changeset 21 5e5528a288fe
parent 19 4b81101308c6
child 24 b69e63ed1902
child 25 9874a66ff829
equal deleted inserted replaced
19:4b81101308c6 21:5e5528a288fe
     1 ' Generate-report.ebs
     2 '
     3 ' This is a RoseScript utility with which a user can traverse a 
     4 ' Rational Rose model and generate a Microsoft Word Document
     5 ' from the template ""
     6 '
     7 ' A lot of the early versions of this script were derived from
     8 ' work previously published on the Rational Developer's Network
     9 ' and made freely available.
    10 '
    11 ' TBD:
    12 '       3. Provide cleaning subroutine or external utility to curb growth of %TEMP%
    13 '               with rosedXXX.wmf files of rendered diagrams.
    14 '       4. Provide a package selection drop-down on the Dialog so that many projects can 
    15 '               coexist in the same model (bonus - reduces the probability of a 
    16 '               mook accidentally choosing to document the EPOC32 "include" package).
    17 '
    18 Const DefaultTool$ = "ReportGen"
    20 '
    21 ' Different report type specs
    22 '
    23 Const RepAnalysisType = 0
    24 Const RepDesignType = 1
    25 Const RepAnalysisNDesignType = 2
    26 Const RepTestType = 3
    27 '
    28 ' Model verification options
    29 '
    30 Const RepVerifyNot = 0
    31 Const RepVerifySection = 1
    32 Const RepVerifyEmbed = 2
    33 '
    34 ' There is a state machine in here and these are the states
    35 '
    36 Const RPh_StartUp = 0
    37 Const RPh_Dynamic = 1
    38 Const RPh_Static = 2
    39 Const RPh_TailBoiler = 3
    40 Const RPh_Crosscheck = 4
    41 '
    42 ' For proofreading purposes
    43 '
    44 Const MissingTextStr$ = "ATTENTION: Do You Need Documentation For This Item?"
    45 '
    46 ' Useful type declaraions
    47 '
    48 '
    49 ' Told you there was a state machine in here
    50 '
    51 Type GeneratorStateType
    52     Phase As Integer
    53 End Type
    54 '
    55 ' Configurability - if this was Python, I'd serialise it
    56 ' and make it a config file
    57 '
    58 Type ReportOptionsType
    59     Title As String
    60     FileName As String
    61     Template As String
    62     Generate As Boolean
    63     WhiteBlock As Boolean
    64     ClassDiagrams As Boolean
    65     ScenarioDiagrams As Boolean
    66     StateDiagrams As Boolean
    67     UseCaseDiagrams As Boolean
    68     CppSyntax As Boolean
    69     PublicOnly As Boolean
    70 	FEBoiler As Boolean
    71 	BEBoiler As Boolean
    72 	SupportSubheadingTags As Boolean
    73     HighlightDocGaps As Boolean
    74     DocType As Integer
    75     VerifyType As Integer
    76 End Type
    77 '
    78 ' When verifying the model, we need to establish relationships
    79 ' between scenario/sequence diagrams and their title. Also, on each iteration, we need to 
    80 ' check that we don't create duplicate entries where a method is used
    81 ' more than once in the same context.
    82 '
    83 Type DiagEntry
    84     FigureTitle As String
    85     Diagram As ScenarioDiagram
    86     SeenBefore As Boolean
    87 End Type
    88 '
    89 ' Globals - don't we just lurve Basic?
    90 '
    91 Private ReportOptions As ReportOptionsType
    92 Private GeneratorState As GeneratorStateType
    93 '
    94 ' An array of DiagEntry
    95 '
    96 Public GlobalDiagList() As DiagEntry
    97 '
    98 ' So, the documentation doesn't explain how one would elicit the
    99 ' size of a dynamic array, so the counts have to be externalised.
   100 ' Just exactly how crap is that?
   101 '
   102 Public DiagListCount As Integer
   103 Public GlobalDiagListSize As Integer
   105 Public LicensedRoseApplication As Application
   106 Private resIFace As Object
   108 Public RWU_DiagramCount As Integer
   109 '
   110 ' Sort of like an Application Constructor - yech!
   111 '
   112 Sub WordUtilInit()
   113     Let RWU_DiagramCount = 1
   114     Let DiagListCount = 0
   115     Let GlobalDiagListSize = 0
   116     ReDim GlobalDiagList(0)
   117 End Sub
   119 '
   120 ' Helper function
   121 '
   122 Sub Para(WordApp As Object)
   123     WordApp.InsertPara
   124 End Sub
   125 '
   126 ' For banging in a huge bunch of whitespace
   127 '
   128 Sub WhiteBlock(WordApp As Object)
   129     Para WordApp
   130     Para WordApp
   131     Para WordApp
   132     Para WordApp
   133     Para WordApp
   134 End Sub
   135 '
   136 ' Helper for page breaks
   137 '
   138 Sub Break(WordApp As Object)
   139     WordApp.InsertPageBreak
   140 End Sub
   141 '
   142 ' This is to overcome the limitations of Word as a programmable application
   143 ' and all I can say is that the details are nasty.
   144 '
   145 Sub ReplaceFinalParagraphKludge (WordApp As Object)
   146     WordApp.linedown
   147     WordApp.charright 1, 1  ' go right one character and select
   148     WordApp.insertpara      ' overwrite the selected para marker with a new one
   149     WordApp.lineup
   150 End Sub
   151 '
   152 ' Will need to reset the state on these objects regularly
   153 '
   154 Sub ResetGlobalDiagList
   155     For i% = 0 To GlobalDiagListSize-1
   156         GlobalDiagList(i).SeenBefore = False
   157     Next i
   158 End Sub
   159 '
   160 ' We need this for extracting diagrams and rendering them
   161 ' on the file system before inserting them into a Word
   162 ' document. Note that this does not clean up after itself
   163 ' which means that you are likely to accumulate rosedXXX.wmf
   164 ' files in your %TEMP% directory. The good news is that it
   165 ' transparently reuses files on each run, so this is not inevitable
   166 ' and unrestrained growth.
   167 '
   168 Function GetTmpFileName
   169     Dim tmpFileName As String
   170     Dim tmpPathName As String
   172     tmpPathName = Environ("TEMP")
   173     If tmpPathName = ""     Then
   174         tmpPathName = CurDir
   175     End If
   176     Do
   177         tmpFileName = tmpPathName + "\rosed" & RWU_DiagramCount & ".wmf"
   178         If Not Dir(tmpFileName)="" Then
   179             Kill(tmpFileName)
   180         End If
   181     Loop Until (Dir(tmpFileName)="")
   182     RWU_DiagramCount = RWU_DiagramCount + 1
   183     GetTmpFileName = tmpFileName
   184 End Function
   186 '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 '
   188 ' Specialist Word-related subroutines
   189 '
   190 '
   191 ' Generic Diagram insertion
   192 '
   193 Sub WordInsertDiagram(fileName As String, WordApp As Object)
   194     'ReplaceFinalParagraphKludge WordApp
   195     WordApp.CenterPara
   196     WordApp.InsertPicture fileName, false, false
   197     Para WordApp
   198 	ReplaceFinalParagraphKludge WordApp
   199 End Sub
   200 '
   201 ' Each diagram type is literally a different type in the object model, so
   202 ' since Basic has no polymorphic facilities, we have to resort to
   203 ' coding up a subroutine for each type. Yawn!
