changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 8 2b6718f05bdb
child 17 907b2fb7aa8e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // This does the main work on behalf of the subsessions of liasing with DBMS
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "BTRegistryDB.h"
    19 #include "btmanserverutil.h"
    20 #include <utf.h>
    21 #include <bluetooth/logger.h>
    22 #include <bafl/sysutil.h>
    24 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    26 #endif
    28 #ifdef _DEBUG
    29 PANICCATEGORY("btregdb");
    30 #endif
    33 void Panic(TBTRegistryDBPanic aPanic)
    34 	{
    36 	_LIT(KRegistryDBPanicName, "BT RegistryDB Panic");
    37 	User::Panic(KRegistryDBPanicName, aPanic);
    38 	}
    39 //
    41 CBTRegistry::CBTRegistry()
    42 	{
    43 	LOG_FUNC
    44 	}
    46 CBTRegistry::~CBTRegistry()
    47 	{
    48 	LOG_FUNC
    49 	iDB.Close();
    50 	iDBMSServer.Close();
    51 	}
    53 CBTRegistry* CBTRegistry::NewL()
    54 	{
    56 	CBTRegistry* self = new (ELeave) CBTRegistry;
    57 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    58 	self->ConstructL();
    59 #ifdef _DEBUG
    60 	CleanupStack::Check(self);
    61 #endif
    62 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    63 	return self;
    64 	}
    66 void CBTRegistry::ConstructL()
    67 	{
    68 	LOG_FUNC
    69 	// we use a DBMS Server session as multiple clients may
    70 	// be updating their views concurrently.  Without this
    71 	// DBMS would (rightly) panic a rowset already in update
    72 	User::LeaveIfError(iDBMSServer.Connect());
    73 	OpenRegistryL();
    74 	}
    76 void CBTRegistry::OpenRegistryL()
    77 /**
    78 	Open the Registry DB.
    79 	If it doesn't exist, attempt to create the necessary path,file and DB
    80 **/
    81 	{
    82 	LOG_FUNC
    83 	const static TInt KMaxTries=4;
    84 	TInt err;
    85 	TInt loopCount=0;
    88 	//	In secure EKA2 DBMS land, registry DB is created in DBMS data cage
    89 	do
    90 		{
    91 		err=iDB.Open(iDBMSServer, TBTRegistryDatabaseSecure()(), KBTRegistryDatabaseSecurePolicy());
    93 		if(err == KErrNotFound)
    94 			{
    95 			CreateRegistryL();
    96 			}
    97 		else if (err != KErrNone)
    98 			{
    99 			// If we get here the BT registry file must be corrupt. 
   100 			// Delete the file and go round the while loop once more.
   101 			DeleteCorruptRegistryL();
   102 			}
   103 		else
   104 			{
   105 			TRAP(err,ValidateMetaTableL()); // make sure it's ok version etc.
   106 			if(err==KErrNone)
   107 				{
   108 				TRAP(err,ValidatePersistTableL()); // make sure it's been properly written to
   109 				}
   110 			if (err!=KErrNone)
   111 				{
   112 				// Either the Meta Table validate failed or the Persist Table validate failed.
   113 				// Delete the file and go round the while loop once more.
   114 				DeleteCorruptRegistryL();
   115 				}
   116 			}	
   117 		loopCount++;
   118 		} while (err!=KErrNone && loopCount<KMaxTries);
   120 	if(err != KErrNone)
   121 		{
   122 		User::Leave(KErrAbort);		// give up gracefully
   123 		}
   125 	// Purge any SSP debug link keys left over from a previous SSP debug session
   126 	PurgeDebugLinkKeysL();
   128 	(void)iDB.Compact();	// compact now
   129 	// ready!
   130 	}
   134 RDbTable* CBTRegistry::OpenTableL(const TDesC& aTable)
   135 /**
   136 	Find tables of a given name
   137 	@param	aTable	Name of table to open
   138 	@return table and ownership
   139 **/
   140 	{
   141 	LOG_FUNC
   142 	RDbTable* table = new (ELeave) RDbTable;
   143 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(table);
   145 	TInt err;
   147 	err = table->Open(iDB, aTable);
   148 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
   150 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // table
   152 	return table;
   153 	}
   155 RDbTable* CBTRegistry::OpenPersistTableL()
   156 /**
   157 	Find the persist table (local device settings)
   158 	and return it and ownership
   160 	@return ownership of table
   161 **/
   162 	{
   163 	LOG_FUNC
   164 	return OpenTableL(KPersistTable);
   165 	}
   167 RDbTable* CBTRegistry::OpenDeviceTableL()
   168 /**
   169 	Find the remote device table
   170 	@return table and ownership
   171 **/
   172 	{
   173 	LOG_FUNC
   174 	return OpenTableL(KDeviceTable);
   175 	}
   177 RDbTable* CBTRegistry::OpenCSYTableL()
   178 /**
   179 	Find the CSY table
   180 	@return table and ownership
   181 **/
   182 	{
   183 	LOG_FUNC
   184 	return OpenTableL(KCSYTable);
   185 	}
   187 void CBTRegistry::ValidateMetaTableL()
   188 /**
   189 	Go to Meta table and check version numbers etc
   190 **/
   191 	{
   192 	LOG_FUNC
   193 	RDbTable* table = OpenTableL(KMetaTable);
   194 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(table);
   196 	// get the processSID
   197 	TBool success = table->FirstL();
   198 	if (!success)
   199 		{
   200 		LOG(_L("BT Registry DB Meta Table CORRUPT!"));
   201 		User::Leave(KErrEof);
   202 		}
   204 	table->GetL();
   207 	//put version checking in when we think about backup server
   208 	TUint major = table->ColUint32(ColumnNoL(KMetaColName_VersionMajor, *table));
   209 	TUint minor = table->ColUint32(ColumnNoL(KMetaColName_VersionMinor, *table));
   210 	LOG(_L("CBTRegistry opened registry DB Meta Table"));
   211 	LOG1(_L("\tMajorVersion: %d"), major); 
   212 	LOG1(_L("\tMinorVersion: %d"), minor); 
   214 	if(KRegistryDBVersionMajor != major || 
   215 			KRegistryDBVersionMinor != minor)
   216 		{
   217 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   218 		}
   220 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(table);
   221 	}
   223 void CBTRegistry::ValidatePersistTableL()
   224 /**
   225 	Go to Persist table and check local device values
   226 **/
   227 	{
   228 	LOG_FUNC
   229 	RDbTable* table = OpenTableL(KPersistTable);
   230 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(table);
   232 	// get the processSID
   233 	TBool success = table->FirstL();
   234 	if (!success)
   235 		{
   236 		LOG(_L("BT Registry DB Local Device Table (Persist Table) CORRUPT!"));
   237 		User::Leave(KErrEof);
   238 		}
   240 	table->GetL();
   242 #ifdef _DEBUG
   243 	// check the Local device configuration (aka Stack Persistance data)
   244 	TPtrC8 addrBuf(table->ColDes8(ColumnNoL(KColName_DeviceAddress, *table)));
   245 	TUint32 CoD = table->ColUint32(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_CoD, *table));
   246 	TUint8 scanEnable = table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_ScanEnable, *table));
   247 	TPtrC8 name = table->ColDes8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_LocalName, *table));
   248 	TUint8 powerSettings = table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_PowerSettings, *table));
   249 	TUint8 limDisc = table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_LimitedDiscoverable, *table));
   250 	TBool afhChannelAssessmentMode = table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_AFHChannelAssessmentMode, *table));
   251 	TBool acceptPairedOnlyMode = table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_AcceptPairedOnlyMode, *table));
   252 	LOG(_L("CBTRegistry opened registry DB Persist Table"));
   253 	LOG6(_L("\tDevice Address (zero is acceptable): %02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x"),
   254 			addrBuf[0],
   255 			addrBuf[1],
   256 			addrBuf[2],
   257 			addrBuf[3],
   258 			addrBuf[4],
   259 			addrBuf[5]
   260 			);
   261 	LOG1(_L("\tCoD: 0x%02x"),CoD);
   262 	LOG1(_L("\tScan Enable: 0x%02x"),scanEnable);
   263 	LOG1(_L8("\tLocal Name: \"%S\""),&name); //name is an 8 bit string
   264 	LOG1(_L("\tPower Settings: 0x%02x"),powerSettings);
   265 	LOG1(_L("\tLimited Discoverable: 0x%02x"),limDisc);
   266 	LOG1(_L("\tAFHChannelAssessmentMode: %d"),afhChannelAssessmentMode);
   267 	LOG1(_L("\tAcceptPairedOnlyMode: %d"),acceptPairedOnlyMode);
   268 #endif
   270 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(table);
   271 	}
   273 void CBTRegistry::CreateRegistryL()
   274 /**
   275 	Creates the Database and Tables we need
   276 **/
   277 	{
   278 	LOG_FUNC
   279 	//	In secure DBMS land, the BT Manager DB is created in DBMS's data cage.
