changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 34 9d84592f5036
child 41 786b94c6f0a4
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <bluetooth/logger.h>
    17 #include <e32svr.h>
    18 #include <e32uid.h>
    19 #include <btsdp.h>
    20 #include "DataEncoder.h"
    21 #include "EncoderVisitor.h"
    22 #include "sdputil.h"
    23 #include "reqhandler.h"
    24 #include "listener.h"
    25 #include "epocsvr.h"
    26 #include "ipcinternals.h"
    27 #include "attrvalueencoded.h"
    29 #include "epocsvr.inl"
    30 #include <f32file.h>	//	For RFs
    32 #ifdef __EPOC32__
    33 #include <c32comm.h>
    34 #endif
    36 #include "SdpServerSecurityPolicy.h"
    38 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    39 _LIT8(KLogComponent, LOG_COMPONENT_SDP_SERVER);
    40 #endif
    42 #ifdef _DEBUG
    43 PANICCATEGORY("epocsvr");
    44 #endif
    46 GLDEF_D TInt sdp_debug_level = 5;
    48 void Panic(TSdpServerPanics aCode)
    49 	{
    50 	User::Panic(KSdpServerPanicName, aCode);
    51 	}
    53 /**
    54  The SDP database subsession class has been removed from the SDP server but to 
    55  maintain BC we still have to deal with subsession requests from the client.
    56  The constant below is used as the subsession handle for any new subsession
    57  requests from a client as we no longer maintain a real handle to a subsession.
    58 **/
    59 static const TInt KSdpDatabaseSubSessionHandle = 0x1A2B3C4D;
    61 inline CSdpServerShutdown::CSdpServerShutdown()
    62 	:CTimer(-1)
    63 	{CActiveScheduler::Add(this);}
    64 inline void CSdpServerShutdown::ConstructL()
    65 	{CTimer::ConstructL();}
    66 inline void CSdpServerShutdown::Start()
    67 	{After(KSdpServerShutdownDelay);}
    69 //
    72 void CSdpServerShutdown::RunL()
    73 /**
    74  Initiate server exit when the timer expires
    75 **/
    76 	{
    77 	LOG_FUNC
    78 	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
    79 	}
    81 CSdpServer::CSdpServer()
    82 	: CPolicyServer(0, KSdpServerPolicy)
    83 	{
    85 	LOG_FUNC
    86 	}
    88 CSdpServer* CSdpServer::NewLC()
    89 /**
    90  Create the server object and leave on cleanup stack.
    91 **/
    92 	{
    94 	CSdpServer* self=new(ELeave) CSdpServer();
    95 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    96 	self->ConstructL();
    97 	return self;
    98 	}
   100 void CSdpServer::ConstructL()
   101 	{
   102 	LOG_FUNC
   103 	StartL(KSdpServerName);
   105 	iSdpDatabase = CSdpDatabase::NewL();
   106 	iUuidManager = CSdpUuidManager::NewL(*iSdpDatabase);
   108 	TPckg<TUint> intBuf(0);
   109 	iDbState = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(intBuf);
   111 	// Create the buffer the correct size for storing a Uint
   112 	TInt encodedSize = TElementEncoder::EncodedSize(iDbState->Type(), iDbState->DataSize());
   113 	iEncodeBuf.CreateL(encodedSize);
   114 	TElementEncoder encoder(iEncodeBuf);
   116 	iEncoderVisitor = CAttrEncoderVisitor::NewL(encoder);
   117 	BuildRecordZeroL(); //Unencoded
   118 	Database()->EncodeDbL(); /*If we get to here, database exists*/
   120 	User::LeaveIfError(iSocketServ.Connect());
   121 	iSdpListener = CSdpListener::NewL(iSocketServ, 4, *(Database()));
   123 	//Ensure that the server will exit even if the 1st client fails to connect
   124 	//Start shutdown timer only after all the heavy duty initialisation has been done. 
   125 	//Otherwise it could fire before any client had a chance to connect to the server
   126 	iShutdown.ConstructL();
   127 	iShutdown.Start();
   128 	}
   130 CSdpServer::~CSdpServer()
   131 	{
   132 	LOG_FUNC
   133 	delete iSdpListener;
   134 	iSocketServ.Close();
   136 	delete iRecZero;
   137 	delete iDbState;
   138 	delete iEncoderVisitor;
   139 	iEncodeBuf.Close();
   141 	delete iUuidManager;
   142 	delete iSdpDatabase;
   144 	}
   146 CSdpDatabase* CSdpServer::Database()
   147 	{
   148 	LOG_FUNC
   149 	return iSdpDatabase;
   150 	}
   152 void CSdpServer::BuildRecordZeroL()
   153 /**
   154  Record 0 should be used when a server instance is created.
   155  note that attributes 2, 5 and 0x201 should be updated.
   156  also note only English, pas de Francais, keine Deutsch, non Espanol
   157 **/
   158 	{
   159 	LOG_FUNC
   160 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iSdpDatabase);
   162 	TBuf8<2> attrId;
   163 	TBuf8<4> val;
   165 	iRecZero = CSdpServRecord::NewServerSideL(User::Identity());
   167 	// Set Attr 0 (Record handle) to 0
   168 	attrId.FillZ(2);
   169 	val.FillZ(4);
   170 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildUintL(val);
   172 	// Set Attr 1 (service class list) to list with UUID = 0x1000
   173 	attrId[0] = 0x00;
   174 	attrId[1] = 0x01;
   175 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildDESL()
   176 			->StartListL()
   177 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint16(KServiceDiscoveryServerServiceClassUUID)))
   178 			->EndListL();
   180 	// Set Attr 2 (service record state) to 0
   181 	attrId[0] = 0x00;
   182 	attrId[1] = 0x02;
   183 	val.FillZ(4);
   184 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildUintL(val);
   186 	// Set attr 4 (protocol list) to L2CAP, no RFCOMM, no OBEX
   187 	attrId[0] = 0x00;
   188 	attrId[1] = 0x04;
   189 	val.FillZ(4);
   190 	val[3] = 1;
   191 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildDESL()
   192 			->StartListL()
   193 				->BuildDESL()
   194 				->StartListL()
   195 					->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint16(0x0100))) // L2CAP
   196 					->EndListL()
   197 					->EndListL();
   199 	// Set Attr 5 (browse group list) to list with one UUID
   200 	// 0x1000 (SDP server class)
   201 	// this should be updated with other service classes when other services are added.