   204 '
   205 Sub WordInsertScenarioDiagram(aDiagram As ScenarioDiagram, WordApp As Object)
   206     Dim tmpFileName As String
   207     Let tmpFileName = GetTmpFileName
   208     aDiagram.RenderEnhanced tmpFileName
   209     WordInsertDiagram tmpFileName, WordApp
   210 End Sub
   212 Sub WordInsertStateDiagram(aDiagram As StateDiagram, WordApp As Object)
   213     Dim tmpFileName As String
   214     Let tmpFileName = GetTmpFileName
   215     aDiagram.RenderEnhanced tmpFileName
   216     WordInsertDiagram tmpFileName, WordApp
   217 End Sub
   219 Sub WordInsertClassDiagram(aDiagram As ClassDiagram, WordApp As Object)
   220     Dim tmpFileName As String
   221     Let tmpFileName = GetTmpFileName
   222     aDiagram.RenderEnhanced tmpFileName
   223     WordInsertDiagram tmpFileName, WordApp
   224 End Sub
   226 '
   227 ' So we want to be able to translate our "depth" in the model into the
   228 ' appropriate heading style in Word.
   229 '
   230 Function GetWordHeadingStyleName(HeadingNumber As Integer) As String
   231     GetWordHeadingStyleName = "Heading " & CStr(HeadingNumber)
   232 End Function
   233 '
   234 ' Generalised heading insertion by number
   235 '
   236 Sub WordInsertHeading(aLevel As Integer, aString As String, WordApp As Object)
   237         ' If you do not do it, it will not run.
   238     ReplaceFinalParagraphKludge WordApp
   239         ' Here's the real code that actually does something
   240     WordApp.FormatStyle GetWordHeadingStyleName(aLevel)      
   241     WordApp.Insert aString
   242     Para WordApp
   243     WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
   244 End Sub
   246 Sub WordInsertDocumentation(HeadingLevel As Integer, Documentation As String, WordApp As Object)
   247 	'
   248 	' It was requested that the script support the insertion of
   249 	' an HTML-like tag in the object documentation that would force the 
   250 	' insertion of a subheading in the output text.
   251 	' This will interefere with the real HTML generation capabilities
   252 	' of Rose, so it was originally only supported as a variant on the 
   253 	' script. This presents boring maintenance duplication issues, however, so it
   254 	' was reincorporated as a configurable option. Unfortunately, it does change 
   255 	' the signature of this method such that it requires a HeadingLevel even when it 
   256 	' doesn't use one. 
   257 	'
   258 	Dim Astr As String
   259 	Dim Bstr As String
   260 	Dim Cstr As String
   262     If Documentation <> "" Then
   263 		If ReportOptions.SupportSubheadingTags Then
   264 			Astr = Trim(Documentation)
   265 			Print "Astr: ", Astr
   266 			x% = InStr(1,Astr,"<h>",1)
   267 			y% = InStr(1,Astr,"</h>",1)
   268 			While x% <> 0 And y% <> 0
   269 				Cstr = Left(Astr,x%-1)
   270 				Print "Cstr : ", Cstr
   271         		WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
   272         		WordApp.Insert Trim(Cstr)
   273         		Para WordApp
   275 				Bstr = Mid(Astr,x%+3,y%-(x%+3))
   276 				Print "Bstr : ", Bstr
   277 				WordInsertHeading HeadingLevel,Trim(Bstr),WordApp
   279 				Astr = Right(Astr,Len(Astr)-(y%+3))
   280 				Print "Astr : ",Astr
   281 				x% = InStr(1,Astr,"<h>",1)
   282 				y% = InStr(1,Astr,"</h>",1)
   283 			Wend
   284         	WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
   285         	WordApp.Insert Trim(Astr)
   286         	Para WordApp
   287 		Else
   288         	WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
   289         	WordApp.Insert Trim(Documentation)
   290         	Para WordApp
   291 		End If
   292     Else
   293         ' Oh no - we seem to have missed out a piece of documentation.
   294         ' Another proofreading setting will highlight this lacuna for
   295         ' you in lucky red text.
   296         If ReportOptions.HighlightDocGaps Then
   297             WordApp.FormatStyle "Body Text"
   298             WordApp.Insert MissingTextStr
   299             Para WordApp
   300         End If
   301     End If
   302 	'
   303     ' To assist in the proofreading phases, it seemed useful
   304     ' to have a mode in which large chunks of whitespace were
   305     ' inserted into the document at every point where the hard working
   306     ' editor might wish to scribble notes and comments during the development
   307     ' of the text. Run the script with this set and print out the resultant document
   308     ' and you have a doc that facilitates the inveterate scribbler.
   309     ' I'm a great believer in appropriate technology.
   310 	'
   311     If ReportOptions.WhiteBlock Then
   312         WhiteBlock WordApp
   313     End If
   315 End Sub
   316 '
   317 ' Of course we want each of our diagrams to be numbered and titled.
   318 ' It's the done thing, and it's the thing that gets done here.
   319 '
   320 Sub WordInsertFigureName(aFigureName As String, WordApp As Object)
   321     WordApp.FormatStyle "Centered"
   322     WordApp.Insert "Figure " + CStr(RWU_DiagramCount-1) & ": " & aFigureName
   323     Para WordApp
   324     WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
   325 End Sub
   326 '
   327 ' Unfortunately, we have to operate slightly differently for scenarios, because of
   328 ' the verifications we may wish to run.
   329 '
   330 Sub WordInsertScenarioFigureName(aFigureName As String, WordApp As Object, XCEntry As DiagEntry)
   331     Dim tstr$
   332     tstr = "Figure " + CStr(RWU_DiagramCount-1) & ": " & aFigureName
   333     WordApp.FormatStyle "Centered"
   334     'WordApp.Insert "Figure " + CStr(RWU_DiagramCount-1) & ": " & aFigureName
   335     WordApp.Insert tstr
   336     Para WordApp
   337     WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
   338         ' Need  to keep track of titles applied to scenario diagrams.
