changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 15 16aa830c86c8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <bluetooth/logger.h>
    17 #include <e32base.h>
    18 #include "rfcommutil.h"
    19 #include "rfcommmuxer.h"
    20 #include "rfcommflow.h"
    22 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    23 _LIT8(KLogComponent, LOG_COMPONENT_RFCOMM);
    24 #endif
    26 /*************************************************************************/
    29 CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory()
    30 	{
    31 	LOG_FUNC
    32 //	iFlowStrategies.Reset();  // Null all the pointers -- not necessary as array is in CBase class.
    33 	}
    35 CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::~CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory()
    36 	{
    37 	LOG_FUNC
    38 	// Destroy all the state objects
    39 	iFlowStrategies.DeleteAll();
    40 	}
    42 CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory* CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::NewL()
    43 	{
    45 	CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory* factory  = new (ELeave) CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory();
    46 	CleanupStack::PushL(factory);
    47 	// Create all the new states
    48 	factory->iFlowStrategies[EFlowInitial]  = new (ELeave) TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial(factory);
    49 	factory->iFlowStrategies[EFlowCreditBased] = new (ELeave) TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased(factory);
    50 	factory->iFlowStrategies[EFlowNonCreditBased] = new (ELeave) TRfcommFlowStrategyNonCreditBased(factory);
    51 	// etc...
    52 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    53 	return factory;
    54 	}
    56 TRfcommFlowStrategy& CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::GetFlowStrategy(const TFlowStrategies aFlowStrategy) const
    57 	{
    58 	LOG_FUNC
    59 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aFlowStrategy != EMaxFlowStrategy, Panic(ERfCommFlowStrategyOutOfBounds));
    60 	return *iFlowStrategies[aFlowStrategy];
    61 	}
    66 /*************************************************************************/
    70 TRfcommFlowStrategy::TRfcommFlowStrategy(CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory* aFactory)
    71 :iFactory(aFactory)
    72 	{
    73 	LOG_FUNC
    74 	//iFactory = aFactory;
    75 	}
    78 TRfcommFlowStrategy::~TRfcommFlowStrategy()
    79 	{
    80 	LOG_FUNC
    81 	}
    87 TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial(CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory* aFactory)
    88 :TRfcommFlowStrategy(aFactory) 
    89 	{
    90 	LOG_FUNC
    91 	}
    93 TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::~TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial()
    94 	{
    95 	LOG_FUNC
    96 	}
    98 TInt TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::DataBufferMultiple()
    99 	{
   100 	LOG_FUNC
   101 	return KRfcommSAPBufferMultiple;
   102 	};
   104 TUint16 TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::UsableMTU(const CRfcommSAP& aSAP, TUint8 /*aCredit*/) const
   105 	/**
   106 	  Available frame space for data
   107 	**/
   108 	{
   109 	LOG_FUNC
   110 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSAP.NegotiatedMTU(), Panic(ERfcommBadCalculatedMTU));
   112 	return aSAP.NegotiatedMTU();
   113 	}
   115 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::AllowWrite(CRfcommSAP& /*aSAP*/)
   116 	/**
   117 	  Ignore CBFC Credits
   118 	**/
   119 	{
   120 	LOG_FUNC
   121 	return ETrue;
   122 	}
   124 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::AllowFCOnOff(TBool /*aCommand*/)
   125 	/**
   126 	  Always allow 'FC On/Off' commands (not be confused with FC bit in an MSC command!).
   127 	**/
   128 	{
   129 	LOG_FUNC
   130 	return ETrue;
   131 	}
   133 TInt TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::PNConvergenceLayer(TBool aCommand)
   134 	/**
   135 	  We are negotiating so keep trying for CBFC.
   136 	**/
   137 	{
   138 	LOG_FUNC
   139 	return aCommand?KCBFCCommandFlag:KCBFCResponseFlag;
