changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <relnotes name="Bluetooth Manager">
     3   <purpose>
     4     APIs to provide access to the Bluetooth protocols and profiles
     5   </purpose>
     7   <defect number="DEF140421" title="[upf33] Notification in wrong thread in AVCTPServices " revision="048">
     8     Fixed to allow notifications to be managed in the right thread. 
     9   </defect>
    11   <defect number="PDEF139836" title=".esk and .cmi files do not have header" revision="047">
    12     Added copyright headers
    13   </defect>
    15   <defect number="DEF135093" title="PREQ1760 Outstanding changes on L2CAP " revision="046">
    16     Some L2CAP work was outstanding post-PREQ1760 submission.
    17   </defect>
    19   <defect number="DEF136966" title="CBluetoothSocket in Accepting state will panic when Shutdown() is called" revision="045">
    20      Check for both iBTAccepter and iBTConnecter to be null and then immediately return KErrNone in case this condition is true.
    21   </defect>
    23   <defect number="DEF130747" title="[Coverity]-EVALUATION_ORDER,MISSING_BREAK,USE_AFTER_FREE -bluetooth/latest " revision="044">
    24      Fix Coverity issues.
    25   </defect>
    27   <defect number="DEF138865" title="[System Build]: Missing header btsecmanclient.h in MSF00043 vtb92sf" revision="043">
    28      Replaced btsecmanclient.h include with btmanclient.h in bt_sock.h
    29   </defect>
    31   <defect number="PDEF133811" title="Pointer used without initialization" revision="042">
    32      Avoid random panics by Initialising the 'iRequest' pointer to NULL at construction.
    33   </defect>
    35   <defect number="PDEF132430" title="[Lisbon] RBluetoothAuthenticationResult and RBluetoothPairingResult, same API?" revision="041">
    36      This is a COMMENTS ONLY change.
    37      Added clarification to source code documentation for RBluetoothPairingResult and RBluetoothAuthenticationResult (btlib/pairing.cpp and inc/pairing.h).
    38   </defect>
    40   <defect number="PDEF130811" title="LC_Fute: Data transfer too slow" revision="040">
    41       Take Rfcomm max frame size into account when calculating optimal MTU value. Also improved basic mode optimisation.
    42   </defect>
    44   <defect number="DEF129482" title="Doxygen for RAvctp::SendMessage gives incorrect error code " revision="039">
    45     Updated the return err code from KErrNotReady to KErrInUse.
    46   </defect>
    48   <defect number="DEF129097" title="AVCTP disconnect indication incorrect" revision="038">
    49     Make check for connection correct before sending disconnect indication to AVCTP services client
    50   </defect>
    52   <defect number="DEF126576" title="SMP: migrate btuser to Bluetooth logger" revision="037">
    53     Change logging to use standard Bluetooth logger.
    54   </defect>
    56   <defect number="DEF124706" title="Remaining EIR review comments and features" revision="036">
    57     CEirManager now won't be created unless EIR is supported by the hardware.
    58   </defect>
    60   <defect number="DEF128204" title="errors in IM tagging in shortlink" revision="035">
    61     Correct the IM tagging.
    62   </defect>
    64   <deliverystep number="1223" name="Bluetooth Core v2.1 Mandatory Features" osproject="Sphinx" revision="034">
    65     <preq number="1296" title="Bluetooth Core v2.1 Mandatory Features"/>
    66   </deliverystep>
    67   <milestone project="GT0368" number="3.8"/>
    69   <defect number="DEF124838" title="Service Class UUID retrieval always reports an error (even with UUIDs unavailable)" revision="033">
    70     Logic corrected in TBluetoothNameRecordWrapper::GetDeviceName.
    71   </defect>
    73   <defect number="DEF124791" title="GetCompleteness returns a enum which is internalTechnology" revision="032">
    74     TBool now used.
    75   </defect>
    77   <defect number="DEF121637" title="RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter::Open should take a const TBTDevAddr" revision="031">
    78     const added to TBTDevAddr in function Open(RSocketServ aSocketServ, const TBTDevAddr aBDAddr).
    79   </defect>
    81   <deliverystep number="659" name="Bluetooth Core v2.1 Mandatory Features" osproject="Sphinx" revision="030">
    82     <preq number="1296" title="Bluetooth Core v2.1 Mandatory Features"/>
    83   </deliverystep>
    84   <deliverystep number="658" name="Bluetooth Core v2.1 Mandatory Features" osproject="Sphinx">
    85     <preq number="1296" title="Bluetooth Core v2.1 Mandatory Features"/>
    86   </deliverystep>
    87   <milestone project="GT0368" number="3.6"/>
    89   <defect number="DEF122415" title="TBluetoothAudioCodecType has NonA2DP codec value as 0x04" revision="029">
    90     Change EAudioCodecNonA2DP from 0x04 to 0xFF.
    91   </defect>
    93   <defect number="DEF123199" title="TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability::Parse not exported" revision="028">
    94     TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability::Parse is exported.
    95   </defect>
    97   <defect number="DEF122896" title="TBTNamelessDevice::CompareTo fails to compare passkeys correctly" revision="027">
    98     Add a new == operator for TPINCodeV10 class to handle the passkey comparison.
    99   </defect> 
   101   <defect number="DEF119969" title="APIREG:API SetCapability(EServiceCategoryNull) set invalid value" revision="026">