   339     XCEntry.FigureTitle = tstr
   340     Let GlobalDiagList(DiagListCount) = XCEntry
   341     DiagListCount = DiagListCount + 1
   342 End Sub
   345 '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 '
   347 ' Some handy utility muffins.
   348 '
   350 Public Function GetResourceString(resourceID As Long) As String
   352     If (resIFace Is Nothing) then
   353         Set resIFace = CreateObject("rvsreportgenres.rvsrepgeninterface")
   354     End If
   356     GetResourceString = resIFace.GetString(resourceID)
   357 End Function
   360 Function GetLicensedRoseApplication() As Application
   361     Set GetLicensedRoseApplication = RoseApp.GetLicensedApplication("{A567222E-CBBE-11D0-BC0B-00A024C67143}")
   362 End Function
   364 Function ReportDialogLoop(controlname$, action%, suppvalue%) As Integer
   365     If controlname$ = "Browse" Then
   366         FileName$ = SaveFilename$ ("Create a Word document",  "Word Documents:*.DOC")
   367         If FileName$ <> "" Then
   368             DlgText "FileName", FileName$
   369         End If
   370         ReportDialogLoop = 1
   371     End If
   372 End Function
   374 Function EnclosingDirPath(FileName As String)
   375     ' Extracts the enclosing directory path from a file name
   376     Dim Pos1, Pos2, Pos3
   377     On Error GoTo EnclosingDirPath_exception
   379     Pos3 = 255
   380     Pos2 = 1
   381     Pos1 = 1
   382     Do
   383         Pos3 = InStr(Pos2 + 1, FileName, "\")
   384         If Pos3 <> 0 Then
   385             Pos1 = Pos2
   386             Pos2 = Pos3
   387         Else
   388             Exit Do
   389         End If
   390     Loop
   392     EnclosingDirPath = Left(FileName, Pos2 - 1)
   393     Exit Function
   395 EnclosingDirPath_exception:
   396     Resume EnclosingDirPath_end
   397 EnclosingDirPath_end:
   398     'Exit with the full path
   399     EnclosingDirPath = FileName
   400 End Function
   402 Function GetAllOfClasses(aCategory As Category) As ClassCollection
   404     Dim theCatClassCollection As New ClassCollection
   405     Dim theCatClass As Class, theCatInnerClass As Class
   406     Dim I As Integer, J As Integer
   408     For I = 1 To aCategory.Classes.Count
   409         Set theCatClass =  aCategory.Classes.GetAt(I)
   410         theCatClassCollection.Add theCatClass
   411         For J = 1 To theCatClass.GetAllNestedClasses.Count
   412             Set theCatInnerClass = theCatClass.GetAllNestedClasses.GetAt(J)
   413             theCatClassCollection.Add theCatInnerClass
   414         Next J
   415     Next I
   417     Set GetAllOfClasses = theCatClassCollection
   418 End Function
   420 Function MakeFileName (Path As String, FileName As String) As String
   421     ' Check to see if the last character is a separator
   422     If Instr ("\/", Right$(Path, 1)) Then
   423         MakeFileName$ = Path & FileName
   424     Else
   425         MakeFileName$ = Path & "\" & FileName
   426     End If
   427 End Function
   429 Function ChangeFileExtension (FullFileName As String, NewExtension As String) As String
   430     FilePath$ = FileParse$ (FullFileName, 2)
   431     FileRoot$ = FileParse$ (FullFileName, 4)
   432     ChangeFileExtension$ = MakeFileName$ (FilePath$, FileRoot$ & "." & NewExtension$)
   433 End Function
   435 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 '
   437 ' Rose collections are unsorted. This is not considered sightly.
   438 '
   440 Sub sortalpha( aCategory As Category, myAlpha() As String)
   441     Dim theCatClassCollection As ClassCollection
   442     Set theCatClassCollection = GetAllOfClasses(aCategory)
   444     For ike = 1 To theCatClassCollection.count
   445         myAlpha(ike) = theCatClassCollection.GetAt(ike).Name
   446     Next ike
   447     arraysort myAlpha
   449     Set theCatClassCollection = Nothing
   450 End Sub
   452 Sub sortalphaclassdiagrams( aCategory As Category, myAlpha() As String)
   453     Dim classDiagrams As ClassDiagramCollection
   454     Set classDiagrams = aCategory.ClassDiagrams
   456     For ike = 1 To classDiagrams.count
   457         myAlpha(ike) = classDiagrams.GetAt(ike).Name
   458     Next ike
   459     arraysort myAlpha
   461     Set classDiagrams = Nothing
   462 End Sub
   464 Sub sortalphascenariodiagrams( aCategory As Category, myAlpha() As String)
   465     Dim scenarioDiagrams As ScenarioDiagramCollection
   466     Set scenarioDiagrams = aCategory.ScenarioDiagrams
   468     For ike = 1 To ScenarioDiagrams.count
   469         myAlpha(ike) = ScenarioDiagrams.GetAt(ike).Name
   470     Next ike
   471     arraysort myAlpha
   473     Set ScenarioDiagrams = Nothing
   474 End Sub
   477 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   478 '
   479 ' These higher level procedures pretty much do what their names say they do.
