changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 22 9f17f914e828
child 32 f72906e669b4
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Link Command Q Controlling internal methods 
    15 // The command Q is used to store commands used by the stack
    16 // The HCI is at liberty to use its own command Q for any other HC signalling 
    17 // it requires.
    18 // The HCI in such cases would then signal the stack with not all credits etc.
    19 // 
    20 //
    22 #include <bluetooth/logger.h>
    23 #include "AclDataQController.h"
    24 #include "linkmgr.h"
    25 #include "AclDataQ.h"
    26 #include "hcifacade.h"
    28 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    29 _LIT8(KLogComponent, LOG_COMPONENT_LINKMGR);
    30 #endif
    32 const TInt KACLDataQConnectionRecordGranularity = 2;
    34 /**
    35 	Factory function.
    37 	@return Ownership of a new CACLDataQController.
    38  */
    39 CACLDataQController* CACLDataQController::NewL(CLinkMgrProtocol& aProtocol,
    40 											   CLinkMuxer& aMuxer,
    41 											   TUint16 aBufSize,
    42 											   TUint16 aFrameOverhead,
    43 											   TUint aNumBufs)
    44 	{
    46 	LOG3(_L("CACLDataQController::NewL aBufSize = %d, aFramingOverhead = %d, aNumBufs = %d"),
    47 		aBufSize, aFrameOverhead, aNumBufs);
    49 	CACLDataQController* self = new(ELeave) CACLDataQController(aProtocol.HCIFacade(), aMuxer);
    50 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    51 	self->ConstructL(aProtocol, aBufSize, aFrameOverhead, aNumBufs);
    52 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    54 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::NewL self = 0x%08x"), self);
    55 	return self;
    56 	}
    58 CACLDataQController::CACLDataQController(CHCIFacade& aHCIFacade,
    59 										 CLinkMuxer& aMuxer)
    60  :	iAclConns(KACLDataQConnectionRecordGranularity),
    61 	iLinkMuxer(aMuxer),
    62 	iHCIFacade(aHCIFacade)
    63 	{
    64 	LOG_FUNC
    65 	}
    67 CACLDataQController::~CACLDataQController()
    68 	{
    69 	LOG_FUNC
    71 	delete iDataQ;
    72 	iAclConns.Reset();
    73 	iAclConns.Close();
    74 	}
    76 void CACLDataQController::ConstructL(CLinkMgrProtocol& aProtocol,
    77 									 TUint16 aBufSize,
    78 									 TUint16 aFrameOverhead,
    79 									 TUint aNumBufs)
    80 	{
    81 	LOG_FUNC
    83 	iDataQ = CAclDataQ::NewL(aProtocol, aNumBufs, aBufSize, aFrameOverhead);
    86 	LOG(_L("\tPROXY_COMMUNICATES defined- reserving slots for broadcast channel"));
    88 	// Reserve BC one now
    89 	User::LeaveIfError(ACLLogicalLinkUp(KHCIBroadcastHandle, EFalse));
    90 #endif
    91 	}
    93 void CACLDataQController::InitialDataCredits(TUint16 aCredits)
    94 /**
    95 	Set the initial data credits to whatever number of buffers the HC has.
    96 */
    97 	{
    98 	LOG_FUNC
    99 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::InitialDataCredits aCredits = %d"), aCredits);
   101 	iDataCredits = aCredits;
   102 	iNumControllerBufs = aCredits;
   103 	}
   105 CACLDataItem* CACLDataQController::GetFreeItem()
   106 /**
   107 	Returns ownership of a data item, or NULL if there are none free.
   108  */
   109 	{
   110 	LOG_FUNC
   112 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataQ, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   113 	CACLDataItem* ret = iDataQ->RemoveFirstSpareItem();
   115 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::GetFreeItem ret = 0x%08x"), ret);
   116 	return ret;
   117 	}
   119 void CACLDataQController::AddItem(CACLDataItem& aAclItem)
   120 	{
   121 	LOG_FUNC
   122 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::AddItem &aAclItem = 0x%08x"), &aAclItem);
   124 	// what Connection Handle is this frame for?
