitionBaseAddr + prev.iPartitionLen))
-					{
-					__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("Mmc: Overlapping partitions"));
-						//return KErrCorrupt;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	if (defaultPartitionNumber==(-1) && partitionCount==0)
-		{
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("No Valid Partitions Found!"));
-		return KErrCorrupt;
-		}
-	iPartitionInfo->iPartitionCount=partitionCount;
-	iPartitionInfo->iMediaSizeInBytes=iCard->DeviceSize64();
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("<Mmc:PartitionInfo (C:%d)",partitionCount));
-	for (TUint x=0; x<partitionCount; x++)
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("     Partition%d (B:%xH L:%xH)",x,I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[x].iPartitionBaseAddr),I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[x].iPartitionLen)));
-	//Notify medmmc that partitioninfo is complete.
-	iCallBack.CallBack();
-	return(KErrNone);
-	}
-void DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo::SetPartitionEntry(TPartitionEntry* aEntry, TUint aFirstSector, TUint aNumSectors)
-// auxiliary static function to record partition information in TPartitionEntry object
-	{
-	aEntry->iPartitionBaseAddr=aFirstSector;
-	aEntry->iPartitionBaseAddr<<=KDiskSectorShift;
-	aEntry->iPartitionLen=aNumSectors;
-	aEntry->iPartitionLen<<=KDiskSectorShift;
-	aEntry->iPartitionType=KPartitionTypeFAT12;
-	}
-// End - DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo
-EXPORT_C DEMMCPartitionInfo* CreateEmmcPartitionInfo()
-	{
-	return new DLegacyEMMCPartitionInfo;
-	}
-	{
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-* TInt Toc::GetItemX(const TText8* aItemName, STocItem& aItem)
-* Search entry in XLOADER TOC with ItemName.
-* End of TOC limited by amount of entries only
-* Parameters:
-* TText8		: Item Name
-* STocItem		: Reference of Item
-* Return Value
-* KErrNone		: If Item Found other wise return KErrNotFound
-TInt Toc::GetItemX(const TText8* aItemName, STocItem& aItem)
-    {
-	TUint8 i = 0;
-    if ( aItemName == NULL )
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }
-    // check all items
-	while ( i < KXMaxNbrOfTocItems )
-		{
-		TUint8 j;	
-		for ( j = 0; j < KMaxItemNameLen; j++ )				
-			{
-				if ( aItemName[j] == iTOC[i].iFileName[j] )
-					{
-					if ( aItemName[j] == 0 )
-						{
-						// item found
-						aItem = iTOC[i];
-						return KErrNone;
-						}
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					break;
-					}
-			}
-		i++;
-		}
-	return KErrNotFound;
-    }
-* TInt Toc::GetItem(const TText8* aItemName, STocItem& aItem)
-* Search entry in TOC with ItemName.
-* Parameters:
-* TText8		: Item Name
-* STocItem		: Reference of Item
-* Return Value
-* KErrNone		: If Item Found other wise return KErrNotFound
-TInt Toc::GetItem(const TText8* aItemName, STocItem& aItem)
-    {
-	TUint8 i = 0;
-    if ( aItemName == NULL )
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }
-	// check all items
-	while ( i < KMaxNbrOfTocItems && iTOC[i].iByteStartAddress != KEndOfToc )
-		{
-		TUint8 j;	
-		for ( j = 0; j < KMaxItemNameLen; j++ )				
-			{
-				if ( aItemName[j] == iTOC[i].iFileName[j] )
-					{
-					if ( aItemName[j] == 0 )
-						{
-						// item found
-						aItem = iTOC[i];
-						aItem.iByteStartAddress += ((TUint32)SECTOR_SIZE) * iTocStartSector;
-						return KErrNone;
-						}
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					break;
-					}
-			}
-		i++;
-		}
-	return KErrNotFound;
-    }
-* TInt Toc::GetItem(const TText8* aItemName, STocItem& aItem)
-* Search entry in TOC with aName as part of ItemName.
-* Parameters:
-* TText8		: Item Name
-* STocItem		: Reference of Item
-* Return Value
-* KErrNone		: If Item Found other wise return KErrNotFound
-TInt Toc::GetItemEx(const TText8* aName, STocItem& aItem)
-    {
-	TInt i = 0;
-	TInt l1 =0;
-	TInt j , k,l2;
-    if ( aName == NULL )
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }
-	// calculate length for name to be searched
-	while ( i < KMaxItemNameLen && aName[i] != 0 ) { i++; l1++; }	
-	if ( !l1 ) return KErrGeneral; // zero length
-	// check all items
-	i = 0;
-	while ( i < KMaxNbrOfTocItems && iTOC[i].iByteStartAddress != KEndOfToc )
-		{	
-		// calculate length of current item
-		j = 0; l2 = 0;
-		while ( j < KMaxItemNameLen && iTOC[i].iFileName[j] != 0 ) { j++; l2++; }
-		if ( l2 < l1 ) { i++; continue; } // too short name, skip it
-		// compare Item with aName
-		for ( j = 0; j <= (l2 - l1); j++ )				
-			{
-				for ( k = 0; k < l1; k++ )
-					{
-						if ( aName[k] != iTOC[i].iFileName[j+k] ) break;
-					}
-				if ( k == l1 )
-					{
-					// item found
-					aItem = iTOC[i];
-			//		aItem.iByteStartAddress += ((TUint32)SECTOR_SIZE) * iTocStartSector; //indar check*
-					return KErrNone;
-					}
-			}		
-		i++;
-		}
-	return KErrNotFound;
-    }
-//  End of File