   480 '
   481 Sub SearchForClassDiagramsInPackage(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   483     Dim classDiagrams As ClassDiagramCollection
   484     Dim aClassDiagram As ClassDiagram
   485     Dim Alpha() As String
   487     Set classDiagrams = aCategory.ClassDiagrams
   488     ReDim Alpha(classDiagrams.Count)
   489     SortAlphaClassDiagrams aCategory, alpha
   491     If classDiagrams.Count Then
   492         'Dim theClass As Class
   493         'Dim NestedClasses As ClassCollection
   495         For CLSID = 1 To classDiagrams.Count
   496             Ike = classDiagrams.FindFirst(Alpha(CLSID))
   497             Set aClassDiagram = classDiagrams.GetAt(Ike)
   498         	If Not (aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram) Then
   499 				WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   500             	WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
   501             	WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   502             	WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
   503         	End If
   504         Next CLSID
   505     End If
   508     'For clsID = 1 To classDiagrams.Count
   509      '   Set aClassDiagram=classDiagrams.GetAt(clsID)
   510      '   If Not (aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram) Then
   511 	 '		WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   512      '       WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
   513      '       WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   514      '       WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
   515       '  End If
   516     'Next clsID
   517 End Sub
   519 Sub SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInPackage(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   521     Dim ScenarioDiagrams As ScenarioDiagramCollection
   522     Dim aScenarioDiagram As ScenarioDiagram
   523     Dim Alpha() As String
   525     Set ScenarioDiagrams = aCategory.ScenarioDiagrams
   526     ReDim Alpha(ScenarioDiagrams.Count)
   527     SortAlphaScenarioDiagrams aCategory, alpha
   529     Dim XCEntry As DiagEntry
   530     GlobalDiagListSize = GlobalDiagListSize + ScenarioDiagrams.Count
   531     ReDim Preserve GlobalDiagList(GlobalDiagListSize)
   532     For ScenID = 1 To ScenarioDiagrams.Count
   533 		Ike = ScenarioDiagrams.FindFirst(Alpha(ScenID))
   534         Set aScenarioDiagram=ScenarioDiagrams.GetAt(Ike)
   535 		WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aScenarioDiagram.Name, WordApp
   536         WordInsertScenarioDiagram aScenarioDiagram, WordApp
   537         Set XCEntry.Diagram = aScenarioDiagram
   538         WordInsertScenarioFigureName aScenarioDiagram.Name, WordApp, XCEntry
   539         WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aScenarioDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
   540     Next ScenID
   541 End Sub
   543 Sub SearchForClassDiagramsInUseCase(WordApp As Object, aUseCase As UseCase, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   545     Dim classDiagrams As ClassDiagramCollection
   546     Dim aClassDiagram As ClassDiagram
   548     Set classDiagrams = aUseCase.ClassDiagrams
   550     For clsID = 1 To classDiagrams.Count
   551         Set aClassDiagram=classDiagrams.GetAt(clsID)
   552         If Not (aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram) Then
   553 			WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp			
   554             WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
   555             WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   556             WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
   557         Else
   558             If (aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram) And (ReportOptions.UseCaseDiagrams) Then
   559 				WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   560                 WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
   561                 WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   562                 WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
   563             End If
   564         End If
   565     Next clsID
   566 End Sub
   569 Sub SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInUseCase(WordApp As Object, aUseCase As UseCase, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   571     Dim ScenarioDiagrams As ScenarioDiagramCollection
   572     Dim aScenarioDiagram As ScenarioDiagram
   574     Set ScenarioDiagrams = aUseCase.ScenarioDiagrams
   575     Dim XCEntry As DiagEntry
   576     GlobalDiagListSize = GlobalDiagListSize + ScenarioDiagrams.Count
   577     ReDim Preserve GlobalDiagList(GlobalDiagListSize)
   578     For ScenID = 1 To ScenarioDiagrams.Count
   579         Set aScenarioDiagram=ScenarioDiagrams.GetAt(ScenID)
   580 		WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aScenarioDiagram.Name, WordApp
   581         WordInsertScenarioDiagram aScenarioDiagram, WordApp
   582         Set XCEntry.Diagram = aScenarioDiagram
   583         WordInsertScenarioFigureName aScenarioDiagram.Name, WordApp, XCEntry
   584         WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aScenarioDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
   585     Next ScenID
   586 End Sub
   590 Sub SearchForStateDiagramsInPackage(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   591     Dim aStateMachineOwner As StateMachineOwner
   592     Dim aStateMachineCollection As StateMachineCollection
   593     Dim aStateMachine As StateMachine
   594     Dim aStateDiagram As StateDiagram
   595     Dim aStateDiagramCollection As StateDiagramCollection
   596     Dim aStateCollection As StateCollection
   597     Dim aState As State
   599     Set aStateMachineOwner = aCategory.StateMachineOwner
   600     Set aStateMachineCollection = aStateMachineOwner.StateMachines
   601     If aStateMachineCollection.Count Then
   602         For SMID = 1 To aStateMachineCollection.Count
   603             Set aStateMachine = aStateMachineCollection.GetAt(SMID)
   604             Set aStateDiagramCollection = aStateMachine.Diagrams
   605             WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aStateMachine.Name, WordApp
   606             If aStateDiagramCollection.Count Then
   607                 For SDID = 1 To aStateDiagramCollection.Count
   608                     Set aStateDiagram = aStateDiagramCollection.GetAt(SDID)
   609 					WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aStateDiagram.Name, WordApp
   610                     WordInsertStateDiagram aStateDiagram, WordApp
   611                     WordInsertFigureName aStateDiagram.Name, WordApp
   612                     WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aStateDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
   613                 Next SDID
   614             End If
   615             Set aStateCollection = aStateMachine.States
   616             If aStateCollection.Count Then
   617                 For STID = 1 To aStateCollection.Count
   618                     Set aState = AstateCollection.GetAt(STID)
   619                     WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber+1, aState.Name, WordApp
   620                     WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aState.Documentation, WordApp
   621                 Next STID
   622             End If
   623         Next SMID
   624     End If
   625 End Sub
   626 '
   627 ' Cunningly, we find that Use Case diagrams are not a distinct type,
   628 ' but are a specialised state of ClassDiagram
   629 ' Ho ho, go figure.
   630 '
   631 Sub SearchForUseCaseDiagramsInPackage(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   632     Dim ClassDiagrams As ClassDiagramCollection
   633     Dim aClassDiagram As ClassDiagram
   635     Set ClassDiagrams = aCategory.ClassDiagrams
   636     For ClsID = 1 To ClassDiagrams.Count
   637         Set aClassDiagram = ClassDiagrams.GetAt(ClsID)
   638         If aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram Then
   639 			WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   640             WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
   641             WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
   642             WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
   643         End If
   644     Next ClsID
   645 End Sub
   648 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   649 '
   650 ' We live in a C++ world, so we need to be able to show our attributes
   651 ' in a way familiar to code monkeys.
   652 '
   653 Sub GenerateAttribute(WordApp As Object, anAttribute As Attribute, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   654     Dim theAttribute As String
   656     If ReportOptions.CppSyntax Then
   657         Select Case anAttribute.ExportControl
   658             Case rsPublicAccess
   659                 theAttribute = "Public:   "
   660             Case rsProtectedAccess
   661                 theAttribute = "Protected:   "
   662             Case rsPrivateAccess
   663                 theAttribute = "Private:   "
   664         End Select
   665         theAttribute = theAttribute & anAttribute.Type & " "
   666     End If
   668     theAttribute = theAttribute & anAttribute.Name
   669     If ReportOptions.CppSyntax Then
   670         If Len(anAttribute.InitValue) > 0 Then
   671             theAttribute = theAttribute & " = " & anAttribute.InitValue
   672         End If
   673     End If
   675     WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, theAttribute, WordApp
   676     WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, anAttribute.Documentation, WordApp
   677 End Sub
   678 '
   679 ' We like our attributes grouped according to their access specification, of course
   680 '
   681 Sub GenerateClassAttributeAccessGroup(WordApp As Object, attColl As AttributeCollection, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   682     If attColl.Count Then
   683         For AttrID = 1 To attColl.Count
   684             GenerateAttribute WordApp, attColl.GetAt(AttrID), HeadingNumber
   685         Next AttrID
   686     End If
   687 End Sub
   688 '
   689 ' So this procedure iterates across the lot and groups them accordingly.