   125 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aAclItem.Frame(), Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   126 	THCIConnHandle connh = (*(aAclItem.Frame())).ConnectionHandle();
   128 	// Get the connection record
   129 	const TInt index = FindConnection(connh);
   130 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(index>=0, Panic(EHCIACLDataControllerConnectionListConnectionNotFound));
   132 	++(iAclConns[index].iPacketsQueued);
   133 	LOG3(_L("\tadded an item for connection handle %d: iPacketsQueued = %d, iPacketsPending = %d"), 
   134 		connh, iAclConns[index].iPacketsQueued, iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending);
   136 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataQ, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   137 	iDataQ->AddItem(aAclItem);
   138 	iLinkMuxer.TryToSend();
   139 	}
   141 THCIConnHandle CACLDataQController::HighestPriority()
   142 /**
   143  Get the highest priority connection, starting to look from the connection 
   144  which sent last, and ignoring connections with no queued data to send.
   145  If there's no clear highest priority connection, the connection handle of the 
   146  0th connection in our array will be returned, whether it has anything to send 
   147  or not (i.e. you always get a valid connection handle). 
   148  Assumes that there is at least 1 connection handle in our array.
   149  */
   150 	{
   151 	LOG_FUNC
   152 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::HighestPriority iIndexOfLastSendingConn = %d"), 
   153 		iIndexOfLastSendingConn);
   155 	const TUint count = iAclConns.Count();
   156 	LOG1(_L("\tcount = %d"), count);
   157 	// Should only be called if we have connections to judge the highest 
   158 	// priority of.
   159 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(count != 0, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   161 	// Deal with the most likely case first, for speed...
   162 	if ( count == 1 )
   163 		{
   164 		LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::HighestPriority returning %d"), 
   165 			iAclConns[0].iConnH);
   166 		return iAclConns[0].iConnH;
   167 		}
   169 	// Now look through iAclConns from the one which sent last...
   170 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIndexOfLastSendingConn < count, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   171 	TInt highestpriority = -KMaxTInt;
   172 	// NB If no connections have anything to send, connection index 0 will be 
   173 	// indicated by the return value.
   174 	TInt highestindex = 0;
   175 	TUint index;
   176 	if ( iIndexOfLastSendingConn + 1 == count )
   177 		{
   178 		index = 0;
   179 		}
   180 	else
   181 		{
   182 		index = iIndexOfLastSendingConn + 1;
   183 		}
   185 	FOREVER
   186 		{
   187 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(index < static_cast<TUint>(iAclConns.Count()), Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   189 		const TInt priority = -(iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending);
   190 		const TInt queued = iAclConns[index].iPacketsQueued;
   192 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   193 		const THCIConnHandle connh = iAclConns[index].iConnH;
   194 		LOG3(_L("\tconnection handle %d: iPacketsQueued = %d, iPacketsPending = %d"), 
   195 			connh, queued, -priority);
   196 #endif
   198 		// Only consider connections with some data queued.
   199 		if ( queued > 0 && priority > highestpriority )
   200 			{
   201 			highestpriority = priority;
   202 			highestindex = index;
   203 			}
   205 		LOG3(_L("\tindex = %d, highestpriority = %d, highestindex = %d"),
   206 			index, highestpriority, highestindex);
   208 		++index;
   209 		// Have we gone all the way round?
   210 		if ( index == iIndexOfLastSendingConn + 1 )
   211 			{
   212 			break;
   213 			}
   214 		// If we're at the end of the array, continue looking from the 
   215 		// beginning.
   216 		if ( index == count )
   217 			{
   218 			index = 0;
   219 			}
   220 		}
   222 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::HighestPriority connection handle = %d"), 
   223 		iAclConns[highestindex].iConnH);
   224 	return iAclConns[highestindex].iConnH;
   225 	}
   227 TBool CACLDataQController::AnotherPacketAllowed(TDataQConnectionInfo& aRecord)
   228 /**	
   229 	A small strategy to see if another packet is allowed on a given connection 
   230 	handle.
