changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalComponent
    19 */
    21 #include <bluetooth/logger.h>
    22 #include <e32std.h>
    23 #include <bttypes.h>
    24 #include <es_mbuf.h>
    26 #include "RBnepFrame.h"
    27 #include "bneputils.h"
    29 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    30 _LIT8(KLogComponent, LOG_COMPONENT_PAN_BNEP);
    31 #endif
    33 const TUint8  KEBit = 0x80;
    34 const TUint16 KQTag = 0x8100;
    36 // 'minTypeValue' from section of the 802.3-2002 specification
    37 // Subtract one, as the constant in the spec is for the first non-length value.
    38 const TUint16 K802_3MaxLength = 1536 - 1;
    40 void doResetControl(TAny* aControl)
    41     {
    42     /**
    43        Reset and destroy an RBnepControl object.
    44     */
    45     LOG_STATIC_FUNC
    46     RBnepControl* control = static_cast<RBnepControl*>(aControl);
    47     control->Free();
    48     delete control;
    49     }
    51 RBnepFrame::RBnepFrame()
    52         : iCommandQueue(_FOFF(RBnepControl, iLink))
    53     {
    54     /**
    55        Construct and initialise (reset) a BNEP frame.
    56        @internalComponent
    57     */
    58     LOG_FUNC
    59     Reset(); 
    60     }
    62 void RBnepFrame::BuildBnepControlFrameL (RMBufChain& aChain)
    63     {
    64     /**
    65        Build a BNEP control frame from the encapsulated data.
    66        @param aChain The target to build the frame into.
    67        @internalComponent
    68     */
    69     LOG_FUNC
    70     TUint8 frameType = EBnepControl;
    71     // There have to be items in the command queue 
    72     if(iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
    73         {
    74         User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
    75         }
    76     else
    77         {
    78         // If the last item is also the first one, there must be
    79         // one and only one item in the queue.
    80         // If there is more than one, then the ebit must be set.
    81         // Note: there is no checking done here that the queue items are
    82         // small enough to fit into an extension header.
    83         TUint8 ebit = static_cast<TUint8>(((iCommandQueue.IsLast(iCommandQueue.First())) ? 0 : KEBit));
    84         frameType |= ebit;
    86         RBnepControl* buffer = iCommandQueue.First();
    87         buffer->CopyL(aChain);
    88         iCommandQueue.Remove(*buffer);
    89         buffer->Free();
    90         delete buffer;
    92         aChain.PrependL(sizeof(TUint8));
    93         TPckgBuf<TUint8> pkgFrameType(frameType);
    94         aChain.CopyIn(pkgFrameType,RBnepControl::KControlTypeOffset);
    95         if(ebit) // We have at least one extension
    96             {
    97             TSglQueIter<RBnepControl> iter(iCommandQueue);
    98             iter.SetToFirst();
    99             RBnepControl* element;
   100             while ((element = iter++), element)
   101                 {
   102                 TPckgBuf<TInt8> aLength(static_cast<TInt8>(element->Length()));
   103                 element->PrependL(sizeof(TInt8));
   104                 element->CopyIn(aLength);
   106                 element->PrependL(sizeof(TUint8));
   107                 if(iCommandQueue.IsLast(element))
   108                     {
   109                     TPckgBuf<TUint8> extFrameType(static_cast<TUint8>(EBnepExtensionControl));
   110                     element->CopyIn(extFrameType);
   111                     }
   112                 else
   113                     {
   114                     // The extension bit must be set.
   115                     TPckgBuf<TUint8> extExtFrameType(static_cast<TUint8>(EBnepExtensionControl | KEBit));
   116                     element->CopyIn(extExtFrameType);
   117                     }
   119                 aChain.Append(*element);
   120                 }
   121             }
   122         LOG1(_L8("Final Chain length = %d"),aChain.Length());
   123         Reset();
   124         }
   125     }
   127 void RBnepFrame::BuildBnepDataFrameL(RMBufChain& aChain, 
   128                                      const TBTDevAddr& aLocalAddr, 
   129                                      const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr,
   130                                      TBool aFilterEthernetPayload)
   131     {
   132     /**
   133        Build a BNEP data frame from the encapsulated data.
   134        The method deals with compressing off any unnecessary address data based on
   135        the parameters supplied.
   136        @param aChain The target to build the frame into.
   137        @param aLocalAddr The address of the bridge (local side of BNEP link).
   138        @param aRemoteAddr The address of the remote end of the BNEP link.
   139     */
   140     LOG_FUNC
   141     // If the command queue has items in it, we need to build extension headers.