   690 ' However, I'm pretty sure we would frown on any public class attributes, wouldn't we? 
   691 ' And I always think that protected class attributes have to be well justified. 
   692 ' Generally they are used to get round analysis errors, otherwise.
   693 '
   694 Sub GenerateClassAttributes(WordApp As Object, aClass As Class, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   695     Dim PublicAttributes As New AttributeCollection
   696     Dim ProtectedAttributes As New AttributeCollection
   697     Dim PrivateAttributes As New AttributeCollection
   698     Dim anAttribute As Attribute
   700     If aClass.Attributes.Count Then
   701         For AttrID = 1 To aClass.Attributes.Count
   702             Set anAttribute = aClass.Attributes.GetAt(AttrID)
   703             Select Case anAttribute.ExportControl
   704                 Case rsPublicAccess
   705                     PublicAttributes.Add anAttribute
   706                 Case rsProtectedAccess
   707                     ProtectedAttributes.Add anAttribute
   708                 Case rsPrivateAccess
   709                     PrivateAttributes.Add anAttribute
   710             End Select
   711         Next AttrID
   712         WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClass.Name & " Attributes", WordApp
   713         GenerateClassAttributeAccessGroup WordApp, PublicAttributes, HeadingNumber+1
   714         If Not ReportOptions.PublicOnly Then
   715             GenerateClassAttributeAccessGroup WordApp, ProtectedAttributes, HeadingNumber+1
   716             GenerateClassAttributeAccessGroup WordApp, PrivateAttributes, HeadingNumber+1
   717         End If
   718     End If
   719 End Sub
   721 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   722 ' 
   723 ' So here we go, doing the same with operations as we did with attributes.
   724 '
   725 Function GenerateParameter (aParameter As Parameter) As String
   726     Code$ = aParameter.Name + ":" + aParameter.Type
   727     GenerateParameter = Code$
   728 End Function
   730 Sub GenerateOperation(WordApp As Object, anOperation As Operation, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   731     Dim theOperation As String
   733     If ReportOptions.CppSyntax Then
   734         Select Case anOperation.ExportControl
   735             Case rsPublicAccess
   736                 theOperation = "Public:   "
   737             Case rsProtectedAccess
   738                 theOperation = "Protected:   "
   739             Case rsPrivateAccess
   740                 theOperation = "Private:   "
   741         End Select
   742     End If
   744     theOperation = theOperation + anOperation.Name
   746     If ReportOptions.CppSyntax Then
   747         Params$ = ""
   748         If anOperation.Parameters.Count Then
   749             For OperID = 1 To anOperation.Parameters.Count - 1
   750                 Params$ = Params$ + GenerateParameter(anOperation.Parameters.GetAt(OperID))
   751                 Params$ = Params$ + ", "
   752             Next OperID
   753             Params$ = Params$ + GenerateParameter(anOperation.Parameters.GetAt(anOperation.Parameters.Count))
   754         End If
   755         theOperation = theOperation & "( " & Params$ & ")"
   756     End If
   757     WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, theOperation, WordApp
   758     WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, anOperation.Documentation, WordApp
   759         If ReportOptions.VerifyType = RepVerifyEmbed Then
   760                 GenerateMethodUsageEntry anOperation, WordApp
   761         End If
   763 End Sub
   765 Sub GenerateClassOperationAccessGroup(WordApp As Object, attColl As OperationCollection, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   766     If attColl.Count Then
   767         For AttrID = 1 To attColl.Count
   768             GenerateOperation WordApp, attColl.GetAt(AttrID), HeadingNumber
   769         Next AttrID
   770     End If
   771 End Sub
   774 Sub GenerateClassOperations(WordApp As Object, aClass As Class, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   775     Dim PublicOperations As New OperationCollection
   776     Dim ProtectedOperations As New OperationCollection
   777     Dim PrivateOperations As New OperationCollection
   778     Dim anOperation As Operation
   780 	WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
   781 	If ReportOptions.VerifyType = RepVerifyEmbed Then
   782 		Para WordApp
   783 		WordApp.FormatFont Bold:=True
   784 		WordApp.Insert aClass.Name
   785 		WordApp.FormatFont Bold:=False
   787     	If aClass.Operations.Count = 0 Then
   788 			WordApp.Insert " has no operations defined in this model."
   789 			'Para WordApp
   790 		Else
   791 			WordApp.Insert " has " 
   792 			WordApp.Insert CStr(aClass.Operations.Count)
   793 			WordApp.Insert " operations defined in this model:"
   794 			'Para WordApp
   795 	 	End If
   796 	 End If
   797 	 If aClass.Operations.Count <> 0 Then
   798         For OperID = 1 To aClass.Operations.Count
   799             Set anOperation = aClass.Operations.GetAt(OperID)
   800             Select Case anOperation.ExportControl
   801                 Case rsPublicAccess
   802                     PublicOperations.Add anOperation
   803                 Case rsProtectedAccess
   804                     ProtectedOperations.Add anOperation
   805                 Case rsPrivateAccess
   806                     PrivateOperations.Add anOperation
   807             End Select
   808         Next OperID
   809         'WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClass.Name & " Operations", WordApp
   810         GenerateClassOperationAccessGroup WordApp, PublicOperations, HeadingNumber
   811         If Not ReportOptions.PublicOnly Then
   812             GenerateClassOperationAccessGroup WordApp, ProtectedOperations, HeadingNumber
   813             GenerateClassOperationAccessGroup WordApp, PrivateOperations, HeadingNumber
   814         End If
   815     End If
   816 End Sub