   231 	Always try to keep some spare host controller buffers for another 
   232 	connection handle that might arise. This maxes out at 8.
   233 */
   234 	{
   235 	LOG_FUNC
   237 	TBool allowAnotherPacket;
   239 	if ( aRecord.iParked && aRecord.iConnH != KHCIBroadcastHandle )
   240 		{
   241 		// not allowed to send on non-broadcast handle when parked
   242 		allowAnotherPacket = EFalse;
   243 		}
   244 	else
   245 		{
   246 		// the rest of the handles are in principle sendable, but need to 
   247 		// check for room in HC. NB The '- 1' here is to make sure that one 
   248 		// connection can't result in the whole device being locked up if the 
   249 		// remote device stops responding- there'll still be one slot left 
   250 		// over. 
   251 		allowAnotherPacket = aRecord.iPacketsPending < iNumControllerBufs - 1 ? ETrue : EFalse;
   252 		}
   254 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::AnotherPacketAllowed allowAnotherPacket = %d"), 
   255 		allowAnotherPacket);
   256 	return allowAnotherPacket;
   257 	}
   259 /**
   260  Called by the link muxer to do an actual send.
   261  Get the link which is entitled to send (on the basis of priority (which is 
   262  simply (0-number of packets waiting to be sent)) and recent history (if it 
   263  was the last to send, we check all the other links first for a higher or 
   264  equal priority one).
   265  Finally, get a packet belonging to the winning link and attempt to send it. 
   267  @return EFalse if no send occurred, ETrue otherwise.
   268  */
   269 TBool CACLDataQController::IssueNextACLDataFragment()
   270 	{
   271 	LOG_FUNC
   272 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataCredits>0,Panic(EHCIACLDataControllerDataCreditsZeroBeforeIssue));
   274 	if ( !iAclConns.Count() )
   275 		{
   276 		LOG(_L("CACLDataQController::IssueNextACLDataFragment returning EFalse"));
   277 		return EFalse;
   278 		}
   280 	THCIConnHandle connh = HighestPriority(); // find suggested connection handle to send on
   281 	//ask the DataQ for the first item on this connection handle
   282 	CACLDataItem* item = NULL;
   283 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataQ, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   284 	item = iDataQ->FirstItemByConnectionHandle(iHCIFacade, connh);
   285 	//if still NULL then there is no longer stuff on that connH on the Q so get the head item
   286 	if ( !item )
   287 		{
   288 		item = iDataQ->FirstItem(iHCIFacade, connh); // connh will be set
   289 		}
   291 	TBool sent = EFalse;
   293 	const TInt index = FindConnection(connh);
   294 	LOG1(_L("\tFindConnection returned %d"), index);
   295 	if ( index == KErrNotFound )
   296 		{
   297 		// Connection not found, because it went down between the link muxer 
   298 		// realising it could try to send and it (asynchronously) actually 
   299 		// asking us to send.
   300 		LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::IssueNextACLDataFragment sent = %d"), 
   301 			sent);
   302 		return sent;
   303 		}
   305 	if ( !AnotherPacketAllowed(iAclConns[index]) )
   306 		{
   307 		LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::IssueNextACLDataFragment sent = %d"), 
   308 			sent);
   309 		return sent; // no more allowed, otherwise HC liable to clogging
   310 		}
   312 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(item, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   313 	sent = SendItem(*item);
   315 	// Regardless of whether the send succeeded, make a note that this 
   316 	// connection handle was the last to 'have a go'...