   142     TUint8 frameType;
   144     TBool sendDest = (aRemoteAddr != iDestAddr);
   145     TBool sendSrc  = (aLocalAddr  != iSrcAddr);
   146     TInt headerLength;
   147     if (sendDest && sendSrc)
   148         {
   149         frameType = EBnepGeneralEthernet;
   150         headerLength = KGeneralEthernetHeaderLength;
   151         LOG(_L8("frameType = EBnepGeneralEthernet;"));
   152         LOG1(_L8("headerLength = %d"),headerLength);
   153         }
   154     else 
   155         {
   156         if (sendSrc)
   157             {
   158             frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernetSourceOnly;
   159             headerLength = KCompressedEthernetSourceOnlyHeaderLength;
   160             LOG(_L8("frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernetSourceOnly;"));
   161             LOG1(_L8("headerLength = %d"),headerLength);
   162             }
   163         else 
   164             {
   165             if (sendDest)
   166                 {
   167                 frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernetDestOnly;
   168                 headerLength = KCompressedEthernetDestOnlyHeaderLength;
   169                 LOG(_L8("frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernetDestOnly;"));
   170                 LOG1(_L8("headerLength = %d"),headerLength);
   171                 }
   172             else
   173                 {
   174                 frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernet;
   175                 headerLength = KCompressedEthernetHeaderLength;
   176                 LOG(_L8("frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernet"));
   177                 LOG1(_L8("headerLength = %d"),headerLength);
   178                 }
   179             }
   180         }
   181     aChain.AllocL(headerLength);
   183 	if(Includes(EExtensionHeaders))
   184 		{
   185 		frameType |= KEBit;
   186 		}
   188     LOG1(_L8("Setting type to %02x"), frameType);
   189     TInt offset = 0;
   190     TPckgBuf<TUint8> pkgFrameType(frameType);
   191     aChain.CopyIn(pkgFrameType, offset++);
   192     if (sendDest)
   193         {
   194         LOG_BT(_L8("Inserting destination address %S"), iDestAddr);
   195         aChain.CopyIn(iDestAddr.Des(), offset);
   196         offset += KBTDevAddrSize;
   197         }
   198     if (sendSrc)
   199         {
   200         LOG_BT(_L8("Inserting source address %S"), iSrcAddr);
   201         aChain.CopyIn(iSrcAddr.Des(), offset);
   202         offset += KBTDevAddrSize;
   203         }
   205 	// Set-up the protocol ID to use for this packet.
   206 	TUint16 protocol = (aFilterEthernetPayload ? 0x0000 : iProtocol);
   208     aChain.AppendL(KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength);
   209     TBuf8<KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength> protocolBuf;
   210     protocolBuf.SetMax();
   212     if (Includes(EHas1Q))
   213         {
   214         BigEndian::Put16(&protocolBuf[0], static_cast<TUint16>(KQTag));
   215         }     
   216     else
   217         {
   218         BigEndian::Put16(&protocolBuf[0], static_cast<TUint16>(protocol));
   219         }
   220     aChain.CopyIn(protocolBuf, offset);
   221     offset += KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength;
   223     // Cannot just append the ethernet payload mbufs, because if this is a 
   224     // multicast frame, this will corrupt it for others
   225     RMBufChain finalPacket;
   226     CleanupStack::PushL(finalPacket); // This will call Free() as its cleanup
   227     iFramePayload.CopyL(finalPacket);
   229 	// Filter out the ethernet payload if required.
   230 	if(aFilterEthernetPayload)
   231 		{
   232 		TInt payloadOffset = 0;
   233 		// Find the start of the ethernet payload.
   234 	    TBuf8<KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes> buf;
   235 		buf.SetMax();
   237 		TUint8 ebit = ETrue;
   238 		while(ebit)
   239 			{
   240 			// The extension must be long enough for the header.
   241 	        if((payloadOffset + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes) > finalPacket.Length())
   242 	            {	
   243 	            User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   244 	            }
   246 			// Move the offset to the next extension header.
   247 	    	finalPacket.CopyOut(buf, payloadOffset);
   248 			ebit = buf[0] & KEBit;
   249 			payloadOffset += (buf[1] + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
   250 			}
   252 		// If the packet includes IEEE 802.1Q fields then these should remain.
   253 		// The network protocol field should be set to zero. 
   254 	    if(Includes(EHas1Q))
   255 	        {
   256 			if((payloadOffset + KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength) > finalPacket.Length())
   257 				{
   258 				User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   259 				}
   261 			protocolBuf[0] = 0;
   262 			protocolBuf[1] = 0;
   263         	finalPacket.CopyIn(protocolBuf, payloadOffset + KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength);
   264 			payloadOffset += (KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength);
   265 	        }
   267 		// The extension headers are finished.  Remove any remaining data.