   202 	attrId[0] = 0x00;
   203 	attrId[1] = 5;
   204 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildDESL()
   205 			->StartListL()
   206 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint32(0x1000)))
   207 			->EndListL();
   209 	// Set Attr 0x006 (language base)
   210 	attrId[0] = 0x00;
   211 	attrId[1] = 0x06;
   212 	TUint16 lang = 0x656e;
   213 	TUint16 coding = 0x006a;
   214 	TUint16 base = 0x0100;
   216 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildDESL()
   217 			->StartListL()
   218 				->BuildUintL(TSdpIntBuf<TUint16>(lang)) // english
   219 				->BuildUintL(TSdpIntBuf<TUint16>(coding)) // UTF-8
   220 				->BuildUintL(TSdpIntBuf<TUint16>(base)) // language base
   221 			->EndListL();
   223 	// Set Attr 0x007 (time to live) to 1200 (0x4B0) seconds (20 minutes)
   224 	attrId[0] = 0x00;
   225 	attrId[1] = 0x07;
   226 	val.FillZ(4);
   227 	val[2]=4;
   228 	val[3]=0xb0;
   229 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildUintL(val);
   231 	// Set Attr 0x008 (availability) to 0xff - fully available - not in use
   232 	attrId[0] = 0x00;
   233 	attrId[1] = 0x08;
   234 	TBuf8<1> val4;
   235 	val4.FillZ(1);
   236 	val4[0]=0xff;
   237 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildUintL(val4);
   239 	// Set Attr 0x100 (default Name) to string
   240 	attrId[0] = 0x01;
   241 	attrId[1] = 0;
   242 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildStringL(_L8("SDP Server"));
   244 	// Set Attr 0x101 (def. description) to string
   245 	attrId[0] = 0x01;
   246 	attrId[1] = 1;
   247 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildStringL(_L8("Provides local service information for remote devices."));
   249 	// Set Attr 0x102 (def. provider) to Symbian
   250 	attrId[0] = 0x01;
   251 	attrId[1] = 2;
   252 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildStringL(_L8("Symbian OS"));
   254 	// Set Attr 0x200 (version number support) to list with 1.0 and 1.1
   255 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(TSdpIntBuf<TSdpAttributeID>(0x200))
   256 			->BuildDESL()
   257 			->StartListL()
   258 				->BuildUintL(TSdpIntBuf<TUint16>(0x0100)) // 1.0
   259 				->BuildUintL(TSdpIntBuf<TUint16>(0x0101)) // 1.1
   260 			->EndListL();
   262 	// Set Attr 0x201 (service database state) to 0
   263 	attrId[0] = 0x02;
   264 	attrId[1] = 0x01;
   265 	val.FillZ(4);
   266 	iRecZero->BuildUintL(attrId)->BuildUintL(val);
   268 	// Add the record into the database
   269 	Database()->AddRecord(iRecZero);
   270 	}
   272 CSession2* CSdpServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& /*aVersion*/) const
   273 	{
   274 	LOG_FUNC
   275 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   276 	return 0;
   277 	}
   279 CSession2* CSdpServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const
   280 	{
   281 	LOG_FUNC
   282 	TVersion v(KSdpServerMajorVersionNumber,KSdpServerMinorVersionNumber,KSdpServerBuildVersionNumber);
   283 	if (!User::QueryVersionSupported(v,aVersion))
   284 		{
   285 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   286 		}
   287 	// make new session
   288 	return new(ELeave) CSdpServSession(aMessage);
   289 	}
   291 void CSdpServer::AddSession()
   292 /**
   293 A new session is being created
   294 Cancel the shutdown timer if it was running
   295 **/
   296 	{
   297 	LOG_FUNC
   298 	++iSessionCount;
   299 	if (iSessionCount > iMaxSessionCount)
   300 		{
   301 		iMaxSessionCount = iSessionCount;
   302 		}
   303 	iShutdown.Cancel();
   304 	}
   306 void CSdpServer::DropSession()
   307 /**
   308 A session is being destroyed
   309 Start the shutdown timer if it is the last session.
   310 **/
   311 	{
   312 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionCount > 0, PanicServer(ESdpBadState));
   314 	if (--iSessionCount==0)
   315 		{
   316 		iShutdown.Start();
   317 		}
   318 	}
   320 void CSdpServer::CheckAllowedL(const RMessage2& aMessage, const CSdpServRecord& aRecord)
   321 	{
   322 	LOG_FUNC
   323 	if (!Allowed(aMessage, aRecord))
   324 		{
   325 		User::Leave(KErrPermissionDenied);
   326 		}
   327 	}
   329 TBool CSdpServer::Allowed(const RMessage2& aMessage, const CSdpServRecord& aRecord)
   330 	{
   331 	LOG_FUNC
   332 	_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_S0(KSidPolicy, aRecord.ClientUid().iUid);
   334 	//if the secure id of the record matches the secure id of the message sender
   335 	if (KSidPolicy().CheckPolicy(aMessage))
   336 		{
   337 		//allowed
   338 		return ETrue;
   339 		}
   341 	//not allowed
   342 	return EFalse;
   343 	}
   345 CSdpServRecord* CSdpServer::FindRecordByHandle(const TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle)
   346 /**
   347 Returns a pointer to the first record object found with its 
   348 attribute '0' set to the specified handle.
   349 If no such record object is found, this function return 0 (Null).
   350 **/
   351 	{
   352 	LOG_FUNC
   353 	for(TServRecordIter recIter(Database()->RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
   354 		{// Iterate thru records in iDatabase
   355 		if((*recIter).Handle()==aHandle)
   356 			{
   357 			//Destructor of a record removes/destroys all its 
   358 			//attributes and deques it from database list.
   359 			return &(*recIter);
   360 			}
   361 		}
   362 	return 0;
   363 	}
   365 CSdpAttr* CSdpServer::FindAttributeByID(CSdpServRecord& aRecord, const TSdpAttributeID aAttrID)
   366 /**
   367 Returns a pointer to the attribute object found in the 
   368 specified record that has the specified ID.
   369 If no such attribute object is found, this function return 0 (Null).
   370 **/
   371 	{
   372 	LOG_FUNC
   373 	for(TServAttrIter attrIter(aRecord.AttributeIter()); attrIter; attrIter++)
   374 		{// Iterate thru attributes in record
   375 		if((*attrIter).AttributeID()==aAttrID)
   376 			{
   377 			return &(*attrIter);
   378 			}
   379 		}
   380 	return 0;
   381 	}
   383 /**
   384 This function must be called whenever a service record is added or removed.
   386 The SDP server 0 service record has a ServerServiceDatabaseState attribute
   387 which, if present, must be updated when a service record is added or removed.