   280 	TInt err = iDB.Create(iDBMSServer, TBTRegistryDatabaseSecure()(), KBTRegistryDatabaseSecurePolicy()); // This leaves iDB in an open state.
   283 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
   285 	SetupDefaultRegistryL();
   287 	// close the database
   288 	iDB.Close();	
   289 	LOG(_L("BT Registry DB Created successfully"));
   290 	}
   292 void CBTRegistry::PurgeDebugLinkKeysL()
   293 /**
   294  	Remove (if present) any SSP debug link keys that may have been created by a previous SSP debug session.
   295 **/
   296 	{
   297 	LOG_FUNC
   298 	RBTDbQuery query;
   299 	CleanupClosePushL(query);
   300 	query.MatchLinkKeyTypeL(ELinkKeyDebug);
   302 	//We dont use the bookmark here, so employ a dummy bookmark.
   303 	TDbBookmark dummy;
   304 	RDbView* view = OpenViewL(query, dummy);
   305 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(view);
   307 	if (!view->IsEmptyL())
   308 		{
   309 		// Debug link keys found in registry, unpair these.
   310 		UnpairViewL(*view);
   311 		}
   313 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &query);	// view and query
   314 	}
   317 void CBTRegistry::CreatePersistTableL()
   318 /**
   319 	Create the table with all that is necessary for storing local device details
   320 **/
   321 	{
   322 	LOG_FUNC
   323 	CDbColSet* theColumns = CDbColSet::NewLC();
   325 	// add in the columns for the Local device configuration (aka Stack Persistance data)
   326 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KColName_DeviceAddress,						EDbColText8));	// Binary not allowed in SQL
   327 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KPersistColName_CoD,						EDbColUint32));
   328 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KPersistColName_ScanEnable,					EDbColUint8));
   329 	// specify the maximum local name length to be KMaxBluetoothNameLen
   330 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KPersistColName_LocalName,					EDbColText8, KMaxBluetoothNameLen));
   331 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KPersistColName_PowerSettings,				EDbColUint8));
   332 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KPersistColName_LimitedDiscoverable,		EDbColBit));
   333 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KPersistColName_AFHChannelAssessmentMode,	EDbColBit));
   334 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KPersistColName_AcceptPairedOnlyMode,		EDbColBit));
   335 	User::LeaveIfError(iDB.CreateTable(KPersistTable, *theColumns));
   337 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(theColumns);
   338 	}
   340 void CBTRegistry::CreateDeviceTableL()
   341 /**
   342 	Create the table with all that is necessary to store details about remote devices
   344 	To provide better CoD searching than the underlying SQL supports
   345 	this table uses >1 column for device class of remote device
   347 	This also allows for future versions of the CoD field in the BT Spec
   348 **/
   349 	{
   350 	LOG_FUNC
   351 	CDbColSet* theColumns = CDbColSet::NewLC();
   353 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KColName_ProcessSID,			EDbColUint32));	//SID of process adding record
   354 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KColName_DeviceAddress,			EDbColText8));	// Binary not allowed in SQL
   355 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_CoD_MajorDev,	EDbColUint32));
   356 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_CoD_MinorDev,	EDbColUint32));
   357 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_CoD_Service,		EDbColUint32));
   358 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_BluetoothName,	EDbColText8, KMaxBluetoothNameLen));	// keep UTF8
   359 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_FriendlyName,	EDbColText16, KMaxBluetoothNameLen));	// possible UNICODE?
   360 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_LinkKey,			EDbColText8));	// Binary not allowed in SQL
   361 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_PassKey,			EDbColText8));	// Binary not allowed in SQL	
   362 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_PageScanMode,	EDbColUint8));
   363 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_PageScanRepMode,	EDbColUint8));
   364 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_PageScanPeriodMode,	EDbColUint8));
   365 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_LastSeen,		EDbColInt64));
   366 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_LastUsed,		EDbColInt64));
   367 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_GlobalSecSecurity,	EDbColUint8));
   368 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_GlobalSecPasskeyLen,	EDbColUint32));
   369 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_LinkKeyType,		EDbColUint8));
   370 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KDeviceColName_UiCookie,		EDbColText8)); // Can only simulate "bit-masked" searching in SQL if stored as text
   372 	User::LeaveIfError(iDB.CreateTable(KDeviceTable, *theColumns));
   374 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(theColumns);
   375 	}
   377 void CBTRegistry::CreateMetaTableL()
   378 /**
   379 	Stores useful information about the database
   380 	Version - useful for attempting to see if we can restore an old db
   381 	Originating process
   382 **/
   383 	{
   384 	LOG_FUNC
   385 	CDbColSet* theColumns = CDbColSet::NewLC();
   387 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KMetaColName_VersionMajor,	EDbColUint32));
   388 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KMetaColName_VersionMinor,	EDbColUint32));
   389 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KColName_ProcessSID,		EDbColUint32));	//SID of process adding record
   391 	User::LeaveIfError(iDB.CreateTable(KMetaTable, *theColumns));
   393 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(theColumns);
   395 	SetMetaDataL();
   396 	}
   398 void CBTRegistry::CreateCSYTableL()
   399 /**
   400 	Create the table with all that is necessary to store details about virtual serial ports
   401 **/
   402 	{
   403 	LOG_FUNC
   404 	CDbColSet* theColumns = CDbColSet::NewLC();
   406 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KColName_ProcessSID,		EDbColUint32));	//SID of process adding record
   407 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KBTCOMMColName_Port,		EDbColUint32));	
   408 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KColName_DeviceAddress,		EDbColText8));	//Device address
   409 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KBTCOMMColName_ServiceUUID,	EDbColText8));	//SDP UUID - 16bytes
   410 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KBTCOMMColName_Security,	EDbColUint8));	//Security
   411 	theColumns->AddL(TDbCol(KBTCOMMColName_ServiceName,	EDbColText));	//ServiceName
   413 	User::LeaveIfError(iDB.CreateTable(KCSYTable, *theColumns));
   415 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(theColumns);
   416 	}
   419 TDbColNo CBTRegistry::ColumnNoL(const TDesC& aColName, const RDbRowSet& aRowSet)
   420 /**
   421 Looks up column names and returns the column number
   423 	@param	aColName the name of the column
   424 	@param	aRowSet	the rowset in which to find the column
   425 	@return the column number with aColName
   426 **/
   427 	{
   428 	LOG_FUNC
   429 	// get the schema from the table - we own this
   430 #ifdef _DEBUG
   431 	CDbColSet* schema = NULL;
   432 	TRAPD(err, schema = aRowSet.ColSetL());
   433 	if(err == KErrNoMemory)
   434 		{
   435 		User::Leave(err);
   436 		}
   437 	//This __ASSERT_DEBUG is here to catch any 'Leaves'
   438 	//in RDbRowSet::ColSetL other than that\those using
   439 	//KErrNoMemory.