   268 		finalPacket.TrimEnd(payloadOffset);
   269 		}
   271 	// Append will take ownership of finalPacket
   272 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // finalPacket
   273 	// Add any payload onto the chain.
   274     aChain.Append(finalPacket);
   276     LOG1(_L8("RBnepFrame::BuildBnepDataFrameL final Chain length = %d"),aChain.Length());
   277     }
   279 void RBnepFrame::BuildBnepFrameL(RMBufChain& aChain, const TBTDevAddr& aLocalAddr, const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TBool aFilterEthernetPayload)
   280     {
   281     /**
   282        Build a BNEP frame from encapsulated data.
   283        Processes the data carried by this frame to build a frame which can
   284        be sent to a remote PAN device.  This involves compressing off any
   285        addresses which are not required for this link and inserting any
   286        extension headers.
   287        @param aChain The target MBufChain to build into.
   288        @param aLocalAddr The address of the local PAN node.
   289        @param aRemoteAddr The address of the remote PAN node.
   290        @internalComponent
   291     */
   292     LOG_FUNC
   293     if (Includes(EControl))
   294         {
   295         BuildBnepControlFrameL(aChain);
   296         }
   297     else
   298         {
   299         BuildBnepDataFrameL(aChain, aLocalAddr, aRemoteAddr, aFilterEthernetPayload);
   300         }
   301     }
   303 void RBnepFrame::BuildEthernetFrameL(RMBufPacket& aChain)
   304     {
   305     /**
   306        Builds an ethernet frame from the BNEP frame.
   307        This function ignores away any control data present and simply inserts all
   308        addresses, protocol and 802.1Q data, as well as the data payload.
   310        This function always builds an Ethernet II format frame.  This should be
   311        accepted by the ethernet NIF, even if it is configured to send in LLC/SNAP
   312        format.  This behaviour is unlikely to change as it would be valid for a
   313        remote wired station to send a mixture of packet formats.  As the packet
   314        driver has no way of knowing which format has been configured, our options
   315        here are limited.
   317        @param aChain The MBufPacket to build the packet into.
   318        @internalComponent
   319     */
   320     LOG_FUNC
   321     // WARNING! Potential for a memory leak follows. 
   322     // Remember to free this RMBufChain before you exit.
   323     RMBufChain tempFrame;
   324 	CleanupStack::PushL(tempFrame);
   326     LOG(_L8("Attempting to copy payload"));
   327 	// Check there is a valid payload 
   328     if(iFramePayload.IsEmpty())
   329         {
   330         LOG(_L8("No payload"));
   331         User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
   332         }
   333 	iFramePayload.CopyL(tempFrame);
   335     // Any extensions need to be removed.
   336     if(Includes(EExtensionHeaders))
   337         {
   338 	    TBuf8<KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes> buf;
   339 		buf.SetMax();
   341 		TUint8 ebit = ETrue;
   342 		while(ebit)
   343 			{
   344 			// The extension must be long enough for the header.
   345 	        if((KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes) > tempFrame.Length())
   346 	            {	
   347 	            User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   348 	            }
   350 			// Move the offset to the next extension header.
   351 	    	tempFrame.CopyOut(buf, 0);
   352 			ebit = buf[0] & KEBit;
   353 			tempFrame.TrimStart(buf[1] + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
   354 			}
   355         }
   357 	// Check there is some data to send.
   358 	if(Includes(EHas1Q) && (tempFrame.Length() <= (KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength)) ||
   359 	   tempFrame.IsEmpty())
   360 		{
   361 		LOG(_L8("No data to send pass up."));
   362 		User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
   363 		}
   365 	// Add protocol.
   366 	TUint16 protocol = (Includes(EHas1Q) ? KQTag : iProtocol);
   368     TBuf8<KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength> protocolBuf;
   369     protocolBuf.SetMax();                                                                                                      
   370 	tempFrame.PrependL(KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength);
   371     BigEndian::Put16(&protocolBuf[0], static_cast<TUint16>(protocol));
   372     tempFrame.CopyIn(protocolBuf);
   374 	// Add addresses
   375 	tempFrame.PrependL(KBTDevAddrSize);
   376     LOG_BT(_L8("Inserting source address %S"),iSrcAddr);
   377     tempFrame.CopyIn(iSrcAddr.Des());
   379 	tempFrame.PrependL(KBTDevAddrSize);
   380     LOG_BT(_L8("Inserting destination address %S"),iDestAddr);
   381     tempFrame.CopyIn(iDestAddr.Des());
   383 	// This should be removed when defect DEF066321 is fixed.