   388 */
   389 void CSdpServer::DatabaseStateChange()
   390 	{
   391 	LOG_FUNC
   392 	//increment database state attribute in record zero
   393 	if(iRecZero)
   394 		{
   395 		TUint state = iDbState->Uint();
   397 		TPckg<TUint> stateBuf(0);
   398 		SdpUtil::PutUint(&stateBuf[0], ++state, sizeof(TUint));
   400 		iDbState->SetUintValue(stateBuf);
   402 		// This encodes iDbState into the buffer provided at construction
   403 		iEncodeBuf.SetLength(0);
   404 		TRAPD(err, iEncoderVisitor->EncodeAttributeL(*iDbState));
   405 		// Attribute encoding can only fail if the attribute is of an unknown type 
   406 		// or the supplied buffer is too small.  We have set the length of the
   407 		// buffer to the correct length on creation so that will not fail.
   408 		// We know iDbState is a CSdpAttrValueUint so cannot fail.
   409 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!err, PanicServer(ESdpAttributeEncodingFailed));
   411 		CSdpAttr* attr = FindAttributeByID(*iRecZero, KSdpAttrIdSdpServerServiceDatabaseState);
   412 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(attr->Value().Type() == ETypeEncoded, PanicServer(ESdpStoredAttrValNotEncoded));
   413 		reinterpret_cast<CSdpAttrValueEncoded&>(attr->Value()).SetEncodedValue(iEncodeBuf);
   415 		iRecZero->RecordStateChange();
   416 		iUuidManager->NotifySdpRecordChange();
   417 		}
   418 	}
   420 CSdpServRecord* CSdpServer::CreateServiceRecordL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   421 /**
   422 Creates a record on the global database. Returns a pointer to the new record.
   423 **/
   424 	{
   425 	LOG_FUNC
   427 	CSdpServRecord* record = CSdpServRecord::NewServerSideL(aMessage.Identity());
   429 	CleanupStack::PushL(record);
   431 	//Build record handle attribute...
   432 	//..NB if we had created the record using iDatabase.NewRecordL we would not
   433 	//     have to add the handle attribute manually..BUT then to encode the 
   434 	//	   the handle attribute would have required us to dig it out of the
   435 	//	   record first which seems less robust than what is below.
   436 	//	   For 1.1 we might create an EncodeRecordL function for a single record
   437 	//	   in the same way we now have an EncodeDbL function for the whole database.
   438 	//	   This would then allow us to call iDatabase>NewRecordL, followed by 
   439 	//	   record.EncodeRecordL.	
   440 	CSdpAttr* handleAttr = CSdpAttr::NewL(0x00, record);
   441 	record->AddAttribute(handleAttr);
   442 	handleAttr->BuildUintL(TSdpIntBuf<TSdpServRecordHandle>(Database()->NextFreeHandle()));
   443 	CSdpAttrValue* handleAttrValue = &(handleAttr->Value());
   445 	TUint size = TElementEncoder::EncodedSize(handleAttrValue->Type(), 
   446 											  handleAttrValue->DataSize());
   447 	HBufC8* bufEncodedHandle = HBufC8::NewL(size);
   448 	CleanupStack::PushL(bufEncodedHandle);
   449 	TPtr8 ptrEncodedHandle = bufEncodedHandle->Des();
   451 	TElementEncoder ee(ptrEncodedHandle);
   452 	CAttrEncoderVisitor::EncodeAttributeL(ee, *handleAttrValue);
   453 	handleAttr->BuildEncodedL(ptrEncodedHandle); 
   455 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //bufEncodedHandle
   457 	//Write record handle back to EPOC client (i.e. user)
   458 	TSdpServRecordHandlePckgBuf pckg(record->Handle());
   459 	pckg() = record->Handle();
   460 	aMessage.WriteL(1, pckg); //ss//
   462 	//Build service class attribute...
   463  	TInt bufServiceClassLen = aMessage.GetDesLengthL(0); //ss//
   464  	HBufC8* bufServiceClass = HBufC8::NewLC(bufServiceClassLen);
   465  	TPtr8 ptrServiceClass = bufServiceClass->Des();
   466  	aMessage.ReadL(0, ptrServiceClass); //get message data into buf (via ptr) //ss//
   468 	TBuf8<2> attrId;
   469 	attrId.FillZ(2); // Order of following lines important to value in attrId!!!
   470 	attrId[0] = 0x00;
   471 	attrId[1] = 0x01;
   473 	CSdpAttr* attr = CSdpAttr::NewL(0x0001, record);
   474 	record->AddAttribute(attr);
   475 	attr->BuildEncodedL(ptrServiceClass);
   477 	//Add record, now with handle and service class attributes, to database
   478 	Database()->AddRecord(record);
   479 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //bufServiceClass
   480  	CleanupStack::Pop(); //record,
   482 	DatabaseStateChange();
   484 	//Return a pointer to the new record
   485 	return record;
   486 	}
   488 CSdpServRecord* CSdpServer::FindAndCheckServiceRecordForDeletion(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   489 /**
   490 Checks it's ok to delete a record on the global database using handle sent in message slot 0.
   491 Returns the pointer of the record that is to be deleted. 
   492 **/
   493 	{
   494 	LOG_FUNC
   496 	TSdpServRecordHandlePckgBuf pckg;
   497  	TRAPD(err, aMessage.ReadL(0, pckg)); //get message data into buf (via ptr)
   498 	if(err)
   499 		{
   500 		// Client has sent us a dodgy descriptor, punish them!
   501 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadDescriptor);
   502 		return NULL;
   503 		}
   505 	//the service record handle should be non-zero
   506 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pckg() != 0, Panic(ESdpServerDeleteServiceRecordHandleZero));
   508 	CSdpServRecord* record = FindRecordByHandle(pckg());
   509 	if(!record)
   510 		{
   511 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpNonExistantRecordHandle);
   512 		return NULL;
   513 		}
   515 	TRAP(err, CheckAllowedL(aMessage, *record));
   516 	if(err)
   517 		{
   518 		// Client has been naughty, trying to delete things they shouldn't!
   519 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadRequest);
   520 		return NULL;
   521 		}
   523 	//Return a pointer to the record to be deleted
   524 	return record;
   525 	}
   527 void CSdpServer::UpdateAttributeL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   528 /**
   529 Updates/Creates an attribute in a record on the global database using the packaged 
   530 record handle, the packaged attribute id, and the encoded attribute value 
   531 sent in message slots 0, 1, and 2. 