   818 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   821 Sub GenerateTheClassBody(WordApp As Object, aClass As Class, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   822     WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClass.Documentation, WordApp
   823     If aClass.Persistence Then
   824         WordApp.Insert "Persistent Class"
   825         Para WordApp
   826     End If
   828     Dim SuperClasses As ClassCollection
   829     Dim theSuperClass As Class
   830     Set SuperClasses = aClass.GetSuperClasses
   831     If SuperClasses.Count Then
   832         ClassList$ = ""
   833         For CLSID = 1 To SuperClasses.Count
   834             Set theSuperClass = SuperClasses.GetAt(CLSID)
   835             If ClassList$ <> "" Then
   836                 ClassList$ = ClassList$ & ", "
   837             End If
   838             ClassList$ = ClassList$ & theSuperClass.Name
   839         Next CLSID
   840         WordApp.Insert "Derived from " & ClassList$
   841         Para WordApp
   842     End If
   844     GenerateClassAttributes WordApp, aClass, HeadingNumber+1
   845     GenerateClassOperations WordApp, aClass, HeadingNumber+1
   846 End Sub
   847 '
   848 ' For each class in the category
   849 '
   850 Sub GenerateLogicalClass(WordApp As Object, aClass As Class, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   851     On Error Resume Next
   853     WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClass.Name, WordApp
   854     GenerateTheClassBody WordApp, aClass, HeadingNumber
   855 End Sub
   857 Sub PrintClassesForCategory (WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer, myAlpha() As String)
   858     Dim lastNoNameClassIndex As Integer
   859     Dim theCatClassCollection As ClassCollection
   860     Set theCatClassCollection = GetAllOfClasses(aCategory)
   862     If theCatClassCollection.Count Then
   863         Dim theClass As Class
   864         Dim NestedClasses As ClassCollection
   866         For CLSID = 1 To theCatClassCollection.Count
   867             If(myAlpha(CLSID) = "") Then
   868                 If (lastNoNameClassIndex = 0) Then
   869                     Ike = theCatClassCollection.FindFirst("")
   870                     lastNoNameClassIndex  = Ike
   871                 Else
   872                     Ike = theCatClassCollection.FindNext(lastNoNameClassIndex,"")
   873                     lastNoNameClassIndex  = Ike
   874                 End If
   875             Else
   876                 Ike = theCatClassCollection.FindFirst(myAlpha(CLSID))
   877             End If
   878             Set theClass = theCatClassCollection.GetAt(Ike)
   879             GenerateLogicalClass WordApp, theClass, HeadingNumber+1
   880         Next CLSID
   881     End If
   882     Set theClassCollection = Nothing
   883 End Sub
   886 Sub PrintCategoryClasses(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   887     Dim Alpha() As String
   888     Dim theCatClassCollection As ClassCollection
   890 	If HeadingNumber > 1 Then
   891     	WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aCategory.Name, WordApp
   892 	End If
   893     WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aCategory.Documentation, WordApp
   895     Set theCatClassCollection = GetAllOfClasses(aCategory)
   896     ReDim Alpha(theCatClassCollection.Count)
   897     SortAlpha aCategory, alpha
   899     If ReportOptions.ClassDiagrams Then
   900         SearchForClassDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
   901     End If
   903     If ReportOptions.StateDiagrams Then
   904         SearchForStateDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
   905     End If
   907     If ReportOptions.UseCaseDiagrams Then
   908         SearchForUseCaseDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
   909     End If
   911     If ReportOptions.ScenarioDiagrams Then
   912         SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
   913     End If
   915 	'PrintClassesForCategory WordApp, aCategory, HeadingNumber, Alpha
   917 End Sub
   919 Sub GenerateUseCase (WordApp As Object, aUseCase As UseCase, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   920     WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aUseCase.Name, WordApp
   921     WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aUseCase.Documentation, WordApp
   922     If ReportOptions.ClassDiagrams Then
   923         SearchForClassDiagramsInUseCase WordApp, aUseCase, (HeadingNumber+1)
   924     End If
   925     If ReportOptions.ScenarioDiagrams Then
   926         SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInUseCase WordApp, aUseCase, (HeadingNumber+1)
   927     End If
   928 End Sub
   930 Sub PrintCategoryUseCases(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   931     Dim Alpha() As String
   932     Dim theCatClassCollection As ClassCollection
   934 	If HeadingNumber > 1 Then
   935     	WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aCategory.Name, WordApp
   936 	End If
   937     WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aCategory.Documentation, WordApp
   939     SearchForClassDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
   940     SearchForStateDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
   941     SearchForUseCaseDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
   942     SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
   944     If aCategory.UseCases.Count Then
   945         Dim theUseCase As UseCase
   946         Dim numberOfApplicableUseCases As Integer
   947         Dim UseCaseNames$()
   948         numberOfApplicableUseCases = 0
   949         For ucID = 1 To aCategory.UseCases.Count
   950             Set theUseCase = aCategory.UseCases.GetAt(ucID)
   951             ReDim Preserve UseCaseNames$(numberOfApplicableUseCases +1)
   952             UseCaseNames$(numberOfApplicableUseCases) = theUseCase.Name
   953             numberOfApplicableUseCases = numberOfApplicableUseCases +1
   954         Next ucID
   956         ArraySort UseCaseNames$()
   958         For i% = 1 To numberOfApplicableUseCases
   959             ucID = aCategory.UseCases.FindFirst(UseCaseNames$(i%))