   384 	TInt alignLength = Min(tempFrame.Length(), KMBufSmallSize);
   385 	if(tempFrame.Align(alignLength) != alignLength)
   386 		{
   387 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   388 		}
   390 	RMBufQ tempQueue;
   391 	tempQueue.Assign(tempFrame);
   392 	CleanupStack::Pop();		// Remove tempFrame from the cleanup stack
   393 	CleanupStack::PushL(tempQueue);
   395 	aChain.CreateL(tempQueue); 	
   396 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();		// Remove tempQueue from the cleanup stack
   397 							// As RMBufQs provide support for normal cleanup stack 
   398 							// usage, this will cause the Q to be Free()ed.
   400 	// Create the flags field for the packet info header.
   401 	// Mark the packet as being from BNEP
   402 	TUint flags = KBnep;
   404 	// Check if this packet can be forward to DHCP / NAPT
   405 	if(iUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink)
   406 		{
   407 		flags |= KBnepForwardingAllowed;
   408 		}
   410 	aChain.Info()->iFlags = flags;
   411     aChain.Pack();
   412     }
   414 const TBTDevAddr& RBnepFrame::DestAddr () const
   415     {
   416     LOG_FUNC
   417     return iDestAddr; 
   418     }
   420 RBnepFrame::TDestAddrType RBnepFrame::DestinationType () const
   421     {
   422     /**
   423        Return the type of destination for the frame (local, multicast address,
   424        or a specified machine).
   425        @internalComponent
   426     */
   427     LOG_FUNC
   428     if (TBTDevAddr(0) == iDestAddr) 
   429         {
   430         return ELocal;
   431         }
   432     if (BnepUtils::IsMulticast(iDestAddr)) 
   433         {
   434         return EMulticast;
   435         }
   436     return ENormal; 
   437     }
   439 TBool RBnepFrame::Includes (TPacketContents aContent) const
   440     {
   441     /**
   442        Accessor function for contents of packet.
   443        @param aContent The type of content to check for.
   444        @internalComponent
   445     */
   446     LOG_FUNC
   447     return (iPacketContents & static_cast<TUint8>(aContent));
   448     }
   450 void RBnepFrame::InsertControl (RBnepControl* aCommand)
   451     {
   452     /**
   453        Inserts and takes ownership of a BNEP command.
   454        @param aCommand The command to insert into the frame.  The method takes
   455        ownership of the object, which should be heap based.
   456        @internalComponent
   457     */
   458     LOG_FUNC
   459     //iCommandQueue.AddLast(*aCommand);
   460     iCommandQueue.AddLast(*aCommand);
   461     SetContents(EControl); 
   462     }
   464 TBnepPacketType RBnepFrame::ParseBnepFrameL (RMBufChain& aInboundChain, const TBTDevAddr& aLocalAddr, const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr)
   465     {
   466     /**
   467        Parse a supplied BNEP frame.
   468        Parses the provided BNEP frame, separating data and control messages and
   469        resolving any source and destination addresses.
   470        @param aInboundChain The frame received from the remote device
   471        @param aLocalAddr The address of the bridge (the local PAN node and possible
   472        destination of the packet)
   473        @param aRemoteAddr The address of the remote PAN node (the possible source
   474        of the packet)
   475        @internalComponent
   476     */
   477     LOG_FUNC
   478     if(aInboundChain.Length() < 1)
   479         {
   480         User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
   481         }
   482     Reset();
   483     // Extract the packet type and the Extension bit.
   484     TBnepPacketType type = static_cast<TBnepPacketType>(aInboundChain.First()->Ptr()[0]);
   485     aInboundChain.TrimStart(sizeof(TUint8));
   486     // Test the extension bit
   487     TBool ebit = type & KEBit;
   488     // Discard the extension bit
   489     type = static_cast<TBnepPacketType>(type & (~KEBit));
   490     LOG1(_L8("Type 0x%02x"),type);
   491     LOG1(_L8("Ebit 0x%02x"),ebit);
   492     // Based on the packet type, determine whether to extract addresses
   493     TBool dest = EFalse;
   494     TBool src = EFalse;
   495     switch (type)
   496         {
   497         case EBnepGeneralEthernet:
   498             // General ethernet -- both source and destination present
   499             LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepGeneralEthernet"));
   500             SetContents(EDataFrame);
   501             dest = ETrue;
   502             src = ETrue;
   503             break;
   505         case EBnepControl:
   506             // Control -- no addresses present (or any data)
   507             LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepControl"));
   508             break;
   510         case EBnepCompressedEthernetDestOnly:
   511             // Comressed destination only -- only destination present
   512             LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepCompressedEthernetDestOnly"));
   513             SetContents(EDataFrame);
   514             dest = ETrue;
   515             break;
   517         case EBnepCompressedEthernetSourceOnly:
   518             // Compressed source only -- only source present
   519             LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepCompressedEthernetSourceOnly"));
   520             SetContents(EDataFrame);
   521             src = ETrue;
   522             break;
   524         case EBnepCompressedEthernet:
   525             // Compressed -- no addresses present
   526             LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepCompressedEthernet"));
   527             SetContents(EDataFrame);
   528             break;
   530         default:
   531             // Unknown packet type
   532             LOG(_L8("RBnepFrame[%x]: Type = Unknown"));
   533             User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);   
   534             break;
   535         }
   537     if (iPacketContents & EDataFrame) // Data present
   538         {
   539         if (dest)
   540             {
   541             TrimBTAddrL(aInboundChain, iDestAddr);	// Address in packet, extract
   542             LOG_BT(_L8("Extracted destination address %S"), iDestAddr);
   543             }
   544         else
   545             {
   546             iDestAddr = aLocalAddr;					// No address in packet, assume.