   532 **/
   533 	{
   534 	LOG_FUNC
   536 	TSdpAttributeIDPckgBuf idPckg;
   537 	TSdpServRecordHandlePckgBuf handlePckg;
   539  	aMessage.ReadL(0, handlePckg); //get handle into handle package
   541 	//the service record handle should be non-zero
   542 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(handlePckg() != 0, Panic(ESdpServerUpdateAttributeRecordHandleZero));
   544  	aMessage.ReadL(1, idPckg); //get id into id package
   545  	TInt bufLen = aMessage.GetDesLengthL(2);
   546  	HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC(bufLen);
   547  	TPtr8 ptr = buf->Des();
   548  	aMessage.ReadL(2, ptr); //get message data into buf (via ptr)
   550 	CSdpServRecord* record = FindRecordByHandle(handlePckg());
   551 	if(!record)
   552 		{
   553 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpNonExistantRecordHandle);
   554 		return;
   555 		}
   557 	CheckAllowedL(aMessage, *record);
   559 	UpdateOrCreateAtributeL(*record, idPckg(), ptr);
   561 	iUuidManager->NotifySdpRecordChange();
   563 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //buf
   564 	}
   566 void CSdpServer::UpdateOrCreateAtributeL(CSdpServRecord& aRecord, TSdpAttributeID aAttrId, const TDesC8& aBuf)
   567 	{
   568 	LOG_FUNC
   569 	CSdpAttr* attr = FindAttributeByID(aRecord, aAttrId);
   570 	if(attr)
   571 		{
   572 		//Deletes old attr value, and replaces with encoded value found in 'ptr'.
   573 		attr->BuildEncodedL(aBuf);	
   574 		}
   575 	else
   576 		{
   577 		TPckg<TUint16> idBuf(0);
   578 		BigEndian::Put16(&idBuf[0], aAttrId);
   579 		static_cast<CSdpAttr*>(aRecord.BuildUintL(idBuf))->BuildEncodedL(aBuf);
   580 		}
   582 	aRecord.RecordStateChange();
   583 	}
   585 void CSdpServer::DeleteAttribute(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   586 /**
   587 Deletes an attribute on the global database using the packaged record and the packaged 
   588 attribute id found in record handle and attribute id sent in message slots 0 and 1. 
   589 **/
   590 	{
   591 	LOG_FUNC
   593 	TSdpAttributeIDPckgBuf idPckg;
   594 	TSdpServRecordHandlePckgBuf handlePckg;
   596  	TRAPD(err, aMessage.ReadL(0, handlePckg)); //get handle into handle package
   597 	if(err)
   598 		{
   599 		// Client has sent us a dodgy descriptor, punish them!
   600 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadDescriptor);
   601 		return;
   602 		}
   604 	//the service record handle should be non-zero
   605 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(handlePckg() != 0, Panic(ESdpServerDeleteAttributeRecordHandleZero));
   607  	TRAP(err, aMessage.ReadL(1, idPckg)); //get id into id package
   608 	if(err)
   609 		{
   610 		// Client has sent us a dodgy descriptor, punish them!
   611 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadDescriptor);
   612 		return;
   613 		}
   615 	CSdpServRecord* record = FindRecordByHandle(handlePckg());
   616 	if(!record)
   617 		{
   618 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpNonExistantRecordHandle);
   619 		return;
   620 		}
   622 	TRAP(err, CheckAllowedL(aMessage, *record));
   623 	if(err)
   624 		{
   625 		// Client has been naughty, trying to delete things they shouldn't!
   626 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadRequest);
   627 		return;
   628 		}
   630 	CSdpAttr* attr = FindAttributeByID(*record, idPckg());
   631 	if(!attr)
   632 		{
   633 		return;
   634 		}
   636 	delete attr;
   638 	record->RecordStateChange();
   640 	return;
   641 	}
   643 void CSdpServer::DeleteServiceRecord(CSdpServRecord* aServiceRecord)
   644 /**
   645 Deletes a record on the global database using a pointer to the record. This 
   646 is used to delete records added to a session when the session is closed if 
   647 the records have not been deleted by the client.
   648 **/
   649 	{
   650 	LOG_FUNC
   651 	if (aServiceRecord)
   652 		{
   653 		//Destructor of a record removes/destroys all its 
   654 		//attributes and deques it from database list.
   655 		delete aServiceRecord;
   656 		DatabaseStateChange();
   657 		}
   658 	}
   660 TInt CSdpServer::RunError(TInt aError)
   661 /**
   662    Handle an error from ServiceL()
   663    A bad descriptor error implies a badly programmed client, so panic it;
   664    otherwise report the error to the client
   665 **/
   666 	{
   667 	LOG_FUNC
   668 	LOG1(_L("s\tCSdpServer::RunError(): %d"), aError);
   669 	if (aError==KErrBadDescriptor)
   670 		{
   671 		PanicClient(Message(),ESdpBadDescriptor);
   672 		}
   673 	else
   674 		{
   675 		Message().Complete(aError);
   676 		}
   677 	ReStart();
   678 	return KErrNone;	// handled the error fully
   679 	}
   681 void PanicClient(const RMessage2& aMessage, TSdpClientPanic aPanic)