   440 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(err == KErrNone, Panic(EBTManColSetError));
   441 #else
   442 	CDbColSet* schema = aRowSet.ColSetL(); // no need to push onto cleanup
   443 #endif
   444 	// get the column number, based on name
   445 	TDbColNo column = schema->ColNo(aColName);
   446 	delete schema;
   447 	return column;
   448 	}
   452 TBool CBTRegistry::DevicePresentL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddress)
   453 /**
   454 	Checks to see if a device is present in the Registry
   455 	@param	aAddress	The key to finding a device
   456 	@return True if Device is present, false if not
   457 **/
   458 	{
   459 	LOG_FUNC
   460 	// form an SQL query for the device with address aAddress
   461 	RBTDbQuery query;
   462 	CleanupClosePushL(query);
   463 	query.FindDeviceL(aAddress);
   465 	TDbBookmark dummy;
   466 	RDbView* view = NULL;
   468 	// open the view with that SQL query
   469 	view = OpenViewL(query, dummy);	// uses a private view...
   470 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(view);
   472 	TInt count = view->CountL();
   474 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(count <= 1, Panic(ETooManyRemoteDeviceEntries));
   476 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &query); // view and query
   477 	return (count!=0);
   478 	}
   480 void CBTRegistry::CreateDeviceL(const CBTDevice& aDetails, TBool aStoreUiCookie, const TSecureId& aClientSID)
   481 /**
   482 	Add a new record into the DB
   484 	@param	aDetails	The new device details to add
   485 	@param	aClientUid	The ID of the process adding the new record
   486 	@leave	KErrCorrupt if device to add is not valid
   487 	@leave	KErrAlreadyExists if device to add is already present
   488 **/
   489 	{
   490 	LOG_FUNC
   491 	if (!aDetails.IsValidBDAddr())
   492 		{
   493 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   494 		}
   496 	if (DevicePresentL(aDetails.BDAddr()))
   497 		{
   498 		User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
   499 		}
   501 	RDbTable* table = OpenDeviceTableL();
   502 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(table);
   504 	table->InsertL();
   505 	table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KColName_DeviceAddress, *table), aDetails.BDAddr().Des());
   507 	table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KColName_ProcessSID, *table), aClientSID);
   509 	// got some initial details; stick them in now...
   510 	SetDeviceL(*table, aDetails, !aStoreUiCookie);	// does the remaining columns
   511 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(table);
   512 	}
   514 void CBTRegistry::UnpairL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet)
   515 /**
   516 	Unpairs a set of devices
   518 	@pre	A rowset constraining the view to a single device
   519 	@param	aRowSet	The set of records to unpair
   520 	@see    DBMS for leave codes
   521 **/
   522 	{
   523 	LOG_FUNC
   524 	aRowSet.UpdateL();
   525 	aRowSet.SetColNullL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LinkKey, aRowSet));
   526 	aRowSet.SetColNullL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PassKey, aRowSet));
   527 	aRowSet.SetColNullL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LinkKeyType, aRowSet));
   529 	CleanPutL(aRowSet);
   530 	}
   532 void CBTRegistry::UnpairViewL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet)
   533 /**
   534 	Unpairs all sets of devices in the supplied rowset
   536 	@pre	A rowset constraining the view 
   537 	@param	aRowSet	The set of records to unpair
   538 	@see    DBMS for leave codes
   539 **/
   540 	{
   541 	LOG_FUNC
   542 	aRowSet.FirstL();
   543 	TInt c = aRowSet.CountL();
   544 	for (TInt i=0; i<c; i++)
   545 		{
   546 		UnpairL(aRowSet);
   547 		aRowSet.NextL();
   548 		}
   549 	}
   551 void CBTRegistry::UpdateDeviceL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet, const CBTDevice& aDetails)
   552 /**
   553 	Given a rowset (from a previous find) and
   554 	mark the rowset for update, and make the changes
   556 	@param	aRowSet	The set of rows to update - typically one row...
   557 **/
   558 	{
   559 	LOG_FUNC
   560 	aRowSet.UpdateL();
   561 	SetDeviceL(aRowSet, aDetails);
   562 	}
   564 void CBTRegistry::UpdateNameL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddress,
   565 							  const TDesC8& aName,
   566 							  TBTManServerRequest aRequest)
   567 /**
   568 	Update the name of a device - either friendly or Bluetooth name
   570 	@param	aAddress    The device to update
   571 	@param  aName	    The new name
   572 	@param  aRequest	Determines the type of name to change
   574 	Could change this so subsession opens the rowset and just gives that to this
   575 **/
   576 	{
   577 	LOG_FUNC
   578 	// Find the row
   579 	RBTDbQuery deviceQuery;
   580 	CleanupClosePushL(deviceQuery);
   581 	deviceQuery.FindDeviceL(aAddress);
   583 	TDbBookmark dummy;
   585 	RDbView* view = OpenViewL(deviceQuery, dummy);
   586 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(view);
   588 	view->UpdateL();
   590 	switch (aRequest)
   591 		{
   592 	case EBTRegistryModifyFriendlyName:
   593 		{
   594 		TBuf<KMaxFriendlyNameLen> temp;
   595 		User::LeaveIfError(CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(temp,aName));
   596 		view->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_FriendlyName, *view), temp);
   597 		break;
   598 		}
   600 	case EBTRegistryModifyBluetoothName:
   601 		{
   602 		view->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_BluetoothName, *view), aName);
   603 		break;
   604 		}
   605 	default:
   606 		Panic(EBadNameToUpdate);
   607 		}
   608 	CleanPutL(*view);
   609 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &deviceQuery);	// view and deviceQuery
   610 	}
   612 void CBTRegistry::UpdateLocalDeviceL(const TBTLocalDevice& aLocalDevice)
   613 /**
   614 	@param	aLocalDevice The new settings
   615 **/
   616 	{
   617 	LOG_FUNC
   618 	// obliterate what's there
   619 	RDbTable* table = OpenPersistTableL();
   620 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(table);	
   622 	TInt count = table->CountL();
   623 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(count <=1, Panic(ETooManyLocalDeviceEntries));
   624 	if (!count)
   625 		{
   626 		// we need to insert the one and only row as this is a fresh table
   627 		table->InsertL();
   628 		}
   629 	else
   630 		{
   631 		// go to the only row
   632 		TBool success = table->FirstL();
   633 		if (!success)
   634 			{
   635 			LOG(_L("BT Registry DB Local Device Table (Persist Table) CORRUPT!"));
   636 			User::Leave(KErrEof);
   637 			}
   639 		table->UpdateL();
   640 		}
   642 	if (aLocalDevice.IsValidAddress())
   643 		table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KColName_DeviceAddress, *table),
   644 					aLocalDevice.Address().Des());
   646 	if (aLocalDevice.IsValidDeviceClass())
   647 		table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_CoD, *table),
   648 					static_cast<TUint>(aLocalDevice.DeviceClass()));
   650 	if (aLocalDevice.IsValidDeviceName())
   651 		table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_LocalName, *table),
   652 					aLocalDevice.DeviceName());
   654 	if (aLocalDevice.IsValidScanEnable())
   655 		table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_ScanEnable, *table),
   656 					static_cast<TUint>(aLocalDevice.ScanEnable()));
   658 	if (aLocalDevice.IsValidPowerSetting())
   659 		table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_PowerSettings, *table),
   660 					static_cast<TUint>(aLocalDevice.PowerSetting()));
   662 	if (aLocalDevice.IsValidAFHChannelAssessmentMode())
   663 		table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_AFHChannelAssessmentMode, *table),
   664 					static_cast<TBool>(aLocalDevice.AFHChannelAssessmentMode()));
   666 	if (aLocalDevice.IsValidLimitedDiscoverable())
   667 		table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_LimitedDiscoverable, *table),
   668 					static_cast<TBool>(aLocalDevice.LimitedDiscoverable()));
   670 	if (aLocalDevice.IsValidAcceptPairedOnlyMode())
   671 		table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_AcceptPairedOnlyMode, *table),