   547             LOG_BT(_L8("Defaulting destination to %S"), iDestAddr);
   548             }
   549         if (src)
   550             {
   551             TrimBTAddrL(aInboundChain, iSrcAddr);	// Address in packet, extract
   552             LOG_BT(_L8("Extracted source address %S"), iSrcAddr);
   553             }
   554         else
   555             {
   556             iSrcAddr = aRemoteAddr;					// No address in packet, assume.
   557             LOG_BT(_L8("Defaulting source address to %S"), iSrcAddr);
   558             }
   559         // Extract protocol
   560         TrimUint16L(aInboundChain, iProtocol);
   561 		if(iProtocol == KQTag)
   562 			{
   563 			SetContents(EHas1Q);
   564 			}
   565         LOG1(_L8("Extracted protocol %04x"), iProtocol);
   566         }
   568     ParseL(aInboundChain, type, ebit);
   570     if(EBnepControl != type)
   571         {
   572         // Extract data from the incoming frame that might (depending on any filters
   573         // need to be forwarded.
   574         iFramePayload.Assign(aInboundChain);
   575         LOG1(_L8("Extracted %d bytes of payload data"), iFramePayload.Length());
   576         }
   577     return type;
   578     }
   580 void RBnepFrame::ParseEthernetFrameL (RMBufChain& aFrame)
   581     {
   582     /**
   583        Parse an ethernet frame.
   584        @param aFrame The ethernet frame received from the higher
   585        networking layers.
   586        @internalComponent
   587     */
   588     LOG_FUNC
   589     Reset();
   590     // Extract the source and destination addresses.
   591     TrimBTAddrL(aFrame, iDestAddr);
   592     TrimBTAddrL(aFrame, iSrcAddr);
   593     LOG_BT(_L8("Extracted destination address %S"),iDestAddr);
   594     LOG_BT(_L8("Extracted source address %S"),iSrcAddr);
   596     // Pull out protocol, and, if present, 802.1Q data
   597     TrimUint16L(aFrame, iProtocol);
   598     LOG1(_L8("Extracted protocol (or type) %04x"), iProtocol);
   600     if (iProtocol <= K802_3MaxLength)
   601     	{
   602     	// 'Protocol' field is overloaded.  In 802.3, it actually contains the payload
   603     	// length.  We can therefore use this field to detect an 802.3 format packet,
   604     	// and behave accordingly.  Payload type numbers are guaranteed to be greater
   605     	// than available packet lengths (by design, in order to allow this distinction.)
   607     	// 802.3 requires additional headers to carry the required data.  Most of this
   608     	// is essentially constant, especially as we only ever parse ethernet frames
   609     	// provided by the Symbian NIF.
   610     	//
   611     	// Expected values:
   612     	//  LLC
   613     	//  DSAP:    aa
   614     	//  SSAP:    aa
   615     	//  Control: 03
   616     	//
   617     	//  SNAP
   618     	//  OUI:     00 00 00
   619     	//  Type:    varies
   620     	//
   621     	// We can therefore trim the next six bytes of the supplied data, then extract
   622     	// the protocol type.  If we were really keen, we could try to verify that the
   623     	// trimmed bytes are as expected.