   682 /**
   683    Panic the client and complete the message.
   684    RMessage2::Panic() also completes the message. This is:
   685    (a) important for efficient cleanup within the kernel
   686    (b) a problem if the message is completed a second time
   687 **/
   688 	{
   690 	LOG1(_L("s\tPanicClient: Reason = %d"), aPanic);
   691 	aMessage.Panic(KSdpClientPanic,aPanic);
   692 	}
   694 void PanicServer(TSdpServerPanic aPanic)
   695 /**
   696 Panic our own thread
   697 **/
   698 	{
   700 	LOG1(_L("s\tPanicServer: Reason = %d"), aPanic);
   701 	User::Panic(KSdpServerPanic, aPanic);
   702 	}
   704 class CAttrPrintVisitor : public CBase, public MAttributeVisitor
   705 	{
   706 public:
   707 	CAttrPrintVisitor(){}
   708 #ifdef _DEBUG
   709     void VisitAttributeL(CSdpAttr& aAttribute)
   710 #else
   711     void VisitAttributeL(CSdpAttr& /*aAttribute*/)
   712 #endif
   713 		{
   714 		Indent();
   715 		LOG1(_L("Attribute ID: 0x%x"), aAttribute.AttributeID());
   716 		}
   717 	void VisitAttributeValueL(CSdpAttrValue & aValue, TSdpElementType aType)
   718 		{
   719 		TBuf16<64> iString;
   720 		switch (aType)
   721 			{
   722 			case ETypeString:
   723 				iString.Copy(aValue.Des());
   724 				LOG1(_L("\"%S\""),&iString);
   725 				break;
   726 			case ETypeDES:
   727 				LOG(_L(" DES"));
   728 				break;
   729 			case ETypeUint:
   730 				LOG1(_L(" UInt:0x%x"), aValue.Uint());
   731 				break;
   732 			case ETypeUUID:
   733 				LOG(_L(" UUID:0x"));
   734 				HexDes(aValue.UUID().ShortestForm());
   735 				break;
   736 			case ETypeEncoded:
   737 				HexDes(aValue.Des());  // simplest
   738 				break;
   739 			default:
   740 				LOG1(_L("type %d"), aType);
   741 			}
   742 		}
   743     void StartListL(CSdpAttrValueList &/*aList*/)
   744 		{
   745 		++iIndent;
   746 		Indent();
   747 		LOG(_L("{"));
   748 		}
   749     void EndListL()
   750 		{
   751 		if(iIndent<=0)
   752 			{
   753 			LOG(_L("ERROR! Unmatched EndList!"));
   754 			__DEBUGGER();
   755 			}
   756 		Indent();
   757 		LOG(_L("}"));
   758 		--iIndent;
   759 		}
   760 private:
   761 #ifdef _DEBUG
   762 	void Indent() {for(TInt i=0; i<iIndent;++i)
   763 						LOG(_L("  "));}
   765 	void HexDes(const TDesC8& aDes)
   766 		{
   767 		for (TInt i = 0; i < aDes.Length(); ++i)
   768 			LOG1(_L("%02x"), aDes[i]);
   769 		};
   770 #else
   771 	void Indent() {}
   772 	void HexDes(const TDesC8&) {}
   773 #endif
   774 	TInt iIndent;
   775 	};
   777 void FlogDb(CSdpDatabase& aDb)
   778 	{
   780 	LOG(_L("Printing Database..."));
   782 	for(TServRecordIter recIter(aDb.RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
   783 		{// Iterate thru records in Db
   784 		LOG1(_L("...Printing Record 0x%x"), (*recIter).Handle());
   785 		for(TServAttrIter attrIter((*recIter).AttributeIter()); attrIter; attrIter++)
   786 			{// Iterate thru attributes in record
   787 			CAttrPrintVisitor* theVisitor = new CAttrPrintVisitor();
   788 			if (theVisitor)
   789 				{
   790 				TRAP_IGNORE((*attrIter).AcceptVisitorL(*theVisitor));
   791 				delete theVisitor;
   792 				}
   793 			}
   794 		}
   795 	LOG(_L("End Printing Database..."));
   796 	}
   800 static void RunServerL(/*TSdpServerStart& aStart*/)
   802 /**
   803 Perform all server initialisation, in particular creation of the
   804 scheduler and server and then run the scheduler
   805 **/
   806 	{
   809 	CActiveScheduler *scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
   810 	CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler); //1st Push
   811 	CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler); 
   813 	// create the server (leave it on the cleanup stack)
   814 	CSdpServer::NewLC();//2nd Push
   815 	//
   817 #ifdef __SDPSERVER_NO_PROCESSES__
   818 	RThread::Rendezvous(KErrNone);        // this causes the client's Rendezvous to complete 
   819 #else
   820 	// naming the server thread after the server helps to debug panics
   821 	// ignore the error returned here - it's not critcal
   822 	User::RenameThread(KSdpServerName);
   824 	// Initialisation complete, now signal the client
   825 	RProcess::Rendezvous(KErrNone);        // this causes the client's Rendezvous to complete 
   826 #endif
   828 	//
   829 	// Ready to run
   830 	CActiveScheduler::Start();
   831 	//
   832 	// Cleanup the server and scheduler
   833 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
   834 	}
   837 TInt E32Main()
   838 /**
   839 Server process entry-point
   840 Recover the startup parameters and run the server
   841 **/
   842 	{
   844 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   845 #ifdef TEST_OOM //define TEST_OOM in preprocessor definitions in project settings
   846 	__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ERandom, 100);	//Qualified - this results in a false positive error from leavescan (... may employ a macro), because the macro name ends with an 'L'.
   847 #endif
   848 	CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
   849 	TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
   850 	if (cleanup)
   851 		{
   852 		TRAP(r,RunServerL());
   853 		delete cleanup;
   854 		}
   855 	//
   856 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   858 	return r;
   859 	}
   862 //=====================================================================
   863 //CSdpServSession
   864 //=====================================================================
   866 CSdpServer& CSdpServSession::Server()
   867 	{
   868 	LOG_FUNC
   869 	return *static_cast<CSdpServer*>(const_cast<CServer2*>(CSession2::Server()));
   870 	}
   872 // constructor - must pass client to CSession2
   873 CSdpServSession::CSdpServSession(const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/)
   874 	{
   875 	LOG_FUNC
   876 	}
   878 void CSdpServSession::CreateL(const CServer2& /*aServer*/)
   879 	{
   880 	LOG_FUNC
   882 	}
   884 void CSdpServSession::CreateL()
   885 /**
   886 2nd phase construct for sessions - called by the CServer2 framework
   887 **/
   888 	{
   889 	LOG_FUNC
   890 	//CSession2::CreateL();	// private and does nowt so removed
   891 	//Add session to server first. If anything leaves, it will be removed by the destructor
   892 	Server().AddSession();
   893 	ConstructL();
   894 	}
   896 void CSdpServSession::ConstructL()
   897 	{
   898 	LOG_FUNC
   899 	// try to reopen the acceptor
   900 	Server().Listener().TryRestartL();
   901 	}
   903 CSdpServSession::~CSdpServSession()
   904 	{
   905 	LOG_FUNC
   906 	Server().DropSession();
   908 	//Cleanup any records that have been added during this session but not removed
   909 	RemoveSessionRecords();
   910 	}
   912 void CSdpServSession::RemoveSessionRecords()
   913 	{
   914 	LOG_FUNC
   915 	for (TInt index = iSessionRecords.Count()-1; index >= 0; index--)
   916 		{
   917 		Server().DeleteServiceRecord(iSessionRecords[index]);
   918 		}
   919 	iSessionRecords.Close();
   920 	}
   922 void CSdpServSession::ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   923 /**
   924    Handle a client request.
   925 **/
   926 	{
   927 	LOG_FUNC
   928 	switch(aMessage.Function())
   929 		{
   930 	case ESdpCreateAgentSubSession:
   931 		NewSubSessionL(ESdpAgent, aMessage);
   932 		break;
   933 	case ESdpCreateDatabaseSubSession:
   934 		NewSubSessionL(ESdpDatabase, aMessage);
   935 		break;
   936 	case ESdpResourceCountMarkStart:
   937 		ResourceCountMarkStart();
   938 		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   939 		break;
   940 	case ESdpResourceCountMarkEnd:
   941 		ResourceCountMarkEnd(aMessage); //ss//
   942 		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   943 		break;
   944 	case ESdpResourceCount:
   945 		NumResourcesL(aMessage);
   946 		break;
   947 	case ESdpCloseSubSession:
   948 		CloseSubSession(aMessage);
   949 		break;
   951 	case ESdpDatabaseCreateServiceRecord:
   952 		{
   953 		if (aMessage.Int3() != KSdpDatabaseSubSessionHandle)
   954 			{
   955 			PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadSubSessionHandle);
   956 			return;
   957 			}
   959 		CSdpServRecord* newRecord = NULL;
   960 		TRAPD(err, newRecord = Server().CreateServiceRecordL(aMessage));
   961 		// Inspect iHandle to see if we panicked the client and already completed 
   962 		if (aMessage.Handle())
   963 			{
   964 			if (newRecord)
   965 				{
   966 				// Update our list of records for this session. Ignore error as
   967 				// we wouldn't want to remove the record if an error did occur,
   968 				// which is very unlikely as typically only 1 or 2 records are
   969 				// added per session.