   140 	}
   142 TUint8 TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::PNFinalOctet() // FIXME: Rename to InitialCredit()
   143 	/**
   144 	  We are negotiating so keep trying for CBFC.
   145 	**/
   146 	{
   147 	LOG_FUNC
   148 	return KInitialCredit;
   149 	}
   151 TUint8 TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::WriteCredit(CRfcommSAP& /*aSAP*/)
   152 	/**
   153 	  Return number of CBFC credits to send in UIH frame.
   154 	**/
   155 	{
   156 	LOG_FUNC
   157 	return 0;
   158 	}
   161 void TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::OutgoingMSCReviseSignals(TBool /*aCommand*/, TUint8& /*aSignals*/)
   162 	/**
   163 	  Only requires action for CBFC.
   164 	**/
   165 	{
   166 	LOG_FUNC
   167 	}
   169 void TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::ReviseDonatedCredits(CRfcommSAP& /*aSAP*/, TUint8 /*aCredit*/)
   170 	/**
   171 	  Only requires action for CBFC.
   172 	**/
   173 	{
   174 	LOG_FUNC
   175 	}
   177 void TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::ReviseTransmittedCredits(CRfcommSAP& /*aSAP*/)
   178 	{
   179 	LOG_FUNC
   180 	/**
   181 	  Only requires action for CBFC.
   182 	**/
   183 	}
   185 CRfcommDataFrame* TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::NewDataFrame(CRfcommMuxer& aMuxer, 
   186 													 TUint8 aAddr, 
   187 												     TInt aLen, 
   188 #ifdef _DEBUG
   189 												     TUint8 aCredit,
   190 #else
   191 												     TUint8 /*aCredit*/,
   192 #endif
   194 												     CRfcommSAP* aSAP)
   195 	/**
   196 	   Returns a new data (UIH) frame for the specified DLCI
   198 	   The C/R bit for the UIH frame is always 1 for the initiator and
   199 	   0 for the responder, which is the same as for commands.
   200 	**/
   201 	{
   202 	LOG_FUNC
   203 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aCredit, Panic(ERfcommUnexpectedCBFCCredit));
   204 	CRfcommDataFrame* frm=NULL;
   205 	TRAPD(err, frm=CRfcommDataFrame::NewL(aLen, aMuxer, aSAP));
   206 	if(!err)
   207 		{
   208 		frm->SetAddress(aAddr);
   209 		frm->SetControl(KUIHCtrlField);
   210 		}
   211 	return frm;	//	NB should be NULL if CRfcommDataFrame was not created
   212 	}
   214 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::CanProcessNewData(const TBool aAllowProcessNewData) const
   215 	/**
   216 	  If a SAP's buffer becomes too full, then that SAP will cause the muxer
   217 	  to block any further intake of data. 'aSAPNoFreeSpaceMask' points to the
   218 	  relevant muxer flag.
   219 	**/
   220 	{
   221 	LOG_FUNC
   222 	return aAllowProcessNewData;
   223 	}
   225 void TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::DecodeLength(TBool /*aCBFC*/, 
   226 										 	  TDesC8& /*aPacket*/, 
   227 											  TInt& /*aCreditBuffer*/, 
   228 											  TInt& /*aHeaderLengthBuffer*/)
   229 	/**
   230 	  Do nothing - not CBFC.
   231 	**/
   232 	{
   233 	LOG_FUNC
   234 	}
   236 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::ProcessDataFrameReviseCredits(CRfcommSAP& /*aSAP*/, 
   237 													   TBool /*aPoll*/,
   238 													   TUint8 /*aCredit*/)
   239 	/**
   240 	  Not CBFC - return false => do nothing.
   241 	**/
   242 	{
   243 	LOG_FUNC
   244 	return EFalse;
   245 	}
   247 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::MSC(CRfcommSAP& aSAP, TUint8 aSignals)
   248 	/**
   249 	  Respond to flow control aspects of an MSC signal.
   250 	**/
   251 	{
   252 	LOG_FUNC
   253 	// Set CTS. We're clear to send if flow control is off so this 
   254 	// is the inverse of the Flow Control bit
   255 	aSAP.CTS(!(aSignals & KModemSignalFC));
   256 	if(aSAP.CTS())
   257 		{
   258 		// Unblock ESOCK to try again (which might block again!)