   625     	aFrame.TrimStart(6);
   626 		TrimUint16L(aFrame, iProtocol);
   627 		}
   629     if (KQTag == iProtocol)
   630         {
   631         SetContents(EHas1Q);
   633 	    TBuf8<KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength> protocolBuf;
   634 		protocolBuf.SetMax();
   635 		if(aFrame.Length() < KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength)
   636 			{
   637 			aFrame.Free();
   638 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   639 			}
   640     	aFrame.CopyOut(protocolBuf, KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength);
   641 		iProtocol = static_cast<TUint16>((protocolBuf[0] << 8) + protocolBuf[1]);
   643         LOG1(_L8("Found 802.1Q header, real protocol %04x"), iProtocol);
   644         }
   646     // Extract frame payload
   647     SetContents(EDataFrame);
   648     iFramePayload.Assign(aFrame);
   649     LOG1(_L8("Extracted %d bytes of payload data"), iFramePayload.Length());
   650     aFrame.Free();
   651     }
   653 void RBnepFrame::Reset ()
   654     {
   655     /**
   656        Reset a BNEP frame.
   657        The object can be allowed to go out of scope only after a call to this
   658        function.  Note also that some data fields will still contain data after
   659        this function returns, so the object should either be destroyed or
   660        re-initialised based on another data frame.
   661        @internalComponent
   662     */
   663     LOG_FUNC
   664     // Reset contents flag
   665     iPacketContents = 0;
   666     // Free any payload data
   667     iFramePayload.Free();
   668     // Remove, free and delete all commands
   669     while(!iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
   670         {    
   671         RBnepControl* element = iCommandQueue.First();
   672         iCommandQueue.Remove(*element);
   673         element->Free();
   674         delete element;
   675         }
   677 	// By default remote devices are not permitted to use the uplink
   678 	iUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink = EFalse;
   679     }
   681 const TBTDevAddr& RBnepFrame::SrcAddr () const
   682     {
   683     LOG_FUNC
   684     return iSrcAddr; 
   685     }
   687 void RBnepFrame::TrimBTAddrL (RMBufChain& aChain, TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
   688     {
   689     /**
   690        Populate a Bluetooth address from the front of an MBufChain.
   691        Extract the bluetooth address and remove it from the MBufChain.
   692        @param aChain The MBufChain starting with a Bluetooth address.
   693        @param aAddr The Bluetooth address to populate.
   694        @internalComponent
   695     */
   696     LOG_FUNC
   697     TPtr8 ptr = aAddr.Des();
   698     if (aChain.Length() < KBTDevAddrSize)
   699         {
   700         User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   701         }
   702     aChain.CopyOut(ptr);
   703     aChain.TrimStart(KBTDevAddrSize);
   704     }
   706 void RBnepFrame::TrimUint16L (RMBufChain& aChain, TUint16& aInt)
   707     {
   708     /**
   709        Read a TUint16 from an MBufChain.
   710        Reads and removes a TUint16 from the front of an MBufChain.
   711        @param aChain The MBufChain starting with a TUint16.
   712        @param aInt The TUint16 to populate.
   713        @internalComponent
   714     */
   715     LOG_FUNC
   716     if (aChain.Length() < static_cast<TInt>(sizeof(TUint16)))
   717         {
   718         User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   719         }
   720     TBuf8<sizeof(TUint16)> buf;
   721 	buf.SetLength(sizeof(TUint16));
   722 	aChain.CopyOut(buf);
   723     // To handle endian issues, copy int out bytewise
   724     aInt = BigEndian::Get16(buf.Ptr());
   725     aChain.TrimStart(sizeof(TUint16));
   726     }
   728 void RBnepFrame::ParseL(RMBufChain& aInboundChain, TBnepPacketType aType, TBool aExt)
   729     {
   730     /**
   731        This method does all the donkey work sorting out the controls and possible extensions on the packet.
   732        @param aInboundChain the rest of the packet
   733        @param aType the calling method needs to know the packet type when it calls this method
   734        @param aExt the calling method needs to know about the existence of extensions when it calls this method.
   735        @internalComponent
   736     */
   737     LOG_FUNC
   738     TInt offset = 0;
   739     TInt length =0; 	
   741     if(aType == EBnepControl)
   742         {
   743         LOG(_L8("A control"));
   744         if(aExt)
   745             {
   746             LOG(_L8("With extensions"));
   747             // This is a control packet with extensions.
   748             // We're going to have to apply a little bit of intelligence to this one,
   749             // because the spec is a bit unhelpful here (like - how long is the 
   750             // control part of the message supposed to be BEFORE we start 
   751             // pulling out the extension headers?)
   752             TUint8 uuidSize;
   753             TUint16 maListLength;
   754             TUint16 ntListLength;
   755             TBnepControlType type = static_cast<TBnepControlType>(aInboundChain.First()->Ptr()[0]);
   756             LOG1(_L8("TBnepControlType = 0x%02x"), type);	
   757             switch (type)
   758                 {
   759                 case EBnepControlCommandNotUnderstood:
   760                     LOG(_L8("EBnepControlCommandNotUnderstood"));
   761                     length = 2*sizeof(TUint8); // Control type byte + 1 byte response message
   762                     ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   763                     break;
   765                 case EBnepSetupConnectionRequestMessage: 
   766                     LOG(_L8("EBnepSetupConnectionRequestMessage"));
   767                     uuidSize = aInboundChain.First()->Ptr()[1];
   768                     length = 2*sizeof(TUint8) + 2*uuidSize; // Control type byte + UUIDsize byte + 2 UUIDs
   769                     // Note, this NOT where we check that UUIDSize is within bounds. That is done later.
