changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 15 16aa830c86c8
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Defines the avdtp signalling channel
    15 // Signalling channel - not a transport channel by type, but called "signalling channel" as it maps very
    16 // clearly onto that defined in the AVDTP specification
    17 // There is at most one signalling channel for a remote device.  Many applications can use the signalling
    18 // channel via the multiplexing of signalling sessions.
    19 // The signalling channel is given a logical channel (l2cap shannel) to run on from the logical channel factory
    20 // The signalling channels responsibilities are:
    21 // - offer signalling protocol send primitives
    22 // - offer incoming signalling protocol indications to all the attached signalling sessions
    23 // - provide a mechanism to patch up deficiencies in the specification (eg providing SEIDs in protocol confirms
    24 // to signalling sessions that call send primitives
    25 // All signalling sessions on a listening signalling channel become connected once the listening channel is
    26 // connected. 
    27 // All signalling sessions on a listening signalling channel are transfered to the new connected
    28 // signalling channel upon the completion of an active open. The listening signalling channel is
    29 // left to continue listening. New sessions attached to it will not be connected to the existing 
    30 // channel.
    31 // The signalling channel does not parse incoming messages. Incoming data from the logical channel is
    32 // given to the incoming message.  The incoming message builds and parses itself.
    33 // The signalling message then calls the Handle methods on the signalling channel which liases with the
    34 // signalling sessions.
    35 // 
    36 //
    41 #include <es_prot.h>
    42 #include "avdtpSignallingMessages.h"
    43 #include "avdtpLogicalChannelFactory.h"
    44 #include "avdtpSEPCache.h"
    45 #include "avdtpAllocators.h"
    47 class CAvdtpProtocol;
    48 class XAvdtpSignalReceiver;
    49 class RMBufChain;
    50 class CSignallingTransaction;
    52 static const TInt KAvdtpReleaseAcceptPriority = CActive::EPriorityHigh;
    53 #ifdef _OOM_TEST
    54 static const TInt KAvdtpSignallingChannelIdleTimeout = 800;
    55 #else
    56 static const TInt KAvdtpSignallingChannelIdleTimeout = 3000000; // 3s
    57 #endif
    59 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSignallingChannel) : public CBase, public MSocketNotify, public XLogicalChannelFactoryClient
    60 /**
    61 Relatively stateless entity - driven mainly by GC
    62 Provides primitives that accord with spec, but parameterised and initiated by
    63 GC and Avdtp[Signalling]SAPs.
    64 */
    65 	{
    66 friend class CAvdtpProtocol; // for queing
    67 friend class CAvdtpInboundSignallingMessage; //for SendingRejects
    69 public:
    70 	static CSignallingChannel* NewL(CAvdtpProtocol& aProtocol,
    71 									CLogicalChannelFactory& aChannelFactory,
    72 									const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
    74 	static CSignallingChannel* NewLC(CAvdtpProtocol& aProtocol,
    75 									 CLogicalChannelFactory& aChannelFactory,
    76 									 const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
    78 	TInt AttachSignallingUser(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver);
    79 	void DetachSignallingUser(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver);
    80 	void CancelTransactions(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aUser);
    81 	void RemoveTransaction(CSignallingTransaction& aTransaction);
    83 	TBTDevAddr RemoteAddress(); // intentional signature
    84 	inline TBool IsListening() const;
    86 // for this remote (this class models "Connection-local" stuff in spec too)	
    87 	inline TTCIDManager& TCIDManager();
    88 	inline TTSIDManager& TSIDManager();
    89 // Service Primitives 
    91 // Signalling sessions provide a reference to themselves so that we can do some muxing
    92 // 	their details can form the basis of the AVDTP TransactionLabel.