   317 	iIndexOfLastSendingConn = index;
   319 	if ( sent )
   320 		{
   321 		--iDataCredits;
   322 		--(iAclConns[index].iPacketsQueued);
   323 		++(iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending);
   324 		LOG3(_L("\tsent on connection handle %d: iPacketsQueued = %d, iPacketsPending = %d"),
   325 			connh, iAclConns[index].iPacketsQueued, iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending);
   326 		}
   328 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::IssueNextACLDataFragment sent = %d"), sent);
   329 	return sent;
   330 	}
   332 TBool CACLDataQController::SendItem(CACLDataItem& aItem) 
   333 /**
   334 	Actually do the send - return true if successful
   335 **/
   336 	{
   337 	LOG_FUNC
   339 	TBool ret = EFalse;
   340 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aItem.Frame(), Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   341 	if ( iHCIFacade.WriteACLData(*aItem.Frame()) == KErrNone )
   342 		{
   343 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataQ, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   344 		iDataQ->PendingItem(aItem);
   345 		ret = ETrue;
   346 		}
   348 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::SendItem ret = %d"), ret);
   349 	return ret;
   350 	}
   352 void CACLDataQController::GetBufferInfo(TUint16& aBufSize, TUint& aNumBufs)
   353 /**
   354 	Retrieves information about what the capabilities of the Data Q are.
   355 	This information will be used in order to inform the HCI client about
   356 	our MTU and maximum buffers so flow control can be possible.
   357 */
   358 	{
   359 	LOG_FUNC
   360 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataQ, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   361 	aBufSize = iDataQ->ItemSize();
   362 	aNumBufs = iDataQ->Ceiling();
   364 	LOG2(_L("CACLDataQController::GetBufferInfo aBufSize = %d, aNumBufs = %d"), 
   365 		aBufSize, aNumBufs);
   366 	}
   368 void CACLDataQController::GetDataQRecords(TUint& aQFillLevel, TUint16& aCredits)
   369 /**
   370 	Returns the number of things ready to send, and the number of credits we 
   371 	have to send
   372 **/
   373 	{
   374 	LOG_FUNC
   375 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataQ, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   376 	aQFillLevel = iDataQ->FillLevel(); // items in the Q
   377 	aCredits = iDataCredits;
   378 	LOG2(_L("LL: CACLDataQController: Model: FillLevel %d, FillCeiling %d"),
   379 		aQFillLevel, iDataQ->Ceiling());
   381 	LOG2(_L("CACLDataQController::GetDataQRecords aQFillLevel = %d, aCredits = %d"), 
   382 		aQFillLevel, aCredits);
   383 	}
   385 void CACLDataQController::FlushOccurred(THCIConnHandle /*aConnH*/)
   386 	{
   387 	LOG_FUNC
   388 	// do nothing
   389 	// we will receive a num_completed_packets event
   390 	}
   392 TInt CACLDataQController::ACLLogicalLinkUp(THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBool aIsParked)
   393 /**
   394 	This object cares more about *ACL* links
   395 	Whether or not ACL comes up for free with physical channel, it
   396 	is worth drawing the distinction
   398 	If an error occurs we tell the caller - it's likely the ACL will need to 
   399 	be torn down
   400 **/
   401 	{
   402 	LOG_FUNC
   403 	LOG2(_L("CACLDataQController::ACLLogicalLinkUp aConnH = %d, aIsParked = %d"), 
   404 		aConnH, aIsParked);
   406 	TDataQConnectionInfo tmpConnRecord;
   407 	tmpConnRecord.iConnH = aConnH;
   408 	tmpConnRecord.iPacketsQueued = 0;
   409 	tmpConnRecord.iPacketsPending = 0;
   410 	tmpConnRecord.iParked = aIsParked;
   412 	TInt err = iAclConns.Append(tmpConnRecord);
   414 	// We don't need to update iIndexOfLastSendingConn because the new 
   415 	// connection will have been added 'after' its current position.
