changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 51 20ac952a623c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btsdp/database/responsesizevisitor.h	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <btsdp.h>
+#include "SDPDatabase.h"
+#include "ServiceSearchVisitor.h"
+#include "ExtractorVisitor.h"
+#include "MAttributeVisitor.h"
+#include <e32base_private.h>
+class CSdpDatabase;
+class CSdpServRecord;
+class CSdpAttr;
+	CAttrSizeItem
+	contains the attribute ID, the size of the attribute and a pointer to the attribute
+	This object is attached to a list (CArrayPtrFlat) contained in CHandleItem object
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAttrSizeItem) // not a cbase because no benefit, just overhead
+friend class CSizeAccumulator;
+	CAttrSizeItem(){};
+	~CAttrSizeItem(){iAttribute=0;};
+	CAttrSizeItem(const TSdpAttributeID aAttributeID, TUint aSize, CSdpAttr* aAttribute):
+		iAttributeID(aAttributeID),
+		iSize(aSize),
+		iAttribute(aAttribute) {};
+	inline TSdpAttributeID AttID();
+	inline TUint Size();
+	inline CSdpAttr* Attr();
+	TSdpAttributeID iAttributeID;
+	TUint iSize;
+	CSdpAttr* iAttribute;
+inline TSdpAttributeID CAttrSizeItem::AttID() {return iAttributeID;};
+inline TUint CAttrSizeItem::Size() {return iSize;};
+inline CSdpAttr* CAttrSizeItem::Attr() {return iAttribute;};
+// const TUint KSDPAttListGran = 8*(sizeof(CAttrSizeItem*)); granularity for a Seg
+const TUint KSDPAttListGran = 8; // granularity for a flat
+	CHandleItem
+	keeps the Service record handle and optionally manages an array of attributes
+	for that record which match the Attribute ID match list
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CHandleItem) : public CBase
+friend class CSizeAccumulator;
+	CHandleItem(){};
+	~CHandleItem();
+	IMPORT_C static CHandleItem* NewL();
+	IMPORT_C static CHandleItem* NewLC();
+	IMPORT_C static CHandleItem* CHandleItemL(TSdpServRecordHandle aHandleID, CSdpServRecord* aRecord);
+//	PutRecord(TSdpServRecordHandle aHandleID, const CSdpServRecord* aRecord); // update the NULL data
+	void AddAttrItemL(CAttrSizeItem* aItem);
+	void AddAttrItemL(const TSdpAttributeID aAttributeID, TUint aSize, CSdpAttr* aAttribute);
+	inline TInt Count();
+	void ConstructL();
+	TSdpServRecordHandle iHandleID;
+	CSdpServRecord* iRecord;
+	TUint iRecordSize;
+	CArrayPtrFlat<CAttrSizeItem>* iAttrSizeList; // stores the attributes found
+inline TInt CHandleItem::Count() {return iAttrSizeList->Count();};
+// const TUint KSDPHandListGran = 8*(sizeof(CHandleItem*)); granularity for a Seg
+const TUint KSDPHandListGran = 8; // granularity for a flat
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSizeAccumulator) : public CBase
+	{
+// these methods are used in building this object by searching the database
+	~CSizeAccumulator();
+	IMPORT_C static CSizeAccumulator* NewL();
+	IMPORT_C static CSizeAccumulator* NewLC();
+	void AddHandleL(CHandleItem* aHandleItem); // create a new array element
+//	void AddHandle(TSdpServRecordHandle aHandleID, CSdpServRecord* aRecord); // create a new array element
+//	void AddAttrib(TSdpAttributeID aAttributeID, CSdpAttr* aAttribute, TUint aSize);
+// these methods are used in building the server response once the search has been carried out
+	IMPORT_C TUint SizeLeft(); // can be called before or after setting the start point
+	IMPORT_C TUint16 CrcAttribs(); // CRC of the attribute values, not headers
+	IMPORT_C TBool StartAt(TUint aOffset, TUint& aPartSent, TInt& aRec, TInt& aAtt); // calculates and sets the next record and attribute
+	IMPORT_C TInt HandleCount();		// returns the count of handles in the array
+	IMPORT_C TSdpServRecordHandle HandleAt(TInt aOffset); // returns the Record handle at offset i
+	IMPORT_C TUint HandleSize(TInt aOffset);  // returns the size of the record at offset aOffset
+	IMPORT_C TInt AttrCount(TInt aOffset);	// returns the count of attributes for record at offset i
+	IMPORT_C CAttrSizeItem* AttributeOf(TInt aHandleOffset, TInt aAttOffset); // returns the attribute size object (CAttrSizeItem) at i,j
+	CSizeAccumulator():iFirstRec(0),iFirstAtt(0){};
+	void ConstructL();
+	CArrayPtrFlat<CHandleItem>* iHandleList;	// stores the records found
+	TInt iFirstRec;		// offsets for continuation
+	TInt iFirstAtt;
+	};
+	Class response size visitor.
+	Supply a CSizeAccumulator object which will have all the necessary sizes on return.
+	a) SizeRespSSL is called by service search to get just header list
+	b) SizeRespARL is called by Attribute request to get the list of sizes of matching attributes for the one record
+	c) SizeRespSAL is called by Service Attribute Search to get the two lists.
+	a, c carry out the same UUID search over the attribute tree as ServiceSearchVisitor::SearchDbL
+	b carries out the same selection of attributes as CAttrExtractVisitor::EncodeAttributesL
+class CSizeEncVisitorAdaptor;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CResponseSizeVisitor) : public CBase, public MAttributeVisitor
+	{
+    ~CResponseSizeVisitor();
+	IMPORT_C static void SizeRespSSL(CSdpDatabase& aDb, const CSdpSearchPattern& aPattern, CSizeAccumulator& aCollector);
+	IMPORT_C static void SizeRespARL(CSdpServRecord& aRec, const CSdpAttrIdMatchList& aList, CSizeAccumulator& aCollector);
+	IMPORT_C static void SizeRespSAL(CSdpDatabase& aDb, const CSdpSearchPattern& aPattern, const CSdpAttrIdMatchList& aList, CSizeAccumulator& aCollector);
+	void FoundUUIDL(const TUUID& aUUID); // needs to be public because of the encoder visitor adaptor
+	static CResponseSizeVisitor* NewL();
+	static CResponseSizeVisitor* NewLC();
+    CResponseSizeVisitor();
+	void ConstructL();
+	void SearchRecordL(CSdpServRecord& aRec);
+	// MAttributeVisitor interface
+    void VisitAttributeL(CSdpAttr &aAttribute);
+    void VisitAttributeValueL(CSdpAttrValue &aValue, TSdpElementType aType);
+    void StartListL(CSdpAttrValueList &aList);
+    void EndListL();
+	CSizeEncVisitorAdaptor* iAdapter;
+	CElementParser* iParser;				// used by the encoded UUID parser
+	const CSdpSearchPattern* iSearchPattern;	// a local pointer to the UUID search list
+	CSizeAccumulator* iCollector;			// a local pointer to the size collector object supplied
+	const CSdpAttrIdMatchList* iAtMatList;		// a local pointer to the attribute match list or NULL
+	CHandleItem* iCurrentRec;				// we build the handle and attribute list and perhaps throw it away
+	CBitMapAllocator* iFoundIndex;			// a simpler match
+	TInt iSearchSize;						// how many items in search pattern
+	TBool	iUseThis;						// do we use this record ?
+	};