   960             Set theUseCase = aCategory.UseCases.GetAt(ucID)
   961             If theUseCase Is Nothing Then
   962             Else
   963                 GenerateUseCase WordApp, theUseCase, (HeadingNumber +1)
   964             End If
   965         Next i%
   966     End If
   968 End Sub
   971 Sub PrintCategory(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
   972     Dim Beta() As String
   973     If aCategory.Name <> "Undocument" Then
   974     Select Case GeneratorState.Phase
   975         Case RPh_Dynamic
   976 			If HeadingNumber = 1 Then
   977 				WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, "Analysis", WordApp
   978 			End If
   979             Call PrintCategoryUseCases(WordApp, aCategory, HeadingNumber)
   980 			Call PrintCategoryClasses(WordApp, aCategory, HeadingNumber)
   981         Case RPh_Static
   982 			If HeadingNumber = 1 Then
   983 				WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, "Design", WordApp
   984 			End If
   985             Call PrintCategoryClasses(WordApp, aCategory, HeadingNumber)
   986         Case RPh_StartUp
   987         Case RPh_TailBoiler
   988         Case RPh_Crosscheck
   989     End Select
   990     ReDim Beta(aCategory.Categories.Count)
   991     For Ike = 1 To aCategory.Categories.Count
   992         Beta(Ike) = aCategory.Categories.GetAt(Ike).Name
   993     Next Ike
   994     ArraySort Beta
   995     For CatID = 1 To aCategory.Categories.Count
   996         Ike = aCategory.Categories.FindFirst(Beta(CatID))
   997         Call PrintCategory(WordApp, aCategory.Categories.GetAt(Ike), HeadingNumber+1)
   998     Next CatID
   999 	End If 
  1000 End Sub
  1002 Sub GenerateBehaviouralAnalysisSection(WordApp As Object)
  1003     Break WordApp
  1004     'WordInsertHeading 1, "Behavioural Analysis", WordApp
  1005     GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_Dynamic
  1006     PrintCategory WordApp, LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.RootUseCaseCategory, 1
  1007 End Sub
  1009 Sub GenerateStaticRelationshipSection(WordApp As Object)
  1010     Break WordApp
  1011     'WordInsertHeading 1, "Static Relationships", WordApp
  1012     GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_Static
  1013     PrintCategory WordApp, LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.RootCategory, 1
  1014 End Sub
  1017 Sub GenerateMethodUsageEntry(Op As Operation, WordApp As Object)
  1018     ResetGlobalDiagList
  1019     Dim Mc As MessageCollection
  1020     Dim Used As Boolean
  1021     Used = False
  1022 	WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
  1023     For i% = 0 To GlobalDiagListSize-1
  1024         Set Mc = GlobalDiagList(i).Diagram.GetMessages
  1025         For j% = 1 To Mc.Count
  1026             If Mc.GetAt(j).GetOperation Is Not Nothing Then
  1027                 If Mc.GetAt(j).GetOperation.GetUniqueId = Op.GetUniqueId Then
  1028                     Used = True
  1029                     If GlobalDiagList(i).SeenBefore = False Then
  1030                         WordApp.Insert "Used in "
  1031                         WordApp.Insert GlobalDiagList(i).FigureTitle
  1032                         Para WordApp
  1033                         GlobalDiagList(i).SeenBefore = True
  1034                     End If
  1035                 End If
  1036             End If
  1037         Next j
  1038     Next i
  1039     If Used = False Then
  1040         WordApp.Insert "Not used in any Sequence or Collaboration in this view of the model."
  1041         Para WordApp
  1042     End If
  1043 End Sub
  1045 Sub GenerateScenarioCrosscheckSection(WordApp As Object)
  1046     Break WordApp
  1047     GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_Crosscheck
  1049     WordInsertHeading 1, "Model Verification and Checking", WordApp
  1051     Dim AllClasses As ClassCollection
  1052     Dim Op2 As Operation
  1053     Dim Ops As OperationCollection
  1054     Dim Used As Boolean
  1055     Set AllClasses = LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.GetAllClasses
  1057     For i% = 1 To AllClasses.Count
  1058         Dim UsedClassOps As New OperationCollection
  1059         Dim UnusedClassOps As New OperationCollection
  1060         WordInsertHeading 2,AllClasses.GetAt(i).Name,WordApp
  1062         Set Ops = AllClasses.GetAt(i).Operations
  1063         For j% = 1 To Ops.Count
  1064             Set Op2 = Ops.GetAt(j)
  1065             WordApp.FormatFont Bold:=True
  1066             WordApp.Insert Op2.Name
  1067             WordApp.FormatFont Bold:=False    
  1068             Para WordApp
  1069             GenerateMethodUsageEntry Op2, WordApp
  1070         Next j
  1071     Next i 
  1072 End Sub
  1074 Sub GenerateTailEndBoilerPlate(WordApp As Object)
  1075     GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_TailBoiler
  1076     Break WordApp
  1077     WordInsertHeading 1, "Further Information", WordApp
  1078     WordInsertHeading 2, "People", WordApp
  1079     WordInsertHeading 2, "References", WordApp
  1080     WordInsertHeading 2, "Open Issues", WordApp
  1081     WordInsertHeading 2, "Glossary", WordApp
  1082     WordInsertHeading 2, "Document History", WordApp
  1083     WordInsertHeading 2, "Document Review Date", WordApp
  1084 End Sub
  1086 Sub GenerateReport(WordApp As Object)
  1087 Dim UsedOperations As New OperationCollection
  1088     WordApp.EndOfDocument
  1089 	If ReportOptions.FEBoiler = True Then
  1090     	WordInsertHeading 1, "Introduction", WordApp
  1091     	WordInsertHeading 2, "Overview", WordApp
  1092     	WordInsertHeading 2, "Purpose and Scope", WordApp
  1093 	End If
  1095     Select Case ReportOptions.DocType
  1096         Case RepAnalysisType
  1097             GenerateBehaviouralAnalysisSection WordApp
  1098         Case RepDesignType
  1099             GenerateStaticRelationshipSection WordApp
  1100         Case RepAnalysisNDesignType
  1101             GenerateBehaviouralAnalysisSection WordApp
  1102             GenerateStaticRelationshipSection WordApp
  1103         Case RepTestType
  1104     End Select
  1106     If ReportOptions.VerifyType = RepVerifySection Then
  1107         GenerateScenarioCrosscheckSection WordApp
  1108     End If
  1110 	If ReportOptions.BEBoiler = True Then
  1111     	GenerateTailEndBoilerPlate WordApp
  1112 	End If
  1113 End Sub
  1115 Begin Dialog ReportDialog ,,224,320,"Generate Symbian Documentation",.ReportDialogLoop
  1117 	Text 8,4,148,8,"Report &Title",.TitleText
  1118 	TextBox 12,16,202,12,.Title
  1120 	Text 8,32,112,8,"&Template File Name:",.TemplateFileNameText
  1121 	TextBox 12,44,202,12,.TemplateFileName
  1123 	Text 8,60,112,8,"&Report File Name:",.FileNameText
  1124 	TextBox 12,72,202,12,.FileName
  1126 	PushButton 174,87,44,14,"Browse",.Browse
  1128 	GroupBox 8,102,92,60,"Report Document Type",.ReportTypeGroup
  1129 	OptionGroup .ReportType
  1130 	OptionButton 12,114,80,8,"Analysis",.AnalysisReport
  1131 	OptionButton 12,126,80,8,"Design",.DesignReport
  1132 	OptionButton 12,138,80,8,"Analysis and Design",.AnalysisNDesignReport
  1133 	OptionButton 12,150,80,8,"Test",.TestReport
  1135 	GroupBox 102,102,116,60,"Usage Verification",.VerifyTypeGroup
  1136 	OptionGroup .VerifyType
  1137 	OptionButton 106,114,80,8,"None",.NoVerify
  1138 	OptionButton 106,126,80,8,"Added Section",.SectionVerify
  1139 	OptionButton 106,138,80,8,"Embedded in Text",.EmbedVerify
  1141 	GroupBox 8,170,212,30,"Proofreading Options",.Proofing
  1142 	CheckBox 12,182,92,8,"Expanded Whitespace",.WhiteBlock
  1143 	CheckBox 106,182,92,8,"Highlight Gaps",.HighlightDocGaps
  1145 	GroupBox 8,205,212,80,"Content Options",.Content
  1146 	CheckBox 12,220,92,8,"Class Diagrams",.ClassDiagrams
  1147 	CheckBox 12,232,92,8,"Scenario Diagrams",.ScenarioDiagrams
  1148 	CheckBox 12,244,92,8,"State Diagrams",.StateDiagrams
  1149 	CheckBox 12,256,92,8,"Use Case Diagrams",.UseCaseDiagrams
  1150 	CheckBox 12,268,92,8,"C++ Syntax",.CppSyntax
  1152 	CheckBox 106,220,92,8,"Public Items Only",.PublicOnly
  1153 	CheckBox 106,232,92,8,"Front-end Boilerplate",.FEBoiler
  1154 	CheckBox 106,244,92,8,"Back-end Boilerplate",.BEBoiler
  1155 	CheckBox 106,256,92,8,"Use <h>Subhead</h>",.SubTag
  1157 	PushButton 8,292,76,14,"&Generate",.Generate
  1158 	CancelButton 144,292,76,14
  1159 End Dialog
  1162 Sub Main
  1163     Dim MyDialog As ReportDialog
  1165     Set LicensedRoseApplication = GetLicensedRoseApplication()
  1166     LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.DefaultTool = DefaultTool$
  1167     'NewDirectory$ = EnclosingDirPath(LicensedRoseApplication.ApplicationPath)