   672 					static_cast<TBool>(aLocalDevice.AcceptPairedOnlyMode()));
   674 	CleanPutL(*table);
   675 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(table);
   676 	}
   678 void CBTRegistry::SetMetaDataL()
   679 /**
   680 	Set the values for the MetaData Table
   681 **/
   682 	{
   683 	LOG_FUNC
   684 	// put defaults in
   685 	RDbTable* table = OpenTableL(KMetaTable);
   686 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(table);
   688 #ifdef _DEBUG
   689 	TInt c=0;
   690 	TRAP_IGNORE(c=table->CountL());
   691 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(c==0, Panic(EMetaTableBroken));
   692 #endif
   694 	table->InsertL();
   696 	table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KColName_ProcessSID, *table), RProcess().SecureId());
   698 	table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KMetaColName_VersionMajor, *table), KRegistryDBVersionMajor);
   699 	table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KMetaColName_VersionMinor, *table), KRegistryDBVersionMinor);
   701 	CleanPutL(*table);
   702 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(table);
   703 	}
   705 void CBTRegistry::SetDeviceL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet, const CBTDevice& aDetails, TBool aIgnoreUiCookie)
   706 /**
   707 	Set the values for the device record if the Details are valid
   709 	@param	aRowSet		The rowset to adjust...typically one row
   710 	@param 	aDetails	The new details
   711 **/
   712 	{
   713 	LOG_FUNC
   714 	if (aDetails.AsNamelessDevice().IsValidPageScanMode())
   715 		{
   716 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PageScanMode, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(aDetails.AsNamelessDevice().PageScanMode()));
   717 		}
   718 	if (aDetails.AsNamelessDevice().IsValidPageScanRepMode())
   719 		{
   720 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PageScanRepMode, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(aDetails.AsNamelessDevice().PageScanRepMode()));
   721 		}
   722 	if (aDetails.AsNamelessDevice().IsValidPageScanPeriodMode())
   723 		{
   724 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PageScanPeriodMode, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(aDetails.AsNamelessDevice().PageScanPeriodMode()));
   725 		}
   726 	if (aDetails.IsValidDeviceClass())
   727 		{
   728 		const TBTDeviceClass& cod = aDetails.DeviceClass();
   730 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_CoD_MajorDev, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(cod.MajorDeviceClass()));
   731 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_CoD_MinorDev, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(cod.MinorDeviceClass()));
   732 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_CoD_Service, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(cod.MajorServiceClass()));
   733 		}
   734 	if (aDetails.IsValidDeviceName())
   735 		{
   736 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_BluetoothName, aRowSet), aDetails.DeviceName());
   737 		}
   738 	if (aDetails.IsValidFriendlyName())
   739 		{
   740 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_FriendlyName, aRowSet), aDetails.FriendlyName());
   741 		}
   742 	if (aDetails.IsValidUsed())
   743 		{
   744 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LastUsed, aRowSet), aDetails.Used().Int64());
   745 		}
   746 	if (aDetails.IsValidSeen())
   747 		{
   748 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LastSeen, aRowSet), aDetails.Seen().Int64());
   749 		}
   750 	if (aDetails.IsValidGlobalSecurity())
   751 		{
   752 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_GlobalSecSecurity, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(aDetails.GlobalSecurity().SecurityValue()));
   753 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_GlobalSecPasskeyLen, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(aDetails.GlobalSecurity().PasskeyMinLength()));
   754 		}
   755 	if (aDetails.IsValidLinkKey())
   756 		{
   757 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LinkKey, aRowSet), aDetails.LinkKey());
   758 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LinkKeyType, aRowSet), aDetails.LinkKeyType());
   759 		}
   760 	else
   761 		{
   762 		LOG(_L("Sec\tNot setting link key"))
   763 		}
   764 	if (aDetails.IsValidPassKey())
   765 		{
   766 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PassKey, aRowSet), aDetails.PassKey());
   767 		}
   768 	if (aDetails.IsValidUiCookie() && !aIgnoreUiCookie)
   769 		{
   770 		static const TUint8 KCookieBinaryRepresentationWidth = 32; // 32bits encoded as binary string.
   771 		TBuf8<KCookieBinaryRepresentationWidth> textCookieValue;
   772 		textCookieValue.NumFixedWidth(aDetails.UiCookie(), EBinary, KCookieBinaryRepresentationWidth);
   773 		aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_UiCookie, aRowSet), textCookieValue);
   774 		}
   776 	CleanPutL(aRowSet);
   777 	}
   779 void CBTRegistry::CleanPutL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet)
   780 /**
   781 	Try to put the changes into a RowSet
   782 	If this fails cancel the update and reset
   783 	Then re-leave
   784 **/
   785 	{
   786 	LOG_FUNC
   787 	TRAPD(dbResult, aRowSet.PutL());
   789 	if (dbResult!=KErrNone)
   790 		{
   791 		aRowSet.Cancel();
   792 		aRowSet.Reset();
   793 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); // this will complete the client message
   794 		}
   795 	}
   797 RDbView* CBTRegistry::OpenDeviceL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TDbBookmark& aBookmark)
   798 /**
   799 	Open a view onto a given record in the Registry
   800 	@return a bookmark to the entry should the caller want it
   801 **/
   802 	{
   803 	LOG_FUNC
   804 	RBTDbQuery query;
   805 	CleanupClosePushL(query);
   806 	query.FindDeviceL(aAddr);
   808 	// open the device
   809 	RDbView* view = NULL;
   810 	view = OpenViewL(query, aBookmark);
   812 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(view);
   814 #ifdef _DEBUG
   815 	TInt c=0;
   816 	TRAP_IGNORE(c=view->CountL());
   817 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(c<=1, Panic(ETooManyRemoteDeviceEntries));
   818 #endif
   820 	CleanupStack::Pop(view); // view (pass ownership)
   821 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&query); // query
   822 	return view;
   823 	}
   825 RDbView* CBTRegistry::OpenViewL(const TDesC& aSQLQuery, TDbBookmark& aBookmark)
   826 /**
   827 	Returns a view resulting from the execution of the aSQLQuery
   828 	Update aBookmark to be the beginning of the view
   829 **/
   830 	{
   831 	LOG_FUNC
   832 	RDbView* view = new (ELeave) RDbView;
   833 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(view);	
   835 	// open the view based on the SQL query
   836 	User::LeaveIfError(view->Prepare(iDB, aSQLQuery));
   837 	// could separate this into separate Evaluates, but expected to be smallish DB
   838 	User::LeaveIfError(view->EvaluateAll());
   840 	// move to first row, and bookmark it
   841 	view->FirstL();
   842 	aBookmark = view->Bookmark();	// set bookmark in case user would like it
   844 	CleanupStack::Pop(view);
   845 	return view;	// returns ownership
   846 	}
   848 RDbView* CBTRegistry::OpenViewL(const RBTDbQuery& aQuery, TDbBookmark& aBookmark)
   849 /**
   850 	Overload allowing just a RBTDbQuery to be executed - hides the SQL query
   851 **/
   852 	{
   853 	LOG_FUNC
   854 	return OpenViewL(aQuery.QueryBuf(), aBookmark);
   855 	}
   857 void CBTRegistry::IncrementRowL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet, TDbBookmark& aBookmark)
   858 /**
   859 	Move to the next row in a RowSet and return a bookmark should the caller be interested
   860 **/
   861 	{
   862 	LOG_FUNC
   863 	aRowSet.NextL();	// move onto next row for next get
   864 	aBookmark = aRowSet.Bookmark();
   865 	}
   867 void CBTRegistry::GetRowL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet, const TDbBookmark& aBookmark)
   868 /**
   869 	Mark the rowset for reading
   870 **/
   871 	{
   872 	LOG_FUNC
   873 	if (!aRowSet.AtEnd())
   874 		{
   875 		aRowSet.GotoL(aBookmark);
   876 		aRowSet.GetL();		// get the row (which is a remote device on this table)
   877 		}
   878 	else
   879 		{