   259 		return ETrue;
   260 		}
   261 	return EFalse;
   262 	}
   264 void TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::UpdateRxFlowControlState(CRfcommSAP& aSAP)
   265 	/**
   266 		Do non-CBFC flow control.
   267 	**/
   268 	{
   269 	LOG_FUNC
   270 	if(aSAP.DataBuffer().Count() + aSAP.Mux()->GetMaxDataSize() <=
   271 	   aSAP.DataBuffer().Length())
   272 		{
   273 		// Let the mux know we can take more data
   274 		//FC
   275 		aSAP.Mux()->SetCanHandleData(aSAP, ETrue);
   276 		}
   278 	if(aSAP.DataBuffer().Count() <= aSAP.LowTideMark())
   279 		{
   280 		if(!aSAP.CTR())
   281 			{
   282 			// We should send a flow on since we've sent an off
   283 			//FC
   284 			TUint8 signals=aSAP.Signals();
   285 			signals &= (~KModemSignalFC);
   286 			TInt result=aSAP.Mux()->SendMSC(aSAP, signals);
   287 			if(result == KErrNone)
   288 				{
   289 				// Update state if we sent it, otherwise don't
   290 				aSAP.SetSignals(signals);
   291 				aSAP.CTR(ETrue);
   292 				}
   293 			//
   294 			}
   295 		}
   296 	}
   298 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::NewDataReviseCredits(CRfcommSAP& /*aSAP*/, const TDesC8& /*aData*/)
   299 	/**
   300 		Do nothing - SAPWise (CBFC) only.
   301 	**/
   302 	{
   303 	LOG_FUNC
   304 	return ETrue;
   305 	}
   307 void TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::NewData(CRfcommSAP& aSAP)
   308 	/**
   309 		Deal with flow control when new data is coming in and CBFC is not on.
   310 	**/
   311 	{
   312 	LOG_FUNC
   313 	if(aSAP.DataBuffer().Count() + aSAP.Mux()->GetMaxDataSize() >=
   314 	   aSAP.DataBuffer().Length())
   315 		/**
   316 			N.B. CircularBuffers: Length() is MaxLength() and Count() is Length()!
   317 		**/
   318 		{
   319 		//Tell the mux we canna take any more, capt'n
   320 		aSAP.Mux()->SetCanHandleData(aSAP, EFalse);
   321 		}
   323 	if(aSAP.DataBuffer().Count() >= aSAP.HighTideMark())
   324 		{
   325 		// Now try to send a flow off, if we haven't already
   326 		if(aSAP.CTR())
   327 			{
   328 			//FC
   329 			TUint8 signals=aSAP.Signals();
   330 			signals |= KModemSignalFC;
   331 			TInt result=aSAP.Mux()->SendMSC(aSAP, signals);
   332 			if(result == KErrNone)
   333 				{
   334 				// we sent it, so update state
   335 				aSAP.SetSignals(signals);
   336 				aSAP.CTR(EFalse);
   337 				}
   338 			//
   339 			}
   340 		}
   341 	return;
   342 	}
   344 CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::TFlowStrategies TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial::FlowType()
   345 	{
   346 	LOG_FUNC
   347 	return CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::EFlowInitial;
   348 	}
   351 TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased(CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory* aFactory)
   352 :TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial(aFactory) 
   353 	{
   354 	LOG_FUNC
   355 	}
   357 TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::~TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased()
   358 	{
   359 	LOG_FUNC
   360 	}
   363 TInt TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::DataBufferMultiple()
   364 	{
   365 	LOG_FUNC
   366 	return KRfcommSAPCBFCBufferMultiple;
   367 	};
   369 TUint16 TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::UsableMTU(const CRfcommSAP& aSAP, TUint8 aCredit) const
   370 	/**
   371 	  Available frame space for data
   372 	**/
   373 	{
   374 	LOG_FUNC
   375 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSAP.NegotiatedMTU(), Panic(ERfcommBadCalculatedMTU));
   377 	//Allow for possible credit in header.