   417 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::ACLLogicalLinkUp err = %d"), err);
   418 	return err;
   419 	}
   421 void CACLDataQController::ACLLogicalLinkDown(THCIConnHandle aConnH)
   422 /**
   423 	Updates the Q.
   424  */
   425 	{
   426 	LOG_FUNC
   427 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::ACLLogicalLinkDown aConnH = %d"), 
   428 		aConnH);
   430 	TInt connection = FindConnection(aConnH);
   432 	if ( connection == KErrNotFound )
   433 		{
   434 		LOG(_L("CACLDataQController::ACLLogicalLinkDown (Connection not found)."));
   435 		return;
   436 		}
   438 	const TUint index = static_cast<TUint>(connection);
   440 	const TUint16 dropped = iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending;
   441 	LOG1(_L("\treusing %d credits"), dropped);
   443 	// Increase iDataCredits by how many packets this link had on the air (we 
   444 	// won't receive a num_completed_packets event to do it the normal way)
   445 	iDataCredits = static_cast<TUint16>(iDataCredits + dropped);
   447 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataQ, Panic(EHCIBufferMgrBadState));
   448 	iDataQ->InvalidateByConnH(aConnH, iHCIFacade);
   449 	iAclConns.Remove(index);
   451 	// The array of connections has changed- if the removed connection is 
   452 	// 'after' iIndexOfLastSendingConn, we don't need to bother changing it. 
   453 	// If the removed connection IS the connection that sent last, reset it to 
   454 	// zero. If the removed connection is before the one that sent last, just 
   455 	// decrement iIndexOfLastSendingConn. 
   456 	if ( index == iIndexOfLastSendingConn )
   457 		{
   458 		iIndexOfLastSendingConn = 0;
   459 		}
   460 	else if ( index < iIndexOfLastSendingConn )
   461 		{
   462 		--iIndexOfLastSendingConn;
   463 		}
   465 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataCredits<=iNumControllerBufs, Panic(EHCIACLDataControllerMaxAllowedDataCreditsExceeded));
   466 	}
   468 void CACLDataQController::SetParked(THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBool aParked)
   469 	{
   470 	LOG_FUNC
   471 	LOG2(_L("CACLDataQController::SetParked aConnH = %d, aParked = %d"), 
   472 		aConnH, aParked);
   474 	// Check if there are any data connections.
   475 	if ( iAclConns.Count() > 1 )
   476 		{
   477 		const TInt index = FindConnection(aConnH);
   478 		if(index != KErrNotFound)
   479 			{
   480 			iAclConns[index].iParked = aParked;
   481 			}
   482 		else
   483 			{
   484 			LOG(_L("\tConnection handle not found."));
   485 			}
   486 		}
   487 	else
   488 		{
   489 		LOG(_L("\tcurrently no ACL connections"));
   490 		}
   492 	if ( aParked == EFalse )
   493 		{
   494 		// kick off draining of queue
   495 		iLinkMuxer.TryToSend();
   496 		}
   497 	}
   499 void CACLDataQController::CompletedPackets(THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint16 aNo)
   500 /**
   501 	Called when some buffer slots become free in our HC (a 
   502 	NumberOfCompletedPackets event)- in other words, we can now send aNo more 
   503 	packets down if we wish.
   504  */
   505 	{
   506 	LOG_FUNC
   507 	LOG2(_L("CACLDataQController::CompletedPackets aConnH = %d, aNo = %d"), 
   508 		aConnH, aNo);
   510 	// Adjust the connection that's just had packets put on the air
   511 	const TInt index = FindConnection(aConnH);
   513 	//We have to check pending packets because it is possible this completed packets event comes 
   514 	//from a previous link and current link reuses the same connection handle
   515 	if (index!=KErrNotFound && iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending > 0)
   516 		{
   517 		iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending = static_cast<TUint16>(iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending - aNo);
   519 		LOG4(_L("\t%d completed packets for connection handle %d: iPacketsQueued = %d, iPacketsPending = %d"),
   520 			aNo, aConnH, iAclConns[index].iPacketsQueued, iAclConns[index].iPacketsPending);
   522 		iDataCredits = static_cast<TUint16>(iDataCredits + aNo);
   523 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataCredits<=iNumControllerBufs, Panic(EHCIACLDataControllerMaxAllowedDataCreditsExceeded));
   525 		LOG3(_L("LinkMgr: CACLDataQController: Got %d DataCredits on ConnH 0x%04x: total %d DataCredts"), 
   526 			aNo, aConnH, iDataCredits);
   527 		LOG2(_L("LL: CACLDataQController: Got %d DataCredits; total %d DataCredts"),
   528 			aNo,iDataCredits);
   530 		// Notify sent items.