   102     EServiceCategoryNull is now handled correctly.
   103   </defect>
   105   <defect number="DEF121216" title="TBTDevAddr::operator(less than)=(const TBTDevAddr aAddr) not comparing correctly" revision="025">
   106     Rewrote TBTDevAddr::operator(less than)=()
   107   </defect>
   109   <defect number="DEF120103" title="APIREG:TAvdtpSockAddr::SEID() return error value in some situation" revision="024">
   110     Added code to clear local bit in TAvdtpSockAddr::SetSEID(TSEID aSEID) when remote address is set
   111   </defect>
   113   <defect number="DEF119967 " title="APIREG: TAvdtpServiceCategories::CapabilityPresent() return value error" revision="023">
   114     TAvdtpServiceCategories::CapabilityPresent()now returns a TBool
   115   </defect>
   117   <defect number="PDEF119945" title="Configuring L2CAP MTU for optimum performance " revision="022">
   118     MTU size requested by peer device can now be set.
   119   </defect>
   121   <defect number="DEF119762" title="APIREG: Link errors when using some APIs of TAvdtpMediaCodecCapabilities" revision="021">
   122     Removed 4 unimplemented TAvdtpMediaCodecCapabilities member functions from bluetoothav.h.
   123   </defect>
   125   <defect number="PDEF120526" title="bt_subscribe_sec.h doesn't contain @capability tags." revision="020">
   126     Key capabilities described in bt_subscribe_sec.h.
   127   </defect>
   129   <defect number="DEF115695" title="Remove building of hci_v1 from >=v9.5..." revision="019">
   130     Bluetooth bld.inf files modified, and header files removed to exclude HCI v1 building from v9.5 onwards
   131   </defect>
   133   <defect number="DEF113647" title="No documentation for functions in TInquirySockAddr" revision="018">
   134     Updates to CBluetooth socket and acceptor for performance improvements from MTU negotiations.
   135   </defect>
   137   <defect number="DEF113647" title="No documentation for functions in TInquirySockAddr" revision="017">
   138     Added description for the functions in TInquirySockAddr.    
   139   </defect>
   141   <defect number="DEF114290" title="TUUID::FixedLengthL has the wrong comparison operator" revision="016">
   142     New method TUUID::SpecifiedLengthL introduced to provide the right functionality (TUUID::FixedLengthL is deprecated)
   143   </defect>
   145   <defect number="PDEF114277" title="LIBmm40820 APR: Esock_bt data abort in :~CHCICommandItem" revision="015">
   146     Added additional code to suggested areas to help identify any overflows.
   147   </defect>
   149   <defect number="PDEF110808" title="A (currently closed) remote DoS attack vector needs commenting" revision="014">
   150     This is a COMMENTS ONLY change.    
   151   </defect>
   153   <defect number="DEF108240" title="avdtptypes.cpp requires fuller doxygen commenting" revision="013">
   154     Doxygen comments clarified for avdtptypes.cpp.
   155   </defect>
   157   <defect number="DEF109694" title="APIREG:EAllLowPowerModes is undefined in epoc source" revision="012">
   158     In-source documentation references to EAllLowPowerModes have been corrected to EAnyLowPowerMode.
   159   </defect>
   161   <defect number="DEF106363" title="TSEID::TSEID(TUint) has ambiguous IM access tags" revision="011">
   162     TSEID::TSEID(TUint) has ambiguous IM access tags. @InternalTechnology selected.
   163   </defect>
   165   <defect number="PDEF107847" title="32 codenomicon A2DP tests: Incoming avdtp set configuration sc multiplexing losc" revision="010">
   166     Fix to take account of the current index when checking the LOSC against the length of CapabilityPDUDomain
   167   </defect>
   169   <defect number="DEF107643" title="codenomicon A2DP test case 1268 causes &quot;SBCConfigPanic:0&quot;" revision="009">
   170     codenomicon A2DP test case 1268 causes "SBCConfigPanic:0"
   171   </defect>
   173   <defect number="DEF103244" title="Minor incorrect documentation in CAvctpBody and CAvctpSender." revision="008">
   174     Update the documentation for the error values returned by CAvctpBody::SendMessage() and CAvctpSender::SendMessage().
   175   </defect>
   177   <defect number="PDEF107266" title="Problems setting SCO and eSCO connections" revision="007">
   178     Problems setting SCO and eSCO connections
   179   </defect>
   181   <defect number="PDEF105721" title="Disconnecting from HF device sometimes results in USER 130 panic" revision="006">
   182     CBTBasebandManager::UnRegisterBTBaseband() now returns an error instead of panicking
   183   </defect>
   185   <defect number="DEF104806" title="BT stack sends LPM Park request after starting disconnecting link" revision="005">
   186     Cancelling all low power mode requesters before shutting down Bluetooth socket.
   187   </defect>
   189   <defect number="DEF103682" title="APIREG: RBluetoothPowerSwitch has no definition" revision="004">
   190     Changed API specification of RBluetoothPowerSwitch from @release to @deprecated.
   191   </defect>
   193   <defect number="DEF101319" title="Filename case check failures in source build and test" revision="003">
   194     Corrected filenames to enable building of Symbian OS in Linux
   195   </defect>
   197   <defect number="PDEF100405" title="Exception in CBluetoothSocket::HandleReceiveCompleteL when object was deleted..." revision="002">
   198     Change to prevent program from panicking when MBluetoothSocketNotifier in its callback function HandleReceiveCompleteL deletes calling CBluetoothSocket object.
   199   </defect>
   201   <defect number="PDEF099901" title="AFH channel assesment mode cannot be switched on dynamically" revision="001">
   202 	 Allow "AFH Channel Assessment" to be switched off (and back on again).
   203   </defect>
   204 </relnotes>