   378 	return (STATIC_CAST(TUint16, (aSAP.NegotiatedMTU() - (aCredit?1:0))));
   379 	}
   381 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::AllowWrite(CRfcommSAP& aSAP)
   382 	/**
   383 	**/
   384 	{
   385 	LOG_FUNC
   386 	return aSAP.LocalCredit();
   387 	}
   389 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::AllowFCOnOff(TBool aCommand)
   390 	/**
   391 	  Allow responses only. Do not transmit an 'FC On/Off' command.
   392 	  (not be confused with FC bit in an MSC command!)
   393 	**/
   394 	{
   395 	LOG_FUNC
   396 	return !aCommand; //N.B. Reverse logic - if command then return 'EFalse'
   397 	}
   399 TUint8 TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::WriteCredit(CRfcommSAP& aSAP)
   400 	/**
   401 	  Return number of CBFC credits to send in UIH frame
   402 	**/
   403 	{
   404 	LOG_FUNC
   405 	return aSAP.FreeCredit();
   406 	}
   408 void TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::OutgoingMSCReviseSignals(TBool aCommand, TUint8& aSignals)
   409 	/**
   410 	  There is a bit that when zero => CTS should be set to true. 
   411 	  For CBFC this bit must always be zero if we are sending a command. 
   412 	  Thus we are masking that part of an MSC command which tells the remote 
   413 	  to switch its CTS off (and so stop sending). 
   414 	  Required by SPEC.
   415 	**/
   416 	{
   417 	LOG_FUNC
   418 	if(aCommand)
   419 		aSignals &= (~KModemSignalFC);
   420 	}
   422 void TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::ReviseDonatedCredits(CRfcommSAP& aSAP, TUint8 aCredit)
   423 	/**
   424 	  Revise proxy credit (our knowledge of remote credit) upwards by 'aCredit'.
   425 	**/
   426 	{
   427 	LOG_FUNC
   428 	//credit change
   429 	//Increase proxy credit by 'aCredit'.
   430 	aSAP.ProxyForRemoteCreditAddCredit(aCredit);
   431 	}
   433 void TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::ReviseTransmittedCredits(CRfcommSAP& aSAP)
   434 	/**
   435 	  Revise our own credits downward by one.
   436 	  Revise proxy credit (our knowledge of remote credit) upwards by 'aCredit'.
   437 	**/
   438 	{
   439 	LOG_FUNC
   440 	//Decrement allowed transmission credits.
   441 	aSAP.LocalCreditDecrement();
   442 	}
   444 CRfcommDataFrame* TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::NewDataFrame(CRfcommMuxer& aMuxer, 
   445 												   TUint8 aAddr, 
   446 												   TInt aLen, 
   447 												   TUint8 aCredit,
   448 												   CRfcommSAP* aSAP)
   449 	/**
   450 	   Returns a new data (UIH) frame for the specified DLCI
   452 	   The C/R bit for the UIH frame is always 1 for the initiator and
   453 	   0 for the responder, which is the same as for commands.