   531 		iDataQ->ItemsSent(aNo);
   533 		// now we have credits - have a go at using them
   534 		iLinkMuxer.TryToSend();
   535 		}
   536 	else
   537 		{
   538 		LOG1(_L("LinkMgr: CACLDataQController: Got Completed Packets on lost ConnH(%d) [dropped?]"), aConnH);
   539 		//The Hardware has sent num_completed_packets for a ConnH which we don't know about,
   540 		//if this was a race with the connection being dropped we will already have reused the
   541 		//credits.
   542 		}
   543 	}
   545 #pragma warning (default:4244)// "conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned short', possible loss of data"
   547 TInt CACLDataQController::FindConnection(THCIConnHandle aConnH)
   548 /**
   549  Returns the index (in iAclConns) of the connection record with THCIConnHandle 
   550  aConnH, or error.
   551  */
   552 	{
   553 	LOG_FUNC
   554 	LOG2(_L("CACLDataQController::FindConnection aConnH = %d, iAclConns.Count() = %d"), 
   555 		aConnH, iAclConns.Count());
   557 	TDataQConnectionInfo tmpInfo;
   558 	tmpInfo.iConnH = aConnH;
   560 	TIdentityRelation<TDataQConnectionInfo> relation(LinkMatch);
   562 	const TInt position = iAclConns.Find(tmpInfo, relation);
   564 	LOG1(_L("CACLDataQController::FindConnection position = %d"), position);
   565 	return position;
   566 	}
   568 /*static*/ TBool CACLDataQController::LinkMatch(const TDataQConnectionInfo& aA,
   569 									 const TDataQConnectionInfo& aB)
   570 	{
   572 	return (aA.iConnH == aB.iConnH);
   573 	}
   575 void CACLDataQController::FlushComplete(TInt __DEBUG_ONLY(aErr), THCIConnHandle aConnH)
   576 	{
   577 	LOG_FUNC
   578 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aErr == KErrNone || aErr == ECommandDisallowed, Panic(EHCIACLDataControllerFlushCompleteError));
   580 	TInt ix = FindConnection(aConnH);
   581 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(ix != KErrNotFound, Panic(EHCIACLDataControllerFlushCompleteError));
   582 	if(ix != KErrNotFound)
   583 		{
   584 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAclConns[ix].iFlushInProgress, Panic(EHCIACLDataControllerFlushCompleteError));
   585 		iAclConns[ix].iFlushInProgress = EFalse;
   587 		iLinkMuxer.TryToSend();
   588 		}
   589 	}
   592 TInt CACLDataQController::SetFlushInProgress(THCIConnHandle aConnH)
   593 	{
   594 	LOG_FUNC
   595 	// Check a flush is not currently outstanding against this
   596 	// Connection handle.
   597 	TInt rerr = KErrNone;
   598 	TInt ix = FindConnection(aConnH);
   599 	if(ix != KErrNotFound)
   600 		{
   601 		if(!iAclConns[ix].iFlushInProgress)
   602 			{
   603 			TRAP(rerr, iHCIFacade.FlushL(aConnH));
   604 			if(rerr == KErrNone)
   605 				{
   606 				iAclConns[ix].iFlushInProgress = ETrue;
   607 				}
   608 			}
   610 		if(rerr == KErrNone)
   611 			{
   612 			iDataQ->ProcessFlush(iHCIFacade, aConnH);
   613 			}
   614 		}
   615 	else
   616 		{
   617 		rerr = ix;
   618 		}
   620 	return rerr;
   621 	}
   623 //
   624 // End of file