  1168     NewDirectory$ = CurDir$
  1170     If NewDirectory$ <> "" Then
  1171         If Mid$(NewDirectory$, 2, 1) = ":" Then
  1172             ChDrive NewDirectory$
  1173         End If
  1174         ChDir NewDirectory$
  1175     Else
  1176         MsgBox "Error: Directory not found."
  1177         Exit Sub
  1178     End If
  1180 	'
  1181 	' Right, let's set some sensible default values
  1182 	'
  1183     DefaultFileName$ = GetResourceString(PRODUCTDEFAULTWORDDOCFILENAME)
  1184     ModelName$ = LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.GetFileName()
  1185     If ModelName$ = "" Then
  1186         MyDialog.FileName$ = MakeFileName$(NewDirectory$, DefaultFileName$)
  1187         MyDialog.Title$ = FileParse$(DefaultFileName, 4)
  1188     Else
  1189         MyDialog.FileName$ = ChangeFileExtension$(ModelName$, "doc")
  1190         MyDialog.Title$ = FileParse$(ModelName$, 4)
  1191     End If
  1192 	MyDialog.TemplateFileName$ = ChangeFileExtension$(ModelName$, "dot")
  1193     '
  1194 	' Let's assume we're not proofreading at the moment
  1195 	'
  1196     MyDialog.WhiteBlock = False
  1197     MyDialog.HighlightDocGaps = False
  1198 	'
  1199 	' I think we want all the diagrams we can get
  1200 	'
  1201     MyDialog.ClassDiagrams = True
  1202     MyDialog.ScenarioDiagrams = True
  1203     MyDialog.StateDiagrams = True
  1204     MyDialog.UseCaseDiagrams = True
  1205 	'
  1206 	' We are a C++ shop, after all
  1207 	'
  1208     MyDialog.CppSyntax = True
  1209 	'
  1210 	' We can see everything for now
  1211 	'
  1212     MyDialog.PublicOnly = False
  1213 	'
  1214 	' The options to generate boilerplate and tagged headings are turned off
  1215 	'
  1216 	MyDialog.FEBoiler = False
  1217 	MyDialog.BEBoiler = False
  1218 	MyDialog.SubTag = False
  1219 	'
  1220 	' Let's assume that we want to run across the entire model for the time being
  1221 	'
  1222     MyDialog.ReportType = RepAnalysisNDesignType
  1223 	'
  1224 	' The default is to verify in the body of the document
  1225 	'
  1226     MyDialog.VerifyType = RepVerifyEmbed
  1228     '
  1229 	' Right let's give the user a chance to set some preferences, in case
  1230 	' they differ from these eminently sensible ones.
  1231 	'
  1232     Result = Dialog (MyDialog)
  1233     If Result = 0 Then 
  1234         Exit Sub
  1235     End If
  1236 	' 
  1237 	' I suppose that if we give them the UI to change them, we ought to actually
  1238 	' take notice of them
  1239 	'
  1240     If Result = 2 Then
  1241         ReportOptions.Generate = TRUE
  1242         ReportOptions.Title = MyDialog.Title
  1243         ReportOptions.FileName = MyDialog.FileName
  1244 		ReportOptions.Template = MyDialog.TemplateFileName
  1245         ReportOptions.WhiteBlock = MyDialog.WhiteBlock
  1246         ReportOptions.HighlightDocGaps = MyDialog.HighlightDocGaps
  1247         ReportOptions.ClassDiagrams = MyDialog.ClassDiagrams
  1248         ReportOptions.ScenarioDiagrams = MyDialog.ScenarioDiagrams
  1249         ReportOptions.StateDiagrams = MyDialog.StateDiagrams
  1250         ReportOptions.UseCaseDiagrams = MyDialog.UseCaseDiagrams
  1251         ReportOptions.CppSyntax = MyDialog.CppSyntax
  1252         ReportOptions.PublicOnly = MyDialog.PublicOnly
  1253 		ReportOptions.FEBoiler = MyDialog.FEBoiler
  1254 		ReportOptions.BEBoiler = MyDialog.BEBoiler
  1255 		ReportOptions.SupportSubheadingTags = MyDialog.SubTag
  1257         ReportOptions.DocType = MyDialog.ReportType
  1258         ReportOptions.VerifyType = MyDialog.VerifyType
  1260         GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_StartUp
  1261         RoseAppDirectory$ = EnclosingDirPath(LicensedRoseApplication.ApplicationPath)
  1262 		If Not FileExists (ReportOptions.Template) Then
  1263         	ReportOptions.Template = RoseAppDirectory$ &"\"
  1264         	If Not FileExists (ReportOptions.Template) Then
  1265             	MsgBox "Error: Missing file [" & ReportOptions.Template & "]"
  1266             	Exit Sub
  1267         	End If
  1268 		End If
  1269     End If
  1271 	'
  1272 	' Crack open MS Word then
  1273 	'
  1274     Dim WordApplication As Object
  1275     Dim WordApp As Object
  1276     WordUtilInit
  1278     Set WordApplication = CreateObject("Word.Application")
  1280 	'
  1281 	' This is a very lazy thing to do, and difficult to obtain 
  1282 	' documentation on now that Micro$oft have deprecated the interface
  1283 	'
  1284     Set WordApp = WordApplication.WordBasic
  1285     ' 
  1286 	' But it makes some parts of life so easy
  1287 	'
  1288     WordApp.AppMaximize
  1289    	'
  1290 	' Create a new document based on our template
  1291 	'
  1292     WordApp.FileNew ReportOptions.Template
  1293     '
  1294 	' Rush to the end of the new document
  1295 	'
  1296     WordApp.EndOfDocument
  1297     '
  1298 	' Generate the filling
  1299 	'
  1300     GenerateReport(WordApp)
  1301     '
  1302 	' Finalise the Table of Contents
  1303 	'
  1304     WordApp.EditSelectAll
  1305     WordApp.UpdateFields
  1306 	'
  1307 	' Save it all away
  1308 	'
  1309     WordApp.FileSaveAs ReportOptions.FileName
  1310     '
  1311 	' Night night
  1312 	'   
  1313     WordApp.FileExit
  1315 End Sub