   454 	**/
   455 	{
   456 	LOG_FUNC
   457 	CRfcommDataFrame* frm=NULL;
   458 	TInt err = 0;
   459 	if(aCredit)
   460 		{
   461 		TRAP(err, frm=CRfcommCreditDataFrame::NewL(aLen, aMuxer, aSAP));
   462 		if(!err)
   463 			{
   464 			frm->SetAddress(aAddr);
   465 			frm->SetControl(KUIHCBFCCtrlField); //FIXME - redone later
   466 			((CRfcommCreditDataFrame*)frm)->SetCredit(aCredit);
   467 			}
   468 		}
   469 	else
   470 		{
   471 		TRAP(err, frm=CRfcommDataFrame::NewL(aLen, aMuxer, aSAP));
   472 		if(!err)
   473 			{
   474 			frm->SetAddress(aAddr);
   475 			frm->SetControl(KUIHCtrlField); //FIXME - redone later ... Poll bit always 0 for UIH
   476 			}
   477 		}
   478 	return frm;	//	NB should be NULL if CRfcommDataFrame was not created
   479 	}
   481 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::CanProcessNewData(const TBool /*aAllowProcessNewData*/) const
   482 	/**
   483 	  CBFC is on (=>SAP wise flow control). This function is for MUX wide 
   484 	  flow control, and so should ignore all flags and never block here.
   485 	**/
   486 	{
   487 	LOG_FUNC
   488 	return ETrue;
   489 	}
   491 void TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::DecodeLength(TBool aCBFC, 
   492 											      TDesC8& aPacket, 
   493 											      TInt& aCreditBuffer, 
   494 											      TInt& aHeaderLengthBuffer)
   495 	/**
   496 		Provides the credit buffer with the sent credit, and revises the
   497 		header length buffer to take credit byte into account.
   498 	**/
   499 	{
   500 	LOG_FUNC
   501 	TInt cIndex = ((aPacket)[2] & 1)?3:4;
   502 	if (aCBFC)
   503 		{
   504 		aCreditBuffer = aPacket[cIndex];
   505 		aHeaderLengthBuffer++;	// data is 1 byte smaller
   506 		LOG1(_L("RFCOMM: Incoming packet: value in credit field is %d"), aCreditBuffer);
   507 		}
   508 	else
   509 		{
   510 		LOG(_L("RFCOMM: No credit field in incoming packet"));
   511 		}
   512 	}
   514 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::ProcessDataFrameReviseCredits(CRfcommSAP& aSAP, 
   515 													   TBool aPoll,
   516 													   TUint8 aCredit)
   517 	/**
   518 	   Add 'aCredit' (discovered in incoming data frame)to our credit.
   519 	   If as a result we have credits when non had previously existed, 
   520 	   return true to unblock SAP.
   521 	**/
   522 	//credit change
   523 	{
   524 	LOG_FUNC
   525 	LOG(_L("CRfcommFlowSAPWise::ProcessDataFrameReviseCredits"));
   526 	if (aPoll)
   527 		{
   528 		TBool isUnblock = (!(aSAP.LocalCredit()) && aCredit)?ETrue:EFalse;
   529 		aSAP.LocalCreditAddCredit(aCredit);
   530 		if (isUnblock)
   531 			{
   532 			LOG(_L("RFCOMM: Transmit credit was zero."));
   533 			if (aSAP.SendBlocked() & CRfcommSAP::EBlockedByMux)
   534 				{
   535 				return ETrue;
   536 				}
   537 			}
   538 		}
   539 	else
   540 		{
   541 		LOG(_L("RFCOMM: Data with no Tx Credit"));
   542 		}
   543 	return EFalse;
   544 	}
   546 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::MSC(CRfcommSAP& aSAP, TUint8 /*aSignals*/)
   547 	/**
   548 	  "Clear To Send" must be set to true. Flow control is handled
   549 	  only by credits. See "AllowWrite()".
   550 	**/
   551 	{
   552 	LOG_FUNC
   553 	aSAP.CTS(ETrue);
   554 	return ETrue;
   555 	}
   557 void TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::UpdateRxFlowControlState(CRfcommSAP& aSAP)
   558 	/**
   559 	  Donate credits if possible when data is read off SAPs ring buffer.
   560 	  Note: Function was called Read() originally, but actually is independent
   561 	  of anything to do with reading.