    93 //	as we can bind the caller (SAP) address with the TransLabel
    94 //	see CSignallingTransaction
    95 // we can't do away with Attaching/Detaching of SAPs as that is required
    96 // to signal when this object is ready
    98 // INT primitives
    99 	TInt SendDiscoverSEPs(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver);
   100 	TInt SendGetCapabilities(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, TSEID aACPSEID);
   101 	TInt SendSetConfiguration(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, TSEID aINTSEID, TSEID aACPSEID, const RBuf8& aConfiguration);
   102 	TInt SendRelease(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, TSEID aACPSEID);
   103 	TInt SendAbort(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, TSEID aACPSEID);
   104 	TInt SendStartStream(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, TSEID aACPSEID);
   105 	TInt SendSuspendStream(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, TSEID aACPSEID);
   106 	TInt SendSecurityControl(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, 
   107 									    TSEID aACPSEID,
   108 									    const TDesC8& aSecurityData);
   109 	TInt SendReconfigure(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver,
   110 										  TSEID aACPSEID,
   111 										  const RBuf8& aConfiguration);
   113 	TInt SendOpenStream(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, TSEID aACPSEID);
   116 // Upcall primitives from packet parsing - bit like XAvdtpSignalReceiver, but more params
   118 	// confirms
   119 	void DiscoverConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult, const TAvdtpInternalDiscoverConfirm* const aConfirm);
   120 	void GetCapsConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult, const HBufC8* aCapsDataAsProtocol = NULL);
   121 	void SetConfigConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult, TAvdtpServiceCategory aErrorCategory);
   122 	void ReleaseConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult);
   123 	void GetConfigConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult);
   124 	void ReconfigConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult, TAvdtpServiceCategory aErrorCategory);
   125 	void OpenConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult);
   126 	void StartConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult);
   127 	void AbortConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel); // no error
   128 	void SuspendConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult);
   129 	void SecurityControlConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TInt aResult, const TDesC8& aResponseData);
   131 	// indications
   132 	void DiscoverIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel);	
   133 	void GetCapsIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID);
   134 	void SetConfigIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID,
   135 							  TSEID aINTSEID, RBuf8& aConfigData);
   136 	void GetConfigIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID);
   137 	void ReconfigIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID, RBuf8& aConfigData);
   138 	void OpenIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID);
   139 	void StartIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID);
   140 	void ReleaseIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID);
   141 	void SuspendIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID);
   142 	void AbortIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID);
   143 	void SecurityControlIndication(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TSEID aACPSEID, const HBufC8* aSecurityData);
   146 	TInt SendSetConfigurationAccept(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel);
   147 	TInt SendSetConfigurationReject(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TBluetoothAvDistributionError aResult,
   148 									  TAvdtpServiceCategory aCategory);
   150 	TInt SendReconfigureAccept(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel);	
   151 	TInt SendReconfigureReject(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TBluetoothAvDistributionError aResult,
   152 									  TAvdtpServiceCategory aCategory);
   154 	TInt SendStartAccept(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel);
   155 	TInt SendStartReject(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel,TBluetoothAvDistributionError aResult, TSEID aBadSEID);
   156 	TInt SendSuspendAccept(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel);
   157 	TInt SendSuspendReject(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel,TBluetoothAvDistributionError aResult, TSEID aBadSEID);
   159 	TInt SendSecurityControlAccept(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, const TDesC8* aOptionalData = NULL);
   160 	TInt SendSecurityControlReject(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TBluetoothAvDistributionError aResult);
   162 	TInt SendReleaseAccept(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel);
   164 // non-spec stuff
   165 	TInt GetData(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr=NULL);
   166 	virtual void NewData(TUint aCount);
   168 // async stuff
   169 	void StartTryToSendCallback();
   170 	void CancelTryToSendCallback();
   171 	static TInt TryToSendCallback(TAny *aSigCh); //the static one we have to register
   172 	TInt TryToSendCallback(); //on this Signalling Channel
   173 private:	
   174 // from MSocketNotify - transport (rather than packet) upcalls
   175 	virtual void CanSend();
   176 	virtual void ConnectComplete();
   177 	virtual void ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& aConnectData);
   178     virtual void ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& aSSP);
   179 	virtual void ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& aSSP,const TDesC8& aConnectData);