   880 		User::Leave(KErrEof);
   881 		}
   882 	}
   885 void CBTRegistry::GetNamelessDetailsL(TBTNamelessDevice& aDevice, 
   886 									  RDbRowSet& aRowSet, 
   887 									  TBool includeKeys)
   888 /**
   889 	Gets the next device (row) out of a rowset and puts them in a CBTDevice
   890 	The CBTDevice and its ownership is returned to the caller
   891 **/
   892 	{
   893 	LOG_FUNC
   894 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aRowSet.IsColNull(ColumnNoL(KColName_DeviceAddress, aRowSet)), Panic(ECorruptDeviceEntry));
   896 	TPtrC8 addrBuf(aRowSet.ColDes8(ColumnNoL(KColName_DeviceAddress, aRowSet)));
   897 	aDevice.SetAddress(static_cast<TBTDevAddr>(addrBuf));
   899 	TDbColNo column;
   901 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PageScanMode, aRowSet);
   902 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   903 		{
   904 		aDevice.SetPageScanMode(aRowSet.ColUint8(column));
   905 		}
   907 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PageScanPeriodMode, aRowSet);
   908 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   909 		{
   910 		aDevice.SetPageScanPeriodMode(aRowSet.ColUint8(column));
   911 		}
   913 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PageScanRepMode, aRowSet);
   914 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   915 		{
   916 		aDevice.SetPageScanRepMode(aRowSet.ColUint8(column));
   917 		}
   919 /*	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_CoD, aRowSet);
   920 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   921 		{
   922 		aDevice.SetDeviceClass(aRowSet.ColUint32(column));
   923 		}
   924 */
   925 	// all CoD columns must be set - just test one
   926 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_CoD_MajorDev, aRowSet);
   927 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   928 		{
   929 		TUint majorDeviceClass = aRowSet.ColUint(column);
   931 		column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_CoD_MinorDev, aRowSet);
   932 		TUint minorDeviceClass = aRowSet.ColUint(column);
   934 		column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_CoD_Service, aRowSet);
   935 		TUint serviceClass = aRowSet.ColUint(column);
   937 		aDevice.SetDeviceClass(TBTDeviceClass(static_cast<TUint16>(serviceClass),
   938 											  static_cast<TUint8>(majorDeviceClass),
   939 											  static_cast<TUint8>(minorDeviceClass)));
   941 		}
   943 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_GlobalSecSecurity, aRowSet);
   944 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   945 		{
   946 		TBTDeviceSecurity devSec;
   947 		devSec.SetSecurityValue(aRowSet.ColUint8(column));
   948 		column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_GlobalSecPasskeyLen, aRowSet);
   949 		devSec.SetPasskeyMinLength(aRowSet.ColUint32(column));
   951 		aDevice.SetGlobalSecurity(devSec);
   952 		}
   954 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LinkKey, aRowSet);
   955 	TDbColNo typeColumn = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LinkKeyType, aRowSet);
   957 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   958 		{
   959 		if(includeKeys)
   960 			{
   961 			TBTLinkKey linkKey;
   962 			linkKey.Copy(aRowSet.ColDes8(column));
   963 			aDevice.SetLinkKey(linkKey, static_cast<TBTLinkKeyType>(aRowSet.ColUint8(typeColumn)));
   964 			}
   965 		else
   966 			{
   967 			LOG(_L("Device paired but lack of capability to retrieve link key"));
   968 			aDevice.SetPaired(static_cast<TBTLinkKeyType>(aRowSet.ColUint8(typeColumn)));
   969 			}
   970 		}
   971 	else
   972 		{
   973 		LOG(_L("Sec\tDevice has NULL LinkKey column => Unpaired"))
   974 		}
   976 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_PassKey, aRowSet);
   978 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   979 		{
   980 		if(includeKeys)
   981 			{
   982 			TBTPinCode passKey;
   983 			passKey.Copy(aRowSet.ColDes8(column));
   984 			aDevice.SetPassKey(passKey);
   985 			}
   986 		else
   987 			{
   988 			LOG(_L("Device has PIN code but lack of capability to retrieve PIN code"));
   989 			}
   990 		}
   991 	else
   992 		{
   993 		LOG(_L("Sec\tDevice has NULL PinCode column"))
   994 		}
   996 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LastSeen, aRowSet);
   997 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
   998 		{
   999 		aDevice.SetSeen(TTime(aRowSet.ColInt64(column)));
  1000 		}
  1002 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_LastUsed, aRowSet);
  1003 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
  1004 		{
  1005 		aDevice.SetUsed(TTime(aRowSet.ColInt64(column)));
  1006 		}
  1008 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_UiCookie, aRowSet);
  1009 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
  1010 		{
  1011 		TPtrC8 cookieBuf(aRowSet.ColDes8(column));
  1012 		TLex8 lexer(cookieBuf);
  1013 		TUint32 cookieValue = 0;
  1014 		TInt err = lexer.Val(cookieValue, EBinary);
  1015 		if(err != KErrNone)
  1016 			{
  1017 			// discard the specific lexer errors, the fundemental issue
  1018 			// is that the device entry is corrupted in someway.
  1019 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
  1020 			}
  1021 		aDevice.SetUiCookie(cookieValue);
  1022 		}
  1023 	}
  1025 const TBTNamelessDevice* CBTRegistry::GetNextNamelessDeviceLC(RDbRowSet& aRowSet, 
  1026 															  TDbBookmark& aBookmark, 
  1027 															  TBool includeKeys)
  1028 /**
  1029 	Get the next row from the rowset; building and return TBTNamelessDevice via heap
  1030 **/
  1031 	{
  1032 	LOG_FUNC
  1033 	GetRowL(aRowSet, aBookmark);
  1034 	// there is a row to get, instantiate an object to receive details
  1035 	TBTNamelessDevice* device = new(ELeave) TBTNamelessDevice; // for passing ownership
  1036 	CleanupStack::PushL(device);
  1037 	GetNamelessDetailsL(*device, aRowSet, includeKeys);
  1038 	IncrementRowL(aRowSet, aBookmark);
  1039 	return device;
  1040 	}
  1042 CBTDevice* CBTRegistry::GetNextDeviceL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet, 
  1043 											 TDbBookmark& aBookmark, 
  1044 											 TBool includeLinkKey)
  1045 /**
  1046 	Get the next row from the rowset; building and return CBTDevice via heap
  1047 **/
  1048 	{
  1049 	LOG_FUNC
  1050 	GetRowL(aRowSet, aBookmark);
  1051 	// there is a row to get, so instantiate an object to receive details
  1052 	CBTDevice* device = CBTDevice::NewLC();
  1053 	GetNamelessDetailsL(device->AsNamelessDevice(), aRowSet, includeLinkKey);
  1055 	TDbColNo column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_BluetoothName, aRowSet);
  1056 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
  1057 		{
  1058 		device->SetDeviceNameL(aRowSet.ColDes8(column));
  1059 		}
  1061 	column = ColumnNoL(KDeviceColName_FriendlyName, aRowSet);
  1062 	if (!aRowSet.IsColNull(column))
  1063 		{
  1064 		TBuf<KMaxFriendlyNameLen> unicodeBuf;
  1065 		unicodeBuf.Copy(aRowSet.ColDes(column));
  1066 		device->SetFriendlyNameL(unicodeBuf);
  1067 		}
  1068 	IncrementRowL(aRowSet, aBookmark);
  1069 	CleanupStack::Pop(device);
  1070 	return device;
  1071 	}
  1073 const TUid CBTRegistry::CreatingProcessUidL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet)
  1074 /**
  1075 	@return	Value read from DB of the process that created a rowset
  1076 **/
  1077 	{
  1078 	LOG_FUNC
  1079 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1080 	TInt c=0;
  1081 	TRAP_IGNORE(c=aRowSet.CountL());
  1082 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(c==1, Panic(ETooManyRemoteDeviceEntries));
  1083 #endif
  1085 	aRowSet.GetL();	// this makes the semantics of this function a bit leaves the rowset open for read
  1086 	TInt val = aRowSet.ColUint32(ColumnNoL(KColName_ProcessSID, aRowSet));
  1087 	return TUid::Uid(val);
  1088 	}
  1091 void CBTRegistry::DeleteViewL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet, TBool aDeleteAll, const TSecureId& aSecureId)
  1092 /**
  1093 	Delete all the rows in the set whose originating Id is the same as 
  1094 	aSecureId
  1096 	@param aRowSet The rowset whose records are to be deleted
  1097 	@param aDeleteAll If set to ETrue, all rows are deleted. If EFalse, only those
  1098 	rows whose SID value is same as aSecureId will be deleted.