   770                     ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   771                     break;
   773                 case EBnepSetupConnectionResponseMessage:
   774                     LOG(_L8("EBnepSetupConnectionResponseMessage"));
   775                     length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16); // Control type byte + 2 byte response message
   776                     ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   777                     break;
   779                 case EBnepFilterNetTypeSetMsg:
   780                     LOG(_L8("EBnepFilterNetTypeSetMsg"));
   781                     ntListLength = BigEndian::Get16(aInboundChain.First()->Ptr() + 1);
   782                     length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16) + ntListLength; // control type byte + length word + list of filters
   783                     ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   784                     break;
   786                 case EBnepFilterNetTypeResponse:
   787                     LOG(_L8("EBnepFilterNetTypeResponse"));
   788                     length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16); // Control type byte + 2 byte response message
   789                     ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   790                     break;
   792                 case EBnepFilterMultiAddrSetMsg:
   793                     LOG(_L8("EBnepFilterMultiAddrSetMsg"));
   794                     maListLength = BigEndian::Get16(aInboundChain.First()->Ptr() + 1);
   795                     length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16) + maListLength; // control type byte + length word + list of filters
   796                     ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   797                     break;
   799                 case EBnepFilterMultiAddrResponseMsg:
   800                     LOG(_L8("EBnepFilterMultiAddrResponseMsg"));
   801                     length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16); // Control type byte + 2 byte response message
   802                     ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   803                     break;
   805                 default: // We don't really want to execute this bit of code ever.
   806                     LOG(_L8("Unknown control type - leaving!"));
   807                     User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   808                 }
   809             }
   810         else
   811             {
   812             // This one's quite simple because we know that the packet contains a 
   813             // control and only a control. So the format is pretty simple to stash 
   814             // as a command for future processing.
   815             LOG(_L8("Without extensions"));
   816             length = aInboundChain.Length();
   817             ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   818             }
   819         }
   821     if(aExt)
   822         {
   823 		// Extension headers are present.
   824         LOG(_L8("Extensions embedded"));
   826         offset = ParseExtensionL(aInboundChain);
   827         }
   829 	// If the packet includes IEEE 802.1Q info then the real protocol field must be
   830 	// extracted and stored for filtering purposes.
   831     if(Includes(EHas1Q))
   832     	{
   833 		offset+=KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength;
   834     	// Store the extra protcol information.
   835 		if((offset + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength) > aInboundChain.Length())
   836 			{
   837 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   838 			}
   840 	    TBuf8<KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength> protocolBuf;
   841 		protocolBuf.SetMax();
   843     	aInboundChain.CopyOut(protocolBuf, offset);
   845 		iProtocol = static_cast<TUint16>((protocolBuf[0] << 8) + protocolBuf[1]);
   846     	}	
   847     }
   849 TInt RBnepFrame::ParseExtensionL(RMBufChain& aInboundChain)
   850     {
   851     /**
   852        Helper method to extract control extension headers from a packet.
   853        Non-Control extension headers will remain in the inbound chain
   854        @param aInboundChain the rest of the packet
   855        @internalComponent
   856     */
   857     LOG_FUNC
   858     TUint16 offset = 0;
   859     TUint16 lastExtensionHeaderOffset = 0;
   860     TBool ebit = ETrue;
   861 	TBool removeExtensions = EFalse;
   863     TBuf8<KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes> buf;
   864 	buf.SetMax();
   866     // Used to verify that the extensions are in assending order.
   867     TBnepExtensionType lastExtensionType = EBnepExtensionControl;
   869     while(ebit)
   870         {
   871         // Extension headers are 2 bytes long.
   872         if((offset + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes) > aInboundChain.Length())
   873             {	
   874             User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   875             }
   877     	aInboundChain.CopyOut(buf, offset);
   879         // Extract the extension header type and e-bit.
   880         TBnepExtensionType type = static_cast<TBnepExtensionType>(buf[0]);
   881 		ebit = type & KEBit;
   882         type = static_cast<TBnepExtensionType>(type & (~KEBit));
   884 		if(type < lastExtensionType)
   885 			{
   886 			// Extensions are not in assending order.  Remove all subsequent
   887 			// extensions from the packet.