   180 	virtual void CanClose(TDelete aDelete=EDelete);
   181 	virtual void CanClose(const TDesC8& aDisconnectData,TDelete aDelete=EDelete);
   182 	virtual void Disconnect(void);
   183 	virtual void Disconnect(TDesC8& aDisconnectData);
   184 	virtual void IoctlComplete(TDesC8 *aBuf);
   185 	virtual void Error(TInt anError,TUint anOperationMask=EErrorAllOperations);
   186 	virtual void NoBearer(const TDesC8& /*aConnectionInfo*/);
   187 	virtual void Bearer(const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
   188 	static TInt TryToClose(TAny* aSignallingChannel);
   190 private:
   191 // from MLogicalChannelFactoryClient
   192 	void LogicalChannelFactoryRequestComplete(TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket aTicket, TInt aErr);
   193 private:
   194 	CSignallingChannel(CAvdtpProtocol& aProtocol, CLogicalChannelFactory& aChannelFactory, const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
   195 	TInt EnqueueMessage(CSignallingTransaction& aTok);
   196 	void ConstructL();
   197 	void RemoveTransactions(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aUser);
   198 	void PacketSent(CSignallingTransaction& aToken);
   199 	void ObtainMTU();
   200 	void ConfigConfirm(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel,
   201 							  TInt aResult,
   202 							  TAvdtpServiceCategory aCategory,
   203 							  TBool aReconfigure);
   205 	CSignallingTransaction* PrepareSignallingCommand(XAvdtpSignalReceiver& aReceiver, TAvdtpMessage aMessage);
   206 	CSignallingTransaction* PrepareSignallingResponse(TAvdtpMessageType aMessageType, TAvdtpMessage aMessage, TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel);
   207 	CSignallingTransaction* PrepareSignallingPacket(TAvdtpMessageType aMessageType, TAvdtpMessage aMessage);
   210 	CSignallingTransaction* FindTransaction(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel);
   211 	void HandleSignallingCommand(CAvdtpSignallingMessage& aSigMessage);
   213 	void CheckOutboundQueue();
   214 	void ServiceOutboundQueue();
   216 	inline void SetBlocked(TBool aBlocked);
   217 	inline TBool Blocked() const;
   219 	~CSignallingChannel(); //only this can delete this
   220 	inline const TDblQue<XAvdtpSignalReceiver>& Users() const;
   222 // PDU operations not available for external use
   223 	TInt SendAccept(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel, TAvdtpMessage aMessage, const TDesC8* aOptionalData = NULL);
   225 	TInt SendReject(TAvdtpTransactionLabel aLabel,
   226 					TAvdtpMessage aMessage,
   227 					TBluetoothAvDistributionError aError,
   228 					const TDesC8* aRejectionData = NULL);
   229 	void QueIdleTimer();
   230 	void ErrorPermanentUsers(TInt aError);
   231 	void ErrorServiceRequesters(TInt aError);
   232 	TBool CheckSignal(const CSignallingTransaction& aToken, TAvdtpMessage aSignal) const;
   233 	void CancelIdleTimer();
   234 	TBool IsIdle() const;
   235 	void IdledD();
   237 private:
   238 	CAvdtpProtocol&				iProtocol;	
   239 	CLogicalChannelFactory&		iLogicalChannelFactory;
   240 	CServProviderBase*			iBearer;
   241 	TDblQueLink					iProtocolQLink;
   242 	TDblQue<XAvdtpSignalReceiver> iPermanentUsers;
   243 	TDblQue<CSignallingTransaction>	iTransactions;
   244 	TInt						iBearerMTU;
   246 	/**
   247 	this value is either the intended remote or the actual one
   248 	whereas RemoteAddress() returns 0 if the connection is not actually in place
   249 	*/
   250 	TBTDevAddr					iRemoteAddress;
   251 	TTransactionLabelManager	iLabelGen;
   253 	/**
   254 	There is always one and only one incoming message [can be empty]
   255 	*/
   256 	CAvdtpInboundSignallingMessage		iInboundMessage;
   258 	/**
   259 	Messages being prepared by their Signalling Sessions.
   260 	NB: this que will need to be purged of messages owned by a SS
   261 	when it detaches (do we want to limit how many messages a SS can
   262 	be preparing at once?)
   263 	*/
   264 	TDblQue<CAvdtpOutboundSignallingMessage>	iDraftMessages;
   266 	/**
   267 	Messages sitting in our outbound queue
   268 	*/
   269 	TDblQue<CAvdtpOutboundSignallingMessage>	iQueuedMessages;	
   271 	/**
   272 	The fragments which have been prepared from a message plucked
   273 	off the outbound que (and fragmented according to the MTU of
   274 	the L2CAP channel).  Only flushed if an ABORT appears in the
   275 	queue for the _same_SEP_ [subtle, see AVDTP spec pp62].
   276 	*/
   277 	RMBufChain					iOutgoingSignallingMessage;
   278 	TBool						iMoreFrags;
   279 	CSignallingTransaction*		iCurrentTransaction;
   281 	TBool						iBlocked;
   283 	CAsyncCallBack*				iTryToSendCallback; // sig msgs sent asynchronously
   285 // these managers are "Connection-local" in spec, hence this class owns them
   286 	TTCIDManager				iTCIDManager;
   287 	TTSIDManager				iTSIDManager;
   289 	TDeltaTimerEntry iIdleTimerEntry; 	 //< Disconnection idle timer
   290 	TBool			 iIdleTimerActive;	//< Is Idle timer running.
   292 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket iLogicalChannelRequest; // for passive request for now
   293 	};
   295 inline TTCIDManager& CSignallingChannel::TCIDManager()
   296 	{
   297 	return iTCIDManager;
   298 	}
   300 inline TTSIDManager& CSignallingChannel::TSIDManager()
   301 	{
   302 	return iTSIDManager;	
   303 	}
   305 inline TBool CSignallingChannel::Blocked() const
   306 	{
   307 	return iBlocked;
   308 	}
   310 inline void CSignallingChannel::SetBlocked(TBool aBlocked)
   311 	{
   312 	iBlocked=aBlocked;
   313 	}
   315 inline const TDblQue<XAvdtpSignalReceiver>& CSignallingChannel::Users() const
   316 	{
   317 	return iPermanentUsers;
   318 	}
   320 inline TBool CSignallingChannel::IsListening() const
   321 	{
   322 	return iRemoteAddress==TBTDevAddr(0);
   323 	}