  1099 	@param aSecureId The SID of the calling process.
  1100 **/
  1101 	{
  1102 	LOG_FUNC
  1103 	aRowSet.FirstL();
  1104 	TInt c = aRowSet.CountL();
  1106 	if(	c == 0 )
  1107 		{
  1108 		//	No rows, nothing to do
  1109 		return;
  1110 		}
  1112 	TDbColNo secureIdColNo=ColumnNoL(KColName_ProcessSID, aRowSet);
  1113 	//	There should always be a ProcessSID column present in the view
  1114 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(secureIdColNo != KDbNullColNo, Panic(EColumnNotFound));
  1116 	for (TInt i=0; i<c; i++)
  1117 		{
  1118 		//	Retrieve the current row ready to be accessed
  1119 		aRowSet.GetL();
  1120 		if( aDeleteAll || (aRowSet.ColUint32(secureIdColNo) == aSecureId) )
  1121 			{
  1122 			aRowSet.DeleteL();
  1123 			}
  1124 		//	Regardless of the DeleteL or no DeleteL, the cursor remains
  1125 		//	in the same location, so we always need to call NextL.
  1126 		aRowSet.NextL();
  1127 		}
  1128 	// better try to compact now to avoid ballooning
  1129 	(void)iDB.Compact();
  1130 	}
  1133 TBTLocalDevice* CBTRegistry::GetLocalDeviceLC()
  1134 /**
  1135 	Get the single row pertaining to the local device
  1136 	Build and return a TBTLocalDevice
  1137 **/
  1138 	{
  1139 	LOG_FUNC
  1140 	TBTLocalDevice* device = new(ELeave) TBTLocalDevice; // for passing ownership
  1141 	CleanupStack::PushL(device);
  1143 	RDbTable* table = OpenPersistTableL();
  1144 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(table);
  1146 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1147 	TInt c=0;
  1148 	TRAP_IGNORE(c=table->CountL());
  1149 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(c==1, Panic(ENotOneLocalDeviceEntry));
  1150 #endif
  1153 	TBool success = table->FirstL();	// go to only row in table
  1154 	if (!success)
  1155 		{
  1156 		LOG(_L("BT Registry DB Local Device Table (Persist Table) CORRUPT!"));
  1157 		User::Leave(KErrEof);
  1158 		}
  1160 	table->GetL();		// mark for retrieval
  1162 	TPtrC8 addrBuf(table->ColDes8(ColumnNoL(KColName_DeviceAddress, *table)));
  1163 	device->SetAddress(static_cast<TBTDevAddr>(addrBuf));
  1165 	device->SetDeviceClass(table->ColUint32(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_CoD, *table)));
  1166 	device->SetDeviceName(table->ColDes8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_LocalName, *table)));
  1167 	device->SetScanEnable(static_cast<THCIScanEnable>(table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_ScanEnable, *table))));
  1168 	device->SetPowerSetting(table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_PowerSettings, *table)));
  1169 	device->SetAFHChannelAssessmentMode(table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_AFHChannelAssessmentMode, *table)));
  1170 	device->SetLimitedDiscoverable(table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_LimitedDiscoverable, *table)));
  1171 	device->SetAcceptPairedOnlyMode(table->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KPersistColName_AcceptPairedOnlyMode, *table)));
  1172 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(table); //table
  1173 	return device;
  1174 	}
  1176 const TBTCommPortSettings* CBTRegistry::GetCommPortSettingsLC(const TBTCommPortSettings& aSettings)
  1177 /**
  1178 	Get the virtual serial port settings for the port referred to in aSettings
  1179 **/
  1180 	{
  1181 	LOG_FUNC
  1182 	TBTCommPortSettings* settings = new(ELeave) TBTCommPortSettings; // for passing ownership
  1183 	CleanupStack::PushL(settings);
  1185 	RDbView* view = OpenCommPortLC(aSettings);
  1187 	// mark for retrieval
  1188 	view->GetL();
  1189 	// get the unit number
  1190 	settings->SetPort(aSettings.Port());
  1191 	// get the device address
  1192 	TPtrC8 addrBuf(view->ColDes8(ColumnNoL(KColName_DeviceAddress, *view)));
  1193 	settings->SetBTAddr(static_cast<TBTDevAddr>(addrBuf));
  1195 	// get the uuid
  1196 	TUUID uuid;
  1197 	uuid.SetL(view->ColDes8(ColumnNoL(KBTCOMMColName_ServiceUUID, *view)));
  1198 	settings->SetUUID(uuid);
  1200 	// get the service uuid and name
  1201 	settings->SetSecurityLevel(view->ColUint8(ColumnNoL(KBTCOMMColName_Security, *view)));
  1202 	settings->SetName(view->ColDes(ColumnNoL(KBTCOMMColName_ServiceName, *view)));
  1204 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(view); //closes view
  1205 	// don't pop settings - C function
  1206 	return settings;	
  1207 	}
  1209 void CBTRegistry::PutCommPortSettingsInTableL(RDbRowSet& aRowSet,
  1210 											  const TBTCommPortSettings& aSettings) 
  1211 /**
  1212 	Update the port settings
  1213 **/
  1214 	{
  1215 	LOG_FUNC
  1216 	aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KBTCOMMColName_Port, aRowSet), aSettings.Port());
  1217 	aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KColName_DeviceAddress, aRowSet), aSettings.BDAddr().Des());
  1218 	aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KBTCOMMColName_ServiceUUID, aRowSet), aSettings.UUID().Des());
  1219 	aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KBTCOMMColName_Security, aRowSet), static_cast<TUint>(aSettings.SecurityLevel()));
  1220 	aRowSet.SetColL(ColumnNoL(KBTCOMMColName_ServiceName, aRowSet), aSettings.Name());
  1222 	TRAPD(err,aRowSet.PutL());
  1223 	if (err!=KErrNone)
  1224 		{
  1225 		aRowSet.Cancel();
  1226 		aRowSet.Reset();
  1227 		User::Leave(err);
  1228 		}
  1229 	}
  1231 RDbView* CBTRegistry::OpenCommPortL(const TBTCommPortSettings& aSettings)
  1232 /**
  1233 	Return view of the com port specified
  1234 **/
  1235 	{
  1236 	LOG_FUNC
  1237 	// Form the SQL query based on the search criteria
  1238 	RBTDbQuery query;
  1239 	CleanupClosePushL(query);
  1240 	query.FindCommPortL(aSettings.Port());	// just search on port for now
  1242 	// execute the SQL with dummy bookmark for now
  1243 	TDbBookmark dummy;
  1244 	RDbView* view = OpenViewL(query, dummy);
  1245 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(view);
  1247 	TInt count = view->CountL();
  1249 	if (!count)
