--- a/bluetoothmgmt/bluetoothclientlib/btlib/btsocket.cpp Thu Sep 23 17:06:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/bluetoothmgmt/bluetoothclientlib/btlib/btsocket.cpp Wed Oct 13 16:20:29 2010 +0300
@@ -25,10 +25,16 @@
void Panic(TBTSocketPanics aCode)
- {
- _LIT(KPanicName, "BTSocket");
- User::Panic(KPanicName, aCode);
- }
+ {
+ _LIT(KPanicName, "BTSocket");
+ User::Panic(KPanicName, aCode);
+ }
+void GeneralPanic(TInt aCode)
+ {
+ _LIT(KPanicName, "BTSocket-General");
+ User::Panic(KPanicName, aCode);
+ }
@@ -1674,15 +1680,20 @@
// This is done as a best effort in order to make more efficient usage
// of the baseband packets being created. As a result we don't bother
// checking the results as if they fail it won't cause the socket to
- // behave incorrectly
- TPckgBuf<TUint> optBuf(65535); //If all else fails we should get a max 64K buffer
+ // behave incorrectly
+ // Note. We are managing the fact that the GetOpts might fail using
+ // this KMaxBufferSize, hence the Coverity tags.
+ const TUint KMaxBufferSize = 65535; //max 64K buffer
+ TPckgBuf<TUint> optBuf(KMaxBufferSize); //If all else fails we should get a max 64K buffer
TProtocolDesc info;
TInt err = iSocket.Info(info);
if (err == KErrNone && info.iProtocol == KRFCOMM)
- // For RFCOMM we set the buffers based on the optimal MTU for RFCOMM
+ // For RFCOMM we set the buffers based on the optimal MTU for RFCOMM
+ // Coverity[check_return]
iSocket.GetOpt(KRFCOMMMaximumMTU, KSolBtRFCOMM, optBuf);
iSocket.SetOpt(KSOSendBuf, KSOLSocket, optBuf);
iSocket.SetOpt(KSORecvBuf, KSOLSocket, optBuf);
@@ -1690,10 +1701,12 @@
// For L2CAP, or others, we just ensure that we can accomodate the negotiated MTU
+ // Coverity[check_return]
iSocket.GetOpt(KL2CAPNegotiatedOutboundMTU, KSolBtL2CAP, optBuf);
iSocket.SetOpt(KSOSendBuf, KSOLSocket, optBuf);
- iSocket.GetOpt(KL2CAPInboundMTU, KSolBtL2CAP, optBuf);
+ err = iSocket.GetOpt(KL2CAPInboundMTU, KSolBtL2CAP, optBuf);
+ optBuf = err?KMaxBufferSize:optBuf(); //if err use max buf not the result of the previous GetOpt
iSocket.SetOpt(KSORecvBuf, KSOLSocket, optBuf);