   888 			if(!removeExtensions)
   889 				{
   890 				// The previous extension header bit must be set to zero
   891 				removeExtensions = ETrue;
   892 				TBuf8<KSizeOfBnepExtensionType> exTypeBuf;
   893 				exTypeBuf.SetMax();
   894 				aInboundChain.CopyOut(exTypeBuf, lastExtensionHeaderOffset);
   895 				exTypeBuf[0] &= ~KEBit;
   896 				aInboundChain.CopyIn(exTypeBuf, lastExtensionHeaderOffset);
   897 				}
   898 			}
   900 		lastExtensionType = type;	
   902         // Extract the length of this extension header
   903         TUint8 length = buf[1];
   905         LOG4(_L8("Found extension header, type %02x, ebit %02x, length %d, offset %d"),
   906     			      type, ebit, length, offset);
   908         if((length + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes) > (aInboundChain.Length() - offset))
   909             {	
   910             User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   911             }
   913 		if(type == EBnepExtensionControl && !removeExtensions)
   914 			{
   915 			// Remove the BNEP extension control header (i.e., [ebit]0x00, Length). 
   916 			aInboundChain.TrimStart(KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
   918 			// Control extention headers need to be extracted.
   919 			ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
   920 			}
   921 		else
   922 			{
   923 			if(!removeExtensions)
   924 				{
   925 				// If the extension has not been removed adjust the offset.
   926 				lastExtensionHeaderOffset = offset;
   927 				offset += (length + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
   929 				// Note that an extension header is present in the payload.
   930 				SetContents(EExtensionHeaders);
   931 				}
   932 			else
   933 				{
   934 				// Remove the extension.
   935 				RMBufChain tempBuf;
   936 				// Split the buffer so that aInboundChain includes everything before
   937 				// the extension to be removed and tempBuf includes everything after
   938 				// including the extension to be removed.
   939 				aInboundChain.SplitL(offset, tempBuf);
   941 				// Remove the extension from tempBuf.
   942 				tempBuf.TrimStart(length + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
   944 				// Re-join the two buffers
   945 				aInboundChain.Append(tempBuf);
   946 				}
   947 			}
   948         }
   950 	return offset;
   951     }
   953 void RBnepFrame::ExtractControlL(RMBufChain& aInboundChain, TInt aLength)
   954     {
   955     /**
   956        Helper method to extract the control portion of a packet.
   957        @param aInboundChain the rest of the packet.
   958        @param aLength the size of the control portion to be extracted.
   959        @internalComponent
   960     */
   961     LOG_FUNC
   962     LOG1(_L8("Extraction length = %d bytes"),aLength);
   963     if(0 == aLength)	
   964         {
   965         LOG(_L8("Zero length buffer - leaving!"));
   966         User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   967         }
   968     if(aLength > aInboundChain.Length())
   969         {
   970         LOG(_L8("Corrupted buffer - leaving!"));
   971         User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   972         }
   973     RBnepControl* command = new(ELeave) RBnepControl();
   974     CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(doResetControl, command));
   975     // MBuf SplitL is a bit awkward here, as it splits off the end of the chain
   976     // into the supplied parameter.  So move the MBuf data to all be with the
   977     // command MBufChain, then split back into the original MBufChain.
   978     command->Assign(aInboundChain);
   979     command->SplitL(aLength,aInboundChain);
   980     CleanupStack::Pop(command);
   981     LOG1(_L8("Storing new command 0x%08x in queue"),command);
   982     iCommandQueue.AddLast(*command);
   983     SetContents(EControl);
   984     }
   986 void RBnepFrame::ExecuteControl (MLinkManager& aController)
   987     {
   988     /**
   989        Helper method that pushes the controls in the queue up to the controller for handling 
   990        and response.
   991        @param aController The controller object to pass the control messages to.
   992        @internalComponent
   993     */
   994     LOG_FUNC
   995     while(!iCommandQueue.IsEmpty() &&
   996           !aController.AwaitingResponse())
   997         {    
   998         RBnepControl* element = iCommandQueue.First();
   999         iCommandQueue.Remove(*element);
  1000         LOG(_L8("Passing command up to controller"));
  1001         // The controller will now own the control and will become responsible for its memory management
  1002         aController.Execute(element); 
  1003         }
  1005     // If we reached the end, then show that the packet no longer contains control extensions.
  1006     if (iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
  1007     	{
  1008     	iPacketContents &= ~EControl;
  1009     	}
  1010     }
  1013 TInt RBnepFrame::PayloadLength() const
  1014 	{
  1015 	return iFramePayload.Length();
  1016 	}
  1018 void RBnepFrame::SetUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink(TBool aUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink)
  1019 	{
  1020 	iUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink = aUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink;
  1021 	}