   970 				iSessionRecords.Append(newRecord);
   971 				}
   972 			aMessage.Complete(err);
   973 			}
   974 		return;
   975 		}
   976 	case ESdpDatabaseDeleteServiceRecord:
   977 		{
   978 		if (aMessage.Int3() != KSdpDatabaseSubSessionHandle)
   979 			{
   980 			PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadSubSessionHandle);
   981 			return;
   982 			}
   984 		CSdpServRecord* recordToBeDeleted = Server().FindAndCheckServiceRecordForDeletion(aMessage);
   986 		// If recordToBeDeleted returned is NULL, PanicClient will have been called so aMessage.Handle() 
   987 		// is zero and we've already completed - see if this is not the case  
   988 		if (aMessage.Handle())
   989 			{
   990 			TInt index = iSessionRecords.Find(recordToBeDeleted); // Find the index of the record before deleting the record
   991 			// Ignore if the record is not found as it may not have been added
   992 			// in the first place.
   993 			if (index >= 0)
   994 				{
   995 				iSessionRecords.Remove(index);
   996 				}
   997 			Server().DeleteServiceRecord(recordToBeDeleted);
   998 			aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   999 			}
  1000 		return;
  1001 		}
  1002 	case ESdpDatabaseUpdateAttribute:
  1003 		{
  1004 		if (aMessage.Int3() != KSdpDatabaseSubSessionHandle)
  1005 			{
  1006 			PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadSubSessionHandle);
  1007 			return;
  1008 			}
  1010 		TRAPD(err, Server().UpdateAttributeL(aMessage));
  1011 		// Inspect iHandle to see if we panicked the client and already completed 
  1012 		if (aMessage.Handle())
  1013 			{
  1014 			aMessage.Complete(err);
  1015 			}
  1016 		return;
  1017 		}
  1018 	case ESdpDatabaseDeleteAttribute:
  1019 		{
  1020 		if (aMessage.Int3() != KSdpDatabaseSubSessionHandle)
  1021 			{
  1022 			PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadSubSessionHandle);
  1023 			return;
  1024 			}
  1026 		Server().DeleteAttribute(aMessage);
  1027 		// Inspect iHandle to see if we panicked the client and already completed 
  1028 		if (aMessage.Handle())
  1029 			{
  1030 			aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1031 			}
  1032 		return;
  1033 		}
  1034 	case ESdpServerDbgMarkHeap:
  1035 		{
  1036 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1037 		LOG(_L("\tmark sdp server heap"));
  1038 		__UHEAP_MARK;
  1039 #endif // _DEBUG
  1040 		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1041 		break;
  1042 		}
  1043 	case ESdpServerDbgCheckHeap:
  1044 		{
  1045 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1046 		LOG1(_L("\tcheck sdp server heap (expecting %d cells)"), aMessage.Int0());
  1047 		__UHEAP_CHECK(aMessage.Int0());
  1048 #endif // _DEBUG
  1049 		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1050 		break;
  1051 		}
  1052 	case ESdpServerDbgMarkEnd:
  1053 		{
  1054 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1055 		LOG1(_L("\tmark end sdp server heap (expecting %d cells)"), aMessage.Int0());
  1056 		__UHEAP_MARKENDC(aMessage.Int0());
  1057 #endif // _DEBUG
  1058 		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1059 		break;
  1060 		}
  1061 	case ESdpServerDbgFailNext:
  1062 		{
  1063 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1064 		LOG1(_L("\tfail next sdp server alloc (simulating failure after %d allocation(s))"), aMessage.Int0());
  1065 		if ( aMessage.Int0() == 0 )
  1066 			{
  1067 			__UHEAP_RESET;
  1068 			}
  1069 		else
  1070 			{
  1071 			__UHEAP_FAILNEXT(aMessage.Int0());
  1072 			}
  1073 #endif // _DEBUG
  1074 		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1075 		break;
  1076 		}
  1077 	default:
  1078 		//not handled here so must be for subsession
  1079 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadRequest);
  1080 		}
  1081 	}
  1083 void CSdpServSession::NewSubSessionL(TSubSessionType aType, const RMessage2& aMessage)
  1084 /**
  1085    Increment our subsession count and send the SDP subsession handle
  1086    back to the client.
  1087    If we succeed, we complete the message.  If we fail, we leave
  1088    and the server sends back the error for us.
  1089 **/
  1090 	{
  1091 	LOG_FUNC
  1092 	if (aType!=ESdpDatabase)
  1093 		{
  1094 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1095 		}
  1097 	//Write handle to client
  1098 	TPckg<TInt> pckg(KSdpDatabaseSubSessionHandle);
  1099 	TRAPD(err, aMessage.WriteL(3, pckg)); //ss//
  1100 	if(err)
  1101 		{
  1102 		User::Leave(err);
  1103 		}
  1104 	iSubSessionCount++;
  1105 	aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1106 	}
  1108 void CSdpServSession::DeleteSubsession(TUint aHandle, const RMessage2& aMessage)
  1109 	{
  1110 	LOG_FUNC
  1111 	//panic client if bad handle
  1112 	if ((aHandle != KSdpDatabaseSubSessionHandle) || (iSubSessionCount == 0))
  1113 		{
  1114 		PanicClient(aMessage, ESdpBadSubSessionRemove);
  1115 		return;
  1116 		}
  1117 	iSubSessionCount--;
  1118 	aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1119 	}
  1121 void CSdpServSession::CloseSubSession(const RMessage2& aMessage)
  1122 	{
  1123 	LOG_FUNC
  1125 	DeleteSubsession((aMessage).Int3(), aMessage); //calls aMessage.Complete(KErrNone)	
  1126 	}
  1128 void CSdpServSession::NumResourcesL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
  1129 	{
  1130 	LOG_FUNC
  1131 	TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg(CountResources());
  1132 	aMessage.WriteL(0, pckg); //ss//
  1133 	aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1134 	}
  1136 TInt CSdpServSession::CountResources()
  1137 	{
  1138 	LOG_FUNC
  1139 	return iSubSessionCount;