  1250 		{
  1251 		User::Leave(KErrNotFound); // nothing in there: which may be OK!
  1252 		}
  1254 	CleanupStack::Pop(view); // returns ownership - don't destroy
  1255 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&query); // query
  1256 	return view;
  1257 	}
  1259 RDbView* CBTRegistry::OpenCommPortLC(const TBTCommPortSettings& aSettings)
  1260 	{
  1261 	LOG_FUNC
  1262 	RDbView* view = OpenCommPortL(aSettings);
  1263 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(view);
  1264 	return view;
  1265 	}
  1267 void CBTRegistry::DeleteCommPortSettingsL(RDbView& aCommPortSettingsView)
  1268 	{
  1269 	LOG_FUNC
  1270 	aCommPortSettingsView.DeleteL();
  1271 	}
  1273 void CBTRegistry::AddCommPortSettingsL(const TBTCommPortSettings& aSettings, 
  1274 									   const TSecureId& aClientSID)
  1275 /**
  1276 	Add port settings row
  1277 	Create row and enter values in aSettings.
  1278 	THIS must only be called if the table has been checked for existing settings
  1279 **/
  1280 	{
  1281 	LOG_FUNC
  1282 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1283 	// check it's not already there
  1284 	TRAPD(err, OpenCommPortL(aSettings));
  1285 	ASSERT_DEBUG(err==KErrNotFound);
  1286 #endif
  1288 	RDbTable* table = OpenTableL(KCSYTable);
  1290 	//create a record for this port, it wasn't there
  1291 	CleanupCloseDeletePushL(table);
  1292 	table->InsertL();
  1294 	table->SetColL(ColumnNoL(KColName_ProcessSID, *table), aClientSID);	// store originating client ID
  1296 	//put the port values in
  1297 	PutCommPortSettingsInTableL(*table, aSettings);
  1298 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(table); //table
  1299 	}
  1301 void CBTRegistry::UpdateCommPortSettingsL(RDbView& aView,
  1302 										  const TBTCommPortSettings& aSettings) 
  1303 /**
  1304 	Update the port settings
  1305 **/
  1306 	{
  1307 	LOG_FUNC
  1308 	aView.UpdateL();	// mark for update
  1309 	PutCommPortSettingsInTableL(aView, aSettings);
  1310 	}
  1312 void CBTRegistry::DeleteCorruptRegistryL()
  1313 	{
  1314 	LOG_FUNC
  1315 	// The registry is corrupt so we need to create a new one and notify 
  1316 	// interested parties that all of the user's pairings may have been lost.
  1319 	// close the database (if open)
  1320 	iDB.Close();
  1321 	TInt err = KErrNone;
  1323 	// The RDbs method must be used to access the private data cage.
  1324 	err = iDBMSServer.DeleteDatabase(TBTRegistryDatabaseSecure()(), KBTManServerUid);  
  1325 	if(err)
  1326 		{
  1327 		LOG1(_L("UNSUCCESSFUL attempt to delete Corrupt BT Registry DB, error %d"), err);
  1328 		}
  1329 	else
  1330 		{
  1331 		LOG(_L("Corrupt BT Registry DB Deleted successfully"));
  1332 		// Use P&S to let UIs know that the registry may have lost some 
  1333 		// of the user's pairings.			
  1334 		RProperty::Set(KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory,
  1335 					   KPropertyKeyBluetoothCorruptRegistryReset,
  1336 					   User::TickCount());	   			   	
  1337 		}
  1338 	}
  1340 void CBTRegistry::SetupDefaultRegistryL()
  1341 	{
  1342 	LOG_FUNC
  1343 	CreateMetaTableL();
  1344 	CreatePersistTableL();
  1345 	CreateCSYTableL();
  1346 	CreateDeviceTableL();
  1348 	// now add default values for the tables: set all the states to 'unset'
  1349 	TBTLocalDevice defaultDevice;
  1352 	// Set up the defaults - these will get overwritten if there are appropriate values in the ini file
  1353 	defaultDevice.SetAddress(TBTDevAddr(0));
  1354 	defaultDevice.SetDeviceName(KDefaultLocalName);
  1355 	defaultDevice.SetScanEnable(EPageScanOnly);
  1356 	defaultDevice.SetLimitedDiscoverable(EFalse);
  1357 	defaultDevice.SetDeviceClass(0);
  1358 	// The registry is being kicked off with a default channel assessment 
  1359 	// mode setting of 'enabled'. This is the default if h/w supports 
  1360 	// channel assessment. If h/w does not support channel assessment,
  1361 	// this value becomes meaningless.
  1362 	// Any use of it to update h/w will be rejected.
  1363 	defaultDevice.SetAFHChannelAssessmentMode(ETrue);
  1364 	defaultDevice.SetAcceptPairedOnlyMode(EFalse);
  1366 	// Try and get any relevant parameters from the ini file
  1367 	TRAP_IGNORE(GetDefaultDeviceFromIniL(defaultDevice)); // Ignore any leaves as they cannot result in corruption of defaultDevice
  1369 	UpdateLocalDeviceL(defaultDevice);
  1370 //#pragma message("defaults for persist table ini file/licensee?")
  1371 	}
  1373 //
  1375 TInt CBTRegistry::SetDeviceName(const TDesC& aDeviceName, TBTLocalDevice& aDevice)
  1376 	{
  1377 	// GetDefaultDeviceName() returns 16bit unicode, it need to be converted to 8bit UTF
  1378 	TBTDeviceName8 tempBuf;
  1379 	TInt error = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(tempBuf, aDeviceName);
  1380 	if(error == KErrNone)
  1381 		{
  1382 		aDevice.SetDeviceName(tempBuf);
  1383 		}
  1384 	return error;
  1385 	}
  1387 TBool CBTRegistry::SetDeviceNameFromIniFile(TBTLocalDevice& aDevice, RBuf8& bufPtr)
  1388 	{
  1389 	// Default so try the old mechanism.
  1390 	_LIT8(KVarDeviceName, "DeviceName");
  1391 	TPtrC8 devName(NULL, 0);
  1392 	if (FindVar(bufPtr, KVarDeviceName, devName) && devName.Length() <= KMaxBCBluetoothNameLen)
  1393 		{
  1394 		aDevice.SetDeviceName(devName);
  1395 		return ETrue;
  1396 		}
  1397 	return EFalse;
  1398 	}
  1400 void CBTRegistry::GetDefaultDeviceFromIniL(TBTLocalDevice& aDevice)
  1401 	{
  1402 	LOG_FUNC
  1403 	// Try and open the .ini file and get any relavent parameters
  1404 	RFs	fileSession;
  1405 	User::LeaveIfError(fileSession.Connect());
  1406 	CleanupClosePushL(fileSession);
  1408 	_LIT(KIniDrive, "Z:");
  1409 	_LIT(KIniName, "DefaultBtReg.ini");
  1410 	TFileName	iniFileName;
  1411 	fileSession.PrivatePath(iniFileName);
  1412 	iniFileName.Insert(0, KIniDrive);
  1413 	iniFileName.Append(KIniName);
  1415 	RFile file;
  1416 	User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(fileSession, iniFileName, EFileStreamText|EFileRead));
  1417 	CleanupClosePushL(file);
  1418 	TInt data_size = 0;
  1419 	User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(data_size));
  1421 	// All text encoding is narrow 8-bit ASCII as ini files generated on a PC will be encoded that way
  1422 	// and the bluetooth specification only allows 8-bit ASCII strings so there is no need to convert
  1423 	// between ASCII and Unicode and back again.
  1424 	RBuf8 bufPtr;
  1425 	bufPtr.CreateL(data_size);
  1426 	CleanupClosePushL(bufPtr);
  1427 	User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(bufPtr));
  1429 	// Any or all of the following variables may be specified in this ini file:
  1430 	//
  1431 	// Variable:								Variable Name:			Values Taken:
  1432 	//	Default device name						DeviceName				String
  1433 	//	Inquiry scan enabled by default			InquiryScan				0 or 1
  1434 	//	Page scanning enabled by default		PageScan				0 or 1
  1435 	//	Limited discovery enabled by default	LimitedDiscovery		0 or 1
  1436 	//	Default device class					DeviceClass				Integer (decimal format)
  1437 	//	Allow paired only eanabled by default	AcceptPairedOnlyMode	0 or 1
  1438 	//
  1439 	// Notes on file syntax:
  1440 	// - Variable Names are followed by an ‘=’ character and then the value taken.
  1441 	// - There are no whitespaces in variable names.