   562 	**/
   563 	{
   564 	LOG_FUNC
   565 	if(aSAP.ProxyForRemoteCredit() <= KRfcommCreditsLowWaterMark)
   566 		{
   567 		TUint8 spareCredits = aSAP.FreeCredit();
   568 		if (spareCredits && spareCredits>=aSAP.ProxyForRemoteCredit())
   569 			{// We've got a worth while no. of credits to forward. Do a donation.
   570 			aSAP.Mux()->Donate(aSAP, spareCredits);	// send an empty frame with credits
   571 			}
   572 		}
   573 	LOG2(_L("RFCOMM: After: RxCr %d, ReUsed (or Free) %d"), aSAP.ProxyForRemoteCredit(), aSAP.FreeCreditCalculation());
   574 	}
   576 TBool TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::NewDataReviseCredits(CRfcommSAP& aSAP, const TDesC8& aData)
   577 	/**
   578 		Revise proxy credit downwards by one if a frame has arrived containing 
   579 		new data.
   580 	**/
   581 	//credit change
   582 	{
   583 	LOG_FUNC
   584 	if (aData.Length() > 0)
   585 		{
   586 		if (aSAP.ProxyForRemoteCredit() == 0)
   587 			{
   588 			// got to disconnect cos they're ignoring our credits
   589 			LOG(_L("RFCOMM: Data received with 0 receive credit"));
   590 			return EFalse;
   591 			}
   592 		else
   593 			{
   594 			// update remote transmit credit proxy
   595 			aSAP.ProxyForRemoteCreditDecrement();
   596 			}
   597 		}
   598 	return ETrue;
   599 	}
   601 void TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::NewData(CRfcommSAP& aSAP)
   602 	/**
   603 		If other side have run out of credits, check that we really
   604 		don't have any to send them. This should rarely happen, as
   605 		NotifyNewData tries to forward credits before they run out.
   606 	**/
   607 	{
   608 	LOG_FUNC
   609 	if (aSAP.ProxyForRemoteCredit() == 0)
   610 		{// they have run out! See if we have any credits
   611 		TUint8 spareCredits = aSAP.FreeCredit();
   612 		if(spareCredits)
   613 			{// got some credits! Send them.
   614 			aSAP.Mux()->Donate(aSAP, spareCredits);	// an empty frame with credits
   615 			}
   616 		}
   617 	return;
   618 	}
   620 CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::TFlowStrategies TRfcommFlowStrategyCreditBased::FlowType()
   621 	{
   622 	LOG_FUNC
   623 	return CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::EFlowCreditBased;
   624 	}
   631 TRfcommFlowStrategyNonCreditBased::TRfcommFlowStrategyNonCreditBased(CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory* aFactory)
   632 :TRfcommFlowStrategyInitial(aFactory) 
   633 	{
   634 	LOG_FUNC
   635 	}
   637 TRfcommFlowStrategyNonCreditBased::~TRfcommFlowStrategyNonCreditBased()
   638 	{
   639 	LOG_FUNC
   640 	}
   644 TInt TRfcommFlowStrategyNonCreditBased::PNConvergenceLayer(TBool /*aCommand*/)
   645 	/**
   646 	  Always allow 'FC On/Off'.
   647 	**/
   648 	{
   649 	LOG_FUNC
   650 	return 0x00;
   651 	}
   653 TUint8 TRfcommFlowStrategyNonCreditBased::PNFinalOctet()
   654 	/**
   655 	  Return 0.
   656 	**/
   657 	{
   658 	LOG_FUNC
   659 	return 0x00;
   660 	}
   663 CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::TFlowStrategies TRfcommFlowStrategyNonCreditBased::FlowType()
   664 	{
   665 	LOG_FUNC
   666 	return CRfcommFlowStrategyFactory::EFlowNonCreditBased;
   667 	}