  1140 	}
  1143 //**********************************
  1144 // CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase
  1145 //**********************************
  1146 /**
  1147 CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase provides base class for Sdp Uuid Eir Publisher.
  1148 **/
  1150 CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase::~CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase()
  1151 	{
  1152 	delete iPublisher;
  1153 	}
  1155 CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase::CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpUuidManager, TEirTag aTag)
  1156 : iParent(aSdpUuidManager), iTag(aTag)
  1157 	{
  1158 	}
  1160 void CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase::ConstructL()
  1161 	{
  1162 	iPublisher = CEirPublisher::NewL(iTag, *this);
  1163 	}
  1165 void CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase::UpdateUuids(TInt aLength)
  1166 	{
  1167 	iPublisher->PublishData(aLength);
  1168 	}
  1170 //**********************************
  1171 // CEirPublisherSdpUuid16
  1172 //**********************************
  1173 /**
  1174 Provides functionality to publish 16 bit UUIDs to EIR.
  1175 **/
  1176 CEirPublisherSdpUuid16* CEirPublisherSdpUuid16::NewL(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpUuidManager)
  1177 	{
  1178 	CEirPublisherSdpUuid16* self = new (ELeave) CEirPublisherSdpUuid16(aSdpUuidManager);
  1179 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  1180 	self->ConstructL();
  1181 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  1182 	return self;
  1183 	}
  1185 CEirPublisherSdpUuid16::CEirPublisherSdpUuid16(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpUuidManager)
  1186 :	CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase(aSdpUuidManager, EEirTagSdpUuid16)
  1187 	{
  1188 	}
  1190 CEirPublisherSdpUuid16::~CEirPublisherSdpUuid16()
  1191 	{
  1192 	delete iExtracted;
  1193 	}
  1195 // From MEirPublisherNotifier
  1196 void CEirPublisherSdpUuid16::MepnSpaceAvailable(TUint aBytesAvailable)
  1197 	{
  1198 	// Ensure previous memory is freed
  1199 	delete iExtracted, iExtracted = NULL;
  1200 	TBool partial = EFalse;
  1202 	if (aBytesAvailable > 0)
  1203 		{
  1204 		iExtracted = iParent.GetAll16BitUUIDs(aBytesAvailable, partial);
  1205 		if(!iExtracted)
  1206 			{
  1207 			// OOM probably
  1208 			iPublisher->SetData(KNullDesC8, EEirDataPartial);
  1209 			}
  1210 		else if(partial)
  1211 			{
  1212 			iPublisher->SetData(*iExtracted, EEirDataPartial);
  1213 			}
  1214 		else
  1215 			{
  1216 			iPublisher->SetData(*iExtracted, EEirDataComplete);
  1217 			}
  1218 		}
  1219 	}
  1221 void CEirPublisherSdpUuid16::MepnSetDataError(TInt /*aResult*/)
  1222 	{
  1223 	delete iExtracted;
  1224 	iExtracted = NULL;
  1225 	}
  1228 //**********************************
  1229 // CEirPublisherSdpUuid128
  1230 //**********************************
  1231 /**
  1232 Provides functionality to publish 128 bit UUIDs to EIR.
  1233 **/
  1234 CEirPublisherSdpUuid128* CEirPublisherSdpUuid128::NewL(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpUuidManager)
  1235 	{
  1236 	CEirPublisherSdpUuid128* self = new (ELeave) CEirPublisherSdpUuid128(aSdpUuidManager);
  1237 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  1238 	self->ConstructL();
  1239 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  1240 	return self;
  1241 	}
  1243 CEirPublisherSdpUuid128::CEirPublisherSdpUuid128(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpUuidManager)
  1244 :	CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase(aSdpUuidManager, EEirTagSdpUuid128)
  1245 	{
  1246 	}
  1248 CEirPublisherSdpUuid128::~CEirPublisherSdpUuid128()
  1249 	{
  1250 	delete iExtracted;
  1251 	}
  1253 // From MEirPublisherNotifier
  1254 void CEirPublisherSdpUuid128::MepnSpaceAvailable(TUint aBytesAvailable)
  1255 	{
  1256 	// Ensure previous memory is freed
  1257 	delete iExtracted, iExtracted = NULL;
  1258 	TBool partial = EFalse;
  1260 	if (aBytesAvailable > 0)
  1261 		{
  1262 		iExtracted = iParent.GetAll128BitUUIDs(aBytesAvailable, partial);
  1263 		if(!iExtracted)
  1264 			{
  1265 			// OOM probably
  1266 			iPublisher->SetData(KNullDesC8, EEirDataPartial);
  1267 			}
  1268 		else if(partial)
  1269 			{
  1270 			iPublisher->SetData(*iExtracted, EEirDataPartial);
  1271 			}
  1272 		else
  1273 			{
  1274 			iPublisher->SetData(*iExtracted, EEirDataComplete);
  1275 			}
  1276 		}
  1277 	}
  1279 void CEirPublisherSdpUuid128::MepnSetDataError(TInt /*aResult*/)
  1280 	{
  1281 	delete iExtracted;
  1282 	iExtracted = NULL;
  1283 	}
  1286 CSdpUuidManager* CSdpUuidManager::NewL(CSdpDatabase& aSdpDatabase)
  1287 	{
  1288 	CSdpUuidManager* self = new (ELeave) CSdpUuidManager(aSdpDatabase);
  1289 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  1290 	self->ConstructL();
  1291 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  1292 	return self;
  1293 	}
  1295 CSdpUuidManager::~CSdpUuidManager()
  1296 	{
  1297 	i16BitUUIDs.Close();
  1298 	i128BitUUIDs.Close();
  1300 	delete iEirPublisherSdpUuid16;
  1301 	delete iEirPublisherSdpUuid128;
  1302 	delete iUuidVisitor;
  1303 	}
  1305 void CSdpUuidManager::NotifySdpRecordChange()
  1306 	{
  1307 	TServRecordIter recIter(iSdpDatabase.RecordIter());
  1308 	CSdpServRecord* rec = NULL;
  1309 	CSdpAttr* attr = NULL;