  1442 	// - Variable names may be followed by any number of whitespaces, until the first character of the value taken. Thereafter any whitespaces are considered part of the value until the end of line.
  1443 	// - All characters should be narrow (standard 8bit ASCII).
  1444 	// - Integers should contain only the standard characters 0 to 9.
  1445 	// - Boolean values should be indicated by a 0 or 1.
  1446 	// - Strings may contain whitespaces, but any at the beginning will be stripped.
  1447 	// - There is no need to terminate the file with a new line.
  1448 	// - Anything after "//" on a line is ignored as comments
  1451 	// Remove any comments from the buffer
  1452 	TInt slashPos;
  1453 	TInt commentLength;
  1454 	TPtr8 comment(NULL, 0);
  1455 	_LIT8(KDoubleSlash, "//");
  1456 	while ((slashPos = bufPtr.Find(KDoubleSlash)) != KErrNotFound)
  1457 		{
  1458 		_LIT8(KEol, "\n");
  1459 		comment.Set(bufPtr.MidTPtr(slashPos));
  1460 		if ((commentLength = comment.Find(KEol)) == KErrNotFound)
  1461 			{
  1462 			commentLength = comment.Length(); // just to end of file
  1463 			}
  1464 		bufPtr.Replace(slashPos, commentLength, KNullDesC8);
  1465 		}
  1467 	// Get the default device name
  1468 	// we try to get the device name from deviceattributes.ini as a first resort,
  1469 	// deviceattributes.ini is global device configuration for setting global data like the device name
  1471 	CDeviceTypeInformation* deviceInfo = NULL;
  1472 	TRAPD(ret, deviceInfo = SysUtil::GetDeviceTypeInfoL());
  1473 	CleanupStack::PushL(deviceInfo);
  1474 	TPtrC16 deviceName;
  1476 	if (ret == KErrNone)
  1477 		{
  1478 		ret = deviceInfo->GetDefaultDeviceName(deviceName);
  1479 		if (ret == KErrNone)
  1480 			{
  1481 			LEAVEIFERRORL(SetDeviceName(deviceName, aDevice));
  1482 			}
  1483 		else if (ret == CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue)
  1484 			{
  1485 			if(!SetDeviceNameFromIniFile(aDevice, bufPtr))
  1486 				{
  1487 				ret = SetDeviceName(deviceName, aDevice);
  1488 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(ret == KErrNone,Panic(ECorruptDeviceEntry));
  1489 				if(ret != KErrNone)
  1490 					{
  1491 					SetDeviceNameFromIniFile(aDevice, bufPtr);
  1492 					}
  1493 				}
  1494 			}
  1495 		else
  1496 			{
  1497 			SetDeviceNameFromIniFile(aDevice, bufPtr);
  1498 			}
  1499 		}
  1500 	else
  1501 		{ // if the above did not work, then use the old mechanism
  1502 		SetDeviceNameFromIniFile(aDevice, bufPtr);
  1503 		}
  1505 	// Get default scan enabled status
  1506 	TInt scanStatus = aDevice.ScanEnable();
  1507 	TInt result = 0;
  1508 	_LIT8(KVarInquiryScan, "InquiryScan");
  1509 	if (FindVar(bufPtr, KVarInquiryScan, result))
  1510 		{
  1511 		if (result)
  1512 			scanStatus |= EInquiryScanOnly;
  1513 		else
  1514 			scanStatus &= ~EInquiryScanOnly;  		
  1515 		}
  1517 	_LIT8(KVarPageScan, "PageScan");
  1518 	if (FindVar(bufPtr, KVarPageScan, result))
  1519 		{
  1520 		if (result)
  1521 			scanStatus |= EPageScanOnly;
  1522 		else
  1523 			scanStatus &= ~EPageScanOnly;
  1524 		}
  1525 	aDevice.SetScanEnable(static_cast<THCIScanEnable>(scanStatus));
  1528 	// Get default limited discovery status
  1529 	_LIT8(KVarLimitedDiscovery, "LimitedDiscovery");
  1530 	if (FindVar(bufPtr, KVarLimitedDiscovery, result))
  1531 		{
  1532 		aDevice.SetLimitedDiscoverable(result);	
  1533 		}	
  1536 	// Get default device class
  1537 	_LIT8(KVarDeviceClass, "DeviceClass");
  1538 	if (FindVar(bufPtr, KVarDeviceClass, result))
  1539 		{
  1540 		aDevice.SetDeviceClass(result);	
  1541 		}	
  1544 	// Get default AFH channel assessment only mode
  1545 	_LIT8(KAFHChannelAssessmentMode, "AFHChannelAssessmentMode");
  1546 	if (FindVar(bufPtr, KAFHChannelAssessmentMode, result))
  1547 		{
  1548 		aDevice.SetAFHChannelAssessmentMode(result);
  1549 		}
  1552 	// Get default accept paired only mode
  1553 	_LIT8(KAcceptPairedOnlyMode, "AcceptPairedOnlyMode");
  1554 	if (FindVar(bufPtr, KAcceptPairedOnlyMode, result))
  1555 		{
  1556 		aDevice.SetAcceptPairedOnlyMode(result);
  1557 		}
  1560 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, &fileSession); // deviceinfo, bufPtr, file, fileSession
  1561 	}
  1563 TBool CBTRegistry::FindVar(const TDesC8& aPtr, const TDesC8 &aVarName, TPtrC8 &aResult) const
  1564 	{
  1565 	LOG_FUNC
  1566 	// Find the variable name
  1567 	TInt start=aPtr.Find(aVarName);
  1568 	if (start == KErrNotFound)
  1569 		{
  1570 		return EFalse;
  1571 		}
  1573 	// Now find the end of the value string (end of line or end of file)
  1574 	TPtrC8 value(aPtr.Mid(start));
  1575 	_LIT8(KEol, "\n");
  1576 	TInt length = value.Find(KEol);
  1577 	if (length != KErrNotFound)
  1578 		{
  1579 		if (value[length-1] == '\r')
  1580 			{
  1581 			length--;
  1582 			}
  1583 		}
  1584 	else
  1585 		{
  1586 		length = value.Length();
  1587 		}
  1589 	// Now find the start of the value to be parsed
  1590 	TLex8 lex(aPtr.Mid(start, length));
  1591 	TChar next = lex.Get();
  1592 	while (next != '=' && next != NULL)	
  1593 		{		
  1594 		next = lex.Get(); // Step through until we find a '=' character or EOS
  1595 		}
  1597 	if (next == NULL)
  1598 		{
  1599 		return EFalse;	// End of string was found before '=' so there's no valid value.
  1600 		}
  1602 	lex.SkipSpace();	// Will now be at the start of the value
  1604 	// Now copy the variable value into the result
  1605 	aResult.Set(lex.Remainder());
  1607 	return ETrue;
  1608 	}
  1611 TBool CBTRegistry::FindVar(const TDesC8& aPtr, const TDesC8 &aVarName, TInt &aResult) const
  1612 	{
  1613 	LOG_FUNC
  1614 	TPtrC8 ptr(NULL,0);
  1616 	if (FindVar(aPtr, aVarName,ptr))
  1617 		{
  1618 		TLex8 lex(ptr);
  1619 		if (lex.Val(aResult) == KErrNone)
  1620 			{
  1621 			return(ETrue);			
  1622 			}
  1623 		}
  1625 	return(EFalse);
  1626 	}
  1629 TBTRegistryDatabaseSecure::TBTRegistryDatabaseSecure()
  1630 	{
  1631 	LOG_FUNC
  1632 	iBuf.Append(RFs::GetSystemDrive() + 'a'); //Gets the system drive and convert it from enum to a char
  1633 	iBuf.Append(':');
  1634 	iBuf.Append(KBTRegistryDatabaseSecure);		
  1635 	}
  1637 const TDesC& TBTRegistryDatabaseSecure::operator()() const
  1638 	{
  1639 	LOG_FUNC
  1640 	return iBuf;
  1641 	}