  1310 	CSdpAttrValue* serviceClassValue = NULL;
  1311 	CSdpAttrValue* browseGroupValue = NULL;
  1313 	ResetUuids();
  1314 	while((rec = recIter++) != NULL)
  1315 		{// Iterate thru records in Db
  1316 		TServAttrIter attrIter(rec->AttributeIter());
  1317 		while((attr = attrIter++) != NULL)
  1318 			{
  1319 			if(attr->AttributeID()==KSdpAttrIdServiceClassIDList)
  1320 				{
  1321 				// Find the value of ServiceClassIDList attribute
  1322 				serviceClassValue = &(attr->Value());
  1323 				}
  1324 			if(attr->AttributeID()==KSdpAttrIdBrowseGroupList)
  1325 				{
  1326 				// Find the value of BrowseGroupList attribute
  1327 				browseGroupValue = &(attr->Value());
  1328 				}
  1329 			}
  1330 		if(serviceClassValue && browseGroupValue)
  1331 			{
  1332 			// Both ServiceClassIDList and BrowseGroupList have value
  1333 			iUuidVisitor->GetUuids().Reset();
  1334 			TRAPD(err, browseGroupValue->AcceptVisitorL(*iUuidVisitor));
  1335 			if(err == KErrNone)
  1336 				{
  1337 				TUUID publicBrowseGroupUUID = TUUID(static_cast<TUint32>(KPublicBrowseGroupUUID));
  1338 				if(iUuidVisitor->GetUuids().IsPresent(publicBrowseGroupUUID))
  1339 					{
  1340 					iUuidVisitor->GetUuids().Reset();
  1341 					TRAPD(err, serviceClassValue->AcceptVisitorL(*iUuidVisitor));
  1342 					if(err == KErrNone && iUuidVisitor->GetUuids().Count() > 0)
  1343 						{
  1344 						// In eir, we use the 1st uuid on the list, as it is the most specific one
  1345 						AddUuid(iUuidVisitor->GetUuids()[0]);
  1346 						}
  1347 					}
  1348 				}
  1349 			}
  1350 		// Reset the pointers for these two values
  1351 		serviceClassValue = NULL;
  1352 		browseGroupValue = NULL;
  1353 		}
  1354 	// Only publish UUIDs in public browse group
  1355 	// 16 bit UUIDs
  1356 	TUint8 count = i16BitUUIDs.Count();
  1357 	// Skip the 1st 16 bit uuid record, it's a SDP service UUID
  1358 	if(count > 0)
  1359 		{
  1360 		// UpdateUuids expects the length in bytes, so multiply number of uuids by 2
  1361 		iEirPublisherSdpUuid16->UpdateUuids(count<<1);
  1362 		}
  1364 	// 128 bit UUIDs
  1365 	count = i128BitUUIDs.Count();
  1366 	if(count > 0)
  1367 		{
  1368 		// UpdateUuids expects the length in bytes, so multiply number of uuids by 16
  1369 		iEirPublisherSdpUuid128->UpdateUuids(count<<4);
  1370 		}
  1371 	}
  1373 void CSdpUuidManager::AddUuid(TUUID aUuid)
  1374 	{
  1375 	TUint8 count = aUuid.MinimumSize();
  1376 	if(count == KSizeOf16BitUUID)
  1377 		{
  1378 		// 16 bit UUID
  1379 		i16BitUUIDs.Add(aUuid);
  1380 		}
  1381 	else if(count == KSizeOf128BitUUID)
  1382 		{
  1383 		// 128 bit UUID
  1384 		i128BitUUIDs.Add(aUuid);
  1385 		}
  1386 	else
  1387 		{
  1388 		// 32 bit UUIDs are not supported
  1389 		}
  1390 	}
  1392 void CSdpUuidManager::ResetUuids()
  1393 	{
  1394 	i16BitUUIDs.Reset();
  1395 	i128BitUUIDs.Reset();
  1396 	}
  1398 HBufC8* CSdpUuidManager::GetAll16BitUUIDs(TInt aBytesAvailable, TBool& aPartial)
  1399 	{
  1400 	// Flatten the UUIDs into a little-endian buffer
  1401 	HBufC8* extracted = HBufC8::New(aBytesAvailable);
  1402 	if(extracted)
  1403 		{
  1404 		TPtr8 ptr = extracted->Des();
  1405 		TInt i = 0;
  1406 		TInt count = i16BitUUIDs.Count();
  1407 		// Iterate whilst not exhausted and there's space for a UUID
  1408 		while (i < count && ptr.Length() + KSizeOf16BitUUID <= aBytesAvailable)
  1409 			{
  1410 			// convert to 16 bit Little Endian for EIR
  1411 			TPtrC8 p = i16BitUUIDs[i].ShortestForm();
  1412 			ptr.Append(p[1]);
  1413 			ptr.Append(p[0]);
  1414 			i++;
  1415 			}
  1416 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(extracted->Length() <= aBytesAvailable, Panic(ESdpServerUuidFlattenBroken));
  1417 		// Let the caller know if there wasn't enough space for all UUIDs
  1418 		aPartial = EFalse;
  1419 		if (i < count)
  1420 			{
  1421 			aPartial = ETrue;
  1422 			}
  1423 		}
  1424 	return extracted;
  1425 	}
  1427 HBufC8* CSdpUuidManager::GetAll128BitUUIDs(TInt aBytesAvailable, TBool& aPartial)
  1428 	{
  1429 	// Flatten the UUIDs into a little-endian buffer
  1430 	HBufC8* extracted = HBufC8::New(aBytesAvailable);
  1431 	if(extracted)
  1432 		{
  1433 		TPtr8 ptr = extracted->Des();
  1434 		TInt i = 0;
  1435 		TInt count = i128BitUUIDs.Count();
  1437 		// Iterate whilst not exhausted and there's space for a UUID
  1438 		while (i < count && ptr.Length() + KSizeOf128BitUUID <= aBytesAvailable)
  1439 			{
  1440 			// convert to 128 bits Little Endian for EIR
  1441 			for (TUint j = 1; j<= KSdpUUIDMaxLength ;j++)
  1442 				{
  1443 				ptr.Append(i128BitUUIDs[i][KSdpUUIDMaxLength - j]);
  1444 				}
  1445 			i++;
  1446 			}
  1447 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(extracted->Length() <= aBytesAvailable, Panic(ESdpServerUuidFlattenBroken));
  1448 		// Let the caller know if there wasn't enough space for all UUIDs
  1449 		aPartial = EFalse;
  1450 		if (i < count)
  1451 			{
  1452 			aPartial = ETrue;
  1453 			}
  1454 		}
  1455 	return extracted;
  1456 	}
  1458 CSdpUuidManager::CSdpUuidManager(CSdpDatabase& aSdpDatabase)
  1459 : iSdpDatabase(aSdpDatabase)
  1460 	{
  1461 	}
  1463 void CSdpUuidManager::ConstructL()
  1464 	{
  1465 	iUuidVisitor = CAttrUuidVisitor::NewL();
  1466 	iEirPublisherSdpUuid16 = CEirPublisherSdpUuid16::NewL(*this);
  1467 	iEirPublisherSdpUuid128 = CEirPublisherSdpUuid128::NewL(*this);
  1468 	}